「uk」に関連した英語シソーラスの一覧 - Weblio英語類語検索 (original) (raw)

united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, great britain, united kingdom, britain, u.k., uk

イギリス、 英国、 グレートブリテンおよび北アイルランド連合王国、 連合王国

この場合の「united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, great britain, united kingdom, britain, u.k., uk」の意味

a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles





england, northern ireland, scotland, wales, cymru, cambria


eu, eec, european economic community, common market, european union, europe, european community, ec, nato, north atlantic treaty organization, british isles


potted, fly, pawky, dinky, dishy, non-u, u, starkers, boss-eyed, canty, common or garden, groovy, swagger, gammy, all-mains, niffy, swingeing, snorty, shirty, po-faced, peckish, dickey, dicky, potty, whacking, long-dated, short-dated, takeout, take-away, redbrick, red-brick, grotty, post-free, buckshee, made-up, chuffed, jumped-up, toffee-nosed, major, minor, billion, trillion, tod, cantankerous, bloody-minded, bolshy, stroppy, capital, spiffing, top-hole, top-flight, topping, ropey, ropy, gobsmacked, jiggered, buttoned-up, brummagem, ratable, rateable, unratable, knackered, drained, whacked, manky, tinpot, fuggy, clapped out, cockup, mess-up, ballup, balls-up, clanger, clawback, lucky dip, flit, rustication, perambulation, fare-stage, pony-trekking, rugger, rugby, rugby football, fives, bagatelle, bar billiards, tombola, ludo, shovel board, shove-ha'penny, shove-halfpenny, piss-up, rag, hornpipe, panto, doddle, minister, headship, costing, eleven-plus, 11-plus, swiz, mot, mot test, ministry of transportation test, fire watching, snogging, zizz, dekko, square-bashing, rub up, shufti, lie-in, point duty, national assistance, social assistance, supplementary benefit, boot sale, car boot sale, invigilation, aggro, punch-up, go-slow, battle of britain, arterial road, backbench, bar, betting shop, bin liner, boot, bottle bank, caff, carriageway, clearway, climbing frame, common room, countinghouse, croft, crossbench, delf, dicky-seat, dickie, dickey-seat, dickie-seat, dixie, doorknob, doorhandle, elastoplast, fairy light, fish slice, fleapit, footplate, free house, front bench, fruit machine, brolly, gamp, glebe house, greengrocery, gun room, guy, gymslip, hair slide, hall of residence, hard shoulder, trunk road, highroad, home-farm, hose, hosiery, hypermarket, ironmongery, jobcentre, lido, life office, lodge, l-plate, lumber room, macintosh, mack, mac, mackintosh, meat safe, mews, milk float, minicab, minicar, minster, mod con, nearside, nick, boilersuit, boilers suit, overall, oxbridge, panda car, pannikin, pantechnicon, windcheater, anorak, parka, windbreaker, paternoster, pelican crossing, pillar box, play-box, playbox, plimsoll, plughole, point, power point, saloon, pothouse, taphouse, gin mill, pub, public house, pull-up, pull-in, punnet, push-bike, quarterlight, racing circuit, circuit, redbrick university, rowing boat, scullery, secateurs, sheepwalk, sheeprun, shooting brake, skid lid, skidpan, slip coach, slip carriage, slop bowl, slop basin, stall, stately home, sten gun, strongroom, surgery, tannoy, teashop, tea parlor, tearoom, teahouse, tea parlour, terraced house, titfer, toilet bag, sponge bag, tuck box, tuck shop, underfelt, van, verge, villa, vdu, visual display unit, washbasin, handbasin, wash-hand basin, washbowl, lavabo, norfolk wherry, wherry, wincey, winceyette, wooden spoon, workhouse, cert, beastliness, cobblers, conk, physiognomy, kisser, visage, countenance, phiz, mug, smiler, noddle, nous, facer, snorter, niff, pong, wheeze, thatcherism, fabianism, gutter press, rediffusion, magna charta, the great charter, magna carta, royal charter, hnd, higher national diploma, class list, honours list, rota, whip-round, book token, indent, colour supplement, bumf, bumph, double dutch, gen, highway code, mb, bachelor of medicine, honours, honours degree, first-class honours degree, first, double first, storm cone, ticktack, shoulder flash, trad, skiffle, argy-bargy, argle-bargle, green paper, plaint, prang, bunfight, bun-fight, jolly, whist drive, maundy, burnup, race meeting, tuck, plain flour, whole wheat flour, graham flour, graham, whole meal flour, fanny adams, high tea, tea, afternoon tea, teatime, nosh-up, ploughman's lunch, hot pot, hotpot, castor sugar, caster sugar, pud, pudding, tipsy cake, pease pudding, roly-poly, roly-poly pudding, suet pudding, spotted dick, tart, eccles cake, christmas cake, simnel, teacake, tea biscuit, cookie, cooky, biscuit, victoria sponge, victoria sandwich, lemon curd, lemon cheese, chipolata, polony, banger, saveloy, butty, hasty pudding, victoria plum, whitefish, rock salmon, cattle cake, salad cream, clotted cream, devonshire cream, treacle, golden syrup, bubble and squeak, cottage pie, kedgeree, bitter, pale ale, plonk, rhenish, rhine wine, hock, sundowner, scrumpy, cuppa, cupper, gob, al-muhajiroun, national trust, nt, special branch, inland revenue, ir, ordnance survey, estate of the realm, estate, the three estates, lords spiritual, first estate, second estate, lords temporal, third estate, commons, admass, ld., limited company, ltd., slate club, skiffle group, gaudy, beanfeast, liberal democrat party, direct-grant school, training college, open university, privy council, works council, parliament, conservancy, select committee, central intelligence machinery, cim, sas, special air service, military intelligence section 6, mi, secret intelligence service, security service, military intelligence section 5, admiralty, county council, british cabinet, shadow cabinet, high commission, public school, terrace, spinney, rave-up, local authority, heathland, heath, subtopia, county, county town, shire town, housing estate, stockbroker belt, shire, no-go area, pitch, new town, outport, weald, great britain, gb, home counties, dale, mere, anglo-saxon, backbencher, beadle, berk, boffin, chancellor, chief constable, clever clogs, clever dick, coiner, blimp, colonel blimp, commissionaire, constable, police constable, convener, crossbencher, esquire, esq, fire watcher, frontbencher, fruiterer, greengrocer, guvnor, home help, hooray henry, inquiry agent, interne, intern, medical intern, houseman, invigilator, justiciar, justiciary, kerb crawler, noblewoman, lady, peeress, land agent, linendraper, lollipop woman, lollipop lady, lord high chancellor, lord chancellor, mate, mercer, mod, muffin man, nan, nark, copper's nark, news reader, newsreader, office-bearer, outfitter, parliamentary agent, patrial, peer, peer of the realm, placeseeker, placeman, pointsman, pork butcher, potman, potboy, preceptor, don, tavern keeper, publican, quizmaster, question master, ranker, ratepayer, recorder, redcap, remover, returning officer, rocker, sandboy, scrimshanker, scrutineer, canvasser, settler, sir, sixth-former, skivvy, slavey, slop-seller, slopseller, smallholder, sod, spiv, sprog, squire, stipendiary magistrate, stipendiary, stockjobber, stone breaker, sublieutenant, suffragette, grass, supergrass, supremo, tallyman, tearaway, ted, teddy boy, thatcherite, ticket tout, tout, townee, valuer, victualer, victualler, wally, wog, wykehamist, knock-on effect, medium wave, pot plant, rateables, ratables, smallholding, crown land, rent-rebate, peppercorn rent, never-never, hire-purchase, sick benefit, sickness benefit, christmas box, council tax, rates, poor rates, base rate, refresher, water-rate, assurance, giro account, giro, giro cheque, tenpence, threepence, sixpence, tanner, maundy money, divvy, carry-over, carry-forward, premium bond, civil list, last, quarter, inch, in, rod, perch, pole, stone, fuck all, bugger all, sweet fanny adams, milliard, 1000000000000, one million million, one million million million, quadrillion, top-up, poverty trap, wrick, crick, kink, rick, dog's dinner, dog's breakfast, appro, hard cheese, fug, ratability, rateability, town gas, derv, clunch, surgical spirit, half-term, vac, november 5, guy fawkes day, sell-by date, quarter day, guest night, rag week, rag day, boxing day, poppy day, remembrance day, remembrance sunday, speech day, year dot, kip, question time, judder, shake, scrimshank
