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Alessandro Valignano, a missionary stayed in Japan during the same period strongly criticized the careless conduct of Coelho, and it seems to be certain that his conduct was really problematic. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The method for producing feline erythropoietin comprises the step of purifying a feline erythropoietin-containing cell culture supernatant produced from animal cell, namely CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cells by using a copper chelate column. - 特許庁


The algae pigment preferably comprises phycocyanin, phycoerythrin or algae pigment consisting mainly of these pigments. - 特許庁


To provide an apparatus which produces phycoerythrin having a high comparative values of absorptivity (optical density) by utilizing specific algae. - 特許庁



Preferably, the hybrid gene is under the control of a type II polyketide synthase promoter e.g. act I promoter of Streptomyces coelicolor. - 特許庁



To provide a method for producing feline erythropoietin in a high purification yield and high purity. - 特許庁


To provide a stable erythropoietin solution preparation, especially a stable feline erythropoietin solution preparation where conventionally no case of a formulated preparation is available. - 特許庁


He gave an audience to Gaspar Coelho, a missionary of the Society of Jesus, in Osaka Castle on March 16, 1586 and issued a permit for the mission on May 4 of the same year. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a method for extracting a red coloring matter with high purity where impurities such as phycocyanin is removed from an extract solution from algaes such as red algaes, blue-green algaes and Cryptophytas containing a red coloring matter, especially phycoerythrin. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a high-quality red pigment from which impurities such as phycocyanin are removed, from alga containing phycoerythrin such as red algae, blue-green algae and Cryptophyceae by a simple operation. - 特許庁


However, after suppression in Kyushu, he announced restrictions on the Christian mission while staying in Hakata Hakozaki in July 24, 1587 and handed over a statement to expel the missionaries and have freedom of trade to Domingos Monteiro (Capitão-mór) in charge of commerce from the Portugal side who stayed there and to Coelho in charge of the Japan division in the Society of Jesus of that time. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Provided are a hybrid type I polyketide synthase gene typically containing a starter module and a plurality of heterologous extender modules under the control of a type II polyketide synthase promoter, e.g. act I of S. coelicolor, use for synthesis of new polyketides using the gene and prepared polyketides. - 特許庁


The protein has luciferase activity and at least 60% similarity to luciferase from Photinus pyralis, Luciola mingrelica, Luciola cruciata or Luciola lateralis, Hotaria paroula, Pyrophorus plagiophtalamus, Lampyris noctiluca, Pyrocoelia nayako or Photinus pennsylanvanica. - 特許庁


The method of extracting a red coloring matter comprises extracting a solution of a red coloring matter by dispersing a dried powder of either one of red algaes, blue-green algaes and Cryptophytas in a weakly acidic or weakly alkaline buffer solution, precipitating phycocyanin selectively through the reaction of a quarternary ammonium salt having long chain alkyl groups with the above obtained extract and collecting a solution containing phycoerythrin by separating the precipitate. - 特許庁



The apparatus utilizes alternation of three generations of the specific algae comprising sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction and vegetative propagation, and prolongs the filamentous carpospores state by regulating lights, temperatures and nutritional status utilizing the property that various gummy substances are not contained in the filamentous carpospores state, and then extracts the phycoerythrin with high absorptivity comparative values using them as raw materials. - 特許庁