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Companies are getting more interested in mitigating risks, but some firms are planning on examining/conducting “expansion of overseas production ratio.” This suggests corporate risk mitigation actions could back up industrial hollowing-out further. - 経済産業省


The two associations felt that by creating a financing system that offers preferential interest rates and rapid screening without the requirement for third party guarantees, they could stimulate the interest of enterprises. As a result, local financial institutions collaborated to create the new loan. - 経済産業省


As the interest in water problems increases throughout the world, Japan is expected to actively tackle the problems based on the technology and know-how it has accumulated through its past experience. - 経済産業省


The interest storage part decides how much the learner concentrates according to the learning state to find a learning curriculum wherein the concentration increases and store it as trend data on the learning curriculum and concentration. - 特許庁



During the Taisho era, how modern urban areas and residences should develop and become part of the movement of life improvement in the architecture world, along with gardening, drew attention. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



With the heightening concern toward the environment worldwide, the government in each European country is promoting a technology development and demonstration test on renewable energy, energy saving, etc, need of which are expected to heighten further in the future. - 経済産業省


To provide a game system and a game controller which avoids making a difference in an interest of game machines due to the counting number of a jack pot items, moreover the interest of a player is enhanced to enable to frequently get the right to acquire the jack pot. - 特許庁


During the Meiji period, as the rakusui-shi in Tokyo had been highly estimated, the development of large-size fusuma paper was very popular even in the Echizen region which took pride in the long tradition, and the tesuki-fusumabari-taishi (handmade large paper for fusuma) was invented at the Takano paper mill in Shinzaike, Imadate-cho, Fukui Prefecture (present Shinzaike-cho, Echizen City) in 1885. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a water-soluble metalworking fluid composition formed by mixing a distillation residue generated during production of biodiesel and used as a lubricating base oil as the lubricating base oil with other additives in relation to an environmentally-acceptable water-soluble lubricating base oil which will substitute for a hydrocarbon-based lubricating base oil in cutting oil, as interest in the importance of environmental protection and health and safety for worker is increased. - 特許庁


ア 国産農産物を活用した加工食品に対する**関心が高まる中で、食料産業クラスターの形成(食品産業・農業・関連産業による連携構築)を促し、地域食材を活用した新たな戦略食品の創出、食農連携に意欲的な食品企業に対する情報発信機能強化等の取組に対する支援を行うとともに、地域食品ブランドの普及及び供給の促進、地域の食品企業の技術開発・知的財産の利活用に係る環境整備等への支援を行う。(継続)(予算額609百万円)例文帳に追加

a. Amidst increased interest in processed foods that utilize domestic agricultural products, the formation of food industry clusters (connections created between the food manufacturing industry, agriculture industry, and related industries) will be promoted, new strategic foods utilizing local ingredients will be created, and support will be provided for measures to strengthen the information dissemination abilities of food product enterprises that are highly motivated towards food-agriculture partnerships. In addition, support will be provided for activities such as the development of conditions relating to the popularization and promotion of local brand-name foods, and the development of technologies and use of intellectual property by local food enterprises.(continuation) (\\609 million budget) - 経済産業省