Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson | University of Iceland (original) (raw)

Books by Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson

Research paper thumbnail of Farming transitions


At a farm in the northeast of Iceland, we embarked on a week-long time loophole to summon the pas... more At a farm in the northeast of Iceland, we embarked on a week-long
time loophole to summon the past and future to aid in facing the
Anthropocene. We journeyed into a space where the inside is outside,
the underground is above ground, and intelligence is exhaled into the
air. In these waves of time, we encountered living walls and holes,
moving minerals, invisible sheep, carbon slowly being absorbed, decomposing bodies, transmitted hormones, opening and closing stomata, and winged giants both dead and alive. Washed up by life-supporting cycles, the atmosphere, soil, and water-touched skins, signals were received in dreams.

Research paper thumbnail of Mobility and Transnational Iceland: Current Transformations and Global Entanglements (2020)

Iceland has increasingly been tangled in a dense network of various mobilities, leading to the gr... more Iceland has increasingly been tangled in a dense network of various mobilities, leading to the growing transnational character of Icelandic society. This means that Iceland is involved in and affected by different forms of exchange and flows of ideas, capital, objects and people: emigration, immigration; involving foreign workers, refugees, human trafficking, business trips, educational and cultural transfer, and tourism.

This edited volume brings together researchers focusing on Icelandic society from the per- spective of mobility and transnational connections. The chapters are based on inter- disciplinary research bringing in different ways highlighting the complex implications of mobilities and transnationalism for the Icelandic state, institutions, society and culture..

Co-edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir and Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson

Published by University of Iceland Press.

Research paper thumbnail of SAGA LISTASAFNA Á ÍSLANDI (2019)

26 ritgerðir um sögu jafnmargra listasafna á Íslandi. Ritstjóri er Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson o... more 26 ritgerðir um sögu jafnmargra listasafna á Íslandi. Ritstjóri er Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson og útgefandi Rannsóknasetur í safnafræðum við Háskóla Íslands. Bókin er 565 blaðsíður að stærð. [The History of Art Museums in Iceland. An edited volume about 26 art museums in Iceland. In Icelandic. Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson, editor. Publisher is Research Center in Museum Studies at the University of Iceland. 565 pages.]

The book is in Open Access at:

Research paper thumbnail of FAGLEGT STARF SAFNA: TILVIK OG ÁLITAMÁL (2018)

Kennslubók í faglegum vinnubrögðum á söfnum. Fjallað er um stjórnun, söfnun, varðveislu og skráni... more Kennslubók í faglegum vinnubrögðum á söfnum. Fjallað er um stjórnun, söfnun, varðveislu og skráningu, rannsóknir og miðlun (sýningargerð, sýningarstjórnun ofl.). Útgefandi er Rannsóknasetur í safnafræðum við Háskóla Íslands. Endurútgáfa (2. útgáfa), með viðbótum frá 1. útgáfu.


Research paper thumbnail of FAGLEGT STARF SAFNA: TILVIK OG ÁLITAMÁL (2017)

Kennslubók í faglegum vinnubrögðum á söfnum. Fjallað er um stjórnun, söfnun, varðveislu og skrán... more Kennslubók í faglegum vinnubrögðum á söfnum. Fjallað er um stjórnun, söfnun, varðveislu og skráningu, rannsóknir og miðlun (sýningargerð, sýningarstjórnun ofl.). Útgefandi er Rannsóknasetur í safnafræðum við Háskóla Íslands.


Available in Open Access ( Published by Universi... more Available in Open Access ( Published by University of Iceland Press. 2018.

"I found Death and Governmentality to be compelling from beginning to end. Well-written, clearly argued, and historically situated, the book takes on the subject of grief and death in the context of recent socio-economic shifts in Iceland. The book is a wonderful achievement, taking on a subject that is at once timely and important, and giving it a treatment that is theoretically and ethnographically sound."

Anne Allison, Professor at Duke University.

Research paper thumbnail of BYGGÐASÖFN Á ÍSLANDI (2015)

Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson, ritstjóri. Fjallað er um 14 byggðasöfn í bókinni. / 2015. S.B.... more Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson, ritstjóri. Fjallað er um 14 byggðasöfn í bókinni.

/ 2015. S.B. Hafsteinsson, editor. Articles about 14 community museums in Iceland.

Research paper thumbnail of PHALLOLOGICAL MUSEUM (2014)

In an age of various kinds of surgical and imaginary penis augmentation the Icelandic Phallologic... more In an age of various kinds of surgical and imaginary penis augmentation the Icelandic Phallological Museum has appeared on the world stage as a tour-de-force of global castration and local creativity. In this timely book Hafsteinsson portrays some of the aesthetic, political, moral, social and cultural significance of the unique and internationally famous Icelandic Phallological Museum. The book argues that the museum both ridicules and undermines traditions in Western cultures, when it comes to the nature of histories, scholarly fields and cultural institutions, simultaneosly offering an alternative in knowledge production and cultural representation by focusing on and displaying the highly sensitive subject of penises.

"Packed with fascinating insights into Icelandic culture and museums written by a true insider in a strongly humorous tone, there is much to enjoy in this book for both the academic reader and those wishing for a more lighthearted read." Dorian Robert Heaton Knight, Nordisk Museologi, 2/2014.

"The Phallological Museum offers a compelling analysis of the multiple intersections of the Icelandic neoliberal state and the country’s “cultural industries” during a time of dramatic
economic and government changes." John Bodinger de Uriarte. Museum Anthropology Review, 9/2 2014


"This timely book examines the media practices of the first indigenous national television networ... more "This timely book examines the media practices of the first indigenous national television network in the world, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) in Canada. Scholarship on indigenous media often focuses on its role as an organizing mechanism that responds to a diverse range of social, cultural, economic and spiritual needs. Yet scholars often theorize indigenous media in relation to Western/global notions of space, communication, and social and cultural politics, rather than indigenous voices and concerns. APTN, in contrast, illustrates that media is part of a larger democratic exercise with deep roots in Canadian indigenous cultures. Using two years of ethnographic research, this work examines the personal and collective vision of indigenous media workers at APTN. Their personal and group experiences reflect the importance of emotions and values to indigenous media policy and practice, including respect, cultural protection, diversity and universal human rights. These are deeply local but transnational democratic practices that give voice to sovereignty movements and labour devoted to the establishment of a new indigenous social order.


Victoria Sweet. Polar Record, FirstView Articles, 1-2 (2013).

Philipp Budka. Social Anthropology, 23(2). (2015).

Research paper thumbnail of INDIGENOUS SCREEN CULTURES IN CANADA (2010)


Research paper thumbnail of EITT SINN SKAL HVER DEYJA (1996)

Papers by Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation in inclusive museums education and training through an online pilot course

26th International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2024, 2024

One pilot course has been developed as an Open Online Course on Inclusive Museum for Health and W... more One pilot course has been developed as an Open Online Course on Inclusive Museum for Health and Well-being within the framework of the Erasmus+ European project INCLUSIVE MEMORY (Inclusive Museums for well-being and health through the creation of a new shared memory). The course was designed to reach out to a wide audience of participants, starting from professionals in the health sector and museums, university teachers and students from art and humanistic studies. The main objective is to promote an innovative strategy for social inclusion derived from the creation of a new teaching methodology, the use of digital tools and based on the development of transversal competences to foster well-being, health, and social inclusion. To assess the feedback of the participants on the design and development of the course, as well as information on their profile, pre-and postcourse surveys have been designed to gather the necessary data to reach the objectives of a research study. The initial results are presented here along with the instructional design of the pilot course and its syllabus.

Research paper thumbnail of Magmatic Memories: Eldfell, 1973

Volcanica, 2024

2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Eldfell eruption on the island of Heimaey, Iceland... more 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Eldfell eruption on the island of Heimaey, Iceland. The eruption began unexpectedly at 1:50 a.m. on the 23rd of January 1973, creating a need to evacuate all 5300 residents to the Icelandic mainland by fishing fleet. The eruption is synonymous with the islanders’ fight to save their town by spraying cold seawater onto the advancing lava flows. Previous research has focussed on the physical volcanology and igneous petrology of the eruption and the wider Vestmannaeyjar Volcanic System; however, very little research has focussed on the social impacts of the eruption. Fieldwork identified how the 1973 eruption is remembered and commemorated by the residents of Heimaey both in public and private settings. Over 50 memorials are discussed, including artworks, sculptures, museum exhibitions, in-person events, and online digital repositories that highlight connections to the eruption itself and to life before the eruption. Interviews and surveys with the local community draw attention to the ongoing impacts of the eruption—for example, traumatic responses to hazard events such as the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010. A predominantly positive community narrative of the event has persisted for several decades. The narrative depends on the belief that no deaths were caused by the eruption, the successful rebuilding and recovery of the town, and the resilience of the residents. The last ten years, however, have seen a change in how the community discuss their experiences of the eruption, with a new focus on the loneliness, bullying, isolation, danger, and trauma experienced during the event.


Árið 2023 voru 50 ár liðin frá Eldfellsgosinu 1973 á Heimaey. Eldgosið hófst óvænt klukkan 01.50 þann 23. janúar 1973 og þurfti að flytja 5.300 íbúana til Íslands með fiskiskipaflota. Eldgosið er samheiti við baráttu eyjarskeggja við að bjarga bænum sínum með því að úða köldum sjó á hraunið. Fyrri rannsóknir hafa beinst að eðlisfræðilegri eldfjallafræði og bergfræði gossins og víðara eldfjallakerfi Vestmannaeyja, hins vegar hafa mjög litlar rannsóknir beinst að félagslegum áhrifum gossins. Vettvangsvinna leiddi í ljós hvernig eldgosið 1973 er minnst og minnst af íbúum Heimaeyjar bæði í opinberu umhverfi og einkaumhverfi. Fjallað er um yfir 50 minnisvarða, þar á meðal listaverk, skúlptúra, safnsýningar, persónulega viðburði og stafrænar geymslur á netinu sem draga fram tengingar við eldgosið sjálft og lífið fyrir gos. Í viðtölum og könnunum við nærsamfélagið er vakin athygli á viðvarandi áhrifum eldgossins, til dæmis áfallaviðbrögðum við hættulegum atburðum nútímans eins og Eyjafjallajökulsgosinu 2010. Aðallega jákvæð samfélagsfrásögn af atburðinum hefur verið viðvarandi í nokkra áratugi. Frásögnin byggist á þeirri trú að engin dauðsföll hafi orðið af völdum eldgossins, árangursríkri endurreisn og endurheimt bæjarins og seiglu íbúanna. Síðustu tíu ár hafa hins vegar orðið róttækar breytingar á því hvernig samfélagið fjallar um upplifun sína af eldgosinu, með nýrri áherslu á einmanaleika, einelti, einangrun, hættu og áföll sem urðu fyrir atburðinum.


Vernacular Architecture, 2024

This article explores conflicting views of the Icelandic turf house and how these views relate to... more This article explores conflicting views of the Icelandic turf house and how these views relate to notions of corrupt architecture and so-called‘difficult’ heritage. First, we define the concepts of corrupt and difficult architecture and address their relationship to the discussion of heritage. We assert that this theoretical discussion is highly applicable as regards turf houses, plans for their eradication and measures to protect and preserve them. Next,we examine general attitudes towards turf buildings and several public campaigns to eradicate them, whereby turf is defined as an obstacle to cultural and social progress. Finally, we explore public measures to protect the Icelandic turf house, focusing mainly on the efforts of the National Museum of Iceland, which has a leading role in policy development and conservation of Icelandic architectural heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of Pláneta, húsbrot, líkön og baðstofur

Heimsins hnoss: Söfn efnismenningar, menningararfur og merking, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Death, trauma, and the 'event'

Death and Events International Perspectives on Events Marking the End of Life, 2021

This paper has its point of departure in tensions around the ‘event’ in two distinct, if related ... more This paper has its point of departure in tensions around the ‘event’ in two distinct, if related literatures. One: the long-standing insistence evident in social scientific studies of death, going back to Hertz and Durkheim, to think of death as a lengthy social process and to do so against a modern, western, medico-legal emphasis on death as a biological event. This is tension made all the more palpable with the development of cadaver organ transplantation that necessitated the deliberate muddying around the notion of death, specifically death as a single event. Two: two related and ongoing debates in trauma studies that both relate to the notion of the event. On one hand is a debate around whether trauma should be regarded always as the result of specific events, or if trauma should be extended to cover consequences of ongoing systematic processes. On the other hand, is a debate around whether trauma should be regarded always as the result of an external event, or if trauma can be linked to fantasies and the memory of events, rather than only the event as such. Underlying different positions in these debates are different assumptions about the human being, the individual, social relations and about death. It is these assumptions that this paper seeks to investigate. It will do so by relating ethnographic material on natural disasters in Iceland and the perceptions of and reactions to those disasters. Here, careful attention will be given to the language used locally to discuss disaster. The disasters have been linked with trauma, and have been represented as singular events that variously must not, or should not, be repeated even as they evoke memories of earlier events. Interrogating them thus is an opportunity to reflect on death, trauma and the event

Research paper thumbnail of A funeral for a glacier: Mourning the more-than-human on the edges of modernity

Thanatos, 2020

Many have argued that contemporary western societies, broadly conceived, are moving towards a gre... more Many have argued that contemporary western societies, broadly conceived, are moving towards a greater openness towards death and the public display of grief. While this development does perhaps not constitute a return to the “tame death” that Ariès spoke of, it certainly points to a situation at some remove from the “taboo” around death, the “wild death” that Gorer (1965) and Ariès (1974a; 1974b), respectively, argued had overtaken “modern” western societies. The point has been made, that examples of this new (alleged) openness towards death, include the emerging possibilities to mourn losses that until recently remained hidden. In many contemporary western contexts, for example, aborted foetuses and stillborn babies, that not so long ago would have been disposed of privately, are now publicly mourned. Similarly, pets, whose non-humanity until recently removed them from processes of public mourning, are now legitimate objects of the public expression of grief. In this paper we focus on the mourning of the glacier Ok in Iceland, as an example of how this trend is now extending to the loss of natural phenomena. Drawing on Cunsolo Willox’s work and bringing together the recent literature on the more-than-human and the new materialisms, on one hand, and literature that speaks of the links between “modernity”, mourning and loss, on the other, we ask if the trends hinted at above signal a change, a rupture, or the continuation of mourning that has always been part of the modernity experience.

Access Thanatos:

Research paper thumbnail of Anthropology and Film: From Representation to Fearful Interventions (인류학과 화 : 재현에서 두려운 개입으로)

Lecture given at the conference INTANGIBLE HERITAGE AND AUDIO-VISUAL ARCHIVE INTERNATIONAL CONFER... more Lecture given at the conference INTANGIBLE HERITAGE AND AUDIO-VISUAL ARCHIVE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE at the National Folk Museum in Seoul Korea, July 25 2018.

Korean translation: 인류학과 화 : 재현에서 두려운 개입으로


A paper published in a 2009 conference proceedings of CECA/ICOM, fall 2010.

Research paper thumbnail of Farming transitions


At a farm in the northeast of Iceland, we embarked on a week-long time loophole to summon the pas... more At a farm in the northeast of Iceland, we embarked on a week-long
time loophole to summon the past and future to aid in facing the
Anthropocene. We journeyed into a space where the inside is outside,
the underground is above ground, and intelligence is exhaled into the
air. In these waves of time, we encountered living walls and holes,
moving minerals, invisible sheep, carbon slowly being absorbed, decomposing bodies, transmitted hormones, opening and closing stomata, and winged giants both dead and alive. Washed up by life-supporting cycles, the atmosphere, soil, and water-touched skins, signals were received in dreams.

Research paper thumbnail of Mobility and Transnational Iceland: Current Transformations and Global Entanglements (2020)

Iceland has increasingly been tangled in a dense network of various mobilities, leading to the gr... more Iceland has increasingly been tangled in a dense network of various mobilities, leading to the growing transnational character of Icelandic society. This means that Iceland is involved in and affected by different forms of exchange and flows of ideas, capital, objects and people: emigration, immigration; involving foreign workers, refugees, human trafficking, business trips, educational and cultural transfer, and tourism.

This edited volume brings together researchers focusing on Icelandic society from the per- spective of mobility and transnational connections. The chapters are based on inter- disciplinary research bringing in different ways highlighting the complex implications of mobilities and transnationalism for the Icelandic state, institutions, society and culture..

Co-edited by Kristín Loftsdóttir, Unnur Dís Skaptadóttir and Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson

Published by University of Iceland Press.

Research paper thumbnail of SAGA LISTASAFNA Á ÍSLANDI (2019)

26 ritgerðir um sögu jafnmargra listasafna á Íslandi. Ritstjóri er Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson o... more 26 ritgerðir um sögu jafnmargra listasafna á Íslandi. Ritstjóri er Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson og útgefandi Rannsóknasetur í safnafræðum við Háskóla Íslands. Bókin er 565 blaðsíður að stærð. [The History of Art Museums in Iceland. An edited volume about 26 art museums in Iceland. In Icelandic. Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson, editor. Publisher is Research Center in Museum Studies at the University of Iceland. 565 pages.]

The book is in Open Access at:

Research paper thumbnail of FAGLEGT STARF SAFNA: TILVIK OG ÁLITAMÁL (2018)

Kennslubók í faglegum vinnubrögðum á söfnum. Fjallað er um stjórnun, söfnun, varðveislu og skráni... more Kennslubók í faglegum vinnubrögðum á söfnum. Fjallað er um stjórnun, söfnun, varðveislu og skráningu, rannsóknir og miðlun (sýningargerð, sýningarstjórnun ofl.). Útgefandi er Rannsóknasetur í safnafræðum við Háskóla Íslands. Endurútgáfa (2. útgáfa), með viðbótum frá 1. útgáfu.


Research paper thumbnail of FAGLEGT STARF SAFNA: TILVIK OG ÁLITAMÁL (2017)

Kennslubók í faglegum vinnubrögðum á söfnum. Fjallað er um stjórnun, söfnun, varðveislu og skrán... more Kennslubók í faglegum vinnubrögðum á söfnum. Fjallað er um stjórnun, söfnun, varðveislu og skráningu, rannsóknir og miðlun (sýningargerð, sýningarstjórnun ofl.). Útgefandi er Rannsóknasetur í safnafræðum við Háskóla Íslands.


Available in Open Access ( Published by Universi... more Available in Open Access ( Published by University of Iceland Press. 2018.

"I found Death and Governmentality to be compelling from beginning to end. Well-written, clearly argued, and historically situated, the book takes on the subject of grief and death in the context of recent socio-economic shifts in Iceland. The book is a wonderful achievement, taking on a subject that is at once timely and important, and giving it a treatment that is theoretically and ethnographically sound."

Anne Allison, Professor at Duke University.

Research paper thumbnail of BYGGÐASÖFN Á ÍSLANDI (2015)

Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson, ritstjóri. Fjallað er um 14 byggðasöfn í bókinni. / 2015. S.B.... more Sigurjón Baldur Hafsteinsson, ritstjóri. Fjallað er um 14 byggðasöfn í bókinni.

/ 2015. S.B. Hafsteinsson, editor. Articles about 14 community museums in Iceland.

Research paper thumbnail of PHALLOLOGICAL MUSEUM (2014)

In an age of various kinds of surgical and imaginary penis augmentation the Icelandic Phallologic... more In an age of various kinds of surgical and imaginary penis augmentation the Icelandic Phallological Museum has appeared on the world stage as a tour-de-force of global castration and local creativity. In this timely book Hafsteinsson portrays some of the aesthetic, political, moral, social and cultural significance of the unique and internationally famous Icelandic Phallological Museum. The book argues that the museum both ridicules and undermines traditions in Western cultures, when it comes to the nature of histories, scholarly fields and cultural institutions, simultaneosly offering an alternative in knowledge production and cultural representation by focusing on and displaying the highly sensitive subject of penises.

"Packed with fascinating insights into Icelandic culture and museums written by a true insider in a strongly humorous tone, there is much to enjoy in this book for both the academic reader and those wishing for a more lighthearted read." Dorian Robert Heaton Knight, Nordisk Museologi, 2/2014.

"The Phallological Museum offers a compelling analysis of the multiple intersections of the Icelandic neoliberal state and the country’s “cultural industries” during a time of dramatic
economic and government changes." John Bodinger de Uriarte. Museum Anthropology Review, 9/2 2014


"This timely book examines the media practices of the first indigenous national television networ... more "This timely book examines the media practices of the first indigenous national television network in the world, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) in Canada. Scholarship on indigenous media often focuses on its role as an organizing mechanism that responds to a diverse range of social, cultural, economic and spiritual needs. Yet scholars often theorize indigenous media in relation to Western/global notions of space, communication, and social and cultural politics, rather than indigenous voices and concerns. APTN, in contrast, illustrates that media is part of a larger democratic exercise with deep roots in Canadian indigenous cultures. Using two years of ethnographic research, this work examines the personal and collective vision of indigenous media workers at APTN. Their personal and group experiences reflect the importance of emotions and values to indigenous media policy and practice, including respect, cultural protection, diversity and universal human rights. These are deeply local but transnational democratic practices that give voice to sovereignty movements and labour devoted to the establishment of a new indigenous social order.


Victoria Sweet. Polar Record, FirstView Articles, 1-2 (2013).

Philipp Budka. Social Anthropology, 23(2). (2015).

Research paper thumbnail of INDIGENOUS SCREEN CULTURES IN CANADA (2010)


Research paper thumbnail of EITT SINN SKAL HVER DEYJA (1996)

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation in inclusive museums education and training through an online pilot course

26th International Symposium on Computers in Education, SIIE 2024, 2024

One pilot course has been developed as an Open Online Course on Inclusive Museum for Health and W... more One pilot course has been developed as an Open Online Course on Inclusive Museum for Health and Well-being within the framework of the Erasmus+ European project INCLUSIVE MEMORY (Inclusive Museums for well-being and health through the creation of a new shared memory). The course was designed to reach out to a wide audience of participants, starting from professionals in the health sector and museums, university teachers and students from art and humanistic studies. The main objective is to promote an innovative strategy for social inclusion derived from the creation of a new teaching methodology, the use of digital tools and based on the development of transversal competences to foster well-being, health, and social inclusion. To assess the feedback of the participants on the design and development of the course, as well as information on their profile, pre-and postcourse surveys have been designed to gather the necessary data to reach the objectives of a research study. The initial results are presented here along with the instructional design of the pilot course and its syllabus.

Research paper thumbnail of Magmatic Memories: Eldfell, 1973

Volcanica, 2024

2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Eldfell eruption on the island of Heimaey, Iceland... more 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Eldfell eruption on the island of Heimaey, Iceland. The eruption began unexpectedly at 1:50 a.m. on the 23rd of January 1973, creating a need to evacuate all 5300 residents to the Icelandic mainland by fishing fleet. The eruption is synonymous with the islanders’ fight to save their town by spraying cold seawater onto the advancing lava flows. Previous research has focussed on the physical volcanology and igneous petrology of the eruption and the wider Vestmannaeyjar Volcanic System; however, very little research has focussed on the social impacts of the eruption. Fieldwork identified how the 1973 eruption is remembered and commemorated by the residents of Heimaey both in public and private settings. Over 50 memorials are discussed, including artworks, sculptures, museum exhibitions, in-person events, and online digital repositories that highlight connections to the eruption itself and to life before the eruption. Interviews and surveys with the local community draw attention to the ongoing impacts of the eruption—for example, traumatic responses to hazard events such as the Eyjafjallajökull eruption in 2010. A predominantly positive community narrative of the event has persisted for several decades. The narrative depends on the belief that no deaths were caused by the eruption, the successful rebuilding and recovery of the town, and the resilience of the residents. The last ten years, however, have seen a change in how the community discuss their experiences of the eruption, with a new focus on the loneliness, bullying, isolation, danger, and trauma experienced during the event.


Árið 2023 voru 50 ár liðin frá Eldfellsgosinu 1973 á Heimaey. Eldgosið hófst óvænt klukkan 01.50 þann 23. janúar 1973 og þurfti að flytja 5.300 íbúana til Íslands með fiskiskipaflota. Eldgosið er samheiti við baráttu eyjarskeggja við að bjarga bænum sínum með því að úða köldum sjó á hraunið. Fyrri rannsóknir hafa beinst að eðlisfræðilegri eldfjallafræði og bergfræði gossins og víðara eldfjallakerfi Vestmannaeyja, hins vegar hafa mjög litlar rannsóknir beinst að félagslegum áhrifum gossins. Vettvangsvinna leiddi í ljós hvernig eldgosið 1973 er minnst og minnst af íbúum Heimaeyjar bæði í opinberu umhverfi og einkaumhverfi. Fjallað er um yfir 50 minnisvarða, þar á meðal listaverk, skúlptúra, safnsýningar, persónulega viðburði og stafrænar geymslur á netinu sem draga fram tengingar við eldgosið sjálft og lífið fyrir gos. Í viðtölum og könnunum við nærsamfélagið er vakin athygli á viðvarandi áhrifum eldgossins, til dæmis áfallaviðbrögðum við hættulegum atburðum nútímans eins og Eyjafjallajökulsgosinu 2010. Aðallega jákvæð samfélagsfrásögn af atburðinum hefur verið viðvarandi í nokkra áratugi. Frásögnin byggist á þeirri trú að engin dauðsföll hafi orðið af völdum eldgossins, árangursríkri endurreisn og endurheimt bæjarins og seiglu íbúanna. Síðustu tíu ár hafa hins vegar orðið róttækar breytingar á því hvernig samfélagið fjallar um upplifun sína af eldgosinu, með nýrri áherslu á einmanaleika, einelti, einangrun, hættu og áföll sem urðu fyrir atburðinum.


Vernacular Architecture, 2024

This article explores conflicting views of the Icelandic turf house and how these views relate to... more This article explores conflicting views of the Icelandic turf house and how these views relate to notions of corrupt architecture and so-called‘difficult’ heritage. First, we define the concepts of corrupt and difficult architecture and address their relationship to the discussion of heritage. We assert that this theoretical discussion is highly applicable as regards turf houses, plans for their eradication and measures to protect and preserve them. Next,we examine general attitudes towards turf buildings and several public campaigns to eradicate them, whereby turf is defined as an obstacle to cultural and social progress. Finally, we explore public measures to protect the Icelandic turf house, focusing mainly on the efforts of the National Museum of Iceland, which has a leading role in policy development and conservation of Icelandic architectural heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of Pláneta, húsbrot, líkön og baðstofur

Heimsins hnoss: Söfn efnismenningar, menningararfur og merking, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Death, trauma, and the 'event'

Death and Events International Perspectives on Events Marking the End of Life, 2021

This paper has its point of departure in tensions around the ‘event’ in two distinct, if related ... more This paper has its point of departure in tensions around the ‘event’ in two distinct, if related literatures. One: the long-standing insistence evident in social scientific studies of death, going back to Hertz and Durkheim, to think of death as a lengthy social process and to do so against a modern, western, medico-legal emphasis on death as a biological event. This is tension made all the more palpable with the development of cadaver organ transplantation that necessitated the deliberate muddying around the notion of death, specifically death as a single event. Two: two related and ongoing debates in trauma studies that both relate to the notion of the event. On one hand is a debate around whether trauma should be regarded always as the result of specific events, or if trauma should be extended to cover consequences of ongoing systematic processes. On the other hand, is a debate around whether trauma should be regarded always as the result of an external event, or if trauma can be linked to fantasies and the memory of events, rather than only the event as such. Underlying different positions in these debates are different assumptions about the human being, the individual, social relations and about death. It is these assumptions that this paper seeks to investigate. It will do so by relating ethnographic material on natural disasters in Iceland and the perceptions of and reactions to those disasters. Here, careful attention will be given to the language used locally to discuss disaster. The disasters have been linked with trauma, and have been represented as singular events that variously must not, or should not, be repeated even as they evoke memories of earlier events. Interrogating them thus is an opportunity to reflect on death, trauma and the event

Research paper thumbnail of A funeral for a glacier: Mourning the more-than-human on the edges of modernity

Thanatos, 2020

Many have argued that contemporary western societies, broadly conceived, are moving towards a gre... more Many have argued that contemporary western societies, broadly conceived, are moving towards a greater openness towards death and the public display of grief. While this development does perhaps not constitute a return to the “tame death” that Ariès spoke of, it certainly points to a situation at some remove from the “taboo” around death, the “wild death” that Gorer (1965) and Ariès (1974a; 1974b), respectively, argued had overtaken “modern” western societies. The point has been made, that examples of this new (alleged) openness towards death, include the emerging possibilities to mourn losses that until recently remained hidden. In many contemporary western contexts, for example, aborted foetuses and stillborn babies, that not so long ago would have been disposed of privately, are now publicly mourned. Similarly, pets, whose non-humanity until recently removed them from processes of public mourning, are now legitimate objects of the public expression of grief. In this paper we focus on the mourning of the glacier Ok in Iceland, as an example of how this trend is now extending to the loss of natural phenomena. Drawing on Cunsolo Willox’s work and bringing together the recent literature on the more-than-human and the new materialisms, on one hand, and literature that speaks of the links between “modernity”, mourning and loss, on the other, we ask if the trends hinted at above signal a change, a rupture, or the continuation of mourning that has always been part of the modernity experience.

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Research paper thumbnail of Anthropology and Film: From Representation to Fearful Interventions (인류학과 화 : 재현에서 두려운 개입으로)

Lecture given at the conference INTANGIBLE HERITAGE AND AUDIO-VISUAL ARCHIVE INTERNATIONAL CONFER... more Lecture given at the conference INTANGIBLE HERITAGE AND AUDIO-VISUAL ARCHIVE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE at the National Folk Museum in Seoul Korea, July 25 2018.

Korean translation: 인류학과 화 : 재현에서 두려운 개입으로


A paper published in a 2009 conference proceedings of CECA/ICOM, fall 2010.

Research paper thumbnail of Pulses for Future Architecture

TERA, 2020

Supersystem Risk and the End of the Anthroprocene JamEs r. Watson, laura E. r. pEtErs and Jamon v... more Supersystem Risk and the End of the Anthroprocene JamEs r. Watson, laura E. r. pEtErs and Jamon van dEn hoEK ESSAY 9 18 31 45 56 59 Notes on the Recursive Art of Capturing Value EriK BordElEau ESSAY "Contractions": The Individual and Atmospheric in Offill's Weather shannon lamBErt REVIEW ESSAY Pulses for Future Architecture tinna Grétarsdóttir and siGurJón Baldur haFstEinsson ESSAY 73 83 90 CONTENT ISABEL CAVENECIA 2 THE EDITOR

Research paper thumbnail of Aboriginal Journalism Practices as Deep Democracy: APTN National News

Indigenous Screen Cultures in Canada, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Landscapes of Trauma: a Reflection on Wonder

Journal of Scottish Thought, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Organizational structures and the museum’s educative function: Empty options at the Reykjavík Art Museum

Nordisk Museologi, 2019

Museum education is a field in flux that faces continuous theoretical and practical challenges. W... more Museum education is a field in flux that faces continuous theoretical and practical challenges. We argue that formal museum organizational structures, the informal, and experiences of museum workers should be intertwined. We also argue that the influence of museum educators on shaping policies is relevant. Formal organizational structures in museums should be acknowledged and systematically embedded in the shaping and governance of sustainable museum education practices if museums are to succeed as learning institutions. We contend that museum organizational structures disempower the development of museum education as a profession, serving other purposes more rigorously. We interviewed twelve museum staff members for this paper. They all worked at the Reykjavík Art Museum’s (RAM) education department as full-time and/or part-time employees from 1991 to 2018. Multiple meetings with the participants occurred from June 2011 until June 2018, resulting in twenty semi-structured interviews.

Research paper thumbnail of Sveitadvöl barna í sjónrænum gögnum  / Children’s Summer Migration to Icelandic Farms in Visual Media

Send í sveit: þetta var í þjóðarsálinni, 2019

Meðhöfundur Tinna Grétarsdóttir. / Co-author Tinna Grétarsdóttir.

Research paper thumbnail of “Icelandic Putridity”: Colonial Thought and Icelandic Architectural Heritage

Scandinavian Studies, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Fíflaskip eða sáluhjálparskip?

Safnablaðið Kvistur, 2017.

Research paper thumbnail of Ship of Fools or Ark of Salvation?

Conference Proceeding. Challenges facing historic ship conservation: Reconstruction or deconstruc... more Conference Proceeding. Challenges facing historic ship conservation: Reconstruction or deconstruction? Akranes Folk Museum, April 2018.

Research paper thumbnail of Museology and the Icelandic museum field: Collaborations and development

Research paper thumbnail of The Fleshyness of Absence: The matter of absence in a feminist museology

Research paper thumbnail of Sigurður Guðmundsson og stofnun Forngripasafnsins

Í bókinni Málarinn og menningarsköpun: Sigurður Guðmundsson og Kvöldfélagið 1885-1874. 2017. Rits... more Í bókinni Málarinn og menningarsköpun: Sigurður Guðmundsson og Kvöldfélagið 1885-1874. 2017. Ritstjórar Karl Aspelund og Terry Gunnell. Reykjavík: Opna og Þjóðminjasafn Íslands

Research paper thumbnail of Danskir sorphaugar, íslenskt svínerí og hallir fornmanna. Sigurður Guðmundsson og arkitektúr

Í bókinni Málarinn og menningarsköpun: Sigurður Guðmundsson og Kvöldfélagið 1885-1874. 2017. Rits... more Í bókinni Málarinn og menningarsköpun: Sigurður Guðmundsson og Kvöldfélagið 1885-1874. 2017. Ritstjórar Karl Aspelund og Terry Gunnell. Reykjavík: Opna og Þjóðminjasafn Íslands

Research paper thumbnail of Frontier Ocean - A Work in Progress...or not!

On a humid evening in July 1893 the American historian Frederick Jackson Turner gave a lecture at... more On a humid evening in July 1893 the American historian Frederick Jackson Turner gave a lecture at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago called "The Significance of the Frontier in American History" (Etulain 1999:3) In the lecture he argued that the American frontier was the molding force of America's history and that the westward expansion dominated the character of its people, so it was the task of historians to study these forces. Turner defined the frontier as "the outer edge of the wavethe meeting point between savagery and civilization." (Turner 1999(Turner [1894:19) and the protagonists of this wave were the farmers who settled in the 'free land' of the West. Turner did not see explorers, fur trappers, railroad builders, or town dwellers as major protagonists in this westward movement although they were inevitable part of it. (Etulain 1999:5) To Turner the frontier experience meant "the physical movement of European settlers across American continent" (ibid) and it was this experience that came to a close in the 1890s, as all farmable land had been claimed in he West.

Research paper thumbnail of Presentation Notes, Freie Universitat, Berlin

Research paper thumbnail of HEIMINUM BREYTT FRÁ TORFUM

Eyvindur, 2018

Í tímaritinu Eyvindur, XXVll árg., desember 2018.

Research paper thumbnail of Hamfarir, húsagrafir, samfélag

Safnablaðið Kvistur, 5. tbl., 2018-2019.

Research paper thumbnail of Heimildarmyndir: Vald, ´texti´, áhorfendur og íslensk menning

Birtist í Tímanum, 12. apríl 1994.

Research paper thumbnail of Söfn og menning í stafrænum heimi

Safnablaðið Kvistur, 2. tbl., 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Vonir um Mótorhjólasafn Íslands

Safnablaðið Kvistur, 3. tbl., 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Uppgötvun umhverfisins

Morgunblaðið, 10. nóvember 2000. Um framlag Þorgeirs Þorgeirsonar til íslenskrar kvikmyndagerðar.

Research paper thumbnail of Þorskar á þurru landi?

Fréttablaðið, 1. desember 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Einkavæðum menningariðnaðinn

Fréttablaðið 27. október 2006. Fyrirmyndin að þessari kaldhæðnisgrein er grein eftir Jonathan Swi... more Fréttablaðið 27. október 2006. Fyrirmyndin að þessari kaldhæðnisgrein er grein eftir Jonathan Swift frá 1729.

Research paper thumbnail of Söfn í þágu sjálfbærni

Birtist í Morgunblaðinu, 16. maí 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Pólitískar hamgærur

Birtist í Fréttablaðinu, 24. febrúar 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Fjölmiðlaskýrslan, hin gamla

Pistill sem birtist á, 2004.

Research paper thumbnail of Leyniþjónusta inn um bakdyrnar

Pistillinn birtist á, 2003 eða 2004.

Research paper thumbnail of Minjavarsla á villigötum

Research paper thumbnail of Eru stjórnmálamenn helstu óvinir safna?

Research paper thumbnail of Galdur með ljósmyndir

Research paper thumbnail of Í skóm friðarins

Research paper thumbnail of Uppvöxtur Sigurjóns á Eyrarbakka

Research paper thumbnail of Þversögn Minjastofnunar Íslands

Research paper thumbnail of Eðlileg viðbrögð

Research paper thumbnail of Fjölskyldualbúmið á Árbæjarsafn

Research paper thumbnail of Hlutverk háskólasamfélagsins í stefnumótunarstarfi safna

Erindi á RáðStefna – Stefnumótun í menningargeiranum. 14.nóvember 10:00-16:30 – Listasafn Reykja... more Erindi á RáðStefna – Stefnumótun í menningargeiranum. 14.nóvember 10:00-16:30 – Listasafn Reykjavíkur, Tryggvagata 17.

Research paper thumbnail of 40 steinar

Erindi á málstofu í Þjóðarbókhlöðunni, Á ferðinni – Ísland og heimur á hreyfingu, 22. október 202... more Erindi á málstofu í Þjóðarbókhlöðunni, Á ferðinni – Ísland og heimur á hreyfingu, 22. október 2024. Erindið var haldið á ensku.

Research paper thumbnail of Inngilding: Draumurinn og veruleikinn

Erindi á Farskóla safna og safnafólks. Akureyri, 3. október 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Stríð safna og ferðaþjónustu

Erindi á málþingínu Söfn og ferðaþjónusta 8. desember 2023, Þjóðminjasafni Íslands. Skipuleggjen... more Erindi á málþingínu Söfn og ferðaþjónusta 8. desember 2023, Þjóðminjasafni Íslands. Skipuleggjendur: Samtök ferðaþjónustunnar, Félag íslenskra safna og safnafólks og námsbraut í safnafræði við Háskóla Íslands.

Research paper thumbnail of Preservation without a purpose? Icelandic news photography and the public sphere

Keynote presented at 2017 IFLA International News Media Conference ´Collecting, Preserving, and ... more Keynote presented at
2017 IFLA International News Media Conference
´Collecting, Preserving, and Transforming the News – for Research and the Public´
Reykjavík, Iceland, 27-28 April 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Covid, söfn og vellíðan

Erindi á málþinginu ´Er menning heilsusamleg? Málþing um tengsl menningar og lýðheilsu´, 6. apríl... more Erindi á málþinginu ´Er menning heilsusamleg? Málþing um tengsl menningar og lýðheilsu´, 6. apríl 2022.

Research paper thumbnail of Á krossgötum stafræns menningararfs

Í þessu erindi verður hugað að stöðu stafrænnar miðlunar og varðveislu menningararfs á Íslandi, m... more Í þessu erindi verður hugað að stöðu stafrænnar miðlunar og varðveislu menningararfs á Íslandi, með sérstakri áherslu á söfn. Söfn hafa um árabil innleitt stafræna tækni í starfsemi sína með það að markmiði að stuðla að varðveislu menningar og búa í haginn fyrir rannsóknir, menntun og miðlun. Menningarsögulegi gagnagrunnurinn Sarpur er ein birtingarmynd þeirrar vinnu, en að auki eru stafrænar úrfærslur safna að finna í sýningarrýmum þeirra. Covid-19 heimsfaraldurinn setti þessa vinnu safna í nýtt samhengi, en hann var yfirgripsmikill prófsteinn á stöðu stafrænnar vinnu safna hingað til. Í erindinu verður hugað fjallað um þessa stöðu og þennan prófstein sem heimsfaraldurinn bauð upp á og hugað sérstaklega að því vegarnesti sem hann getur faert stafraenni vinnu safna í framtíðinni.

Research paper thumbnail of Óhjálplega safnið

Erindi sem haldið var í fyrirlestraröðinni ´Eru söfn einhvers virði?´ þann 27. október 2023.


A talk presented at a symposium held by ICOM Iceland and Icelandic Association of Museums and Mus... more A talk presented at a symposium held by ICOM Iceland and Icelandic Association of Museums and Museum Employees, March 4 2020, ´Hvað er safn? Nýja safnaskilgreiningin´ [What is a museum? The new definition]

Research paper thumbnail of Kollvörpun: Þekkingarpólitík safna og vald

Research paper thumbnail of Hver er leiðin fram á við?

Erindi á ráðstefnunni „Er alþýðumenning þjóðararfur?“ Byggðasafn Vestfjarða, 26. október 2018.

Research paper thumbnail of Vonir, umhyggja og söfn

Erindi á málþinginu – Listir og menning sem meðferð: Íslensk söfn og alzheimer Ráðhúsi Reykjavíku... more Erindi á málþinginu – Listir og menning sem meðferð: Íslensk söfn og alzheimer Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur, 20. september 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Einyrkinn og framtidin 2001

Fyrirlestur haldinn á Farskóla Félags íslenskra safnmanna á Húsavík, 12.-14. september 2001.

Research paper thumbnail of Söfn og ferðaþjónusta

Flutt á haustfundi listasafna, 16. nóvember 2015, á Listasafni Íslands.

Research paper thumbnail of Eru háskólakennarar í pólitískri krossferð?

Málþing „Eru háskólakennarar í pólitískri krossferð?“ Innlegg í pallborði. 10. apríl 2014. Háskól... more Málþing „Eru háskólakennarar í pólitískri krossferð?“
Innlegg í pallborði. 10. apríl 2014. Háskóli Íslands.

Research paper thumbnail of Myndaútvarp ⁄ fjarsýnismóttökutæki ⁄ fyrðsýnisútvarp ⁄ myndaviðtæki ⁄  fyrðsjá ⁄ fjarsýni ⁄ sjónvarp fram til 1966

Fyrirlestur fluttur á ráðstefnu við Háskóla Íslands, 11. nóvember 2006 í tilefni af 80 ára afmæli... more Fyrirlestur fluttur á ráðstefnu við Háskóla Íslands, 11. nóvember 2006 í tilefni af 80 ára afmæli útvarps á Íslandi

Research paper thumbnail of Gardínustangir og kleinur: Af óánægju fréttaljósmyndara

Fyrirlestur fluttur í Þjóðminjasafni Íslands, 2008.

Research paper thumbnail of Menningarstefna, safnastarf og erlend áhrif

Erindi flutt á Farskóla Félags safna og safnmanna í Stykkishólmi, 30. september 2010.

Research paper thumbnail of Samfélag, söfn, skólar

Erindi haldið á málþingi í Ráðhúsi Þorlákshafnar, 30. október 2014, í tilefni af Safnahelgi.

Research paper thumbnail of Anarkismi, menningararfur, torfhús

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Transnational Cinema in a Global North

Research paper thumbnail of Enunciatory Television

Research paper thumbnail of Transnational Cinema in a Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition: Transnational Cinema in a Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition

Transnational Cinema in. Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition. Andrew Nestingen and Trevor G... more Transnational Cinema in. Global North: Nordic Cinema in Transition. Andrew Nestingen and Trevor G. Elkington, editors. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. 2005.

Research paper thumbnail of Helen M. Rozwadowski, Fathoming the Ocean: The Discovery and Exploration of the Deep Sea. With a Foreword by Sylvia A. Earle. Cambridge, MA and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005. Pp xii+276. ISBN 0-674-01691. £16.95 (hardback). Helen M. Rozwadowski and David K. van Keure...

The British Journal for the History of Science, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of MICHAEL BRAVO and SVERKER SÖRLIN (eds.), Narrating the Arctic: A Cultural History of Nordic Scientific Practices. Canton, MA: Science History Publications/USA, 2002. Pp. ix+373. ISBN 0-88135-385-X. $39.95 (hardback)

The British Journal for the History of Science, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Oh, What a Blow that Phantom Gave Me!

Visual Anthropology Review, 2006

It is also possible that your web browser is not configured or not able to display style sheets. ... more It is also possible that your web browser is not configured or not able to display style sheets. In this case, although the visual presentation will be degraded, the site should continue to be functional. We recommend using the latest version of Microsoft or Mozilla web browser to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Museums in a troubled world by Robert Janes. Published in Nordisk Museologi 1/2010

Research paper thumbnail of Umsögn um bókina Afturgöngur og afskipti af sannleikanum (2009)

Research paper thumbnail of Narrating the Artic

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Fathoming the Ocean and The Machine in Neptun´s Garden

Research paper thumbnail of Draumurinn um safnabíó

Morgunblaðið, 18. Mars 2001.

Research paper thumbnail of Höldum menningararfinum lifandi með anarkisma

DV, 17. Febrúar 2015. Kristján Guðjónsson.

Research paper thumbnail of Speglasalur fegurðarinnar: Viðtal við Hrönn Sveinsdóttur og Árna Sveinsson um myndina Í skóm drekans

Birtist í Landi og sonum (jan-apríl, 2002)

Research paper thumbnail of Leitin að Lalla Jones: Viðtal við Þorfinn Guðnason um myndina Lalli Jones

Birtist í Landi og sonum (júlí/ágúst 2001)

Research paper thumbnail of Covid-19 veiran og áhrif hennar á söfn

Hugleiðingar í tilefni af áhrifum Covid-19 á safnastarf. Óbirt, ágúst 2020.


Í siðareglum ICOM er ein grunnhugsun reglnanna orðuð með þessum haetti: "Hvert taekifaeri skal ný... more Í siðareglum ICOM er ein grunnhugsun reglnanna orðuð með þessum haetti: "Hvert taekifaeri skal nýtt til að upplýsa og mennta almenning um markmið, tilgang og metnað starfsstéttarinnar til að stuðla að auknum skilningi almennings á framlagi safna til samfélagsins." Þessi hugsun á vel við núna þegar Covid-19 veiran, eða kórónaveiran, hefur haft lamandi áhrif á heimsbyggðina og þar með safnastarf.

Research paper thumbnail of Fjölmiðlaskýrslan, hin gamla

Research paper thumbnail of Niðurmjó varnarræða, endurskoðuð

Research paper thumbnail of Athugasemd við skýrslu Listaháskóla Íslands um nám í kvikmyndagerð, 2005

Skýrsluhöfundar, þeir Hilmar Oddsson, Guðni Elísson og Sveinbjörn I. Baldvinsson, hvöttu til umra... more Skýrsluhöfundar, þeir Hilmar Oddsson, Guðni Elísson og Sveinbjörn I. Baldvinsson, hvöttu til umraeðu um skýrsluna sem þeir unnu fyrir LHÍ. Eftir því sem ég best veit urðu fáir við þeirri áskorun, fyrir utan mig og Önnu Th. Rögnvaldsdóttur, sem birti á bloggsíðu sinni umfjöllun um málið (sjá: Ég birti athugasemdir mínar á síðunni, sem er ekki lengur lesanleg á netinu. Ég hef ekki vitneskju um það í dag (2012) hvort að skýrslan sé enn aðgengileg á heimasíðu LHÍ.

Research paper thumbnail of Umsögn um drög að stefnu fyrir Náttúruminjasafn Íslands

Research paper thumbnail of Söfn og ferðaþjónusta

Erindi á haustfundi listasafna. Listasafni Íslands, 16. nóvember 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Stríð safna og ferðaþjónustu

Erindi á málþingínu Söfn og ferðaþjónusta 8. desember 2023, Þjóðminjasafni Íslands. Skipuleggjen... more Erindi á málþingínu Söfn og ferðaþjónusta
8. desember 2023, Þjóðminjasafni Íslands.
Skipuleggjendur: Samtök ferðaþjónustunnar, Félag íslenskra safna og safnafólks og námsbraut í safnafræði við Háskóla Íslands.