Sofia Torallas Tovar | Institute for Advanced Study (original) (raw)

Books by Sofia Torallas Tovar

Research paper thumbnail of Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation, Vol. 1, Christopher A. Faraone and Sofía Torallas Tovar, Editors.

Editorial Board: Korshi Dosoo, Marina Escolano-Poveda, Richard Gordon, Edward Love, Franco Ma... more Editorial Board:
Korshi Dosoo, Marina Escolano-Poveda, Richard Gordon, Edward Love, Franco Maltomini, Anastasia Maravela, Raquel Martín Hernández, Alberto Nodar Domínguez, Panagiota Sarischouli, Michael Zellmann-Rohrer

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Research paper thumbnail of 2016 Obras completas de Filón de Alejandría vol. IV: Sobre los Sueños, Sobre José, Sobre Abraham (introducción, traducción y notas a cargo de S. Torallas Tovar), Madrid, Editorial Trotta: 2016.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2015 ESTRABÓN, Geografía: Libro XV-XVII, translation, notes and introduction by J. L. García Alonso, M. P. de Hoz and S. Torallas Tovar, Madrid, Colección Clásica Gredos, 2015, ISBN 978-8424929169

Tras una breve introducción genérica en la que se refiere a los conocimientos procedentes de los ... more Tras una breve introducción genérica en la que se refiere a los conocimientos procedentes de los primeros exploradores griegos de la India, a la poca fiabilidad de sus informes, a la escasa presencia de comerciantes griegos en la región, a la relevancia de las campañas de Alejandro, a los informes de Megástenes, a Eratóstenes y el escepticismo ante el mito, el libro XV de la Geografía tiene tres partes principales, pero de extensión desigual: Estrabón dedica casi dos tercios del total del libro a la India, y el resto a Ariana y a Persia. El libro XVII de la Geografía completa el recorrido por África, describiendo Egipto, Etiopía y Libia.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2014 S. Torallas Tovar - K.A. Worp, Greek Papyri from Montserrat. P.Monts.Roca IV, Barcelona, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of 2010 Juan Gil - S. Torallas Tovar, Hadrianus. P.Monts.Roca III

review by MChiara Scappaticcio:

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Research paper thumbnail of 2009 Obras completas de Filón de Alejandría vol. V: De Vita Mosis, De Vita Contemplativa, (introducción, traducción y notas a cargo de J.P. Martín) e In Flaccum, Legatio ad Gaium (introducción, traducción y notas a cargo de S. Torallas Tovar), Madrid, Editorial Trotta: 2009 ISBN 978-84-9879-023-8

Reviewed: Revista de Libros 174, junio 2010. Gerión 28, 2 (2010)125-130. Studia Philonica Annual ... more Reviewed: Revista de Libros 174, junio 2010. Gerión 28, 2 (2010)125-130. Studia Philonica Annual XXII (2010) 280-282.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2007 Biblica Coptica Montserratensia: P. Monts. Roca II

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Research paper thumbnail of 2006 S. Torallas K. Worp, To the Origins of Greek Stenography. P.Monts.Roca I

Reviewed at : Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e Indoeuropeos, 17 (2007); Bryn Ma... more Reviewed at : Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e Indoeuropeos, 17 (2007); Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.10.04. Chronique d’Égypte 82 (2007) 347-350. Archiv Für Papyrusforschung 53/1 (2007) 69-71. Classical Review 58 (2008) 97-99. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, 44 (2007) 211-17, Theologische Literaturzeitung 135, no. 2, (2010): 159. Latomus 70.4 (2011) 1185-1186.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2005 Identidad lingüística e identidad religiosa en el Egipto grecorromano

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Research paper thumbnail of 1997 Filón de Alejandría, Sobre los sueños, Sobre José, introducción, traducción y notas de S. Torallas Tovar, Gredos, Madrid, 1997. ISBN 84‐249‐1852‐5

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Edited volumes by Sofia Torallas Tovar

Research paper thumbnail of 2022 The Greco-Egyptian Magical Formularies. Libraries, Books and Individual Recipes, University of Michigan Press (New Texts from Ancient Cultures)

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Research paper thumbnail of 2019 Proceedings of the 28th Congress of Papyrology (Barcelona, 1-6 August 2016), Barcelona, 2019. ISBN 978-84-9191-079-4

Coedited with Alberto Nodar (board of editors María Jesús Albarrán, Raquel Martín, José Domingo R... more Coedited with Alberto Nodar (board of editors María Jesús Albarrán, Raquel Martín, José Domingo Rodríguez Martín, Marco Antonio Santamaría, Irene Pajón)

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Research paper thumbnail of 2015 La Mano del Escriba: recorrido por los tesoros manuscritos de la Abadía de Montserrat, Barcelona: PAMSA 2015. ISBN 9788498837742

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultures in Contact: Transfer of Knowledge in the Mediterranean Context

Collective work

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Research paper thumbnail of 2012 Eastern Christians and their Written Heritage. Manuscripts, Scribes and Context.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011 Raquel Martín Hernández- Sofía Torallas Tovar (eds.), Conversaciones con la Muerte. Diálogos del Hombre con el Más Allá desde la Antigüedad hasta la Edad Media. Madrid: CSIC, 2011. ISBN 978 8400093471

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011 Tracing Orpheus: Studies of Orphic Fragments in Honour of Alberto Bernabé (col. Sozomena 10)

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011 «Palabras bien dichas »: Estudios filológicos dedicados al P.Pius Ramon Tragan, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Barcelona

Este volumen recoge una serie de trabajos dedicados a Ramón Pius Tragan por investigadores que ha... more Este volumen recoge una serie de trabajos dedicados a Ramón Pius Tragan por investigadores que han trabajado en los fondos de la Abadía de Montserrat.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2010 Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa Núñez- Sofía Torallas Tovar (eds.), Edición de Textos Mágicos de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media. Madrid: CSIC, 2010.

ISBN 978 8400091538

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Research paper thumbnail of From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World

This volume collects papers given at the conference "Documents and the History of the Early Islam... more This volume collects papers given at the conference "Documents and the History of the Early Islamic Mediterranean World", including editions of unpublished documents and historical studies, which make use of documentary evidence from al-Andalus, Sicily, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Khurasan.

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Research paper thumbnail of Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation, Vol. 1, Christopher A. Faraone and Sofía Torallas Tovar, Editors.

Editorial Board: Korshi Dosoo, Marina Escolano-Poveda, Richard Gordon, Edward Love, Franco Ma... more Editorial Board:
Korshi Dosoo, Marina Escolano-Poveda, Richard Gordon, Edward Love, Franco Maltomini, Anastasia Maravela, Raquel Martín Hernández, Alberto Nodar Domínguez, Panagiota Sarischouli, Michael Zellmann-Rohrer

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Research paper thumbnail of 2016 Obras completas de Filón de Alejandría vol. IV: Sobre los Sueños, Sobre José, Sobre Abraham (introducción, traducción y notas a cargo de S. Torallas Tovar), Madrid, Editorial Trotta: 2016.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2015 ESTRABÓN, Geografía: Libro XV-XVII, translation, notes and introduction by J. L. García Alonso, M. P. de Hoz and S. Torallas Tovar, Madrid, Colección Clásica Gredos, 2015, ISBN 978-8424929169

Tras una breve introducción genérica en la que se refiere a los conocimientos procedentes de los ... more Tras una breve introducción genérica en la que se refiere a los conocimientos procedentes de los primeros exploradores griegos de la India, a la poca fiabilidad de sus informes, a la escasa presencia de comerciantes griegos en la región, a la relevancia de las campañas de Alejandro, a los informes de Megástenes, a Eratóstenes y el escepticismo ante el mito, el libro XV de la Geografía tiene tres partes principales, pero de extensión desigual: Estrabón dedica casi dos tercios del total del libro a la India, y el resto a Ariana y a Persia. El libro XVII de la Geografía completa el recorrido por África, describiendo Egipto, Etiopía y Libia.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2014 S. Torallas Tovar - K.A. Worp, Greek Papyri from Montserrat. P.Monts.Roca IV, Barcelona, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of 2010 Juan Gil - S. Torallas Tovar, Hadrianus. P.Monts.Roca III

review by MChiara Scappaticcio:

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Research paper thumbnail of 2009 Obras completas de Filón de Alejandría vol. V: De Vita Mosis, De Vita Contemplativa, (introducción, traducción y notas a cargo de J.P. Martín) e In Flaccum, Legatio ad Gaium (introducción, traducción y notas a cargo de S. Torallas Tovar), Madrid, Editorial Trotta: 2009 ISBN 978-84-9879-023-8

Reviewed: Revista de Libros 174, junio 2010. Gerión 28, 2 (2010)125-130. Studia Philonica Annual ... more Reviewed: Revista de Libros 174, junio 2010. Gerión 28, 2 (2010)125-130. Studia Philonica Annual XXII (2010) 280-282.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2007 Biblica Coptica Montserratensia: P. Monts. Roca II

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Research paper thumbnail of 2006 S. Torallas K. Worp, To the Origins of Greek Stenography. P.Monts.Roca I

Reviewed at : Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e Indoeuropeos, 17 (2007); Bryn Ma... more Reviewed at : Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e Indoeuropeos, 17 (2007); Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.10.04. Chronique d’Égypte 82 (2007) 347-350. Archiv Für Papyrusforschung 53/1 (2007) 69-71. Classical Review 58 (2008) 97-99. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists, 44 (2007) 211-17, Theologische Literaturzeitung 135, no. 2, (2010): 159. Latomus 70.4 (2011) 1185-1186.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2005 Identidad lingüística e identidad religiosa en el Egipto grecorromano

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Research paper thumbnail of 1997 Filón de Alejandría, Sobre los sueños, Sobre José, introducción, traducción y notas de S. Torallas Tovar, Gredos, Madrid, 1997. ISBN 84‐249‐1852‐5

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022 The Greco-Egyptian Magical Formularies. Libraries, Books and Individual Recipes, University of Michigan Press (New Texts from Ancient Cultures)

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Research paper thumbnail of 2019 Proceedings of the 28th Congress of Papyrology (Barcelona, 1-6 August 2016), Barcelona, 2019. ISBN 978-84-9191-079-4

Coedited with Alberto Nodar (board of editors María Jesús Albarrán, Raquel Martín, José Domingo R... more Coedited with Alberto Nodar (board of editors María Jesús Albarrán, Raquel Martín, José Domingo Rodríguez Martín, Marco Antonio Santamaría, Irene Pajón)

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Research paper thumbnail of 2015 La Mano del Escriba: recorrido por los tesoros manuscritos de la Abadía de Montserrat, Barcelona: PAMSA 2015. ISBN 9788498837742

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultures in Contact: Transfer of Knowledge in the Mediterranean Context

Collective work

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Research paper thumbnail of 2012 Eastern Christians and their Written Heritage. Manuscripts, Scribes and Context.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011 Raquel Martín Hernández- Sofía Torallas Tovar (eds.), Conversaciones con la Muerte. Diálogos del Hombre con el Más Allá desde la Antigüedad hasta la Edad Media. Madrid: CSIC, 2011. ISBN 978 8400093471

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011 Tracing Orpheus: Studies of Orphic Fragments in Honour of Alberto Bernabé (col. Sozomena 10)

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011 «Palabras bien dichas »: Estudios filológicos dedicados al P.Pius Ramon Tragan, Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, Barcelona

Este volumen recoge una serie de trabajos dedicados a Ramón Pius Tragan por investigadores que ha... more Este volumen recoge una serie de trabajos dedicados a Ramón Pius Tragan por investigadores que han trabajado en los fondos de la Abadía de Montserrat.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2010 Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa Núñez- Sofía Torallas Tovar (eds.), Edición de Textos Mágicos de la Antigüedad y de la Edad Media. Madrid: CSIC, 2010.

ISBN 978 8400091538

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Research paper thumbnail of From al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim World

This volume collects papers given at the conference "Documents and the History of the Early Islam... more This volume collects papers given at the conference "Documents and the History of the Early Islamic Mediterranean World", including editions of unpublished documents and historical studies, which make use of documentary evidence from al-Andalus, Sicily, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Khurasan.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2007 From Al-Andalus to Khurasan: Documents from the Medieval Muslim WorldEdited by Petra M. Sijpesteijn, Lennart Sundelin, Sofia Torallas Tovar, Amalia Zomeño

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Research paper thumbnail of 2004 Lenguas en Contacto: el testimonio escrito

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Research paper thumbnail of 2003 Sofía Torallas Tovar - Inmaculada Pérez Martín (eds.), Castigo y Reclusión en el Mundo Antiguo, Madrid: CSIC, 2003.ISBN 84-00-08168-4

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Research paper thumbnail of On the Southern Frontier: Latin Ostraca from Aswan

R. Ast, T. Licht, J. Lougovaya (Eds.) Uniformity and Regionalism in Latin Writing Culture of the First Millennium C.E., 61- 78, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023 Verba volant: sobre cómo llegaron las primeras palabras egipcias a la lengua griega

Cuadernos de Filología Clásica, 2023

Resumen. Esta contribución presenta un estudio del contacto lingüístico más temprano entre el gri... more Resumen. Esta contribución presenta un estudio del contacto lingüístico más temprano entre el griego y el egipcio y los primeros préstamos léxicos que encontramos en la literatura griega. Para situar dicho contacto, se postula un escenario para este trasvase léxico en el trasiego comercial tanto en las colonias griegas en Egipto como en otros puertos del Mediterráneo, como el Pireo y Halicarnaso en época clásica.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022 “The Shorter Ending of the Gospel of Mark in the Coptic Versions”, COMSt 8.2 (2022) 39-55.

This article aims to clarify the issue of the endings of Mark in the Coptic versions. It endeavo... more This article aims to clarify the issue of the endings of Mark in the Coptic versions. It endeavors to show that the endings of Mark fit within the general context of the textual history of the Sahidic Coptic versions of the Gospel of Mark as recently proposed by the authors. It also examines the details of the conclusio brevior, prevalent in part of the Coptic tradition, as shown by the research carried out within the framework of the ‘SNSF Mark 16’ project directed by Claire Clivaz. In addition, it highlights some of the particularities of the textual tradition of the ending of Mark, which could indicate an influence of a monastic environment in Upper Egypt.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021 “Un poema en el extremo Sur: nota material a la canción para simposio de Elefantina (P.Berol. 13270)” Studia Philologica Valentina. Anejo 2 (2021) 375-388.

Studia Philologica Valentina. Anejo 2, 2021

In this contribution I present a proposal to understand the materiality of the Elephantine papyru... more In this contribution I present a proposal to understand the materiality of the
Elephantine papyrus P.Berol. 13270, a fragment dating from the early third century B.C., a date that places it among the oldest literary papyri that have been preserved. The format is difficult to elucidate, since it is very fragmentary, but there are sufficient indications to consider that it was not originally part of a papyrus roll which would have contained more poems, but a sort of memorandum for declamation in a symposium. We resort to contemporary copies and to the comparative method to arrive at our proposal.

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Research paper thumbnail of Impossible Anatomies: Shenoute's Curse and the Death of Gessios

A. Boud'hors, D. Brakke, A. Crislip and S. Moawad (eds), The Rediscovery of Shenoute. Studies in Honor of Stephen Emmel, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 310, Leuven - Paris - Bristol, CT: Peeters, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of 2009 Investigación sobre el Egipto greco-romano y tardoantiguo

Mainake, 2009

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[Research paper thumbnail of 2020 - «In Search of an Egyptian Greek Lexicon», K. Bentein, M. Janse (eds.) Varieties of Post-Classical and Byzantine Greek, (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM], 331) Leiden: Brill 2020. 141-162.](

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020 with Raquel Martín, «Interferencia lingüística entre egipcio y griego en los textos de los papiros mágicos. Una aproximación»

in L. Conti, R. Fornieles, M.L. Jiménez López, L. Macía, J. de la Villa (eds.), Δῶρα τά οἱ δίδομε... more in L. Conti, R. Fornieles, M.L. Jiménez López, L. Macía, J. de la Villa (eds.), Δῶρα τά οἱ δίδομεν φιλέοντες. Homenaje al profesor Emilio Crespo, Madrid, 2020, 291-302.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021 - with Anne Boud’hors, “Towards a textual history of the Gospel of Mark in Sahidic Coptic. Prolegomena to a new critical edition”

Novum Testamentum Graecum: Editio Critica Maior, ed. the Institute for New Testament Textual Rese... more Novum Testamentum Graecum: Editio Critica Maior, ed. the Institute for New Testament Textual Research. Volume I: The Synoptic Gospels, book 2: The Gospel of Mark, part 3: Studies, ed. Holger Strutwolf, Georg Gäbel, Annette Hüffmeier, Marie-Luise Lakmann, Gregory S. Paulson, and Klaus Wachtel. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 2021, 203-220.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021 - “Resisting the codex: the Christian use of the roll in Late Antiquity”, Early Christianity 12.3 (2021) 61-84.

Early Christianity - Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2021

Das Studium der Buchformate aus den ersten Jahrhunderten unserer Zeitrechnung hat sich vor allem ... more Das Studium der Buchformate aus den ersten Jahrhunderten unserer Zeitrechnung hat sich vor allem auf die Verbreitung des Kodex und dessen Verwendung in christlichen Gemeinden konzentriert. Die Schriftrolle, das vorherrschende Format seit der Antike, wurde in dieser Zeit meist durch den Kodex ersetzt, aber sie behielt eine gewisse Bedeutung und wurde weiterhin für bestimmte Zwecke in christlicher und nichtchristlicher Buch- und Dokumentenherstellung eingesetzt. Dieser Beitrag un- tersucht den Gebrauch der Schriftrolle nach dem Übergang zum Kodex in der Spätantike und die verschiedenen Formen und Formate, in denen sie vorzufinden war, sowie ihre Bedeutung für verschiedene literarische und dokumentarische Gat- tungen.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020 with Anne Boud’hors, “Philological work on the Sahidic Gospel of Mark in the 9th century: the case of sa123” Journal of Coptic Studies 22 (2020) 29-44.

Journal of Coptic Studies, 2020

In our research for the critical edition of the Sahidic variants of the Gospel of Mark, the manus... more In our research for the critical edition of the Sahidic variants of the Gospel of Mark, the manuscript sa 123 stands out as a very special example: it is likely to be a fragmentary witness of philological work in the Fayyum well after the Arabic conquest. The manuscript features extensive corrections performed by a second hand and based on a different type of text than the first copy. In this article we present the edition of one of its pages with the purpose of exploring the process and philological activity attested by it.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020 - with Vicente Barba, «Archaeological and epigraphical survey of the Coptic Monastery at Qubbet el-Hawa (Aswan)»

in P. Buzi (ed.), Coptic Literature in Context (4th-14th cent.): Cultural Landscape, Literary Pro... more in P. Buzi (ed.), Coptic Literature in Context (4th-14th cent.): Cultural Landscape, Literary Production and Manuscript Archaeology. Proceedings of the third conference of the ERC project “Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context, Roma 2020, 149-160.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020 - with Tea Ghigo, «The Montserrat codex miscellaneus (Inv. nos. 126‐178, 292, 338) and the composition of its inks»,

in P. Buzi (ed.), Coptic Literature in Context (4th-14th cent.): Cultural Landscape, Literary Pro... more in P. Buzi (ed.), Coptic Literature in Context (4th-14th cent.): Cultural Landscape, Literary Production and Manuscript Archaeology. Proceedings of the third conference of the ERC project “Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context (‘PAThs’)”, Roma, 2020, 101-114.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2019 «Poesía Copta: Arquelites y el monaquismo egipcio», Alvaro Cancela (ed.), Teopoética 4, Madrid, 2019, 79-100.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2018 «Athanasius’ letter to Dracontius: a 4th century Coptic translation in a papyrus roll (P.Monts.Roca inv. 14)», Adamantius. Annuario di Letteratura Cristiana Antica e di Studi Giudeoellenistici 24 (2018) 43-59.

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Research paper thumbnail of “The Mummy Label Database (MLD),” in Discovering New Pasts: The OI at 100, edited by Theo van den Hout, pp. 213-19. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2019.

This article, published on the occasion of the Oriental Institute centennial, consists of a descr... more This article, published on the occasion of the Oriental Institute centennial, consists of a description of the characteristics, role, and appearance of mummy labels; a presentation of the Mummy Label Database project; and an introduction to the mummy labels in the Oriental Institute Museum.

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Research paper thumbnail of Languages, Scripts, Literature, and Bridges between Cultures

A Companion to Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt. Ed. Katelijn Vandorpe. Wiley-Blackwell, 485–500., 2019

The linguistic situation of Greco‐Roman Egypt was characterized by a new ruling‐class language, G... more The linguistic situation of Greco‐Roman Egypt was characterized by a new ruling‐class language, Greek, becoming the language of administration and government. An influx of immigrants also spoke it. However, Egyptian remained the mother tongue of the majority of the population. Other languages, including Aramaic, Edomite, Pehlevi, and Latin, were also used in different regions and time periods, and for different functions. Our ability to track down what languages were spoken is limited by the survival of the written evidence, and is closely connected to the question of literacy.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Imperial and Late Antique pottery sequence of Area 81, in: Report on the 18th Season of the Joint Swiss-Egyptian Mission in Syene / Old Aswan (2017/2018) by C. v. Pilgrim, M. Hepa, J. Novacek, K. Scheelen-Novacek, W. Müller, S. Torallas Tovar, 17-31.

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Research paper thumbnail of (2017) Burla burlando. La visión de los indios en un mimo de época romana. J. A. Álvarez-Pedrosa, A. Bernabé, E. R. Luján, F. Presa (eds.), Ratna. Homenaje a la profesora Julia Mendoza, Madrid.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2017. "New Fragments of the Amnesty Decree of  October 9, 186 BCE". Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 54, pp 45-57.

In this paper we present three fragments, at least one of which belongs to the copy of the amnest... more In this paper we present three fragments, at least one of which belongs to the copy of the amnesty decree of 186 BCE known as P.Köln 7.313. P.Monts.Roca inv. 908 fits the left hand side of col. 1 of the decree. For the other two fragments (P.Palau Rib. inv. 172 c-d) we tentatively suggest that they belong to the same document, mainly for paleographical reasons and because they belong to a collection where other fragments of the same document are found. Although this paper does not provide many new insights into the text of the decree, it confirms that the sources for the Cologne, Roca Puig, and Palau Ribes collections of papyri were the same.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Using ostraca in the ancient world: New discoveries and methodologies Clementina Caputo, Julia Lougovaya, Using ostraca in the ancient world: New discoveries and methodologies. Materiale Textkulturen, 32. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2021. Pp. vi, 245. ISBN 9783110712865

Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of El evangelio mágico de los antiguos coptos

National Geographic Historia 138 julio 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Reviews of Boud'hors and Choat

- Reseña de BOUD’HORS, Anne, Le Canon 8 de Chénouté, vol. 1, Introduction, édition critique; vol.... more - Reseña de BOUD’HORS, Anne, Le Canon 8 de Chénouté, vol. 1, Introduction, édition critique; vol. 2, Traduction, index, planches (El Cairo: IFAO, 2013), viii+775 pp. en dos vol. ISBN: 9782724706154
Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 12 (2015) 313-316
- Reseña de CHOAT, Malcolm and Iain GARDNER, The Macquarie Papyri. A Coptic Handbook of Ritual Power (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), xiv + 131 pp. + 12 plates. CD. ISBN:
9782503531700 Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 12 (2015) 322-324.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Marja Vierros, Bilingual Notaries in Hellenistic Egypt: A Study of Greek as a Second Language. Collectanea hellenistica, 5.   Brussels:  Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten​, 2012.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2013 Professor Marvin Meyer in memoriam, Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 10 (2013)

Obituario de Marvin Meyer

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Research paper thumbnail of 2005 Necrológica Gerald Michael Browne († 1944-2004)

Collectanea Christiana Orientalia 2, Jan 1, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of (w/ S. Torallas, S. Perea, C. Faraone) Interview to Christopher A. Faraone ("Entrevista a Christopher A. Faraone con ocasión de su visita a Madrid, Junio 2002"), MHNH 3 (2003): 291-304.

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Research paper thumbnail of SMSR 80-2/2014. Theme section: Art and History in Indian Religious Traditions

La sezione monografica è costituita dagli Atti di un Congresso internazionale di studi tenuto all... more La sezione monografica è costituita dagli Atti di un Congresso internazionale di studi tenuto alla Sapienza il 12 e 13 ottobre 2009, dal titolo "Mito, Rito e Simbolo. Aspetti dell'esperienza religiosa indiana - Myth, Rite, and Symbol. Aspects of Indian Religious Experience" organizzato da Fabio Scialpi, cui si deve anche la curatela di questa Theme section

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Research paper thumbnail of 2015 Antonio Tovar, padre, abuelo, amigo, Ianua Classicorum. Temas y formas del Mundo Clásico · vol. 1 · Madrid 2015 · 119-128

Semblanza de Antonio Tovar en el centenario de su nacimiento

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Research paper thumbnail of Antonio Tovar, padre, abuelo, amigo

Escrito por sus hijos Consuelo Tovar, Santiago Tovar, y su nieta, Sofía Torallas, con motivo de s... more Escrito por sus hijos Consuelo Tovar, Santiago Tovar, y su nieta, Sofía Torallas, con motivo de su centenario, en el congreso de la SEEC en Logroño en 2011. Es un recorrido por su vida y un anecdotario.

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Research paper thumbnail of Edition of P.Monts.Roca inv. nos. 718 (LH fr.) + 792 (RH fr.), fragment of a bilingual sale of a house

S. Torallas Tovar and K. A. Worp (eds.): Greek Papyri from Montserrat (P. Monts. Roca. IV), 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Reseña a "Sofía Torallas Tovar; Klaas A. Worp, with the Collaboration of Alberto Nodar Domínguez and María Victoria Spottorno, Greek Papyri from Montserrat (P.Monts. Roca), Scripta Orientalia 1, Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadía de Montserrat"

Emerita: Revista de lingüística y Filología Clásica 83/2, pp. 374-376

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Research paper thumbnail of TRAVAUX ET MÉMOIRES | Tome XX/1 | Mélanges Jean Gascou

by Association des Amis du Centre d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance ACHCByz, Jean-Luc Fournet, Paul Heilporn, Bernhard Palme, Sofia Torallas Tovar, Constantin Zuckerman, Giuseppina Azzarello, Avshalom Laniado, Arietta Papaconstantinou, Willy Clarysse, Naïm Vanthieghem, Fabian Reiter, Malcolm Choat, and Alain Delattre

Peu de personnes auront marqué aussi profondément la papyrologie des époques byzantine et arabe q... more Peu de personnes auront marqué aussi profondément la papyrologie des époques byzantine et arabe que le récipiendaire de ce volume. Aussi ses collègues et élèves ont-ils répondu sans hésiter à notre appel pour rendre hommage, à travers le présent volume, à une œuvre dont ils se sentent tributaires et qui ne cesse de stimuler les nouvelles générations.
Jean Gascou a beau d’être l’inventeur d’un « modèle », il s’est avant tout exprimé à travers l’édition de papyrus, qu’il a toujours ressentie comme un stimulus nécessaire au développement d’une pensée ferme et rigoureuse cherchant à éviter les séductions des synthèses faciles et des rapprochements factices de données en réalité hétérogènes. Cet hommage se devait donc d’être avant tout un recueil d’éditions de papyrus. Nous avons pu tenir ce cap, même si certains collègues dont la présence était souhaitée ont préféré contribuer par un essai, sans jamais néanmoins rompre totalement les liens avec la documentation papyrologique.
Le risque d’hétérogénéité qu’encourt tout volume de mélanges est ici conjuré par l’unité thématique qui découle des limites chronologiques et géographiques que nous lui avons imposées et qui reflètent celles de l’œuvre de Jean Gascou : l’Égypte byzantine et arabe – même si quelques incursions en dehors de cette province confirment cette règle éditoriale et rappellent que notre « mélangé » s’est aussi intéressé à d’autres périodes (la fin du Haut-Empire) et à d’autres régions (notamment le Proche-Orient qu’il a fréquenté avec de plus en plus d’assiduité ces deux dernières décennies). C’est aussi la raison pour laquelle certains collègues proches de Jean Gascou, mais travaillant sur d’autres périodes, n’ont pu contribuer à ces mélanges. Nous nous excusons auprès d’eux d’avoir été d’une rigueur inflexible qui, loin d’être une entorse à l’amicitia papyrologorum, ne visait qu’à produire un ouvrage homogène qui reflète le mieux possible les préoccupations du récipiendaire.
Homogène ne veut pas forcément dire « monolingue ». On verra que toutes les langues pratiquées à grande échelle dans l’Égypte de l’Antiquité tardive et du haut Moyen-Âge y sont représentées dans toute leur diversité : grec, latin, copte, arabe. Nous avons souhaité ce mélange : il correspond aux intérêts de Jean Gascou, qui a pratiqué l’édition de papyrus dans ces quatre langues ; il acte surtout une tendance de la papyrologie qui refuse désormais tout enclavement linguistique, comme en témoignent les sessions de nos congrès consacrées à d’autres formes de papyrologie et l’émergence d’une nouvelle génération de papyrologues de plus en plus rétive à se laisser enfermer dans une documentation monolingue.

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Research paper thumbnail of Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation, Vol. 1

Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation, Vol. 1, 2022

The magical formularies on papyrus are precious witnesses to practices and processes of cultural ... more The magical formularies on papyrus are precious witnesses to practices and processes of cultural transmission: i.e. the creation, communication, transformation and preservation of knowledge, both in text and image, across history and between the cultures of Egypt and Greece. More than eighty such handbooks survive, some of them in a fragmentary state. This book, the work of an international team of papyrologists and historians of magic, replaces Papyri graecae magicae edited by K. Preisendanz, which appeared almost a century ago and has been used as one of the most important sources for the study of Greek magic, augmented in the 1990s by the excellent work of R. Daniel and F. Maltomini, the Supplementum Magicum. This project has collected all the known magical formularies and fully studied both their materiality and their texts. The facing English translation with notes replaces The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, edited by H.D. Betz. This volume, the first of two, presents the earliest of the handbooks, fifty-four in all, spanning the period from second century BCE to third century CE, in a new edition which includes the original texts in the three languages (Greek, Demotic, Coptic) with a full material description and a facing translation with commentary.

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