Andrew Dalby - (original) (raw)

Papers by Andrew Dalby


Petits Propos Culinaires, 2023

William Turner, the first significant writer on English natural history, recorded first hand obse... more William Turner, the first significant writer on English natural history, recorded first hand observations of natural history, paying attention to local knowledge, vernacular names and medicinal uses. This paper extracts Turner's original comments on plants, birds and fish that are used for food. He surely never dreamed of writing a book about food, yet he was a close observer, a judicious taster, and, when occasion offered, a discriminating eater.

Research paper thumbnail of Biogastronomica iii: De Capsicis. The wild chillies of Texas; The name and nature of cayenne

Petits propos culinaires, 2022

Two historical notes. 1. The wild chilli (Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum) of Texas and its ea... more Two historical notes. 1. The wild chilli (Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum) of Texas and its earliest growers in the United States, including Thomas Jefferson. 2. History of the powdered spice cayenne, the chilli varieties from which it has been produced, and the modern garden varieties called "Cayenne"

Research paper thumbnail of Biogastronomica II

Petits propos culinaires, 2022

Three food history notes: 1. on the "second restaurant", opened by Jean-François Vacossin and ... more Three food history notes:

1. on the "second restaurant", opened by Jean-François Vacossin and his wife in Paris in 1767 and visited by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

2. on the 5th century dinner to which Vortigern was invited by Hengist and Horsa (according to later sources)

3. on the authorship of the book "The Oyster: where, how and when to find, breed, cook and eat it" (1861), often wrongly attributed to Eustace Clare Grenville Murray, but really written by Herbert Byng Hall and illustrated by John Cruikshank

Research paper thumbnail of The vineyards of Laconia

Classica - Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos, 1999

Uma demonstração do método pelo qual detalhes da história social da Grécia arcaica podem ser obti... more Uma demonstração do método pelo qual detalhes da história social da Grécia arcaica podem ser obtidos a partir de fragmentos da literatura perdida. Em um estudo de Alcman, fr. 92 Davies, o texto, os aromas de vinhos e as origens geográficas de vinhos são consideradas em sequência. A gastronomia de Alcman é colocada no contexto de outras obras de Alcman e da cultura hedonística da antiga Esparta.

Research paper thumbnail of Biogastronomica

Petits Propos Culinaires, 2021

Notes on three biographical questions in food history: 1. the identity of Joseph Cooper, chie... more Notes on three biographical questions in food history:

1. the identity of Joseph Cooper, chief cook to Charles I, author of "The Art of Cookery Refin'd and Augmented" (1654)

2. the title of the First Restaurateur in 1767: was it Mathurin Roze de Chantoiseau, or Boulanger, or another?

3. the original published text of Carême's narrative of his early years

Research paper thumbnail of The Name and Taste of Indo-European Mead

Petits Propos Culinaires, 2021

Mead is the only alcoholic beverage for which a name can be reconstructed with certainty in Prot... more Mead is the only alcoholic beverage for which a name can be reconstructed with certainty in Proto-Indo-European. The name survived in Greek, Sanskrit and Avestan with certain changes of meaning, while archaeological, literary and linguistic evidence show that mead itself (both the beverage and the name) remained familiar in north-western Europe. The evidence strongly suggests that from the earliest period it was fermented and stabilized using meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for the prehistory of gastronomy = Evidências da pré-história da gastronomia

Mesa dos Sentidos & Sentidos da Mesa, vol. I, ed Carmen Soares, A. J. Torres Silveira, Bruno Laurioux, 2021

There is direct evidence for gastronomy in several ancient civilizations. Does it have a traceabl... more There is direct evidence for gastronomy in several ancient civilizations. Does it have a traceable prehistory? A guide towards future answers is outlined in this paper. Evidence of gastronomy during human prehistory is found by way of archaeology, elucidated from later texts and from the comparative evidence of recent hunter-gatherer communities. Evidence is then given of complex food choices among modern primates, indicating that the common ancestors of humans and other primates had the ability to learn to like fl avours, an ability essential in maintaining health and crucial in the eventual development of gastronomy.

Research paper thumbnail of The making of the Byzantine dinner, by a participant observer


Report of the Byzantine dinner held at Lyon in 2017, with explanations of the menu choices and wi... more Report of the Byzantine dinner held at Lyon in 2017, with explanations of the menu choices and with references to some original sources

Research paper thumbnail of Banquets with the viziers: Diplomats and scholars in Constantinople, 1544-1554

Petits propos culinaires, 2020

European scholars and writers around Gabriel d'Aramon's Constantinople mission in 1547/8 (Pierre ... more European scholars and writers around Gabriel d'Aramon's Constantinople mission in 1547/8 (Pierre Belon, Pierre Gilles, André Thevet, Jean Chesneau, Gerard van Veltwijck, Hugo Favolius, Jérôme Maurand, Nicolas de Nicolay, and the dragoman Yunus Bei) with a focus on their experience of food, drink and banquets. The context of Titian's portrait of Aramon, "The Ambassador", is explored

Research paper thumbnail of Goût d'Empire: The Taste of Empire

Kentron, 2020

Sense-impressions of the Roman Empire recreated from literary allusions

Research paper thumbnail of Dioscorides extended: the Synonyma Plantarum Barbara


Survey of the state of knowledge of a collection of multilingual glosses of wild plant names in G... more Survey of the state of knowledge of a collection of multilingual glosses of wild plant names in Greek, Latin and other languages and healing traditions of the Roman Empire. The collection should be regarded as anonymous; its aim was to assist the sourcing of medicinal wild plants by physicians in the Roman provinces; its usefulness would have been greatest in the 2nd century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of It is in truth an island: impressions of food and hospitality in 19th century Transylvania

Explores the multi-ethnic society of 19th century Transylvania through the mirror of British and ... more Explores the multi-ethnic society of 19th century Transylvania through the mirror of British and other European visitors' observations of travel, food and hospitality

Research paper thumbnail of Homer's Enemies: Lyric and epic in the seventh century

Accepting that the Iliad and the Odyssey as we know them were composed in the 7th century BC, the... more Accepting that the Iliad and the Odyssey as we know them were composed in the 7th century BC, the paper finds in these two epics strong evidence of contemporary genres of lyric poetry and performance. By contrast, there is little evidence for epic performance in the earliest Greek lyric poetry, an imbalance that demands explanation.

Research paper thumbnail of Dining with the Caesars: written source and collective memory in Suetonius

A new reading of Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum as source for emperors' lives and Roman social histo... more A new reading of Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum as source for emperors' lives and Roman social history. The focus is on how Suetonius used his own memory and those of others. Paper given at the Oxford Food Symposium and published in its proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of We Talked About the Aubergines: international diplomacy and the Cretan diet

Eleftherios Venizelos 1912-1919, his diplomacy and his second marriage: paper given at the Oxford... more Eleftherios Venizelos 1912-1919, his diplomacy and his second marriage: paper given at the Oxford Food Symposium and published in its proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of The Regrettable Incident at Hereford

An anecdote of murder at Hereford in Edward the Confessor's time, told by Henry of Huntingdon, im... more An anecdote of murder at Hereford in Edward the Confessor's time, told by Henry of Huntingdon, implies that cider was already made in Herefordshire before the Norman Conquest

Research paper thumbnail of The Sumerian Catalogs

study of the lists of Sumerian literature that survive on Sumerian and Akkadian tablets, focusing... more study of the lists of Sumerian literature that survive on Sumerian and Akkadian tablets, focusing on the order in which texts are listed

Research paper thumbnail of The Name of the Rose Again; or, what happened to Theophrastus On Aphrodisiacs?

English translation of the section of Theophrastus' History of Plants that is omitted from the Lo... more English translation of the section of Theophrastus' History of Plants that is omitted from the Loeb Classical Library edition.

Published in Petits propos culinaires no. 64 (2000) pp. 9-15

Research paper thumbnail of The Mysteries of Bacchus

English text of an illustrated paper published in Turkish as "Bacchus'un gizemleri" in P Dergisi ... more English text of an illustrated paper published in Turkish as "Bacchus'un gizemleri" in P Dergisi no. 40 (2006) pp. 52-65

Study of the mystery frescoes in the Villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii

Research paper thumbnail of The Sources of King Solomon's Luxury

An examination of the geographical sources of Solomon’s luxury, as specified in the book of Kings... more An examination of the geographical sources of Solomon’s luxury, as specified in the book of Kings. The aim is not to demonstrate whether the tenth century kingdom existed, but instead, by identifying the cultural sources of the Solomon story, to suggest when and in what historical context it was written.

This is the English version of the paper published in French as "Les sources du luxe du roi Salomon". The published French text is also available on


Petits Propos Culinaires, 2023

William Turner, the first significant writer on English natural history, recorded first hand obse... more William Turner, the first significant writer on English natural history, recorded first hand observations of natural history, paying attention to local knowledge, vernacular names and medicinal uses. This paper extracts Turner's original comments on plants, birds and fish that are used for food. He surely never dreamed of writing a book about food, yet he was a close observer, a judicious taster, and, when occasion offered, a discriminating eater.

Research paper thumbnail of Biogastronomica iii: De Capsicis. The wild chillies of Texas; The name and nature of cayenne

Petits propos culinaires, 2022

Two historical notes. 1. The wild chilli (Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum) of Texas and its ea... more Two historical notes. 1. The wild chilli (Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum) of Texas and its earliest growers in the United States, including Thomas Jefferson. 2. History of the powdered spice cayenne, the chilli varieties from which it has been produced, and the modern garden varieties called "Cayenne"

Research paper thumbnail of Biogastronomica II

Petits propos culinaires, 2022

Three food history notes: 1. on the "second restaurant", opened by Jean-François Vacossin and ... more Three food history notes:

1. on the "second restaurant", opened by Jean-François Vacossin and his wife in Paris in 1767 and visited by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

2. on the 5th century dinner to which Vortigern was invited by Hengist and Horsa (according to later sources)

3. on the authorship of the book "The Oyster: where, how and when to find, breed, cook and eat it" (1861), often wrongly attributed to Eustace Clare Grenville Murray, but really written by Herbert Byng Hall and illustrated by John Cruikshank

Research paper thumbnail of The vineyards of Laconia

Classica - Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos, 1999

Uma demonstração do método pelo qual detalhes da história social da Grécia arcaica podem ser obti... more Uma demonstração do método pelo qual detalhes da história social da Grécia arcaica podem ser obtidos a partir de fragmentos da literatura perdida. Em um estudo de Alcman, fr. 92 Davies, o texto, os aromas de vinhos e as origens geográficas de vinhos são consideradas em sequência. A gastronomia de Alcman é colocada no contexto de outras obras de Alcman e da cultura hedonística da antiga Esparta.

Research paper thumbnail of Biogastronomica

Petits Propos Culinaires, 2021

Notes on three biographical questions in food history: 1. the identity of Joseph Cooper, chie... more Notes on three biographical questions in food history:

1. the identity of Joseph Cooper, chief cook to Charles I, author of "The Art of Cookery Refin'd and Augmented" (1654)

2. the title of the First Restaurateur in 1767: was it Mathurin Roze de Chantoiseau, or Boulanger, or another?

3. the original published text of Carême's narrative of his early years

Research paper thumbnail of The Name and Taste of Indo-European Mead

Petits Propos Culinaires, 2021

Mead is the only alcoholic beverage for which a name can be reconstructed with certainty in Prot... more Mead is the only alcoholic beverage for which a name can be reconstructed with certainty in Proto-Indo-European. The name survived in Greek, Sanskrit and Avestan with certain changes of meaning, while archaeological, literary and linguistic evidence show that mead itself (both the beverage and the name) remained familiar in north-western Europe. The evidence strongly suggests that from the earliest period it was fermented and stabilized using meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)

Research paper thumbnail of Evidence for the prehistory of gastronomy = Evidências da pré-história da gastronomia

Mesa dos Sentidos & Sentidos da Mesa, vol. I, ed Carmen Soares, A. J. Torres Silveira, Bruno Laurioux, 2021

There is direct evidence for gastronomy in several ancient civilizations. Does it have a traceabl... more There is direct evidence for gastronomy in several ancient civilizations. Does it have a traceable prehistory? A guide towards future answers is outlined in this paper. Evidence of gastronomy during human prehistory is found by way of archaeology, elucidated from later texts and from the comparative evidence of recent hunter-gatherer communities. Evidence is then given of complex food choices among modern primates, indicating that the common ancestors of humans and other primates had the ability to learn to like fl avours, an ability essential in maintaining health and crucial in the eventual development of gastronomy.

Research paper thumbnail of The making of the Byzantine dinner, by a participant observer


Report of the Byzantine dinner held at Lyon in 2017, with explanations of the menu choices and wi... more Report of the Byzantine dinner held at Lyon in 2017, with explanations of the menu choices and with references to some original sources

Research paper thumbnail of Banquets with the viziers: Diplomats and scholars in Constantinople, 1544-1554

Petits propos culinaires, 2020

European scholars and writers around Gabriel d'Aramon's Constantinople mission in 1547/8 (Pierre ... more European scholars and writers around Gabriel d'Aramon's Constantinople mission in 1547/8 (Pierre Belon, Pierre Gilles, André Thevet, Jean Chesneau, Gerard van Veltwijck, Hugo Favolius, Jérôme Maurand, Nicolas de Nicolay, and the dragoman Yunus Bei) with a focus on their experience of food, drink and banquets. The context of Titian's portrait of Aramon, "The Ambassador", is explored

Research paper thumbnail of Goût d'Empire: The Taste of Empire

Kentron, 2020

Sense-impressions of the Roman Empire recreated from literary allusions

Research paper thumbnail of Dioscorides extended: the Synonyma Plantarum Barbara


Survey of the state of knowledge of a collection of multilingual glosses of wild plant names in G... more Survey of the state of knowledge of a collection of multilingual glosses of wild plant names in Greek, Latin and other languages and healing traditions of the Roman Empire. The collection should be regarded as anonymous; its aim was to assist the sourcing of medicinal wild plants by physicians in the Roman provinces; its usefulness would have been greatest in the 2nd century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of It is in truth an island: impressions of food and hospitality in 19th century Transylvania

Explores the multi-ethnic society of 19th century Transylvania through the mirror of British and ... more Explores the multi-ethnic society of 19th century Transylvania through the mirror of British and other European visitors' observations of travel, food and hospitality

Research paper thumbnail of Homer's Enemies: Lyric and epic in the seventh century

Accepting that the Iliad and the Odyssey as we know them were composed in the 7th century BC, the... more Accepting that the Iliad and the Odyssey as we know them were composed in the 7th century BC, the paper finds in these two epics strong evidence of contemporary genres of lyric poetry and performance. By contrast, there is little evidence for epic performance in the earliest Greek lyric poetry, an imbalance that demands explanation.

Research paper thumbnail of Dining with the Caesars: written source and collective memory in Suetonius

A new reading of Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum as source for emperors' lives and Roman social histo... more A new reading of Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum as source for emperors' lives and Roman social history. The focus is on how Suetonius used his own memory and those of others. Paper given at the Oxford Food Symposium and published in its proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of We Talked About the Aubergines: international diplomacy and the Cretan diet

Eleftherios Venizelos 1912-1919, his diplomacy and his second marriage: paper given at the Oxford... more Eleftherios Venizelos 1912-1919, his diplomacy and his second marriage: paper given at the Oxford Food Symposium and published in its proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of The Regrettable Incident at Hereford

An anecdote of murder at Hereford in Edward the Confessor's time, told by Henry of Huntingdon, im... more An anecdote of murder at Hereford in Edward the Confessor's time, told by Henry of Huntingdon, implies that cider was already made in Herefordshire before the Norman Conquest

Research paper thumbnail of The Sumerian Catalogs

study of the lists of Sumerian literature that survive on Sumerian and Akkadian tablets, focusing... more study of the lists of Sumerian literature that survive on Sumerian and Akkadian tablets, focusing on the order in which texts are listed

Research paper thumbnail of The Name of the Rose Again; or, what happened to Theophrastus On Aphrodisiacs?

English translation of the section of Theophrastus' History of Plants that is omitted from the Lo... more English translation of the section of Theophrastus' History of Plants that is omitted from the Loeb Classical Library edition.

Published in Petits propos culinaires no. 64 (2000) pp. 9-15

Research paper thumbnail of The Mysteries of Bacchus

English text of an illustrated paper published in Turkish as "Bacchus'un gizemleri" in P Dergisi ... more English text of an illustrated paper published in Turkish as "Bacchus'un gizemleri" in P Dergisi no. 40 (2006) pp. 52-65

Study of the mystery frescoes in the Villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii

Research paper thumbnail of The Sources of King Solomon's Luxury

An examination of the geographical sources of Solomon’s luxury, as specified in the book of Kings... more An examination of the geographical sources of Solomon’s luxury, as specified in the book of Kings. The aim is not to demonstrate whether the tenth century kingdom existed, but instead, by identifying the cultural sources of the Solomon story, to suggest when and in what historical context it was written.

This is the English version of the paper published in French as "Les sources du luxe du roi Salomon". The published French text is also available on

Research paper thumbnail of The World and Wikipedia

A history of Wikipedia: an exploration of why it is the way it is. Complete text

Research paper thumbnail of Gifts of the Gods: A history of food in Greece

Gifts of the Gods, 2017

Chapter 7 as a teaser: "Food of Recent Greece" "Foods and nations" is a new series from Reaktion... more Chapter 7 as a teaser: "Food of Recent Greece"

"Foods and nations" is a new series from Reaktion that explores the history-and geography-of food. Books in the series reveal the hidden history behind the food eaten today in different countries and regions of the world, telling the story of how food production and consumption developed, and how they were influenced by the culinary practices of other places and peoples.

Research paper thumbnail of Venus. A Biography: chapter 1, life notes, sources

A narrative retelling of the Greek and Roman myths of Aphrodite/Venus, based on ancient sources. ... more A narrative retelling of the Greek and Roman myths of Aphrodite/Venus, based on ancient sources. Published by British Museum Press and Getty Museum Press

Research paper thumbnail of South East Asia: A Guide to Reference Material

Warning! This file was written in WordPerfect long ago. In the conversion to pdf the cross-refere... more Warning! This file was written in WordPerfect long ago. In the conversion to pdf the cross-references haven't worked as expected. Most of them now point at page numbers, not item numbers. The page numbers may be correct, and the hotlinks may take you to the right page, but I don't guarantee it.

The descriptions of each item are as accurate as ever, and the file can be downloaded and searched.

Research paper thumbnail of The Shakespeare Cookbook: introduction

Research paper thumbnail of The Classical Cookbook: introduction

The Classical Cookbook, 2nd ed., 2012

We have tried to do something quite new in this book. Many people have written about the Roman co... more We have tried to do something quite new in this book. Many people have written about the Roman cookery text Apicius, but no one has yet gathered a collection of recipes from the entire ancient world – from both Greek and Roman writings – and shown how they can be recreated in the modern kitchen. We have set the resulting 'menus' beside pictures and narratives of dining, drinking and festivity, which have survived from that period. We bridge the gap between modern experience and the tastes, smells, sights and sounds of two thousand years ago. This book is a collaboration: Sally writes on the finding and adapting of ancient recipes; the translations and the historical background are Andrew's work.

Research paper thumbnail of Geoponika: introduction and contents

Introduction and contents of the English translation of the Geoponika by Andrew Dalby, available ... more Introduction and contents of the English translation of the Geoponika by Andrew Dalby, available from Prospect Books

Research paper thumbnail of The Breakfast Book: preface and prologue

'Four breakfasts': uncorrected proof of prologue to 'The Breakfast book' by Andrew Dalby, availab... more 'Four breakfasts': uncorrected proof of prologue to 'The Breakfast book' by Andrew Dalby, available from Reaktion Books

Research paper thumbnail of The Treatise of Walter of Bibbesworth: introduction

Introduction to Andrew Dalby's English translation of the Treatise (Le Tretiz) by Walter of Bibbe... more Introduction to Andrew Dalby's English translation of the Treatise (Le Tretiz) by Walter of Bibbesworth. The Treatise, a language-learning text in Anglo-Norman and Middle English, was written around 1235 for Dionisie de Munchensi and her children. The translation and commentary, with facing Anglo-Norman text, is available from Prospect Books

Research paper thumbnail of Eleftherios Venizelos, chapter 6: At The Conference

Origins of the Catastrophe: why did the Greeks occupy Smyrna? A chapter from Andrew Dalby's short... more Origins of the Catastrophe: why did the Greeks occupy Smyrna? A chapter from Andrew Dalby's short biography "Eleftherios Venizelos: Greece" (Haus Publishing, London, 1919)

Research paper thumbnail of Millet-Robinet, Maison Rustique des Dames, Tom Jaine translator,review

Maison Rustique des Dames was once a highly popular work. First published in 1845, many times rep... more Maison Rustique des Dames was once a highly popular work. First published in 1845, many times reprinted but recently almost forgotten in France, it had never been translated into English until Tom Jaine set to work. This translation makes a classic of the farming and food of 19th century provincial France available to a new audience

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Sally Grainger, "The Story of Garum: fermented fish sauce and salted fish in the ancient world" (2021)

Petits Propos Culinaires, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Dickey Colloquia Pseudodositheana review

Anyone interested in ancient Roman food needs to know about these six texts. They are bilingual L... more Anyone interested in ancient Roman food needs to know about these six texts. They are bilingual Latin-Greek conversation manuals and each includes at least two food scenes. They tell us some things about Roman dining that we could hardly know from any other source. This is the only accessible edition there has ever been

Research paper thumbnail of Arquestrato Teofrasto and David Downie review

Review of: Carmen Soares, Arquéstrato, Iguarias do mundo grego: guia gastronómico do Mediterrâneo... more Review of:
Carmen Soares, Arquéstrato, Iguarias do mundo grego: guia gastronómico do Mediterrâneo antigo. Portuguese translation with introductory study. Coimbra University Press, 2016. ISBN 9768-989-26-1244-7
Maria de Fátima Sousa e Silva, Jorge Paiva, Teofrasto, História das plantas. Portuguese translation with introduction and commentary. Coimbra University Press, 2016. 460 pp. ISBN: 978-989-26-1192-1
David Downie, A Taste of Paris: a history of the Parisian love affair with food. New York: St Martin’s Press, 2017. 280 pages. ISBN 978-1-250-08293-0

Research paper thumbnail of Medicine Trade and Empire: Garcia de Orta's Colloquies, edited by Palmira Fontes de Costa (review)

Research paper thumbnail of O livro de cozinha de Apício, translated by Inês de Ornellas e Castro (review)

Research paper thumbnail of Berenike and the Ancient Spice Route; Rome and the Distant East (review)

Research paper thumbnail of Dilectus ciborum by Werner Tietz (review)

Research paper thumbnail of Archestratos of Gela: Greek Culture and Cuisine in the Fourth Century, ed. Olson and Sens (review)

published in "Hermathena"

Research paper thumbnail of Out of the East: Spices and the Medieval Imagination (review)

Research paper thumbnail of Around the Roman Table: Food and Feasting in Ancient Rome, by Patrick Faas (review)

Research paper thumbnail of Of Victorians and Vegetarians: The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain (review)

Research paper thumbnail of The Roman Banquet: Images of Conviviality (review)

American Journal of Philology, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of A history of writing: from hieroglyph to multimedia (review)

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 2003

... to limit the number and scope of ha1dı:ths and students chosen for the analyses, the consiste... more ... to limit the number and scope of ha1dı:ths and students chosen for the analyses, the consistency of Ibn Jubayr and 'Ikrima may be as ... The abundant literature produced in the Sufi circles of fourteenth-century northern India has long provided a resource with which historians have ...

Research paper thumbnail of Athenaeus: The Learned Banqueters vol. 5, translated by S. D. Olson (review)

The Classical Review, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Archestratus: The Life of Luxury; Europe's Oldest Cookery Book, translated by John Wilkins (review)

The Classical Review, 1995

Research paper thumbnail of La letteratura di consumo nel mondo greco-latino (review)

The Classical Review, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Luxuskritik und Aufwandsbeschränkungen in der griechischen Welt (review)

The Classical Review, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of The Cambridge World History of Food (review)

Journal of World History, 2003

Research paper thumbnail of The Banquet: dining in the great courts of late Renaissance Europe (review)

Research paper thumbnail of Plants as Luxury Foods: 'Sweet Herbs for Curry'

A Cultural History of Plants, vol. 1: In Antiquity. Editor: Annette Giesecke, 2022

Luxury food plants and their uses in antiquity: covers China, India, the Near East, the Mediterra... more Luxury food plants and their uses in antiquity: covers China, India, the Near East, the Mediterranean: a chapter in the cultural history of plants

Research paper thumbnail of A Cultural History of Plants, vol. 3: In the Early Modern Era. Introduction

A Cultural History of Plants vol. 3: In the Early Modern Era. Editors: Andrew Dalby, Annette Giesecke, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Plants as Luxury Foods: “And they germinated very well”

A Cultural History of Plants vol. 3: In the Early Modern Era, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Men, Women, and Slaves

A chapter from John Wilkins and Robin Nadeau, eds, A Companion to Food in the Ancient World (2015... more A chapter from John Wilkins and Robin Nadeau, eds, A Companion to Food in the Ancient World (2015) available from Wiley Blackwell

Social and gender distinctions around meals in Roman and Greek society. With case study: the Homeric world

Research paper thumbnail of The History of Goodenough College (collective text)

History of London House, William Goodenough House and Goodenough College: by Andrew Dalby, from a... more History of London House, William Goodenough House and Goodenough College: by Andrew Dalby, from a draft by Val Martin, with contributions by others. Layout and selection of illustrations by Janet Sacks and Third Millennium Publishing

See also draft on "Cherchez les femmes"

A chapter from Janet Sacks, ed., The World in a London Square: a portrait of Goodenough College (London: Third Millennium Publishing, 2011. ISBN 9781906507466)

Research paper thumbnail of Greece and the First World War

A chapter in the volume "28 June: Sarajevo 1914-Versailles 1919" (ed. Alan Sharp; 2014) and a tas... more A chapter in the volume "28 June: Sarajevo 1914-Versailles 1919" (ed. Alan Sharp; 2014) and a taster for the biography "Eleftherios Venizelos: Greece" (by Andrew Dalby; 2009). The biography belongs to the series "Makers of the Modern World: The Peace Conferences of 1919-23 and Their Aftermath". Both books are published by Haus Publishing, London

Research paper thumbnail of Why on Earth Was Siam a Participant in the First World War

A chapter in the volume "28 June: Sarajevo 1914-Versailles 1919" (ed. Alan Sharp; 2014) and a tas... more A chapter in the volume "28 June: Sarajevo 1914-Versailles 1919" (ed. Alan Sharp; 2014) and a taster for the biography volume "South East Asia: Prince Cahroon and Others" (by Andrew Dalby; 2010). The biography volume belongs to the series "Makers of the Modern World: The Peace Conferences of 1919-23 and Their Aftermath". Both books are published by Haus Publishing, London

Research paper thumbnail of De Philippe II à Ptolémée II: textes

textes grecs et traductions françaises: supplément à "De Philippe II à Ptolémée II: le syncrétism... more textes grecs et traductions françaises: supplément à "De Philippe II à Ptolémée II: le syncrétisme culurel des banquets royaux"

Research paper thumbnail of La nourriture des rêves: textes

Textes grecs et traductions: supplément à "La nourriture des rêves"

Research paper thumbnail of Editing Wikipedia: a beginners' guide in 9 lessons

Guide aimed at food historians and others (written in 2012, largely unrevised but mainly still va... more Guide aimed at food historians and others (written in 2012, largely unrevised but mainly still valid)

Research paper thumbnail of Cherchez les femmes: notes on the origins of London House (now Goodenough College)

unpublished paper on the women who were responsible for the creation of London House

Research paper thumbnail of Ancient Scholarship on the Oral Transmission of Epic

Research paper thumbnail of De vita Caesarum

Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de opere Suetonii "De vita Caesarum", ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auc... more Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de opere Suetonii "De vita Caesarum", ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Tabula Rosettana

Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de tabula Rosettana (Rosetta Stone) apud Museum Britannicum servat... more Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de tabula Rosettana (Rosetta Stone) apud Museum Britannicum servata, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum). Capitulum de differentiis inter versiones ab Iustino Mansfield confectum est

Research paper thumbnail of Parthenon

Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Parthenone Athenarum ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus script... more Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Parthenone Athenarum ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Nicolaus Rigaltius

Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Nicolao Rigaltio (Nicolas Rigault) philologo, ab Andrea Dalby a... more Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Nicolao Rigaltio (Nicolas Rigault) philologo, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Iacobus Quarterius

Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Iacobo Quarterio (Jacques Cartier), ab Andrea Dalby aliisque au... more Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Iacobo Quarterio (Jacques Cartier), ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Vascus Gama

Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de exploratore Vasco Gama, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scr... more Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de exploratore Vasco Gama, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Angkor Wat

Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de templo Cambosiano Angkor Wat, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctorib... more Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de templo Cambosiano Angkor Wat, ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus scripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Marcus Paulus Venetus

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Marco Paulo Veneto (Marco Polo), auctoribus Andrea Dalby aliisq... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina de Marco Paulo Veneto (Marco Polo), auctoribus Andrea Dalby aliisque multis (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Eleutherius Benizelus

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Inigo Jones

commentatio Vicipaediae Latinae ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta

Research paper thumbnail of Bagdatum

commentatio Vicipaediae Latinae ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (fontibus nominis ... more commentatio Vicipaediae Latinae ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (fontibus nominis Latini ab Iustino Mansfield conlectis)

Research paper thumbnail of Gulielmus Shakesperius

Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more Commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Charlotte Knight


Wikipedia article by Andrew Dalby and other contributors. See the full list of authors and permis... more Wikipedia article by Andrew Dalby and other contributors. See the full list of authors and permissions

Research paper thumbnail of Gerald Mars


Wikipedia article by Andrew Dalby and other contributors. See the full list of authors and permis... more Wikipedia article by Andrew Dalby and other contributors. See the full list of authors and permissions

Research paper thumbnail of Ursula Heinzelmann


Wikipedia article by Andrew Dalby and other contributors. See the full list of authors and permis... more Wikipedia article by Andrew Dalby and other contributors. See the full list of authors and permissions

Research paper thumbnail of Fuchsia Dunlop


Wikipedia biography by Andrew Dalby and other contributors. See the full list of authors and perm... more Wikipedia biography by Andrew Dalby and other contributors. See the full list of authors and permissions

Research paper thumbnail of Rosetta Stone


Wikipedia article by Andrew Dalby and many other contributors. See the full list of authors and p... more Wikipedia article by Andrew Dalby and many other contributors. See the full list of authors and permissions on pp. 15-17 of this pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Wikipedia(s) on the language map of the world

Research paper thumbnail of Zythum

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Cormé

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Dadhi

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Salfrittum

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Vesper (potio)

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Iusculum testudinum viridum

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Iusculum falsae testudinis

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Vinea de alliis

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Milagu-tanni

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Surā

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Brytus

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Celia

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Bisque

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Sicera

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Soma

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Garum

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Liquamen

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Sicbeis

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Caveach

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)

Research paper thumbnail of Dry martini

Vicipaedia Latina

commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem aucto... more commentatio Vicipaedica Latina ab Andrea Dalby aliisque auctoribus conscripta (vide indicem auctorum)