Ilza Mayuni - (original) (raw)

Papers by Ilza Mayuni

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Student’s Reading Experience Using Task-Based Flipped Classroom in Reading Course

Deiksis, Jan 31, 2022

Flipped classroom merupakan model pembelajaran baru yang didukung pembelajaran untuk menggambarka... more Flipped classroom merupakan model pembelajaran baru yang didukung pembelajaran untuk menggambarkan integrasi komponen tradisional (di dalam kelas) dan di luar kelas (persiapan dan tindak lanjut) pengetahuan dan internalisasi pengetahuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan mata kuliah membaca berbasis tugas perguruan tinggi Indonesia melalui model kelas terbalik. Kajian tersebut dikontekstualisasikan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia melalui model Flipped Classroom. Rancangan penelitian ini melibatkan analisis deskriptif melalui kuesioner, dan wawancara mendalam. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa metode ini memiliki dampak positif pada pemahaman mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah membaca di Pemahaman Membaca. Selain itu, penelitian ini memberikan beberapa wawasan pedagogis dan penelitian yang akan datang.

Research paper thumbnail of In-service English teachers' reflection in an online professional development program in Indonesia

Routledge eBooks, Nov 14, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional Intelligence of Early Childhood Parents During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Psychosophia, Apr 14, 2022

Many cases of violence in early childhood during the Covid-19 epidemic were carried out by their ... more Many cases of violence in early childhood during the Covid-19 epidemic were carried out by their own parents. This is closely related to the emotional intelligence of early childhood parents, which is a reflection of their emotional literacy. This study aims to determine the emotional intelligence of early childhood parents in Indonesia at the time of Covid-19, with a sample of 641 early childhood parents living in the capital city of Jakarta. Data were collected using a questionnaire based on Daniel Goleman's five dimensions of emotional intelligence, namely: self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and work together. Analysis techniques used descriptive and inferential quantitative data analysis. The validity of the instruments ranged from 0.323 to 0.603 with a reliability of r = 0.625 to 0.731. The results showed that most of the emotional intelligence of early childhood parents in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic was in the sufficient category (78%). The absence of a correlation between work together with self-awareness (F =-0.026; p> 0.05), self-regulation (F = 0.005; p> 0.05), and empathy (F = 0.002; p> 0.005) indicated that parents still need to increase their self-sensitivity and empathy for their children so that they can do positive parenting during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital literacy enhancement in new normal era: Teachers' voice of sustainable professional development

Routledge eBooks, Nov 14, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of A Perspective on the Practice of Spontaneous Translanguaging in Indonesia

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

This qualitative research aims to explore the extent of how teachers in Jakarta, Indonesia have e... more This qualitative research aims to explore the extent of how teachers in Jakarta, Indonesia have empowered their students' first language in their English classes. There were 100 teacher participants in the semi-structured interview gathered by snowball sampling. In the interview guide, prompts and probes were employed during data collection. The qualitative analytical flows were employed in an interactive model. There were two main conclusions made based on the findings. First, students mostly used Bahasa Indonesia in small group discussions, small talks, and brainstorming activities. Second, teachers used Bahasa Indonesia (1) to instruct home assignments, (2) to provide assistance for students during class activities, and (3) to brainstorm during class activities. The three purposes signified that, at stages where students need to build context and to confirm their understanding (stages 1 and 3), they prefer to use their native language. Therefore, translanguaging can be planned and practiced at these two stages. Moreover, English should be used at other stages in teaching-learning cycle to assure students' achievement in the learning process. There should be a boundary to make students familiar with using English as the classroom language. The research implication addressed by the researchers are that the practice of translanguaging in Indonesia is unplanned, spontaneous translanguaging. Thus, there should be future research to explore more on activities relevant in the integration of pedagogical translanguaging to the English Language Teaching.

Research paper thumbnail of Flipped Classroom for Reading Enrichment: EFL Learners Participation

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Cognitive Style towards Students’ English Listening Skill

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Multimedia Learning for Distance Education Toward Early Childhood Critical Thinking During the COVID-19 Pandemic

European journal of educational research, Jul 15, 2022

The government has imposed social restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the educat... more The government has imposed social restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the education sector, including the early childhood school. Distance education offers different methods from the conventional methods, as the students are expected to gain the same skills, including critical thinking skills. Therefore, teachers must provide distance learning innovations using relevant learning media, such as multimedia-based learning. This research aims to assess the efficacy of multimedia learning in early childhood distance learning. This research is a quantitative model with a quasi-experimental pretest and posttest design. The data collection technique utilized questionnaires given to 30 samples of early childhood children. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software. The results confirmed that multimedia-based learning for distance learning could develop critical thinking skills in early childhood children during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this study offer exploration of learning strategies to improve children's critical thinking.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Program ‘Kampung Inggris’: Upaya Mendukung Pariwisata di Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat

Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Era digital dan pasca pandemi COVID-19 telah menggeser pertumbuhan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, d... more Era digital dan pasca pandemi COVID-19 telah menggeser pertumbuhan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan ekonomi dunia yang cukup pesat, sehingga menyebabkan mobilisasi manusia semakin tinggi. Hal ini berdampak pada banyaknya tempat wisata baru yang mulai dibuka pasca longgarnya Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) di wilayah Sumatera Barat. Pelaksanaan program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Program Kemitraan Dunia Usaha, PEMDA dan Instansi Pendidikan antara Pemerintah Kabupaten Agam dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta diharapkan mampu memunculkan kesadaran para pelaku usaha untuk berdaya saing lebih kuat, dengan pengembangan program ‘KAMPUNG INGGRIS’ dalam upaya mendukung pariwisata di Kabupaten Agam. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengembangkan program kegiatan komunitas berbasis Desa yaitu di Nagari Lawang, Biaro Gadang, Manggopoh, Batu Palano dan Gadut, Kabupaten Agam. Pendampingan ini dilaksanakan selama 3 hari penuh secara tatap muka, tanggal 26 – 28 Juni 2022...

Research paper thumbnail of Literasi Digital Untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris: Program Pendampingan Untuk MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMP

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)

Abstrak: Kemampuan memanfaatkan teknologi menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam pembelajaran Ba... more Abstrak: Kemampuan memanfaatkan teknologi menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, namun sebagian besar guru di Kabupaten Agam mengalami kendala dalam penguasaan digital ini. Program pendampingan menjadi salah satu upaya untuk memfasilitasi guru Bahasa Inggris SMP tersebut dengan kemampuan literasi digital melalui program Kemitraan antara Pemerintah Kabupaten Agam dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari hasil penelitian multiyear, program pendampingan ini dilaksanakan selama empat hari penuh secara tatap muka, pada 23 – 26 Juni 2022, dan melibatkan lima orang dosen dan tiga orang mahasiswa. Hasil angket dan refleksi akhir program menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuannya memanfaatkan teknologi untuk pembelajaran. Pasca pendampingan, lokakarya berseri bertema Microlearning untuk pembelajaran digelar secara virtual se...

Research paper thumbnail of Literasi Kritis Teks Deskriptif Bahasa Inggris Bagi Guru SMP

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)

Abstrak: Literasi kritis siswa SMP di Indonesia berada pada level 1a, yaitu mereka hanya mampu me... more Abstrak: Literasi kritis siswa SMP di Indonesia berada pada level 1a, yaitu mereka hanya mampu memahami informasi eksplisit dalam mengidentifikasi ide pokok dan ide pendukung dari teks pendek dengan tema umum (PISA, 2018). Hal ini memerlukan penanganan lebih lanjut berupa pelatihan literasi kritis untuk teks yang lebih rumit. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melatih kompetensi literasi kritis (khususnya dalam hal ini membaca) bagi guru bahasa Inggris tingkat SMP di wilayah terdepan, terluar dan tertinggal terkait dengan membaca teks deskriptif. Kegiatan ini dilakukan bersama 25 peserta guru bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua. Pretest diberikan kepada peserta sebelum workshop. Workshop ini dilakukan dalam waktu 3,5 jam melalui zoom meeting. Post-test diberikan setelah pelatihan selesai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman mengajar dan melatih guru di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua, tidak menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan dengan kemampuan bahasa I...

Research paper thumbnail of Is Critical Thinking Accomodated in Junior High School English Textbook?

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Science and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2021), Dec 29, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Implementation of an Online Literacy Coaching Program for Junior High School English Teacher

Nobel: Journal of Literature and Language Teaching, Apr 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of In-service English teachers' reflection in an online professional development program in Indonesia

Routledge eBooks, Nov 14, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Designing LMS and CMS for Critical Literacy Course


This second-year study which took place in 2022 aims to investigate, determine and design a learn... more This second-year study which took place in 2022 aims to investigate, determine and design a learning management system (LMS) design through Moodle and Content Management System (CMS) through Google Sites for Critical Literacy course in Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNJ. Critical Literacy course aims to prepare the students to have the ability to interpret text critically and communicate actively in the multimodal context in a hybrid learning process. The study was conducted with the qualitative approach with The Successive Approximation Model (SAM) iterative phase research design. Throughout the Savvy Start and Iterative Design Phase, the phase rotated through design, prototype, and review to make sure students and lecturers can contribute and support the design direction. Forty-four students and one lecturer generates as participants in this study. Two kinds of modules were developed during the study, namely: (1) LMS on and (2) CMS on Google Sites. LM...

Research paper thumbnail of Designing Literacy E-Coaching Model for English Language Teachers of Junior High Schools in Indonesia

TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English

This multi-year study which took place in 2019-2021 aims to design a literacy e-coaching model fo... more This multi-year study which took place in 2019-2021 aims to design a literacy e-coaching model for EFL Junior High School teachers in Indonesia in support of the government-initiated school-based literacy movement program. The study involved 150 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers from 16 provinces in Indonesia in the need analysis part, 12 teachers in the module development part and 41 teachers in the implementation part. Two kinds of modules were developed during the study, namely: (1) a literacy enrichment module to reinforce the participants’ literacy content knowledge; and (2) a literacy learning module to enhance the participants’ competence in teaching literacy. Afterwards, two coaching cycles using the modules were implemented. The coaching cycles were designed by adapting the coaching models from Rogers and Rogers (2007) and Trinh et al. (2011), as well as adopting the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (2017) model. Data was collected from questionnaires, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Examining teacher-made English test in a language school

LADU: Journal of Languages and Education

Background: Multiple-choice, teacher-made English tests have constantly been popular due to their... more Background: Multiple-choice, teacher-made English tests have constantly been popular due to their immediate alignment to classroom instructions. However, ample studies have indicated the need for continuous evaluation of their quality to allow evidence-based feedbacks for sustained betterment of assessment practices. Purpose: This study sought to examine the quality of a multiple-choice, teacher-made English formative informal assessment for four classes of high school students of an English course in Madura, Indonesia.Design and methods: Data were collected from the test results of eighty students and put in an excel document. The data were then analysed with a computer application called Conquest to analyse the responses of each of the students on every item of the test. Based on this item response analysis, it turned out that the test could have achieved a higher credibility if necessary, moderations had been taken. Results: The findings recommend that schools as well as teacher ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Praxis of Literacy Movement in the Indonesian Context


Research paper thumbnail of Mobile learning application: Infusing critical thinking in the EFL classroom

Studies in English Language and Education

The emergence of mobile learning applications facilitates the pedagogical approach to developing ... more The emergence of mobile learning applications facilitates the pedagogical approach to developing students’ critical thinking. However, there is a scarcity of investigation on mobile learning applications’ impact on developing critical thinking as the learning outcome. Thus, this study reports the effect of a mobile learning application, ‘English with Noni’, designed to infuse critical thinking instruction in EFL classes on students’ critical thinking level by employing a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the critical thinking level of 65 students of a junior high school in Jakarta, Indonesia, by administering a post-test assessed using a SOLO rubric. Semi-structured interviews to explore students’ responses from using the ‘English with Noni’ application and class observation contributed to the qualitative findings. The quantitative result showed that the critical thinking level of the experimental group using this appli...

Research paper thumbnail of Buku belajar bersama mentor : buku peserta

Research paper thumbnail of Enhancing Student’s Reading Experience Using Task-Based Flipped Classroom in Reading Course

Deiksis, Jan 31, 2022

Flipped classroom merupakan model pembelajaran baru yang didukung pembelajaran untuk menggambarka... more Flipped classroom merupakan model pembelajaran baru yang didukung pembelajaran untuk menggambarkan integrasi komponen tradisional (di dalam kelas) dan di luar kelas (persiapan dan tindak lanjut) pengetahuan dan internalisasi pengetahuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan mata kuliah membaca berbasis tugas perguruan tinggi Indonesia melalui model kelas terbalik. Kajian tersebut dikontekstualisasikan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Indonesia melalui model Flipped Classroom. Rancangan penelitian ini melibatkan analisis deskriptif melalui kuesioner, dan wawancara mendalam. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa metode ini memiliki dampak positif pada pemahaman mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah membaca di Pemahaman Membaca. Selain itu, penelitian ini memberikan beberapa wawasan pedagogis dan penelitian yang akan datang.

Research paper thumbnail of In-service English teachers' reflection in an online professional development program in Indonesia

Routledge eBooks, Nov 14, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Emotional Intelligence of Early Childhood Parents During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

Psychosophia, Apr 14, 2022

Many cases of violence in early childhood during the Covid-19 epidemic were carried out by their ... more Many cases of violence in early childhood during the Covid-19 epidemic were carried out by their own parents. This is closely related to the emotional intelligence of early childhood parents, which is a reflection of their emotional literacy. This study aims to determine the emotional intelligence of early childhood parents in Indonesia at the time of Covid-19, with a sample of 641 early childhood parents living in the capital city of Jakarta. Data were collected using a questionnaire based on Daniel Goleman's five dimensions of emotional intelligence, namely: self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy, and work together. Analysis techniques used descriptive and inferential quantitative data analysis. The validity of the instruments ranged from 0.323 to 0.603 with a reliability of r = 0.625 to 0.731. The results showed that most of the emotional intelligence of early childhood parents in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic was in the sufficient category (78%). The absence of a correlation between work together with self-awareness (F =-0.026; p> 0.05), self-regulation (F = 0.005; p> 0.05), and empathy (F = 0.002; p> 0.005) indicated that parents still need to increase their self-sensitivity and empathy for their children so that they can do positive parenting during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Research paper thumbnail of Digital literacy enhancement in new normal era: Teachers' voice of sustainable professional development

Routledge eBooks, Nov 14, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of A Perspective on the Practice of Spontaneous Translanguaging in Indonesia

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

This qualitative research aims to explore the extent of how teachers in Jakarta, Indonesia have e... more This qualitative research aims to explore the extent of how teachers in Jakarta, Indonesia have empowered their students' first language in their English classes. There were 100 teacher participants in the semi-structured interview gathered by snowball sampling. In the interview guide, prompts and probes were employed during data collection. The qualitative analytical flows were employed in an interactive model. There were two main conclusions made based on the findings. First, students mostly used Bahasa Indonesia in small group discussions, small talks, and brainstorming activities. Second, teachers used Bahasa Indonesia (1) to instruct home assignments, (2) to provide assistance for students during class activities, and (3) to brainstorm during class activities. The three purposes signified that, at stages where students need to build context and to confirm their understanding (stages 1 and 3), they prefer to use their native language. Therefore, translanguaging can be planned and practiced at these two stages. Moreover, English should be used at other stages in teaching-learning cycle to assure students' achievement in the learning process. There should be a boundary to make students familiar with using English as the classroom language. The research implication addressed by the researchers are that the practice of translanguaging in Indonesia is unplanned, spontaneous translanguaging. Thus, there should be future research to explore more on activities relevant in the integration of pedagogical translanguaging to the English Language Teaching.

Research paper thumbnail of Flipped Classroom for Reading Enrichment: EFL Learners Participation

Research paper thumbnail of The Influence of Cognitive Style towards Students’ English Listening Skill

Research paper thumbnail of The Effectiveness of Multimedia Learning for Distance Education Toward Early Childhood Critical Thinking During the COVID-19 Pandemic

European journal of educational research, Jul 15, 2022

The government has imposed social restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the educat... more The government has imposed social restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the education sector, including the early childhood school. Distance education offers different methods from the conventional methods, as the students are expected to gain the same skills, including critical thinking skills. Therefore, teachers must provide distance learning innovations using relevant learning media, such as multimedia-based learning. This research aims to assess the efficacy of multimedia learning in early childhood distance learning. This research is a quantitative model with a quasi-experimental pretest and posttest design. The data collection technique utilized questionnaires given to 30 samples of early childhood children. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software. The results confirmed that multimedia-based learning for distance learning could develop critical thinking skills in early childhood children during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this study offer exploration of learning strategies to improve children's critical thinking.

Research paper thumbnail of Pengembangan Program ‘Kampung Inggris’: Upaya Mendukung Pariwisata di Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat

Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

Era digital dan pasca pandemi COVID-19 telah menggeser pertumbuhan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, d... more Era digital dan pasca pandemi COVID-19 telah menggeser pertumbuhan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan ekonomi dunia yang cukup pesat, sehingga menyebabkan mobilisasi manusia semakin tinggi. Hal ini berdampak pada banyaknya tempat wisata baru yang mulai dibuka pasca longgarnya Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) di wilayah Sumatera Barat. Pelaksanaan program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Program Kemitraan Dunia Usaha, PEMDA dan Instansi Pendidikan antara Pemerintah Kabupaten Agam dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta diharapkan mampu memunculkan kesadaran para pelaku usaha untuk berdaya saing lebih kuat, dengan pengembangan program ‘KAMPUNG INGGRIS’ dalam upaya mendukung pariwisata di Kabupaten Agam. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengembangkan program kegiatan komunitas berbasis Desa yaitu di Nagari Lawang, Biaro Gadang, Manggopoh, Batu Palano dan Gadut, Kabupaten Agam. Pendampingan ini dilaksanakan selama 3 hari penuh secara tatap muka, tanggal 26 – 28 Juni 2022...

Research paper thumbnail of Literasi Digital Untuk Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris: Program Pendampingan Untuk MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMP

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)

Abstrak: Kemampuan memanfaatkan teknologi menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam pembelajaran Ba... more Abstrak: Kemampuan memanfaatkan teknologi menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Menengah Pertama, namun sebagian besar guru di Kabupaten Agam mengalami kendala dalam penguasaan digital ini. Program pendampingan menjadi salah satu upaya untuk memfasilitasi guru Bahasa Inggris SMP tersebut dengan kemampuan literasi digital melalui program Kemitraan antara Pemerintah Kabupaten Agam dan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari hasil penelitian multiyear, program pendampingan ini dilaksanakan selama empat hari penuh secara tatap muka, pada 23 – 26 Juni 2022, dan melibatkan lima orang dosen dan tiga orang mahasiswa. Hasil angket dan refleksi akhir program menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan guru dalam meningkatkan kemampuannya memanfaatkan teknologi untuk pembelajaran. Pasca pendampingan, lokakarya berseri bertema Microlearning untuk pembelajaran digelar secara virtual se...

Research paper thumbnail of Literasi Kritis Teks Deskriptif Bahasa Inggris Bagi Guru SMP

JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri)

Abstrak: Literasi kritis siswa SMP di Indonesia berada pada level 1a, yaitu mereka hanya mampu me... more Abstrak: Literasi kritis siswa SMP di Indonesia berada pada level 1a, yaitu mereka hanya mampu memahami informasi eksplisit dalam mengidentifikasi ide pokok dan ide pendukung dari teks pendek dengan tema umum (PISA, 2018). Hal ini memerlukan penanganan lebih lanjut berupa pelatihan literasi kritis untuk teks yang lebih rumit. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melatih kompetensi literasi kritis (khususnya dalam hal ini membaca) bagi guru bahasa Inggris tingkat SMP di wilayah terdepan, terluar dan tertinggal terkait dengan membaca teks deskriptif. Kegiatan ini dilakukan bersama 25 peserta guru bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua. Pretest diberikan kepada peserta sebelum workshop. Workshop ini dilakukan dalam waktu 3,5 jam melalui zoom meeting. Post-test diberikan setelah pelatihan selesai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman mengajar dan melatih guru di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua, tidak menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan dengan kemampuan bahasa I...

Research paper thumbnail of Is Critical Thinking Accomodated in Junior High School English Textbook?

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Educational Science and Teacher Profession (ICETeP 2021), Dec 29, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Investigating the Implementation of an Online Literacy Coaching Program for Junior High School English Teacher

Nobel: Journal of Literature and Language Teaching, Apr 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of In-service English teachers' reflection in an online professional development program in Indonesia

Routledge eBooks, Nov 14, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Designing LMS and CMS for Critical Literacy Course


This second-year study which took place in 2022 aims to investigate, determine and design a learn... more This second-year study which took place in 2022 aims to investigate, determine and design a learning management system (LMS) design through Moodle and Content Management System (CMS) through Google Sites for Critical Literacy course in Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UNJ. Critical Literacy course aims to prepare the students to have the ability to interpret text critically and communicate actively in the multimodal context in a hybrid learning process. The study was conducted with the qualitative approach with The Successive Approximation Model (SAM) iterative phase research design. Throughout the Savvy Start and Iterative Design Phase, the phase rotated through design, prototype, and review to make sure students and lecturers can contribute and support the design direction. Forty-four students and one lecturer generates as participants in this study. Two kinds of modules were developed during the study, namely: (1) LMS on and (2) CMS on Google Sites. LM...

Research paper thumbnail of Designing Literacy E-Coaching Model for English Language Teachers of Junior High Schools in Indonesia

TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English

This multi-year study which took place in 2019-2021 aims to design a literacy e-coaching model fo... more This multi-year study which took place in 2019-2021 aims to design a literacy e-coaching model for EFL Junior High School teachers in Indonesia in support of the government-initiated school-based literacy movement program. The study involved 150 English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers from 16 provinces in Indonesia in the need analysis part, 12 teachers in the module development part and 41 teachers in the implementation part. Two kinds of modules were developed during the study, namely: (1) a literacy enrichment module to reinforce the participants’ literacy content knowledge; and (2) a literacy learning module to enhance the participants’ competence in teaching literacy. Afterwards, two coaching cycles using the modules were implemented. The coaching cycles were designed by adapting the coaching models from Rogers and Rogers (2007) and Trinh et al. (2011), as well as adopting the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (2017) model. Data was collected from questionnaires, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Examining teacher-made English test in a language school

LADU: Journal of Languages and Education

Background: Multiple-choice, teacher-made English tests have constantly been popular due to their... more Background: Multiple-choice, teacher-made English tests have constantly been popular due to their immediate alignment to classroom instructions. However, ample studies have indicated the need for continuous evaluation of their quality to allow evidence-based feedbacks for sustained betterment of assessment practices. Purpose: This study sought to examine the quality of a multiple-choice, teacher-made English formative informal assessment for four classes of high school students of an English course in Madura, Indonesia.Design and methods: Data were collected from the test results of eighty students and put in an excel document. The data were then analysed with a computer application called Conquest to analyse the responses of each of the students on every item of the test. Based on this item response analysis, it turned out that the test could have achieved a higher credibility if necessary, moderations had been taken. Results: The findings recommend that schools as well as teacher ...

Research paper thumbnail of The Praxis of Literacy Movement in the Indonesian Context


Research paper thumbnail of Mobile learning application: Infusing critical thinking in the EFL classroom

Studies in English Language and Education

The emergence of mobile learning applications facilitates the pedagogical approach to developing ... more The emergence of mobile learning applications facilitates the pedagogical approach to developing students’ critical thinking. However, there is a scarcity of investigation on mobile learning applications’ impact on developing critical thinking as the learning outcome. Thus, this study reports the effect of a mobile learning application, ‘English with Noni’, designed to infuse critical thinking instruction in EFL classes on students’ critical thinking level by employing a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the critical thinking level of 65 students of a junior high school in Jakarta, Indonesia, by administering a post-test assessed using a SOLO rubric. Semi-structured interviews to explore students’ responses from using the ‘English with Noni’ application and class observation contributed to the qualitative findings. The quantitative result showed that the critical thinking level of the experimental group using this appli...

Research paper thumbnail of Buku belajar bersama mentor : buku peserta