Marlia Sastro - (original) (raw)
Papers by Marlia Sastro
Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultura... more Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultural conditions. Fishermen's income is very dependent on natural conditions and weather which is uncertain and cannot be ascertained, so the role of fishermen's wives to improve the family economy is very much needed. Article 74 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UUPT) as the basis for implementing CSR principles in Indonesia which was followed up by the Government of Aceh by issuing Governor Regulation Number 65 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility that every private business entity is obliged to carry out CSR activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strengthening of the role of fishermen's wives to strengthen the family economy through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program on the coast of North Aceh. This study uses a sociological juridical approach, the data source consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained by conducting field research in several sub-districts in North Aceh District. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews with the parties involved in this study. The results of the research show that the CSR program has not been carried out by the company as regulated in the laws and regulations. Programs that can be carried out by companies in strengthening the role of fishermen's wives are by conducting guidance or training to develop skills for fishermen's wives as a form of effort to support the fulfillment of the family economy. Training or guidance can be done for the business of making fish crackers. Guidance is carried out from the manufacturing stage to marketing. The training is carried out by bringing in a mentor from a successful entrepreneur who is experienced and has many awards, the company monitors and evaluates the development of the program. Suggestion: companies in North Aceh District to immediately run a CSR program to strengthen the role of coastal fishermen's wives in an effort to improve the family economy as stipulated in the legislation.
This research examines the analysis of the judge's decision in the case of unlawful acts of culti... more This research examines the analysis of the judge's decision in the case of unlawful acts of cultivating land without a permit (Study of Decision No. 23/Pdt.G/2020/Pn.Kis) in accordance with Article 1365 concerning Unlawful Acts. The formulation of Article 1365 of the Civil Code is "any unlawful act, which causes harm to other people, obliges the person who because of the mistake of issuing the loss, compensates for the loss". The purpose of this study was to find out the judge's consideration of the decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis and to find out the legal consequences of the decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis. This type of research uses normative juridical research with a statutory approach and a sociological approach. In making a decision, the judge must be able to provide legal certainty and also justice for the decision made. Taking into account the Court Decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis regarding unlawful acts of cultivating land, the factors that were taken into consideration by the Panel of Judges in determining the evidence to make a decision. judge if it has permanent legal force.
This research is about the application of standard clauses in terms of delivery of goods, which t... more This research is about the application of standard clauses in terms of delivery of goods, which triggers business actors to provide easy delivery services for the community. One of the companies engaged in the delivery of goods is PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City. The rights and obligations of business actors and consumers have been regulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Some of the problems that will be discussed in this thesis are the application of standard clauses that exist in PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City, a form of responsibility carried out by PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City in dealing with problems that arise due to negligence on the part of PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City and legal remedies that can be taken by consumers to get their rights in full with the aim of providing understanding to the public and increasing awareness of business actors. Legal remedies that can be taken by consumers who feel aggrieved by business actors can be resolved through courts or courts, namely through established institutions, business actors who are proven guilty can be subject to criminal sanctions.
The formulation of the problem in this study is about the responsibility of the bank if the custo... more The formulation of the problem in this study is about the responsibility of the bank if the customer suffers a loss and legal protection for bank customers who suffer losses due to services from the bank system on mobile banking services based on Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The type of research used is normative juridical research, namely legal research carried out through analysis, description, and study of library materials in the form of agreement contents, laws and literature relating to the problem to be studied. Based on the results of the study, it is known that in connection with the bank's obligations to customers who experience problems with mobile banking due to a system failure that results in loss of funds in the customer's account, this is resolved by re-crediting the account with an amount equal to the loss in question. This shows that banks have accepted their responsibility as industry players to provide compensation in accordance with Article 7 of Law no. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, which states that industrial players are obliged to provide compensation, and/or compensation in the event of a loss due to the use, manufacture, or use of goods and/or services. Suggestions that can be given to users to be more careful in using mobile banking. And to the bank the security is further enhanced.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh, Jan 8, 2019
Perlindungan hukum merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi konsumen. Pemerintah telah memberikan p... more Perlindungan hukum merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi konsumen. Pemerintah telah memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Perlindungan terhadap penularan penyakit infeksi dalam pelayanan kesehatan sangat di perlukan khususnya di Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati. Seluruh pasien yang dirawat merupakan individu yang rentan terhadap penularan penyakit infeksi. Penyakit infeksi dapat disebabkan oleh kelalaian tenaga medis atau penularan dari pasien lain. Penularan dapat melalui udara, cairan tubuh, makanan dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien penyakit infeksi dalam pelayanan kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati belum terlaksana secara maksimal. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien penyakit infeksi dalam pelayanan kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu hambatan internal dan eksternal. Upaya dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien penyakit infeksi dalam pelayanan kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu upaya internal dan eksternal. Diharapkan kepada pasien selaku konsumen kesehatan untuk lebih berperan aktif dalam menanyakan informasi mengenai keadaannya. Diharapkan kepada instansi yaitu rumah sakit dan pemerintah untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan yang optimal dan efisien bagi pasien selaku konsumen dalam bidang kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati Kota Lhokseumawe. Disarankan juga kepada tenaga kesehatan memberikan informasi mengenai pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi yang paling mudah untuk diterapkan yaitu dengan 5 momen cuci tangan.
Dinamisia, Feb 28, 2023
North Aceh has many old Dutch heritage wells that still have the potential to be reactivated. Rea... more North Aceh has many old Dutch heritage wells that still have the potential to be reactivated. Reactivation aims to regulate management so that there is a need for innovation to optimize the management of old wells whose innovation starts from the management concept to the technology used to make it more efficient, effective, and economical. This activity was carried out in the form of a public hearing on the draft Qanun of North Aceh Regency on the management of old oil wells involving the local government, DPRD, religious leaders, and community leaders. The public hearing results assessed that the management of old oil wells requires clear rules to avoid illegal drilling and tapping. Communities around the former drilling areas conduct mining in old oil wells, which are no longer economical for corporations. It is necessary to improve the legal basis that supports the establishment of a Draft Qanun on the management of old Dutch-owned oil wells in North Aceh District.
Suloh (Lhokseumawe), Jul 16, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, faktor penyebabkan sulitnya penegakan hukum pidana di sektor kehutanan di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dan upaya yang dilakukan dalam penegakan hukum pidana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis sosiologis bertujuan memperoleh pengetahuan hukum secara empiris dengan terjun langsung ke obyeknya untuk mengetahui penegakan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan dalam hukum di Indonesia, dasar pertimbangan dalam UndangUndang Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan dan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2013 tentang pencegahan dan pemberantasan perusakan hutan. Faktor penyebab sulitnya penegakan hukum pidana di sektor kehutanan di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah ialah lemahnya sistem perundang-undangan dan lemahnya sistem penegakan hukum oleh aparat penegak hukum. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam penegakan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dengan pemberian sanksi kepada pelaku korporasi berdasarkan undang undang dan sosialisasi terhadap kerusakan hutan. Rekomendasi: diharapkan kepada penegak hukum dapat menggunakan pendekatan baru dalam penanganan pembalakan liar di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, tidak hanya menerapkan perbuatan tindak pidana, tetapi juga memaksimalkan seluruh potensi yang ada sehingga meminimalisir kegagalan dalam penegakan hukum, dilakukannya revisi terhadap Undang-undang kehutanan yang ada terutama dalam hal pemberian sanksi pidana terhadap korporasi, dan pemberian, perbaikan sarana dan prasarana bagi penegak hukum serta anggaran yang cukup dikarenakan pembuktian, pemeriksaan tindak pidana kehutanan tidak mudah.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh, Mar 1, 2021
Legal protection for consumers who use cosmetics sold through social media based on Article 2 of ... more Legal protection for consumers who use cosmetics sold through social media based on Article 2 of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection states that, consumer protection is held as a joint venture based on five relavan principles while paying attention to the efficacy and usefulness for the parties who must perform the rights and obligations that have been determined. Along with the development of technology offerings through social media selling goods to consumers through the internet network, one of them is cosmetic products. In Article 9 of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions states that every business person must provide clear information related to the products offered. This study aims to find out and explain about legal protection for consumers against the purchase of cosmetic products through social media as well as legal consequences for businesses that have harmed consumers in the purchase of cosmetic products through social media. This research method uses normative juridical research method with statutory approach. The nature of this thesis research is descriptive research using primary legal data in the form of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection and Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions, as well as secondary and tertiary legal data. Based on the results of the study that legal protection for consumers against the purchase of cosmetic products through social media has not been fully fulfilled and protected in accordance with consumer protection laws. This is due to the lack of awareness of businesses towards the fulfillment of consumer rights and obligations in transactions through social media. Thus the legal consequences for businesses that have harmed consumers must pay compensation to consumers. It is expected that businesses should pay proper attention to the rights and obligations of businesses in offering cosmetic products through social media which is basically stipulated in the provisions of consumer protection laws and consumers must also be wiser and careful in buying cosmetic product offerings offered by businesses on social media so that no unwanted things happen to consumers.
Veteran Law Review
Technological developments and Covid 19 Pandemic "forced" the Supreme Court (MA) to mak... more Technological developments and Covid 19 Pandemic "forced" the Supreme Court (MA) to make breakthrough in procedural law, namely by launching E-Court application, through MA rules Number 3 of 2018 which was exchanged for rules Number 1 of 2019 concerning Case Administration and Trial in E-Courts. E-Court is instrument in court for service of case registration depositing case money to court summons and trial and online delivery of court documents. This study aims to analyze and provide an overview to public of breakthroughs made by the MA for Development of Procedural Law through e-court system. Research method used qualitative research, normative juridical approach. The development of procedural law was initially only intended for registration and examination of civil cases through Supreme Court rules (Perma) No. 3 of 2018 was replaced with Perma No. 1 of 2019 concerning Case Administration and Trial in Electronic Courts. But then e-court is not only for civil cases, it’s a...
Proceedings of Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)
This research is about the application of standard clauses in terms of delivery of goods, which t... more This research is about the application of standard clauses in terms of delivery of goods, which triggers business actors to provide easy delivery services for the community. One of the companies engaged in the delivery of goods is PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City. The rights and obligations of business actors and consumers have been regulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Some of the problems that will be discussed in this thesis are the application of standard clauses that exist in PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City, a form of responsibility carried out by PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City in dealing with problems that arise due to negligence on the part of PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City and legal remedies that can be taken by consumers to get their rights in full with the aim of providing understanding to the public and increasing awareness of business actors. Legal remedies that can be taken by consumers who feel aggrieved by b...
Proceedings of Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)
The formulation of the problem in this study is about the responsibility of the bank if the custo... more The formulation of the problem in this study is about the responsibility of the bank if the customer suffers a loss and legal protection for bank customers who suffer losses due to services from the bank system on mobile banking services based on Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The type of research used is normative juridical research, namely legal research carried out through analysis, description, and study of library materials in the form of agreement contents, laws and literature relating to the problem to be studied. Based on the results of the study, it is known that in connection with the bank's obligations to customers who experience problems with mobile banking due to a system failure that results in loss of funds in the customer's account, this is resolved by re-crediting the account with an amount equal to the loss in question. This shows that banks have accepted their responsibility as industry players to provide compensation in accordance wi...
Proceedings of Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)
Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultura... more Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultural conditions. Fishermen's income is very dependent on natural conditions and weather which is uncertain and cannot be ascertained, so the role of fishermen's wives to improve the family economy is very much needed. Article 74 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UUPT) as the basis for implementing CSR principles in Indonesia which was followed up by the Government of Aceh by issuing Governor Regulation Number 65 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility that every private business entity is obliged to carry out CSR activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strengthening of the role of fishermen's wives to strengthen the family economy through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program on the coast of North Aceh. This study uses a sociological juridical approach, the data so...
Proceedings of Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)
This research examines the analysis of the judge's decision in the case of unlawful acts of c... more This research examines the analysis of the judge's decision in the case of unlawful acts of cultivating land without a permit (Study of Decision No. 23/Pdt.G/2020/Pn.Kis) in accordance with Article 1365 concerning Unlawful Acts. The formulation of Article 1365 of the Civil Code is "any unlawful act, which causes harm to other people, obliges the person who because of the mistake of issuing the loss, compensates for the loss". The purpose of this study was to find out the judge's consideration of the decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis and to find out the legal consequences of the decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis. This type of research uses normative juridical research with a statutory approach and a sociological approach. In making a decision, the judge must be able to provide legal certainty and also justice for the decision made. Taking into account the Court Decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis regarding unlawful acts of cultivating land, the factors that w...
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
North Aceh has many old Dutch heritage wells that still have the potential to be reactivated. Rea... more North Aceh has many old Dutch heritage wells that still have the potential to be reactivated. Reactivation aims to regulate management so that there is a need for innovation to optimize the management of old wells whose innovation starts from the management concept to the technology used to make it more efficient, effective, and economical. This activity was carried out in the form of a public hearing on the draft Qanun of North Aceh Regency on the management of old oil wells involving the local government, DPRD, religious leaders, and community leaders. The public hearing results assessed that the management of old oil wells requires clear rules to avoid illegal drilling and tapping. Communities around the former drilling areas conduct mining in old oil wells, which are no longer economical for corporations. It is necessary to improve the legal basis that supports the establishment of a Draft Qanun on the management of old Dutch-owned oil wells in North Aceh District.
Suloh:Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, faktor penyebabkan sulitnya penegakan hukum pidana di sektor kehutanan di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dan upaya yang dilakukan dalam penegakan hukum pidana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis sosiologis bertujuan memperoleh pengetahuan hukum secara empiris dengan terjun langsung ke obyeknya untuk mengetahui penegakan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan dalam hukum di Indonesia, dasar pertimbangan dalam UndangUndang Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan dan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2013 tentang pencegahan dan pemberantasan perusakan hutan. Faktor penyebab sulitnya penegakan hukum pidana di sektor kehutanan di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah ialah lemah...
yang menjamin bahwa debitor memiliki hak mendapatkan kelonggaran cicilan berupa relaksasi apabila... more yang menjamin bahwa debitor memiliki hak mendapatkan kelonggaran cicilan berupa relaksasi apabila debitor mengalami penurunan ekonomi dan kesulitan pembayaran yang diakibatkan oleh Covid-19. Faktor penghambat perlindungan hukum yaitu dikarenakan oleh Debitor tidak beritikad baik, Minimnya pengetahuan debitor tentang perlindungan hukum dan tidak adanya pengaturan mengenai sanksi kepada kreditor leasing. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum tersebut terdiri dari upaya yang dilakukan oleh BPSK dan PT. Federal International Finance dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap debitor leasing dalam keadaan memaksa pandemik Covid-19. Disarankan kepada pemerintah untuk memuat sanksi tegas pada setiap peraturan yang dikeluarkan agar menimbulkan ketaatan kepada semua pihak yang terkait dan masyarakat, diharapkan menjadi masyarakat cerdas dengan cara mencari tahu dan update mengenai informasi terbaru dimasa pandemik Covid-19 ini demi terwujudnya hak-hak nya sebagai debitor leasing dan demi tercapainya perlindungan hukum yang lebih efisien.
ETD Unsyiah, Jun 30, 2020
Legal protection for consumers who use cosmetics sold through social media based on Article 2 of ... more Legal protection for consumers who use cosmetics sold through social media based on Article 2 of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection states that, consumer protection is held as a joint venture based on five relavan principles while paying attention to the efficacy and usefulness for the parties who must perform the rights and obligations that have been determined. Along with the development of technology offerings through social media selling goods to consumers through the internet network, one of them is cosmetic products. In Article 9 of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions states that every business person must provide clear information related to the products offered. This study aims to find out and explain about legal protection for consumers against the purchase of cosmetic products through social media as well as legal consequences for businesses that have harmed consumers in the purchase of cosmetic products through social media. This research method uses normative juridical research method with statutory approach. The nature of this thesis research is descriptive research using primary legal data in the form of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection and Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions, as well as secondary and tertiary legal data. Based on the results of the study that legal protection for consumers against the purchase of cosmetic products through social media has not been fully fulfilled and protected in accordance with consumer protection laws. This is due to the lack of awareness of businesses towards the fulfillment of consumer rights and obligations in transactions through social media. Thus the legal consequences for businesses that have harmed consumers must pay compensation to consumers. It is expected that businesses should pay proper attention to the rights and obligations of businesses in offering cosmetic products through social media which is basically stipulated in the provisions of consumer protection laws and consumers must also be wiser and careful in buying cosmetic product offerings offered by businesses on social media so that no unwanted things happen to consumers.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan hukum antara pihak ketiga sebagai agen penye... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan hukum antara pihak ketiga sebagai agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik dengan konsumen, tanggung jawab hukum pihak ketiga sebagai agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik dan akibat hukum yang diterima oleh pihak ketiga sebagai agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik kepada konsumen yang telah dirugikan. Tanggung jawab hukum pelaku usaha telah diatur sesuai Pasal 19 Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut pihak ketiga sebagai pemberi layanan jasa pembayaran listrik merupakan pelaku usaha yang memiliki tanggung jawab atas pelayanan dan penawaran atas barang dan/atau jasa yang akan diberikan kepada konsumen, namun masih ada agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik yang belum melaksanakan tanggung jawab kepada konsumen yang telah dirugikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa hubungan hukum yang terjadi antara agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik dengan konsumen terjadi atas dasar perja...
Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultura... more Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultural conditions. Fishermen's income is very dependent on natural conditions and weather which is uncertain and cannot be ascertained, so the role of fishermen's wives to improve the family economy is very much needed. Article 74 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UUPT) as the basis for implementing CSR principles in Indonesia which was followed up by the Government of Aceh by issuing Governor Regulation Number 65 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility that every private business entity is obliged to carry out CSR activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strengthening of the role of fishermen's wives to strengthen the family economy through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program on the coast of North Aceh. This study uses a sociological juridical approach, the data source consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained by conducting field research in several sub-districts in North Aceh District. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews with the parties involved in this study. The results of the research show that the CSR program has not been carried out by the company as regulated in the laws and regulations. Programs that can be carried out by companies in strengthening the role of fishermen's wives are by conducting guidance or training to develop skills for fishermen's wives as a form of effort to support the fulfillment of the family economy. Training or guidance can be done for the business of making fish crackers. Guidance is carried out from the manufacturing stage to marketing. The training is carried out by bringing in a mentor from a successful entrepreneur who is experienced and has many awards, the company monitors and evaluates the development of the program. Suggestion: companies in North Aceh District to immediately run a CSR program to strengthen the role of coastal fishermen's wives in an effort to improve the family economy as stipulated in the legislation.
This research examines the analysis of the judge's decision in the case of unlawful acts of culti... more This research examines the analysis of the judge's decision in the case of unlawful acts of cultivating land without a permit (Study of Decision No. 23/Pdt.G/2020/Pn.Kis) in accordance with Article 1365 concerning Unlawful Acts. The formulation of Article 1365 of the Civil Code is "any unlawful act, which causes harm to other people, obliges the person who because of the mistake of issuing the loss, compensates for the loss". The purpose of this study was to find out the judge's consideration of the decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis and to find out the legal consequences of the decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis. This type of research uses normative juridical research with a statutory approach and a sociological approach. In making a decision, the judge must be able to provide legal certainty and also justice for the decision made. Taking into account the Court Decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis regarding unlawful acts of cultivating land, the factors that were taken into consideration by the Panel of Judges in determining the evidence to make a decision. judge if it has permanent legal force.
This research is about the application of standard clauses in terms of delivery of goods, which t... more This research is about the application of standard clauses in terms of delivery of goods, which triggers business actors to provide easy delivery services for the community. One of the companies engaged in the delivery of goods is PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City. The rights and obligations of business actors and consumers have been regulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Some of the problems that will be discussed in this thesis are the application of standard clauses that exist in PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City, a form of responsibility carried out by PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City in dealing with problems that arise due to negligence on the part of PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City and legal remedies that can be taken by consumers to get their rights in full with the aim of providing understanding to the public and increasing awareness of business actors. Legal remedies that can be taken by consumers who feel aggrieved by business actors can be resolved through courts or courts, namely through established institutions, business actors who are proven guilty can be subject to criminal sanctions.
The formulation of the problem in this study is about the responsibility of the bank if the custo... more The formulation of the problem in this study is about the responsibility of the bank if the customer suffers a loss and legal protection for bank customers who suffer losses due to services from the bank system on mobile banking services based on Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The type of research used is normative juridical research, namely legal research carried out through analysis, description, and study of library materials in the form of agreement contents, laws and literature relating to the problem to be studied. Based on the results of the study, it is known that in connection with the bank's obligations to customers who experience problems with mobile banking due to a system failure that results in loss of funds in the customer's account, this is resolved by re-crediting the account with an amount equal to the loss in question. This shows that banks have accepted their responsibility as industry players to provide compensation in accordance with Article 7 of Law no. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, which states that industrial players are obliged to provide compensation, and/or compensation in the event of a loss due to the use, manufacture, or use of goods and/or services. Suggestions that can be given to users to be more careful in using mobile banking. And to the bank the security is further enhanced.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh, Jan 8, 2019
Perlindungan hukum merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi konsumen. Pemerintah telah memberikan p... more Perlindungan hukum merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi konsumen. Pemerintah telah memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Perlindungan terhadap penularan penyakit infeksi dalam pelayanan kesehatan sangat di perlukan khususnya di Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati. Seluruh pasien yang dirawat merupakan individu yang rentan terhadap penularan penyakit infeksi. Penyakit infeksi dapat disebabkan oleh kelalaian tenaga medis atau penularan dari pasien lain. Penularan dapat melalui udara, cairan tubuh, makanan dan sebagainya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien penyakit infeksi dalam pelayanan kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati belum terlaksana secara maksimal. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien penyakit infeksi dalam pelayanan kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu hambatan internal dan eksternal. Upaya dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien penyakit infeksi dalam pelayanan kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu upaya internal dan eksternal. Diharapkan kepada pasien selaku konsumen kesehatan untuk lebih berperan aktif dalam menanyakan informasi mengenai keadaannya. Diharapkan kepada instansi yaitu rumah sakit dan pemerintah untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan yang optimal dan efisien bagi pasien selaku konsumen dalam bidang kesehatan pada Rumah Sakit Bunga Melati Kota Lhokseumawe. Disarankan juga kepada tenaga kesehatan memberikan informasi mengenai pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi yang paling mudah untuk diterapkan yaitu dengan 5 momen cuci tangan.
Dinamisia, Feb 28, 2023
North Aceh has many old Dutch heritage wells that still have the potential to be reactivated. Rea... more North Aceh has many old Dutch heritage wells that still have the potential to be reactivated. Reactivation aims to regulate management so that there is a need for innovation to optimize the management of old wells whose innovation starts from the management concept to the technology used to make it more efficient, effective, and economical. This activity was carried out in the form of a public hearing on the draft Qanun of North Aceh Regency on the management of old oil wells involving the local government, DPRD, religious leaders, and community leaders. The public hearing results assessed that the management of old oil wells requires clear rules to avoid illegal drilling and tapping. Communities around the former drilling areas conduct mining in old oil wells, which are no longer economical for corporations. It is necessary to improve the legal basis that supports the establishment of a Draft Qanun on the management of old Dutch-owned oil wells in North Aceh District.
Suloh (Lhokseumawe), Jul 16, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, faktor penyebabkan sulitnya penegakan hukum pidana di sektor kehutanan di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dan upaya yang dilakukan dalam penegakan hukum pidana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis sosiologis bertujuan memperoleh pengetahuan hukum secara empiris dengan terjun langsung ke obyeknya untuk mengetahui penegakan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan dalam hukum di Indonesia, dasar pertimbangan dalam UndangUndang Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan dan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2013 tentang pencegahan dan pemberantasan perusakan hutan. Faktor penyebab sulitnya penegakan hukum pidana di sektor kehutanan di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah ialah lemahnya sistem perundang-undangan dan lemahnya sistem penegakan hukum oleh aparat penegak hukum. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam penegakan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dengan pemberian sanksi kepada pelaku korporasi berdasarkan undang undang dan sosialisasi terhadap kerusakan hutan. Rekomendasi: diharapkan kepada penegak hukum dapat menggunakan pendekatan baru dalam penanganan pembalakan liar di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, tidak hanya menerapkan perbuatan tindak pidana, tetapi juga memaksimalkan seluruh potensi yang ada sehingga meminimalisir kegagalan dalam penegakan hukum, dilakukannya revisi terhadap Undang-undang kehutanan yang ada terutama dalam hal pemberian sanksi pidana terhadap korporasi, dan pemberian, perbaikan sarana dan prasarana bagi penegak hukum serta anggaran yang cukup dikarenakan pembuktian, pemeriksaan tindak pidana kehutanan tidak mudah.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh, Mar 1, 2021
Legal protection for consumers who use cosmetics sold through social media based on Article 2 of ... more Legal protection for consumers who use cosmetics sold through social media based on Article 2 of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection states that, consumer protection is held as a joint venture based on five relavan principles while paying attention to the efficacy and usefulness for the parties who must perform the rights and obligations that have been determined. Along with the development of technology offerings through social media selling goods to consumers through the internet network, one of them is cosmetic products. In Article 9 of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions states that every business person must provide clear information related to the products offered. This study aims to find out and explain about legal protection for consumers against the purchase of cosmetic products through social media as well as legal consequences for businesses that have harmed consumers in the purchase of cosmetic products through social media. This research method uses normative juridical research method with statutory approach. The nature of this thesis research is descriptive research using primary legal data in the form of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection and Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions, as well as secondary and tertiary legal data. Based on the results of the study that legal protection for consumers against the purchase of cosmetic products through social media has not been fully fulfilled and protected in accordance with consumer protection laws. This is due to the lack of awareness of businesses towards the fulfillment of consumer rights and obligations in transactions through social media. Thus the legal consequences for businesses that have harmed consumers must pay compensation to consumers. It is expected that businesses should pay proper attention to the rights and obligations of businesses in offering cosmetic products through social media which is basically stipulated in the provisions of consumer protection laws and consumers must also be wiser and careful in buying cosmetic product offerings offered by businesses on social media so that no unwanted things happen to consumers.
Veteran Law Review
Technological developments and Covid 19 Pandemic "forced" the Supreme Court (MA) to mak... more Technological developments and Covid 19 Pandemic "forced" the Supreme Court (MA) to make breakthrough in procedural law, namely by launching E-Court application, through MA rules Number 3 of 2018 which was exchanged for rules Number 1 of 2019 concerning Case Administration and Trial in E-Courts. E-Court is instrument in court for service of case registration depositing case money to court summons and trial and online delivery of court documents. This study aims to analyze and provide an overview to public of breakthroughs made by the MA for Development of Procedural Law through e-court system. Research method used qualitative research, normative juridical approach. The development of procedural law was initially only intended for registration and examination of civil cases through Supreme Court rules (Perma) No. 3 of 2018 was replaced with Perma No. 1 of 2019 concerning Case Administration and Trial in Electronic Courts. But then e-court is not only for civil cases, it’s a...
Proceedings of Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)
This research is about the application of standard clauses in terms of delivery of goods, which t... more This research is about the application of standard clauses in terms of delivery of goods, which triggers business actors to provide easy delivery services for the community. One of the companies engaged in the delivery of goods is PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City. The rights and obligations of business actors and consumers have been regulated in Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Some of the problems that will be discussed in this thesis are the application of standard clauses that exist in PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City, a form of responsibility carried out by PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City in dealing with problems that arise due to negligence on the part of PT. Global Jet Express Lhokseumawe City and legal remedies that can be taken by consumers to get their rights in full with the aim of providing understanding to the public and increasing awareness of business actors. Legal remedies that can be taken by consumers who feel aggrieved by b...
Proceedings of Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)
The formulation of the problem in this study is about the responsibility of the bank if the custo... more The formulation of the problem in this study is about the responsibility of the bank if the customer suffers a loss and legal protection for bank customers who suffer losses due to services from the bank system on mobile banking services based on Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The type of research used is normative juridical research, namely legal research carried out through analysis, description, and study of library materials in the form of agreement contents, laws and literature relating to the problem to be studied. Based on the results of the study, it is known that in connection with the bank's obligations to customers who experience problems with mobile banking due to a system failure that results in loss of funds in the customer's account, this is resolved by re-crediting the account with an amount equal to the loss in question. This shows that banks have accepted their responsibility as industry players to provide compensation in accordance wi...
Proceedings of Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)
Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultura... more Fishing communities are included in disadvantaged groups in terms of economic, social and cultural conditions. Fishermen's income is very dependent on natural conditions and weather which is uncertain and cannot be ascertained, so the role of fishermen's wives to improve the family economy is very much needed. Article 74 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UUPT) as the basis for implementing CSR principles in Indonesia which was followed up by the Government of Aceh by issuing Governor Regulation Number 65 of 2016 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility that every private business entity is obliged to carry out CSR activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the strengthening of the role of fishermen's wives to strengthen the family economy through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program on the coast of North Aceh. This study uses a sociological juridical approach, the data so...
Proceedings of Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)
This research examines the analysis of the judge's decision in the case of unlawful acts of c... more This research examines the analysis of the judge's decision in the case of unlawful acts of cultivating land without a permit (Study of Decision No. 23/Pdt.G/2020/Pn.Kis) in accordance with Article 1365 concerning Unlawful Acts. The formulation of Article 1365 of the Civil Code is "any unlawful act, which causes harm to other people, obliges the person who because of the mistake of issuing the loss, compensates for the loss". The purpose of this study was to find out the judge's consideration of the decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis and to find out the legal consequences of the decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis. This type of research uses normative juridical research with a statutory approach and a sociological approach. In making a decision, the judge must be able to provide legal certainty and also justice for the decision made. Taking into account the Court Decision Number 23/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kis regarding unlawful acts of cultivating land, the factors that w...
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
North Aceh has many old Dutch heritage wells that still have the potential to be reactivated. Rea... more North Aceh has many old Dutch heritage wells that still have the potential to be reactivated. Reactivation aims to regulate management so that there is a need for innovation to optimize the management of old wells whose innovation starts from the management concept to the technology used to make it more efficient, effective, and economical. This activity was carried out in the form of a public hearing on the draft Qanun of North Aceh Regency on the management of old oil wells involving the local government, DPRD, religious leaders, and community leaders. The public hearing results assessed that the management of old oil wells requires clear rules to avoid illegal drilling and tapping. Communities around the former drilling areas conduct mining in old oil wells, which are no longer economical for corporations. It is necessary to improve the legal basis that supports the establishment of a Draft Qanun on the management of old Dutch-owned oil wells in North Aceh District.
Suloh:Jurnal Fakultas Hukum Universitas Malikussaleh
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan dalam hukum positif di Indonesia, faktor penyebabkan sulitnya penegakan hukum pidana di sektor kehutanan di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dan upaya yang dilakukan dalam penegakan hukum pidana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis sosiologis bertujuan memperoleh pengetahuan hukum secara empiris dengan terjun langsung ke obyeknya untuk mengetahui penegakan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aturan hukum pidana terhadap kejahatan korporasi di sektor kehutanan dalam hukum di Indonesia, dasar pertimbangan dalam UndangUndang Nomor 41 Tahun 1999 tentang Kehutanan dan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2013 tentang pencegahan dan pemberantasan perusakan hutan. Faktor penyebab sulitnya penegakan hukum pidana di sektor kehutanan di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah ialah lemah...
yang menjamin bahwa debitor memiliki hak mendapatkan kelonggaran cicilan berupa relaksasi apabila... more yang menjamin bahwa debitor memiliki hak mendapatkan kelonggaran cicilan berupa relaksasi apabila debitor mengalami penurunan ekonomi dan kesulitan pembayaran yang diakibatkan oleh Covid-19. Faktor penghambat perlindungan hukum yaitu dikarenakan oleh Debitor tidak beritikad baik, Minimnya pengetahuan debitor tentang perlindungan hukum dan tidak adanya pengaturan mengenai sanksi kepada kreditor leasing. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum tersebut terdiri dari upaya yang dilakukan oleh BPSK dan PT. Federal International Finance dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hukum terhadap debitor leasing dalam keadaan memaksa pandemik Covid-19. Disarankan kepada pemerintah untuk memuat sanksi tegas pada setiap peraturan yang dikeluarkan agar menimbulkan ketaatan kepada semua pihak yang terkait dan masyarakat, diharapkan menjadi masyarakat cerdas dengan cara mencari tahu dan update mengenai informasi terbaru dimasa pandemik Covid-19 ini demi terwujudnya hak-hak nya sebagai debitor leasing dan demi tercapainya perlindungan hukum yang lebih efisien.
ETD Unsyiah, Jun 30, 2020
Legal protection for consumers who use cosmetics sold through social media based on Article 2 of ... more Legal protection for consumers who use cosmetics sold through social media based on Article 2 of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection states that, consumer protection is held as a joint venture based on five relavan principles while paying attention to the efficacy and usefulness for the parties who must perform the rights and obligations that have been determined. Along with the development of technology offerings through social media selling goods to consumers through the internet network, one of them is cosmetic products. In Article 9 of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions states that every business person must provide clear information related to the products offered. This study aims to find out and explain about legal protection for consumers against the purchase of cosmetic products through social media as well as legal consequences for businesses that have harmed consumers in the purchase of cosmetic products through social media. This research method uses normative juridical research method with statutory approach. The nature of this thesis research is descriptive research using primary legal data in the form of Law No. 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection and Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions, as well as secondary and tertiary legal data. Based on the results of the study that legal protection for consumers against the purchase of cosmetic products through social media has not been fully fulfilled and protected in accordance with consumer protection laws. This is due to the lack of awareness of businesses towards the fulfillment of consumer rights and obligations in transactions through social media. Thus the legal consequences for businesses that have harmed consumers must pay compensation to consumers. It is expected that businesses should pay proper attention to the rights and obligations of businesses in offering cosmetic products through social media which is basically stipulated in the provisions of consumer protection laws and consumers must also be wiser and careful in buying cosmetic product offerings offered by businesses on social media so that no unwanted things happen to consumers.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan hukum antara pihak ketiga sebagai agen penye... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan hukum antara pihak ketiga sebagai agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik dengan konsumen, tanggung jawab hukum pihak ketiga sebagai agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik dan akibat hukum yang diterima oleh pihak ketiga sebagai agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik kepada konsumen yang telah dirugikan. Tanggung jawab hukum pelaku usaha telah diatur sesuai Pasal 19 Undang-undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Berdasarkan ketentuan tersebut pihak ketiga sebagai pemberi layanan jasa pembayaran listrik merupakan pelaku usaha yang memiliki tanggung jawab atas pelayanan dan penawaran atas barang dan/atau jasa yang akan diberikan kepada konsumen, namun masih ada agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik yang belum melaksanakan tanggung jawab kepada konsumen yang telah dirugikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa hubungan hukum yang terjadi antara agen penyedia jasa pembayaran listrik dengan konsumen terjadi atas dasar perja...