Shodh Sari- An International Multidisciplinary Journal (original) (raw)
Papers by Shodh Sari- An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace is widely regarded as one of the essential historical novels of t... more Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace is widely regarded as one of the essential historical novels of the last century. This paper explores the importance of The Glass Palace as a historical novel and why it remains relevant today. The novel allows readers to see imperialism’s devastating effects on individual lives and communities. It captures the cultural and psychological tensions of colonialism in one of the central locations it affected, Burma. Furthermore, The Glass Palace’s significance as a historical novel stem from its detailed portrayal of the social, economic, and political situation of the time. By presenting historical events in an entertaining, engaging way or with fictional characters, Ghosh makes his reader cull information from one of the more enthralling telling of Asian history.
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Digitization is disrupting the establishment at associate degree unexampled pace in each business... more Digitization is disrupting the establishment at associate degree unexampled pace in each business. If one appearance at what's happening with Transportation (on-demand, electric, driver-less), Commerce (online, on-demand, personalized), tending (AI assisted diagnosis), etc – it's dismantlement existing business structures, and delivery in new innovators.
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The study investigated the effects of computer game-based teaching strategy on Computer Studies s... more The study investigated the effects of computer game-based teaching strategy on Computer Studies students’ retention abilities and gender in junior secondary schools. Two research questions guided the study while three null hypotheses were formulated and tested at .05 level of significance. The quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. A total of 2,162 students of public junior secondary schools in Ogba Education Zone made up the population of the study. 380 students from 4 intact classes were sampled using the census sampling technique. A structured 30-item validated Computer Studies Retention Test (CSRT) was used for data collection. Three experts validated the instrument and an overall reliability index of .73 was obtained using Kuder-Richardson20. Data related to the research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) statistics was used to test the null hypotheses. The finding revealed that students taught ...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
We live in a dodecahedron-structured cybernetic enmeshment of technology running through an exten... more We live in a dodecahedron-structured cybernetic enmeshment of technology running through an extension of media convergence. In this context, the psychic fragmentation of a postmodern aesthetic is radically splintered and spreadeagled. The reflexivity praxis, embedded in a multisensory milieu navigating strange peregrinations (from modernity to postmodernity to post-post modernity), is tearing apart the current fabric, particularly through cinematic endeavors. Therefore, cinema hyphenates the piquant postmodernist aesthetics by orchestrating fragmentation, hyperkinetic synergy, anachronistic mode, pastiche, meta narratives, beats of simulacrum, and the dementia praecox of mutagenicity, to name a few. Films like Everything, Everywhere, All at Once (2022), directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, encapsulate the current vertiginous reality through a metaverse of careening camera movement, frenetic editing, and the pulverization of the fractured self. A new neologism called “transg...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Tony Morrison’s novel ‘Beloved’ may be counted as a revolutionary novel- as a unique addition to ... more Tony Morrison’s novel ‘Beloved’ may be counted as a revolutionary novel- as a unique addition to the genre – fictional and the typical slave narrative structure. It is a fair document of the dehumanizing effects of slavery that leave the protagonist Sethe stuck in the past and unable to escape the “continuing apocalypse of racism”. ‘Beloved’ is one of a very few examples of literature that is written in a maternal voice. This novel speaks to the unspeakable, and somewhat incommunicable, rawness of trauma. ‘Beloved’ speaks to the pervasiveness of psychological trauma. Here Toni Morrison tackles life’s darkest elements through the story of an escaped slave based around the murder of her innocent infant. The twisted mother-daughter relationships of ‘Beloved’ showcase the fracturing effect of slavery upon the human mind. Morrison radically presents this phenomenon by granting the psychological effects of slavery a physical embodiment, resurrecting a figure to adopt the secondary selves ...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
डॉ. भीमराव रामजी अंबेडकर का समावेशी वर्ग में शिक्षा, समता और समानता का दर्शन भारत के सामाजिक आर्थ... more डॉ. भीमराव रामजी अंबेडकर का समावेशी वर्ग में शिक्षा, समता और समानता का दर्शन भारत के सामाजिक आर्थिक पुनर्निर्माण के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। आजादी के बाद के दशकों में हम विभिन्न विधानों और सरकारी संस्थानों के माध्यम से पहुंच और समानता के मुद्दों में व्यस्त रहे हैं इन में अम्बेडकर ने शिक्षा, शैक्षिक संस्थान, जाति, धर्म, स्त्री आदि मामलों पर प्रकाश डाला । अंबेडकर का मानना हैं की समता और समानता यह हर इंसान की जरूरत ही नहीं यह सभी का अधिकार है । जो खुलकर और बेबाकी से बाबा साहब (बी. आर. अम्बेडकर ने समाज को बताया। बी. आर. अम्बेडकर ने समाज के उन सभी वर्गों को समावेशी कहा, जिनका समाज के अन्य वर्गों द्वारा कहीं न कहीं शोषण किया गया है या फिर किसी व्यक्ति के माध्यम से अभी भी शोषण किया जा रहा हो । अम्बेडकर ने भारत में बिना अधिकारों के रहने वाले प्रत्येक भारतीय लोगों के अधिकारों के बारे में बात की क्योंकि आजादी के बाद ऐसे कई लोग हैं जो उस समाज में रहते तो है पर अधिकार के नाम पर उनका शोषण ही हो रहा है । अम्बेडकर ने जन्म–आधारित उत्पीड़न को समाप्त करने के लिए अथक संघर्ष किया, जिसमें कुछ उच्च वर्गों के ल...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Science education has been recording dismal academic achievement, skills and attitudinal outcomes... more Science education has been recording dismal academic achievement, skills and attitudinal outcomes in Nigeria. The students, right from the basic education to the tertiary level lack 21st century skills of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, citizenship, self-regulation, time management, knowledge construction, problem solving, digital literacy skills and many other positive skills expedients for proper employability and entrepreneurship. The conventional, didactic, non-heuristic instructional strategy adopted in teaching science education in the country is already dated at the face of Covid-19 and post-Covid-19 pandemic. The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA, 2012, 2020) of America recommended the Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) as the trending path to science education productivity through technology integration and reflective thinking. Cybernetics, constructivism and behaviorism theories buttressed the integrating of technology and reflec...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
lkj&la {ks i ^^jk"Vª okn rHkh vkS fpR; xz g.k dj ldrk gS ] tc yks xks a ds chp tkfr] uLy ;k ja x ... more lkj&la {ks i ^^jk"Vª okn rHkh vkS fpR; xz g.k dj ldrk gS ] tc yks xks a ds chp tkfr] uLy ;k ja x dk vUrj Hkq ykdj mues a lkekftd Hkz krRo dks loks Z Pp LFkku fn;k tk,A**-MkW-ch-vkj-vEcs Mdj MkW-Hkhe jko va cs Mdj cgq eq [kh O;fDrRo ds èkuh Fks A og ,d fo}ku] ys [kd] Øka frdkjh] la foèkku fuekZ rk vkS j ifjorZ u ds vxz nw r ds :i es a tkus tkrs gS A mUgks a us vius thou es a Nq vkNw r vkS j tkfr çFkk ds ckjs es a cgq r la ?k"kZ fd;k] D;ks a fd mUgs a Nq vkNw r vkS j tkfr ds la nHkZ es a vus d pq ukS fr;ks a dk lkeuk djuk iM+ kA blfy, og pkgrs Fks fd nfyr lekt ds fy, ,s ls lkFkZ d vk;ke LFkkfir fd;s tk, ftlls Hkfo"; es a os vius thou es a bl çdkj ds fodkjks a ds f'kdkj u gks A blfy, f'k{kk gh ,dek= ,s lk lkèku gS ] ftlds ekè;e ls ifjorZ u dks lekt es a LFkkfir fd;k tk lds A vkS j ;g ifjorZ u la foèkku es a ,s ls çkoèkku djus ls gks xk] ftles a lHkh dks leku volj vkS j lq foèkk,¡ çkIr gks A ns 'k es a yks dra = dh lQyrk ds fy, LoPN lekt] HkkrRo ,oa oS Kkfud nf"Vdks .k dk gks uk vfr vko';d gS A Hkhejko vEcs Mdj dk lEiw .kZ thou ekuo lekt dh ls ok es a lefiZ r jgkA mUgks a us 'krkfCn;ks a ls Hkkjr es a pys vk jgs :f<+ oknh dk lew y uk'k djus dk ç;kl djrs gq ,] nfyrks a ds ,d cM+ s oxZ dks la foèkku es a lekurk dk ntkZ çnku djkus dk egku~ dk;Z fd;k] lkFk gh ijra = Hkkjr dks Lora =rk fnykus ds ç;kl Lo:i ys [kks a o vius egku fopkjks a }kjk nfyr oxZ dks la xfBr djus dk lQy dk;Z Hkh iw .kZ fd;kA blds lkFk gh lekt m)kjd rFkk lkekftd ps ruk dks tkxr djus rFkk efgykvks a dh fLFkfr es a lq èkkj djus ds {ks = es a mudh vge~ Hkw fedk jghA vEcs Mdj lkgc us vus d ,s ls ltukRed jktuhfrd vk;ke LFkkfir fd;s ] ftlls lekt es a ,d ubZ ps ruk dk fodkl gq vkA muds vkfFkZ d fopkj lekt es a lekurk LFkkfir djus es a ehy dk iRFkj lkfcr gq ,A jk"Vª fuekZ .k rFkk jk"Vª okn ds fuekZ .k es a mudh vge Hkw fedk jghA muds vuq lkj ,d vkn'kZ lekt rFkk jk"Vª h; ,drk rHkh LFkkfir gks ldrh] tc lekt es a fdlh çdkj dk dks bZ Hks nHkko ugha jgs xkA eq [; 'kCn%& ifjorZ u] volj] lekurk] fopkj] jk"Vª okn] lekt] la foèkkuA Mk-Hkhe jko vEcs Mdj vf}rh; çfrHkk ds èkuh Fks A fo'o es a vus d ,s ls egkiq #"kks a dk tUe gq vk gS ] ftUgks a us u ds oy la lkj dk ekxZ n'kZ u fd;k] cfYd lEiw .kZ lekt ij vius egku O;fDrRo dh vfeV Nki Hkh Nks M+ hA ftlls çHkkfor gks dj ekuo lekt mu egkiq #"kks a ds fuok.kZ ds i'pkr~ Hkh drkFkZ gks rk jgk gS A
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
We have hitherto only considered the viewpoint of men, but now it’s time to give women a fair sho... more We have hitherto only considered the viewpoint of men, but now it’s time to give women a fair shot as well. Every human being has the potential to learn about and advance science and technology, thus it is not only a field that is exclusively open to one gender. In movies, women play a supporting role for the men. An examination of the ways in which culture affects the evolving discussion of gender portrayals in cinema. Science fiction films are the ideal medium for discussing human habitation in the future because their content is an imaginative representation of civilization. Under the premise of a science fiction theme, it is necessary to re-examine and reinterpret the connection between genders considering modern technology. It has taken a while for the representation of women in movies to improve after years of under representation. Redemption of women altered significantly as nations advanced in modernity. The media had a significant impact on the modernization of societies an...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Plastics, which are dumped in landfills and disintegrate very slowly, are one of the main drivers... more Plastics, which are dumped in landfills and disintegrate very slowly, are one of the main drivers of land pollution. Because of this, biodegradable and biocompatible polymers are currently increasing importance in both fundamental and practical research domains across the globe. Plastics made from renewable biomass sources, such as food scraps and agricultural byproducts, are known as bioplastics. Transparent, adaptable, strong, excellent as a barrier, and heat resistant, bioplastic is also. We carried out a study in the Biotechnology department of the Govt College in Hisar, Haryana, keeping all these issues in mind. In this study, we used leftover banana peels and turned them into a bioplastic film by treating them with acid and alkali. Successful production of bioplastic sheets from a mixture of banana peel and industrial maize starch was done. At 4% maize starch content, the films were able to offer tensile strength with a maximum value of 3.50 n. The hydrophilic properties of st...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
One of the challenges of technical education in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, is the lac... more One of the challenges of technical education in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, is the lack of an appropriate entrepreneurial framework for the content of the technical college curriculum. The purpose of this study was to explore the entrepreneurial competencies for technical college programs in Nigeria. This study was guided by qualitative approach through document analysis and semi-structured interview with 15 participants selected purposively and eleven Journal Articles were analyzed. The empirical findings from semi-structured interviews confirm the theoretical findings in document analysis. This study found several managerial entrepreneurial competencies in document analysis and interviews, eventually analyzed thematically. Themes include: Business plan, Decision making, technical know-how, Interpersonal relationship and Communication. The study analyzed only 11 documents and conducted 15 interviews, so the conclusions drawn from these sources depend on the authenticity ...
Research in Science & Technological Education, 2000
... The sample comprised 77 Jamaican grade 11 female students from two traditional high schools i... more ... The sample comprised 77 Jamaican grade 11 female students from two traditional high schools in Kingston. Attitudes to a biology questionnaire, attitudes to the computer/CAI questionnaire and a biology achievement test (BAT) were used for data collection. ...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
This position paper focuses on innovative instructional design packages for inclusive and partici... more This position paper focuses on innovative instructional design packages for inclusive and participatory interactive learning experience in Nigeria. The theoretical backup adopted for inclusive and participatory learning was constructivism which holds that learners construct knowledge through active involvement. The paper x-ray instructional design packages, basic components such as analysis, design and development and evaluation. The characteristic of good instructional designs as highlighted include provision of a clear roadmap, maximizes learners’ enragement, assign the right content at the right time, giving evidence based on methodologies to help the students learn and delivers measurable results. Instructional design models considered appropriate for inclusive and participatory learning process were examined as Addie, Rapid, Gegne’s Nine Event instructions and Isman instructional design models. This models serve as framework for developing modules or lesson that enhances the po...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Students in schools often experience physical violence such as; teasing, stigmatization, psycholo... more Students in schools often experience physical violence such as; teasing, stigmatization, psychological, verbal abuse and sexual harassment, including rape. Fear of violence attack prevents many girls with hearing impairment from attending social gathering due to their communication and language problems. This study examined the impact of school’s violence on educational career of female students with hearing impairment in federal college of education Pankshin, plateau, Nigeria. The main objectives of the research are to find out the types of violence experienced by female students with hearing impairment studying in Federal College of education Pankshin and examine the impact of violence on education of female students with hearing impairment after experiencing the trauma of violence. The following research questions were also formulated to guide the study. What types of violence commonly experienced by girls with hearing impairment studying in FCE Pankshin? To what extent has viole...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The potential for blended learning to change how literacy instruction and skill acquisition are d... more The potential for blended learning to change how literacy instruction and skill acquisition are delivered in Nigeria in the digital age, as well as its many advantages, are covered in the paper. Learning has become more appealing and efficient thanks to blended learning’s flexibility and interactive features. Additionally, it has helped students access education and helped faculty members get ready for the digital age of employment. In essence, it improves teaching and learning opportunities, student academic accomplishment, and access to education for all. In order to strengthen our literacy education delivery in Nigeria in light of the Covid-19 pandemic’s resurgence, blended learning must be included into the delivery of literacy education and the acquisition of skills. The concept of blended learning, a conceptual view of literacy in literature, a new construct of literacy and its recognition of its core values, a concept of skill acquisition, a theory of blended learning, roles ...
Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
This paper discusses the influence of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s teachings on community development in I... more This paper discusses the influence of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s teachings on community development in India, as depicted in Arundhati Roy’s novel The God of Small Things The novel highlights the struggle of the lower-caste population against the rigid social hierarchy prevalent in India, and how Ambedkar’s ideology of social equality and empowerment has impacted the community’s development. Arundhati Roy’s novel The God of Small Things presents a powerful depiction of the impact of Ambedkar’s teachings on community development in India. The novel portrays the lives of twin siblings, Rahel and Estha, who grow up in Ayemenem, a fictional town in Kerala. Their family, the Ipes, is part of the Syrian Christian community, which occupies a higher position in the social hierarchy than the local Dalits. However, the novel also portrays the Dalits’ plight, highlighting the systemic oppression they face, which is deeply entrenched in the social and cultural fabric of the region. This paper analyses...
Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The goal of the current study is to understand how activist Savitribai Phule has influenced femal... more The goal of the current study is to understand how activist Savitribai Phule has influenced female education in the modern India. Savitribai Phule started a wave of change in the modern era of numerous sectors of education, hence her ideas and principles should be implemented into education. She made an effort to overthrow the society’s predominately usual educational system and aspired to rebuild it as a free and open system for everyone. This investigation uses a qualitative methodology based on historical research. The researcher chooses to conduct his investigation using the historical study methodology. Secondary data as well as primary data have both been utilised in this study. Within the system of public education, her ideals and principles are acceptable. The current educational system has to take these viewpoints into account. The Indian educational system will benefit from this increased knowledge. Both educators and students will proceed Savitribai Phule’s example and up...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The imperativeness of educational leadership and artificial intelligence in contemporary society ... more The imperativeness of educational leadership and artificial intelligence in contemporary society cannot be overstated in the quest for sustainable development, given the pivotal role of education in achieving the stated developmental objectives. Sadly, educational leaders in Nigeria face several challenges in maximizing the use of AI for sustainable development. This has not only influenced their effectiveness negatively but has equally deprived them of optimal achievement of the objectives of education in the country, considering the roles of teachers in education service delivery. Using a qualitative research approach, this study offered insights into ways of using artificial intelligence and educational leadership for the attainment of sustainable development in Nigeria. Specifically, this study explored educational leadership, artificial intelligence, sustainable development, artificial leadership and sustainable development. Furthermore, the paper underscores the need for educa...
Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
With lots of up and downs in last few years, especially during the pandemic period, the economy o... more With lots of up and downs in last few years, especially during the pandemic period, the economy of developing countries growing rapidly. All countries are focusing on SDGs and constantly striving for the eradication of hunger, poverty, unemployment and skill development. The current study focuses on the trends and practices followed by the developing countries in foreign trades. Last twenty years data is collected and computed to compare the global trade, evolution of LDCs’ and developing economies’ share of global trade. One of the forces reshaping global value chains is a change in the geography of global demand. The major trends in developing countries trade performance are also compared. The study overview major trends in the participation of developing countries in world trade over the past two decades, followed by a brief examination of some of the key factors that were associated with trends for different groups of developing countries After analyzing the statistical data fro...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The main purpose of this study to examine the learning status of online classes of under graduate... more The main purpose of this study to examine the learning status of online classes of under graduate and post graduate student related to physical education department of Guru Kashi University Talwandi Sabo, Bhatinda (Punjab) during lockdown period. For this study an online survey was conducted to collect the data through Google form from 15 July 2021 to 25 July 2021. A self-structural questionnaire prepared in the Google form and sent to students through WhatsApp and E-mail. A total 230 students provide complete details. The percentage method was used to analysis the learning status of under graduate and post graduate students related to Physical Education courses during lockdown period. During the lock down period 80% students were actively participated in online learning or classes. Out of this percentage most students used mobile phone in online learning. Student facing many problems like stress, depression anxiety, poor internet facility, lack of study environment at home, lack of...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace is widely regarded as one of the essential historical novels of t... more Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace is widely regarded as one of the essential historical novels of the last century. This paper explores the importance of The Glass Palace as a historical novel and why it remains relevant today. The novel allows readers to see imperialism’s devastating effects on individual lives and communities. It captures the cultural and psychological tensions of colonialism in one of the central locations it affected, Burma. Furthermore, The Glass Palace’s significance as a historical novel stem from its detailed portrayal of the social, economic, and political situation of the time. By presenting historical events in an entertaining, engaging way or with fictional characters, Ghosh makes his reader cull information from one of the more enthralling telling of Asian history.
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Digitization is disrupting the establishment at associate degree unexampled pace in each business... more Digitization is disrupting the establishment at associate degree unexampled pace in each business. If one appearance at what's happening with Transportation (on-demand, electric, driver-less), Commerce (online, on-demand, personalized), tending (AI assisted diagnosis), etc – it's dismantlement existing business structures, and delivery in new innovators.
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The study investigated the effects of computer game-based teaching strategy on Computer Studies s... more The study investigated the effects of computer game-based teaching strategy on Computer Studies students’ retention abilities and gender in junior secondary schools. Two research questions guided the study while three null hypotheses were formulated and tested at .05 level of significance. The quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. A total of 2,162 students of public junior secondary schools in Ogba Education Zone made up the population of the study. 380 students from 4 intact classes were sampled using the census sampling technique. A structured 30-item validated Computer Studies Retention Test (CSRT) was used for data collection. Three experts validated the instrument and an overall reliability index of .73 was obtained using Kuder-Richardson20. Data related to the research questions were analyzed using mean and standard deviation while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) statistics was used to test the null hypotheses. The finding revealed that students taught ...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
We live in a dodecahedron-structured cybernetic enmeshment of technology running through an exten... more We live in a dodecahedron-structured cybernetic enmeshment of technology running through an extension of media convergence. In this context, the psychic fragmentation of a postmodern aesthetic is radically splintered and spreadeagled. The reflexivity praxis, embedded in a multisensory milieu navigating strange peregrinations (from modernity to postmodernity to post-post modernity), is tearing apart the current fabric, particularly through cinematic endeavors. Therefore, cinema hyphenates the piquant postmodernist aesthetics by orchestrating fragmentation, hyperkinetic synergy, anachronistic mode, pastiche, meta narratives, beats of simulacrum, and the dementia praecox of mutagenicity, to name a few. Films like Everything, Everywhere, All at Once (2022), directed by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, encapsulate the current vertiginous reality through a metaverse of careening camera movement, frenetic editing, and the pulverization of the fractured self. A new neologism called “transg...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Tony Morrison’s novel ‘Beloved’ may be counted as a revolutionary novel- as a unique addition to ... more Tony Morrison’s novel ‘Beloved’ may be counted as a revolutionary novel- as a unique addition to the genre – fictional and the typical slave narrative structure. It is a fair document of the dehumanizing effects of slavery that leave the protagonist Sethe stuck in the past and unable to escape the “continuing apocalypse of racism”. ‘Beloved’ is one of a very few examples of literature that is written in a maternal voice. This novel speaks to the unspeakable, and somewhat incommunicable, rawness of trauma. ‘Beloved’ speaks to the pervasiveness of psychological trauma. Here Toni Morrison tackles life’s darkest elements through the story of an escaped slave based around the murder of her innocent infant. The twisted mother-daughter relationships of ‘Beloved’ showcase the fracturing effect of slavery upon the human mind. Morrison radically presents this phenomenon by granting the psychological effects of slavery a physical embodiment, resurrecting a figure to adopt the secondary selves ...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
डॉ. भीमराव रामजी अंबेडकर का समावेशी वर्ग में शिक्षा, समता और समानता का दर्शन भारत के सामाजिक आर्थ... more डॉ. भीमराव रामजी अंबेडकर का समावेशी वर्ग में शिक्षा, समता और समानता का दर्शन भारत के सामाजिक आर्थिक पुनर्निर्माण के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। आजादी के बाद के दशकों में हम विभिन्न विधानों और सरकारी संस्थानों के माध्यम से पहुंच और समानता के मुद्दों में व्यस्त रहे हैं इन में अम्बेडकर ने शिक्षा, शैक्षिक संस्थान, जाति, धर्म, स्त्री आदि मामलों पर प्रकाश डाला । अंबेडकर का मानना हैं की समता और समानता यह हर इंसान की जरूरत ही नहीं यह सभी का अधिकार है । जो खुलकर और बेबाकी से बाबा साहब (बी. आर. अम्बेडकर ने समाज को बताया। बी. आर. अम्बेडकर ने समाज के उन सभी वर्गों को समावेशी कहा, जिनका समाज के अन्य वर्गों द्वारा कहीं न कहीं शोषण किया गया है या फिर किसी व्यक्ति के माध्यम से अभी भी शोषण किया जा रहा हो । अम्बेडकर ने भारत में बिना अधिकारों के रहने वाले प्रत्येक भारतीय लोगों के अधिकारों के बारे में बात की क्योंकि आजादी के बाद ऐसे कई लोग हैं जो उस समाज में रहते तो है पर अधिकार के नाम पर उनका शोषण ही हो रहा है । अम्बेडकर ने जन्म–आधारित उत्पीड़न को समाप्त करने के लिए अथक संघर्ष किया, जिसमें कुछ उच्च वर्गों के ल...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Science education has been recording dismal academic achievement, skills and attitudinal outcomes... more Science education has been recording dismal academic achievement, skills and attitudinal outcomes in Nigeria. The students, right from the basic education to the tertiary level lack 21st century skills of critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication, citizenship, self-regulation, time management, knowledge construction, problem solving, digital literacy skills and many other positive skills expedients for proper employability and entrepreneurship. The conventional, didactic, non-heuristic instructional strategy adopted in teaching science education in the country is already dated at the face of Covid-19 and post-Covid-19 pandemic. The National Science Teaching Association (NSTA, 2012, 2020) of America recommended the Next Generation Science Standard (NGSS) as the trending path to science education productivity through technology integration and reflective thinking. Cybernetics, constructivism and behaviorism theories buttressed the integrating of technology and reflec...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
lkj&la {ks i ^^jk"Vª okn rHkh vkS fpR; xz g.k dj ldrk gS ] tc yks xks a ds chp tkfr] uLy ;k ja x ... more lkj&la {ks i ^^jk"Vª okn rHkh vkS fpR; xz g.k dj ldrk gS ] tc yks xks a ds chp tkfr] uLy ;k ja x dk vUrj Hkq ykdj mues a lkekftd Hkz krRo dks loks Z Pp LFkku fn;k tk,A**-MkW-ch-vkj-vEcs Mdj MkW-Hkhe jko va cs Mdj cgq eq [kh O;fDrRo ds èkuh Fks A og ,d fo}ku] ys [kd] Øka frdkjh] la foèkku fuekZ rk vkS j ifjorZ u ds vxz nw r ds :i es a tkus tkrs gS A mUgks a us vius thou es a Nq vkNw r vkS j tkfr çFkk ds ckjs es a cgq r la ?k"kZ fd;k] D;ks a fd mUgs a Nq vkNw r vkS j tkfr ds la nHkZ es a vus d pq ukS fr;ks a dk lkeuk djuk iM+ kA blfy, og pkgrs Fks fd nfyr lekt ds fy, ,s ls lkFkZ d vk;ke LFkkfir fd;s tk, ftlls Hkfo"; es a os vius thou es a bl çdkj ds fodkjks a ds f'kdkj u gks A blfy, f'k{kk gh ,dek= ,s lk lkèku gS ] ftlds ekè;e ls ifjorZ u dks lekt es a LFkkfir fd;k tk lds A vkS j ;g ifjorZ u la foèkku es a ,s ls çkoèkku djus ls gks xk] ftles a lHkh dks leku volj vkS j lq foèkk,¡ çkIr gks A ns 'k es a yks dra = dh lQyrk ds fy, LoPN lekt] HkkrRo ,oa oS Kkfud nf"Vdks .k dk gks uk vfr vko';d gS A Hkhejko vEcs Mdj dk lEiw .kZ thou ekuo lekt dh ls ok es a lefiZ r jgkA mUgks a us 'krkfCn;ks a ls Hkkjr es a pys vk jgs :f<+ oknh dk lew y uk'k djus dk ç;kl djrs gq ,] nfyrks a ds ,d cM+ s oxZ dks la foèkku es a lekurk dk ntkZ çnku djkus dk egku~ dk;Z fd;k] lkFk gh ijra = Hkkjr dks Lora =rk fnykus ds ç;kl Lo:i ys [kks a o vius egku fopkjks a }kjk nfyr oxZ dks la xfBr djus dk lQy dk;Z Hkh iw .kZ fd;kA blds lkFk gh lekt m)kjd rFkk lkekftd ps ruk dks tkxr djus rFkk efgykvks a dh fLFkfr es a lq èkkj djus ds {ks = es a mudh vge~ Hkw fedk jghA vEcs Mdj lkgc us vus d ,s ls ltukRed jktuhfrd vk;ke LFkkfir fd;s ] ftlls lekt es a ,d ubZ ps ruk dk fodkl gq vkA muds vkfFkZ d fopkj lekt es a lekurk LFkkfir djus es a ehy dk iRFkj lkfcr gq ,A jk"Vª fuekZ .k rFkk jk"Vª okn ds fuekZ .k es a mudh vge Hkw fedk jghA muds vuq lkj ,d vkn'kZ lekt rFkk jk"Vª h; ,drk rHkh LFkkfir gks ldrh] tc lekt es a fdlh çdkj dk dks bZ Hks nHkko ugha jgs xkA eq [; 'kCn%& ifjorZ u] volj] lekurk] fopkj] jk"Vª okn] lekt] la foèkkuA Mk-Hkhe jko vEcs Mdj vf}rh; çfrHkk ds èkuh Fks A fo'o es a vus d ,s ls egkiq #"kks a dk tUe gq vk gS ] ftUgks a us u ds oy la lkj dk ekxZ n'kZ u fd;k] cfYd lEiw .kZ lekt ij vius egku O;fDrRo dh vfeV Nki Hkh Nks M+ hA ftlls çHkkfor gks dj ekuo lekt mu egkiq #"kks a ds fuok.kZ ds i'pkr~ Hkh drkFkZ gks rk jgk gS A
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
We have hitherto only considered the viewpoint of men, but now it’s time to give women a fair sho... more We have hitherto only considered the viewpoint of men, but now it’s time to give women a fair shot as well. Every human being has the potential to learn about and advance science and technology, thus it is not only a field that is exclusively open to one gender. In movies, women play a supporting role for the men. An examination of the ways in which culture affects the evolving discussion of gender portrayals in cinema. Science fiction films are the ideal medium for discussing human habitation in the future because their content is an imaginative representation of civilization. Under the premise of a science fiction theme, it is necessary to re-examine and reinterpret the connection between genders considering modern technology. It has taken a while for the representation of women in movies to improve after years of under representation. Redemption of women altered significantly as nations advanced in modernity. The media had a significant impact on the modernization of societies an...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Plastics, which are dumped in landfills and disintegrate very slowly, are one of the main drivers... more Plastics, which are dumped in landfills and disintegrate very slowly, are one of the main drivers of land pollution. Because of this, biodegradable and biocompatible polymers are currently increasing importance in both fundamental and practical research domains across the globe. Plastics made from renewable biomass sources, such as food scraps and agricultural byproducts, are known as bioplastics. Transparent, adaptable, strong, excellent as a barrier, and heat resistant, bioplastic is also. We carried out a study in the Biotechnology department of the Govt College in Hisar, Haryana, keeping all these issues in mind. In this study, we used leftover banana peels and turned them into a bioplastic film by treating them with acid and alkali. Successful production of bioplastic sheets from a mixture of banana peel and industrial maize starch was done. At 4% maize starch content, the films were able to offer tensile strength with a maximum value of 3.50 n. The hydrophilic properties of st...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
One of the challenges of technical education in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, is the lac... more One of the challenges of technical education in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, is the lack of an appropriate entrepreneurial framework for the content of the technical college curriculum. The purpose of this study was to explore the entrepreneurial competencies for technical college programs in Nigeria. This study was guided by qualitative approach through document analysis and semi-structured interview with 15 participants selected purposively and eleven Journal Articles were analyzed. The empirical findings from semi-structured interviews confirm the theoretical findings in document analysis. This study found several managerial entrepreneurial competencies in document analysis and interviews, eventually analyzed thematically. Themes include: Business plan, Decision making, technical know-how, Interpersonal relationship and Communication. The study analyzed only 11 documents and conducted 15 interviews, so the conclusions drawn from these sources depend on the authenticity ...
Research in Science & Technological Education, 2000
... The sample comprised 77 Jamaican grade 11 female students from two traditional high schools i... more ... The sample comprised 77 Jamaican grade 11 female students from two traditional high schools in Kingston. Attitudes to a biology questionnaire, attitudes to the computer/CAI questionnaire and a biology achievement test (BAT) were used for data collection. ...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
This position paper focuses on innovative instructional design packages for inclusive and partici... more This position paper focuses on innovative instructional design packages for inclusive and participatory interactive learning experience in Nigeria. The theoretical backup adopted for inclusive and participatory learning was constructivism which holds that learners construct knowledge through active involvement. The paper x-ray instructional design packages, basic components such as analysis, design and development and evaluation. The characteristic of good instructional designs as highlighted include provision of a clear roadmap, maximizes learners’ enragement, assign the right content at the right time, giving evidence based on methodologies to help the students learn and delivers measurable results. Instructional design models considered appropriate for inclusive and participatory learning process were examined as Addie, Rapid, Gegne’s Nine Event instructions and Isman instructional design models. This models serve as framework for developing modules or lesson that enhances the po...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
Students in schools often experience physical violence such as; teasing, stigmatization, psycholo... more Students in schools often experience physical violence such as; teasing, stigmatization, psychological, verbal abuse and sexual harassment, including rape. Fear of violence attack prevents many girls with hearing impairment from attending social gathering due to their communication and language problems. This study examined the impact of school’s violence on educational career of female students with hearing impairment in federal college of education Pankshin, plateau, Nigeria. The main objectives of the research are to find out the types of violence experienced by female students with hearing impairment studying in Federal College of education Pankshin and examine the impact of violence on education of female students with hearing impairment after experiencing the trauma of violence. The following research questions were also formulated to guide the study. What types of violence commonly experienced by girls with hearing impairment studying in FCE Pankshin? To what extent has viole...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The potential for blended learning to change how literacy instruction and skill acquisition are d... more The potential for blended learning to change how literacy instruction and skill acquisition are delivered in Nigeria in the digital age, as well as its many advantages, are covered in the paper. Learning has become more appealing and efficient thanks to blended learning’s flexibility and interactive features. Additionally, it has helped students access education and helped faculty members get ready for the digital age of employment. In essence, it improves teaching and learning opportunities, student academic accomplishment, and access to education for all. In order to strengthen our literacy education delivery in Nigeria in light of the Covid-19 pandemic’s resurgence, blended learning must be included into the delivery of literacy education and the acquisition of skills. The concept of blended learning, a conceptual view of literacy in literature, a new construct of literacy and its recognition of its core values, a concept of skill acquisition, a theory of blended learning, roles ...
Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
This paper discusses the influence of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s teachings on community development in I... more This paper discusses the influence of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s teachings on community development in India, as depicted in Arundhati Roy’s novel The God of Small Things The novel highlights the struggle of the lower-caste population against the rigid social hierarchy prevalent in India, and how Ambedkar’s ideology of social equality and empowerment has impacted the community’s development. Arundhati Roy’s novel The God of Small Things presents a powerful depiction of the impact of Ambedkar’s teachings on community development in India. The novel portrays the lives of twin siblings, Rahel and Estha, who grow up in Ayemenem, a fictional town in Kerala. Their family, the Ipes, is part of the Syrian Christian community, which occupies a higher position in the social hierarchy than the local Dalits. However, the novel also portrays the Dalits’ plight, highlighting the systemic oppression they face, which is deeply entrenched in the social and cultural fabric of the region. This paper analyses...
Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The goal of the current study is to understand how activist Savitribai Phule has influenced femal... more The goal of the current study is to understand how activist Savitribai Phule has influenced female education in the modern India. Savitribai Phule started a wave of change in the modern era of numerous sectors of education, hence her ideas and principles should be implemented into education. She made an effort to overthrow the society’s predominately usual educational system and aspired to rebuild it as a free and open system for everyone. This investigation uses a qualitative methodology based on historical research. The researcher chooses to conduct his investigation using the historical study methodology. Secondary data as well as primary data have both been utilised in this study. Within the system of public education, her ideals and principles are acceptable. The current educational system has to take these viewpoints into account. The Indian educational system will benefit from this increased knowledge. Both educators and students will proceed Savitribai Phule’s example and up...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The imperativeness of educational leadership and artificial intelligence in contemporary society ... more The imperativeness of educational leadership and artificial intelligence in contemporary society cannot be overstated in the quest for sustainable development, given the pivotal role of education in achieving the stated developmental objectives. Sadly, educational leaders in Nigeria face several challenges in maximizing the use of AI for sustainable development. This has not only influenced their effectiveness negatively but has equally deprived them of optimal achievement of the objectives of education in the country, considering the roles of teachers in education service delivery. Using a qualitative research approach, this study offered insights into ways of using artificial intelligence and educational leadership for the attainment of sustainable development in Nigeria. Specifically, this study explored educational leadership, artificial intelligence, sustainable development, artificial leadership and sustainable development. Furthermore, the paper underscores the need for educa...
Edumania-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
With lots of up and downs in last few years, especially during the pandemic period, the economy o... more With lots of up and downs in last few years, especially during the pandemic period, the economy of developing countries growing rapidly. All countries are focusing on SDGs and constantly striving for the eradication of hunger, poverty, unemployment and skill development. The current study focuses on the trends and practices followed by the developing countries in foreign trades. Last twenty years data is collected and computed to compare the global trade, evolution of LDCs’ and developing economies’ share of global trade. One of the forces reshaping global value chains is a change in the geography of global demand. The major trends in developing countries trade performance are also compared. The study overview major trends in the participation of developing countries in world trade over the past two decades, followed by a brief examination of some of the key factors that were associated with trends for different groups of developing countries After analyzing the statistical data fro...
Shodh Sari-An International Multidisciplinary Journal
The main purpose of this study to examine the learning status of online classes of under graduate... more The main purpose of this study to examine the learning status of online classes of under graduate and post graduate student related to physical education department of Guru Kashi University Talwandi Sabo, Bhatinda (Punjab) during lockdown period. For this study an online survey was conducted to collect the data through Google form from 15 July 2021 to 25 July 2021. A self-structural questionnaire prepared in the Google form and sent to students through WhatsApp and E-mail. A total 230 students provide complete details. The percentage method was used to analysis the learning status of under graduate and post graduate students related to Physical Education courses during lockdown period. During the lock down period 80% students were actively participated in online learning or classes. Out of this percentage most students used mobile phone in online learning. Student facing many problems like stress, depression anxiety, poor internet facility, lack of study environment at home, lack of...