Theguh Saumantri - (original) (raw)

Papers by Theguh Saumantri

Research paper thumbnail of The Harmony of Islam and Pancasila in Religious Discourse in Indonesia

Jurnal Studi Sosial Keagamaan Syekh Nurjati

Indonesia is a country with a majority of its population practicing Islam, but it does not claim ... more Indonesia is a country with a majority of its population practicing Islam, but it does not claim itself as an Islamic state. The presence of Pancasila as a melting pot has led to the emergence of a highly elegant Civil Society in this nation. Islam and Pancasila, in principle, are aligned and harmonious within the context of Indonesian democracy. The purpose of this research focuses on the harmonization of Islam and Pancasila in the study of religious moderation in Indonesia. The study employs a qualitative approach through a literature review and field studies involving observations and documentation. The research findings explain that religion and Pancasila are in alignment, with religion serving as a way of life for its followers, while Pancasila represents the way of life for the religiously diverse Indonesian nation. In the literature on religious moderation in Indonesia, religion must provide enlightenment to its adherents so that they can accept and appreciate the noble value...

Research paper thumbnail of Perspektif Filsafat Agama Tentang Kerukunan Beragama

Living Islam: Journal of Islamic Discourses

Indonesia, as a country rich in cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, has faced complex chal... more Indonesia, as a country rich in cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, has faced complex challenges in achieving social harmony and inter-religious harmony. Over time, the complexity of religious diversity has given rise to a number of problems, including inter-religious conflicts, insults, and a lack of understanding of the principles of religious harmony. This study aims to enrich the understanding of the concept of religious harmony from the perspective of religious philosophy as well as identify the contribution of religious philosophy to enriching the understanding of religious harmony in the context of religious diversity in Indonesia. This research uses a descriptive research method with a phenomenological approach. Based on the analysis conducted, it can be interpreted that religious harmony is a fundamental concept in the lives of religion and society. This relates to the formation of an attitude of tolerance, mutual respect, and understanding differences. In the philos...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Pesantren Tarekat Roudhoh Al-Hikam dalam Mengembangkan Tradisi Intelektual Islam dan Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peranan dan konsistensi Pesantren Tarekat terhad... more AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peranan dan konsistensi Pesantren Tarekat terhadap pengembangan tradisi intelektual Islam dan moderasi beragama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini sekaligus menjawab dua problem besar umat Islam yang saat ini terjadi yakni surutnya tradisi intelektual dan mengikisnya kesadaran moderasi beragama, di mana dua hal tersebut telah lama terbangun. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Teori Manajemen Teror dengan studi kasus Pesantren Tarekat bernama Roudhoh Al-Hikam, yang berlokasi di Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini mengambil dua sumber data, yaitu data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi lapangan dan wawancara, dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari buku dan jurnal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, Pesantren Tarekat konsisten menghidupkan tradisi intelektual Islam khas Indonesia yakni melaksanakan dan mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan Islam berbasis mazhab Syafi’i dan berteologi Asy’ari-Maturidi, yang bersumber dari ki...

Research paper thumbnail of Prinsip dan Asas Masyarakat Multikultural Perspektif Tariq Ramadan

Sophist : Jurnal Sosial Politik Kajian Islam dan Tafsir

Pluralism and inclusivity are important aspects that need to be understood in the context of toda... more Pluralism and inclusivity are important aspects that need to be understood in the context of today’s multicultural society. However, in pluralistic societies, conflicts often arise due to differences and disagreements among different groups. This study aims to analyze the concepts of pluralism and inclusivity in the thoughts of Tariq Ramadan, with a focus on the concepts of European Muslim and Dar al-Shahadah. This research is a literature study with a philosophical approach that aims to examine the ideas and concepts of the figure. The results of this study indicate that in his thinking, Tariq Ramadan emphasizes the importance of a critical, inclusive, and pluralistic approach to Islam as well as advocating for reform in Islamic thought. His concepts of European Muslim and Dar al-Shahadah offer a positive view of the role of Muslim identity in an increasingly complex and changing global context in creating a more just and harmonious society and teaching the importance of recognizin...

Research paper thumbnail of Hyper Religiusitas di Era Digital: Analisis Paradigma Postmodernisme Jean Baudrillard Terhadap Fenomena Keberagamaan di Media Sosial

Al-Mutharahah: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Sosial Keagamaan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji fenomena hyper religiusitas yang terjadi dalam era digita... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji fenomena hyper religiusitas yang terjadi dalam era digital di Indonesia dengan menggunakan paradigma postmodernisme Jean Baudrillard. Hyper religiusitas di era digital dapat dijelaskan dengan konsep simulasi dan tanda yang dikemukakan oleh Baudrillard. Fenomena ini dapat dilihat melalui praktik keagamaan yang tidak hanya terjadi di dunia nyata, tetapi juga di dunia maya. Paradigma postmodernisme Baudrillard juga dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan perubahan identitas dalam era modern dan pasca-modern, serta dampak media dalam memahami dan mempraktikkan agama. Selain itu, artikel ini membahas dampak masyarakat konsumeris terhadap simbol agama dan konsumsi sebagai cara masyarakat konsumeris memandang agama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan filosofis, yaitu dengan melakukan analisis terhadap konsep-konsep simulasi dan tanda dalam pandangan Baudrillard. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fenomena hyp...

Research paper thumbnail of Pluralisme Dan Inklusivitas Dalam Masyarakat Multikultural Perspektif Pemikiran Tariq Ramadan

Zawiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam

Pluralisme dan inklusivitas merupakan hal penting yang perlu di pahami dalam konteks masyarakat m... more Pluralisme dan inklusivitas merupakan hal penting yang perlu di pahami dalam konteks masyarakat multikultural saat ini. Namun, dalam masyarakat yang pluralistik, konflik seringkali muncul karena perbedaan dan ketidaksepakatan di antara kelompok yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep-konsep pluralisme dan inklusivitas dalam pemikiran Tariq Ramadan, dengan fokus pada konsep European Muslim dan Dar al-Shahadah. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pustaka dengan pendekatan filosofis yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji ide dan gagasan tokoh. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam pemikirannya, Tariq Ramadan menekankan pentingnya pendekatan kritis, inklusif, dan pluralistik terhadap Islam, serta memperjuangkan reformasi dalam pemikiran Islam. Konsep European Muslim dan Dar al-Shahadah-nya menawarkan pandangan yang positif tentang peran identitas muslim dalam konteks global yang semakin kompleks dan berubah dalam menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih adil dan harmonis sert...

Research paper thumbnail of Construction of Religious Moderation in Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Perennial Philosophy Perspective

Kanz Philosophia: A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism

In essence, religion is a form of human expression concerning spiritual experience and the relati... more In essence, religion is a form of human expression concerning spiritual experience and the relationship with the Divine. In this regard, religion can be a source of strength and inspiration for individuals and communities to live a meaningful life. However, in the context of rapid globalization and modernization, conflicts and tensions often arise between different religious groups. In the context of religious moderation, the idea of perennial philosophy is used to understand religious pluralism. This research aims to explicate the ideas of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's perennial philosophy towards the plural religious reality and to use his thoughts in building an understanding of religious moderation. This research uses a literature review method with a philosophical approach that aims to understand the thoughts or theories of a figure. The results of this study explain the importance of understanding universal religious values in building harmony in practicing religion and establishi...

Research paper thumbnail of Urgensi Metodologi Studi Islam Interdisipliner Untuk Moderasi Islam

An-Nawa : Jurnal Studi Islam

In the era of globalization and technological advancements, Islam as a world religion faces compl... more In the era of globalization and technological advancements, Islam as a world religion faces complex challenges in maintaining teachings that align with the progress of time. To overcome these challenges, a holistic and inclusive approach to understanding and practicing Islam is needed. Interdisciplinary Islamic studies have become an increasingly important topic in the current global context. This is due to the complexity of religious, social, and political issues faced by Muslim communities worldwide. The aim of this research is to uncover the urgency of using interdisciplinary methodologies to promote moderation in the interpretation of religious understanding. Religious moderation refers to a balanced approach between steadfastness in religious principles and flexibility in social contexts. This concept encourages Muslims to understand and practice their religion in an inclusive, tolerant, and adaptable manner to changing times. This research is a qualitative descriptive study co...

Research paper thumbnail of Meretas Ketegangan Relasi Agama dan Negara di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Nurcholish Madjid

Sosfilkom: Jurnal Sosial, Filsafat dan Komunikasi, Jan 3, 2023

Dalam Persoalan hubungan Agama (Islam) dan negara di masa modern ini merupakan salah satu subyek ... more Dalam Persoalan hubungan Agama (Islam) dan negara di masa modern ini merupakan salah satu subyek penting, meski telah diperdebatkan oleh banyak pemikir Islam sejak hampir seabad lalu hingga sekarang ini. Dalam konteks politik seperti halnya negara-negara lain yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam misalnya Turki, Palestina, dan Libiya, begitupun Indonesia mengalami kesulitan serius, bagaimana membangun hubungan politik antar agama (Islam) dengan negara. Oleh karena Nurcholish Madjid intelektual muslim indonesia yang sering disapa cak nur menanggapi persoalan-perseolan tersebut dengan merumuskan pemikiran-pemikirannya dalam menjawab persoalan politik islam yang terjadi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pemikiran tokoh besar Indonesia, yang melakukan penelusuran atas data-data yang berbentuk konsep-konsep dan terformulasikan dalam berbagai tulisan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini sepenuhnya merupakan Library Research (kajian pustaka) penelaahan buku-buku dan tulisan-tulisan yang ada kaitannya dengan pemikiran keislaman dan keindonesiaan Nurcholish Madjid. Kesimpulan dalam penilitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Nurcholish Madjid mencoba menetralisasi ketegangan hubungan Islam dan negara dengan menyerukan deislamisasi dan program sekularisasi serta desakralisasi. Menurut Nurcholish Madjid sekularisasi pada hakikatnya adalah rasionalisasi dan desakralisasi. Sebab substansi sekularisasi adalah memecahkan dan memahami masalah-masalah duniawi dengan menyerahkan kecerdasan antara rasio.

Research paper thumbnail of Hukum Dan Perubahan Sosial DI Tengah Pandemi COVID-19

Mahkamah, Nov 3, 2022

The COV1D-1 9 pandemic brought various challenges and social probematics in the midst of a pandem... more The COV1D-1 9 pandemic brought various challenges and social probematics in the midst of a pandemic not only had a serious impact on public health, but also in the field of law. A pandemic is a social change that affects the legal conditions in society. On the one hand, in the context of social change, the fields of law and social change influence each other. This type of research uses a type of library research, which has the purpose of tracing and studying a data or information about the discussion of research and data processing is carried out with a descriptive method of analysis to get a detailed picture of the object of discussion. From the research, it was concluded that there is an influence of social change on legal changes, on the contrary, legal changes also affect social changes in society. The relationship between social change and the legal sector is an interaction relationship. It is under these conditions that the role of the law as a means of social change is important to optimize.

Research paper thumbnail of Konstruksi Pengetahuan dalam Perspektif Metodologi Program Riset Ilmiah Imre Lakatos

Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam, Oct 10, 2022

The purpose of this study is to describe imre Lakatos' analysis of the concept of The Methodology... more The purpose of this study is to describe imre Lakatos' analysis of the concept of The Methodology Scientific Research Program which contributes to the contextualization of contemporary knowledge and passes down the tradition of research to Islamic science. In philosophical discourse, knowledge is the consciousness of man in search of an objective truth. This research is a library research with a philosophical approach. The conclusions in this study explain that in imre lakatos thinking science is a series of interrelated theories that in its development always have a continuous character (continuity) The prototype of the Lakatos Research Program is an engineering program to obtain science consisting of negative heuristics and positive heuristics and the research program initiated by Lakatos is a formulation of the procession of scientific discoveries, so it is hoped that the practice can be followed.

Research paper thumbnail of Makna Ritus Dalam Tari Topeng Cirebon

SOSFILKOM : Jurnal Sosial, Filsafat dan Komunikasi

The role of the mask has always been related to the socio-cultural life of a society. Mask art is... more The role of the mask has always been related to the socio-cultural life of a society. Mask art is a type of folk art. All people can dance mask art as a form to preserve and maintain the artistic heritage of their ancestors. The basis of this research is to reveal the meaning of a Cirebon mask dance symbol. In this research, the method used is descriptive qualitative as an effort to describe and analyze a phenomenon. From this research, it can be concluded that the Cirebon Mask Dance, which is a symbol of the manifestation (representation) of its supporting community, which is displayed in art performances is not just entertainment but has meaning, aesthetics, visual power, and dynamics of motion in its music.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsep Manusia Dalam Teori Psikoanalisis Humanis Dialektik Erich Fromm

Sanjiwani: Jurnal Filsafat

Erich Fromm was a psychoanalyst, social theorist, and philosopher. In the course of his life fro... more Erich Fromm was a psychoanalyst, social theorist, and philosopher. In the course of his life fromm studied about the human personality, therefore fromm in his humanist theory showed his concern for the struggle of the human being who never gave up on obtaining freedom in relation to the human need to relate to others. This study aims to understand the meaning, urgency and nature of human needs in the dialectical humanist psychoanalysis theory of erich fromm as the capital of human self-existence in this world and read the erich fromm framework of thought which is seen as having a great influence on human personality. Using a descriptive analysis approach, the conclusion is that the concept of munusia in the perspective of his theory is viewed as a form of human consciousness. Man has a unique suprabiological nature and is built in human character. Human life is determined by the inevitable alternative between returning to animal existence or arriving at a true human existence.

Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 Terhadap Perubahan Sosial Pada Anak

Jurnal Anifa: Studi Gender dan Anak

This study aims to outline the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social change in children. Chil... more This study aims to outline the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social change in children. Children as social actors have changed from their routines during the covid-19 pandemic, such as: not being at school, learning remotely virtually, doing activities at home, not meeting physically with their friends, and getting used to maintaining their health following the covid-19 health protocol. Another situation faced by children is experiencing separation from parents or caregivers because parents are in isolation or die because they are positive for covid-19, and parents cannot return home due to social distancing policies. This research was qualitative through library research, which included field research with observations, documentation, and interviews. This study found that the situations and conditions that occurred during the covid-19 pandemic impacted the social realm of children's growth and development. These situations can positively and negatively impact child develop...

Research paper thumbnail of Konstruksi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Perspektif Filsafat Agama

Substantia: Media Studi Ilmu dan Keagamaan, Oct 30, 2022

Indonesia has a variety of ethnicities, cultures and religions so that it can be called a multicu... more Indonesia has a variety of ethnicities, cultures and religions so that it can be called a multicultural country. As a result of these differences, Indonesian society is vulnerable to friction between religious groups. This study aims to describe the idea of the philosophy of religion as the basis for logical thinking and understanding religion universally and comprehensively. The method used in this research is library research, to explore and examine data or information regarding the research discussion. This study concludes that an understanding of religion needs to be based on moderate values as an effort to create harmony between religious communities. Philosophy of religion can be a means of constructive thinking in understanding religion rationally, logically, critically, and deeply so as to create a moderate perspective. The construction of religious moderation values aims to realize a way of thinking that chooses the middle way to realize social harmony and balance, not to behave and think in a radical way in understanding things. Abstrak: Indonesia dengan segala kekayaan yang dimilikinya, mulai dari beragam suku, budaya dan agama menjadikannya negara yang multikultural. Namun Sebagai negara yang memiliki masyarakat yang plural dengan berbagai pemahaman, akan selalu ada gesekan antar kelompok beragama jika kebenaran didikte pada satu kebenaran tunggal atas kelompoknya masing-masing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan gagasan filsafat agama sebagai landasan berpikir logis dan memahami agama secara mendalam, universal dan komprehensif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepustakaan (library research), yang memiliki tujuan yakni menelusuri dan menelaah suatu data atau informasi mengenai bahasan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pemahaman tentang agama perlu dilandasi oleh nilai-nilai moderat hal ini sebagai upaya menciptakan keharmonisan antar umat beragama. Filsafat agama dapat menjadi sarana berpikir konstruktif dalam memahami agama secara rasional, logis, kritis, dan mendalam sehingga dapat menciptakan perilaku moderat. Konstruksi nilai-nilai moderasi beragama bertujuan sebagai upaya sikap moderasi dalam beragama dengan sikap memilih jalan pertengahan untuk mewujudkan harmoni sosial dan keseimbangan hidup, tidak berperilaku ekstrim dalam berpikir maupun bertindak.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsumerisme Masyarakat Kontemporer Menurut Herbert Marcuse

Media (Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi)

This paper aims to describe the thoughts of the philosopher Herbert Marcuse about the phenomenon ... more This paper aims to describe the thoughts of the philosopher Herbert Marcuse about the phenomenon of consumerism in contemporary society. The method used is literature research with a philosophical approach. This study finds that there is a paradigm shift in the realm of consumption in the era of contemporary society. According to Marcuse, consumerism in today's society contains a totalitarian logic. The totalitarian tendencies of technology have shaped one-dimensional patterns of thought and behavior. The indication is that society cannot escape the influence and domination of technology. Technology has produced goods in abundance. As a result, the goods produced by the means of production are manipulated and indoctrinated to the needs of individuals in an advanced industrial society.

Research paper thumbnail of The Dialectic of Islam Nusantara and Its Contribution To The Development of Religious Moderation In Indonesia

FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan

Islam Nusantara refers to identity and religious character. The archipelago people accept Islam b... more Islam Nusantara refers to identity and religious character. The archipelago people accept Islam because of the close relationship between Islam and the fundamental cultural values of the Indonesian people. The dialectic of Islam Nusantara can be seen through the characteristics of religion that make it different from the religious patterns in some parts of the world, including showing a moderate attitude. Moderation, a guide for maintaining balance and justice in the nation's unity, can become harmony for religion, culture, and politics. In Islam, moderation is the middle wasatha ummah, namely moderate people who adhere to the principle of the bainiyyah (in between). The research method was library research by making books and library materials about Islam Nusantara a reference and primary source. The research results reported that Islam Nusantara, with its moderation movement, has brought together the universal Islam fundamental values by accumulating local values that make the...

Research paper thumbnail of Teori Ashabiyah Ibnu Khaldun Sebagai Model Perkembangan Peradaban Manusia

Jurnal Tamaddun : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, 2020

Abdurrahman bin Muhammad or known by the name of Ibn Khaldun is a Muslim intellectual who is very... more Abdurrahman bin Muhammad or known by the name of Ibn Khaldun is a Muslim intellectual who is very famous and phenomenal in Islamic scholar. Besides being known as the father of historiography, Ibn Khaldun is also known as an economist and sociologist. His thoughts differed from those of earlier philosophers who talked more about eschatology. The main idea of Ibn Khaldun's thinking is more on the empirical knowledge around him. Therefore, in his study, he wrote about history, economics, and social. One of his main ideas is about the theory of ashabiyah, which describes the civilization of human society. Humans live in groups. They are interdependent and cannot live alone. Therefore, the development of human civilization is shaped by harmony and solidarity among people. It is the same goal of each human being and the realization of ashabiyah (community) among them. The theory of ashabiyah will be the basis for the development of humans. In this study, the authors try to analyze Ibn Klaldun's thoughts about his epistemology related to the development of human civilization. From this study, it can be seen that in principle, human civilization, according to Ibn Khaldun is the realization of ashabiyah to create human development and humidity.

Research paper thumbnail of Wacana Integrasi Ilmu Dalam Pandangan Al-Ghozali

JURNAL YAQZHAN: Analisis Filsafat, Agama dan Kemanusiaan, 2019

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern yang menakjubkan telah membawa dampak yang kurang baik terha... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern yang menakjubkan telah membawa dampak yang kurang baik terhadap peradaban manusia modern. Pengaruh yang paling fenomenal adalah sekulerisasi ilmu yang dilakukan oleh saintis barat. Paradigma ilmu yang dikembangkan oleh barat jauh berbeda dengan paradigm ilmu yang dikembangkan oleh saintis Islam. Bila barat menjadikan manusia sebagai pusat kebenaran dengan pemikirannya dan menafikan sisi metafisik, maka Islam, sebaliknya mengakui keduanya sebagai sumber ilmu yang valid. Dalam kajian ini penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis pemikiran Al-Ghozali tentang epistemologinya dan juga klasifikasi ilmu yang dibuatnya kaitannya dengan integrasi ilmu. Dari kajian ini menemukan bahwa pada prinsipnya ilmu menurut al-Ghazali adalah satu yakni ilmu itu semata-mata merupakan milik Allah SWT. Singkatnya, Al-Ghozali tidak membedakan antara ilmu agama dan ilmu umum karena pada dasarnya sumber ilmu itu adalah Allah dan objek dari semua ilmu adalah ma'rifat kepada Allah.

Research paper thumbnail of Refleksi atas Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Perspektif Teori Psikoanalisis Humanis Erich Fromm

Research paper thumbnail of The Harmony of Islam and Pancasila in Religious Discourse in Indonesia

Jurnal Studi Sosial Keagamaan Syekh Nurjati

Indonesia is a country with a majority of its population practicing Islam, but it does not claim ... more Indonesia is a country with a majority of its population practicing Islam, but it does not claim itself as an Islamic state. The presence of Pancasila as a melting pot has led to the emergence of a highly elegant Civil Society in this nation. Islam and Pancasila, in principle, are aligned and harmonious within the context of Indonesian democracy. The purpose of this research focuses on the harmonization of Islam and Pancasila in the study of religious moderation in Indonesia. The study employs a qualitative approach through a literature review and field studies involving observations and documentation. The research findings explain that religion and Pancasila are in alignment, with religion serving as a way of life for its followers, while Pancasila represents the way of life for the religiously diverse Indonesian nation. In the literature on religious moderation in Indonesia, religion must provide enlightenment to its adherents so that they can accept and appreciate the noble value...

Research paper thumbnail of Perspektif Filsafat Agama Tentang Kerukunan Beragama

Living Islam: Journal of Islamic Discourses

Indonesia, as a country rich in cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, has faced complex chal... more Indonesia, as a country rich in cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity, has faced complex challenges in achieving social harmony and inter-religious harmony. Over time, the complexity of religious diversity has given rise to a number of problems, including inter-religious conflicts, insults, and a lack of understanding of the principles of religious harmony. This study aims to enrich the understanding of the concept of religious harmony from the perspective of religious philosophy as well as identify the contribution of religious philosophy to enriching the understanding of religious harmony in the context of religious diversity in Indonesia. This research uses a descriptive research method with a phenomenological approach. Based on the analysis conducted, it can be interpreted that religious harmony is a fundamental concept in the lives of religion and society. This relates to the formation of an attitude of tolerance, mutual respect, and understanding differences. In the philos...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Pesantren Tarekat Roudhoh Al-Hikam dalam Mengembangkan Tradisi Intelektual Islam dan Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peranan dan konsistensi Pesantren Tarekat terhad... more AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peranan dan konsistensi Pesantren Tarekat terhadap pengembangan tradisi intelektual Islam dan moderasi beragama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini sekaligus menjawab dua problem besar umat Islam yang saat ini terjadi yakni surutnya tradisi intelektual dan mengikisnya kesadaran moderasi beragama, di mana dua hal tersebut telah lama terbangun. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis Teori Manajemen Teror dengan studi kasus Pesantren Tarekat bernama Roudhoh Al-Hikam, yang berlokasi di Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini mengambil dua sumber data, yaitu data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil observasi lapangan dan wawancara, dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari buku dan jurnal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, Pesantren Tarekat konsisten menghidupkan tradisi intelektual Islam khas Indonesia yakni melaksanakan dan mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan Islam berbasis mazhab Syafi’i dan berteologi Asy’ari-Maturidi, yang bersumber dari ki...

Research paper thumbnail of Prinsip dan Asas Masyarakat Multikultural Perspektif Tariq Ramadan

Sophist : Jurnal Sosial Politik Kajian Islam dan Tafsir

Pluralism and inclusivity are important aspects that need to be understood in the context of toda... more Pluralism and inclusivity are important aspects that need to be understood in the context of today’s multicultural society. However, in pluralistic societies, conflicts often arise due to differences and disagreements among different groups. This study aims to analyze the concepts of pluralism and inclusivity in the thoughts of Tariq Ramadan, with a focus on the concepts of European Muslim and Dar al-Shahadah. This research is a literature study with a philosophical approach that aims to examine the ideas and concepts of the figure. The results of this study indicate that in his thinking, Tariq Ramadan emphasizes the importance of a critical, inclusive, and pluralistic approach to Islam as well as advocating for reform in Islamic thought. His concepts of European Muslim and Dar al-Shahadah offer a positive view of the role of Muslim identity in an increasingly complex and changing global context in creating a more just and harmonious society and teaching the importance of recognizin...

Research paper thumbnail of Hyper Religiusitas di Era Digital: Analisis Paradigma Postmodernisme Jean Baudrillard Terhadap Fenomena Keberagamaan di Media Sosial

Al-Mutharahah: Jurnal Penelitian dan Kajian Sosial Keagamaan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji fenomena hyper religiusitas yang terjadi dalam era digita... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji fenomena hyper religiusitas yang terjadi dalam era digital di Indonesia dengan menggunakan paradigma postmodernisme Jean Baudrillard. Hyper religiusitas di era digital dapat dijelaskan dengan konsep simulasi dan tanda yang dikemukakan oleh Baudrillard. Fenomena ini dapat dilihat melalui praktik keagamaan yang tidak hanya terjadi di dunia nyata, tetapi juga di dunia maya. Paradigma postmodernisme Baudrillard juga dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan perubahan identitas dalam era modern dan pasca-modern, serta dampak media dalam memahami dan mempraktikkan agama. Selain itu, artikel ini membahas dampak masyarakat konsumeris terhadap simbol agama dan konsumsi sebagai cara masyarakat konsumeris memandang agama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan filosofis, yaitu dengan melakukan analisis terhadap konsep-konsep simulasi dan tanda dalam pandangan Baudrillard. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa fenomena hyp...

Research paper thumbnail of Pluralisme Dan Inklusivitas Dalam Masyarakat Multikultural Perspektif Pemikiran Tariq Ramadan

Zawiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam

Pluralisme dan inklusivitas merupakan hal penting yang perlu di pahami dalam konteks masyarakat m... more Pluralisme dan inklusivitas merupakan hal penting yang perlu di pahami dalam konteks masyarakat multikultural saat ini. Namun, dalam masyarakat yang pluralistik, konflik seringkali muncul karena perbedaan dan ketidaksepakatan di antara kelompok yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep-konsep pluralisme dan inklusivitas dalam pemikiran Tariq Ramadan, dengan fokus pada konsep European Muslim dan Dar al-Shahadah. Penelitian ini merupakan studi pustaka dengan pendekatan filosofis yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji ide dan gagasan tokoh. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam pemikirannya, Tariq Ramadan menekankan pentingnya pendekatan kritis, inklusif, dan pluralistik terhadap Islam, serta memperjuangkan reformasi dalam pemikiran Islam. Konsep European Muslim dan Dar al-Shahadah-nya menawarkan pandangan yang positif tentang peran identitas muslim dalam konteks global yang semakin kompleks dan berubah dalam menciptakan masyarakat yang lebih adil dan harmonis sert...

Research paper thumbnail of Construction of Religious Moderation in Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Perennial Philosophy Perspective

Kanz Philosophia: A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism

In essence, religion is a form of human expression concerning spiritual experience and the relati... more In essence, religion is a form of human expression concerning spiritual experience and the relationship with the Divine. In this regard, religion can be a source of strength and inspiration for individuals and communities to live a meaningful life. However, in the context of rapid globalization and modernization, conflicts and tensions often arise between different religious groups. In the context of religious moderation, the idea of perennial philosophy is used to understand religious pluralism. This research aims to explicate the ideas of Seyyed Hossein Nasr's perennial philosophy towards the plural religious reality and to use his thoughts in building an understanding of religious moderation. This research uses a literature review method with a philosophical approach that aims to understand the thoughts or theories of a figure. The results of this study explain the importance of understanding universal religious values in building harmony in practicing religion and establishi...

Research paper thumbnail of Urgensi Metodologi Studi Islam Interdisipliner Untuk Moderasi Islam

An-Nawa : Jurnal Studi Islam

In the era of globalization and technological advancements, Islam as a world religion faces compl... more In the era of globalization and technological advancements, Islam as a world religion faces complex challenges in maintaining teachings that align with the progress of time. To overcome these challenges, a holistic and inclusive approach to understanding and practicing Islam is needed. Interdisciplinary Islamic studies have become an increasingly important topic in the current global context. This is due to the complexity of religious, social, and political issues faced by Muslim communities worldwide. The aim of this research is to uncover the urgency of using interdisciplinary methodologies to promote moderation in the interpretation of religious understanding. Religious moderation refers to a balanced approach between steadfastness in religious principles and flexibility in social contexts. This concept encourages Muslims to understand and practice their religion in an inclusive, tolerant, and adaptable manner to changing times. This research is a qualitative descriptive study co...

Research paper thumbnail of Meretas Ketegangan Relasi Agama dan Negara di Indonesia dalam Perspektif Nurcholish Madjid

Sosfilkom: Jurnal Sosial, Filsafat dan Komunikasi, Jan 3, 2023

Dalam Persoalan hubungan Agama (Islam) dan negara di masa modern ini merupakan salah satu subyek ... more Dalam Persoalan hubungan Agama (Islam) dan negara di masa modern ini merupakan salah satu subyek penting, meski telah diperdebatkan oleh banyak pemikir Islam sejak hampir seabad lalu hingga sekarang ini. Dalam konteks politik seperti halnya negara-negara lain yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam misalnya Turki, Palestina, dan Libiya, begitupun Indonesia mengalami kesulitan serius, bagaimana membangun hubungan politik antar agama (Islam) dengan negara. Oleh karena Nurcholish Madjid intelektual muslim indonesia yang sering disapa cak nur menanggapi persoalan-perseolan tersebut dengan merumuskan pemikiran-pemikirannya dalam menjawab persoalan politik islam yang terjadi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pemikiran tokoh besar Indonesia, yang melakukan penelusuran atas data-data yang berbentuk konsep-konsep dan terformulasikan dalam berbagai tulisan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini sepenuhnya merupakan Library Research (kajian pustaka) penelaahan buku-buku dan tulisan-tulisan yang ada kaitannya dengan pemikiran keislaman dan keindonesiaan Nurcholish Madjid. Kesimpulan dalam penilitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Nurcholish Madjid mencoba menetralisasi ketegangan hubungan Islam dan negara dengan menyerukan deislamisasi dan program sekularisasi serta desakralisasi. Menurut Nurcholish Madjid sekularisasi pada hakikatnya adalah rasionalisasi dan desakralisasi. Sebab substansi sekularisasi adalah memecahkan dan memahami masalah-masalah duniawi dengan menyerahkan kecerdasan antara rasio.

Research paper thumbnail of Hukum Dan Perubahan Sosial DI Tengah Pandemi COVID-19

Mahkamah, Nov 3, 2022

The COV1D-1 9 pandemic brought various challenges and social probematics in the midst of a pandem... more The COV1D-1 9 pandemic brought various challenges and social probematics in the midst of a pandemic not only had a serious impact on public health, but also in the field of law. A pandemic is a social change that affects the legal conditions in society. On the one hand, in the context of social change, the fields of law and social change influence each other. This type of research uses a type of library research, which has the purpose of tracing and studying a data or information about the discussion of research and data processing is carried out with a descriptive method of analysis to get a detailed picture of the object of discussion. From the research, it was concluded that there is an influence of social change on legal changes, on the contrary, legal changes also affect social changes in society. The relationship between social change and the legal sector is an interaction relationship. It is under these conditions that the role of the law as a means of social change is important to optimize.

Research paper thumbnail of Konstruksi Pengetahuan dalam Perspektif Metodologi Program Riset Ilmiah Imre Lakatos

Tasamuh: Jurnal Studi Islam, Oct 10, 2022

The purpose of this study is to describe imre Lakatos' analysis of the concept of The Methodology... more The purpose of this study is to describe imre Lakatos' analysis of the concept of The Methodology Scientific Research Program which contributes to the contextualization of contemporary knowledge and passes down the tradition of research to Islamic science. In philosophical discourse, knowledge is the consciousness of man in search of an objective truth. This research is a library research with a philosophical approach. The conclusions in this study explain that in imre lakatos thinking science is a series of interrelated theories that in its development always have a continuous character (continuity) The prototype of the Lakatos Research Program is an engineering program to obtain science consisting of negative heuristics and positive heuristics and the research program initiated by Lakatos is a formulation of the procession of scientific discoveries, so it is hoped that the practice can be followed.

Research paper thumbnail of Makna Ritus Dalam Tari Topeng Cirebon

SOSFILKOM : Jurnal Sosial, Filsafat dan Komunikasi

The role of the mask has always been related to the socio-cultural life of a society. Mask art is... more The role of the mask has always been related to the socio-cultural life of a society. Mask art is a type of folk art. All people can dance mask art as a form to preserve and maintain the artistic heritage of their ancestors. The basis of this research is to reveal the meaning of a Cirebon mask dance symbol. In this research, the method used is descriptive qualitative as an effort to describe and analyze a phenomenon. From this research, it can be concluded that the Cirebon Mask Dance, which is a symbol of the manifestation (representation) of its supporting community, which is displayed in art performances is not just entertainment but has meaning, aesthetics, visual power, and dynamics of motion in its music.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsep Manusia Dalam Teori Psikoanalisis Humanis Dialektik Erich Fromm

Sanjiwani: Jurnal Filsafat

Erich Fromm was a psychoanalyst, social theorist, and philosopher. In the course of his life fro... more Erich Fromm was a psychoanalyst, social theorist, and philosopher. In the course of his life fromm studied about the human personality, therefore fromm in his humanist theory showed his concern for the struggle of the human being who never gave up on obtaining freedom in relation to the human need to relate to others. This study aims to understand the meaning, urgency and nature of human needs in the dialectical humanist psychoanalysis theory of erich fromm as the capital of human self-existence in this world and read the erich fromm framework of thought which is seen as having a great influence on human personality. Using a descriptive analysis approach, the conclusion is that the concept of munusia in the perspective of his theory is viewed as a form of human consciousness. Man has a unique suprabiological nature and is built in human character. Human life is determined by the inevitable alternative between returning to animal existence or arriving at a true human existence.

Research paper thumbnail of Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 Terhadap Perubahan Sosial Pada Anak

Jurnal Anifa: Studi Gender dan Anak

This study aims to outline the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social change in children. Chil... more This study aims to outline the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social change in children. Children as social actors have changed from their routines during the covid-19 pandemic, such as: not being at school, learning remotely virtually, doing activities at home, not meeting physically with their friends, and getting used to maintaining their health following the covid-19 health protocol. Another situation faced by children is experiencing separation from parents or caregivers because parents are in isolation or die because they are positive for covid-19, and parents cannot return home due to social distancing policies. This research was qualitative through library research, which included field research with observations, documentation, and interviews. This study found that the situations and conditions that occurred during the covid-19 pandemic impacted the social realm of children's growth and development. These situations can positively and negatively impact child develop...

Research paper thumbnail of Konstruksi Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama dalam Perspektif Filsafat Agama

Substantia: Media Studi Ilmu dan Keagamaan, Oct 30, 2022

Indonesia has a variety of ethnicities, cultures and religions so that it can be called a multicu... more Indonesia has a variety of ethnicities, cultures and religions so that it can be called a multicultural country. As a result of these differences, Indonesian society is vulnerable to friction between religious groups. This study aims to describe the idea of the philosophy of religion as the basis for logical thinking and understanding religion universally and comprehensively. The method used in this research is library research, to explore and examine data or information regarding the research discussion. This study concludes that an understanding of religion needs to be based on moderate values as an effort to create harmony between religious communities. Philosophy of religion can be a means of constructive thinking in understanding religion rationally, logically, critically, and deeply so as to create a moderate perspective. The construction of religious moderation values aims to realize a way of thinking that chooses the middle way to realize social harmony and balance, not to behave and think in a radical way in understanding things. Abstrak: Indonesia dengan segala kekayaan yang dimilikinya, mulai dari beragam suku, budaya dan agama menjadikannya negara yang multikultural. Namun Sebagai negara yang memiliki masyarakat yang plural dengan berbagai pemahaman, akan selalu ada gesekan antar kelompok beragama jika kebenaran didikte pada satu kebenaran tunggal atas kelompoknya masing-masing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan gagasan filsafat agama sebagai landasan berpikir logis dan memahami agama secara mendalam, universal dan komprehensif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kepustakaan (library research), yang memiliki tujuan yakni menelusuri dan menelaah suatu data atau informasi mengenai bahasan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pemahaman tentang agama perlu dilandasi oleh nilai-nilai moderat hal ini sebagai upaya menciptakan keharmonisan antar umat beragama. Filsafat agama dapat menjadi sarana berpikir konstruktif dalam memahami agama secara rasional, logis, kritis, dan mendalam sehingga dapat menciptakan perilaku moderat. Konstruksi nilai-nilai moderasi beragama bertujuan sebagai upaya sikap moderasi dalam beragama dengan sikap memilih jalan pertengahan untuk mewujudkan harmoni sosial dan keseimbangan hidup, tidak berperilaku ekstrim dalam berpikir maupun bertindak.

Research paper thumbnail of Konsumerisme Masyarakat Kontemporer Menurut Herbert Marcuse

Media (Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi)

This paper aims to describe the thoughts of the philosopher Herbert Marcuse about the phenomenon ... more This paper aims to describe the thoughts of the philosopher Herbert Marcuse about the phenomenon of consumerism in contemporary society. The method used is literature research with a philosophical approach. This study finds that there is a paradigm shift in the realm of consumption in the era of contemporary society. According to Marcuse, consumerism in today's society contains a totalitarian logic. The totalitarian tendencies of technology have shaped one-dimensional patterns of thought and behavior. The indication is that society cannot escape the influence and domination of technology. Technology has produced goods in abundance. As a result, the goods produced by the means of production are manipulated and indoctrinated to the needs of individuals in an advanced industrial society.

Research paper thumbnail of The Dialectic of Islam Nusantara and Its Contribution To The Development of Religious Moderation In Indonesia

FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan

Islam Nusantara refers to identity and religious character. The archipelago people accept Islam b... more Islam Nusantara refers to identity and religious character. The archipelago people accept Islam because of the close relationship between Islam and the fundamental cultural values of the Indonesian people. The dialectic of Islam Nusantara can be seen through the characteristics of religion that make it different from the religious patterns in some parts of the world, including showing a moderate attitude. Moderation, a guide for maintaining balance and justice in the nation's unity, can become harmony for religion, culture, and politics. In Islam, moderation is the middle wasatha ummah, namely moderate people who adhere to the principle of the bainiyyah (in between). The research method was library research by making books and library materials about Islam Nusantara a reference and primary source. The research results reported that Islam Nusantara, with its moderation movement, has brought together the universal Islam fundamental values by accumulating local values that make the...

Research paper thumbnail of Teori Ashabiyah Ibnu Khaldun Sebagai Model Perkembangan Peradaban Manusia

Jurnal Tamaddun : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam, 2020

Abdurrahman bin Muhammad or known by the name of Ibn Khaldun is a Muslim intellectual who is very... more Abdurrahman bin Muhammad or known by the name of Ibn Khaldun is a Muslim intellectual who is very famous and phenomenal in Islamic scholar. Besides being known as the father of historiography, Ibn Khaldun is also known as an economist and sociologist. His thoughts differed from those of earlier philosophers who talked more about eschatology. The main idea of Ibn Khaldun's thinking is more on the empirical knowledge around him. Therefore, in his study, he wrote about history, economics, and social. One of his main ideas is about the theory of ashabiyah, which describes the civilization of human society. Humans live in groups. They are interdependent and cannot live alone. Therefore, the development of human civilization is shaped by harmony and solidarity among people. It is the same goal of each human being and the realization of ashabiyah (community) among them. The theory of ashabiyah will be the basis for the development of humans. In this study, the authors try to analyze Ibn Klaldun's thoughts about his epistemology related to the development of human civilization. From this study, it can be seen that in principle, human civilization, according to Ibn Khaldun is the realization of ashabiyah to create human development and humidity.

Research paper thumbnail of Wacana Integrasi Ilmu Dalam Pandangan Al-Ghozali

JURNAL YAQZHAN: Analisis Filsafat, Agama dan Kemanusiaan, 2019

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern yang menakjubkan telah membawa dampak yang kurang baik terha... more Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern yang menakjubkan telah membawa dampak yang kurang baik terhadap peradaban manusia modern. Pengaruh yang paling fenomenal adalah sekulerisasi ilmu yang dilakukan oleh saintis barat. Paradigma ilmu yang dikembangkan oleh barat jauh berbeda dengan paradigm ilmu yang dikembangkan oleh saintis Islam. Bila barat menjadikan manusia sebagai pusat kebenaran dengan pemikirannya dan menafikan sisi metafisik, maka Islam, sebaliknya mengakui keduanya sebagai sumber ilmu yang valid. Dalam kajian ini penulis mencoba untuk menganalisis pemikiran Al-Ghozali tentang epistemologinya dan juga klasifikasi ilmu yang dibuatnya kaitannya dengan integrasi ilmu. Dari kajian ini menemukan bahwa pada prinsipnya ilmu menurut al-Ghazali adalah satu yakni ilmu itu semata-mata merupakan milik Allah SWT. Singkatnya, Al-Ghozali tidak membedakan antara ilmu agama dan ilmu umum karena pada dasarnya sumber ilmu itu adalah Allah dan objek dari semua ilmu adalah ma'rifat kepada Allah.

Research paper thumbnail of Refleksi atas Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Perspektif Teori Psikoanalisis Humanis Erich Fromm