Eko BS | Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (original) (raw)
Papers by Eko BS
The growth of local nodes along axis of development, has occurred in many cases such as in histor... more The growth of local nodes along axis of development, has occurred in many cases such as in history of growth of cities in the world, from ancient Rome to the modern era. One of the local node on the axis of development is a transport-stop node (TSN) on the axis of development. Almost all of theories and models can not provide adequate explanation toward the phenomenon. The closest theory which explains the phenomenon is "Development Axes Theory" that stated first by Pottier in 1963. But this theory provide inadequately explanation about how the growth of local node (includeing TSN) on development axis (DA), can grow dominantly influenced by flow of goods and people on the axis of development, become larger settlements which can then become the central place to serve the surrounding area. This paper reports the result of research focused to answer the research question on how the growth of land use system at the TSN on development axis (TSN on DA). Method used to explore the growth of the landuse system, is retrospective method in period of 5 years interval of growth on the case study of TSN Baitul Amanah Mosque (Itje mosque) and around. Collecting data was done by indepth interview, survey to each of building owner or manager, direct observation toward the recent condition of landuse system, and documentation by using photograph, satelite images, and other documents.
We found that the first initial factor which has influenced the growing process at the area of TSN Baitul Amanah and around is the existance of mosque of Baitul Amanah since 1990. The mosque of Baitul Amanah has been the first main attraction which then will contribute to the agregate value of "Attractiveness" of the TSN that will attract the movement (flow of people on DA) to decide to stop at the TSN. And then the informal bussiness will grow sporadically at the first stage, that will be more well-organized or ordered by themself at the later stage. And then the circular process and principle of cumulative causation have occured in the next period with "Attractiveness" of the TSN as significant factors of the growth of TSN. The growth of TSN to be larger settlement will grow in 5 stages of growth. If all of the stages of growth was occur in the first 5 years period since the first main attraction build and operated, the TSN has great opportunity to grow become larger settlement. The existance of the mosque as facility/service at the TSN on axis of development, as the first main factor of the growth of TSN is the main difference of the classical model of Myrdalian-Cumulativ Causation Model (M-CCM). And the concept of "Attractiveness", informal role to the growth, 5 stages of growth, and also the speed of growth of TSN become larger settlement, are other differences of the finding of this research toward the classical model of M-CCM.
Attraction concept has been discussed in the theory and gravity model, central place theory, and ... more Attraction concept has been discussed in the theory and gravity model, central place theory, and in various studies / study of transport behavior. In theory and gravity models, the concept of attraction is more looked at the factors that are "available" or a non Inovative as masses in the opposite of distance between the masses. In the central place theory, the attraction of people to go to the central place, influenced by the availability of goods and services within the range that is still possible to cover the cost of transport to get goods and services. Transport behavior in a variety of studies has been much discussion about why people move from one place to another is affected by the attractiveness of the destination location. However, studies on why people stop in one place (node) that not his destination, almost none. And also the research about influence of the attractiveness of a local node at the corridor towards the development of the node, no one has done. So it can be said that in the theory of growth and development, havent explained properly the attractiveness as an inovative-creative-dinamic factor to local at nodes along the development axes (corridor), in addition to common factor of local/regional development.
This paper seeks to discuss and formulate the conception of attractiveness of the transport-stop node at the corridor/development axes where the node is not the destination of the trip (just as a transit node). It is hypothesized that attractivenes is significant factor of the growth of Transport-Stop Node at Development Axes.
Corridor development as a natural phenomenon or development strategy has been occured since ancie... more Corridor development as a natural phenomenon or development strategy has been occured since ancient Rome til modern era. Some of the evidences of the phenomenon are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. One of local nodes along corridor is a transport-stop node that springs up along corridors. One of the theories that closest to the phenomenon is Development Axes (DA) theory that originally stated by Pottier (1963), restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory by Paelinck and Nijkamp (1975, 1978) and Richardson (1978, 1981, 2011). But in detail of DA theory, it can be said that there is inadequate theoretical explanation about how the growth of transport-stop node along DA that be dominantly infuenced by the flow of goods and people.
This paper focuses on seeking explanation about the growth of transport-stop node at DA by observing some of the transport-stop node along DA in two different condition of success to grow. The first condition is "success to grow", and another condition is "not success to grow" (or stagnant or grow slowly). We found that the first initial of growing process of the transport-stop node is the development of new transport service/facility at the transport-stop node along DA that will contribute to the aggregate value of "Attractiveness" of the transport-stop node that will infuence the flow of people along DA decide to stop at the node. And then the circular and cumulative causation principal is occur in the next periode with "Attractivenenss" of the node as significant factors of the growth of node. And number of mid-big actor with great financial resources and land tenure can be constraint factors to the speed of growth of the transport-stop node.
Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hil... more Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existance of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981). or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement to be center of settlement (city) along development axes. This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth (Concentric theory-Burgess, 1925; Sector theory-Hoyt, 1939; multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, 1945; Cumulative causation-Myrdal in Moseley, 1974 and in Stillwell 1995; and Hall, 2002). In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA.
Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang berusaha untuk mengungkap perkembangan urbanisasi di ... more Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang berusaha untuk mengungkap perkembangan urbanisasi di wilayah metropolitan Gerbang Kertosusila (GKS) di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Perkembangan urbanisasi yang dilihat adalah adalah bagaimana arah urbanisasi dan kecenderungan terjadinya perkembangan memita di sepanjang jalan arteri primer, serta kedenderungan perkembangan men-dekati simpul-simpul transportasi. Metode riset yang digunakan adalah metoda kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan 'Functional Urban Area' (FUA), yang menggunakan 4 indikator yaitu kepadatan penduduk, sektor ekonomi perkotaan, infrastruktur perkotaan, dan luas area terbangun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan urbanisasi di metropolitan GKS cenderung terjadi di sekitar pusat permukiman yang telah ad, baik di sekitar kota inti (Surabaya) maupun pusat perkotaan di sekitarnya, serta terjadi ribon development di sepanjang jalan arteri primer yang menghubungkan antar wilayah perkotaan, yang didukung oleh keberadaan industri di sepanjang jalan arteri tersebut. Perkembangan urbaninsasi juga cenderung menguat di sekitar simpul-simpul transportasi regional berupa terminal tipe A atau B, bandara, dan pelabuhan.
Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah banyak terj... more Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah banyak terjadi sejak era Romawi kuno sampai era modern. Salah satunya adalah tumbuhnya node persinggahan transportasi secara alami menjadi pusat permukiman yang kemudian berkembang menjadi kota. Fenomena tersebut tidak terjelaskan secara memadai dalam khasanah teori yang ada. Teori terdekat yang menjelaskan tentang perkembangan node pada sumbu pengembangan adalah teori Development Axes yang dinyatakan pertama oleh Pottier (1963) yang kemudian diulas kembali oleh Hilhorst (1972), Richardson dan Nijkamp. Namun teori tersebut juga tidak dapat memberikan penjelasan bagaimana suatu node persinggahan transportasi pada sumbu pengembangan tumbuh menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar. Paper ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai perkembangan node persinggahan transportasi menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar. Metode penelitiannya eksplanatif, dengan pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam retrospektif, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Temuannya adalah bahwa node persinggahan transportasi pada sumbu pengembangan dapat tumbuh menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar melalui 5 tahapan.
To preserve and to develop the culture in various art forms that exist in Indonesia, the role of ... more To preserve and to develop the culture in various art forms that exist in Indonesia, the role of the artists and the art communities are very important. But the reality of artist's life, especially the life of traditional artist is powerless. This research sought to describe the empowerment of traditional arts communities in Toli-Toli Regency, Province of Central Sulawesi, conducted by the Tourism Office under Government of Tolitoli Regency.
Methods used was qualitative descriptive approach. Data collecting used was interview to informan from traditional art communities and from actor of empowerment (Tourism office), observation of daily activities of the traditional art comunities, and documentation of any legal documents, programs, official notes, report, and other documents regarding to empowerment for traditional art comunities that had been done.
It is concluded that empowerment conducted by tourism office of Local Governement of Toli-toli on all of the third aspects of empowerment, had not conducted quite well yet. The third aspects of the empowerment include: 1) the creation of a conducive environtment to the development of the community; 2) Strengthening internal powerness of arts community; and 3) concern to the weak. Based on this conclusion, it is recomendated to local governments to do: 1) to increase in the creation of a conducive environment through the development of art building or gallery that is more representative, increase frequency of tourist events that are routine, and the dissemination of information on planned performing arts; 2) to strengthen the internal power by improving education and training for the arts community in order to raise the quality of his artistic creativity as well as earn additional income either related or unrelated artwork to improve their welfare; 3) to increase the concern to the weak through guiding and facilitating of the arts community to be able to prepare a pre-legal form of basic constitution of organization, and giving the legality as 'registered organization' after they complete its basic Constitution.
Public health can be influenced by environmental factors, behavior, health care, and heredity. Th... more Public health can be influenced by environmental factors, behavior, health care, and heredity. The first three factors are easier to be found the solution rather than heredity. One of the efforts to improve the quality of the first three factors in East Lombok district has been implemented is the sanitation clinic program. Sanitation clinic program for the first time held in Indonesia by East Lombok Regency in 1995 which then have been followed by several other regencies in the province, then Province of East Java, South Sulawesi, South Sumatera, and South Kalimantan as well as other provinces in Indonesia. Although as a pioneer of sanitation clinic program, but the indicators of environmental health in East Lombok has not been good enough.
This research seeks to explore and describe the implementation of sanitation clinic program in East Lombok regency, especially in the district of Terara which is one of the most densely populated districts in East Lombok regency, and the constraints encountered in its implementation. The method used is qualitative explorative and descriptive research, with research locus in the District of Terara in East Lombok Regency. Data were collected by interview, observation and documentation.
It is concluded that the implementation of Sanitation Clinic Program (SCP) in Terara district, one of district in East Lombok regency, has not been implemented quite well and there are still many constraints encountered in its implementation. Some of the constraints include the budget for sanitation clinic program that is still limited and inadequate number of officers who are experts in the field of sanitation. It is recomended to conduct training and supervision of District Health Center (DHC) personnel in charge to SCP, so that the sanitation clinic program through the integrated efforts of environmental sanitation and the eradication of disease based on environment, can run well. And added enough budget to implement the program in accordance with the number of existing cases.
The policy of e-ID cards in Indonesia Nationally have been established since the enactment of Pre... more The policy of e-ID cards in Indonesia Nationally have been established since the enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 26/2009 on Implementation of National Identity Card Based on Citizen Identification Number Nationally and Home Affair Minister's Regulation No. 9/2011 on Guidelines for Issuance of National Identity Cards Based on Citizen Identity Number Nationally. However, the implementation may not meet to the policies. This research seeks to explore and describe the implementation of the policy of e-ID card at the office of Population and Civil Administration (PCR) that most responsible for implementing the policy in local government. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach to the type of exploratory and descriptive research. Locus of research at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Ngawi Regency, that is one of the Regencies in East Java province roomates declared to be ready to implement e-ID card program in September 2014. Reseach was conducted in 2016, with the range time of research focus is in 2014-2016.
The result Showed that e-ID card serving at The Office of Population and Civil Registration in Ngawi Regency, had been conducted quite well by meeting the policy. People's satisfying level due to the quality of e-ID card serving, also was high enough. There were few constraints, Including inadequation of e-ID card tools, disturbances of network connections, the delay of providing the e-ID card blank form, less data at neighborhood unit level, long distance of unable people to come to service counter, as well as the low awareness of the importance of the e-ID card. But the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Ngawi Regency had sought to Overcome few of these constraints.
It is concluded that the implementation of e-ID card policy at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Ngawi Regency, has been able to be conducted quite well in meeting the policy. Few constraints that still occur, can be addressed properly. Based on these results, it can be assumed that the implementation of the policy of e-ID card program in other regencies that have characteristics similar to Ngawi (Sampang, Kediri, Kediri city, Mojokerto and Pasuruan that in September 2014 declared as the regions roomates ready to run the e-ID card program), may be well enough too. Some recomendation can be proposed, that are: 1) conduct training for officer; 2) increase providing of device and material related to e-ID card service; and 3) increase the socialization to all people until neighborhood unit level; 4) increase transportation vehicle; and 5) increase quality of digital communication network.
Planning theory has changed relatively enough fundamental after Habernass expressed his theory of... more Planning theory has changed relatively enough fundamental after Habernass expressed his theory of communicative action in 1973, namely the new developments of rationality in planning that tend to communicative planning. In the theoretical context, communicative planning which comes largely from western thoughts has many variants of the conditions and requirements. And in the various variants of communicative planning, it have uncertainty in the fulfillment with the conditions of the eastern society. For this reasons, the objective of this study is to explore further how the fulfillment of various conditions and requirement of communicative planning in development planning in Indonesia, especially in the implementation of deliberation of development planning (Musrenbang). The exploration were conducted on the implementation of the musrenban in preparation of annual development plan in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia.
This study is a descriptive-evaluative study on the implementation of the Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung regency in 2011-2014 compared with the theoretical approach of communicative planning. Technique of data collection used were interviews and documentation. Observation could not be used because while this research done the Musrenbang RKPD of documentations could substitute the direct observation. Interviews were conducted to 14 people from various representatives of all the elements in musrenbang RKPD. Technique of analysis conducted was descriptive-evaluative analysis technique.
The Results show that the process of Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung Regency has fulfilled the requirement and condition of communicative planning, but there are still many improvements needed to reach more perfect compliance. The dialogue in the Musrenbang RKPD, also have fulfilled most of the requirements of authentic dialogue as in the theoretical concept from Habernass (1981, 2007), Innes (1995), Fox and Miller (1996), Forester (1999), and Woltjer (2000), eventhough still have many weaknesses that need improvement in few requirements of the authentic dialogue. The most important recommendation in order to raise the fulfillment of causality aspect in authentic dialogue requirement, is the need of index of causality as the measure of the success of Musrenbang as communicative planning process that can be proved at the final of local work plan (RKPD) and local budget plan (APBD).
Development-Axes (DA) theory, is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilh... more Development-Axes (DA) theory, is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existance of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981), or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement to be larger settlement (maybe as town or city in the future) along development axes.
This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation as new understanding about how the the growth of transport-stop node (as one of the local nodes) along DA that is influenced by the flow of people & goods along the axis. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth. In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA. Based on the observation and in-depth interview as well as questionaire, we found that the growth of transport-stop node is initiated by the existance of transport facility at development axes.We also found that the growth of transport-stop node has five stages of growth and the " attractiveness " as the significant factor to the growth of transport-stop node to be lagers settelement. We argue that the implication of the explanation to the policy is usefull in decentralized era in Indonesia.
Corridor development as a development strategy that in practice has conducted since ancient Rome ... more Corridor development as a development strategy that in practice has conducted since ancient Rome till this modern era. And the impact of the strategy is the springing many local nodes along the corridor. Some of the real evidences of the implementation of the strategy are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. But till now, it can be said that there is not adequate theoretical explanation to the growth of node along the corridor, especially to the transport-stop node along the corridor. One of the teories that closest to the phenomenon is Development-Axes (DA) theory that originally stated by Pottier (1963), restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory by Paelinck and Nijkamp (1975, 1978) and Richardson (1978, 1981,2011). But in detail of DA theory, there is not adequate theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA.
This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in corridor can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along the corridor. The method of this study is focused on literature review. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of urban growth (export base theory, Concentric theory-Burgess, Sector theory-Hoyt, multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, Myrdalian-Cumulative causation model, corridors theory-whebell, or Development axes theory as the closest theory). In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA.
Development-Axes (DA) theory, is one of the development theories, that originally stated by Potti... more Development-Axes (DA) theory, is one of the development theories, that originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972). The significance of the theory had been supported by Richardson (1978, 1981). After that time, the theory has not been discussed any expert. But implementation of the theory has run away till now in many countries, in full consciousness or not. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement (transport stop-node) to be center of settlement (city) along DA.
But in detail of DA theory, there is not adequate theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA. The growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth (Concentric theory-Burgess, 1925; Sector theory, Hoyt, 1939; multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, 1945; Myrdalian-cumulative causation in Moseley, 1974 and in Stillwell 1995). Related to DA theory, it could not give adequate explanation to the fact that not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth although the flow of people and goods are equal along DA. And related to the the conventional growth theory, it put more focus to the economic aspect as initial impulse. But all of them can not explain properly the growth of transport stop node when the economic sector has not grown yet. It is hypothesized that there is an attractiveness as another significant factor of the growth of transport stop node along DA.
This paper discusses about significance of DAT especially in making of place along development axes, shows the gap of theoretical explanation, and offers "attractiveness concept" in which some creativities done in the transport-stop node as new conceptual thinking in explaining its growth.
This paper describes about shifting of monitoring and controlling in the Government office. It re... more This paper describes about shifting of monitoring and controlling in the Government office. It reviews theoretical aspect, legal aspect, and Practice regard to monitoring and controlling in the government office. Even though both of the terms are frequently cross-substitute to describe 'controlling', in this paper each term is meant different.
The objectives of this paper are giving the mirror and spirit to everyone to be aware that monitoring and controlling in the Government office of Indonesia has been shifted, and need contibution from all of the government official/member. In the paradigm aspect and the system of monitoring and controlling, they have been shifted. The shifting is from 'hard controlling' with focus on the 'monitoring' of the top management via the functional monitoring to 'soft controlling' with focus on the intern controlling that be done by all of the official or member of the government organization voluntarily. But, in the operational stage, they need many actions. In the recommendation, the end part of this paper, is my contribution to the shifting in order to reach best performance in the future.
Dalam perencanaan pembangunan di Indonesia. Salah satu pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan pe... more Dalam perencanaan pembangunan di Indonesia. Salah satu pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan pendekatan partisipatif. Hal ini sangat sesuai dengan sistem demokrasi yang dianut di lndonesia, yaitu sebagai negara demokrasi yang berkedaulatan rakyat, bukan kedaulatan penguasa. Trend yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di dunia saat juga merupakan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip good governance, dimana salah satu prinsipnya adalah adanya partisipasi rakyat. Oleh karena itu pelaksanaan pendekatan partisipatif di Indonesia menjadi suatu keharusan. Pengaturan penerapan pendekatan partisipatif dalam perencanaan pembangunan secara eksplisit dinyatakan dalam wujud Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang) pada semua level perencanaan pembangunan baik di daerah maupun secara nasional. Amanat ini dinyatakan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 25 tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (SPPN), yang kemudian dijelaskan kembali pada Peraturan Pemerintah No 8 Tahun 2008 tentang tahapan, tata cara penyusunan, pengendalian dan evaluasi pelaksanaan rencana pembangunan daerah. Dan pengaturan lebih rinci kemudian diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Dalam negeri nomor 54 tahun 2010 tentang pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 8 Tahun 2008 tentang tahapan, tata cara penyusunan, pengendalian dan evaluasi pelaksanaan rencana pembangunan daerah, terutama pada pasal 8 yang mengatur mengenai pertimbangan dalam penerapan pendekatan partisipatif. Penelitian ini melakukan evaluasi atas bagaimana penerapan pendekatan partisipatif dalam pelaksanaan Musrenbang tersebut terhadap ketentuan normatif yang mengaturnya, dengan studi kasus pada pelaksanaan Musrenbang RKPD Tahun 2011-2014 di Kabupaten Bandung.
Peran Dinas Pariwisata dalam Pemberdayaan Komunitas Seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli Provinsi Sulawesi ... more Peran Dinas Pariwisata dalam Pemberdayaan Komunitas Seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran Pemda yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat seni pada sanggar-sanggar seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif des\riptif, dengan metode atau strategi studi kasus, yaitu pada peran Dinas Pariwisata dalam pemberdayaan komunitas seni pada sanggar seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli. Untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan kebudayaan dalam berbagai bentuk kesenian yang ada di Indonesia, peran pelaku kesenian atau masyarakat seni sangat penting. Kenyataannya, kehidupan masyarakatlkomunitas seni terutama seniman tradisional yang melestarikan kesenian lokal dan nasional, hidupnya memrihatinkan. Kondisi ini mengindikasikan bahwa peran pemerintah Kabupaten Tolitoli belum optimal dalam menjaga dan melestarikan serta mengembangkan kebudayaan Indonesia. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini menjadi penting untuk dilakukan. Hasil pembahasan menyimpulkan bahwa peran pemerintah daerah, dalam hal ini Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tolitoli, belum dijalankan dengan baik sebagaimana mestinya. Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tolitoli kurang memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pemberdayaan komunitas seni pada sanggar-sanggar seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli. Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tolitoli perlu meningkatkan perannya dalam pembinaan komunitas seni pada sanggar-sanggar seni yang mencakup ketiga aspek yang meliputi: pencipataan iklim kondusif bagi perkembangan komunitas seni pada sanggar-sanggar seni, penguatan daya intemal bagi komunitas seni, dan keberpihakan kepada komunitas seni yang lemah.
This paper reports the results of research on the growth of the rest area in the long road betwee... more This paper reports the results of research on the growth of the rest area in the long road between Bandung-Ciamis which is the main axis of development in the southern part of West Java. The aim is to explain how it grows.
The method used was to analyze the rest area in chronogically, since it's establishment until the time of field observations conducted. The spatial elements observed are land uses and it's growth. The data used are the maps of location and the number of houses and building in certain years. Information was obtained from key persons who know about the development of the rest area.
The findings are initiation of development of the rest area is the existence of transport facilities or business activities of medium-large scale, and there is a cyclical process and cumulative causation between area size and it's attractiveness for travelers do stop.
In development planning in Indonesia, one of the normative approach set out in the legislation is... more In development planning in Indonesia, one of the normative approach set out in the legislation is a participatory approach. The participatory approach is regulated on the constitution of Indonesia (namely as UUD 1945), in Law No. 25-2014 about National Development Planning System, in Goverment Regulation No. 8-2008, and in the Ministerial Regulation issued by Ministry of Home Affair No. 54-2010 about implementation of Government Regulation No. 8-2008 about stage, procedure in preparation, control and evaluation of the implementation of regional and local development plan, that is the most detailed normative regulation, especially in regulating about deliberation of development planning (called as Musrenbang). In practice, there are ineffectiveness of the implementation of this participatory approach in the various levels of Musrenbang especialy in preparing annual work plan of local/regional, called as Musrenbang RKPD. It also looks at the implementation of Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung regency, which then be chosen as the case of this study. The objective of this study is to evaluate the implementation of participatory approach in the Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung Regency compared with the the normative regulation.
This study is a descriptive-evaluative study on the implementation of the Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung regency in 2011-2014. Technique of data collection used were interviews and documentation. Observation could not be used because while this research done the Musrenbang RKPD completed few months before. Interviews were conducted to 14 people from various representatives of all the elements in musrenbang RKPD. Technique of analysis conducted was descriptive-evaluative analysis technique.
The results show that the Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung Regency has been implemented in compliance with the most of normative regulation, that include the aspects of time bound, representation, relevant stakeholders, as well as the process of dialogue / communication, although in each aspect still contains weaknesses that still need repairing. Few ones still need repairing and also recommended are the proportion of representation, the addition of representatives of marginalized/disability groups and gender bias, equality in dialogue, sense of belonging Musrenbang results, as well as consensus on the more abstract aspects of development planning (not just in a real physical aspect).
Keywords: evaluation, participatory approach, musrenbang RKPD, development planning, Bandung Regency
Abstrak Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah ban... more Abstrak Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah banyak terjadi sejak era Romawi kuno sampai era modern. Salah satunya adalah tumbuhnya node persinggahan transportasi secara alami menjadi pusat permukiman yang kemudian berkembang menjadi kota. Fenomena tersebut tidak terjelaskan secara memadai dalam khasanah teori yang ada. Teori terdekat yang menjelaskan tentang perkembangan node pada sumbu pengembangan adalah teori Development Axes yang dinyatakan pertama oleh Pottier (1963) yang kemudian diulas kembali oleh Hilhorst (1972), Richardson dan Nijkamp. Namun teori tersebut juga tidak dapat memberikan penjelasan bagaimana suatu node persinggahan transportasi pada sumbu pengembangan tumbuh menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar. Paper ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai perkembangan node persinggahan transportasi menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar. Metode penelitiannya eksplanatif, dengan pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam retrospektif, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Temuannya adalah bahwa node persinggahan transportasi pada sumbu pengembangan dapat tumbuh menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar melalui 5 tahapan.
Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a theory which is originally stated by Pottier (1963), and rest... more Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a theory which is originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) as well as stated as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existence of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981). or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from transport-stop node which has role as infant settlement to be larger settlement (maybe as town or city in the future) along development axes. This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation as new understanding about how the growth of transport-stop node (as one of the local nodes) along DA that is influenced by the flow of people & goods along the axis. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth. In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth whether the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA. Based on the observation and in-depth interview as well as questionnaire, we found that the growth of transport-stop node is initiated by the existence of transport facility or service at development axes. We also found that the growth of transport-stop node has five stages of growth and the “attractiveness” as the significant factor to the growth of transport-stop node to be lager settlement. We argue that the implication of the explanation to the policy is useful in decentralized era in Indonesia.
The growth of local nodes along axis of development, has occurred in many cases such as in histor... more The growth of local nodes along axis of development, has occurred in many cases such as in history of growth of cities in the world, from ancient Rome to the modern era. One of the local node on the axis of development is a transport-stop node (TSN) on the axis of development. Almost all of theories and models can not provide adequate explanation toward the phenomenon. The closest theory which explains the phenomenon is "Development Axes Theory" that stated first by Pottier in 1963. But this theory provide inadequately explanation about how the growth of local node (includeing TSN) on development axis (DA), can grow dominantly influenced by flow of goods and people on the axis of development, become larger settlements which can then become the central place to serve the surrounding area. This paper reports the result of research focused to answer the research question on how the growth of land use system at the TSN on development axis (TSN on DA). Method used to explore the growth of the landuse system, is retrospective method in period of 5 years interval of growth on the case study of TSN Baitul Amanah Mosque (Itje mosque) and around. Collecting data was done by indepth interview, survey to each of building owner or manager, direct observation toward the recent condition of landuse system, and documentation by using photograph, satelite images, and other documents.
We found that the first initial factor which has influenced the growing process at the area of TSN Baitul Amanah and around is the existance of mosque of Baitul Amanah since 1990. The mosque of Baitul Amanah has been the first main attraction which then will contribute to the agregate value of "Attractiveness" of the TSN that will attract the movement (flow of people on DA) to decide to stop at the TSN. And then the informal bussiness will grow sporadically at the first stage, that will be more well-organized or ordered by themself at the later stage. And then the circular process and principle of cumulative causation have occured in the next period with "Attractiveness" of the TSN as significant factors of the growth of TSN. The growth of TSN to be larger settlement will grow in 5 stages of growth. If all of the stages of growth was occur in the first 5 years period since the first main attraction build and operated, the TSN has great opportunity to grow become larger settlement. The existance of the mosque as facility/service at the TSN on axis of development, as the first main factor of the growth of TSN is the main difference of the classical model of Myrdalian-Cumulativ Causation Model (M-CCM). And the concept of "Attractiveness", informal role to the growth, 5 stages of growth, and also the speed of growth of TSN become larger settlement, are other differences of the finding of this research toward the classical model of M-CCM.
Attraction concept has been discussed in the theory and gravity model, central place theory, and ... more Attraction concept has been discussed in the theory and gravity model, central place theory, and in various studies / study of transport behavior. In theory and gravity models, the concept of attraction is more looked at the factors that are "available" or a non Inovative as masses in the opposite of distance between the masses. In the central place theory, the attraction of people to go to the central place, influenced by the availability of goods and services within the range that is still possible to cover the cost of transport to get goods and services. Transport behavior in a variety of studies has been much discussion about why people move from one place to another is affected by the attractiveness of the destination location. However, studies on why people stop in one place (node) that not his destination, almost none. And also the research about influence of the attractiveness of a local node at the corridor towards the development of the node, no one has done. So it can be said that in the theory of growth and development, havent explained properly the attractiveness as an inovative-creative-dinamic factor to local at nodes along the development axes (corridor), in addition to common factor of local/regional development.
This paper seeks to discuss and formulate the conception of attractiveness of the transport-stop node at the corridor/development axes where the node is not the destination of the trip (just as a transit node). It is hypothesized that attractivenes is significant factor of the growth of Transport-Stop Node at Development Axes.
Corridor development as a natural phenomenon or development strategy has been occured since ancie... more Corridor development as a natural phenomenon or development strategy has been occured since ancient Rome til modern era. Some of the evidences of the phenomenon are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. One of local nodes along corridor is a transport-stop node that springs up along corridors. One of the theories that closest to the phenomenon is Development Axes (DA) theory that originally stated by Pottier (1963), restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory by Paelinck and Nijkamp (1975, 1978) and Richardson (1978, 1981, 2011). But in detail of DA theory, it can be said that there is inadequate theoretical explanation about how the growth of transport-stop node along DA that be dominantly infuenced by the flow of goods and people.
This paper focuses on seeking explanation about the growth of transport-stop node at DA by observing some of the transport-stop node along DA in two different condition of success to grow. The first condition is "success to grow", and another condition is "not success to grow" (or stagnant or grow slowly). We found that the first initial of growing process of the transport-stop node is the development of new transport service/facility at the transport-stop node along DA that will contribute to the aggregate value of "Attractiveness" of the transport-stop node that will infuence the flow of people along DA decide to stop at the node. And then the circular and cumulative causation principal is occur in the next periode with "Attractivenenss" of the node as significant factors of the growth of node. And number of mid-big actor with great financial resources and land tenure can be constraint factors to the speed of growth of the transport-stop node.
Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hil... more Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existance of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981). or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement to be center of settlement (city) along development axes. This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth (Concentric theory-Burgess, 1925; Sector theory-Hoyt, 1939; multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, 1945; Cumulative causation-Myrdal in Moseley, 1974 and in Stillwell 1995; and Hall, 2002). In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA.
Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang berusaha untuk mengungkap perkembangan urbanisasi di ... more Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang berusaha untuk mengungkap perkembangan urbanisasi di wilayah metropolitan Gerbang Kertosusila (GKS) di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Perkembangan urbanisasi yang dilihat adalah adalah bagaimana arah urbanisasi dan kecenderungan terjadinya perkembangan memita di sepanjang jalan arteri primer, serta kedenderungan perkembangan men-dekati simpul-simpul transportasi. Metode riset yang digunakan adalah metoda kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan 'Functional Urban Area' (FUA), yang menggunakan 4 indikator yaitu kepadatan penduduk, sektor ekonomi perkotaan, infrastruktur perkotaan, dan luas area terbangun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan urbanisasi di metropolitan GKS cenderung terjadi di sekitar pusat permukiman yang telah ad, baik di sekitar kota inti (Surabaya) maupun pusat perkotaan di sekitarnya, serta terjadi ribon development di sepanjang jalan arteri primer yang menghubungkan antar wilayah perkotaan, yang didukung oleh keberadaan industri di sepanjang jalan arteri tersebut. Perkembangan urbaninsasi juga cenderung menguat di sekitar simpul-simpul transportasi regional berupa terminal tipe A atau B, bandara, dan pelabuhan.
Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah banyak terj... more Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah banyak terjadi sejak era Romawi kuno sampai era modern. Salah satunya adalah tumbuhnya node persinggahan transportasi secara alami menjadi pusat permukiman yang kemudian berkembang menjadi kota. Fenomena tersebut tidak terjelaskan secara memadai dalam khasanah teori yang ada. Teori terdekat yang menjelaskan tentang perkembangan node pada sumbu pengembangan adalah teori Development Axes yang dinyatakan pertama oleh Pottier (1963) yang kemudian diulas kembali oleh Hilhorst (1972), Richardson dan Nijkamp. Namun teori tersebut juga tidak dapat memberikan penjelasan bagaimana suatu node persinggahan transportasi pada sumbu pengembangan tumbuh menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar. Paper ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai perkembangan node persinggahan transportasi menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar. Metode penelitiannya eksplanatif, dengan pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam retrospektif, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Temuannya adalah bahwa node persinggahan transportasi pada sumbu pengembangan dapat tumbuh menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar melalui 5 tahapan.
To preserve and to develop the culture in various art forms that exist in Indonesia, the role of ... more To preserve and to develop the culture in various art forms that exist in Indonesia, the role of the artists and the art communities are very important. But the reality of artist's life, especially the life of traditional artist is powerless. This research sought to describe the empowerment of traditional arts communities in Toli-Toli Regency, Province of Central Sulawesi, conducted by the Tourism Office under Government of Tolitoli Regency.
Methods used was qualitative descriptive approach. Data collecting used was interview to informan from traditional art communities and from actor of empowerment (Tourism office), observation of daily activities of the traditional art comunities, and documentation of any legal documents, programs, official notes, report, and other documents regarding to empowerment for traditional art comunities that had been done.
It is concluded that empowerment conducted by tourism office of Local Governement of Toli-toli on all of the third aspects of empowerment, had not conducted quite well yet. The third aspects of the empowerment include: 1) the creation of a conducive environtment to the development of the community; 2) Strengthening internal powerness of arts community; and 3) concern to the weak. Based on this conclusion, it is recomendated to local governments to do: 1) to increase in the creation of a conducive environment through the development of art building or gallery that is more representative, increase frequency of tourist events that are routine, and the dissemination of information on planned performing arts; 2) to strengthen the internal power by improving education and training for the arts community in order to raise the quality of his artistic creativity as well as earn additional income either related or unrelated artwork to improve their welfare; 3) to increase the concern to the weak through guiding and facilitating of the arts community to be able to prepare a pre-legal form of basic constitution of organization, and giving the legality as 'registered organization' after they complete its basic Constitution.
Public health can be influenced by environmental factors, behavior, health care, and heredity. Th... more Public health can be influenced by environmental factors, behavior, health care, and heredity. The first three factors are easier to be found the solution rather than heredity. One of the efforts to improve the quality of the first three factors in East Lombok district has been implemented is the sanitation clinic program. Sanitation clinic program for the first time held in Indonesia by East Lombok Regency in 1995 which then have been followed by several other regencies in the province, then Province of East Java, South Sulawesi, South Sumatera, and South Kalimantan as well as other provinces in Indonesia. Although as a pioneer of sanitation clinic program, but the indicators of environmental health in East Lombok has not been good enough.
This research seeks to explore and describe the implementation of sanitation clinic program in East Lombok regency, especially in the district of Terara which is one of the most densely populated districts in East Lombok regency, and the constraints encountered in its implementation. The method used is qualitative explorative and descriptive research, with research locus in the District of Terara in East Lombok Regency. Data were collected by interview, observation and documentation.
It is concluded that the implementation of Sanitation Clinic Program (SCP) in Terara district, one of district in East Lombok regency, has not been implemented quite well and there are still many constraints encountered in its implementation. Some of the constraints include the budget for sanitation clinic program that is still limited and inadequate number of officers who are experts in the field of sanitation. It is recomended to conduct training and supervision of District Health Center (DHC) personnel in charge to SCP, so that the sanitation clinic program through the integrated efforts of environmental sanitation and the eradication of disease based on environment, can run well. And added enough budget to implement the program in accordance with the number of existing cases.
The policy of e-ID cards in Indonesia Nationally have been established since the enactment of Pre... more The policy of e-ID cards in Indonesia Nationally have been established since the enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 26/2009 on Implementation of National Identity Card Based on Citizen Identification Number Nationally and Home Affair Minister's Regulation No. 9/2011 on Guidelines for Issuance of National Identity Cards Based on Citizen Identity Number Nationally. However, the implementation may not meet to the policies. This research seeks to explore and describe the implementation of the policy of e-ID card at the office of Population and Civil Administration (PCR) that most responsible for implementing the policy in local government. The research was conducted with a qualitative approach to the type of exploratory and descriptive research. Locus of research at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Ngawi Regency, that is one of the Regencies in East Java province roomates declared to be ready to implement e-ID card program in September 2014. Reseach was conducted in 2016, with the range time of research focus is in 2014-2016.
The result Showed that e-ID card serving at The Office of Population and Civil Registration in Ngawi Regency, had been conducted quite well by meeting the policy. People's satisfying level due to the quality of e-ID card serving, also was high enough. There were few constraints, Including inadequation of e-ID card tools, disturbances of network connections, the delay of providing the e-ID card blank form, less data at neighborhood unit level, long distance of unable people to come to service counter, as well as the low awareness of the importance of the e-ID card. But the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Ngawi Regency had sought to Overcome few of these constraints.
It is concluded that the implementation of e-ID card policy at the Office of Population and Civil Registration in Ngawi Regency, has been able to be conducted quite well in meeting the policy. Few constraints that still occur, can be addressed properly. Based on these results, it can be assumed that the implementation of the policy of e-ID card program in other regencies that have characteristics similar to Ngawi (Sampang, Kediri, Kediri city, Mojokerto and Pasuruan that in September 2014 declared as the regions roomates ready to run the e-ID card program), may be well enough too. Some recomendation can be proposed, that are: 1) conduct training for officer; 2) increase providing of device and material related to e-ID card service; and 3) increase the socialization to all people until neighborhood unit level; 4) increase transportation vehicle; and 5) increase quality of digital communication network.
Planning theory has changed relatively enough fundamental after Habernass expressed his theory of... more Planning theory has changed relatively enough fundamental after Habernass expressed his theory of communicative action in 1973, namely the new developments of rationality in planning that tend to communicative planning. In the theoretical context, communicative planning which comes largely from western thoughts has many variants of the conditions and requirements. And in the various variants of communicative planning, it have uncertainty in the fulfillment with the conditions of the eastern society. For this reasons, the objective of this study is to explore further how the fulfillment of various conditions and requirement of communicative planning in development planning in Indonesia, especially in the implementation of deliberation of development planning (Musrenbang). The exploration were conducted on the implementation of the musrenban in preparation of annual development plan in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia.
This study is a descriptive-evaluative study on the implementation of the Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung regency in 2011-2014 compared with the theoretical approach of communicative planning. Technique of data collection used were interviews and documentation. Observation could not be used because while this research done the Musrenbang RKPD of documentations could substitute the direct observation. Interviews were conducted to 14 people from various representatives of all the elements in musrenbang RKPD. Technique of analysis conducted was descriptive-evaluative analysis technique.
The Results show that the process of Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung Regency has fulfilled the requirement and condition of communicative planning, but there are still many improvements needed to reach more perfect compliance. The dialogue in the Musrenbang RKPD, also have fulfilled most of the requirements of authentic dialogue as in the theoretical concept from Habernass (1981, 2007), Innes (1995), Fox and Miller (1996), Forester (1999), and Woltjer (2000), eventhough still have many weaknesses that need improvement in few requirements of the authentic dialogue. The most important recommendation in order to raise the fulfillment of causality aspect in authentic dialogue requirement, is the need of index of causality as the measure of the success of Musrenbang as communicative planning process that can be proved at the final of local work plan (RKPD) and local budget plan (APBD).
Development-Axes (DA) theory, is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilh... more Development-Axes (DA) theory, is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existance of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981), or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement to be larger settlement (maybe as town or city in the future) along development axes.
This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation as new understanding about how the the growth of transport-stop node (as one of the local nodes) along DA that is influenced by the flow of people & goods along the axis. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth. In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA. Based on the observation and in-depth interview as well as questionaire, we found that the growth of transport-stop node is initiated by the existance of transport facility at development axes.We also found that the growth of transport-stop node has five stages of growth and the " attractiveness " as the significant factor to the growth of transport-stop node to be lagers settelement. We argue that the implication of the explanation to the policy is usefull in decentralized era in Indonesia.
Corridor development as a development strategy that in practice has conducted since ancient Rome ... more Corridor development as a development strategy that in practice has conducted since ancient Rome till this modern era. And the impact of the strategy is the springing many local nodes along the corridor. Some of the real evidences of the implementation of the strategy are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. But till now, it can be said that there is not adequate theoretical explanation to the growth of node along the corridor, especially to the transport-stop node along the corridor. One of the teories that closest to the phenomenon is Development-Axes (DA) theory that originally stated by Pottier (1963), restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory by Paelinck and Nijkamp (1975, 1978) and Richardson (1978, 1981,2011). But in detail of DA theory, there is not adequate theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA.
This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in corridor can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along the corridor. The method of this study is focused on literature review. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of urban growth (export base theory, Concentric theory-Burgess, Sector theory-Hoyt, multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, Myrdalian-Cumulative causation model, corridors theory-whebell, or Development axes theory as the closest theory). In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth wheter the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA.
Development-Axes (DA) theory, is one of the development theories, that originally stated by Potti... more Development-Axes (DA) theory, is one of the development theories, that originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972). The significance of the theory had been supported by Richardson (1978, 1981). After that time, the theory has not been discussed any expert. But implementation of the theory has run away till now in many countries, in full consciousness or not. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from infant of settlement (transport stop-node) to be center of settlement (city) along DA.
But in detail of DA theory, there is not adequate theoretical explanation about how the flow of goods and people in DA can make impact on the growth of transport-stop node along DA. The growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth (Concentric theory-Burgess, 1925; Sector theory, Hoyt, 1939; multiple nuclei theory-harris & Ullman, 1945; Myrdalian-cumulative causation in Moseley, 1974 and in Stillwell 1995). Related to DA theory, it could not give adequate explanation to the fact that not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth although the flow of people and goods are equal along DA. And related to the the conventional growth theory, it put more focus to the economic aspect as initial impulse. But all of them can not explain properly the growth of transport stop node when the economic sector has not grown yet. It is hypothesized that there is an attractiveness as another significant factor of the growth of transport stop node along DA.
This paper discusses about significance of DAT especially in making of place along development axes, shows the gap of theoretical explanation, and offers "attractiveness concept" in which some creativities done in the transport-stop node as new conceptual thinking in explaining its growth.
This paper describes about shifting of monitoring and controlling in the Government office. It re... more This paper describes about shifting of monitoring and controlling in the Government office. It reviews theoretical aspect, legal aspect, and Practice regard to monitoring and controlling in the government office. Even though both of the terms are frequently cross-substitute to describe 'controlling', in this paper each term is meant different.
The objectives of this paper are giving the mirror and spirit to everyone to be aware that monitoring and controlling in the Government office of Indonesia has been shifted, and need contibution from all of the government official/member. In the paradigm aspect and the system of monitoring and controlling, they have been shifted. The shifting is from 'hard controlling' with focus on the 'monitoring' of the top management via the functional monitoring to 'soft controlling' with focus on the intern controlling that be done by all of the official or member of the government organization voluntarily. But, in the operational stage, they need many actions. In the recommendation, the end part of this paper, is my contribution to the shifting in order to reach best performance in the future.
Dalam perencanaan pembangunan di Indonesia. Salah satu pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan pe... more Dalam perencanaan pembangunan di Indonesia. Salah satu pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan pendekatan partisipatif. Hal ini sangat sesuai dengan sistem demokrasi yang dianut di lndonesia, yaitu sebagai negara demokrasi yang berkedaulatan rakyat, bukan kedaulatan penguasa. Trend yang terjadi dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di dunia saat juga merupakan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip good governance, dimana salah satu prinsipnya adalah adanya partisipasi rakyat. Oleh karena itu pelaksanaan pendekatan partisipatif di Indonesia menjadi suatu keharusan. Pengaturan penerapan pendekatan partisipatif dalam perencanaan pembangunan secara eksplisit dinyatakan dalam wujud Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan (Musrenbang) pada semua level perencanaan pembangunan baik di daerah maupun secara nasional. Amanat ini dinyatakan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 25 tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (SPPN), yang kemudian dijelaskan kembali pada Peraturan Pemerintah No 8 Tahun 2008 tentang tahapan, tata cara penyusunan, pengendalian dan evaluasi pelaksanaan rencana pembangunan daerah. Dan pengaturan lebih rinci kemudian diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Dalam negeri nomor 54 tahun 2010 tentang pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 8 Tahun 2008 tentang tahapan, tata cara penyusunan, pengendalian dan evaluasi pelaksanaan rencana pembangunan daerah, terutama pada pasal 8 yang mengatur mengenai pertimbangan dalam penerapan pendekatan partisipatif. Penelitian ini melakukan evaluasi atas bagaimana penerapan pendekatan partisipatif dalam pelaksanaan Musrenbang tersebut terhadap ketentuan normatif yang mengaturnya, dengan studi kasus pada pelaksanaan Musrenbang RKPD Tahun 2011-2014 di Kabupaten Bandung.
Peran Dinas Pariwisata dalam Pemberdayaan Komunitas Seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli Provinsi Sulawesi ... more Peran Dinas Pariwisata dalam Pemberdayaan Komunitas Seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran Pemda yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat seni pada sanggar-sanggar seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif des\riptif, dengan metode atau strategi studi kasus, yaitu pada peran Dinas Pariwisata dalam pemberdayaan komunitas seni pada sanggar seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli. Untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan kebudayaan dalam berbagai bentuk kesenian yang ada di Indonesia, peran pelaku kesenian atau masyarakat seni sangat penting. Kenyataannya, kehidupan masyarakatlkomunitas seni terutama seniman tradisional yang melestarikan kesenian lokal dan nasional, hidupnya memrihatinkan. Kondisi ini mengindikasikan bahwa peran pemerintah Kabupaten Tolitoli belum optimal dalam menjaga dan melestarikan serta mengembangkan kebudayaan Indonesia. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, penelitian ini menjadi penting untuk dilakukan. Hasil pembahasan menyimpulkan bahwa peran pemerintah daerah, dalam hal ini Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tolitoli, belum dijalankan dengan baik sebagaimana mestinya. Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tolitoli kurang memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pemberdayaan komunitas seni pada sanggar-sanggar seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli. Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Tolitoli perlu meningkatkan perannya dalam pembinaan komunitas seni pada sanggar-sanggar seni yang mencakup ketiga aspek yang meliputi: pencipataan iklim kondusif bagi perkembangan komunitas seni pada sanggar-sanggar seni, penguatan daya intemal bagi komunitas seni, dan keberpihakan kepada komunitas seni yang lemah.
This paper reports the results of research on the growth of the rest area in the long road betwee... more This paper reports the results of research on the growth of the rest area in the long road between Bandung-Ciamis which is the main axis of development in the southern part of West Java. The aim is to explain how it grows.
The method used was to analyze the rest area in chronogically, since it's establishment until the time of field observations conducted. The spatial elements observed are land uses and it's growth. The data used are the maps of location and the number of houses and building in certain years. Information was obtained from key persons who know about the development of the rest area.
The findings are initiation of development of the rest area is the existence of transport facilities or business activities of medium-large scale, and there is a cyclical process and cumulative causation between area size and it's attractiveness for travelers do stop.
In development planning in Indonesia, one of the normative approach set out in the legislation is... more In development planning in Indonesia, one of the normative approach set out in the legislation is a participatory approach. The participatory approach is regulated on the constitution of Indonesia (namely as UUD 1945), in Law No. 25-2014 about National Development Planning System, in Goverment Regulation No. 8-2008, and in the Ministerial Regulation issued by Ministry of Home Affair No. 54-2010 about implementation of Government Regulation No. 8-2008 about stage, procedure in preparation, control and evaluation of the implementation of regional and local development plan, that is the most detailed normative regulation, especially in regulating about deliberation of development planning (called as Musrenbang). In practice, there are ineffectiveness of the implementation of this participatory approach in the various levels of Musrenbang especialy in preparing annual work plan of local/regional, called as Musrenbang RKPD. It also looks at the implementation of Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung regency, which then be chosen as the case of this study. The objective of this study is to evaluate the implementation of participatory approach in the Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung Regency compared with the the normative regulation.
This study is a descriptive-evaluative study on the implementation of the Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung regency in 2011-2014. Technique of data collection used were interviews and documentation. Observation could not be used because while this research done the Musrenbang RKPD completed few months before. Interviews were conducted to 14 people from various representatives of all the elements in musrenbang RKPD. Technique of analysis conducted was descriptive-evaluative analysis technique.
The results show that the Musrenbang RKPD in Bandung Regency has been implemented in compliance with the most of normative regulation, that include the aspects of time bound, representation, relevant stakeholders, as well as the process of dialogue / communication, although in each aspect still contains weaknesses that still need repairing. Few ones still need repairing and also recommended are the proportion of representation, the addition of representatives of marginalized/disability groups and gender bias, equality in dialogue, sense of belonging Musrenbang results, as well as consensus on the more abstract aspects of development planning (not just in a real physical aspect).
Keywords: evaluation, participatory approach, musrenbang RKPD, development planning, Bandung Regency
Abstrak Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah ban... more Abstrak Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah banyak terjadi sejak era Romawi kuno sampai era modern. Salah satunya adalah tumbuhnya node persinggahan transportasi secara alami menjadi pusat permukiman yang kemudian berkembang menjadi kota. Fenomena tersebut tidak terjelaskan secara memadai dalam khasanah teori yang ada. Teori terdekat yang menjelaskan tentang perkembangan node pada sumbu pengembangan adalah teori Development Axes yang dinyatakan pertama oleh Pottier (1963) yang kemudian diulas kembali oleh Hilhorst (1972), Richardson dan Nijkamp. Namun teori tersebut juga tidak dapat memberikan penjelasan bagaimana suatu node persinggahan transportasi pada sumbu pengembangan tumbuh menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar. Paper ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penjelasan mengenai perkembangan node persinggahan transportasi menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar. Metode penelitiannya eksplanatif, dengan pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam retrospektif, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Temuannya adalah bahwa node persinggahan transportasi pada sumbu pengembangan dapat tumbuh menjadi pusat permukiman yang lebih besar melalui 5 tahapan.
Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a theory which is originally stated by Pottier (1963), and rest... more Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a theory which is originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) as well as stated as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in explaining the existence of nodes or centers along development axes and the end-point cities (Richardson, 1978,1981). or prime center or growth pole (Hilhorst, 1972) connected. Some of the real evidences of the implementation are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg road in Indonesia, and in many other countries. So it can be said that the theory is significance as development strategy in the world, especially in making place from transport-stop node which has role as infant settlement to be larger settlement (maybe as town or city in the future) along development axes. This paper focuses on seeking theoretical explanation as new understanding about how the growth of transport-stop node (as one of the local nodes) along DA that is influenced by the flow of people & goods along the axis. We found that the growth cannot be explained by resource-based growth theory alone and neither other conventional theories of city growth. In fact, not all transport-stop node along DA could have same growth whether the flow of people and goods are equal along the DA. Based on the observation and in-depth interview as well as questionnaire, we found that the growth of transport-stop node is initiated by the existence of transport facility or service at development axes. We also found that the growth of transport-stop node has five stages of growth and the “attractiveness” as the significant factor to the growth of transport-stop node to be lager settlement. We argue that the implication of the explanation to the policy is useful in decentralized era in Indonesia.