Csilla Zatykó | Hungarian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)

Papers by Csilla Zatykó

Research paper thumbnail of Middle Age paleoecological and paleoclimatological reconstruction in the Carpathian Basin

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Research paper thumbnail of Peasant household – noble household: objects and structures. Some remarks on the household archaeology of late medieval Hungary

Ruralia XIV. Household Goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside, 2023

This article problematizes the question of how the household can be used as an analytical unit fo... more This article problematizes the question of how the household can be used as an analytical unit for interpreting past social dynamics of rural life in medieval Hungary. It focuses on issues of social hierarchy and the complexity of village communities, discussing both the material and nonmaterial aspects of peasant and lesser nobility households. Considering the current state of research in Hungary, investigations on household archaeology are yet to discover the paths to more nuanced interpretations of problems traditionally within the scope of this field of research. The socio-economic status of household owners is often reflected by the richness of material finds, particularly import objects, or specific types of finds, while we can also rely on historical documents in order to interpret archaeological evidence in this context. However, the lifestyles of peasantry and lesser nobility were not necessarily distinctive as reflected by archaeological materials, thus, the dichotomy of the wealthy and poor status of households is not a suitable indicator of legal/social statuses. Based on the archaeological evidences, usually it is possible to draw conclusions on the general living conditions of individual households in rural settlements, but, in most cases it is highly problematic to directly connect or interpret any type of find material as a sole indicator when defining the legal status of inhabitants. On the other hand, the structural organization of village space should be also considered, when approaching this problem: the size and position of the household tofts have been also studied in connection to their legal-social status. The paper attempts to look at broader socio-economic trends, exploring how they could have influenced the material dimensions of rural life, focusing on the aforementioned social groups.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tájrégészet: tudományterület, módszer, szemlélet vagy divat?

MΩMOΣ XI. – Őskoros Kutatók XI. összejövetele, 2019. április 10-12. Környezet és ember. szer.: Tóth Farkas Márton – Szilas Gábor. Budapest 2023. 11-21., 2023

The landscape archaeological and environmental historical approaches of research questions are ve... more The landscape archaeological and environmental historical approaches of research questions are very widespread phenomena in archaeological studies all over the world, and is not at all unusual in Hungarian research either. Yet, one can often meet with ambiguous use of terminology related to the subject of man and landscape interaction. Frequently, it is not clear whether the term of landscape archaeology means an accurate methodology, a rather general approach or perhaps just a trendy concept of archaeological discussions. The aim of this paper is to look at why and how the discipline of landscape archaeology developed, what scientific needs brought it to life, what concepts were born, and what transformations they underwent over time. What is the difference between environmental archeology and landscape archeology, or how does landscape approach view the landscape itself, how does it relate to the concepts of regionality, settlement and archaeological site. As the origins of Hungarian landscape studies are rooted in several disciplines and was
inspired by different directions of archaeological research, the study discusses the influences of large-scale excavations, regional studies and archeological topography as well. It presents the sources and basic methods of landscape archaeology, and touches upon the conceptual and thematic characteristics of landscape approaches of different archaeological periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of River, Landscape and Settlement in the Middle Ages: Studies on Landscape Archaeology, Environment History, and Site Dynamics in the Körös Region.

Hungarian Archaeology 2022/4, 2022

The development of interdependence between human communities and natural environment is a global ... more The development of interdependence between human communities and natural environment is a global strategic issue determining the lives of coming generations. The planned research intends to contribute to a deeper understanding of this dynamic process by reconstructing the environmental image of three study areas along the Körös River prior to river regulations or in the Middle Ages, and by examining the communities' settlements and lifestyles adapting to or exploiting the landscape around them. The planned research answers these questions by interconnecting several disciplines and by renewing twenty-to thirty-year old archaeological datasets with state-of-the-art methods of archaeological prospection and field survey analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Folyó, táj és település a középkorban: tájrégészeti, környezettörténeti és lelőhelydinamikai kutatások a Körösvidéken. A FLOTT-projekt indulása.

Magyar Régészet 2022/4, 2022

Az ember és a természeti környezet kölcsönösen egymásra ható kapcsolatának alakulása napjaink glo... more Az ember és a természeti környezet kölcsönösen egymásra ható kapcsolatának alakulása napjaink globális stratégiai kérdése. A tervezett kutatás ennek a dinamikus folyamatnak a múltbéli megértését célozza három Körös-menti mintaterület középkori, folyószabályozások előtti környezeti viszonyainak rekonstruálásával, valamint az itt élő közösségek tájhoz alkalmazkodó vagy éppen annak erőforrásait felhasználó életmódjának, településeinek vizsgálatával. A kutatás fontos célja továbbá, hogy a feltett kérdésekre a választ több tudományág együttműködésével és a korábbi hagyományos régészeti topográfiai adatgyűjtéseket modern, hatékony kutatási technikákkal megújító alkalmazásokkal kiegészítve keresse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Madárlátta táj. Tájrégészet és légifotózás.

Határtalan Régészet 2022/4. , 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Castles, settlements, riverbeds from above -Aerial reconnaissance surveys by Zsuzsa Miklós in the Drava region

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2022

The present study outlines the most important results of the aerial archaeological prospection su... more The present study outlines the most important results of the aerial archaeological prospection surveys conducted by Zsuzsa Miklós (1948-2014) in South Transdanubia, with special regard to the fortifications, settlements, and landscapes along the Drava photographed between 2008 and 2013. This is a completed and edited version of the paper left to us from 2014. KEYWORDS Aerial archaeology, South Transdanubia, Drava region, archaeology of the Middle Ages and the Ottoman period in Hungary Zsuzsa Miklós (1948-2014), as a senior research fellow at the Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and then of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was one of the most renowned practitioners of aerial photography for archaeological purposes in Hungary. Her study written as part of a research project carried out in South Transdanubia remained unfinished due to her untimely death. Her colleagues, the members of the project team, pay tribute to her memory by making minor additions to the paper and getting it ready for publication.

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Research paper thumbnail of Seasonality, territories and routes: pannage as a multi-component practice in medieval and early modern Hungary

P. Dixon / Cl. Theune, Seasonal Settlement in the medieval and early modern countryside. Ruralia XIII. Sidestone Press, Leiden 2021. 361-370., 2021

Pigs are not considered typical animals for transhumance, but in some regions of the Carpathian B... more Pigs are not considered typical animals for transhumance, but in some regions of the Carpathian Basin they were herded over extensive distances from the onset of autumn to the time of the first snow or even to the spring. From the 11th to the 19th century, when corn was the primary forage for pigs, grazing in the woodlands, especially of oak mast, was a significant part of animal husbandry in Hungary. The practice of pannage often led to the establishment of structures and buildings used seasonally during the autumn or even wintertime. Although there is no archaeological evidence of these settlements from the medieval period in Hungary, various aspects of medieval pannage can be deduced from zooarchaeological, palaeobotanical, historical, and ethnographical data. While discussing the multi- component phenomenon of pannage as a seasonal practice in medieval and early modern Hungary, this chapter will show how the results of different disciplines, taking aspects such as animals, forest, people, and tradition into account, can be used to develop archaeological research into this neglected field.

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Research paper thumbnail of Castles, settlements and environment in the Drava valley: case studies from the medieval and Ottoman period (with Gy. Kovács and M. Rózsás)

Ekonomska i ekohistorija / Economic and ecohistory: scientific research journal for economic and environmental history, 2019

The Drava valley has numerous unique features as a historical and geographical region. The fulles... more The Drava valley has numerous unique features as a historical and geographical region. The fullest possible understanding of its characteristics is a task for us in the present and the future. In our study, we present the results of research carried out in three different areas that not only geographically characterize certain parts of the Drava valley, but the research methods employed also highlight important aspects of the region's castles, as well as its settlement and environmental history as reflected by the available resources. The results of historical, archaeological and scientific studies demonstrate that the river not only separates but also connects. It joins regions and communities and is a dominant feature in the region from this aspect as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eltűnt berzencei malmok nyomában


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Research paper thumbnail of Középkori településszerkezet és tájhasználat a Berzence környéki
 terepbejárások tükrében - 
Medieval settlement patterns and land-use: results of the field survey conducted in Berzence and its surroundings.

Magyarország Régészeti Topográfiája. Múlt-jelen-jövő. Archaeological Topography of Hungary - Past, Present and Future. (szerk.: Benkő Elek – Bondár Mária – Kolláth Ágnes). Budapest, 563–571., 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of “Studies on Settlement Archaeology and Environmental History in Southern Transdanubia, 1300–1700”: an Interdisciplinary Research Project in a Nutshell.

In: Kovács, Gyöngyi – Zatykó, Csilla (eds.): “Per sylvam et per lacus nimios” The Medieval and Ot... more In: Kovács, Gyöngyi – Zatykó, Csilla (eds.): “Per sylvam et per lacus nimios” The Medieval and Ottoman Period in Southern Transdanubia, Southwest Hungary: the Contribution of the Natural Sciences. Budapest, 2016, 9–11.

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Research paper thumbnail of Medieval and Ottoman Period (14th–17th c.) Archaeology in the Drava River Region, Hungary. Results of an Interdisciplinary Project (with L. Bartosiewicz, K. Éder, E. Gál, Zs. Miklós, M. Rózsás, A. J. Tóth, Cs. Zatykó)

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 65, Jun 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of People beyond landscapes: past, present and future of Hungarian landscape archaeology (2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Gyöngyi Kovács – László Bartosiewicz – Katalin Éder – Erika Gál – Zsuzsa Miklós – Márton Rózsás – János Attila Tóth– Csilla Zatykó:  Medieval and Ottoman period (14th–17th c.) archaeology in the Dráva River Region Results of an Interdisciplinary Project (2014)

The paper is a short summary of the main archaeological outcomes of an interdisciplinary project ... more The paper is a short summary of the main archaeological outcomes of an interdisciplinary project in a section of the Drava river crossing the territory of Somogy county, in Hungary. One of the study areas is the vicinity of Berzence where medieval settlement patterns, land use and economy have been reconstructed on the basis of historical sources and an archaeological field survey. A comprehensive review of architectural history and material culture of the Ottoman Period stronghold in Barcs was the other area under investigation. Research there was based on written sources and the archaeological assemblage recovered from the palisaded fort. Zooarchaeological research at this site revealed some significant culture historical aspects of this stronghold. Underwater archaeological investigations carried out in the Drava river itself and aerial exploration of the study areas also supplied valuable archaeological results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Settlement pattern, landscape use in medieval Berzence (Hungary) / Obrasci naselja, Korištenje krajolika u srednjovjekovnom Berzencu (Mađarska)  (2013)

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Research paper thumbnail of Appearance of social hierarchy in village structures: the conclusions of two case studies from Hungary. In: Ruralia IX . Hierarchy in Rural Settlements. (ed.: Jan Klapste) Turnhout Brepols Publishers, 2013. 437-446.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lelőhely és település kapcsolata a középkori Nagyszakácsiban (2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of Viczián, István – Zatykó, Csilla: Geomorphology and environmental history in the Drava Valley, near Berzence (2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrált kutatások: a tájrégészet (2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of Middle Age paleoecological and paleoclimatological reconstruction in the Carpathian Basin

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Research paper thumbnail of Peasant household – noble household: objects and structures. Some remarks on the household archaeology of late medieval Hungary

Ruralia XIV. Household Goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside, 2023

This article problematizes the question of how the household can be used as an analytical unit fo... more This article problematizes the question of how the household can be used as an analytical unit for interpreting past social dynamics of rural life in medieval Hungary. It focuses on issues of social hierarchy and the complexity of village communities, discussing both the material and nonmaterial aspects of peasant and lesser nobility households. Considering the current state of research in Hungary, investigations on household archaeology are yet to discover the paths to more nuanced interpretations of problems traditionally within the scope of this field of research. The socio-economic status of household owners is often reflected by the richness of material finds, particularly import objects, or specific types of finds, while we can also rely on historical documents in order to interpret archaeological evidence in this context. However, the lifestyles of peasantry and lesser nobility were not necessarily distinctive as reflected by archaeological materials, thus, the dichotomy of the wealthy and poor status of households is not a suitable indicator of legal/social statuses. Based on the archaeological evidences, usually it is possible to draw conclusions on the general living conditions of individual households in rural settlements, but, in most cases it is highly problematic to directly connect or interpret any type of find material as a sole indicator when defining the legal status of inhabitants. On the other hand, the structural organization of village space should be also considered, when approaching this problem: the size and position of the household tofts have been also studied in connection to their legal-social status. The paper attempts to look at broader socio-economic trends, exploring how they could have influenced the material dimensions of rural life, focusing on the aforementioned social groups.

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Research paper thumbnail of Tájrégészet: tudományterület, módszer, szemlélet vagy divat?

MΩMOΣ XI. – Őskoros Kutatók XI. összejövetele, 2019. április 10-12. Környezet és ember. szer.: Tóth Farkas Márton – Szilas Gábor. Budapest 2023. 11-21., 2023

The landscape archaeological and environmental historical approaches of research questions are ve... more The landscape archaeological and environmental historical approaches of research questions are very widespread phenomena in archaeological studies all over the world, and is not at all unusual in Hungarian research either. Yet, one can often meet with ambiguous use of terminology related to the subject of man and landscape interaction. Frequently, it is not clear whether the term of landscape archaeology means an accurate methodology, a rather general approach or perhaps just a trendy concept of archaeological discussions. The aim of this paper is to look at why and how the discipline of landscape archaeology developed, what scientific needs brought it to life, what concepts were born, and what transformations they underwent over time. What is the difference between environmental archeology and landscape archeology, or how does landscape approach view the landscape itself, how does it relate to the concepts of regionality, settlement and archaeological site. As the origins of Hungarian landscape studies are rooted in several disciplines and was
inspired by different directions of archaeological research, the study discusses the influences of large-scale excavations, regional studies and archeological topography as well. It presents the sources and basic methods of landscape archaeology, and touches upon the conceptual and thematic characteristics of landscape approaches of different archaeological periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of River, Landscape and Settlement in the Middle Ages: Studies on Landscape Archaeology, Environment History, and Site Dynamics in the Körös Region.

Hungarian Archaeology 2022/4, 2022

The development of interdependence between human communities and natural environment is a global ... more The development of interdependence between human communities and natural environment is a global strategic issue determining the lives of coming generations. The planned research intends to contribute to a deeper understanding of this dynamic process by reconstructing the environmental image of three study areas along the Körös River prior to river regulations or in the Middle Ages, and by examining the communities' settlements and lifestyles adapting to or exploiting the landscape around them. The planned research answers these questions by interconnecting several disciplines and by renewing twenty-to thirty-year old archaeological datasets with state-of-the-art methods of archaeological prospection and field survey analysis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Folyó, táj és település a középkorban: tájrégészeti, környezettörténeti és lelőhelydinamikai kutatások a Körösvidéken. A FLOTT-projekt indulása.

Magyar Régészet 2022/4, 2022

Az ember és a természeti környezet kölcsönösen egymásra ható kapcsolatának alakulása napjaink glo... more Az ember és a természeti környezet kölcsönösen egymásra ható kapcsolatának alakulása napjaink globális stratégiai kérdése. A tervezett kutatás ennek a dinamikus folyamatnak a múltbéli megértését célozza három Körös-menti mintaterület középkori, folyószabályozások előtti környezeti viszonyainak rekonstruálásával, valamint az itt élő közösségek tájhoz alkalmazkodó vagy éppen annak erőforrásait felhasználó életmódjának, településeinek vizsgálatával. A kutatás fontos célja továbbá, hogy a feltett kérdésekre a választ több tudományág együttműködésével és a korábbi hagyományos régészeti topográfiai adatgyűjtéseket modern, hatékony kutatási technikákkal megújító alkalmazásokkal kiegészítve keresse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Madárlátta táj. Tájrégészet és légifotózás.

Határtalan Régészet 2022/4. , 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Castles, settlements, riverbeds from above -Aerial reconnaissance surveys by Zsuzsa Miklós in the Drava region

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2022

The present study outlines the most important results of the aerial archaeological prospection su... more The present study outlines the most important results of the aerial archaeological prospection surveys conducted by Zsuzsa Miklós (1948-2014) in South Transdanubia, with special regard to the fortifications, settlements, and landscapes along the Drava photographed between 2008 and 2013. This is a completed and edited version of the paper left to us from 2014. KEYWORDS Aerial archaeology, South Transdanubia, Drava region, archaeology of the Middle Ages and the Ottoman period in Hungary Zsuzsa Miklós (1948-2014), as a senior research fellow at the Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and then of the Research Centre for the Humanities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, was one of the most renowned practitioners of aerial photography for archaeological purposes in Hungary. Her study written as part of a research project carried out in South Transdanubia remained unfinished due to her untimely death. Her colleagues, the members of the project team, pay tribute to her memory by making minor additions to the paper and getting it ready for publication.

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Research paper thumbnail of Seasonality, territories and routes: pannage as a multi-component practice in medieval and early modern Hungary

P. Dixon / Cl. Theune, Seasonal Settlement in the medieval and early modern countryside. Ruralia XIII. Sidestone Press, Leiden 2021. 361-370., 2021

Pigs are not considered typical animals for transhumance, but in some regions of the Carpathian B... more Pigs are not considered typical animals for transhumance, but in some regions of the Carpathian Basin they were herded over extensive distances from the onset of autumn to the time of the first snow or even to the spring. From the 11th to the 19th century, when corn was the primary forage for pigs, grazing in the woodlands, especially of oak mast, was a significant part of animal husbandry in Hungary. The practice of pannage often led to the establishment of structures and buildings used seasonally during the autumn or even wintertime. Although there is no archaeological evidence of these settlements from the medieval period in Hungary, various aspects of medieval pannage can be deduced from zooarchaeological, palaeobotanical, historical, and ethnographical data. While discussing the multi- component phenomenon of pannage as a seasonal practice in medieval and early modern Hungary, this chapter will show how the results of different disciplines, taking aspects such as animals, forest, people, and tradition into account, can be used to develop archaeological research into this neglected field.

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Research paper thumbnail of Castles, settlements and environment in the Drava valley: case studies from the medieval and Ottoman period (with Gy. Kovács and M. Rózsás)

Ekonomska i ekohistorija / Economic and ecohistory: scientific research journal for economic and environmental history, 2019

The Drava valley has numerous unique features as a historical and geographical region. The fulles... more The Drava valley has numerous unique features as a historical and geographical region. The fullest possible understanding of its characteristics is a task for us in the present and the future. In our study, we present the results of research carried out in three different areas that not only geographically characterize certain parts of the Drava valley, but the research methods employed also highlight important aspects of the region's castles, as well as its settlement and environmental history as reflected by the available resources. The results of historical, archaeological and scientific studies demonstrate that the river not only separates but also connects. It joins regions and communities and is a dominant feature in the region from this aspect as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eltűnt berzencei malmok nyomában


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Research paper thumbnail of Középkori településszerkezet és tájhasználat a Berzence környéki
 terepbejárások tükrében - 
Medieval settlement patterns and land-use: results of the field survey conducted in Berzence and its surroundings.

Magyarország Régészeti Topográfiája. Múlt-jelen-jövő. Archaeological Topography of Hungary - Past, Present and Future. (szerk.: Benkő Elek – Bondár Mária – Kolláth Ágnes). Budapest, 563–571., 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of “Studies on Settlement Archaeology and Environmental History in Southern Transdanubia, 1300–1700”: an Interdisciplinary Research Project in a Nutshell.

In: Kovács, Gyöngyi – Zatykó, Csilla (eds.): “Per sylvam et per lacus nimios” The Medieval and Ot... more In: Kovács, Gyöngyi – Zatykó, Csilla (eds.): “Per sylvam et per lacus nimios” The Medieval and Ottoman Period in Southern Transdanubia, Southwest Hungary: the Contribution of the Natural Sciences. Budapest, 2016, 9–11.

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Research paper thumbnail of Medieval and Ottoman Period (14th–17th c.) Archaeology in the Drava River Region, Hungary. Results of an Interdisciplinary Project (with L. Bartosiewicz, K. Éder, E. Gál, Zs. Miklós, M. Rózsás, A. J. Tóth, Cs. Zatykó)

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 65, Jun 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of People beyond landscapes: past, present and future of Hungarian landscape archaeology (2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Gyöngyi Kovács – László Bartosiewicz – Katalin Éder – Erika Gál – Zsuzsa Miklós – Márton Rózsás – János Attila Tóth– Csilla Zatykó:  Medieval and Ottoman period (14th–17th c.) archaeology in the Dráva River Region Results of an Interdisciplinary Project (2014)

The paper is a short summary of the main archaeological outcomes of an interdisciplinary project ... more The paper is a short summary of the main archaeological outcomes of an interdisciplinary project in a section of the Drava river crossing the territory of Somogy county, in Hungary. One of the study areas is the vicinity of Berzence where medieval settlement patterns, land use and economy have been reconstructed on the basis of historical sources and an archaeological field survey. A comprehensive review of architectural history and material culture of the Ottoman Period stronghold in Barcs was the other area under investigation. Research there was based on written sources and the archaeological assemblage recovered from the palisaded fort. Zooarchaeological research at this site revealed some significant culture historical aspects of this stronghold. Underwater archaeological investigations carried out in the Drava river itself and aerial exploration of the study areas also supplied valuable archaeological results.

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Research paper thumbnail of Settlement pattern, landscape use in medieval Berzence (Hungary) / Obrasci naselja, Korištenje krajolika u srednjovjekovnom Berzencu (Mađarska)  (2013)

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Research paper thumbnail of Appearance of social hierarchy in village structures: the conclusions of two case studies from Hungary. In: Ruralia IX . Hierarchy in Rural Settlements. (ed.: Jan Klapste) Turnhout Brepols Publishers, 2013. 437-446.

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Research paper thumbnail of Lelőhely és település kapcsolata a középkori Nagyszakácsiban (2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of Viczián, István – Zatykó, Csilla: Geomorphology and environmental history in the Drava Valley, near Berzence (2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of Integrált kutatások: a tájrégészet (2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of Magdolna Szilágyi: On the Road: The History and Archaeology of Medieval Communication Networks in East-Central Europe. Budapest: Archaeolingua Series Minor, 2014.

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Research paper thumbnail of International Conference RURALIA XIII: 2009: Processing, Storage, Distribution of Food – Food in the Medieval Rural Environment

by Claudia Theune, Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz, Helena Kirchner, Natascha Mehler, Ingvild Øye, Haio Zimmermann, José Mª Martín Civantos, Rainer Schreg, Eva Svensson, Piers Dixon, Sabine Felgenhauer, Paolo de Vingo, Gunhilt Merker, Csilla Zatykó, Bert Groenewoudt, Benno Furrer, and Susanne Arnold

As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book . For furth... more As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book . For further information and the published conference papers see: ruralia.cz

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Research paper thumbnail of A Kárpát-medence környezettörténete a középkorban és a kora újkorban (szerk.: Benkő Elek - Zatykó Csilla) Budapest 2021.

A Kárpát-medence környezettörténete a középkorban és a kora újkorban (szerk.: Benkő Elek - Zatykó Csilla) Budapest: Archaeolingua, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Mérai, Dóra - Drosztmér, Ágnes - Lyublyanovics, Kyra – Rasson Judith - Papp Reed, Zsuzsanna - Vadas, András – Zatykó, Csilla (eds): Genius loci. Laszlovszky 60. Budapest: Archaeolingua, 2018.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gyöngyi Kovács - Csilla Zatykó (eds): "per sylvam et per lacus nimios" The Medieval and Ottoman Period in Southern Transdanubia, Southwest Hungary: the Contribution of the Natural Sciences. Budapest, 2016.

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Research paper thumbnail of Csilla Zatykó – Imola Juhász – Pál Sümegi (eds.): Environmental Archaeology in Transdanubia. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica XX. Budapest, 2007.

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Research paper thumbnail of Történeti táj - Tájrégészet: eredmények és perspektívák a magyarországi tájrégészeti kutatásban. Absztrakt kötet. 2017. november 6-7.

A magyarországi tájrégészeti kutatások első konferenciájának absztrakt kötete. A konferencia idő... more A magyarországi tájrégészeti kutatások első konferenciájának absztrakt kötete.
A konferencia időpontja: 2017. november 6-7.
Helyszín: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza
1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4.

Előadások és poszterek az alábbi témák szerint kerültek bemutatásra:
- Település és táj
- Környezetrégészet
- Szimbolikus táj
- Tájhasználat
- Kommunikáció, hálózatok
A tájrégészet módszerei

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Research paper thumbnail of Genius Loci. Laszlovszky 60

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