Claudia Theune | University of Vienna (original) (raw)
Papers, Books and Edited Books, Reviews by Claudia Theune
Cl. Theune / B. Hausmair / Chr. Schmid, Vorwort und Einleitung / Preface and introduction. In: Cl. Theune, B. Hausmair, Chr. Schmid, Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im Fokus der Historischen Archäologie / The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th centuries. Beiträge zur Mittelalter- und Neuzeit...
The 19th and 20th centuries were characterised by early and high industrialisation, globalisation... more The 19th and 20th centuries were characterised by early and high industrialisation, globalisation and socio-political conflicts and upheavals – turbulent times which continue to impact the world today. Also, nationalism and nation states as well as fascist dictatorships emerged during these periods. Imperialism and colonialism consolidated global inequalities, countless wars and protests were fought, and millions of people died as a result of violence, exploitation and persecution.
For about 30 years, archaeological research has increasingly been taking a holistic approach to this epoch. As a result of the ‘material turn’, material culture is understood as a means of communication and an integral part of social practices, and its contexts and their lasting effects up to the present are studied .
This volume comprises 45 papers from different regions worldwide that were presented at the international conference of the Austrian Society for Medieval and Modern Archaeology in Linz in September 2022. The contributions reflect the diversity of questions and diachronic approaches to regional developments, rural areas, industrialisation and industrial culture, social practices related to waste, colonialism, Jewish culture, war landscapes, state terror and exploitation, captivity and resistance, and memory discourses.
Cl. Theune / B. Hausmair / Chr. Schmid, Vorwort und Einleitung / Preface and introduction. In: Cl. Theune, B. Hausmair, Chr. Schmid, Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im Fokus der Historischen Archäologie / The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th centuries. Beiträge zur Mittelalter- und Neuzeit..., 2024
The National Socialist dictatorship was characterised by persecution, terror and mass murders. Mi... more The National Socialist dictatorship was characterised by persecution, terror and mass murders. Millions of people were deprived of their dignity and freedom and lives because of their ideology, their political and social stance or their religious or ethnic origin. Mass killings took place primarily in extermination centres in the former Generalgouvernement Polen or in the so-called Reichskommissariat Ostland. People were told falsely that they would be resettled. The people to be deported received instructions from the Jewish community with a list of what was to be strictly taken with them but also with the advice that ‘useless loads are to be avoided’. One destination of the deportations was Malyj Trostenez, located southeast of Minsk (present-day Belarus). In ten deportations between May and October 1942, about 10,000 people from Vienna were deported by train to Malyj Trostenez and directly murdered there by mass shootings. In total, it is estimated that 100,000 victims were killed. Numerous finds are known from Malyj Trostenez, which were found during the construction of a memorial at the killing site in 2017 and 2018. The majority of these items probably belonged to the victims as several have a clear connection to Vienna or Austria through inscriptions. This paper discusses the question of what the people took with them on this journey and whether there is a correlation between the instructions on the leaflet and the remains found at Malyj Trostenez.
excavating sobibor. holocaust archaeology between heritage, history and memory, 2024
Numerous archaeological investigations in former Nazi concentration camps and extermination centr... more Numerous archaeological investigations in former Nazi concentration camps and extermination centres have unearthed a multitude of structures and a wealth of small and large objects, providing a diverse array of data for analysis. In this contribution, specific artefact assemblages are analysed, each subject to unique configurations at various National Socialist crime scenes. Different sites of Nazi terror are examined, contextualising the associated objects accordingly. Particularly emphasised are interactions rooted in communication and action, aligning with the perspective of Material Culture Studies. Finds and features from former extermination centres, notably the Sobibor extermination camp, the National Socialist euthanasia institution at Hartheim and from concentration camps, are taken into account. In addition to fundamental theoretical considerations regarding non-verbal communication and interactions involving objects, the contextual framework is explored. This encompasses factors leading to internment in concentration camps, the transportation of patients from medical facilities to National Socialist euthanasia institutions, and the configurations facilitating deportations to extermination centres. Subsequently, a contextualisation of finds and evidence is presented, considering these contextual frameworks. It becomes evident that the assemblages of artefacts are intricately linked to specific sites of terror and their associated actions, thus lending themselves to comprehensive explanations through contextualisation.
Opfer der eigenen Begeisterung, 2024
Unter den zahlreichen Funden, die bei den Ausgrabungen in ehemaligen Konzentrationslagern und Ver... more Unter den zahlreichen Funden, die bei den Ausgrabungen in ehemaligen Konzentrationslagern und Vernichtungsorten geborgen werden sowie den Objekten in den Sammlungen der Gedenkstätten las-sen sich Hinweise auf die Opfer bzw. Opfergruppen finden. Recht unscharf sind biologische Geschlechter zu unterscheiden. Deutlich kann die Gruppe der Kinder identifiziert werden. Kleine Schuhe, Spielzeug oder die Kindertassen belegen eindrücklich, dass zahlreiche Kinder ermordet wurden. Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Ermordungen von Menschen jüdischen Glaubens wären eigentlich
mehr Funde etwa mit einem Davidstern zu erwarten. Auch Zeichen des christlichen Glaubens lassen sich identifizieren. Einfacher ist es, die Herkunft der Menschen zu bestimmen. Dies gelingt durch die umfassenden Recherchen zu den Opfern, die durch die Gedenkstätten unternommen werden. Aber auch zahlreiche Funde, die als Eigentum der Häftlinge angesehen werden können, geben Hinweise auf die Wurzeln der Opfergruppen. Es ist zudem zu konstatieren, dass manche Objekte
wie die Häftlingsmarken mehrere Hinweise zur Lebensgeschichte der Opfer geben, z. B. deren politische Einstellung, die wohl in Opposition zum
nationalsozialistischen Gedankengut stand. Zudem können der religiöse Glaube und die Herkunft beispielsweise durch solche Objekte belegt werden.
Unterschiedliche Häftlingsgruppen sind also durch Objekte und damit durch archäologische Untersuchungen zu erkennen, was in den Auswertungen
Erwähnungen finden sollte, auch um den Opfern einen Teil ihrer Identität zurück zu geben.
2023_ Theune, Tente, Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside - an introduction . Ruralia XIV, 2023
Theune/Felgenhauer-Schmiedt/Kühtreiber/Scharrer- Liška/Lehner, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie – Genese, Zielsetzungen – Perspektiven. MAGW, 2023
Research on medieval archaeology, especially the High and Late Middle Ages, has a long tradition ... more Research on medieval archaeology, especially the High and Late Middle Ages, has a long tradition in Austria and in the wider international area. From early on, castles or – perhaps particularly striking for the eastern Austrian region – house mountains (Hausberge) attracted special interest, as they are a visible sign of a region‘s history from afar. Especially the excavations
on the Gaiselberg in Lower Austria, which have been taking place since 1958, continue to be of great importance not only for Austria. A conference dedicated exclusively to castle and settlement archaeology of the medieval period held in Vienna in 1969 led gradually to the international establishment of medieval and also modern archaeology fields in many European
countries. The Austrian Society for Medieval Archaeology (ÖGM) was founded in 1984. The international conferences held every two years on current topics and the annual publications, as well as lectures during the semesters at the universities Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz, are important ways of dissemination. In recent years, the Society has faced new challenges due to internationally changing publication strategies, digitalization efforts and, finally, the Cornavirus- 19 pandemic. The society is facing these challenges and developing new instruments for the promotion of scientific work as well as the dissemination of research results in medieval and modern archaeology to academics and the public. In order to make this range of epochs more visible, it was recently approved to extend the name of the association, Austrian Society for Medieval and Modern Archaeology.
Cl. Theune, Allgemeine Tendenzen und Entwicklungen in der Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie seit 1969. In Theune/Kühtreiber BMÖ Beiheft 14, 2023, 2023
book complete open access:\_pdf/bmoe\_bh14-2023.pdf
Cl. Theune, Burgen- und Siedlungsarchäologie des Mittelalters – Genese und Wirkungen Int. Tagung zur Mittelalterarchäologie 1969. In: Cl. Theune / Th. Kühtreiber (eds.), Die Tagung „Burgen- und Siedlungsarchäologie des Mittelalters in Wien 1969BMÖ– Beiheft 14 (Wien 2023) 9-17, 2023
book complete open access availabe:\_pdf/bmoe\_bh14-2023.pdf
Cl. Theune, Zeitgeschichtliche Archäologie und ethisch-moralisches Handeln. In: Fines Transire 30, 2023, 121-128., 2023
Ethics, as a philosophical sub-discipline or practical philosophy, focuses on the moral behaviour... more Ethics, as a philosophical sub-discipline or practical philosophy, focuses on the moral behaviour of people. Ethical-moral principles have been applied as standard in the medical field, including psychology, for many years. Here, it is fundamentally about people being morally good and acting in a respectful way towards each other. Beyond this, ethical-moral guidelines can be found in numerous very different professions. In the meantime, an ethicisation of the sciences can be observed, in which rules for management and staff are laid down, including a respectful and appreciative way of interacting with each other. Ethical guidelines for archaeology have long been established in the USA, and are now gradually being introduced in Europe and in German-speaking countries. Such respectful interaction and the observance of fundamental and human rights in the present and the past are essential in archaeology. There are several fields of research in archaeology that are relevant for this kind of interaction. Archaeological research can, for example, reveal unethical behaviour in the past during periods of conflict and oppression of all kinds. This applies to acts against human beings themselves, but also against their property and possessions
as well as their cultural heritage. The broad field of archaeological research into burials is also important. Even if people are legally no longer human beings, the dignity of the deceased exists beyond death and must be respected in archaeology for all eras.
Cl. Theune / Eva Steigberger Öffentliches Erinnern und Verwaltung – die behördlichen Strukturen in Österreich. In: Dimitrij Davydov (Hrsg.), Erinnerungskultur in der Verwaltungspraxis (Wiesbaden 2023) 397-416, 2023
Public, institutional or civil society remembrance of specific personalities, of public debates,... more Public, institutional or civil society remembrance of specific personalities, of public debates, of victories or defeats, of important historical events and epochs, whether they have positive or negative connotations, is one of the fundamental social forms of dealing with one's own history and is usually also associated with the term culture of remembrance. The constant negotiation of the forms and occasions of remembrance is characterised by diverse debates and civil society remembrance can be in conflict with state-public remembrance or be controversial, which is described by the term contested memory or contested past.
The field of public remembrance is thus closely linked to numerous discourses on the culture of remembrance, communicative and cultural or collective memory. When discussing the role of the administration, i.e. the implementation of administrative activities on the basis of different laws and responsibilities in the field of public remembrance and commemoration in Austria, transformations and historically based paradigm shifts in public remembrance must be taken into account on the one hand and various institutions and civil society aspects on the other
Y. Burger, Cl. Theune. Das vergessene Lager Archäologische Untersuchungen im ehemaligen Außenlager Gunskirchen, Oberösterreich. In Fines Transire 30,2023, 2023
In December 1944, the Gunskirchen camp was set up as a satellite of the Mauthausen concentration ... more In December 1944, the Gunskirchen camp was set up as a satellite of the Mauthausen concentration camp. It only existed for a short time and served as a reception camp for prisoners from the Mauthausen concentration camp and forced labourers who were used to build the south-east wall. They were forced to the Gunskirchen camp via death marches. The camp has so far received little attention in research. Archaeological investigations are now coming increasingly into focus. Two surveys have already been carried out and numerous finds have been recovered. By evaluating the finds and discoveries, a picture of everyday life in the Gunskirchen camp and conclusions about people, such as former prisoners, can be drawn.
Cl. Theune, Archäologie der Moderne - eine junge Wissenschaft mit großem Potential. Katalog "Modern Times. In: Archäologische Funde der Moderne und ihre Geschichten, 2023
Eine Archäologie der Moderne, also in erster Linie die Beschäftigung mit der materiellen Kultur d... more Eine Archäologie der Moderne, also in erster Linie die Beschäftigung
mit der materiellen Kultur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, rückt seit rund drei Dekaden in den Fokus. Schon seit etlichen Jahrzehnten hat die Archäologie immer jüngere Zeiten im Blick und beschränkt sich nicht nur auf Epochen, zu denen nur beschränkt schriftliche Quellen vorliegen. Nach Untersuchungen zum gesamten Mittelalter widmete man sich zunächst der frühen Neuzeit mit bedeutenden Wenden der Reformation, der Gegenreformation, dem 30-jährigen Krieg. Aber auch Kriege der Moderne wurden und werden untersucht, etwa solche aus napoleonischer Zeit. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet die Industrialisierung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert, wo einerseits der technische Aspekt und die Technik bzw. Industriegeschichte im Vordergrund stehen, andererseits aber industrialisierte Regionen, wie etwa das Ruhrgebiet, als Kulturlandschaften wahrgenommen werden und die Kulturgeschichte der Industrialisierung und eine damit verbundene regionale Identität in den Blickpunkt rückt.
Cl. Theune, Archäologie der Moderne – eine junge Wissenschaft mit großem Potential. In: Stefan Leenen, Lisa Mentzl, Doree Mölders (Hrsg.), Modern Times. Archäologische Funde der Moderne und ihre Geschichten. Kettler-Verlag: Dortmund 2023, 29-36., 2023
Strukturen des 20. Jahrhunderts und insbesondere die nationalsozialistische Zeit sind auch weiter... more Strukturen des 20. Jahrhunderts und insbesondere die nationalsozialistische Zeit sind auch weiterhin Schwerpunkte bei archäologischen Arbeiten; diese
Phase von Terror und Unterdrückung ist nicht zuletzt durch Erinnerungen von Eltern, Großeltern und zahlreiche noch vorhandene Relikte mit derGegenwart weiterhin stark verknüpft. Bislang wurden häufig die Struktur der Lager selbst, die Baracken und Funktionsgebäude, gegebenenfalls die Tötungsanlagen oder große Gruben mit den in der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit entsorgten Objekten untersucht. Inzwischen richtet sich der Blick auch auf andere zu den Lagern gehörende Bereiche, beispielsweise Orte, an denen die Häftlinge Zwangsarbeit leisten mussten, – oder die gesamte zum Lager zugehörige Versorgung und Infrastruktur und die Rüstungsbetriebe. Zudem geben Analysen von bestimmten Objekten und Strukturen, bzw. die Mensch-Ding-Beziehungen Einblicke etwa in Überlebens- und Bewältigungsstrategien der Inhaftierten bzw. in die Praxis des Terrors durch die Machthaber.
""What Does This Have to Do with Archaeology?”Essays on the Occasion of the 65th Birthday of Reinhard Bernbeck, 2023
The world of camps is generally immense in relation to the 20th century, or even just the few ye... more The world of camps is generally immense in relation to the 20th century, or even just the few years of the National Socialist period and the Second World War. Innumerable source categories are available for research of all kinds, and countless material remains lend themselves to a plethora of research questions. The fields of research outlined above could be deepened or even expanded. Not least since the so-called Material Turn (Bachmann-Medick 2006; Bräunlein 2012) and through the methods of Material Culture Studies it is evident that objects bear new implications for research of all kinds and therefore can initiate shifts in perspective, approaches, theories, and methods that transcend disciplinary boundaries, as well as broad source corpora. Through and with archaeological finds, the meaning of things for people can be explored, which cannot be deduced from other sources in such a way. This undoubtedly also applies to forced camps and extermination centers in all their diversity and complexity. After extensive basic research in recent years, new research questions should now be addressed that focus on this diversity and complexity. Then we will also get closer to the people who suffered in the camps, and who were killed there. And we will gain deeper insights into the world of the perpetrators.
Cl. Theune, Eine kontextbezogene Betrachtung der Funde aus der NS-Euthanasieanstalt Schloss Hartheim. Sonius 32, 2023, 3-8., 2023
Cl. Theune, Nationalsozialistische Zwangslager im Lichte der zeitgeschichtlichen Archäologie. B. Roder, P. Zwaka (eds), Das ehemalige Zwangsarbeiterlager Blankenfelde-Nord. Historische Befunde, Spuren, Gedenkperspektiven (Museum Pankow) 2023, 22-29., 2023
for English see below. Ethik beschäftigt sich mit moralischem Handeln bzw. der Bewertung menschli... more for English see below.
Ethik beschäftigt sich mit moralischem Handeln bzw. der Bewertung menschlichen Handelns, mit ethisch-sittlichen Grundsätzen, Normen und Werten. Zentrale Kategorien für ein moralisches Handeln sind sicherlich die Menschenwürde sowie die Grund- und Menschenrechte. Die Bedeutung ethisch-moralischer Grundsätze, das Handeln nach ethischen Wertvorstellungen und ein reflektiertes moralisches (Vernunft-geleitetes) Agieren sind derzeit vielbeachtete gesellschaftspolitische Themen in allen Lebensbereichen und können auch für die Archäologie wertvolle neue Perspektiven eröffnen. In der Archäologie in Mitteleuropa und insbesondere im deutschsprachigem Raum sind ethische Fragen und Aufgaben bislang kaum diskutiert worden, während sie im angloamerikanischen Raum schon länger thematisiert werden. So gibt es etliche ethische Verhaltenskodizes, wobei etwa die Einhaltung von wissenschaftlichen Standards oder auch die Verpflichtung, archäologisches Kulturgut nicht illegal zu veräußern, festgehalten werden. Ein weiterer elementarer Punkt ist der respektvolle Umgang mit Verstorbenen. In dem Beitrag wird eine erste Einführung in das Thema des Fachgespräches gegeben und Grundlagen moralischen Handels in der Archäologie erläutert.
Ethics deals with moral action or the evaluation of human action, with ethical-moral principles, norms and values. Central categories for moral action are certainly human dignity as well as basic and human rights. The importance of ethical-moral principles, acting according to ethical values and a reflected moral (reason-guided) action are currently much-noted socio-political topics in all areas of life and can also open up valuable new perspectives for archaeology. In archaeology in Central Europe and especially in German-speaking countries, ethical questions and tasks have hardly been discussed so far, whereas they have been a topic of discussion in Anglo-American countries for a longer time. For example, there are several ethical codes of conduct, whereby, for example, the adherence to scientific standards or the obligation not to illegally dispose of archaeological cultural property are stipulated. Another elementary point is the respectful treatment of deceased persons. In the article, a first introduction to the topic of the expert discussion is given and the basics of moral action in archaeology are explained.
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict. 3rd Edition. Academic Press 2022 Volume 1, 2022, 552-561 , 2022
The archeology of war or armed conflict has been carried out for about 40 years, specifically, in... more The archeology of war or armed conflict has been carried out for about 40 years, specifically, interdisciplinary investigations, such as surveys, prospection, and excavations on battlefields of historically known battles, where, in addition to archeological sources, written and pictorial sources were also taken into account. This has been followed by research on armed conflicts in older—even prehistoric—times. In addition, older paradigms that assumed nonviolent human societies in prehistory were questioned and archeologically refuted. For an archeology of war and armed conflict, other contexts besides battlefields, such as army camps and weapons and their places of production, as well as the combatants killed, and prisoner-of-war camps dating to the 20th century must be mentioned as categories directly related to war.
Schloss Hanfelden Einst & Jetzt, Ausgabe 3, 2021
Hanfelden Castle in Unterzeiring in the Pölstal is one of the few renaissance castles in Styria, ... more Hanfelden Castle in Unterzeiring in the Pölstal is one of the few renaissance castles in Styria, or rather in Austria, that has hardly been massively remodeled and changed in its aftermath. Starting from a tower building from the middle of the 14th century, the complex was rapidly extended in the early 16th century to a four-sided building complex with an inner courtyard with attached arcades. The ensemble also includes an outbuilding standing close to the castle. Probably around 1600, a enclosing wall with four corner towers was added around the ensemble. The castle is of special importance because of two well-preserved blockwork chambers. Apart from a few baroqueizing changes in the 17th century, hardly any fundamental alterations were made, so that today in Unterzeiring still a more or less unchanged Renaissance castle is standing. Since 2016, comprehensive excavations, building research, conservation and restoration have been carried out there; these investigations are accompanied by various natural scientific analyses such as dendrochronological investigations, 14C- dating and geophysical prospections. In this article the first summarizing results will be presented.
Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie Österreichs, 2021
Three graves with a total of four early medieval burials – two male, one female, one child – were... more Three graves with a total of four early medieval burials – two male, one female, one child – were discovered during construction work at Lungitz train station (Perg district, Upper Austria). The graves were modestly equipped, but the find of a sickle in Grave 1 in Burial 2 was a peculiar feature. Sickles in early medieval graves are not very common finds which occur in cemeteries of the Avar Khaganate and later the Great Moravian Empire. Finds from the Danube area in what is now Austria can be seen as western offshoots of this distribution area.
Cl. Theune / B. Hausmair / Chr. Schmid, Vorwort und Einleitung / Preface and introduction. In: Cl. Theune, B. Hausmair, Chr. Schmid, Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im Fokus der Historischen Archäologie / The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th centuries. Beiträge zur Mittelalter- und Neuzeit...
The 19th and 20th centuries were characterised by early and high industrialisation, globalisation... more The 19th and 20th centuries were characterised by early and high industrialisation, globalisation and socio-political conflicts and upheavals – turbulent times which continue to impact the world today. Also, nationalism and nation states as well as fascist dictatorships emerged during these periods. Imperialism and colonialism consolidated global inequalities, countless wars and protests were fought, and millions of people died as a result of violence, exploitation and persecution.
For about 30 years, archaeological research has increasingly been taking a holistic approach to this epoch. As a result of the ‘material turn’, material culture is understood as a means of communication and an integral part of social practices, and its contexts and their lasting effects up to the present are studied .
This volume comprises 45 papers from different regions worldwide that were presented at the international conference of the Austrian Society for Medieval and Modern Archaeology in Linz in September 2022. The contributions reflect the diversity of questions and diachronic approaches to regional developments, rural areas, industrialisation and industrial culture, social practices related to waste, colonialism, Jewish culture, war landscapes, state terror and exploitation, captivity and resistance, and memory discourses.
Cl. Theune / B. Hausmair / Chr. Schmid, Vorwort und Einleitung / Preface and introduction. In: Cl. Theune, B. Hausmair, Chr. Schmid, Das 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im Fokus der Historischen Archäologie / The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th centuries. Beiträge zur Mittelalter- und Neuzeit..., 2024
The National Socialist dictatorship was characterised by persecution, terror and mass murders. Mi... more The National Socialist dictatorship was characterised by persecution, terror and mass murders. Millions of people were deprived of their dignity and freedom and lives because of their ideology, their political and social stance or their religious or ethnic origin. Mass killings took place primarily in extermination centres in the former Generalgouvernement Polen or in the so-called Reichskommissariat Ostland. People were told falsely that they would be resettled. The people to be deported received instructions from the Jewish community with a list of what was to be strictly taken with them but also with the advice that ‘useless loads are to be avoided’. One destination of the deportations was Malyj Trostenez, located southeast of Minsk (present-day Belarus). In ten deportations between May and October 1942, about 10,000 people from Vienna were deported by train to Malyj Trostenez and directly murdered there by mass shootings. In total, it is estimated that 100,000 victims were killed. Numerous finds are known from Malyj Trostenez, which were found during the construction of a memorial at the killing site in 2017 and 2018. The majority of these items probably belonged to the victims as several have a clear connection to Vienna or Austria through inscriptions. This paper discusses the question of what the people took with them on this journey and whether there is a correlation between the instructions on the leaflet and the remains found at Malyj Trostenez.
excavating sobibor. holocaust archaeology between heritage, history and memory, 2024
Numerous archaeological investigations in former Nazi concentration camps and extermination centr... more Numerous archaeological investigations in former Nazi concentration camps and extermination centres have unearthed a multitude of structures and a wealth of small and large objects, providing a diverse array of data for analysis. In this contribution, specific artefact assemblages are analysed, each subject to unique configurations at various National Socialist crime scenes. Different sites of Nazi terror are examined, contextualising the associated objects accordingly. Particularly emphasised are interactions rooted in communication and action, aligning with the perspective of Material Culture Studies. Finds and features from former extermination centres, notably the Sobibor extermination camp, the National Socialist euthanasia institution at Hartheim and from concentration camps, are taken into account. In addition to fundamental theoretical considerations regarding non-verbal communication and interactions involving objects, the contextual framework is explored. This encompasses factors leading to internment in concentration camps, the transportation of patients from medical facilities to National Socialist euthanasia institutions, and the configurations facilitating deportations to extermination centres. Subsequently, a contextualisation of finds and evidence is presented, considering these contextual frameworks. It becomes evident that the assemblages of artefacts are intricately linked to specific sites of terror and their associated actions, thus lending themselves to comprehensive explanations through contextualisation.
Opfer der eigenen Begeisterung, 2024
Unter den zahlreichen Funden, die bei den Ausgrabungen in ehemaligen Konzentrationslagern und Ver... more Unter den zahlreichen Funden, die bei den Ausgrabungen in ehemaligen Konzentrationslagern und Vernichtungsorten geborgen werden sowie den Objekten in den Sammlungen der Gedenkstätten las-sen sich Hinweise auf die Opfer bzw. Opfergruppen finden. Recht unscharf sind biologische Geschlechter zu unterscheiden. Deutlich kann die Gruppe der Kinder identifiziert werden. Kleine Schuhe, Spielzeug oder die Kindertassen belegen eindrücklich, dass zahlreiche Kinder ermordet wurden. Aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Ermordungen von Menschen jüdischen Glaubens wären eigentlich
mehr Funde etwa mit einem Davidstern zu erwarten. Auch Zeichen des christlichen Glaubens lassen sich identifizieren. Einfacher ist es, die Herkunft der Menschen zu bestimmen. Dies gelingt durch die umfassenden Recherchen zu den Opfern, die durch die Gedenkstätten unternommen werden. Aber auch zahlreiche Funde, die als Eigentum der Häftlinge angesehen werden können, geben Hinweise auf die Wurzeln der Opfergruppen. Es ist zudem zu konstatieren, dass manche Objekte
wie die Häftlingsmarken mehrere Hinweise zur Lebensgeschichte der Opfer geben, z. B. deren politische Einstellung, die wohl in Opposition zum
nationalsozialistischen Gedankengut stand. Zudem können der religiöse Glaube und die Herkunft beispielsweise durch solche Objekte belegt werden.
Unterschiedliche Häftlingsgruppen sind also durch Objekte und damit durch archäologische Untersuchungen zu erkennen, was in den Auswertungen
Erwähnungen finden sollte, auch um den Opfern einen Teil ihrer Identität zurück zu geben.
2023_ Theune, Tente, Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern Countryside - an introduction . Ruralia XIV, 2023
Theune/Felgenhauer-Schmiedt/Kühtreiber/Scharrer- Liška/Lehner, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie – Genese, Zielsetzungen – Perspektiven. MAGW, 2023
Research on medieval archaeology, especially the High and Late Middle Ages, has a long tradition ... more Research on medieval archaeology, especially the High and Late Middle Ages, has a long tradition in Austria and in the wider international area. From early on, castles or – perhaps particularly striking for the eastern Austrian region – house mountains (Hausberge) attracted special interest, as they are a visible sign of a region‘s history from afar. Especially the excavations
on the Gaiselberg in Lower Austria, which have been taking place since 1958, continue to be of great importance not only for Austria. A conference dedicated exclusively to castle and settlement archaeology of the medieval period held in Vienna in 1969 led gradually to the international establishment of medieval and also modern archaeology fields in many European
countries. The Austrian Society for Medieval Archaeology (ÖGM) was founded in 1984. The international conferences held every two years on current topics and the annual publications, as well as lectures during the semesters at the universities Vienna, Innsbruck and Graz, are important ways of dissemination. In recent years, the Society has faced new challenges due to internationally changing publication strategies, digitalization efforts and, finally, the Cornavirus- 19 pandemic. The society is facing these challenges and developing new instruments for the promotion of scientific work as well as the dissemination of research results in medieval and modern archaeology to academics and the public. In order to make this range of epochs more visible, it was recently approved to extend the name of the association, Austrian Society for Medieval and Modern Archaeology.
Cl. Theune, Allgemeine Tendenzen und Entwicklungen in der Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie seit 1969. In Theune/Kühtreiber BMÖ Beiheft 14, 2023, 2023
book complete open access:\_pdf/bmoe\_bh14-2023.pdf
Cl. Theune, Burgen- und Siedlungsarchäologie des Mittelalters – Genese und Wirkungen Int. Tagung zur Mittelalterarchäologie 1969. In: Cl. Theune / Th. Kühtreiber (eds.), Die Tagung „Burgen- und Siedlungsarchäologie des Mittelalters in Wien 1969BMÖ– Beiheft 14 (Wien 2023) 9-17, 2023
book complete open access availabe:\_pdf/bmoe\_bh14-2023.pdf
Cl. Theune, Zeitgeschichtliche Archäologie und ethisch-moralisches Handeln. In: Fines Transire 30, 2023, 121-128., 2023
Ethics, as a philosophical sub-discipline or practical philosophy, focuses on the moral behaviour... more Ethics, as a philosophical sub-discipline or practical philosophy, focuses on the moral behaviour of people. Ethical-moral principles have been applied as standard in the medical field, including psychology, for many years. Here, it is fundamentally about people being morally good and acting in a respectful way towards each other. Beyond this, ethical-moral guidelines can be found in numerous very different professions. In the meantime, an ethicisation of the sciences can be observed, in which rules for management and staff are laid down, including a respectful and appreciative way of interacting with each other. Ethical guidelines for archaeology have long been established in the USA, and are now gradually being introduced in Europe and in German-speaking countries. Such respectful interaction and the observance of fundamental and human rights in the present and the past are essential in archaeology. There are several fields of research in archaeology that are relevant for this kind of interaction. Archaeological research can, for example, reveal unethical behaviour in the past during periods of conflict and oppression of all kinds. This applies to acts against human beings themselves, but also against their property and possessions
as well as their cultural heritage. The broad field of archaeological research into burials is also important. Even if people are legally no longer human beings, the dignity of the deceased exists beyond death and must be respected in archaeology for all eras.
Cl. Theune / Eva Steigberger Öffentliches Erinnern und Verwaltung – die behördlichen Strukturen in Österreich. In: Dimitrij Davydov (Hrsg.), Erinnerungskultur in der Verwaltungspraxis (Wiesbaden 2023) 397-416, 2023
Public, institutional or civil society remembrance of specific personalities, of public debates,... more Public, institutional or civil society remembrance of specific personalities, of public debates, of victories or defeats, of important historical events and epochs, whether they have positive or negative connotations, is one of the fundamental social forms of dealing with one's own history and is usually also associated with the term culture of remembrance. The constant negotiation of the forms and occasions of remembrance is characterised by diverse debates and civil society remembrance can be in conflict with state-public remembrance or be controversial, which is described by the term contested memory or contested past.
The field of public remembrance is thus closely linked to numerous discourses on the culture of remembrance, communicative and cultural or collective memory. When discussing the role of the administration, i.e. the implementation of administrative activities on the basis of different laws and responsibilities in the field of public remembrance and commemoration in Austria, transformations and historically based paradigm shifts in public remembrance must be taken into account on the one hand and various institutions and civil society aspects on the other
Y. Burger, Cl. Theune. Das vergessene Lager Archäologische Untersuchungen im ehemaligen Außenlager Gunskirchen, Oberösterreich. In Fines Transire 30,2023, 2023
In December 1944, the Gunskirchen camp was set up as a satellite of the Mauthausen concentration ... more In December 1944, the Gunskirchen camp was set up as a satellite of the Mauthausen concentration camp. It only existed for a short time and served as a reception camp for prisoners from the Mauthausen concentration camp and forced labourers who were used to build the south-east wall. They were forced to the Gunskirchen camp via death marches. The camp has so far received little attention in research. Archaeological investigations are now coming increasingly into focus. Two surveys have already been carried out and numerous finds have been recovered. By evaluating the finds and discoveries, a picture of everyday life in the Gunskirchen camp and conclusions about people, such as former prisoners, can be drawn.
Cl. Theune, Archäologie der Moderne - eine junge Wissenschaft mit großem Potential. Katalog "Modern Times. In: Archäologische Funde der Moderne und ihre Geschichten, 2023
Eine Archäologie der Moderne, also in erster Linie die Beschäftigung mit der materiellen Kultur d... more Eine Archäologie der Moderne, also in erster Linie die Beschäftigung
mit der materiellen Kultur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, rückt seit rund drei Dekaden in den Fokus. Schon seit etlichen Jahrzehnten hat die Archäologie immer jüngere Zeiten im Blick und beschränkt sich nicht nur auf Epochen, zu denen nur beschränkt schriftliche Quellen vorliegen. Nach Untersuchungen zum gesamten Mittelalter widmete man sich zunächst der frühen Neuzeit mit bedeutenden Wenden der Reformation, der Gegenreformation, dem 30-jährigen Krieg. Aber auch Kriege der Moderne wurden und werden untersucht, etwa solche aus napoleonischer Zeit. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet die Industrialisierung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert, wo einerseits der technische Aspekt und die Technik bzw. Industriegeschichte im Vordergrund stehen, andererseits aber industrialisierte Regionen, wie etwa das Ruhrgebiet, als Kulturlandschaften wahrgenommen werden und die Kulturgeschichte der Industrialisierung und eine damit verbundene regionale Identität in den Blickpunkt rückt.
Cl. Theune, Archäologie der Moderne – eine junge Wissenschaft mit großem Potential. In: Stefan Leenen, Lisa Mentzl, Doree Mölders (Hrsg.), Modern Times. Archäologische Funde der Moderne und ihre Geschichten. Kettler-Verlag: Dortmund 2023, 29-36., 2023
Strukturen des 20. Jahrhunderts und insbesondere die nationalsozialistische Zeit sind auch weiter... more Strukturen des 20. Jahrhunderts und insbesondere die nationalsozialistische Zeit sind auch weiterhin Schwerpunkte bei archäologischen Arbeiten; diese
Phase von Terror und Unterdrückung ist nicht zuletzt durch Erinnerungen von Eltern, Großeltern und zahlreiche noch vorhandene Relikte mit derGegenwart weiterhin stark verknüpft. Bislang wurden häufig die Struktur der Lager selbst, die Baracken und Funktionsgebäude, gegebenenfalls die Tötungsanlagen oder große Gruben mit den in der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit entsorgten Objekten untersucht. Inzwischen richtet sich der Blick auch auf andere zu den Lagern gehörende Bereiche, beispielsweise Orte, an denen die Häftlinge Zwangsarbeit leisten mussten, – oder die gesamte zum Lager zugehörige Versorgung und Infrastruktur und die Rüstungsbetriebe. Zudem geben Analysen von bestimmten Objekten und Strukturen, bzw. die Mensch-Ding-Beziehungen Einblicke etwa in Überlebens- und Bewältigungsstrategien der Inhaftierten bzw. in die Praxis des Terrors durch die Machthaber.
""What Does This Have to Do with Archaeology?”Essays on the Occasion of the 65th Birthday of Reinhard Bernbeck, 2023
The world of camps is generally immense in relation to the 20th century, or even just the few ye... more The world of camps is generally immense in relation to the 20th century, or even just the few years of the National Socialist period and the Second World War. Innumerable source categories are available for research of all kinds, and countless material remains lend themselves to a plethora of research questions. The fields of research outlined above could be deepened or even expanded. Not least since the so-called Material Turn (Bachmann-Medick 2006; Bräunlein 2012) and through the methods of Material Culture Studies it is evident that objects bear new implications for research of all kinds and therefore can initiate shifts in perspective, approaches, theories, and methods that transcend disciplinary boundaries, as well as broad source corpora. Through and with archaeological finds, the meaning of things for people can be explored, which cannot be deduced from other sources in such a way. This undoubtedly also applies to forced camps and extermination centers in all their diversity and complexity. After extensive basic research in recent years, new research questions should now be addressed that focus on this diversity and complexity. Then we will also get closer to the people who suffered in the camps, and who were killed there. And we will gain deeper insights into the world of the perpetrators.
Cl. Theune, Eine kontextbezogene Betrachtung der Funde aus der NS-Euthanasieanstalt Schloss Hartheim. Sonius 32, 2023, 3-8., 2023
Cl. Theune, Nationalsozialistische Zwangslager im Lichte der zeitgeschichtlichen Archäologie. B. Roder, P. Zwaka (eds), Das ehemalige Zwangsarbeiterlager Blankenfelde-Nord. Historische Befunde, Spuren, Gedenkperspektiven (Museum Pankow) 2023, 22-29., 2023
for English see below. Ethik beschäftigt sich mit moralischem Handeln bzw. der Bewertung menschli... more for English see below.
Ethik beschäftigt sich mit moralischem Handeln bzw. der Bewertung menschlichen Handelns, mit ethisch-sittlichen Grundsätzen, Normen und Werten. Zentrale Kategorien für ein moralisches Handeln sind sicherlich die Menschenwürde sowie die Grund- und Menschenrechte. Die Bedeutung ethisch-moralischer Grundsätze, das Handeln nach ethischen Wertvorstellungen und ein reflektiertes moralisches (Vernunft-geleitetes) Agieren sind derzeit vielbeachtete gesellschaftspolitische Themen in allen Lebensbereichen und können auch für die Archäologie wertvolle neue Perspektiven eröffnen. In der Archäologie in Mitteleuropa und insbesondere im deutschsprachigem Raum sind ethische Fragen und Aufgaben bislang kaum diskutiert worden, während sie im angloamerikanischen Raum schon länger thematisiert werden. So gibt es etliche ethische Verhaltenskodizes, wobei etwa die Einhaltung von wissenschaftlichen Standards oder auch die Verpflichtung, archäologisches Kulturgut nicht illegal zu veräußern, festgehalten werden. Ein weiterer elementarer Punkt ist der respektvolle Umgang mit Verstorbenen. In dem Beitrag wird eine erste Einführung in das Thema des Fachgespräches gegeben und Grundlagen moralischen Handels in der Archäologie erläutert.
Ethics deals with moral action or the evaluation of human action, with ethical-moral principles, norms and values. Central categories for moral action are certainly human dignity as well as basic and human rights. The importance of ethical-moral principles, acting according to ethical values and a reflected moral (reason-guided) action are currently much-noted socio-political topics in all areas of life and can also open up valuable new perspectives for archaeology. In archaeology in Central Europe and especially in German-speaking countries, ethical questions and tasks have hardly been discussed so far, whereas they have been a topic of discussion in Anglo-American countries for a longer time. For example, there are several ethical codes of conduct, whereby, for example, the adherence to scientific standards or the obligation not to illegally dispose of archaeological cultural property are stipulated. Another elementary point is the respectful treatment of deceased persons. In the article, a first introduction to the topic of the expert discussion is given and the basics of moral action in archaeology are explained.
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict. 3rd Edition. Academic Press 2022 Volume 1, 2022, 552-561 , 2022
The archeology of war or armed conflict has been carried out for about 40 years, specifically, in... more The archeology of war or armed conflict has been carried out for about 40 years, specifically, interdisciplinary investigations, such as surveys, prospection, and excavations on battlefields of historically known battles, where, in addition to archeological sources, written and pictorial sources were also taken into account. This has been followed by research on armed conflicts in older—even prehistoric—times. In addition, older paradigms that assumed nonviolent human societies in prehistory were questioned and archeologically refuted. For an archeology of war and armed conflict, other contexts besides battlefields, such as army camps and weapons and their places of production, as well as the combatants killed, and prisoner-of-war camps dating to the 20th century must be mentioned as categories directly related to war.
Schloss Hanfelden Einst & Jetzt, Ausgabe 3, 2021
Hanfelden Castle in Unterzeiring in the Pölstal is one of the few renaissance castles in Styria, ... more Hanfelden Castle in Unterzeiring in the Pölstal is one of the few renaissance castles in Styria, or rather in Austria, that has hardly been massively remodeled and changed in its aftermath. Starting from a tower building from the middle of the 14th century, the complex was rapidly extended in the early 16th century to a four-sided building complex with an inner courtyard with attached arcades. The ensemble also includes an outbuilding standing close to the castle. Probably around 1600, a enclosing wall with four corner towers was added around the ensemble. The castle is of special importance because of two well-preserved blockwork chambers. Apart from a few baroqueizing changes in the 17th century, hardly any fundamental alterations were made, so that today in Unterzeiring still a more or less unchanged Renaissance castle is standing. Since 2016, comprehensive excavations, building research, conservation and restoration have been carried out there; these investigations are accompanied by various natural scientific analyses such as dendrochronological investigations, 14C- dating and geophysical prospections. In this article the first summarizing results will be presented.
Beiträge zur Mittelalterarchäologie Österreichs, 2021
Three graves with a total of four early medieval burials – two male, one female, one child – were... more Three graves with a total of four early medieval burials – two male, one female, one child – were discovered during construction work at Lungitz train station (Perg district, Upper Austria). The graves were modestly equipped, but the find of a sickle in Grave 1 in Burial 2 was a peculiar feature. Sickles in early medieval graves are not very common finds which occur in cemeteries of the Avar Khaganate and later the Great Moravian Empire. Finds from the Danube area in what is now Austria can be seen as western offshoots of this distribution area.
Call for papers Ruralia XVI: Klodzko, Poland, 2024
RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life... more RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life. It provides a European-wide platform for the scientific exchange on current problems in rural archaeology in order to strengthen comparative and interdisciplinary studies. The conference covers the period from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern periods. The conference language is English. RURALIA XVI will take place in Kłodzko, a city located in southwest of Poland. The theme is: Countryside and towns. Rural settlements in context of urban hinterlands in the Medieval and Modern Period In addition to the papers, one full day and one half-day excursion and an optional two-day field trip to sites in southwest Poland and north Czechia will be offered.
Further information:
Ruralia XV, Programme , 2023
THE RURALIA XV CONFERENCE - Fredrikstad (Norway), 4th – 10th September 2023 Farmers’ trade and ma... more THE RURALIA XV CONFERENCE - Fredrikstad (Norway), 4th – 10th September 2023
Farmers’ trade and markets - Social and economic interaction in the medieval and early modern European countryside
In addition to the papers during the conference, one full day and one half-day excursion and an optional two-day field trip to sites in southeast Norway and eastern Sweden will be offered. Rural market- and meeting places, both periodic (fairs) and perennial (markets), were of great importance for social interaction and communication on a local and regional scale. It was essential
for diffusion of innovations and ideas. The landscape, its prerequisites and possibilities, shaped people and technical systems to form a working combination. Interaction at meeting places shaped cultural norms, thoughts and identities, including norms for material culture. Markets and informal trading places were parts of a larger economic and social whole, including trade and barter of goods, crafts and production ranging from artisans making jewellery to people making food and bread, accompanied by drinking, dancing, competitions and fights.In rural areas there was a massive production of non-agrarian goods which made it possible for people to invest
in surplus production and commodities. The elite was dependent on supply of resources, from agriculture as well as the outfield. An essential part of society was the command of resources, claimed through the organisation and control of trade routes and markets, and by alliances and social ties.Human activity is linked to social relations, and the exchange of goods and services is integrated in cultural patterns and social strategies. It is also a part of the mechanisms of regionalization and the formation of a common culture and identity in the medieval and early modern period. We want to emphasise that we want to discuss non-urban markets.
Ruralia XV, 2023
Invitation to attend the conference: Ruralia XV, Fredrikstad, Norway (4 - 11 September 2023): Fa... more Invitation to attend the conference: Ruralia XV, Fredrikstad, Norway (4 - 11 September 2023): Farmers’ trade and markets. Social and economic interaction in the medieval and early modern European countryside
The conference fees include all hotel costs, meals and field trips!
Rural market- and meeting places, both periodic (fairs) and perennial (markets), were of great importance for social interaction and communication on a local and regional scale. It was essential for diffusion of innovations and ideas. The landscape, its prerequisites and possibilities, shaped people and technical systems to form a working combination. Interaction at meeting places shaped cultural norms, thoughts and identities, including norms for material culture.
Markets and informal trading places were parts of a larger economic and social whole, including trade and barter of goods, crafts and production ranging from artisans making jewellery to people making food and bread, accompanied by drinking, dancing, competitions and fights.
In rural areas there was a massive production of non-agrarian goods which made it possible for people to invest in surplus production and commodities. The elite was dependent on supply of resources, from agriculture as well as the outfield. An essential part of society was the command of resources, claimed through the organisation and control of trade routes and markets, and by alliances and social ties.
Human activity is linked to social relations, and the exchange of goods and services is integrated in cultural patterns and social strategies. It is also a part of the mechanisms of regionalization and the formation of a common culture and identity in the medieval and early modern period. We want to emphasise that we want to discuss non-urban markets.
Ruralia XV: Farmers trade and markets: Call for Papers, 2023
RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life... more RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life. It provides a European-wide platform for the scientific exchange on current problems in rural archaeology in order to strengthen comparative and interdisciplinary studies. The conference covers the period from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern periods. The conference language is English. RURALIA XV will take place in Fredrikstad, a city located in southeast of Norway. The theme is: Farmers' trade and markets. Social and economic interaction in the medieval and early modern European countryside. In addition to the papers, one full day and one half-day excursion and an optional two-day field trip to sites in southeast Norway and eastern Sweden will be offered.
Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern countryside, 2021
RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life... more RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life. It provides a European-wide platform for the scientific exchange on current problems in rural archaeology in order to strengthen comparative and interdisciplinary studies. The conference covers the period from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern periods. The conference language is English.
Theune, 2019
Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside By its very nature, ephemeral s... more Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside
By its very nature, ephemeral seasonal settlement is less well researched than permanent settlement. There has been a rash of recent work on transhumance a subject that has its own history and archaeology and has been variously researched in many parts of Europe. A recent EAA conference session in 2015 tackled this very issue, leading to publication in 2018.
However, transhumance was only one facet of seasonal settlement. It was also necessitated by other forms of economic activity, such as fishing, following the movement of the herring shoals, or charcoal burning, as stocks of woodland are coppiced and burned, and even perhaps iron smelting with the exploitation of bog iron in Scotland, for example.
All of these leave particular forms of settlement and archaeology associated with the particular economic practice, and may vary in form according to the environment in which the activity is carried out: whether upland or lowland, coastal or inland, woodland or open pasture, mountain or plain (steppe). The types of buildings and structures that are constructed associated with summer settlement and the evidence for it being seasonal are key determinants of its relevance to this conference. The increased exploitation of resources in the medieval period with a growing population are drivers for this kind of activity which may have varied and developed according to the wider economy, of course, and should be reflected in the archaeology.
Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside Saisonale Siedlungen im mittelal... more Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside Saisonale Siedlungen im mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen ländlichen Raum Stirling (Schottland, Großbritannien) 9. – 15. September 2019 RURALIA ist ein internationaler Verband von Archäologen, die zu ländlichen mittelalterlichen Besiedlungen und Wirtschaftsweisen arbeiten. RURALIA bietet ein Forum für die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaftlern aus fast allen europäischen Ländern. Der Verband fördert den Gedankenaustausch über aktuelle Fragestellungen im Rahmen der Archäologie im ländlichen Raum sowie Vergleichsstudien. Ein besonderes Anliegen ist es zudem, die Ergebnisse archäologischer einschlägiger Forschungen anderen Disziplinen zugänglich zu machen. Die Konferenzsprache ist Englisch. Die internationale Konferenz RURALIA XIII wird in Stirling (Schottland, Großbritannien), stattfinden. Das Konferenzthema lautet: Saisonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside Saisonale Siedlungen im mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen ländlichen Raum Während der Tagung von Montag bis Freitag werden neben den Vorträgen eine halbtätige und eine ganztätige Exkursion durchgeführt, eine optionale zweitägige Exkursion in die schottischen Highlands findet im Anschluss statt. Die Konferenz wird gemeinsam von Piers Dixon, Kirsty Owen, Mark Gardiner, Niall Brady und Claudia Theune organisiert und wird finanziell unterstützt vom Historic Environment Scotland, der Historic Rural Settlement Group und Sachleistungen der Universitäten Stirling, Aberdeen und den Highlands and Islands sowie der Universität Wien. Saisonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside Saisonale Siedlungen im mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen ländlichen Raum Ephemere saisonale Siedlungen werden seltener als permanent bestehende Siedlungen erforscht. Lediglich Untersuchungen zu Transhumanz erfolgen mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten in vielen Teilen Europas. Eine Konferenz der European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) im Jahr 2015 beschäftigte sich mit diesem Thema, eine Publikation dazu erschien im Jahr 2018. Transhumanz ist jedoch nur eine Facette von saisonalen Besiedlungsformen. Auch zahlreiche andere Gewerbe, wie die saisonabhängige Fischerei, die durch die Züge der Heringsschwärme notwendig wurde oder auch Köhlerei können saisonal ausgeprägt sein. Als ein weiteres Beispiel sei die
Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside L'habitat saisonnier en milieu r... more Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside L'habitat saisonnier en milieu rural au Moyen Âge et au début des Temps modernes Stirling (Écosse, Royaume Uni) 9-15 septembre 2019 RURALIA est une association internationale pour l'archéologie de l'établissement médiéval et de la vie rurale. Il fournit une plate-forme européenne pour l'échange scientifique sur les problèmes actuels en archéologie rurale afin de renforcer les études comparatives et interdisciplinaires. Le colloque couvre la période entre le début du Moyen Âge et le début des Temps modernes. La langue du colloque est l'anglais. RURALIA XIII aura lieu à Stirling (Écosse, Royaume Uni), une ville au centre de l'Écosse. Le thème sera: Saisonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside L'habitat saisonnier en milieu rural au Moyen Âge et au début des Temps modernes Les communications se dérouleront du lundi au vendredi, y compris une excursion d'une demi-journée et d'une journée complète et il sera proposé un voyage d'étude optionnel de deux jours dans les Highlands. La conférence est organisée conjointement par Piers Dixon, Kirsty Owen, Mark Gardiner, Naill Brady et Claudia Theune, avec le soutien financier d'Historic Environment Scotland, le Historic Rural Settlement Group et un soutien logistique des universités de Stirling, Aberdeen et des Highlands and Islands et le universite de Vienne. Saisonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside L'habitat saisonnier en milieu rural au Moyen Âge et au début des Temps modernes Par nature, l'habitat saisonnier éphémère est moins bien étudié que l'habitat permanent. Il y a eu une série de travaux récents sur la transhumance, un sujet qui a sa propre histoire et son archéologie et qui a fait l'objet de diverses recherches dans de nombreuses régions d'Europe. Un récent colloque de l'EAA en 2015 a abordé cette question, suivi d'une publication en 2018. Cependant, la transhumance n'était qu'une facette de l'habitat saisonnier. Il était également rendu nécessaire par d'autres activités économiques, comme la pêche, au gré du déplacement des bancs de hareng ou la fabrication du charbon de bois, au fur à mesure que les stocks de bois sont taillés et
As President of the international RURALIA association for the archaeology of medieval settlement ... more As President of the international RURALIA association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life I would like to annouce the call for papers for our next conference in Stirling, Scotland in September 2019. The topic is: “Seasonal Settlement in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside”
Transitions and Transformation in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside Wandel und Transforma... more Transitions and Transformation in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside
Wandel und Transformation im mittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen ländlichen Raum
Transitions et Transformations des Campagnes Médiévales et Modernes
scheduled Draft Program of the international Confernce in Kilkenny, Ireland: 11th – 17th September 2017
RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life... more RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life. It provides a European-wide platform for the scientific exchange on current problems in rural archeology in order to strengthen comparative and interdisciplinary studies. The conference covers the period from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern Period, the centuries from 500-1700 AD. The conference languages are English, French and German.
RURALIA XII will take place in Kilkenny, (County Kilkenny, Ireland) a city in the south-east of Ireland. The theme will be: “Transitions and Transformation in the Medieval and Early Modern Countryside”.
The proceedings of RURALIA XI present an archaeological overview of religious practices in the ru... more The proceedings of RURALIA XI present an archaeological overview of religious practices in the rural environment from a comparative European perspective
As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book and Excursi... more As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book and Excursion Guide. For further information and the published conference papers see:
As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program of the conference. For fur... more As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program of the conference. For further information and the published conference papers see:
Hierarchies in rural settlements, 2013
by Edith Peytremann, Claudia Theune, Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo, Mark Gardiner, Tibor Ákos Rácz, John Hines, Miklós Takács, Ingvild Øye, Paolo de Vingo, Heiko Steuer, Rainer Schreg, and Terence Barry
As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book and Excursi... more As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book and Excursion Guide. For further information and the published conference papers see:
by Claudia Theune, Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz, Helena Kirchner, Natascha Mehler, Ingvild Øye, Haio Zimmermann, José Mª Martín Civantos, Rainer Schreg, Eva Svensson, Piers Dixon, Sabine Felgenhauer, Paolo de Vingo, Gunhilt Merker, Csilla Zatykó, Bert Groenewoudt, Benno Furrer, and Susanne Arnold
As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book . For furth... more As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book . For further information and the published conference papers see:
Conference Ruralia VI. Szentendre – Dobogókő (Hungary) 2005 – book of abstracts. Authors: J. A. ... more Conference Ruralia VI. Szentendre – Dobogókő (Hungary) 2005 – book of abstracts. Authors: J. A. Atkinson, I. Baug, E. Bentz, J. Bond, N. Brady, I. Feld, J. Finch, B. J. Groenenwoudt, T. Jäkärä,G. Jeute, H. Kirjavainen–J. Riikonen, J. K. Knight, S. König, A. Lagerstedt, R. Marti, G. McDonnell, N. Mehler, Zs. Miklós-M. Vizi, S. Moorhouse, A. Pálóczi-Horváth, M. Potterton, T. Sabján, T. Sekelj-Ivančan, T. Tkalčec, E. Svensson, J. Tiavainen. M. Takács, K. Tarcsay, J. Tauber, Theune-Vogt, : O. Thomsen, A. Vince.
Between Diversity and Uniformity, 2024
Invitation to come to a conference on Between Diversity and Uniformity: Cultural phenomena can be... more Invitation to come to a conference on Between Diversity and Uniformity: Cultural phenomena can be characterised as products of social standardisation processes. From an archaeological perspective, relics of material culture can also be recognised and analysed in terms of their spatial distribution. Looking at the Middle Ages and Modern Period in Europe, both homogenisations and differentiations of objects of material culture can be observed. The aim of the conference is to identify and discuss possible reasons for regional differentiation versus supraregional homogenisation of cultural phenomena on the basis of these. At the same time, it is necessary to consider that people always belong to several identities, they do it through social gender, age, profession, socio-economic position, religion, ethnicity, etc. and thus also operate in different social spaces that overlap.
Call for papers: EAA Rome 2024, 2024
Recent archaeological research focused on concentration and other types of Nazi camps have demons... more Recent archaeological research focused on concentration and other types of Nazi camps have demonstrated that archaeological approaches and methods not only complement fragmentary historical (written and oral) sources, but also open up new questions connected with the materiality of European dark heritage and totalitarian pasts. The main concentration camps, whose names have become symbols of Nazi atrocities, were supplemented by hundreds of sub-camps, many of which have been forgotten and their exact locations unknown. However, it was the ubiquitous sub-camps, as well as forced labour, and other types of smaller camps, that formed the Nazi "campscape" which was entangled with war infrastructure and logistics. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners and forced labourers who were housed in these locations worked in appalling conditions in war production facilities. Unlike the main concentration camps and Holocaust extermination centres, historical memory formation has often ignored the material remains of smaller camps in the postwar period. Due to the vast number of these sites, most of them lack any kind of memorialization and heritage protection. Additionally, places where mass violence and crimes against humanity took place currently face development and construction activities that erase archaeological evidence of this kind at an alarming rate. We invite contributors to explore the tangible dark heritage of Nazi concentration sub-camps, forced labour, and other types of neglected sites such as Arbeitserziehungslager, Jugendschutzlager, Polizeihaftlager, Sammellager für Juden or Zigeuner Anhaltelager.
Cultural phenomena can be characterised as products of social standardisation processes. From an ... more Cultural phenomena can be characterised as products of social standardisation processes. From an archaeological perspective, relics of material culture can also be recognised and analysed in terms of their spatial distribution. They are thus, on the one hand, expressions of spatially condensed social identity and, on the other hand, of communicative relationships that clearly extend beyond specific social frameworks with more or less spatial stability. Thus "culture" as a form of expression of social identities is always subject to the interplay of homogenisation and differentiation and is both the starting point and the product of dynamic negotiation processes that can also be analysed from a socio-spatial perspective.
Looking at the Middle Ages and Modern Period in Europe, both homogenisations and differentiations of objects of material culture can be observed. This can concern specific groups of objects, such as the standardisation of late medieval dress accessories with simultaneous regional differentiation in pottery. However, it is also important to clarify whether there are certain periods in which several cultural phenomena occur simultaneously across regions. The aim of the conference is not so much to describe these phenomena as to identify and discuss possible reasons for regional differentiation versus supraregional homogenisation of cultural phenomena on the basis of these.
Claudia Theune, Östereichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologie
The Austrian Society for Medieval Archaeology is presenting an international conference in Linz, ... more The Austrian Society for Medieval Archaeology is presenting an international conference in Linz, Austria (13 - 17 September 2022) on the topic: THE HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE 19th AND 20th CENTURIES. Please find attached the program with the abstracts. You are welcome to attend the conference and registrate:
More than Walls and Fences-The Importance of Space and Boundaries in Systems of Violence and Oppr... more More than Walls and Fences-The Importance of Space and Boundaries in Systems of Violence and Oppression The intentional organization of physical and social space, which is also manifested in material forms, can be geared to contribute to practices of violence and oppression. This becomes clearly visible in various types of secluded spaces, from attempts to seal state borders against unwanted mobility to more confined versions of immobilization in camps, prisons, or other forms of internment. These forms of containment include both a culture of restrictions to foster acceptance of these boundaries from legislature to public discourse, and stigmatization and defined spatial zones of material fortification. The latter contains architectures to combine maximized ability (up to impunity) for guards to act, secured confinement of persons, and limited access and visibility for outsiders. These normative, discursive and material elements are connected through sets of measures and practices to mutually secure each other. The result is a far-reaching and boundary-based stratification of both space and human agency. In other words, its exploration requires integrated interdisciplinary efforts. This session brings together contributions on questions about how the structuring of space was (or is) used to enable and/or consolidate the exercise of physical, psychological, and symbolic violence and oppression and how it influences the social organization of space and the agency of different groups of people, for example regarding forced camps, prisons or, on a large scale, national and transnational borders. By inviting archaeological, historical, social science, remote sensing and geophysical expertise, we aim to inspire interdisciplinary exchange and to enhance the mutual understanding of different empirical and methodological approaches for the joint exploration of the meaning of space and boundaries in systems of oppression and violence.
In recent years, the importance of ethics has been increasingly debated in many subfields of arch... more In recent years, the importance of ethics has been increasingly debated in many subfields of archaeology. In this session we aim to advance discussions that concern ethics in regard to the study of 20th-and 21st-century violence, injustices and repression. There have been innumerable episodes of conflict worldwide, ranging from wars to state-led terror and dictatorship. These conflicts have been characterised by physical, structural and symbolic violence against individuals, as well as acts of violence directed against the identity and livelihoods of groups. Their tactics have included the targeted destruction of material possessions, homes, entire settlements, agricultural land, and cultural heritage perceived as constitutive of particular groups' identities. Studying the material dimensions of violence, repression and persecution opens up ways to trace the production of injustices and immoral actions in the recent past and present. However, the practice of such research also presents distinctive ethical challenges. For example, at the intersections of archaeological work and contested heritage and memory discourses, scholars may encounter resistance, rejection, or even violent opposition to their work. In many places worldwide the heritage of conflicts, their scholarship, representations and commemorations are themselves platforms for contemporary divisions and violent contestation. We welcome papers that either discuss interpretative approaches towards material remains of 20th-and 21st-century violence and/or engage with the ethical dimensions of archaeological practice, e.g. dissonant heritage, handling of human remains, contesting and contested narratives, and varying attitudes towards the material remains of recent conflict.
Call for Papers, 2021
Call for Papers The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th centuries Dear colleagues, We war... more Call for Papers The Historical Archaeology of the 19th and 20th centuries Dear colleagues, We warmly invite you to contribute to the international conference of the Austrian Society for Medieval Archaeology from September 13 to 17, 2022 in Linz (Upper Austria)! The conference will be held in cooperation with OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH in the Museum Francisco Carolinum Linz (Museumstrasse 14, 4020 Linz).
Archäologie als wissenschaftliche Disziplin ist stets im Dialog mit zahlreichen anderen Wissensch... more Archäologie als wissenschaftliche Disziplin ist stets im Dialog mit zahlreichen anderen Wissenschaften, um im interdisziplinären Diskurs auf der Basis breitgefächerter Theorien und Methoden detaillierte Kenntnisse zu vergangenen Epochen zu erlangen. Vorrangiges Interesse gilt dem Menschen bzw. Gemeinschaften und ihrem sozialen und kulturellen Handeln, Einblick erhalten wir durch die materielle Kultur.
Ethik als Teildisziplin der praktischen Philosophie sollte künftig ebenfalls mit einbezogen werden. Es ist daher ein Anliegen der Veranstalter*innen im Rahmen des Fachgespräches Themen, die im Zusammenhang mit Archäologie und Ethik stehen, gemeinsam zu diskutieren.In der Archäologie in Mitteleuropa sind ethische Fragen und Aufgaben bislang kaum diskutiert worden, während sie im angloamerikanischen Raum schon länger thematisiert werden. So gibt es etliche ethische Verhaltenskodizes von archäologischen Gesellschaften im angloamerikanischen und australischem Raum, wobei etwa die Einhaltung von wissenschaftlichen Standards oder auch die Verpflichtung, archäologisches Kulturgut nicht illegal zu veräußern, festgehalten werden. Vor 20 Jahren wurde vom World Archaeological Congress ein Code of ethics verabschiedet, in dem vorrangig auf den respektvollen Umgang mit der indigenen Bevölkerung eingegangen wird; in dem Vermillion-Abkommen über menschliche Überreste aus dem Jahr 1989 wird dezidiert der respektvolle Umgang mit sterblichen Überresten betont (
Damit werden schon einige Aspekte angesprochen, die im Sinne der Ethik für die Archäologie relevant sein können und die im Rahmen des internationalen Fachgesprächs thematisiert werden.
Theune, Claudia, 2019
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wir möchten Sie sehr herzlich einladen, die Internationale... more Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Wir möchten Sie sehr herzlich einladen, die Internationale Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologie im September 2020 in Klagenfurt durch Ihre Beiträge mitzugestalten! Zwischen Spätantike und Jahrtausendwende-Eine Zeit der Neuorientierung und Neukonstituierung-Das archäologische Bild aufgrund von Siedlungen lautet das Thema der Tagung. Das Ende des Römischen Reichs und die darauffolgende notwendige Umstellung der Gesellschaft kann nicht anders denn als Zeit des Wandels beschrieben werden. Alte Strukturen waren aufgelöst, Lösungen zum Funktionieren einer sich neuen Herausforderungen stellenden Gesellschaft mussten gefunden werden. Die Zeit der Neuorientierung und Neukonstituierung erforderte eine geänderte Aufstellung des gesamten sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Umfelds, das sich auch in der Siedlungsweise ausdrücken sollte. Aus Mangel an zeitgenössischen schriftlichen und bildlichen Quellen ist die Archäologie hier besonders gefordert. Diese Zeit des Wandels stand in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder im Fokus der Forschungen. So wurde intensiv zu Bestattungen und Gräberfeldern der Völkerwanderungszeit und des frühen Mittelalters geforscht, ebenso zu spätantiken Höhensiedlungen. Dagegen standen neue Befunde aus Siedlungsgrabungen weniger im Vordergrund umfassenderer überregionaler Betrachtungen, sodass wir von einem Desiderat der Forschung ausgehen können. Der Hauptgrund hierfür mag sein, dass Bauweise und Gesamtstruktur ländlicher Siedlungen im Frühmittelalter schwierig zu erfassen und zu interpretieren sind, weil sie im Vergleich zu anderen Epochen prinzipiell spärlicher und vergänglicher sind, aber auch teilweise eine bis heute nachhaltige Platzkontinuität aufweisen können. Die Fragestellungen gehen nun dahin, inwieweit etwa auf dem Gebiet des ehemaligen Römischen Imperiums die Siedlungsweise im ländlichen Raum neuen Herrschafts-und Wirtschaftsverhältnissen angepasst wurde und inwieweit eine Ruralisierung auch in ehemaligen römischen Zentren Einzug hielt. Dazu gehört die Frage, ob und in welchen Regionen bzw. ehemaligen Provinzen römische ländliche Siedlungsmuster eine Fortsetzung erfahren haben oder ob strukturell andere Siedlungsmuster sich neu formierender Gesellschaften zu erkennen sind. Auch für den Raum außerhalb des Limes, sowohl in direkter Nachbarschaft, als auch in fernerliegenden Regionen, ist der Frage nachzugehen, ob und in welchem Ausmaß das ländliche Siedlungswesen mit der Formierung frühmittelalterlicher Herrschaftsstrukturen einem Wandel unterworfen war und ob gegebenenfalls vergleichbare Entwicklungen wie innerhalb des ehemaligen Römischen Imperiums festzustellen sind. Gleichzeitig ist zu untersuchen, inwieweit das Bedürfnis, der Usus oder einfach nur die Gelegenheit
Profane centres of power (castles, cities and other places of reign) form striking signs in a lan... more Profane centres of power (castles, cities and other places of reign) form striking signs in a landscape. Their elements, forms and functions are often the subject of archaeological and historical investigations concerning the topography of power. The objects found at these sites however played a subordinate role in terms of their significance in the specific landscape and the associated network of power. In the first instance this applies to the communication of power, but also for economic aspects such as the satisfaction of needs. These are subject to diverging social, economic or ecological requirements of varying degree and intensity. The satisfaction of needs forms the basis for social action. Possible questions that can be discussed during the session relate to spatial aspects ("where"), which actors are involved ("who?") and why specific artefacts occur in an environment ("why?")? Possible contributions can focus on research questions at the micro level (the individual and social groups in the seat of power) and at the macro level (location, transport, economy, organization, etc.). How is the site of power integrated into the surrounding area and what influence does the surrounding area exert (keywords: traffic situation, economic and ecological conditions, range of influence, rank of the ruler)? In addition to the comprehensive analysis of artefacts and object groups, spatial analyses (viewsheds and network analysis), the application of methods from landscape archaeology, architectural analyses and the comparison to written and image sources are of great interest for this session. We kindly invite you to submit proposals that introduce these or similar theory-based analyses. Please submit your abstract: Notes from the EAA: The call for contributions ends on 14 February 2019, 23:59 CET. After this date the session organisers and the Scientific Committee will evaluate all contributions and sessions and decide whether the contribution is accepted, rejected, recommended for revision or suggested for different session then submitted to. Following the evaluation by both session organisers and the Scientific Committee, the EAA Secretariat will announce accepted contributions before 26 March 2019. Presenters (first authors) then need to settle both payment of membership and conference registration fee before 24 April 2019, in order to have the contribution added to the scientific programme of the Annual Meeting.