Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz | University of Granada (original) (raw)

Papers by Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz

Research paper thumbnail of Nuevos Datos Sobre Medina Elvira: Estructuras en El Centro Urbano y Una Nueva Necrópolis en La Periferia De La Ciudad Emiral y Califal De La Vega De Granada

Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada

El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer los principales resultados de dos intervenciones arq... more El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer los principales resultados de dos intervenciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en la ciudad de Medina Elvira (siglos IX-XI). Una se realizó en donde se ha propuesto que estuvo el centro urbano, y así parece confirmarlo la densidad de estructuras. La segunda intervención se localizó en uno los límites orientales de la ciudad, donde se ha podido documentar una necrópolis, si bien en algún momento la ciudad siguió creciendo más allá. Aunque ambas intervenciones se realizaron mediante sondeos de pequeñas dimensiones, los resultados permiten aportar nuevos datos sobre la organización de Madinat Ilbira, capital de la vega de Granada en época emiral y califal.

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Research paper thumbnail of La secuencia histórica del campus universitario de Cartuja (Granada) a la luz de las actuaciones arqueológicas realizadas entre 2013 y 2015

The aim of this paper is present briefly the main findings of the archaeological research carried... more The aim of this paper is present briefly the main findings of the archaeological research carried out in connection with the redevelopment of the university campus of Cartuja (Granada). The intervention has had two phases, one of excavation surveys during the summer of 2013 and another, since May 2014 to June 2015, with archaeological monitoring, control earthmoving and excavation of new areas. All this works has led to an overview of the historical evolution in this area, northern of the city of Granada, from Roman times to the present day, including medieval and modern occupation.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Re)Conquests: Creating New Societies at the Frontiers of the Medieval Western Mediterranean

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Research paper thumbnail of El Castillo de Berlanga. Siglos de historia en torno a sus murallas. Por Roberto de PABLO MARTÍNEZ y Cristina SANTOS OZORES (eds.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Landscape of (Re)Conquest Project: Investigando la perspectiva socioambiental de las fronteras medievales en el suroeste de Europa

El proyecto «Landscapes of (Re) Conquest: Dynamics of Multicultural Frontiers in Medieval South W... more El proyecto «Landscapes of (Re) Conquest: Dynamics of Multicultural Frontiers in Medieval South Western Europe» propone el estudio de las relaciones entre los cambios culturales y los cambios medioambientales en las sociedades fronterizas del suroeste de Europa durante el periodo formativo de la Edad Media, en el momento en el que estos territorios fueron conformados y definidos por sucesivas oleadas de guerras, cambios de regimen politico, oposiciones identitarias y procesos de colonizacion. El Proyecto esta organizado en torno a las capacidades tecnicas y de analisis historico, arqueologico y paleoambiental de un nutrido grupo de investigadores que trabajan en torno a tres instituciones academicas: la University of Reading y la University of York, ambas en Reino Unido, y la Universidad de Granada, en Espana.

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Research paper thumbnail of El registro arqueológico en la Arqueología Medieval

Entre el 12 y el 14 de junio de 2012 se celebraron en el Museo de la Casa de los Tiros de Granada... more Entre el 12 y el 14 de junio de 2012 se celebraron en el Museo de la Casa de los Tiros de Granada una nueva edicion, y fue ya la decimotercera, de las Jornadas de Arqueologia Medieval auspiciadas por el Grupo de investigacion ?Toponimia, Historia y Arqueologia del Reino de Granada?. Como en casi todas las ocasiones anteriores en las que se han celebrado estos encuentros, el objetivo era reunir a los investigadores del grupo y ponerlos en relacion con especialistas venidos de fuera, con el objetivo de debatir problematicas comunes en torno a la disciplina que nos une: la Arqueologia Medieval. La particularidad de estas XIII jornadas, frente a las celebradas otros anos, fue abrirlas, ademas de a los ponentes, a otros investigadores, noveles en su mayoria, que manifestaron su voluntad de participar en las sesiones mediante poster, lo que enriquecio enormemente la reunion, asi como las paginas de este libro.

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Research paper thumbnail of La gestió de l'aigua en zones humides de l'actual Andalusia en època andalusina

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Research paper thumbnail of Paisajes de la sal en la Meseta castellana desde la Prehistoria a la Edad Media: el valle del Salado (Guadalajara)

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Research paper thumbnail of La producción salinera y la economía agropastoril en la cuenca del Alto Henares en época medieval

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Research paper thumbnail of Châteaux et paysans dans le nord de Guadalajara: réflexions sur l´étude du peuplement rural à la frontière d´al-Andalus

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Research paper thumbnail of Landscapes of (Re)Conquest project: investigando la perspectiva socioambiental de las fronteras medievales en el suroeste de Europa

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive Investigations at Madīnat Ilbīra, one of the Early Islamic Towns in Al-Andalus

Madrider Mitteilungen, 2019

The paper presents the results of non-invasive investigations conducted at the archaeological sit... more The paper presents the results of non-invasive investigations conducted at the archaeological site of Madīnat Ilbīra – a medieval town located in the centre of the plain of Granada and the capital of one of the kūras of al-Andalus. Three methods were applied during the survey: terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), electrical resistance (profiling) and magnetometry. Altogether, the survey covered an area greater than 30 ha. In spite of drastic transformations and the levelling of the primary surface across the majority of the site’s area, the research produced important data concerning the presumed location of a citadel, as well the extent of the urban space. Magnetic anomalies registered in the course of the survey allowed the researchers to locate the outlines of walls and hearths (or kilns) and indicated the presence of a regular spatial layout at least in some districts of the site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Irrigated Pasturelands in Mountain Ranges in the South-East of the Iberian Peninsula

The Medieval Countryside, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The zooarchaeological identification of a ‘Morisco’ community after the Christian conquest of Granada (Spain, early 16th century): sociocultural continuities and economic innovations

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021

This article presents the results of the zooarchaeological analysis of an assemblage dating to th... more This article presents the results of the zooarchaeological analysis of an assemblage dating to the second quarter of the 16th century that was discovered on the current university campus of Cartuja, on the outskirts of Granada (Andalusia, Spain). During the Middle Ages, this area was largely used for agricultural purposes, including as estates owned by high officials of the Nasrid dynasty, the last Islamicate polity in the Iberian Peninsula. The Castilian conquest of Granada in 1492 brought significant changes to the area, with the construction of a Carthusian monastery and the transformation of the surrounding landscape, including changes in property structures, different agrarian regimes and the demolition of pre-existing structures. Among these transformations was the filling up of a well with construction materials, and its further use as a rubbish dump. This fill yielded an interesting and unique zooarchaeological assemblage, the study of which is presented here. The results ad...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cerámica, territorio y explotación de la sal en el valle del Salado (Guadalajara) en época andalusí

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Research paper thumbnail of Sobre la caracterización de las alquerías en al-Andalus: el caso de Lanteira (Granada)

La intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración de El Fuerte de Lanteira llevada a cabo e... more La intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración de El Fuerte de Lanteira llevada a cabo en el año 2009 nos ha permitido retomar la reflexión sobre la configuración de esta alquería en época medieval, que tiene validez como ejemplo para reflexionar sobre algunas de las principales cuestiones que aún siguen pendientes para entender adecuadamente este modelo de poblamiento en el conjunto de al-Andalus y, más específicamente, en el territorio granadino.

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Research paper thumbnail of Landscapes of (re)conquest: dynamics of multicultural frontiers in medieval South-west Europe

Antiquity, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Castillo de Zagra. Actuación en el ámbito de la Alcazaba y la Torre del Sol

Informe de la intervención arqueológica realizada en el castillo de Zagra entre los meses de dici... more Informe de la intervención arqueológica realizada en el castillo de Zagra entre los meses de diciembre de 2009 y enero de 2010. Limpieza, control de movimiento de tierras, análisis arqueológico de estructuras emergentes y excavación arqueológica. Actividades supeditadas a las labores de restauración y rehabilitación.

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Research paper thumbnail of Condicionamientos geológicos e hidrológicos en la distribución del poblamiento medieval en el noreste de Guadalajara

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Research paper thumbnail of Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del Carmen nº 11 (Granada)

Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del C... more Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del Carmen nº 11, localizada en el barrio de San Matías de Granada, desde enero de 2007 a marzo de 2009. Director de la intervención: Luca Mattei. Técnico arqueólogo: Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz.

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Research paper thumbnail of Nuevos Datos Sobre Medina Elvira: Estructuras en El Centro Urbano y Una Nueva Necrópolis en La Periferia De La Ciudad Emiral y Califal De La Vega De Granada

Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada

El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer los principales resultados de dos intervenciones arq... more El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer los principales resultados de dos intervenciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en la ciudad de Medina Elvira (siglos IX-XI). Una se realizó en donde se ha propuesto que estuvo el centro urbano, y así parece confirmarlo la densidad de estructuras. La segunda intervención se localizó en uno los límites orientales de la ciudad, donde se ha podido documentar una necrópolis, si bien en algún momento la ciudad siguió creciendo más allá. Aunque ambas intervenciones se realizaron mediante sondeos de pequeñas dimensiones, los resultados permiten aportar nuevos datos sobre la organización de Madinat Ilbira, capital de la vega de Granada en época emiral y califal.

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Research paper thumbnail of La secuencia histórica del campus universitario de Cartuja (Granada) a la luz de las actuaciones arqueológicas realizadas entre 2013 y 2015

The aim of this paper is present briefly the main findings of the archaeological research carried... more The aim of this paper is present briefly the main findings of the archaeological research carried out in connection with the redevelopment of the university campus of Cartuja (Granada). The intervention has had two phases, one of excavation surveys during the summer of 2013 and another, since May 2014 to June 2015, with archaeological monitoring, control earthmoving and excavation of new areas. All this works has led to an overview of the historical evolution in this area, northern of the city of Granada, from Roman times to the present day, including medieval and modern occupation.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Re)Conquests: Creating New Societies at the Frontiers of the Medieval Western Mediterranean

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Research paper thumbnail of El Castillo de Berlanga. Siglos de historia en torno a sus murallas. Por Roberto de PABLO MARTÍNEZ y Cristina SANTOS OZORES (eds.)

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Research paper thumbnail of Landscape of (Re)Conquest Project: Investigando la perspectiva socioambiental de las fronteras medievales en el suroeste de Europa

El proyecto «Landscapes of (Re) Conquest: Dynamics of Multicultural Frontiers in Medieval South W... more El proyecto «Landscapes of (Re) Conquest: Dynamics of Multicultural Frontiers in Medieval South Western Europe» propone el estudio de las relaciones entre los cambios culturales y los cambios medioambientales en las sociedades fronterizas del suroeste de Europa durante el periodo formativo de la Edad Media, en el momento en el que estos territorios fueron conformados y definidos por sucesivas oleadas de guerras, cambios de regimen politico, oposiciones identitarias y procesos de colonizacion. El Proyecto esta organizado en torno a las capacidades tecnicas y de analisis historico, arqueologico y paleoambiental de un nutrido grupo de investigadores que trabajan en torno a tres instituciones academicas: la University of Reading y la University of York, ambas en Reino Unido, y la Universidad de Granada, en Espana.

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Research paper thumbnail of El registro arqueológico en la Arqueología Medieval

Entre el 12 y el 14 de junio de 2012 se celebraron en el Museo de la Casa de los Tiros de Granada... more Entre el 12 y el 14 de junio de 2012 se celebraron en el Museo de la Casa de los Tiros de Granada una nueva edicion, y fue ya la decimotercera, de las Jornadas de Arqueologia Medieval auspiciadas por el Grupo de investigacion ?Toponimia, Historia y Arqueologia del Reino de Granada?. Como en casi todas las ocasiones anteriores en las que se han celebrado estos encuentros, el objetivo era reunir a los investigadores del grupo y ponerlos en relacion con especialistas venidos de fuera, con el objetivo de debatir problematicas comunes en torno a la disciplina que nos une: la Arqueologia Medieval. La particularidad de estas XIII jornadas, frente a las celebradas otros anos, fue abrirlas, ademas de a los ponentes, a otros investigadores, noveles en su mayoria, que manifestaron su voluntad de participar en las sesiones mediante poster, lo que enriquecio enormemente la reunion, asi como las paginas de este libro.

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Research paper thumbnail of La gestió de l'aigua en zones humides de l'actual Andalusia en època andalusina

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Research paper thumbnail of Paisajes de la sal en la Meseta castellana desde la Prehistoria a la Edad Media: el valle del Salado (Guadalajara)

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Research paper thumbnail of La producción salinera y la economía agropastoril en la cuenca del Alto Henares en época medieval

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Research paper thumbnail of Châteaux et paysans dans le nord de Guadalajara: réflexions sur l´étude du peuplement rural à la frontière d´al-Andalus

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Research paper thumbnail of Landscapes of (Re)Conquest project: investigando la perspectiva socioambiental de las fronteras medievales en el suroeste de Europa

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive Investigations at Madīnat Ilbīra, one of the Early Islamic Towns in Al-Andalus

Madrider Mitteilungen, 2019

The paper presents the results of non-invasive investigations conducted at the archaeological sit... more The paper presents the results of non-invasive investigations conducted at the archaeological site of Madīnat Ilbīra – a medieval town located in the centre of the plain of Granada and the capital of one of the kūras of al-Andalus. Three methods were applied during the survey: terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), electrical resistance (profiling) and magnetometry. Altogether, the survey covered an area greater than 30 ha. In spite of drastic transformations and the levelling of the primary surface across the majority of the site’s area, the research produced important data concerning the presumed location of a citadel, as well the extent of the urban space. Magnetic anomalies registered in the course of the survey allowed the researchers to locate the outlines of walls and hearths (or kilns) and indicated the presence of a regular spatial layout at least in some districts of the site.

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Research paper thumbnail of Irrigated Pasturelands in Mountain Ranges in the South-East of the Iberian Peninsula

The Medieval Countryside, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The zooarchaeological identification of a ‘Morisco’ community after the Christian conquest of Granada (Spain, early 16th century): sociocultural continuities and economic innovations

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021

This article presents the results of the zooarchaeological analysis of an assemblage dating to th... more This article presents the results of the zooarchaeological analysis of an assemblage dating to the second quarter of the 16th century that was discovered on the current university campus of Cartuja, on the outskirts of Granada (Andalusia, Spain). During the Middle Ages, this area was largely used for agricultural purposes, including as estates owned by high officials of the Nasrid dynasty, the last Islamicate polity in the Iberian Peninsula. The Castilian conquest of Granada in 1492 brought significant changes to the area, with the construction of a Carthusian monastery and the transformation of the surrounding landscape, including changes in property structures, different agrarian regimes and the demolition of pre-existing structures. Among these transformations was the filling up of a well with construction materials, and its further use as a rubbish dump. This fill yielded an interesting and unique zooarchaeological assemblage, the study of which is presented here. The results ad...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cerámica, territorio y explotación de la sal en el valle del Salado (Guadalajara) en época andalusí

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Research paper thumbnail of Sobre la caracterización de las alquerías en al-Andalus: el caso de Lanteira (Granada)

La intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración de El Fuerte de Lanteira llevada a cabo e... more La intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración de El Fuerte de Lanteira llevada a cabo en el año 2009 nos ha permitido retomar la reflexión sobre la configuración de esta alquería en época medieval, que tiene validez como ejemplo para reflexionar sobre algunas de las principales cuestiones que aún siguen pendientes para entender adecuadamente este modelo de poblamiento en el conjunto de al-Andalus y, más específicamente, en el territorio granadino.

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Research paper thumbnail of Landscapes of (re)conquest: dynamics of multicultural frontiers in medieval South-west Europe

Antiquity, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Castillo de Zagra. Actuación en el ámbito de la Alcazaba y la Torre del Sol

Informe de la intervención arqueológica realizada en el castillo de Zagra entre los meses de dici... more Informe de la intervención arqueológica realizada en el castillo de Zagra entre los meses de diciembre de 2009 y enero de 2010. Limpieza, control de movimiento de tierras, análisis arqueológico de estructuras emergentes y excavación arqueológica. Actividades supeditadas a las labores de restauración y rehabilitación.

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Research paper thumbnail of Condicionamientos geológicos e hidrológicos en la distribución del poblamiento medieval en el noreste de Guadalajara

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Research paper thumbnail of Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del Carmen nº 11 (Granada)

Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del C... more Memoria final de la intervención arqueológica de apoyo a la restauración en la calle Escudo del Carmen nº 11, localizada en el barrio de San Matías de Granada, desde enero de 2007 a marzo de 2009. Director de la intervención: Luca Mattei. Técnico arqueólogo: Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los humedales de Andalucía como sistemas socio-ecológicos. Aproximaciones multidisciplinares

Los humedales de Andalucía como sistemas socio-ecológicos. Aproximaciones multi- disciplinares, ... more Los humedales de Andalucía como sistemas socio-ecológicos. Aproximaciones multi- disciplinares, recopila parte de los resultados del intenso debate y trabajos presentados en las Jornadas multidisciplinares sobre el estudio de los humedales [3ª edición], celebradas en Padul (Granada), durante los días 16 y 17 de marzo de 2018. Estas jornadas, organizadas por el equipo de trabajo del Proyecto ZHAM (Zonas Húmedas de la Andalucía Medieval), constituyeron nuevamente un interesante punto de encuentro en el que, aunque el eje central de las mismas fue una vez más «el estudio de los humedales», se concibieron en esta ocasión como una oportunidad para debatir y dialogar sobre esta interesante temática desde la multiperspectividad y la multidisciplinariedad bajo el enfoque del «sistema socio-ecológico». Así, tanto las jornadas como sus resultados, que en parte se plasman en la presente publicación, se conciben como un foro de exposición, discusión y debate en el que expertos en la materia procedentes de diversas disciplinas analizan casos de estudio e investigaciones recientes llevadas a cabo en diversos humedales de la región andaluza.

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Research paper thumbnail of Arqueología Medieval en Guadalajara. Agua, Paisaje y Cultura Material

En el año 2014 se celebró en Sigüenza el 1º Congreso de Arqueología Medieval de la provincia de G... more En el año 2014 se celebró en Sigüenza el 1º Congreso de Arqueología Medieval de la provincia de Guadalajara, fruto y consecuencia del enorme desarrollo que esta disciplina ha tenido en esta comarca en los últimos años. Numerosos y variados son los yacimientos excavados, los territorios explorados y las metodologías empleadas, abarcando un periodo de más de mil años, desde el siglo VI al siglo XVI. En este volumen se reúnen 22 trabajos de 28 investigadores de distinto nivel, desde experimentados catedráticos hasta jóvenes licenciados, estando todos ellos articulados en torno a tres temas principales: el paisaje, la gestión del agua y la cultura material. El hecho de que sean tres de los temas más destacados en la investigación arqueológica europea en los últimos años no hace sino evidenciar cómo los estudios realizados en la provincia de Guadalajara están colocándola al nivel de otras zonas europeas en cuanto a estudios de arqueología medieval se refiere. Este libro supone el inicio de un debate y una tradición que ha de continuar en los próximos años.

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Research paper thumbnail of El Registro Arqueológico y la Arqueología Medieval

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Research paper thumbnail of (eds.) Paisajes históricos y Arqueología Medieval. Granada

"Los trabajos aquí reunidos son una excelente muestra de los estudios que sobr epaisaje se están ... more "Los trabajos aquí reunidos son una excelente muestra de los estudios que sobr epaisaje se están desarrollando en Europa desde ópticas históricas y arqueológicas. Resultado de las jornadas celebradas en Granada del 3 al 5 de junio de 2009, los estudios recogidos se pueden agrupar en tres temas generales. En primer lugar, un trabajo sobre aspectos referentes a la cultura y las mentalidades de las sociedades medievales que han dejado su huella plasmada en el espacio, a través de hitos que lo estructuran y jerarquizan, fundamentalmente en Inglaterra. Por otro lado está el paisaje urbano, tres diferentes formas de aproximarse a él, distintas metodologías para intepretarlo y diversos ámbitos espaciales y cronológicos, que abarcan desde la Venecia altomedieval a la Málaga nazarí y al barrio del Albaicín de Granada. Por otro lado, otros cuatro trabajos están referidos al paisaje rural, bien atendiendo a las particularidades de un espacio necesariamente defensivo, como el litoral granadino, o bien atendiendo a aspectos más concretos como son las necrópolis altomedievales, también granadinas, o la caracterización de los asentamientos rurales andalusíes, es decir, las alquerías, a partir de un caso concreto, el de Lanteira; por último, pero altamente sugerente, un análisis a largo plazo de la gestión de los recursos naturales, en especial la sal, en un territorio del centro peninsular.


Miguel Jiménez Puertas y Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz

Lo maravilloso y lo mundano en la Arqueología medieval
John Moreland

Territorios sobre las aguas: la laguna veneciana y la Arqueología
Sauro Gelichi

Un análisis del legado musulmán en Málaga a través de la Arqueología documental
María Victoria García Ruiz

Evolución histórica del paisaje urbano en el Albaicín de Granada:
intervenciones arqueológicas en calle Cruz de Quirós, 8
y calle María de la Miel, 2-4
Inmaculada de la Torre Castellano

Rituales y espacios funerarios en la Alta Edad Media:
las necrópolis excavadas en la roca de Martilla y Tózar (Granada)
Miguel Jiménez Puertas, Luca Mattei y Ana Ruiz Jiménez

El paisaje del entorno de Castell de Ferro en la Edad Media:
introducción a un espacio entre la costa y la montaña
Teresa Koffler Urbano

Sobre la caracterización de las alquerías en al-Andalus:
el caso de Lanteira (Granada)
José María Martín Civantos, Miguel Jiménez Puertas
y Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz

Paisajes de la sal en la Meseta castellana desde la Prehistoria
a la Edad Media: el valle del Salado (Guadalajara)
Antonio Malpica Cuello, Nuria Morère Molinero,
Jesús Jiménez Guijarro y Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz"

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Research paper thumbnail of Almuñécar cristiana

"Esta obra supone el tercer volumen de una serie dedicada a la Historia de Almuñécar de la que Fe... more "Esta obra supone el tercer volumen de una serie dedicada a la Historia de Almuñécar de la que Federico Molina ha publicado ya "Almuñécar Romana" y "Almuñécar Islámica". En esta ocasión el libro está dedicado a la Almuñécar cristiana, entendiendo por tal la etapa comprendida entre finales del siglo XV, cuando los castellanos conquistaron la ciudad a los nazaríes, y los albores de la Edad Contemporánea, a finales del siglo XVIII. Desde los procesos de repoblación y la ruptura que supuso para la ciudad y su territorio la llegada de los castellanos, esta obra examina la implantación de una sociedad cristiana abordándola desde distintos enfoques, tanto documentales como, sobre todo, arqueológicos. Para ello presta especial atención a los restos conservados, como son las torres de defensa y, sobre todo, el castillo de San Miguel y la Iglesia de la Encarnación.


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Research paper thumbnail of Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo (Ed.) Archaeology and History of Peasantries 1. From the Late Prehistory to the Middle Ages

Historia Agraria, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Review "Els constructors de l’Horta de València: Origen, evolució i estructura social d’una horta andalusina entre els segles VIII i XIII" de Ferran Esquilache

Historia Agraria, 2020

Reseña del libro de Ferran Esquilache «Els constructors de l’Horta de València: Origen, evolució ... more Reseña del libro de Ferran Esquilache «Els constructors de l’Horta de València: Origen, evolució i estructura social d’una horta andalusina entre els segles VIII i XIII», Historia Agraria, 80, Abril 2020, pp. 65-68

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Research paper thumbnail of Review "From al-Andalus to the Americas (13th-17th Centuries)" de T.G Glick, A. Malpica, F. Retamero y J. Torró

Debates de Arqueología Medieval, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of "Management Analysis of Municipal Casltes in the Province of Alicante (Spain)" by Juan Antonio Mira Rico

Medieval Archaeology, 2019

Book Review: Management Analysis of Municipal Castles in the Province of Alicante (Spain). (Briti... more Book Review: Management Analysis of Municipal Castles in the Province of Alicante (Spain). (British Archaeological Reports International Series 2868). By Juan Antonio Mira Rico. 21x30 cm. xv + 188, pp, 20 colour pls, 47 b&w pls and figs, 69 tables. Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2017. ISBN

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Research paper thumbnail of Reseña: J. A. Quirós Castillo (ed.) Treinta años de Arqueología Medieval en España, Archeopress, 2018

Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos de Granada y su Reino, 2019

Reseña del libro / book review: Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo (ed.) Treinta años de Arqueología Me... more Reseña del libro / book review: Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo (ed.) Treinta años de Arqueología Medieval en España Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, Oxford, 2018, 87 figuras (color y blanco y negro), 3 tablas, 436 págs, ISBN: 978-1-78491-923-8

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Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de "Alejandro García Sanjuán, Estudios críticos de Historia de al-Andalus"

Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos de Granada y su Reino, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Reseña: "El Castillo de Berlanga. Siglos de historia en torno a sus murallas"

Debates de Arqueología Medieval, 2017

Reseña del libro "El Castillo de Berlanga. Siglos de historia en torno a sus murallas". Por Rober... more Reseña del libro "El Castillo de Berlanga. Siglos de historia en torno a sus murallas". Por Roberto de PABLO MARTÍNEZ y Cristina SANTOS OZORES (eds.) (2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Reseña "La Granada Zirí (1013-1090) de Bilal Sarr Marroco"

Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval (2012-2014), 2017

Reseña realizada en 2012 pero publicada en 2017. Citar como: GARCÍA-CONTRERAS RUIZ, GUILLERMO (20... more Reseña realizada en 2012 pero publicada en 2017. Citar como: GARCÍA-CONTRERAS RUIZ, GUILLERMO (2017) «La Granada Zirí (1013-1090) de Bilal Sarr Marroco» en «Reseñas» Anales de la Universidad de Alicante. Historia Medieval, 18 (2012-2014), pp. 398-402. DOI:10.14198/medieval.2012-2015.18.14 ISSN: 0212-2480

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Research paper thumbnail of Reseña “El sistema defensivo musulmán entre las Marcas Media y Superior de al-Andalus (ss X-XII)” de Vicente Alejandre

Reseña del libro “El sistema defensivo musulmán entre las Marcas Media y Superior de al-Andalus (... more Reseña del libro “El sistema defensivo musulmán entre las Marcas Media y Superior de al-Andalus (siglos X-XII)” de Vicente Alejandre Alcalde (2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Book review "El poblamiento rural de época visigoda en Hispania” de J. A. Quirós Castillo (ed.)

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Research paper thumbnail of  Book Review "Miguel Jiménez Puertas y Luca Mattei (eds.) El paisaje histórico y su dimensión arqueológica. Estudios sobre el sur de la Península Ibérica"

"Reseña del libro Miguel Jiménez Puertas y Luca Mattei (eds.) El paisaje histórico y su dimensi... more "Reseña del libro Miguel Jiménez Puertas y Luca Mattei (eds.)
El paisaje histórico y su dimensión arqueológica. Estudios sobre el sur de la Península Ibérica. Alhulia, colección Arqueología del Paisaje, Granada, 2010, 288 págs."

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Research paper thumbnail of Book Review "Scale and scale change in the Early middle Ages de Julio Escalona y Andrew Reynolds (Eds)"

Arkeogazte, nº 3 (2013), pp. 365-370

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Research paper thumbnail of Book review "Visigodos y Omeyas: el territorio" de Luis Caballero Zoreda, Pedro Mateos Soto y Tomás Cordero Ruiz (eds.)

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Research paper thumbnail of M.MILANESE, ARQUEOLOGIA PROFESIONAL ENTRE FORMACION UNIVERSITARIA, MERCADO LABORAL Y ARQUEOLOGIA PUBLICA - Entrevista  (Debates de Arqueologia Medieval, 4, 2014, pp. 155-173)

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Research paper thumbnail of Entrevista a Lauro Olmo Enciso. Reflexión social sobre la arqueología medieval en España

Entrevista a Lauro Olmo Enciso en la revista "Debates de Arqueología Medieval" (6 - 2016, pp. 235... more Entrevista a Lauro Olmo Enciso en la revista "Debates de Arqueología Medieval" (6 - 2016, pp. 235-246)

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿El museo arqueológico nacional como paradigma?

"Difusión, memoria y narrativas sobre la materialidad de al-Andalus y la (Re)conquista, 2021

Charla impartida en el seminario "Difusión, memoria y narrativas sobre la materialidad de al-Anda... more Charla impartida en el seminario "Difusión, memoria y narrativas sobre la materialidad de al-Andalus y la (Re)conquista"

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Research paper thumbnail of Animal husbandry and saltworks in the Kingdom of Granada (13th-15th centuries): The dynamics of landscapes in a Mediterranean territory

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Research paper thumbnail of Socio-economic changes in Northern Granada between Medieval and Early Modern Ages

One of the great challenges inherent in archaeology is the fact that what humans say, and what th... more One of the great challenges inherent in archaeology is the fact that what humans say, and what they do, are very often different things. In the same way, as similar material forms may correspond to different socioeconomic phenomena, so may the reverse be true. Deterministic approaches to either as a direct informant of the other are not only reductive, they can more often than not be a logical liability. Settlement analysis would be more adequately served by the introduction of a triadic model proposed by Fletcher, in which settlement success is measured not only by a relationship between material form and socioeconomic situation, but also by the outcome of their relationships The case study for this paper will be the initial urban development which took place in the Baltic region during the early medieval period. New and unusual settlements of very similar form, albeit with varying emphases on elements such as ritual, royal power, politics and trade, appear across the landscape between the 7th and 9th centuries CE. This development comes ostensibly in response to the changes happening in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire, and the establishment of new trade routes from the north is seen as a significant contributor both here and in the North Sea region. These Baltic settlements-for which terminology has proven notoriously difficult-mostly exist in their initial form for no more than a quarter of a millennium, before transforming into a more recognisable, high medieval town-like form. This process, however, is variable in its execution. The settlements, among other outcomes, experience destruction, abandonment, conquest, and re-use in conjunction with a younger settlement close by, revealing this particular space-time context as incredibly valuable in exploring the social-material-outcome triad. The two greatest influences to the socioeconomic landscape of Ireland in the early medieval period were the coming of Christianity and then the raiding and subsequent settling of the Vikings in the coastal emporia, such as Dublin and Waterford. But how did these events shape the socioeconomic changes at this point? I hope to show that these events were in themselves, the catalysts, rather than the instigators of change. In the aftermath of the Late Iron Age lull, which ended c.AD300, there was an increase in crop production, the growth is seen in stark contrast to the previous five hundred years or so, which it seems was a time of stagnant growth. The increase of crop cultivation, as well, as the introduction of new technologies, such as the water-mill and the coulter plough, increased production, allowing specialisation and creating a surplus, furthering a division of labour and exchange networks. When talking about the early medieval period in Ireland, one instantly thinks of the ubiquitous ringforts, of which it is now estimated, there was as many c.70,000. Despite Stout's estimation that they went out of use after c.AD900, there is no other type of secular settlement found in all areas of the country to populate the landscape. It is possible that although ringforts did not change in morphology after this period, many being re-occupied in the later medieval period, its possible their location echoed a change in their function, away from being a cattle-pen to being one used to control and exploit the agricultural producers. While some have attributed the inception of souterrains as refuges from Viking raiders, I would view them as drier storehouses for grain than outdoor environments, and this may be an indication of areas of concentrated agricultural exploitation. The manner in which the dead are treated is indicative of how people saw themselves in the landscape. The transfer of bodies from family-orientated graves, including ferta, which were often used as boundary markers, towards community cemeteries, may indicate a changing nature of belonging, as the narrowing of the kin-group meant that less people would have been eligible for positions of power. Furthermore, many of these community cemeteries became the attention of gatherings, which once would have taken place at elder trees or next to burial mounds, showing how the church became a central player in these assemblies. The ecclesiastical settlements which were founded from the mid-fifth century on provided Ireland with its first permanent centres of production and distribution. This was, in stark contrast, to the political structure at the time, which was highly unstable, with power passing from place to place every few generations. The development of workshops, such as those at Clonard, and marketplaces , such as at Tuam, show the influence the church had on socioeconomic change and its patronage by the elites, which helped to increase their wealth and prestige, subsequently leading to the centralisation of power at a provincial level in Ireland. Granada was the capital of the Nasrid Kingdom, the last Islamic emirate in Iberian Peninsula during the 13th-15th centuries. By the end of the Middle Ages, this town grew and changed its appearance due to both, the increasing of the number of people arrived from other parts of the Peninsula and the political, economical and ambiental decision about how to manage its surrounding area. According with the written sources, the northern part of the city, outside of the walls, was a very productive area in where some farms and almunias were built, partly thanks to the water management. It was known as " C rmenes de Aynadamar " and was descript as an area with rich houses and farms, vineyards and the passage of one of the most important water channels of Granada: the ditch of Aynadamar. Granada was conquered in 1492, date that marked the end of the Christian conquest of the whole Peninsula. After that, at the beginning of the 16th c., parts of these lands in northern Granada were given to Carthusian order to build a monastery. Since then, in addition to the construction of a monumental monastery, the monks became owners of a large space replacing the previous Muslim owners, and they decided to change the production system, creating dry crops in terraces and walling all domains, transforming the landscape. At the present time this area houses part of the university campus of Granada. In different excavations, it had documented here a long sequence of occupation beginning in prehistoric times and continues in Roman times when a area of pottery and ceramics workshops existed. However, the period of the Late Middle Ages and the consequences of the Christian conquest remains non well-know up to the last years. During 2013 and 2014, was carried out a great work of renovation of roads that has permitted us to conduct a great archaeological intervention among the university Campus. The remains documented in these works, along with other previous excavations and the information from written sources will serve our objectives. Our aim is to show how the suburban landscape was transformed following the Castilian conquest and the Christian colonization in the last lands of al-Andalus. The conquest of the Kingdom of Granada means radical changes in the management of natural and agricultural areas. Consequently, there was a significant retrofitting in term of settlements pattern and territorial organization, to the point of generating a large number of depopulated villages. In the same vein, a rearrangement of populations and a growing process of subjugation and marginalization of the rural world is observed, which led to a virulent confrontation between old and new Christians. TH3-14 Abstract 09 A multi-proxy approach on identifying stabling patterns in prehistoric times The identification of stables in prehistoric settlements often depends on exceptional preservation conditions or geochemical analysis of sediments. But is it possible to determine patterns of architectonic features, particular objects and landscape use leading in the same direction? This presentation is dedicated to a multi-proxy approach to establish a method enabling the identification of different strategies of animal husbandry and stabling. The initial attempt is based on excavation examples with extraordinary preservation conditions especially from the northern sea or lake sites with proof of existing or non-existing stabling features. But also settlements with inferior preservation can hold evidence of stabling that can be proven by various scientific methods. Finally, it will be tested whether it is possible to evolve these results on different settlement concepts and periods.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking medieval frontier in Central Iberia from a Landscape Archaeology

dominance of one of the people settled in the peninsula, the Visigoths, who had previously shared... more dominance of one of the people settled in the peninsula, the Visigoths, who had previously shared power in a fragmented peninsula with both Suebi and Vandals. The new elites appear, in this complex period, as a mixture of the old Roman aristocrats and the new Germanic nobility. This paper questions the landscape of Iberia in order to try to trace both its political and cultural frontiers. The theoretical questions concern the link between these incomers and the Roman substrate; new forms of authority; and changed patterns of social organization in the landscape. These are fundamental for assessing cultural, physical and settlement adaptations and impositions. How we understand these changes and the relationships between these and the social complexity of this period are key to this study. Furthermore, this phase of transition between the Roman period and the Middle Ages coincides with the loss of some urban centres, a deep crisis in the Roman rural system, temperatures and greater aridity. The approach is interdisciplinary, analysing various types of data (archaeological, environmental, geographical and textual) in interrogating the late antique landscapes of Hispania and its potential frontiers. The study of Medieval borders in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula is changing rapidly. The boundaries between the Muslim territories of al-Andalus and the Christian territories of the northern kingdoms –mainly Castile– had been interpreted either as highly militarized areas or as very unpopulated spaces. Both views came from studies that only used written sources changing with the rapid growth of commercial archaeology as a result of the rise in public works, and especially due to increased use of paleoenvironmental analysis techniques in a few projects. Thanks to this landscape archaeology, we are starting to learn that there was villages that caused important changes in their environments and shaped some aspects of the current landscape. Using the province of Guadalajara as an example, we will show methodologies used in a project that is in its early development phase. This study takes advantage of the previous experience from a project focused on the environmental changes that occurred during the Teutonic Order crusade in the Baltic region. The Early Medieval Irish Sea region was characterized by a myriad of polities, all bound into transient kingdoms, and this paper examines the relationship between these kingdoms from the perspective of landscape. It explores how the nexus of landscape and identity

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Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological traces of Mozarabic identities in the Middle March of al-Andalus (8th-10th centuries)

Understood as a part of social identity of past societies, religion shall be contextualized in a ... more Understood as a part of social identity of past societies, religion shall be contextualized in a historic and social frame that can explain this phenomenon in terms of complexity. Religion can be seen as part of macro-ideological discourses, such as the Crusades or Jihad, or as part of the relation between States and religious institutions, but also a form to shape social relationships within local communities and a form of political and ideological control among those who profess a different faith of the rulers. In countries where an specific religion was dominant, minorities religious coexisting were targeted by stigma and discrimination, especially when religious differences are correlated with other instances of social identity, such as ethnicity. Mozarabs in al-Andalus were a minority group of Christians living under Moorish rule in Iberia. Together with Jews, they were designated dhimmi, it means, group of non-muslims allowed to live within Muslim society, but legally required to pay the jizyah (a personal tax), and abide with a number of religious, social, and economic restrictions that came with their status. Mozarabs remained unconverted to Islam for centuries, but did however adopt elements of Arabic language and culture. This paper deals with the problems derived from the archaeological identification of these Christians communities in the Middle March of al-Andalus, the name given to the frontiers between Christians countries and al-Andalus in central Iberia. The material traces of mozarabs settlements, using rock-cut tombs, evidences of churches and other material culture, must serve to better understand the complex ethnic and religious mosaic that was al-Andalus, especially in this border area.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Muslim Almunias to Carthusian Domain: Suburban Landscapes of Northern Granada (Fourteenth–Seventeenth Centuries)

Granada was the capital of the Nasrid Kingdom, the last Islamic emirate in Iberian Peninsula duri... more Granada was the capital of the Nasrid Kingdom, the last Islamic emirate in Iberian Peninsula during the 13 th-15 th centuries. By the end of the Middle Ages, this town grew and changed its appearance due to both, the increasing of the number of people arrived from other parts of the Peninsula and the political, economical and ambiental decision about how to manage its surrounding area. According with the written sources, the northern part of the city, outside of the walls, was a very productive area in where some farms and almunias were built, partly thanks to the water management. It was known as " Cármenes de Aynadamar " and was descript as an area with rich houses and farms, vineyards and the passage of one of the most important water channels of Granada: the ditch of Aynadamar. Granada was conquered in 1492, date that marked the end of the Christian conquest of the whole Peninsula. After that, at the beginning of the 16 th c., parts of these lands were given to Carthusian order to build a monastery. Since then, in addition to the construction of a monumental monastery, the monks became owners of a large space replacing the previous Muslim owners, and they decided to change the production system, creating dry crops in terraces and walling all domains, transforming the landscape. At the present time this area houses part of the university campus of Granada. In different excavations, it had documented here a long sequence of occupation beginning in prehistoric times and continues in Roman times when a area of pottery and ceramics workshops existed. However, the period of the Late middle ages and the consequences of the Christian conquest remains non well-know up to the last years. During 2013 and 2014, was carried out a great work of renovation of roads that has permitted us to conduct a great archaeological intervention. The remains documented in these works, along with other previous excavations and the information from written sources will serve our objectives. Our aims is to show how the landscape was transformed following the Castilian conquest and the Christian colonization in the last lands of al-Andalus.

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Research paper thumbnail of Los valles del Alto Henares en época andalusí: la organización del poblamiento y su relación con las explotaciones salineras

Tesis doctoral: "Los valles del alto Henares en época Andalusí: la organización del poblamiento y... more Tesis doctoral: "Los valles del alto Henares en época Andalusí: la organización del poblamiento y su relación con las explotaciones salineras (siglos VIII-XII)"
Autor: Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz ;
[dirigida por Antonio Malpica Cuello]
Granada : Universidad de Granada, 2013

Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Historia Medieval y Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas.
Leída el 08 de Octubre del 2013
Url para la descarga:

ISBN: 9788490287460
Dep. Legal: GR 139-2014
Cdu 553.3/.9 946.0

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Board member of journal "DAM: Debates de Arqueología Medieval"

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Board Member of journal "RCEHGR: Revista del Centro de Estudios Históricos de Granada y su Reino"

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers. Actuar aquí, pensar en comunidad: identidades locales entre la Antigüedad tardía y la Alta Edad Media (Granada, 29-30 sept)

Tradicionalmente, el análisis de las identidades entre la Antigüedad Tardía y la Alta Edad Media ... more Tradicionalmente, el análisis de las identidades entre la Antigüedad Tardía y la Alta Edad Media ha sido abordada desde el punto de vista de la etnicidad, que ponía en el centro la dicotomía romano vs. bárbaro en la construcción de los entramados políticos del momento. Si bien este punto de vista ha dado lugar a estudios de gran profundidad, su centralidad ha dejado de lado otras formas de identificación de las poblaciones del occidente europeo del período. En este sentido, las identidades locales emergen como una forma privilegiada de análisis que no ha sido considerada en toda su profundidad, si bien los estudios más recientes -tanto históricos como arqueológicos- subrayan continuamente la creciente importancia de estas formas de identificación locales en la configuración de las estructuras políticas y económicas del mundo post-romano. En este sentido, el objetivo de este congreso es reflexionar sobre la relevancia de estas identidades locales durante el período que siguió a la desarticulación del Imperio Romano así como construir nuevos marcos teóricos y metodológicos que posibiliten abordarlas desde la complejidad y desde el diálogo entre las fuentes escritas y arqueológicas. Más aún, el enfoque multidisciplinar que se plantea para el congreso permitirá obtener nuevas ideas que puedan ser aplicadas en otros contextos geográficos e históricos.

Traditionally, the analysis of identities between late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages has been dealt from the ethnic perspective, which placed the Roman-Barbarian dichotomy at the centre stage of political developments of the period. While this point of view has led to deep and important studies, its centrality has pushed to the side other possible forms of community identification. In this sense, local identities emerge as a privileged from of analysis that have not been taken into account in full, even if recent historical and archaeological studies continue to underline the increasing importance of these form of local representation in the construction of post-Roman political and economic structures. In this sense, the purpose of this congress is to think about the saliency of place-based forms of identity in the centuries that followed the fall of the Roman Empire, and to build new theoretical and methodological frameworks that allow us to tackle the complex nature of place-based identities from historical and archaeological perspectives. Furthermore, the multi-disciplinary approach of the congress will prompt new ideas that may and can be applied to other historical and geographical contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Forgotten Castle Landscapes: Connecting Research & Heritage, Monuments & Landscapes". Call for papers. Please, sunmit paper abstract to session #55 by February 14th (  )

The castles of Europe are dramatic and fundamental interfaces for public understandings of the past. They can be situated in striking landscapes, which may be designated as national parks or UNESCO geoparks. Whilst both castles and landscapes attract visitors, they often remain disconnected from each other in terms of scholarly and public understanding. Where these landscapes functioned at a crucial point in the process of state formation as frontiers – regions created by conquest which absorbed resident populations and supplemented them with migrants – castles were constructed to secure and manage them. The European heritage sector has promoted these monuments as tourist attractions in varying ways. Many function as public museums, others have passed into private ownership with obligations of retaining some public access. Other still have become hotels or residences, with varying levels of protection for the monument and buried archaeology. In Iberia, for example, the creation of Paradors remains one of the most effective government strategies for conserving these monuments and connecting heritage with local economic growth. However, a crucially important aspect of these sites remains largely neglected – their cultural landscapes. In the last two decades, landscape archaeology has reshaped our understanding of medieval communities, stressing the connection between places and their associated territories. This has barely been adopted by the European heritage sector. Where castles were utilised as tools of conquest and colonisation, the cultural landscape provides a fundamental lens on the impact of imposing a new regime and social norms on the broader population. The aim of this session is to explore how these key regional monuments can be reconnected with their cultural landscapes, from both research and heritage perspectives. Our hope is to move beyond the 'historical routes' that connect major monuments and define European regional tourism to synchronise cutting-edge scholarship with public understanding of contextually isolated heritage sites.

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers: Advances in Environmental Archaeology in the Post-Classical Mediterranean World (EAA2018, Barcelona, 5-8 September)

The relationship between humans and the environment is a well-established aspect of Mediterranean... more The relationship between humans and the environment is a well-established aspect of Mediterranean archaeology, although traditionally this has been dominated by the study of prehistoric and Classical societies. This session aims to take stock of the current state-of-the-art of environmental archaeology used in the study of post-Classical societies in the Mediterranean World, which includes southern Europe, North Africa and the Levant, encompassing continental, island and marine sites. The archaeological applications of geoarchaeology, biomolecular analyses and high-resolution dating methods are increasingly used in the study of historic societies across the Mediterranean but remain unevenly represented, fragmented and perhaps even isolated from each other despite sharing common objectives. The intention of this session is to share and exchange techniques, meth-odologies, theoretical frameworks and best practice relating to the application of the full suite of environmental archaeology sub-fields, including palaeobotany, zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, biomolecular archaeology and paleoclimatology. Detailed case studies are encouraged from across the Mediterranean World with an emphasis on illustrating successful methodologies, rather than simply presenting descriptive summaries. We also encourage papers that demonstrate the engagement of environmental archaeology with major cultural questions about the development of Mediterranean societies in the post-Classical period, especially those with interregional perspectives.


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Understood as a part of social identity of past societies, religion shall be contextualized in a ... more Understood as a part of social identity of past societies, religion shall be contextualized in a historic and social frame that can explain this phenomenon in terms of complexity. Religion can be seen as part of macro-ideological discourses, such as the Crusades or Jihad, or as part of the relation between States and religious institutions, but also a form to shape social relationships within local communities and a form of political and ideological control among those who profess a different faith of the rulers. The main aim will be to explore the possibilities and limits of archaeology to study religion as a social phenomenon in past societies and to shape its importance in different case studies within a long-term view. The session will discuss religion both in its importance as a state institution and as a social form of identification within local communities and minority religions, and also the conflicts derived from the contact of those spheres, as for example when internal transformations from radicalization of some groups within major religions are produced. The first groups were targeted by stigma and discrimination, especially when religious differences are correlated with other instances of social identity, such as ethnicity. The seconds have been agents of change at different times, causing not only cultural reforms, but above all economic, political and social transformation. Both are needed to understand the role of religion as a part of social identity, and serve to understand the cultural complexity of the Middle Ages and beyond. Which kind of material record is available for the study of these groups? What are the main differences of minorities and radical versus majorities beyond the cults? How does religion reinforce their identities in relation to others? These are some of the questions we intend to address in this session. Presentation Preference-Regular session (half day)

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers EAA2016: "In Heaven as it is on Earth: Archaeological traces of minorities and radical religious ideas within social identities in the Middle Ages"

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers "In heaven as it is on earth: archaeological traces of minorities and radical religious ideas within social identities in the Middle Ages"

Call for session papers "In heaven as it is on earth: archaeological traces of minorities and rad... more Call for session papers "In heaven as it is on earth: archaeological traces of minorities and radical religious ideas within social identities in the Middle Ages".
EAA Vilnius 31 August-4 September 2016
Organized by Carlos Tejerizo & Guillermo García-Contreras.
Please sumit proposals online by 15 February 2016 http://eaavilnius2016.It

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Research paper thumbnail of Una familia morisca en las afueras de Granada. Microhistoria de un contexto arqueológico en el Pago de Aynadamar.

Microhistoria de una sociedad islámica en Occidente: agentes, objetos y espacios (Granada, siglos XIV-XVI), 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Social Dynamics and Minorities in the Castle of Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara): An Approach Through Archaeometallurgy and Zooarchaeology. 27th Annual Congress European Association of Archaeologists

27th Annual Congress European Association of Archaeologists, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of International Conference RURALIA XIII: 2009: Processing, Storage, Distribution of Food – Food in the Medieval Rural Environment

by Claudia Theune, Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz, Helena Kirchner, Natascha Mehler, Ingvild Øye, Haio Zimmermann, José Mª Martín Civantos, Rainer Schreg, Eva Svensson, Piers Dixon, Sabine Felgenhauer, Paolo de Vingo, Gunhilt Merker, Csilla Zatykó, Bert Groenewoudt, Benno Furrer, and Susanne Arnold

As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book . For furth... more As President of the RURALIA assossiation I like to present the Program, Abstract Book . For further information and the published conference papers see:

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Research paper thumbnail of La materialidad del conflicto en la Península Ibérica en la Edad Media o cómo evidenciar lo inherente

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Research paper thumbnail of ¿Prospectando los documentos? El análisis del territorio Andalusí y la documentación escrita. Problemas, límites y propuestas a partir de tres casos de estudio

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Research paper thumbnail of Geoarchaeology and Castlescapes: Heritage Management Case Studies in Spain and the Eastern Baltic

Landscapes, 2021

This paper promotes the application of geoarchaeology—joint studies using historical, archaeologi... more This paper promotes the application of geoarchaeology—joint
studies using historical, archaeological and heritage approaches—
to the conservation and management practice of castles and
landscapes in the context of ‘castlescapes’. Using case studies
from recent research on medieval castles in frontier regions of the
eastern Baltic and Spain, it demonstrates how geoarchaeology can
create synergies between on-site and off-site environments and
between cultural and natural heritage and draw valuable
information from soils and sediments about the changing form
and function of spaces within castles, and about the links between
these spaces and activities in their hinterlands. Geoarchaeological
approaches can also illuminate the diachronic biographies that
hide from visitors in the buried archaeology of castles, which to
most visitors would be blank cavasses, but which can provide
snap-shots of castle life in the context of a wider landscape.
Castles are commonly publicly recognised as being important
historical monuments, but from a heritage perspective they are
often presented in isolation from their associated historical
territories, and often (especially in frontier regions) appropriated
within modern politics, which has influenced both heritage
management decisions and research frameworks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Abstract book. International Congress "Act here, think community: local identities between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages"

Programme and abstract book of the International Congress "Act here, think community: local ident... more Programme and abstract book of the International Congress "Act here, think community: local identities between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages". Universidad de Granada, September 29-30th 2022.

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