Dominik Finkelde | Munich School of Philosophy (original) (raw)

Books by Dominik Finkelde

Research paper thumbnail of Politics of the Flesh. On Eric Santner's Philosophy - Editorial Introduction

Politics of the Flesh. On Eric Santner's Philosophy, 2024

The American literary scholar Eric Santner is one of the most influential intellectuals of his ge... more The American literary scholar Eric Santner is one of the most influential intellectuals of his generation since he succeeds in numerous publications to link the globally diagnosed spread of the predominance of economic conditions of existence with questions of their unacknowledged metaphysical need for redemption. Santner systematically combines psychoanalysis, political theology, and Karl Marx’s theory of commodity-fetishism with Michel Foucault’s and Giorgio Agamben’s analyses of power. The relevance and significance of the theses presented by him in numerous publications (like The Royal Remains; The Weight of All Flesh; Sovereignty, Inc.; Untying Things Together, etc.) will be discussed in the papers of this special issue.
Editors: Dominik Finkelde, Rebekka Klein
Authors: Eric Santner, Mladen Dolar, Ino Augsberg, Agata Bielik-Robson, Robert Buch, Dominik Finkelde, Rebekka Klein, Rasmus Nagel, Luca Di Blasi, Clemens Pornschlege, Daniel Weidner.


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Research paper thumbnail of Žižek / Finkelde: Das lächerlich Erhabene. Präontologische Universen bei David Lynch

Turia & Kant , 2023

Wie kaum ein anderes Werk seiner Zeit veranschaulichen die wohl berühmtesten Filme David Lynchs, ... more Wie kaum ein anderes Werk seiner Zeit veranschaulichen die wohl berühmtesten Filme David Lynchs, Lost Highway (1997) und Mulholland Drive (2001), wie die Geist-Welt Beziehung durch einen sexuellen Exzess immer wieder in Unordnung gebracht wird. Dieser markiert die unsterbliche Dimension einer teils biologischen, teils symbolischen Kraft, die auch in Žižeks Werk thematisiert und dort philosophisch ergründet wird. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert in diesem Zusammenhang erstmals Žižeks viel zitierten Essay über den Kultregisseur sowie zwei Artikel von Dominik Finkelde. In ihnen werden die inhärenten Bezüge zwischen den Subjekttheorien von Lynch und Žižek näher analysiert.

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Research paper thumbnail of Žižek Responds! Introduction (Finkelde and McGowan)

Bloomsbury, 2023

Responses to the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek have been, like Žižek himself, extreme. Criti... more Responses to the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek have been, like Žižek himself, extreme. Critics have accused him of charlatanism on the one hand, while others have lauded his genius, especially as a public intellectual, on the other. This makes it difficult to find any kind of nuanced or interesting critical appraisal of his work.

At its best Žižek's work provides a new foundation of dialectical philosophy, beyond the glitz of stardom or oversimplified sinister disdain. Žižek Responds! combines philosophers and theorists engaging with Žižek's philosophy in order to explore its unnoticed implications, its conceptual problems, or its unrealized potential. With detailed and lively responses from Žižek himself, this book offers an unique insight into how this thinker might explain, clarify and hone some of his most controversial and misunderstood ideas. At once an introduction to Žižek's most important concepts and a rare and novel insight into his thoughts on the criticisms of his work, this is indispensible reading for both Žižekians and their critics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Objekt, das zu viel wusste. Eine Einführung in die Philosophie nach Lacan

Turia & Kant, 2022

Eric Santner, University of Chicago: "Finkeldes Buch "Das Objekt, das zu viel wusste" gehört zu... more Eric Santner, University of Chicago:
"Finkeldes Buch "Das Objekt, das zu viel wusste" gehört zu den klarsten und überzeugendsten Werken, die mir unter den vielen neueren Versuchen begegnet sind, die Überschneidungs- und Interferenzzonen zwischen philosophischem Denken und psychoanalytischer Theorie und Praxis zu erhellen. Er spricht mit gleicher Klarheit und Autorität über die so genannte kontinentale Tradition - vor allem über das Werk Kants, Hegels und derjenigen, die die Herausforderungen des deutschen Idealismus aufgreifen - und eine Vielzahl von Vertretern der analytischen Tradition, darunter Quine, Davidson, Dennett, Putnam, McDowell und Brandom. Seine Schriften zeugen von einem tiefen pädagogischen Engagement, das in den meisten philosophischen Werken fehlt: Finkelde hat uns etwas beizubringen. Er ist ein sehr geschickter, geduldiger und großzügiger Lehrer. Kein Kind wird in dieser sorgfältig und in schönem Tempo gehaltenen Vorlesungsreihe zurückgelassen."


Das Buch analysiert mit Hilfe von Lacan das Geist-Welt Verhältnis unter der Berücksichtigung einer ‚epistemischen Verschmierung‘ durch das Unbewusste, dessen Genese und Eigenschaften im Zentrum von 16 Vorlesungen stehen. Fragen der Lacan’schen Psychotheologie der Erkenntnis werden ebenso tangiert, wie deren Einfluss auf das Verhältnis von Subjekt und Objekt. Lacan zufolge ist das Unbewusste derjenige Teil, der keinen Teil eines Allgemeinen im intersubjektiven Raum des Gebens und Nehmens von Gründen auf sich vereinen kann. Auch deshalb ist es, das Unbewusste, die Quelle immer auch neuer und nicht-metabolisierbarer Überschüsse, die in die uns umgebende Wirklichkeit hineinragen und unerwartete Wendungen in unserem Verhältnis zu Tatsachen und Fakten provozieren können. Daraus ergeben sich Grundfragen der Philosophie, die u.a. im Rekurs auf den deutschen Idealismus in der Tradition von Kant und Hegel und mit Bezug auf Laplanche, Castoriadis, Santner und einzelnen Vertretern der Ljubljana-Lacan Schule verhandelt werden. Die Fragen betreffen den Einfluss enigmatischer Signifikanten, die Rolle erhabener Objekte der Ideologie, die Bedeutung von Phantasiepflege und Transgression und die Eigenschaftskraft von Genießen (»Jouissance«) als ein ontologischer Faktor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Parallax. The Dialectics of Mind and World (eds. Finkelde, Menke, Žižek) - Introduction

Parallax. The Dialectics of Mind and World, 2021

Parallax, or the change in the position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight an... more Parallax, or the change in the position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight and more precisely, the assumption that this adjustment is not only due to a change of focus, but a change in that object's ontological status has been a key philosophical concept throughout history.

Building upon Slavoj Žižek's The Parallax View, this volume shows how parallax is used as a figure of thought that proves how the incompatibility between the physical and the theoretical touches not only upon the ontological, but also politics and aesthetics. With articles written by internationally renowned philosophers such as Frank Ruda, Graham Harman, Paul Livingston and Zizek himself, this book shows how modes of parallax remain in numerous modern theoretical disciplines, such as the Marxian parallax in the critique of political economy and politics; and the Hegelian parallax in the concept of the work of art, while also being important to debates surrounding speculative realism and dialectical materialism. Spanning philosophy, parallax is then a rich and fruitful concept that can illuminate the studies of those working in epistemology, ontology, German Idealism, political philosophy and critical theory.

Editorial Reviews:

“Parallax brings together a remarkable group of philosophers around the problem of conceptualizing the identity and difference of mind and world. It represents, in a way, the “continental” response to the canonical “analytic” formulation of the problem put forth in McDowell's Mind and World (along with the vast literature it generated). Under the heading of “parallax,” a notion introduced into philosophy by Slavoj Zizek, the present volume takes a step further; it makes it possible to include in our thinking about the core problem the very split and antagonism between these two traditions of thinking the problem. The essays are challenging and not for the faint at heart; given the stakes at issue one could hardly imagine it any other way.” ―Eric L. Santner, The Philip and Ida Romberg Distinguished Service Professor of Modern Germanic Studies, The University of Chicago, USA

“The notion of parallax, as discussed in the contributions of this volume, offers a radical, surprising as well as disturbing perspective on the inextricable gap between mind and world: provoking a new and productive approach to the understanding of our - epistemic, scientific, aesthetic, ethical, and political - realities.” ―Joseph Vogl, Professor of Modern German Literature, Cultural and Media Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, and Princeton University, Germany and USA

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Research paper thumbnail of In Need of a Master. Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy (eds. Finkelde, Klein)

De Gruyter, 2021

The volume "In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy" discusses how our so-... more The volume "In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy" discusses how our so-called postmodern age of widespread ideological critique paves the way for reactionary and conservative political movements. At center stage is the question of whether these movements can and must be – contrary to widespread beliefs among liberal elites – interpreted both as a symptom of a political awakening in the horizon of political theology in our era of immanence, as well as perhaps the perilous end of democracy as we know it. The book brings to the fore political theology as the hidden agenda of politics and presents at the same time Christian and Jewish theological traditions as an antidote to a global empire with its often unacknowledged rule of immanence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Idealism, Relativism, and Realism. New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide (eds. Finkelde, Livingston)

Idealism, Relativism, and Realism. New Essays on Objectivity, 2020

With articles: Jocelyn Benoist, Ray Brassier, G. Anthony Bruno, Markus Gabriel, Martin Kusch, S... more With articles: Jocelyn Benoist, Ray Brassier, G. Anthony Bruno, Markus Gabriel, Martin Kusch, Sebastian Rödl et al.

Several debates of the last years within the research field of contemporary realism – known under titles such as "New Realism," "Continental Realism," or "Speculative Materialism" – have shown that science is not systematically the ultimate measure of truth and reality. This does not mean that we should abandon the notions of truth or objectivity all together, as has been posited repeatedly within certain currents of twentieth century philosophy. However, within the research field of contemporary realism, the concept of objectivity itself has not been adequately refined. What is objective is supposed to be true outside a subject’s biases, interpretations and opinions, having truth conditions that are met by the way the world is. The volume combines articles of internationally outstanding authors who have published on either Idealism, Epistemic Relativism, or Realism and often locate themselves within one of these divergent schools of thought. As such, the volume focuses on these traditions with the aim of clarifying what the concept objectivity nowadays stands for within contemporary ontology and epistemology beyond the analytic-continental divide.

With articles from: Jocelyn Benoist, Ray Brassier, G. Anthony Bruno, Dominik Finkelde, Markus Gabriel, Deborah Goldgaber, Iain Hamilton Grant, Graham Harman, Johannes Hübner, Andrea Kern, Anton F. Koch, Martin Kusch, Paul M. Livingston, Paul Redding, Sebastian Rödl, Dieter Sturma.

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Research paper thumbnail of Logiken der Inexistenz. Figurationen des Realen im Zeitalter der Immanenz

GERMAN (ENGLISH BELOW) Dinge inexistieren. Objekte tun dies nicht. Sie stehen in einem rationalis... more GERMAN (ENGLISH BELOW)
Dinge inexistieren. Objekte tun dies nicht. Sie stehen in einem rationalisierbaren Raum, der von Dingen in seiner Statik unterminiert wird. Im Zeitalter der Immanenz werden die Übermacht der Dinge und die Eigenschaft ihrer Inexistenz zur Bedrohung.

Was Jacques Lacan „das Reale“ nennt, verkörpert eine paradoxe Materialität: Es existiert nicht als klar definierbare Entität, sondern inexistiert – zum Beispiel in Verstörungen und Irritationen unserer symbolischen und imaginären Welten. Autoren wie Walter Benjamin, Sigmund Freud, W. G. Sebald, Martin Heidegger, aber auch zeitgenössische Philosophen wie Graham Harman und Alain Badiou widmen sich den Formen der Inexistenz und versuchen, Logiken darin zu entdecken. Die genannten Autoren offenbaren eine große Sensibilität dafür, wie sich die Grundstrukturen der Wirklichkeit in Formen kleinster Abweichungen fundamental verkehren können. Wo dies geschieht, markiert eine konstitutive Abwesenheit den dialektischen Umkehrpunkt, von dem aus eine bestimmte Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit ihre verdrängte oder verborgene Wahrheit in Form ihres Gegenteils kennenlernt.


Things inexist. Objects don’t. They are part of a coherent space of reason that is undermined by things in its unity. In the age of immanence, the preponderance of things and the property of their inexistence become a threat.

What Jacques Lacan calls "the real" embodies a paradoxical materiality: it does not exist as a clearly defined entity, but is in-existent - for example in the form of disturbances and irritations of our symbolic and imaginary worlds. Authors such as Walter Benjamin, Sigmund Freud, W.G. Sebald, Martin Heidegger, but also contemporary philosophers such as Graham Harman and Alain Badiou are dedicated to the forms of inexistence and try to discover logics within them. The above-mentioned authors reveal a great sensitivity to how the basic structures of reality can fundamentally be transformed via minimal abnormalities. Where this happens, a constitutive absence marks the dialectical turning point, from which a certain construction of reality gets to know its repressed or hidden truth in the form of its opposite.

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Research paper thumbnail of Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews: "Excessive Subjectivity. Kant, Hegel, Lacan, and the Foundations of Ethics"

Reviewed by Klas Roth, Stockholm University

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Research paper thumbnail of Excessive Subjectivity. Kant, Hegel, Lacan, and the Foundations of Ethics (Columbia UP)

How are we to conceive of acts that suddenly expose the injustice of the prevailing order? These ... more How are we to conceive of acts that suddenly expose the injustice of the prevailing order? These acts challenge long-standing hidden or silently tolerated injustices, but as they are unsupported by existing ethical rules they pose a drastic challenge to dominant norms. In Excessive Subjectivity, Dominik Finkelde rereads the tradition of German idealism and finds in it the potential for transformative acts that are capable of revolutionizing the social order.
Finkelde's discussion of the meaning and structure of the ethical act meticulously engages thinkers typically treated as opposed—Kant, Hegel, and Lacan—to develop the concept of excessive subjectivity, which is characterized by nonconformist acts that reshape the contours of ethical life. For Kant, the subject is defined by the ethical acts she performs. Hegel interprets Kant's categorical imperative as the ability of an individual's conscience to exceed the existing state of affairs. Lacan emphasizes the transgressive force of unconscious desire on the ethical agent. Through these thinkers Finkelde develops a radical ethics for contemporary times. Integrating perspectives from both analytical and continental philosophy, Excessive Subjectivity is a distinctive contribution to our understanding of the ethical subject.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Ed.) Badiou and the State (Nomos)

The state can not prevent the existence of universal ethical claims that are included in its reg... more The state can not prevent the existence of universal ethical claims that are included in its regime but not represented in it. Alain Badiou's philosophy is devoted to these claims and defends them as forms of political truth striving for validity and representation.

With contributions from:
Alain Badiou, Lorenzo Chiesa, Oliver Feltham, Dominik Finkelde, Gernot Kamecke, Paul M. Livingston, Rado Riha, Frank Ruda, Arno Schubbach, Yannis Stavrakakis, Alberto Toscano and Jan Völker.
Dominik Finkelde is professor of philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Phantaschismus  - Von der totalitären Versuchung unserer Demokratie

Engl. The book "Phantascism" examines the effectiveness of fantasies in suppressing within politi... more Engl.
The book "Phantascism" examines the effectiveness of fantasies in suppressing within political communities, consciously and unconsciously alike, inner antagonisms in times of crisis. More precisely: Fantasies help to blur aporias within the ideological structures of a community through the evocation of a "sensus communis" (Kant) that establishes the community anew, similar to an act of religious conversion. Fantasies and especially excessive or “phantascistic” fantasies, as we call them in the course of this study, succeed insofar as their impact on the “space of reason” – i.e. the space where justifications are part of a mutually normative “scorekeeping” (Sellars, Brandom) – does not take part itself in the game of giving and asking for reasons, but operates, so to speak, in the background of communal reason via an emotionally and clandestine “code” of what it means to be “We.. – We who we are”.
This "We"-formation is studied with reference to the USA, Israel, and Germany.

Das Buch untersucht im Rückgriff auf einzelne Episoden der Realpolitik der USA, der BRD und des Staates Israel, wie sich Phantasien zu inhärenten Antagonismen ideologischer Gefüge dieser Gemeinschaften verhalten.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exzessive Subjektivität. Eine Theorie tathafter Neubegründung des Ethischen nach Kant, Hegel und Lacan

Wie lassen sich ethisch motivierte Taten denken, die sich auf keine gegebenen sittlichen Vorstell... more Wie lassen sich ethisch motivierte Taten denken, die sich auf keine gegebenen sittlichen Vorstellungen und keine Legalität stützen können? Das heißt: Taten, welche - umgekehrt - die gegebenen normativen Ordnungen radikal in Frage stellen, dennoch aber nicht einfach als eigennützige Verletzung oder willkürliche Übertretung der herrschenden Normativität zu qualifizieren sind. Die in dem vorliegenden Buch präsentierte Theorie »exzessiver Subjektivität« zielt auf genau solche historisch so seltenen wie fundamentalen (nämlich gründenden) ethischen Ereignisse. Die Rede von »exzessiver Subjektivität« wird dabei als ein Strukturmoment verstanden, aber nicht in der Verwirklichung dessen, was Ethik als philosophische Disziplin erklärbarer und rechtfertigbarer Handlungen vorzuschreiben versucht, sondern als Verwirklichung »des Ethischen«, das sich im Sinne eines Kontextbruches mit der Sittlichkeit als Ineinssetzung von Partikulärem und Allgemeinem erst nachträglich (be-)gründet. Die Studie untersucht und analysiert diesen riskanten und dennoch unumgänglichen Moment einer »tathaften Neubegründung « als zentrales Strukturmoment des Ethischen in den Werken von Kant, Hegel und Lacan.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Hg.) Jacques Lacan: Struktur. Andersheit. Subjektkonstitution.

Der vorliegende Band präsentiert erstmals einen der wichtigsten Vorträge Jacques Lacans in deutsc... more Der vorliegende Band präsentiert erstmals einen der wichtigsten Vorträge Jacques Lacans in deutscher Übersetzung: „Über Struktur als das Einmischen einer Andersheit als Voraussetzung eines Subjekts“. Er hielt ihn auf der berühmten Strukturalismus-Konferenz an der Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore im Jahr 1966, die unter dem Titel The Structuralist Controversy bekannt wurde. Der Vortrag bündelt philosophische Fragestellungen und Themen seiner Forschung aus zwei Jahrzehnten: die Unterscheidung zwischen dem „Subjekt der Aussage“ und dem „Subjekt des Ausgesagten“, die Rezeption von Bertrand Russells Mengen-Paradox, Gottlob Freges Theorie der Zahlengenese und die Einsicht in den prekären Status des Unbewussten, das in Wiederholungen befangen ist, um stets neu dem Subjekt sein ‚Dasein‘ aufzufüllen. Ebenso legt Lacan seinen Hörern illustrative Veranschaulichungen der Psyche mit Verweisen auf das Möbius-Band, den Torus und die Klein’sche Flasche dar. Der Grund für die eigentümliche Dichte des Vortrags wird unter anderem am Publikum gelegen haben: Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Lucien Goldmann, René Girard, Jan Kott und andere hörten ihm zu. Die auf den Vortrag folgende Diskussion, die im Band enthalten ist und in der die Konflikte innerhalb der Strukturalismus-Debatten in gereizter Atmosphäre ausgetragen werden, macht den Text zu einem Zeitdokument besonderer Art.

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Research paper thumbnail of Slavoj Zizek zwischen Lacan und Hegel. Politische Philosophie – Metapsychologie – Ethik

»Upon finishing Finkelde's book on me, I had the uncanny experience of a double: of someone who s... more »Upon finishing Finkelde's book on me, I had the uncanny experience of a double: of someone who sometimes understands my thought, the logic of reasoning which underlies it, better than myself! Finkelde acts like my analyst, reducing the confused mumble of my ratiocinations to precise formulas. Without irony, this book will also serve me as an introduction to myself, allowing me to critically confront weaknesses in my edifice, to elaborate the shadowy domains.« (Slavoj Zizek)

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Research paper thumbnail of Politische Eschatologie nach Paulus. Badiou – Agamben – Zizek – Santner

Als e-book: Im Zentrum der Paulus-Lektüren von Bad... more Als e-book:

Im Zentrum der Paulus-Lektüren von Badiou, Agamben, Zizek und Santner steht die Frage nach dem politischen und philosophischen Erbe der Briefe des Apostels. Dieses Erbe betrifft zwei Aspekte: Paulus’ Verständnis des christlichen Universalismus, der die exklusive Offenbarung des Sinai-Bundes des jüdischen Volkes zu einer Heilslehre für »alle Nationen« (Röm 1,5) macht. Und es betrifft Paulus’ Konzept eines christlichen Subjekts, das sich durch ein »Leben in Christus« der politischen Ordnung entgegen stellt.

Dabei dient der »Apostel der Heiden« den Autoren als Gewährsmann im Streit um philosophische Positionen, die unter Begriffen wie Differenz-Philosophie, Alterität und Dekonstruktion das letzte Jahrhundert dominiert haben und heute neu verhandelt werden.

Während Agamben und Santner sich explizit in die Tradition der »Philosophie der Differenz« stellen, versuchen Badiou und Zizek diese zu überwinden. Paulus erscheint dabei als Begründer eines radikalen politischen Subjekts, das wiederzuentdecken nötig ist in Zeiten, in denen »die großen Erzählungen« (Lyotard) als ideologisch-totalitär verworfen werden und gleichzeitig ein weit verbreiteter Zynismus die Beurteilung der politischen Debatten in den westlichen Demokratien prägt. Nicht eine Rekonstruktion theologischer Glaubensfragen steht im Vordergrund dieses ‚Streits um Paulus’, sondern die theologischen Implikationen in politischen Fragen der Gegenwart.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Ed.) Topografías de la modernidad. El pensamiento de Walter Benjamin,

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Papers by Dominik Finkelde

Research paper thumbnail of Sind alle Dinge widersprüchlich? Žižek und Brandom über das materialistische Erbe der Metaphysik Hegels

Zizek-Handbuch (Hg. D. Finkelde), 2025

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Research paper thumbnail of The Pathological A Priori. On Guilt and Shame in "Creaturely Life"

Politics of the Flesh. On Eric Santner's Philosophy., 2024

While classical authority is positivistic in form, authority in the age of Radical Democracy is n... more While classical authority is positivistic in form, authority in the age of Radical Democracy is negative in form. The latter produces shame as the pathological a priori of modern subjectivity. Shame springs from unworthiness in the face of the infinite demand emitted by the concept of the “coming community”, which, as the never-there-but-always-to-come, puts every present into to the state of a normative subtraction. To be ashamed means to experience oneself as not yet worthy as to what the coming community demands.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fantasy Fatigue: On Political Autopoiesis and the Administration of Enjoyment

Philosophy Today, 2023

Fantasies have the power in the very midst of political communities, consciously and unconsciousl... more Fantasies have the power in the very midst of political communities, consciously and unconsciously alike, to suppress internal antagonisms in times of crises. More specifically, they help to blur aporias of a community’s ideological structures by invoking a common sense that reconstitutes the community, similar to an act of religious conversion. Their impact on the “space of reasons” is analyzed in this article because fantasies, and specifically excessive and radical fantasies, suspend the game of giving and asking for reasons. They do so in order to ground premises of contestation in the background of communal reason via an emotional and secret “code” of what it means to be a “we.” Totalitarian, monarchical, and democratic societies need this “code” to purge society of the pure formalities of political reason, or, in other words: to get rid of fantasy fatigue.

Key words: autopoiesis, enjoyment, fantasy, jouissance, scission, transgression

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Research paper thumbnail of Politics of the Flesh. On Eric Santner's Philosophy - Editorial Introduction

Politics of the Flesh. On Eric Santner's Philosophy, 2024

The American literary scholar Eric Santner is one of the most influential intellectuals of his ge... more The American literary scholar Eric Santner is one of the most influential intellectuals of his generation since he succeeds in numerous publications to link the globally diagnosed spread of the predominance of economic conditions of existence with questions of their unacknowledged metaphysical need for redemption. Santner systematically combines psychoanalysis, political theology, and Karl Marx’s theory of commodity-fetishism with Michel Foucault’s and Giorgio Agamben’s analyses of power. The relevance and significance of the theses presented by him in numerous publications (like The Royal Remains; The Weight of All Flesh; Sovereignty, Inc.; Untying Things Together, etc.) will be discussed in the papers of this special issue.
Editors: Dominik Finkelde, Rebekka Klein
Authors: Eric Santner, Mladen Dolar, Ino Augsberg, Agata Bielik-Robson, Robert Buch, Dominik Finkelde, Rebekka Klein, Rasmus Nagel, Luca Di Blasi, Clemens Pornschlege, Daniel Weidner.


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Research paper thumbnail of Žižek / Finkelde: Das lächerlich Erhabene. Präontologische Universen bei David Lynch

Turia & Kant , 2023

Wie kaum ein anderes Werk seiner Zeit veranschaulichen die wohl berühmtesten Filme David Lynchs, ... more Wie kaum ein anderes Werk seiner Zeit veranschaulichen die wohl berühmtesten Filme David Lynchs, Lost Highway (1997) und Mulholland Drive (2001), wie die Geist-Welt Beziehung durch einen sexuellen Exzess immer wieder in Unordnung gebracht wird. Dieser markiert die unsterbliche Dimension einer teils biologischen, teils symbolischen Kraft, die auch in Žižeks Werk thematisiert und dort philosophisch ergründet wird. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert in diesem Zusammenhang erstmals Žižeks viel zitierten Essay über den Kultregisseur sowie zwei Artikel von Dominik Finkelde. In ihnen werden die inhärenten Bezüge zwischen den Subjekttheorien von Lynch und Žižek näher analysiert.

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Research paper thumbnail of Žižek Responds! Introduction (Finkelde and McGowan)

Bloomsbury, 2023

Responses to the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek have been, like Žižek himself, extreme. Criti... more Responses to the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek have been, like Žižek himself, extreme. Critics have accused him of charlatanism on the one hand, while others have lauded his genius, especially as a public intellectual, on the other. This makes it difficult to find any kind of nuanced or interesting critical appraisal of his work.

At its best Žižek's work provides a new foundation of dialectical philosophy, beyond the glitz of stardom or oversimplified sinister disdain. Žižek Responds! combines philosophers and theorists engaging with Žižek's philosophy in order to explore its unnoticed implications, its conceptual problems, or its unrealized potential. With detailed and lively responses from Žižek himself, this book offers an unique insight into how this thinker might explain, clarify and hone some of his most controversial and misunderstood ideas. At once an introduction to Žižek's most important concepts and a rare and novel insight into his thoughts on the criticisms of his work, this is indispensible reading for both Žižekians and their critics.

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Objekt, das zu viel wusste. Eine Einführung in die Philosophie nach Lacan

Turia & Kant, 2022

Eric Santner, University of Chicago: "Finkeldes Buch "Das Objekt, das zu viel wusste" gehört zu... more Eric Santner, University of Chicago:
"Finkeldes Buch "Das Objekt, das zu viel wusste" gehört zu den klarsten und überzeugendsten Werken, die mir unter den vielen neueren Versuchen begegnet sind, die Überschneidungs- und Interferenzzonen zwischen philosophischem Denken und psychoanalytischer Theorie und Praxis zu erhellen. Er spricht mit gleicher Klarheit und Autorität über die so genannte kontinentale Tradition - vor allem über das Werk Kants, Hegels und derjenigen, die die Herausforderungen des deutschen Idealismus aufgreifen - und eine Vielzahl von Vertretern der analytischen Tradition, darunter Quine, Davidson, Dennett, Putnam, McDowell und Brandom. Seine Schriften zeugen von einem tiefen pädagogischen Engagement, das in den meisten philosophischen Werken fehlt: Finkelde hat uns etwas beizubringen. Er ist ein sehr geschickter, geduldiger und großzügiger Lehrer. Kein Kind wird in dieser sorgfältig und in schönem Tempo gehaltenen Vorlesungsreihe zurückgelassen."


Das Buch analysiert mit Hilfe von Lacan das Geist-Welt Verhältnis unter der Berücksichtigung einer ‚epistemischen Verschmierung‘ durch das Unbewusste, dessen Genese und Eigenschaften im Zentrum von 16 Vorlesungen stehen. Fragen der Lacan’schen Psychotheologie der Erkenntnis werden ebenso tangiert, wie deren Einfluss auf das Verhältnis von Subjekt und Objekt. Lacan zufolge ist das Unbewusste derjenige Teil, der keinen Teil eines Allgemeinen im intersubjektiven Raum des Gebens und Nehmens von Gründen auf sich vereinen kann. Auch deshalb ist es, das Unbewusste, die Quelle immer auch neuer und nicht-metabolisierbarer Überschüsse, die in die uns umgebende Wirklichkeit hineinragen und unerwartete Wendungen in unserem Verhältnis zu Tatsachen und Fakten provozieren können. Daraus ergeben sich Grundfragen der Philosophie, die u.a. im Rekurs auf den deutschen Idealismus in der Tradition von Kant und Hegel und mit Bezug auf Laplanche, Castoriadis, Santner und einzelnen Vertretern der Ljubljana-Lacan Schule verhandelt werden. Die Fragen betreffen den Einfluss enigmatischer Signifikanten, die Rolle erhabener Objekte der Ideologie, die Bedeutung von Phantasiepflege und Transgression und die Eigenschaftskraft von Genießen (»Jouissance«) als ein ontologischer Faktor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Parallax. The Dialectics of Mind and World (eds. Finkelde, Menke, Žižek) - Introduction

Parallax. The Dialectics of Mind and World, 2021

Parallax, or the change in the position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight an... more Parallax, or the change in the position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight and more precisely, the assumption that this adjustment is not only due to a change of focus, but a change in that object's ontological status has been a key philosophical concept throughout history.

Building upon Slavoj Žižek's The Parallax View, this volume shows how parallax is used as a figure of thought that proves how the incompatibility between the physical and the theoretical touches not only upon the ontological, but also politics and aesthetics. With articles written by internationally renowned philosophers such as Frank Ruda, Graham Harman, Paul Livingston and Zizek himself, this book shows how modes of parallax remain in numerous modern theoretical disciplines, such as the Marxian parallax in the critique of political economy and politics; and the Hegelian parallax in the concept of the work of art, while also being important to debates surrounding speculative realism and dialectical materialism. Spanning philosophy, parallax is then a rich and fruitful concept that can illuminate the studies of those working in epistemology, ontology, German Idealism, political philosophy and critical theory.

Editorial Reviews:

“Parallax brings together a remarkable group of philosophers around the problem of conceptualizing the identity and difference of mind and world. It represents, in a way, the “continental” response to the canonical “analytic” formulation of the problem put forth in McDowell's Mind and World (along with the vast literature it generated). Under the heading of “parallax,” a notion introduced into philosophy by Slavoj Zizek, the present volume takes a step further; it makes it possible to include in our thinking about the core problem the very split and antagonism between these two traditions of thinking the problem. The essays are challenging and not for the faint at heart; given the stakes at issue one could hardly imagine it any other way.” ―Eric L. Santner, The Philip and Ida Romberg Distinguished Service Professor of Modern Germanic Studies, The University of Chicago, USA

“The notion of parallax, as discussed in the contributions of this volume, offers a radical, surprising as well as disturbing perspective on the inextricable gap between mind and world: provoking a new and productive approach to the understanding of our - epistemic, scientific, aesthetic, ethical, and political - realities.” ―Joseph Vogl, Professor of Modern German Literature, Cultural and Media Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, and Princeton University, Germany and USA

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Research paper thumbnail of In Need of a Master. Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy (eds. Finkelde, Klein)

De Gruyter, 2021

The volume "In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy" discusses how our so-... more The volume "In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy" discusses how our so-called postmodern age of widespread ideological critique paves the way for reactionary and conservative political movements. At center stage is the question of whether these movements can and must be – contrary to widespread beliefs among liberal elites – interpreted both as a symptom of a political awakening in the horizon of political theology in our era of immanence, as well as perhaps the perilous end of democracy as we know it. The book brings to the fore political theology as the hidden agenda of politics and presents at the same time Christian and Jewish theological traditions as an antidote to a global empire with its often unacknowledged rule of immanence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Idealism, Relativism, and Realism. New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide (eds. Finkelde, Livingston)

Idealism, Relativism, and Realism. New Essays on Objectivity, 2020

With articles: Jocelyn Benoist, Ray Brassier, G. Anthony Bruno, Markus Gabriel, Martin Kusch, S... more With articles: Jocelyn Benoist, Ray Brassier, G. Anthony Bruno, Markus Gabriel, Martin Kusch, Sebastian Rödl et al.

Several debates of the last years within the research field of contemporary realism – known under titles such as "New Realism," "Continental Realism," or "Speculative Materialism" – have shown that science is not systematically the ultimate measure of truth and reality. This does not mean that we should abandon the notions of truth or objectivity all together, as has been posited repeatedly within certain currents of twentieth century philosophy. However, within the research field of contemporary realism, the concept of objectivity itself has not been adequately refined. What is objective is supposed to be true outside a subject’s biases, interpretations and opinions, having truth conditions that are met by the way the world is. The volume combines articles of internationally outstanding authors who have published on either Idealism, Epistemic Relativism, or Realism and often locate themselves within one of these divergent schools of thought. As such, the volume focuses on these traditions with the aim of clarifying what the concept objectivity nowadays stands for within contemporary ontology and epistemology beyond the analytic-continental divide.

With articles from: Jocelyn Benoist, Ray Brassier, G. Anthony Bruno, Dominik Finkelde, Markus Gabriel, Deborah Goldgaber, Iain Hamilton Grant, Graham Harman, Johannes Hübner, Andrea Kern, Anton F. Koch, Martin Kusch, Paul M. Livingston, Paul Redding, Sebastian Rödl, Dieter Sturma.

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Research paper thumbnail of Logiken der Inexistenz. Figurationen des Realen im Zeitalter der Immanenz

GERMAN (ENGLISH BELOW) Dinge inexistieren. Objekte tun dies nicht. Sie stehen in einem rationalis... more GERMAN (ENGLISH BELOW)
Dinge inexistieren. Objekte tun dies nicht. Sie stehen in einem rationalisierbaren Raum, der von Dingen in seiner Statik unterminiert wird. Im Zeitalter der Immanenz werden die Übermacht der Dinge und die Eigenschaft ihrer Inexistenz zur Bedrohung.

Was Jacques Lacan „das Reale“ nennt, verkörpert eine paradoxe Materialität: Es existiert nicht als klar definierbare Entität, sondern inexistiert – zum Beispiel in Verstörungen und Irritationen unserer symbolischen und imaginären Welten. Autoren wie Walter Benjamin, Sigmund Freud, W. G. Sebald, Martin Heidegger, aber auch zeitgenössische Philosophen wie Graham Harman und Alain Badiou widmen sich den Formen der Inexistenz und versuchen, Logiken darin zu entdecken. Die genannten Autoren offenbaren eine große Sensibilität dafür, wie sich die Grundstrukturen der Wirklichkeit in Formen kleinster Abweichungen fundamental verkehren können. Wo dies geschieht, markiert eine konstitutive Abwesenheit den dialektischen Umkehrpunkt, von dem aus eine bestimmte Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit ihre verdrängte oder verborgene Wahrheit in Form ihres Gegenteils kennenlernt.


Things inexist. Objects don’t. They are part of a coherent space of reason that is undermined by things in its unity. In the age of immanence, the preponderance of things and the property of their inexistence become a threat.

What Jacques Lacan calls "the real" embodies a paradoxical materiality: it does not exist as a clearly defined entity, but is in-existent - for example in the form of disturbances and irritations of our symbolic and imaginary worlds. Authors such as Walter Benjamin, Sigmund Freud, W.G. Sebald, Martin Heidegger, but also contemporary philosophers such as Graham Harman and Alain Badiou are dedicated to the forms of inexistence and try to discover logics within them. The above-mentioned authors reveal a great sensitivity to how the basic structures of reality can fundamentally be transformed via minimal abnormalities. Where this happens, a constitutive absence marks the dialectical turning point, from which a certain construction of reality gets to know its repressed or hidden truth in the form of its opposite.

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Research paper thumbnail of Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews: "Excessive Subjectivity. Kant, Hegel, Lacan, and the Foundations of Ethics"

Reviewed by Klas Roth, Stockholm University

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Research paper thumbnail of Excessive Subjectivity. Kant, Hegel, Lacan, and the Foundations of Ethics (Columbia UP)

How are we to conceive of acts that suddenly expose the injustice of the prevailing order? These ... more How are we to conceive of acts that suddenly expose the injustice of the prevailing order? These acts challenge long-standing hidden or silently tolerated injustices, but as they are unsupported by existing ethical rules they pose a drastic challenge to dominant norms. In Excessive Subjectivity, Dominik Finkelde rereads the tradition of German idealism and finds in it the potential for transformative acts that are capable of revolutionizing the social order.
Finkelde's discussion of the meaning and structure of the ethical act meticulously engages thinkers typically treated as opposed—Kant, Hegel, and Lacan—to develop the concept of excessive subjectivity, which is characterized by nonconformist acts that reshape the contours of ethical life. For Kant, the subject is defined by the ethical acts she performs. Hegel interprets Kant's categorical imperative as the ability of an individual's conscience to exceed the existing state of affairs. Lacan emphasizes the transgressive force of unconscious desire on the ethical agent. Through these thinkers Finkelde develops a radical ethics for contemporary times. Integrating perspectives from both analytical and continental philosophy, Excessive Subjectivity is a distinctive contribution to our understanding of the ethical subject.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Ed.) Badiou and the State (Nomos)

The state can not prevent the existence of universal ethical claims that are included in its reg... more The state can not prevent the existence of universal ethical claims that are included in its regime but not represented in it. Alain Badiou's philosophy is devoted to these claims and defends them as forms of political truth striving for validity and representation.

With contributions from:
Alain Badiou, Lorenzo Chiesa, Oliver Feltham, Dominik Finkelde, Gernot Kamecke, Paul M. Livingston, Rado Riha, Frank Ruda, Arno Schubbach, Yannis Stavrakakis, Alberto Toscano and Jan Völker.
Dominik Finkelde is professor of philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy.

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Research paper thumbnail of Phantaschismus  - Von der totalitären Versuchung unserer Demokratie

Engl. The book "Phantascism" examines the effectiveness of fantasies in suppressing within politi... more Engl.
The book "Phantascism" examines the effectiveness of fantasies in suppressing within political communities, consciously and unconsciously alike, inner antagonisms in times of crisis. More precisely: Fantasies help to blur aporias within the ideological structures of a community through the evocation of a "sensus communis" (Kant) that establishes the community anew, similar to an act of religious conversion. Fantasies and especially excessive or “phantascistic” fantasies, as we call them in the course of this study, succeed insofar as their impact on the “space of reason” – i.e. the space where justifications are part of a mutually normative “scorekeeping” (Sellars, Brandom) – does not take part itself in the game of giving and asking for reasons, but operates, so to speak, in the background of communal reason via an emotionally and clandestine “code” of what it means to be “We.. – We who we are”.
This "We"-formation is studied with reference to the USA, Israel, and Germany.

Das Buch untersucht im Rückgriff auf einzelne Episoden der Realpolitik der USA, der BRD und des Staates Israel, wie sich Phantasien zu inhärenten Antagonismen ideologischer Gefüge dieser Gemeinschaften verhalten.

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Research paper thumbnail of Exzessive Subjektivität. Eine Theorie tathafter Neubegründung des Ethischen nach Kant, Hegel und Lacan

Wie lassen sich ethisch motivierte Taten denken, die sich auf keine gegebenen sittlichen Vorstell... more Wie lassen sich ethisch motivierte Taten denken, die sich auf keine gegebenen sittlichen Vorstellungen und keine Legalität stützen können? Das heißt: Taten, welche - umgekehrt - die gegebenen normativen Ordnungen radikal in Frage stellen, dennoch aber nicht einfach als eigennützige Verletzung oder willkürliche Übertretung der herrschenden Normativität zu qualifizieren sind. Die in dem vorliegenden Buch präsentierte Theorie »exzessiver Subjektivität« zielt auf genau solche historisch so seltenen wie fundamentalen (nämlich gründenden) ethischen Ereignisse. Die Rede von »exzessiver Subjektivität« wird dabei als ein Strukturmoment verstanden, aber nicht in der Verwirklichung dessen, was Ethik als philosophische Disziplin erklärbarer und rechtfertigbarer Handlungen vorzuschreiben versucht, sondern als Verwirklichung »des Ethischen«, das sich im Sinne eines Kontextbruches mit der Sittlichkeit als Ineinssetzung von Partikulärem und Allgemeinem erst nachträglich (be-)gründet. Die Studie untersucht und analysiert diesen riskanten und dennoch unumgänglichen Moment einer »tathaften Neubegründung « als zentrales Strukturmoment des Ethischen in den Werken von Kant, Hegel und Lacan.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Hg.) Jacques Lacan: Struktur. Andersheit. Subjektkonstitution.

Der vorliegende Band präsentiert erstmals einen der wichtigsten Vorträge Jacques Lacans in deutsc... more Der vorliegende Band präsentiert erstmals einen der wichtigsten Vorträge Jacques Lacans in deutscher Übersetzung: „Über Struktur als das Einmischen einer Andersheit als Voraussetzung eines Subjekts“. Er hielt ihn auf der berühmten Strukturalismus-Konferenz an der Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore im Jahr 1966, die unter dem Titel The Structuralist Controversy bekannt wurde. Der Vortrag bündelt philosophische Fragestellungen und Themen seiner Forschung aus zwei Jahrzehnten: die Unterscheidung zwischen dem „Subjekt der Aussage“ und dem „Subjekt des Ausgesagten“, die Rezeption von Bertrand Russells Mengen-Paradox, Gottlob Freges Theorie der Zahlengenese und die Einsicht in den prekären Status des Unbewussten, das in Wiederholungen befangen ist, um stets neu dem Subjekt sein ‚Dasein‘ aufzufüllen. Ebenso legt Lacan seinen Hörern illustrative Veranschaulichungen der Psyche mit Verweisen auf das Möbius-Band, den Torus und die Klein’sche Flasche dar. Der Grund für die eigentümliche Dichte des Vortrags wird unter anderem am Publikum gelegen haben: Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Lucien Goldmann, René Girard, Jan Kott und andere hörten ihm zu. Die auf den Vortrag folgende Diskussion, die im Band enthalten ist und in der die Konflikte innerhalb der Strukturalismus-Debatten in gereizter Atmosphäre ausgetragen werden, macht den Text zu einem Zeitdokument besonderer Art.

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Research paper thumbnail of Slavoj Zizek zwischen Lacan und Hegel. Politische Philosophie – Metapsychologie – Ethik

»Upon finishing Finkelde's book on me, I had the uncanny experience of a double: of someone who s... more »Upon finishing Finkelde's book on me, I had the uncanny experience of a double: of someone who sometimes understands my thought, the logic of reasoning which underlies it, better than myself! Finkelde acts like my analyst, reducing the confused mumble of my ratiocinations to precise formulas. Without irony, this book will also serve me as an introduction to myself, allowing me to critically confront weaknesses in my edifice, to elaborate the shadowy domains.« (Slavoj Zizek)

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Research paper thumbnail of Politische Eschatologie nach Paulus. Badiou – Agamben – Zizek – Santner

Als e-book: Im Zentrum der Paulus-Lektüren von Bad... more Als e-book:

Im Zentrum der Paulus-Lektüren von Badiou, Agamben, Zizek und Santner steht die Frage nach dem politischen und philosophischen Erbe der Briefe des Apostels. Dieses Erbe betrifft zwei Aspekte: Paulus’ Verständnis des christlichen Universalismus, der die exklusive Offenbarung des Sinai-Bundes des jüdischen Volkes zu einer Heilslehre für »alle Nationen« (Röm 1,5) macht. Und es betrifft Paulus’ Konzept eines christlichen Subjekts, das sich durch ein »Leben in Christus« der politischen Ordnung entgegen stellt.

Dabei dient der »Apostel der Heiden« den Autoren als Gewährsmann im Streit um philosophische Positionen, die unter Begriffen wie Differenz-Philosophie, Alterität und Dekonstruktion das letzte Jahrhundert dominiert haben und heute neu verhandelt werden.

Während Agamben und Santner sich explizit in die Tradition der »Philosophie der Differenz« stellen, versuchen Badiou und Zizek diese zu überwinden. Paulus erscheint dabei als Begründer eines radikalen politischen Subjekts, das wiederzuentdecken nötig ist in Zeiten, in denen »die großen Erzählungen« (Lyotard) als ideologisch-totalitär verworfen werden und gleichzeitig ein weit verbreiteter Zynismus die Beurteilung der politischen Debatten in den westlichen Demokratien prägt. Nicht eine Rekonstruktion theologischer Glaubensfragen steht im Vordergrund dieses ‚Streits um Paulus’, sondern die theologischen Implikationen in politischen Fragen der Gegenwart.

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Research paper thumbnail of (Ed.) Topografías de la modernidad. El pensamiento de Walter Benjamin,

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Research paper thumbnail of Sind alle Dinge widersprüchlich? Žižek und Brandom über das materialistische Erbe der Metaphysik Hegels

Zizek-Handbuch (Hg. D. Finkelde), 2025

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Research paper thumbnail of The Pathological A Priori. On Guilt and Shame in "Creaturely Life"

Politics of the Flesh. On Eric Santner's Philosophy., 2024

While classical authority is positivistic in form, authority in the age of Radical Democracy is n... more While classical authority is positivistic in form, authority in the age of Radical Democracy is negative in form. The latter produces shame as the pathological a priori of modern subjectivity. Shame springs from unworthiness in the face of the infinite demand emitted by the concept of the “coming community”, which, as the never-there-but-always-to-come, puts every present into to the state of a normative subtraction. To be ashamed means to experience oneself as not yet worthy as to what the coming community demands.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fantasy Fatigue: On Political Autopoiesis and the Administration of Enjoyment

Philosophy Today, 2023

Fantasies have the power in the very midst of political communities, consciously and unconsciousl... more Fantasies have the power in the very midst of political communities, consciously and unconsciously alike, to suppress internal antagonisms in times of crises. More specifically, they help to blur aporias of a community’s ideological structures by invoking a common sense that reconstitutes the community, similar to an act of religious conversion. Their impact on the “space of reasons” is analyzed in this article because fantasies, and specifically excessive and radical fantasies, suspend the game of giving and asking for reasons. They do so in order to ground premises of contestation in the background of communal reason via an emotional and secret “code” of what it means to be a “we.” Totalitarian, monarchical, and democratic societies need this “code” to purge society of the pure formalities of political reason, or, in other words: to get rid of fantasy fatigue.

Key words: autopoiesis, enjoyment, fantasy, jouissance, scission, transgression

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Research paper thumbnail of Was ist Wahrheit? Annäherungen an Anton Friedrich Kochs Drei-Aspekte-Theorie

Zeitschrift für Theologie und Philosophie, 2023

ENGLISH: Koch’s three-aspect theory of truth is a central element in his most important publicati... more ENGLISH: Koch’s three-aspect theory of truth is a central element in his most important publications and appears again in his hermeneutic realism. He understands the latter as a contribution to the tradition of dialectical materialism in the wake of Adorno. Hermeneutics is developed in recourse to negative dialectics as a procedure of working interpretatively on the raw materiality of the external world, whereby thinking’s force of negativity, which Adorno emphasized, acquires central importance. Does this mean that Koch’s three-aspect theory of truth ought to be counted as a dialectical-materialist theory of truth? This article develops the thesis that this is not the case. Koch neglects an important moment of truth that contemporary dialectical materialists like Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek emphasize: truth stands for a disruptive force that like an event opposes established spaces of experience and established forms of knowledge.

GERMAN: Kochs Drei-Aspekte-Theorie der Wahrheit ist ein zentraler Baustein seiner wichtigsten Publikationen und kehrt in seinen Ausführungen zum hermeneutischen Realismus wieder. Letzteren versteht er unter anderem als Beitrag zur Tradition des dialektischen Materialismus in der Nachfolge Adornos. Hermeneutik wird im Rekurs auf die negative Dialektik als Verfahren entfaltet, sich interpretativ an der rohen Materialität der Außenwelt abzuarbeiten, wobei die von Adorno hervorgehobene Negativitätskraft des Denkens zentrale Bedeutung erlangt. Ist damit auch Kochs Drei-Aspekte-Theorie der Wahrheit eine dialektisch-materialistische Wahrheitstheorie? In diesem Artikel wird die These entfaltet, dass dies nicht so ist. Koch vernachlässigt ein wichtiges Moment von Wahrheit, wie es zeitgenössische dialektische Materialisten, zu denen Alain Badiou und Slavoj Žižek gezählt werden können, betonen: Wahrheit ist als Disruptionskraft zu verstehen, die wie ein Ereignis sich etablierten Erfahrungsräumen etablierten Wissens entgegenstellt.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Im Schleimbecken der Metaphysik" - Interview mit Dominik Finkelde

Signorelli. Psychoanalyse & Kulturtheorie, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of Žižek und David Lynch: Die Kunst des theoretisch Erhabenen

Zizek und die Künste, forthcoming, 2022

German: Žižek und Lynch ringen in ihren jeweiligen Medien (Philosophie und Film) auf gleiche Wei... more German:
Žižek und Lynch ringen in ihren jeweiligen Medien (Philosophie und Film) auf gleiche Weise mit dem Thema menschlichen Scheiterns durch einen die Geist-Welt Beziehung in Unordnung bringenden sexuellen Exzess. Dieser kann in Gestalt der radikalen Autonomie von Subjektivität in Individuen seine Verkörperung finden. Lynch und Žižek stehen im Bann dieser Subjektivität. Aus ihr quellen libidinös-sexuelle Phantasien, die im Zentrum von Lynchs Filmästhetik und Zizeks Publikationen stehen und aus der Sicht beider die Grundstrukturen der Wirklichkeit zusammenhalten.

Žižek and Lynch both struggle in their respective media (philosophy and film) with the theme of human failure through a sexual excess that disrupts the mind-world relationship time and again. This excess can find embodiment in individuals in the form of the radical autonomy of their subjectivity. Lynch and Žižek are under the spell of this subjectivity since it is haunted by a certain form of "undeadness". As such it is the source of libidinous-sexual fantasies, which are at the center of Lynch's films and Zizek's publications and, in the view of both, hold together the basic structures of reality.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wahrheit und Überschuss. Anton F. Kochs Drei-Aspekte-Theorie der Wahrheit zwischen Hermeneutik und dialektischem Materialismus , 2021

Kochs Drei-Aspekte-Theorie der Wahrheit wird mit Wahrheitstheorien von Badiou und Zizek in einen ... more Kochs Drei-Aspekte-Theorie der Wahrheit wird mit Wahrheitstheorien von Badiou und Zizek in einen Vergleich gegenseitiger Erhellung gestellt, da sich alle drei Autoren als dialektische Materialisten verstehen. Die Frage der Wahrheit hat jedoch für Badiou und Zizek andere Konsequenzen als für Koch. Wie genau diese aussehen, versucht der Artikel zur Darstellung zu bringen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Jouissance as an Ontological Factor

Continental Thought & Theory, 2021

Lacan’s concept jouissance marks the both painful and joyful disturbance of a mind’s libidinal eq... more Lacan’s concept jouissance marks the both painful and joyful disturbance of a mind’s libidinal equilibrium which also gives coherence to the basic structure of reality from the point of view of the individual. Because someone can live a fulfilling life and be happy at all levels of what modern society has to offer, and yet may not resist a very specific form of jouissance – to risk all in favor of a small and obscene deviation from the ordinary: through a WhatsApp message to a minor showing oneself half naked, through cocaine use or a photo of a preteen Thai girl which is hidden in a drawer. The life of the individual becomes condensed as symbolic in confrontation with this minor and sinful deviation from the conventional (the nude photo from Thailand, the drugs, etc.) which, paradoxically, is effective only by being potentially capable of destroying the symbolic universe of the individual. The seemingly ‘slight deviation’ (Epicurus) may influence as traumatic and overly intense encounter with an other the subject’s ability to accept the full ontological weight of her or his world experience. Lacan’s notion of jouissance helps us understand this kind of transgression, which an individual mind might have to risk as a reenactment of what Lacan calls the “forced choice” of subjectivity.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Dream that Knew Too Much. On Freud, Lacan, and Philip K. Dick

Parallax. The Dialectics of Mind and World, 2021

The paper presents a mutual permeation of, on the one hand, non-wakefulness in everyday life thro... more The paper presents a mutual permeation of, on the one hand, non-wakefulness in everyday life through, on the other hand, experiences of awakening through dreaming. It is explained with reference to two examples: (1) a short story called “Exhibit Piece” by the US-American science fiction author Philip K. Dick turned into the episode “Real Life” of the TV-series Electric Dreams, and (2) the much-commented dream of the “burning child” which Freud analyzes in chapter seven of "The Interpretation of Dreams". The author shows how reality, as that which is, results in a parallactic contortion of states of not-wakefulness on the level of our everyday consciousness. However, theses mental states rest, and this is decisive, on experiences of awakening through dreaming. The chiastic relationship of non-wakefulness during being awake and of awakening through dreaming is explained by Lacan with the help of the Aristotelian concepts of “tyche” and “automaton” and with reference to the Taoist philosopher Chuang Tzu. The paper shows how the psyche in her dream work can encounter truth values which, due to repression mechanisms in the waking state, maintain non-wakefulness in our everyday life.

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Research paper thumbnail of Subjectivity as a Feature of Reality (Hegel, Badiou, and Lacan)

De Gruyter: Idealism, Relativism, and Realism. New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic Continental Divide, 2020

Abstract: In any account of how things really are, subjectivity can be both a for- mal and a dist... more Abstract: In any account of how things really are, subjectivity can be both a for- mal and a distorting factor for Hegel and Lacan’s adaptation of Hegelian dialectics. Lacan speaks of a pre-theoretical experience of being in the world where human beings are literally called by reality to be social agents and fill in gaps of this reality at the same time with their fantasies. As such, fantasies play an epistemic role, neglected often in both epistemological and ontological debates. But since the status of reality, with or without fantasies, is never all and complete, antagonisms within reality cannot be contained. Ontology, as our inquiry into ‘what there is,’ affects ‘what there is’ in that subjectivity, troubled by antagonism, always goes beyond established forms of facts, theoretically, practically and phantasmagorically. Finkelde argues, especially with reference to Kant and Hegel, that subjectivity, with its imaginary intertwinement of what Lacan calls the symbolic order, is a feature of reality (as virtuality) and not just a hall- mark of the conscious mind.

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Research paper thumbnail of In Need of a Master. On the Failure of Radical Democracy in the Era of Liberal-Democratic Authoritarianism

In Need of a Master, 2020

If subsets of a set are allowed to question the limits of the set which they are part of, and thi... more If subsets of a set are allowed to question the limits of the set which they are part of, and this questioning has a priori ontological priority over the stability of the set, then the indeterminacy of limits is constantly in danger of generating new sets time and again. A large number of such new sets may then generate a truly exceptional superset, which restricts subsets to question and limit its borderlines. When this happens within the political activities associated with the governance of a country or a state -- as it does today within the rise of authoritarian anti-liberal political movements (from Orban to Trump) -- premises of radical democratic theory are in peril since authoritarianism shows to be its flip-side and the unwanted child it nurtured unintentionally.

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur Notwendigkeit eines "Ministeriums für kollektive Phantasiepflege und Transgression"

Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy (Special Issue: On Institutions), 2020

Phantasien haben die Macht inmitten von politischen Gemeinschaften, bewusst und unbewusst zugleic... more Phantasien haben die Macht inmitten von politischen Gemeinschaften, bewusst und unbewusst zugleich, innere Gegensätze in Krisenzeiten zu unterdrücken. Genauer gesagt helfen sie Aporien der ideologischen Strukturen einer Gemeinschaft durch die Beschwörung eines Gemeinsinns zu verwischen, der die Gemeinschaft neu begründet, ähnlich einem Akt religiöser Konversion. Ihre Auswirkungen auf den diskursiven "Raum der Gründe" werden in diesem Artikel analysiert, da Phantasien und speziell exzessive und radikale Phantasien das Spiel des Gebens und Nehmens von Gründen aufkündigen. Sie tun dies, um im Hintergrund der kommunalen Vernunft über einen emotional und geheimen "Code" dessen, was es bedeutet ein "Wir" zu sein, Prämissen der Auseinandersetzung grundzulegen. Totalitäre, monarchische und demokratische Gesellschaften brauchen diesen "Code", um durch Spaltungen der Politik die Gemeinschaft im Namen von Transgressionen von reinen Formalbestimmungen politischer Vernunft der Gesellschaft zu reinigen.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Anamorphosis and Subjectivity in the Space of Reasons. On the diffraction-laws of consciousness and reality in Hegel and Lacan [Philosophy Today, 64:1 (2020)]](

Philosophy Today, 2020

Jacques Lacan comments repeatedly on anamorphic art as it exemplifies for him how the mind from a... more Jacques Lacan comments repeatedly on anamorphic art as it exemplifies for him how the mind from a certain angle perceives through law-like patterns the world that would otherwise be nothing but a chaos of arbitrary multiplicities. The angle, though, has a certain effect of what is perceived; an effect that, as such, cannot be perceived within the realm of experience. The article tries to make the link between diffraction laws of perception more explicit in the subject-object dichotomy and refers for that purpose both to the work of Hegel and Lacan. A reference to Hegel is necessary, as Hegel was not only one of Lacan's most important sources of insights, but the author who first focused on justified true belief through a theory of missed encounters between truth and knowledge.

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Research paper thumbnail of Non-Wakefulness. On the Parallax Between Dreaming and Awakening

The Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence, 3:2 (2020), 92-107. , 2020

Non-wakefulness proves to be a basic condition of experience, since human beings, living in webs ... more Non-wakefulness proves to be a basic condition of experience, since human beings, living in webs of supernumerary information processes, can only build social relations through unacknowledged forms of passive or “interpassive” (Pfaller) structures of transference due to limited forms of being non-awake toward the properties of all kinds of things. This can cause multiple conflicts both for the individual human being reaching out to facts, as well as for political communities where one sees another as blinded by some kind of “dogmatic slumber”. The article tries to show how the concept non-wakefulness explains in what way mental states are – individually as well as collectively – in relations with objects that are necessarily “withdrawn” (Harman) from us as presented especially in contemporary debates on Speculative Realism. Furthermore, the text develops an understanding of waking-up as the latter marks the moment when a mental state of epistemic deficiency is temporarily left behind. Reality exists only insofar as it is smoothed out via unconscious structures of non-wakefulness, while in dreams objects may unconceal themselves for a short period of time when ‘secondary process’ functions (Freud) of our judgmental capacities are dropped.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wir sind die Zombies. Eine Analyse der Nicht-Wachheit - NZZ - Feuilleton 20. Juni 2019

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2019

Wir lieben Buchhandlungen – und kaufen dennoch bei Amazon ein. Unser Handeln im Alltag ist total ... more Wir lieben Buchhandlungen – und kaufen dennoch bei Amazon ein. Unser Handeln im Alltag ist total widersprüchlich, doch der Widerspruch hat Methode: Wir leben im Zustand einer zombiehaften Nichtwachheit. In unseren immer komplexeren Gesellschaften sollten wir lernen, uns damit anzufreunden.

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[Research paper thumbnail of Lack and Excess - Zero and One. On Concrete Universality in Dialectical Materialism [Philosophy Today 63:1]](

Philosophy Today , 2019

How can a set throw itself into itself and remain a set and an element of itself at the same tim ... more How can a set throw itself into itself and remain a set and an element of itself at the same tim e? This is obviously impossible, as Bertrand Russell has prominently shown. One simply cannot pic a trash can up and throw it into itself. Now, Hegel and Badiou, but also the anti-Hegelian W. Benjamin, take different positions on the subject when they refer time and again to versions of “concrete universality” as an oxymoronic structure that touches ontologically upon their theoretical as well as their practical philosophies. The article tries to show how the philosophers affirm the mentioned paradox as central for the understanding of DialecticalMaterialism in its classical (nineteenth-century) as well as in its modern (twentieth-century)and contemporary (twenty-first-century) understanding.

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Research paper thumbnail of The 'secret code' of honour – on political enjoyment and the excrescence of fantasy (in: Culture, Theory and Critique, June 2018)

Culture, Theory and Critique, 2018

Fantasies and especially excessive or ‘phantascistic’ fantas... more Fantasies and especially excessive or ‘phantascistic’ fantasies, as they are referred to here, have the power to suppress within political communities, consciously and unconsciously alike, inner antagonisms in times of crisis. More precisely, they help to blur aporias within the ideological structures of a community through the evocation of a sensus communis (Kant) that establishes the community anew, similar to an act of religious conversion. Their impact on the space of reasons is analysed in this article as one that does not take part in the game of giving and asking for reasons, but operates in the background of communal reason via an emotionally and clandestine ‘code’ of what it means to be ‘We … – We who we are’. Next to theoretical elaborations of how and why these phantascistic fantasies are produced, the theory will be further explained through a series of exemplifications demonstrating the way that it has played out across a long history of conflict in the Middle East and a shorter history of contemporary politics in the United States. Through all of this, the aim is to illustrate how very concrete excessive fantasies have an impact on a body politic’s form of enjoyment.

Key-words: Political Enjoyment, normative orders, 'nightly law', sensus communis, Eichmann-trial, jouissance

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Research paper thumbnail of "A ceux qui m'aiment, encore." Zu Liebe und Hass in Gefolgschaft (nach Lacan)

RISS-Material. Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse, 2020

(English below) "Man muss gehört haben, wie er spricht," schrieb Louis Althusser über seinen Koll... more (English below)
"Man muss gehört haben, wie er spricht," schrieb Louis Althusser über seinen Kollegen Lacan. "Erst dann kann man die glanzvolle Bosheit begreifen, in der Lacan sich als Individuum realisiert. Wenn sie ins Seminar von Lacan gehen, werden Sie alle Arten von Leuten zu sehen bekommen, ins Gebet versunken vor einem unverständlichen Diskurs." Ein ähnliches Urteil ist über zahlreiche ‚Wegbereiter' in Wissenschaft und Politik aussagbar. Sie verlangen Liebe zu ihrer Person, da die Universalität ihrer Botschaft nur vom Ort ihrer Singularität verstanden werden kann; und doch ist dieser Ort, den Liebe eröffnet, utopisch. Er verwischt den neutralen Bereich universalisierbarer Propositionen durch die Singularität der verehrten/geliebten (und gehassten) Person. Dadurch transzendiert der Meister die Wirklichkeit und eröffnet gleichzeitig einen Abgrund, in dem die utopische Liebe dystopisch verkehrt und Hass eine Konsequenz werden kann.

English: "To those who love me, still." On Love and Hatred in Discipleship.

"You must have heard how he speaks," wrote Louis Althusser about his colleague Lacan. "Only then can you understand the splendid malice in which he (Lacan) realizes himself as an individual. When you go to his seminar, you will see all kinds of people, immersed in prayer, in front of an incomprehensible discourse."
A similar judgment can be said about numerous 'pioneers' in science, philosophy and politics. They often demand love for themselves since the universality of their message can only be understood from the place of their singularity; and yet this place, opened by love, is utopian. It blurs the neutral domain of reasonable propositions with the singularity of the beloved (and hated) individual. In doing so, the "master" transcends reality and, at the same time, opens up an abyss in which utopian love dystopically can be reversed and transform into hatred.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Was Hegel über Greta Thunberg wusste" - Die ZEIT, Feuilleton 25. April 2019

Die Zeit, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of What Hegel Already Knew About Greta Thunberg

Die Zeit, 2019

Feuilleton: DIE ZEIT, April 2019.

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Research paper thumbnail of Flyer - Die Last allen Fleisches. Zur Philosophie Eric Santners

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Research paper thumbnail of The Weight of All Flesh. Ein Symposion zur Philosophie von Eric Santner (English / German) - June 1-3, 2023 in Munich, Germany.

The American literary scholar Eric Santner (University of Chicago) is one of the most influential... more The American literary scholar Eric Santner (University of Chicago) is one of the most influential intellectuals of his generation, since in numerous publications he succeeds in linking the globally diagnosed spread of the superiority of economic conditions of existence with questions of their unacknowledged metaphysical need for redemption. Psychoanalysis, political theology and Marxian commodity theory are systematically combined by Santner with Foucault's and Agamben's analyses of power.


Der amerikanische Literaturwissenschaftler Eric Santner gehört zu den einflussreichsten Intellektuellen seiner Generation, da es ihm in zahlreichen Publikationen gelingt, die weltweit diagnostizierte Ausbreitung der Übermacht ökonomischer Existenzbedingungen mit Fragen ihrer uneingestandenen metaphysischen Erlösungsbedürftigkeit in Verbindung zu bringen. Psychoanalyse, politische Theologie und Marx’sche Warentheorie werden dabei von Santner in Kombination mit Foucaults und Agambens Machtanalysen systematisch verbunden.

Ort: Hochschule für Philosophie, München, Kaulbachstr. 31 / 33, 80539 München.
Organisation: Dominik Finkelde, Rebekka Klein. Unterstützt durch das Evangelisch theologische Fakultät der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

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Research paper thumbnail of CONFERENCE: Parallax - The Dependence of Reality on Its Subjective Constitution (Munich: Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 2018)

The concept parallax refers to the apparent displacement in the position of an object viewed alon... more The concept parallax refers to the apparent displacement in the position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight. Yet, more precisely, it includes the assumption to understand the observable change not simply as a subjective change of focus on the part of the subject, but also as a change of the object (characterized by an internal antagonism) on the level of its ontological status. In this case, a shift in the epistemic standpoint of the subject implies an ontological change in the object as well.
Parallax can be detected in Kant's antinomies, as well as in the incommensurability of various debates between eliminative scientistic and historically dialectical materialists, and it can be identified in the struggles for the sovereignty of a scientific worldview over, for example, life forms of religions. At the conference, internationally outstanding philosophers devote themselves to the concept of parallax within German Idealism and contemporary ontology in order to present it as an illuminating figure of thought and explanation, especially in theoretical philosophy.
As multifaceted as this figure of thought is, it contradicts both a naive epistemological realism, widespread in the academic world of today, and an eliminative scientism, namely in rejecting the belief in one basic structure of reality in which subject and object can harmoniously be put to rest. Parallax stands in opposition to this belief.

Key Lecture: Slavoj Žižek

Time: Nov. 30 (9 am) - Dec. 1 (2 pm), 2018
Location: Munich School of Philosophy

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Research paper thumbnail of CONFERENCE - Continental Realism (8.-9. December 2017, Munich) -  FINAL PROGRAM

Ontology is the investigation into the most general aspects of reality as it asks either question... more Ontology is the investigation into the most general aspects of reality as it asks either questions “On What There Is,” or focuses on the basic categories of being and their relations. A common ‘battle-line’ within this discipline is the famous and still vividly contested analytic continental divide. It has been questioned in recent years especially by authors who share the assumption that science is not systematically the ultimate measure of truth and reality. This does not mean that we should abandon the notions of truth or objectivity all together, as has been posited repeatedly within certain currents of twentieth century philosophy. Investigations of contemporary philosophers – presented under titles such as “New Realism”, or “New Materialism” – combine therefore theoretical philosophy with speculative realism and process philosophy. Authors within this field share similar desires: to rethink the Kantian opposition between the noumenal and the phenomenal, and to reconsider under the term “correlationism” the former hard-fought battle-lines between realism and anti-realism. The international conference “Continental Realism” focuses on the uniting interests of these new investigations with the aim of clarifying what the so-called “continental” tradition nowadays stands for within contemporary ontology. The conference is divided in three areas of investigation: 1.) Realism in Contemporary Theoretical philosophy, 2.) Knowledge and Metaphysics, 3.) Ontology and Politics.
Speakers: Ray Brassier, Markus Gabriel, Peter Gratton, I. H. Grant, Paul Livingston, Andrea Kern, Martin Kusch et al.

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Research paper thumbnail of CONFERENCE - Badiou and the State / Munich 18-19 Jan. 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Lack and Excess / Zero and One: Hegel with Badiou

Talk given at "Badiou and the Consequences of Philosophy", University of the Arts, Berlin, 29 Jan... more Talk given at "Badiou and the Consequences of Philosophy", University of the Arts, Berlin, 29 January 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Anamorphosis, Reason (Lacan) and the Snowden Case

Here the Link

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