Hazar Kaba | Sinop Üniversitesi (original) (raw)

Papers by Hazar Kaba

Research paper thumbnail of FULL TEXT WITH IMAGES - Between Rejection and Coping - Do Turkish Cypriots Have the Right to Conduct Archaeological Research?


In this paper, firstly I narrate the process of discovery and study of a rich aristocratic tomb o... more In this paper, firstly I narrate the process of discovery and study of a rich aristocratic tomb of the Classical Period from Soloi in Cyprus, which is the focus of the study. However, specific attention is shown to how repeated efforts to open this tomb up to international research faced objections and refusals. I outline and question the denials in terms of scholarly ethics and legal aspects. Through this rigorous case study of the Soloi tomb, I reveal how political concerns, misinterpretation of international law, and disputes over the ownership of archaeological heritage pushed Cypriot archaeology into a difficult position. I further emphasize how rejection and coping applied to Turkish Cypriot archaeologists’ generation of scientific knowledge dramatically adempts their right to conduct archaeological research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing the Metal Vessel Acquisition Patterns and Trends of the Thracian and Cypriot Elite during the Classical Period


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Research paper thumbnail of The Display of Wealth, Status and Power: Two Recently Discovered Mid-fourth-century BC Pebble-mosaic Floors from Sinope

Anatolian Studies, 2022

In 2019, excavation in the Yalnızlar neighbourhood of Sinop, Turkey, revealed a small number of a... more In 2019, excavation in the Yalnızlar neighbourhood of Sinop, Turkey, revealed a small number of architectural remains, two stone-paved floors and two lavishly decorated pebble-mosaic floors. Both the architectural remains and the pebble mosaic floors are a rare finds in Sinop, even more so given that the floors were found largely intact within their architectural settings. These elements appear to have constituted a portion of a once-grand house of the mid-fourth century BC. This article focuses on the pebble-mosaic floors, which will be analysed in two parts. The first introduces the floors and considers their construction techniques and decorative programmes. Analogies form an essential part of the analysis in order to contextualise both pavements within the corpus of Greek pebble-mosaic floors. A holistic evaluation of the architectural remains and the mosaics follows, in order to consider the setting and use of the floors. In the second part
of the article, the sociocultural context of the mosaics is addressed. The analysis considers the meaning and symbolism of their decorations, as well as the place they once occupied within the lives of their owners. Ultimately, the position of the examples from Sinope within the wider sphere of mid-fourth-century BC Greek pebble-mosaic floors will be considered, along with the significance of such lavishly decorated floors in Sinope at this time.

For purchasing the full-text visit: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/anatolian-studies/article/abs/display-of-wealth-status-and-power-two-recently-discovered-midfourthcentury-bc-pebblemosaic-floors-from-sinope/0CBE74C4B1EEB36D6F6136D567DC9869

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Research paper thumbnail of Re-Identifying the Kyme Hydria: New Ideas and Interpretations of its Typology, Date and Origin

EIRENE, 2021

Ancient hydriai made from bronze or other precious materials occupy an important place within the... more Ancient hydriai made from bronze or other precious materials occupy an important place within the field of toreutic studies. These vessels, in addition to their principal purpose of holding liquids, were also preferred as containers for the ashes of the deceased, and so were placed in the graves of ancient Greeks in significant quantities mostly in the Archaic but also in the Classical period.
Present-day Turkey, ancient Asia Minor, has supplied a vast assemblage of a range of toreutic vessels from various eras of antiquity. In 2012 a new addition was made to this assemblage with the discovery of an exceptional bronze hydria in the necropolis of the ancient Aeolian city of Kyme. Carefully produced and richly adorned with a relief plaquette of Dionysos and Silenus, this vessel was first published several years after its discovery. However, it has yet to receive a full treatment, including a detailed comparison with other examples. This paper aims to rectify this situation by “re-identifying” the Kyme hydria through a wide-ranging study. Firstly, the vessel will be re-evaluated in terms of its find context, including assessment of the other finds recovered from the same tomb. There follows a detailed typological analysis in which analogies are drawn with contemporary metal vessels. This will help both to challenge the previously suggested use, production technique and date and to identify the possible origin of this vessel. Last but not least, comments are made on how this exceptional hydria might have found its way to Kyme and the significance of this within the wider world of Greek toreutics.

Keywords: Kyme; hydria; Dionysos; Silenus; late 4th century BC

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Research paper thumbnail of Contextualising the Necropolis of Soloi within the Cypro-Archaic Mortuary Horizon

CEDRUS, 2021

Archaeological interest in the Cypriot ne- cropoleis began in the late 19th century and has in- c... more Archaeological interest in the Cypriot ne- cropoleis began in the late 19th century and has in- creased at a growing pace to the present day. As a result, there is a significant quantity of data related to Cypriot mortuary behaviour, which is referred to as the “Cypriot mortuary horizon” in this paper. However, studies of this so-called horizon have not been holistic, and some necropoleis have been consistently ignored by researchers. The necropolis of Soloi is one of these overlooked examples. This study aims to correct this oversight by focusing on the Cypro-Archaic (750-480 B.C.) necropolis of Soloi. Accordingly, the separately published results of the pre-1974 excavations are interpreted together with the unpublished data of the post-1974 rescue excavations. A comparison of the emerging picture with contemporary Cypriote necropoleis shows that Soloi was an essential component in the creation of the Cypri- ote mortuary horizon. The similarities it displays in tomb typologies and inventories, and, most important- ly, to certain funerary behaviours identified elsewhere on Cyprus enables a better understanding of the pan- island mortuary world.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Eğrekbaşı” Revisited - A Topographic and Contextual Correctum to a Burial Ground from the Southern Necropolis of Parion

Ege Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2021

Parion, one of the most important port cities of Troad, possesses great importance to Anatolian a... more Parion, one of the most important port cities of Troad, possesses great importance to Anatolian archaeology with its necropolis. Excavated continuously since 2005, a small portion of the cities southern necropolis, named Tavşandere, became the leading information provider for the understanding of the organisation of the cities burial grounds, funerary customs and grave typology.

However, a small rescue excavation conducted nearly a kilometre south of the Tavşandere tends to change this situation. This rescue excavation that took place within a small-scale area revealed two cist graves and one sarcophagus. Especially one of the cist graves attracted attention with its very rich inventory of jewellery. This new burial ground possesses the potential to change our state-of-the-art knowledge on the size, topography and organisation of Parion’s southern necropolis. Evaluated under two publications this new burial ground from the hinterland of Parion still did not find its deserved place within the funerary archaeology of the Troad.

This paper aims to re-evaluate this new burial ground, its topography, organisation and finds with some updated knowledge, new points of view and more in-detail comparanda. To do so, the topography, grave typology and most importantly the find repertories of this burial ground will be re-examined, compared with parallels and evaluated with the other burial grounds of the region.

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Research paper thumbnail of Troas Tümülüs Mezar Yapılarına Yeni Bir Katkı: Beyoba Tümülüsü / A New Addition to the Corpus of Tumular Tomb Structures from Troad: The Beyoba Tumulus

Propontis ve Çevre Kültürleri / Propontis and Surrounding Cultures, Parion Studies III, 2020

Troad is a landscape that is abundant of various tumuli. Tumuli, which first exemplars were ac- c... more Troad is a landscape that is abundant of various tumuli. Tumuli, which first exemplars were ac- cepted to be erected to the honour of Homeric heroes, were continuously in use in the region during the whole antiquity. Unfortunately, studies on tumuli from Troad are either insufficient or limited. Within this frame, every discovery and its proper scientific analysis gains an essential role.
Nevertheless, such a discovery took place in 2018 as a tumulus located a few kilometres southwest of Parion was rescue excavated under the directorship of Çanakkale Museum. Known as the Beyoba Tumulus this mound and a tomb structure built under it rests on a high hill overlooking one of the plains that were once dominated by Parion. Revealed to be partially destroyed as a result of several illicit excavations the Beyoba Tumulus sup- plied a notable amount of artefacts and an interesting architectural layout. Especially the architecture, reflect- ing a hybrid Thraco-Macedonian character, supplied us with a rare exemplar for its subject matter when the region of Troad is into consideration.
This paper focuses primarily on the more important architectural traits of the Beyoba Tumulus. Within its course firstly a descriptive sharing of the tumulus’ plan, building technique and main architectural traits will be achieved. Following this, in-detail analogies will be established with parallels originating respectively from Thrace and Macedonia. This analogical approach will be further harmonized with certain contemporary local tumuli. By doing so, it is aimed to contextualise the origin and existence of this hybrid structure originating from the Beyoba Tumulus. A further historical and geopolitical contextualisation will also be achieved by the interpretation of this tumular tomb with the historical events of its era.
Keywords: Parion, Thraco-Macedonian tumuli, Late 4th century BC, corbelled roof, barrel-vault

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Research paper thumbnail of An Elite Tomb from Soloi: New Evidence for the Funerary Archaeology of Cyprus

ADALYA, 2020

This article focuses on a 4th century BC tomb from the necropolis of Soloi, an important ancient ... more This article focuses on a 4th century BC tomb from the necropolis of Soloi, an important ancient city in northwestern Cyprus. The tomb,
together with five others, were revealed during a rescue excavation between 2005-2006. They supply us with evidence related to the Cypro-
Classical period of Soloi. The specific tomb that will be evaluated is distinguished from its contemporaries, especially by its rich inventory of
gold and silver jewelry and metal vessels. The tomb is characterized by three separate burial chambers that open to a rock-cut central courtyard
(prodomos). It supplies us with valuable information related to the sociocultural structure, internal and external relations of Cypro-
Classical Soloi as well as funerary beliefs and customs of its elite.

The article firstly gives a detailed structural and comparative analysis conducted to reveal both the spatial and architectural characteristics
of the tomb. This will be followed by a superficial, yet still informative, analysis of all the burials and their rich inventories. Last but not least, the burials and their inventories will be contextualized within the setting of
the 4th century BC Cypriot and Greek burial customs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuity and Discontinuity in Funerary Traditions of Cyprus between the 4th and the 3rd Century BC. An Analysis of Grave Types and Jewellery as Tomb Gifts

he Transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic Period in the Levant, Cyprus, and Cilicia: Cultural Interruption or Continuity, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Marble Funerary Vases from Sinope

Colloquium Anatolicum - 18, 2019

Keywords: Funerary Marble Vases, Grave Marker, Lekythos, Attic, Hydria Marble vessels of various... more Keywords: Funerary Marble Vases, Grave Marker, Lekythos, Attic, Hydria

Marble vessels of various forms and types had an essential role within the life of ancient people. However, the tedious obtaining process and the long-lasting lifetime of marble made the vessels produced from it valuable and scantly obtainable objects for everyone’s domestic life. On the other hand, due to its durability, marble vessels were highly preferred, especially by the elite for ritual but mostly for funerary oriented areas. Two marble vases kept within the storages of the Sinop Archaeological Museum supply us with some good examples of marble vessels produced and used for funerary oriented purposes. The two vases, carved in the shape of a lekythos and a hydria, are important finds for a better understanding of the funerary beliefs, cultural interactions and, even at some point, the demographic structure of ancient Sinop. In the scope of this paper, continuous evaluation will be conducted, firstly for an in detail interpreting and understanding of the two vases. Full or partial comparisons will be drawn with other various vases for establishing a more definite identification and a secure dating. Last but not least, the vases will be tried to be placed within the context of the use of marble vases for funerary purposes.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Mermer Cenaze Kapları, Mezar Belirteci, Lekythos, Attik, Hydria

Çeşitli form ve tiplerde mermer kaplar antik dönem insanının hayatında önemli rollere sahip olmuştur. Ancak meşakkatli elde etme süreci ve uzun ömürlü oluşu gibi unsurlar mermerden üretilmiş kapları herkesin gündelik hayatı için değerli ve az miktarda temin edilebilir bir hale sokmuştur. Diğer yandan dayanıklılığı sayesinde mermerden üretilen kaplar özellikle elit kesim tarafından ritüel ancak daha çok ölü gömme odaklı kullanılmak üzere tercih edilmiştir. Sinop Arkeoloji Müzesi depolarında muhafaza altında tutulan iki adet mermer kap, özellikle ölü gömmede kullanılan formlar için güzel örneklemeler sunmaktadır. Biri lekythos diğeri ise hydria formunda olacak şekilde üretilmiş bu iki
kap, antik Sinop’taki ölü gömme inançları, kültürel etkileşimler hatta bir noktada demografik yapı hakkında değerli verilere ulaşmada kıymetli birer eser görevi görmektedir. Bu çalışma bünyesinde her iki kabın da detaylı ve kapsamlı bir incelemesi gerçekleştirilecektir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gods on the Mountain? The Case of the Votive Statuettes from Sykhari-Lakkin on Cyprus.

MORS IMMATURA In the Shadow of Amanus In Memoriam Hayriye Akıl, Edited by K. Serdar Girginer, Gonca Dardeniz, Ayça Gerçek, Fatih Erhan, Elif Genç, İrfan Tuğcu, Özlem Oyman-Girginer, M. Cem Fırat, Hakan Gerçek, M. Furkan Tufan. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları., 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Parion, Toprak Kuleler Mevkindeki Roma Dönemi Oda Mezarlar (Roman Chamber Tombs from Toprak Kuleler Locality in Parion)


Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense excavation period lasti... more Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense excavation period lasting from 2011 to 2017 within the Toprak Kuleler locality on the southeastern limits of the ancient city of Parion.

The tombs that were built by means of using rubble and mortar were found to be covered with a layer of stucco both from inside and outside. Entrance to the tombs, which are all below the ground level, was made possible by small entrances all opening to the south and understood
to be closed by monolith blocks. All tombs were covered by a built barrel vault. Floors of the chambers were carved from the bedrock itself and in some examples was divided by two basins or was left undivided.

A total of 47 artefacts were recovered from the chambers as well as from the soil taken out by the illegal excavations. The overall repertory comprises of ceramics, glass artefacts, metal objects, coins and jewellery. One of the tombs with a partially preserved context, named as
OM5, especially stands out from the rest as it housed a mass burial made of more than forty bodies piled on top or aside of each other.
All these tombs and their remains, which will be evaluated within this study, posses a high potential for a better understanding of the social, demographic and religious identity of Parion as well as its burials customs during the Early Imperial Roman Period.

Keywords: Burial customs, chamber tomb, Early Imperial Period, Roman, necropolis

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Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking the Plakettenvasen from Sinope: New Perspectives on the Dating, Meaning and Use of an Extraordinary Ceramic Ware (with colour plates)

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology, 2019

An undecorated sarcophagus was found in 2013 during infrastructure works in the Gelincik dis... more An undecorated sarcophagus was found in 2013 during infrastructure works in the Gelincik district of Sinop, where the western necropolis of ancient Sinope was once located. Rescue excavations conducted by the Sinop Museum documented a rich assemblage of grave offerings, including various types of jewellery, personal-care items, coins and a range of pottery, within the sarcophagus. Amongst the pottery, a small group of Attic vases and several well-preserved clay vessels with polychrome relief decoration, known as Plakettenvasen, are of particular
note. According to anthropological analyses, this rich burial belonged to a young female.
This paper presents the burial and its offerings, but with a focus on the polychrome Plakettenvasen. It reviews the dating of this pottery group, which has been a problematic issue, on the basis of the wider assemblage recovered from the sarcophagus.

Keywords: Plakettenvasen, Sinope, sarcophagus, polychrome relief ceramics, Late Classical.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Bronze Prize Hydria from Sinop Museum

Cevat Başaran’a 60. Yaş Armağanı Essays for Cevat Başaran’s 60th Birthday Occasion, 2019

Hydrialar Yunan metal kap repertuarının en dikkat çeken ve fazla örnekle nitelenen formların... more Hydrialar Yunan metal kap repertuarının en dikkat çeken ve fazla örnekle nitelenen formlarından biridir. Metal hydrialar, çeşitli tiplerdeki formları, zengin süsleme repertuvarları ama aynı zamanda oldukça geniş ölçekli kullanım alanları ile de dikkat çeken eserlerdir. Tüm antik dönem
boyunca, özellikle metal hydrialar, bilinen ana amacı olan su taşıyıp muhafaza etme dışında spor müsabakalarının kazananlarına ödül olarak verilmiş, tapınaklara adanan başlıca eserler olmuş, savaş ganimeti olarak özellikle tercih edilmiş, seçimlerde oy sandığı olarak kullanılmış hatta gömülerde en sık tercih edilen urne kaplarından olmuştur.
Günümüzde Sinop Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde sergilenmekte olan tunç bir hydria kalpis sade ve süslemesiz formuna rağmen ağız kenarındaki bir
yazıt ile dikkat çekmektedir. Daha önce bilim dünyasına duyurulmamış bu kalpis ağız kenarındaki yazıt ışığında çok az sayıda temsil edilen bir ödül hydriasına yeni bir örnekleme sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, söz konusu hydrianın tanımını, formsal ve ölçüsel özelliklerini irdeleme yanında, özellikle yazıtı üzerinden yola çıkarak, eserin metal hydria envanterindeki konumuna yerleştirilmesini amaçlamaktadır

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Research paper thumbnail of Sykhari–Lakkin: Preliminary Observations on a New Archaeological Landscape from Kyrenia Mountains – Cyprus

Anatolia, 2018

Although it is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, Cyprus can be regarded as a sm... more Although it is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, Cyprus can be regarded as a small geography on the basis of its surface area. Yet, the island still offers great importance for both Mediterranean and world archaeology in terms of archaeological wealth and diversity it hosts. For the last quarter-century, surveys conducted in the western, southern and northwestern parts of Cyprus have added lots of new information to the island's archaeological inventory. On the other hand, there is a continuing stability in the north and east of the island for many years.
Just in this context and situation, a series of coincidental discoveris related to an archaeological landscape within a small valley on the Kyrenia Mountain Range has occurred. Within these coincidental discoveries, a group of various archaeological finds was found not contemporarily at a location known as Sykhari-Lakkin. Among these finds, there were tombs as well as a wide selection of ceramics, figurines, architectural elements, industrial usage tools and even some architectural remains. This article will be the first publication that will evaluate Sykhari-Lakkin in an archaeological perspective in light of the aforementioned finds and reveal its archeological significance for the island of Cyprus.

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Sosyal Bilimciler Gözüyle Sinop, 2018

ÖZET Türkiye, modern kentlerin antik yerleşimler üzerine yükseldiği nice örnekle nitelenen b... more ÖZET
Türkiye, modern kentlerin antik yerleşimler üzerine yükseldiği nice örnekle nitelenen bir coğrafya konumundadır. Karadeniz’in liman kentlerinden biri olan Sinop da bir zamanların görkemli antik şehri Sinope’nin kalıntıları üzerinde gelişmiş veya halen daha gelişmekte olan bir kent kimliğine sahiptir. Bunun sonucunda, kentte geçmiş ile günümüzün iç içe dokunduğu bir yapı ortaya çıkmıştır.
Sinop’ta 1950’li yıllarda bilimsel çalışmalar uğruna ilk kazmanın vurulmasından itibaren başlayan süreç günümüze kadar kesintisiz bir şekilde devam edecek bir geleneğin müjdecisi olmuştur. Bu gelenek, bir kısmı akademik odaklı “sezonluk” kazılar ile nitelenen, diğer bir kısmı ise yerel Arkeoloji Müzesi tarafından sürdürülen daimi “kentsel” kurtarma kazılarından ibaret bir kazı geleneğine dönüşmüştür.
Bu çalışma, yetmiş yıllık çift yönlü bu geleneğin kısa ve toplu bir kesitini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma bünyesinde, Sinop kenti ve yakın çevresinde bilimsel amaçlar doğrultusunda gerçekleştirilmiş arkeolojik kazıların başta Sinop ve Karadeniz arkeolojisine, aynı zamanda da Türkiye’nin kentsel arkeolojisine katkıları irdelenecektir. Bu kapsamda yetmiş yıllık süreçte kesintisizce devam eden Müze kazıları yanında TTK Kazıları, Balatlar Kazısı ve Sinop Kale Kazıları gibi mevsimsel kazılar da irdelenecektir.
Böylece kentin arkeolojik kazılarla değişen ve güncellenen antik dokusu, yapısı, kültürel zenginliği ve ilerleyen dönemlerde bilim dünyasına sunabileceği arkeolojik potansiyel toplu bir biçimde değerlendirilmiş olacaktır.

Turkey reflects a geography that has been shaped by various examples of modern cities which still develop on ancient settlements. Sinop, one of the port cities of the Black Sea, reflects an urban character which had developed and is still developing on the remains of the once glorious city of Sinope. This, in the end, resulted in an urban structure where modern meets the ancient.
A scientific process of excavations, which had emerged right after the
first excavations of the 1950’s, quickly became the herald of a continuous tradition that has lasted until the present day. This tradition, nowadays, is defined by both academic “seasonal” excavations and Museum directed continuous “urban rescue” excavations.
This paper aims to present a collective but brief portion of this bidirectional excavation tradition. Within these lines, the contributions of the archaeological excavations to the urban archaeology of Sinop, the Black Sea and Turkey will be evaluated through the study of works done in and around the city. This will be achieved by the examining of both rescue excavations and academic based excavations like TTK Excavations, Balatlar Excavations and Sinop Kale Excavations which can be spread to a time span of nearly seventy years.
Thus the everchanging ancient texture of the city, its structure, cultural richness and the potential that it will present to the world of archaeology will be presented as a whole.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Being Rich in Life and Death - New Gold and Silver Finds from a 4th Century Tomb in Soloi", In The Northern Face of Cyprus - New Studies in Cypriot Archaeology and Art History (L. Summerer and H. Kaba eds.), İstanbul, 2016, 225-242.

Soloi, situated in the Morphou/Güzelyurt region, is known as one of the most important Iron Age p... more Soloi, situated in the Morphou/Güzelyurt region, is known as one of the most important Iron Age polities of ancient Cyprus. Named after the Athenian lawmaker Solon, Soloi pledged loyalty to the Assyrian kings, resisted a fierce Achaemenid siege and stood against Euagoras I, the ambitious king of Salamis, when he wanted to be the sole ruler of the island with the Persian support. The importance of Soloi continued until the end of the Hellenistic Period as it established a long lasting alliance with the Ptolemaic rulers of Alexandria.

The archaeological investigation of Soloi was undertaken by the University of Laval-Quebec between the years 1964 and 1974. However, in the aftermath of the conflicts in 1974, Soloi was neglected until recently, when a rescue excavation was carried out in 2005/2006. This rescue excavation known as “Soli Rescue Excavations” (SRE hereafter) was conducted in the necropolis of the city by the Department of Antiquities and Museums of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The rich "treasures" found in the burial chambers 4A and 4B of the tomb complex “SRE Tomb 4” and a group of other newly discovered tombs from the necropolis are important for shedding light on the Cypro-Classical Period of Soloi. Among the rich finds in both chambers of Tomb 4 are pottery, lamps, figurines, weapons and metal vessels, but the gold and silver jewelry stands out for its material and artistic value.

This article will focus on the precious metal objects from Chamber 4A and 4B, namely the golden and silver jewelry. It aims to present the material, classify and contextualize different jewelry types by style and date, and finally to draw conclusions about the wealthy aristocracy in Soloi.

The large repertory of the jewelry found in Tomb 4 suggests that it derives from the possession of several persons, possibly the members of the same family, buried successively in both chambers.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Cypro-Classical Aphrodite and Eros Figurine from Soloi (Cyprus) / Soli (Kıbrıs) Nekropolünden Kıbrıs-Klasik Dönem Tarihli Bir Aphrodite-Eros Figürini, Anadolu/Anatolia 41, 2015, 77-108.

Abstract: The subject of this article is an Aphrodite and Eros figurine found in Chamber 4A of a ... more Abstract: The subject of this article is an Aphrodite and Eros figurine found in Chamber 4A of a
family grave complex which was found in 2005-2006, during a rescue excavation that was conducted at
the Necropolis of Soloi in Cyprus. The figurine from the chamber, which likely was the burial place of a
high status aristocratic family from the Cypro-Classical Period of the city, bears a significant importance
for the world of archaeology like many other finds from the chamber. The figurine sheds light to the art
of sculpturing of the era, artistic influences on the local productions as well as the character of the Cypro-
Classical Solian sculpture. Stylistic examination of the figurine also reveals the presence of important local
connections and a possible common cult shared by many Cypriot city kingdoms. But the most important
of them all is that Chamber 4A figurine enables us to solidly realise the socio-cultural connections that the
city of Soloi had with Attica Region and especially with Athens during the Cypro-Classical Period. Strong
Attic influence shown by the figurine mixed with local character proves the presence of the Attic sculptors
in the city thus placing Soloi amongst the other Atticly influenced phil-Hellenic city kingdoms like
Marion and Salamis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Soli (Kıbrıs) Nekropolünden Klasik Dönem Tarihli Bir Grup Cenaze Takısı (A Classical Funerary Jewellery Group from the Necropolis of Soloi (Cyprus), KUBABA 24, 2015, 45-58.

A series of rescue excavations which were conducted during 2005-2006 at the necropolis of the anc... more A series of rescue excavations which were conducted during 2005-2006 at the necropolis of the ancient city of Soloi, situated at the Lefke district of the Morphou Region of North Cyprus, revealed a Classical grave complex with three chambers together with many other graves. Named as “Grave 4” by its excavators the so called graves first chamber designated as C was found completely looted, while the other two chambers of A and B yielded extremely rich repertory of finds. This repertory is characterised by various gold and silver jewellery, cups of bronze and silver, ceramic cups and lamps, weapons and a wide variety of luxurious daily usage utensils. Some pieces of the jewellery are understood to be used for funerary purposes only during prothesis, especially in light of their general character as well as their state of finding inside the chamber.
The funerary jewellery of 4A and 4B consisting of wreaths and various dress ornaments, forms an extremely important find group for the Island’s past and Classical archaeology, especially due to the fact that they are all made of gold as well as with the quality and high workmanship they are bearing. Aformentioned jewellery especially attracts attention by showing concrete proofs for the presence of prothesis rituels before burial as well as by reflecting the nature of cultural, trading and religious connections of the Classical Solians.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ceramic Finds from the Necropolis of Knidos (Karpas-Cyprus) / Knidos (Karpaz-Kıbrıs) Nekropol Alanı Seramik Buluntuları, Anadolu/Anatolia 33, 2007, 43-78.

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Research paper thumbnail of FULL TEXT WITH IMAGES - Between Rejection and Coping - Do Turkish Cypriots Have the Right to Conduct Archaeological Research?


In this paper, firstly I narrate the process of discovery and study of a rich aristocratic tomb o... more In this paper, firstly I narrate the process of discovery and study of a rich aristocratic tomb of the Classical Period from Soloi in Cyprus, which is the focus of the study. However, specific attention is shown to how repeated efforts to open this tomb up to international research faced objections and refusals. I outline and question the denials in terms of scholarly ethics and legal aspects. Through this rigorous case study of the Soloi tomb, I reveal how political concerns, misinterpretation of international law, and disputes over the ownership of archaeological heritage pushed Cypriot archaeology into a difficult position. I further emphasize how rejection and coping applied to Turkish Cypriot archaeologists’ generation of scientific knowledge dramatically adempts their right to conduct archaeological research.

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparing the Metal Vessel Acquisition Patterns and Trends of the Thracian and Cypriot Elite during the Classical Period


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Research paper thumbnail of The Display of Wealth, Status and Power: Two Recently Discovered Mid-fourth-century BC Pebble-mosaic Floors from Sinope

Anatolian Studies, 2022

In 2019, excavation in the Yalnızlar neighbourhood of Sinop, Turkey, revealed a small number of a... more In 2019, excavation in the Yalnızlar neighbourhood of Sinop, Turkey, revealed a small number of architectural remains, two stone-paved floors and two lavishly decorated pebble-mosaic floors. Both the architectural remains and the pebble mosaic floors are a rare finds in Sinop, even more so given that the floors were found largely intact within their architectural settings. These elements appear to have constituted a portion of a once-grand house of the mid-fourth century BC. This article focuses on the pebble-mosaic floors, which will be analysed in two parts. The first introduces the floors and considers their construction techniques and decorative programmes. Analogies form an essential part of the analysis in order to contextualise both pavements within the corpus of Greek pebble-mosaic floors. A holistic evaluation of the architectural remains and the mosaics follows, in order to consider the setting and use of the floors. In the second part
of the article, the sociocultural context of the mosaics is addressed. The analysis considers the meaning and symbolism of their decorations, as well as the place they once occupied within the lives of their owners. Ultimately, the position of the examples from Sinope within the wider sphere of mid-fourth-century BC Greek pebble-mosaic floors will be considered, along with the significance of such lavishly decorated floors in Sinope at this time.

For purchasing the full-text visit: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/anatolian-studies/article/abs/display-of-wealth-status-and-power-two-recently-discovered-midfourthcentury-bc-pebblemosaic-floors-from-sinope/0CBE74C4B1EEB36D6F6136D567DC9869

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Research paper thumbnail of Re-Identifying the Kyme Hydria: New Ideas and Interpretations of its Typology, Date and Origin

EIRENE, 2021

Ancient hydriai made from bronze or other precious materials occupy an important place within the... more Ancient hydriai made from bronze or other precious materials occupy an important place within the field of toreutic studies. These vessels, in addition to their principal purpose of holding liquids, were also preferred as containers for the ashes of the deceased, and so were placed in the graves of ancient Greeks in significant quantities mostly in the Archaic but also in the Classical period.
Present-day Turkey, ancient Asia Minor, has supplied a vast assemblage of a range of toreutic vessels from various eras of antiquity. In 2012 a new addition was made to this assemblage with the discovery of an exceptional bronze hydria in the necropolis of the ancient Aeolian city of Kyme. Carefully produced and richly adorned with a relief plaquette of Dionysos and Silenus, this vessel was first published several years after its discovery. However, it has yet to receive a full treatment, including a detailed comparison with other examples. This paper aims to rectify this situation by “re-identifying” the Kyme hydria through a wide-ranging study. Firstly, the vessel will be re-evaluated in terms of its find context, including assessment of the other finds recovered from the same tomb. There follows a detailed typological analysis in which analogies are drawn with contemporary metal vessels. This will help both to challenge the previously suggested use, production technique and date and to identify the possible origin of this vessel. Last but not least, comments are made on how this exceptional hydria might have found its way to Kyme and the significance of this within the wider world of Greek toreutics.

Keywords: Kyme; hydria; Dionysos; Silenus; late 4th century BC

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Research paper thumbnail of Contextualising the Necropolis of Soloi within the Cypro-Archaic Mortuary Horizon

CEDRUS, 2021

Archaeological interest in the Cypriot ne- cropoleis began in the late 19th century and has in- c... more Archaeological interest in the Cypriot ne- cropoleis began in the late 19th century and has in- creased at a growing pace to the present day. As a result, there is a significant quantity of data related to Cypriot mortuary behaviour, which is referred to as the “Cypriot mortuary horizon” in this paper. However, studies of this so-called horizon have not been holistic, and some necropoleis have been consistently ignored by researchers. The necropolis of Soloi is one of these overlooked examples. This study aims to correct this oversight by focusing on the Cypro-Archaic (750-480 B.C.) necropolis of Soloi. Accordingly, the separately published results of the pre-1974 excavations are interpreted together with the unpublished data of the post-1974 rescue excavations. A comparison of the emerging picture with contemporary Cypriote necropoleis shows that Soloi was an essential component in the creation of the Cypri- ote mortuary horizon. The similarities it displays in tomb typologies and inventories, and, most important- ly, to certain funerary behaviours identified elsewhere on Cyprus enables a better understanding of the pan- island mortuary world.

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Research paper thumbnail of “Eğrekbaşı” Revisited - A Topographic and Contextual Correctum to a Burial Ground from the Southern Necropolis of Parion

Ege Arkeoloji Dergisi, 2021

Parion, one of the most important port cities of Troad, possesses great importance to Anatolian a... more Parion, one of the most important port cities of Troad, possesses great importance to Anatolian archaeology with its necropolis. Excavated continuously since 2005, a small portion of the cities southern necropolis, named Tavşandere, became the leading information provider for the understanding of the organisation of the cities burial grounds, funerary customs and grave typology.

However, a small rescue excavation conducted nearly a kilometre south of the Tavşandere tends to change this situation. This rescue excavation that took place within a small-scale area revealed two cist graves and one sarcophagus. Especially one of the cist graves attracted attention with its very rich inventory of jewellery. This new burial ground possesses the potential to change our state-of-the-art knowledge on the size, topography and organisation of Parion’s southern necropolis. Evaluated under two publications this new burial ground from the hinterland of Parion still did not find its deserved place within the funerary archaeology of the Troad.

This paper aims to re-evaluate this new burial ground, its topography, organisation and finds with some updated knowledge, new points of view and more in-detail comparanda. To do so, the topography, grave typology and most importantly the find repertories of this burial ground will be re-examined, compared with parallels and evaluated with the other burial grounds of the region.

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Research paper thumbnail of Troas Tümülüs Mezar Yapılarına Yeni Bir Katkı: Beyoba Tümülüsü / A New Addition to the Corpus of Tumular Tomb Structures from Troad: The Beyoba Tumulus

Propontis ve Çevre Kültürleri / Propontis and Surrounding Cultures, Parion Studies III, 2020

Troad is a landscape that is abundant of various tumuli. Tumuli, which first exemplars were ac- c... more Troad is a landscape that is abundant of various tumuli. Tumuli, which first exemplars were ac- cepted to be erected to the honour of Homeric heroes, were continuously in use in the region during the whole antiquity. Unfortunately, studies on tumuli from Troad are either insufficient or limited. Within this frame, every discovery and its proper scientific analysis gains an essential role.
Nevertheless, such a discovery took place in 2018 as a tumulus located a few kilometres southwest of Parion was rescue excavated under the directorship of Çanakkale Museum. Known as the Beyoba Tumulus this mound and a tomb structure built under it rests on a high hill overlooking one of the plains that were once dominated by Parion. Revealed to be partially destroyed as a result of several illicit excavations the Beyoba Tumulus sup- plied a notable amount of artefacts and an interesting architectural layout. Especially the architecture, reflect- ing a hybrid Thraco-Macedonian character, supplied us with a rare exemplar for its subject matter when the region of Troad is into consideration.
This paper focuses primarily on the more important architectural traits of the Beyoba Tumulus. Within its course firstly a descriptive sharing of the tumulus’ plan, building technique and main architectural traits will be achieved. Following this, in-detail analogies will be established with parallels originating respectively from Thrace and Macedonia. This analogical approach will be further harmonized with certain contemporary local tumuli. By doing so, it is aimed to contextualise the origin and existence of this hybrid structure originating from the Beyoba Tumulus. A further historical and geopolitical contextualisation will also be achieved by the interpretation of this tumular tomb with the historical events of its era.
Keywords: Parion, Thraco-Macedonian tumuli, Late 4th century BC, corbelled roof, barrel-vault

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Research paper thumbnail of An Elite Tomb from Soloi: New Evidence for the Funerary Archaeology of Cyprus

ADALYA, 2020

This article focuses on a 4th century BC tomb from the necropolis of Soloi, an important ancient ... more This article focuses on a 4th century BC tomb from the necropolis of Soloi, an important ancient city in northwestern Cyprus. The tomb,
together with five others, were revealed during a rescue excavation between 2005-2006. They supply us with evidence related to the Cypro-
Classical period of Soloi. The specific tomb that will be evaluated is distinguished from its contemporaries, especially by its rich inventory of
gold and silver jewelry and metal vessels. The tomb is characterized by three separate burial chambers that open to a rock-cut central courtyard
(prodomos). It supplies us with valuable information related to the sociocultural structure, internal and external relations of Cypro-
Classical Soloi as well as funerary beliefs and customs of its elite.

The article firstly gives a detailed structural and comparative analysis conducted to reveal both the spatial and architectural characteristics
of the tomb. This will be followed by a superficial, yet still informative, analysis of all the burials and their rich inventories. Last but not least, the burials and their inventories will be contextualized within the setting of
the 4th century BC Cypriot and Greek burial customs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Continuity and Discontinuity in Funerary Traditions of Cyprus between the 4th and the 3rd Century BC. An Analysis of Grave Types and Jewellery as Tomb Gifts

he Transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic Period in the Levant, Cyprus, and Cilicia: Cultural Interruption or Continuity, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Marble Funerary Vases from Sinope

Colloquium Anatolicum - 18, 2019

Keywords: Funerary Marble Vases, Grave Marker, Lekythos, Attic, Hydria Marble vessels of various... more Keywords: Funerary Marble Vases, Grave Marker, Lekythos, Attic, Hydria

Marble vessels of various forms and types had an essential role within the life of ancient people. However, the tedious obtaining process and the long-lasting lifetime of marble made the vessels produced from it valuable and scantly obtainable objects for everyone’s domestic life. On the other hand, due to its durability, marble vessels were highly preferred, especially by the elite for ritual but mostly for funerary oriented areas. Two marble vases kept within the storages of the Sinop Archaeological Museum supply us with some good examples of marble vessels produced and used for funerary oriented purposes. The two vases, carved in the shape of a lekythos and a hydria, are important finds for a better understanding of the funerary beliefs, cultural interactions and, even at some point, the demographic structure of ancient Sinop. In the scope of this paper, continuous evaluation will be conducted, firstly for an in detail interpreting and understanding of the two vases. Full or partial comparisons will be drawn with other various vases for establishing a more definite identification and a secure dating. Last but not least, the vases will be tried to be placed within the context of the use of marble vases for funerary purposes.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Mermer Cenaze Kapları, Mezar Belirteci, Lekythos, Attik, Hydria

Çeşitli form ve tiplerde mermer kaplar antik dönem insanının hayatında önemli rollere sahip olmuştur. Ancak meşakkatli elde etme süreci ve uzun ömürlü oluşu gibi unsurlar mermerden üretilmiş kapları herkesin gündelik hayatı için değerli ve az miktarda temin edilebilir bir hale sokmuştur. Diğer yandan dayanıklılığı sayesinde mermerden üretilen kaplar özellikle elit kesim tarafından ritüel ancak daha çok ölü gömme odaklı kullanılmak üzere tercih edilmiştir. Sinop Arkeoloji Müzesi depolarında muhafaza altında tutulan iki adet mermer kap, özellikle ölü gömmede kullanılan formlar için güzel örneklemeler sunmaktadır. Biri lekythos diğeri ise hydria formunda olacak şekilde üretilmiş bu iki
kap, antik Sinop’taki ölü gömme inançları, kültürel etkileşimler hatta bir noktada demografik yapı hakkında değerli verilere ulaşmada kıymetli birer eser görevi görmektedir. Bu çalışma bünyesinde her iki kabın da detaylı ve kapsamlı bir incelemesi gerçekleştirilecektir.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gods on the Mountain? The Case of the Votive Statuettes from Sykhari-Lakkin on Cyprus.

MORS IMMATURA In the Shadow of Amanus In Memoriam Hayriye Akıl, Edited by K. Serdar Girginer, Gonca Dardeniz, Ayça Gerçek, Fatih Erhan, Elif Genç, İrfan Tuğcu, Özlem Oyman-Girginer, M. Cem Fırat, Hakan Gerçek, M. Furkan Tufan. İstanbul: Ege Yayınları., 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Parion, Toprak Kuleler Mevkindeki Roma Dönemi Oda Mezarlar (Roman Chamber Tombs from Toprak Kuleler Locality in Parion)


Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense excavation period lasti... more Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense excavation period lasting from 2011 to 2017 within the Toprak Kuleler locality on the southeastern limits of the ancient city of Parion.

The tombs that were built by means of using rubble and mortar were found to be covered with a layer of stucco both from inside and outside. Entrance to the tombs, which are all below the ground level, was made possible by small entrances all opening to the south and understood
to be closed by monolith blocks. All tombs were covered by a built barrel vault. Floors of the chambers were carved from the bedrock itself and in some examples was divided by two basins or was left undivided.

A total of 47 artefacts were recovered from the chambers as well as from the soil taken out by the illegal excavations. The overall repertory comprises of ceramics, glass artefacts, metal objects, coins and jewellery. One of the tombs with a partially preserved context, named as
OM5, especially stands out from the rest as it housed a mass burial made of more than forty bodies piled on top or aside of each other.
All these tombs and their remains, which will be evaluated within this study, posses a high potential for a better understanding of the social, demographic and religious identity of Parion as well as its burials customs during the Early Imperial Roman Period.

Keywords: Burial customs, chamber tomb, Early Imperial Period, Roman, necropolis

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Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking the Plakettenvasen from Sinope: New Perspectives on the Dating, Meaning and Use of an Extraordinary Ceramic Ware (with colour plates)

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology, 2019

An undecorated sarcophagus was found in 2013 during infrastructure works in the Gelincik dis... more An undecorated sarcophagus was found in 2013 during infrastructure works in the Gelincik district of Sinop, where the western necropolis of ancient Sinope was once located. Rescue excavations conducted by the Sinop Museum documented a rich assemblage of grave offerings, including various types of jewellery, personal-care items, coins and a range of pottery, within the sarcophagus. Amongst the pottery, a small group of Attic vases and several well-preserved clay vessels with polychrome relief decoration, known as Plakettenvasen, are of particular
note. According to anthropological analyses, this rich burial belonged to a young female.
This paper presents the burial and its offerings, but with a focus on the polychrome Plakettenvasen. It reviews the dating of this pottery group, which has been a problematic issue, on the basis of the wider assemblage recovered from the sarcophagus.

Keywords: Plakettenvasen, Sinope, sarcophagus, polychrome relief ceramics, Late Classical.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Bronze Prize Hydria from Sinop Museum

Cevat Başaran’a 60. Yaş Armağanı Essays for Cevat Başaran’s 60th Birthday Occasion, 2019

Hydrialar Yunan metal kap repertuarının en dikkat çeken ve fazla örnekle nitelenen formların... more Hydrialar Yunan metal kap repertuarının en dikkat çeken ve fazla örnekle nitelenen formlarından biridir. Metal hydrialar, çeşitli tiplerdeki formları, zengin süsleme repertuvarları ama aynı zamanda oldukça geniş ölçekli kullanım alanları ile de dikkat çeken eserlerdir. Tüm antik dönem
boyunca, özellikle metal hydrialar, bilinen ana amacı olan su taşıyıp muhafaza etme dışında spor müsabakalarının kazananlarına ödül olarak verilmiş, tapınaklara adanan başlıca eserler olmuş, savaş ganimeti olarak özellikle tercih edilmiş, seçimlerde oy sandığı olarak kullanılmış hatta gömülerde en sık tercih edilen urne kaplarından olmuştur.
Günümüzde Sinop Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde sergilenmekte olan tunç bir hydria kalpis sade ve süslemesiz formuna rağmen ağız kenarındaki bir
yazıt ile dikkat çekmektedir. Daha önce bilim dünyasına duyurulmamış bu kalpis ağız kenarındaki yazıt ışığında çok az sayıda temsil edilen bir ödül hydriasına yeni bir örnekleme sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, söz konusu hydrianın tanımını, formsal ve ölçüsel özelliklerini irdeleme yanında, özellikle yazıtı üzerinden yola çıkarak, eserin metal hydria envanterindeki konumuna yerleştirilmesini amaçlamaktadır

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Research paper thumbnail of Sykhari–Lakkin: Preliminary Observations on a New Archaeological Landscape from Kyrenia Mountains – Cyprus

Anatolia, 2018

Although it is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, Cyprus can be regarded as a sm... more Although it is the third largest island in the Mediterranean, Cyprus can be regarded as a small geography on the basis of its surface area. Yet, the island still offers great importance for both Mediterranean and world archaeology in terms of archaeological wealth and diversity it hosts. For the last quarter-century, surveys conducted in the western, southern and northwestern parts of Cyprus have added lots of new information to the island's archaeological inventory. On the other hand, there is a continuing stability in the north and east of the island for many years.
Just in this context and situation, a series of coincidental discoveris related to an archaeological landscape within a small valley on the Kyrenia Mountain Range has occurred. Within these coincidental discoveries, a group of various archaeological finds was found not contemporarily at a location known as Sykhari-Lakkin. Among these finds, there were tombs as well as a wide selection of ceramics, figurines, architectural elements, industrial usage tools and even some architectural remains. This article will be the first publication that will evaluate Sykhari-Lakkin in an archaeological perspective in light of the aforementioned finds and reveal its archeological significance for the island of Cyprus.

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Sosyal Bilimciler Gözüyle Sinop, 2018

ÖZET Türkiye, modern kentlerin antik yerleşimler üzerine yükseldiği nice örnekle nitelenen b... more ÖZET
Türkiye, modern kentlerin antik yerleşimler üzerine yükseldiği nice örnekle nitelenen bir coğrafya konumundadır. Karadeniz’in liman kentlerinden biri olan Sinop da bir zamanların görkemli antik şehri Sinope’nin kalıntıları üzerinde gelişmiş veya halen daha gelişmekte olan bir kent kimliğine sahiptir. Bunun sonucunda, kentte geçmiş ile günümüzün iç içe dokunduğu bir yapı ortaya çıkmıştır.
Sinop’ta 1950’li yıllarda bilimsel çalışmalar uğruna ilk kazmanın vurulmasından itibaren başlayan süreç günümüze kadar kesintisiz bir şekilde devam edecek bir geleneğin müjdecisi olmuştur. Bu gelenek, bir kısmı akademik odaklı “sezonluk” kazılar ile nitelenen, diğer bir kısmı ise yerel Arkeoloji Müzesi tarafından sürdürülen daimi “kentsel” kurtarma kazılarından ibaret bir kazı geleneğine dönüşmüştür.
Bu çalışma, yetmiş yıllık çift yönlü bu geleneğin kısa ve toplu bir kesitini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma bünyesinde, Sinop kenti ve yakın çevresinde bilimsel amaçlar doğrultusunda gerçekleştirilmiş arkeolojik kazıların başta Sinop ve Karadeniz arkeolojisine, aynı zamanda da Türkiye’nin kentsel arkeolojisine katkıları irdelenecektir. Bu kapsamda yetmiş yıllık süreçte kesintisizce devam eden Müze kazıları yanında TTK Kazıları, Balatlar Kazısı ve Sinop Kale Kazıları gibi mevsimsel kazılar da irdelenecektir.
Böylece kentin arkeolojik kazılarla değişen ve güncellenen antik dokusu, yapısı, kültürel zenginliği ve ilerleyen dönemlerde bilim dünyasına sunabileceği arkeolojik potansiyel toplu bir biçimde değerlendirilmiş olacaktır.

Turkey reflects a geography that has been shaped by various examples of modern cities which still develop on ancient settlements. Sinop, one of the port cities of the Black Sea, reflects an urban character which had developed and is still developing on the remains of the once glorious city of Sinope. This, in the end, resulted in an urban structure where modern meets the ancient.
A scientific process of excavations, which had emerged right after the
first excavations of the 1950’s, quickly became the herald of a continuous tradition that has lasted until the present day. This tradition, nowadays, is defined by both academic “seasonal” excavations and Museum directed continuous “urban rescue” excavations.
This paper aims to present a collective but brief portion of this bidirectional excavation tradition. Within these lines, the contributions of the archaeological excavations to the urban archaeology of Sinop, the Black Sea and Turkey will be evaluated through the study of works done in and around the city. This will be achieved by the examining of both rescue excavations and academic based excavations like TTK Excavations, Balatlar Excavations and Sinop Kale Excavations which can be spread to a time span of nearly seventy years.
Thus the everchanging ancient texture of the city, its structure, cultural richness and the potential that it will present to the world of archaeology will be presented as a whole.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Being Rich in Life and Death - New Gold and Silver Finds from a 4th Century Tomb in Soloi", In The Northern Face of Cyprus - New Studies in Cypriot Archaeology and Art History (L. Summerer and H. Kaba eds.), İstanbul, 2016, 225-242.

Soloi, situated in the Morphou/Güzelyurt region, is known as one of the most important Iron Age p... more Soloi, situated in the Morphou/Güzelyurt region, is known as one of the most important Iron Age polities of ancient Cyprus. Named after the Athenian lawmaker Solon, Soloi pledged loyalty to the Assyrian kings, resisted a fierce Achaemenid siege and stood against Euagoras I, the ambitious king of Salamis, when he wanted to be the sole ruler of the island with the Persian support. The importance of Soloi continued until the end of the Hellenistic Period as it established a long lasting alliance with the Ptolemaic rulers of Alexandria.

The archaeological investigation of Soloi was undertaken by the University of Laval-Quebec between the years 1964 and 1974. However, in the aftermath of the conflicts in 1974, Soloi was neglected until recently, when a rescue excavation was carried out in 2005/2006. This rescue excavation known as “Soli Rescue Excavations” (SRE hereafter) was conducted in the necropolis of the city by the Department of Antiquities and Museums of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The rich "treasures" found in the burial chambers 4A and 4B of the tomb complex “SRE Tomb 4” and a group of other newly discovered tombs from the necropolis are important for shedding light on the Cypro-Classical Period of Soloi. Among the rich finds in both chambers of Tomb 4 are pottery, lamps, figurines, weapons and metal vessels, but the gold and silver jewelry stands out for its material and artistic value.

This article will focus on the precious metal objects from Chamber 4A and 4B, namely the golden and silver jewelry. It aims to present the material, classify and contextualize different jewelry types by style and date, and finally to draw conclusions about the wealthy aristocracy in Soloi.

The large repertory of the jewelry found in Tomb 4 suggests that it derives from the possession of several persons, possibly the members of the same family, buried successively in both chambers.

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Research paper thumbnail of A Cypro-Classical Aphrodite and Eros Figurine from Soloi (Cyprus) / Soli (Kıbrıs) Nekropolünden Kıbrıs-Klasik Dönem Tarihli Bir Aphrodite-Eros Figürini, Anadolu/Anatolia 41, 2015, 77-108.

Abstract: The subject of this article is an Aphrodite and Eros figurine found in Chamber 4A of a ... more Abstract: The subject of this article is an Aphrodite and Eros figurine found in Chamber 4A of a
family grave complex which was found in 2005-2006, during a rescue excavation that was conducted at
the Necropolis of Soloi in Cyprus. The figurine from the chamber, which likely was the burial place of a
high status aristocratic family from the Cypro-Classical Period of the city, bears a significant importance
for the world of archaeology like many other finds from the chamber. The figurine sheds light to the art
of sculpturing of the era, artistic influences on the local productions as well as the character of the Cypro-
Classical Solian sculpture. Stylistic examination of the figurine also reveals the presence of important local
connections and a possible common cult shared by many Cypriot city kingdoms. But the most important
of them all is that Chamber 4A figurine enables us to solidly realise the socio-cultural connections that the
city of Soloi had with Attica Region and especially with Athens during the Cypro-Classical Period. Strong
Attic influence shown by the figurine mixed with local character proves the presence of the Attic sculptors
in the city thus placing Soloi amongst the other Atticly influenced phil-Hellenic city kingdoms like
Marion and Salamis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Soli (Kıbrıs) Nekropolünden Klasik Dönem Tarihli Bir Grup Cenaze Takısı (A Classical Funerary Jewellery Group from the Necropolis of Soloi (Cyprus), KUBABA 24, 2015, 45-58.

A series of rescue excavations which were conducted during 2005-2006 at the necropolis of the anc... more A series of rescue excavations which were conducted during 2005-2006 at the necropolis of the ancient city of Soloi, situated at the Lefke district of the Morphou Region of North Cyprus, revealed a Classical grave complex with three chambers together with many other graves. Named as “Grave 4” by its excavators the so called graves first chamber designated as C was found completely looted, while the other two chambers of A and B yielded extremely rich repertory of finds. This repertory is characterised by various gold and silver jewellery, cups of bronze and silver, ceramic cups and lamps, weapons and a wide variety of luxurious daily usage utensils. Some pieces of the jewellery are understood to be used for funerary purposes only during prothesis, especially in light of their general character as well as their state of finding inside the chamber.
The funerary jewellery of 4A and 4B consisting of wreaths and various dress ornaments, forms an extremely important find group for the Island’s past and Classical archaeology, especially due to the fact that they are all made of gold as well as with the quality and high workmanship they are bearing. Aformentioned jewellery especially attracts attention by showing concrete proofs for the presence of prothesis rituels before burial as well as by reflecting the nature of cultural, trading and religious connections of the Classical Solians.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ceramic Finds from the Necropolis of Knidos (Karpas-Cyprus) / Knidos (Karpaz-Kıbrıs) Nekropol Alanı Seramik Buluntuları, Anadolu/Anatolia 33, 2007, 43-78.

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Research paper thumbnail of Doktora Tezi - Özet /Dissertation Thesis - Summary

Turkish and English summary of the Phd. Thesis "Soli Nekropolü Işığında Kıbrıs'ta Klasik Dönem (C... more Turkish and English summary of the Phd. Thesis "Soli Nekropolü Işığında Kıbrıs'ta Klasik Dönem (Classical Period of Cyprus in light of the Necropolis of Soloi)"

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Abstract booklet, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Cyprus Conference: Call for Papers (Greek)

New Approaches towards Recording, Preserving and Studying Cultural Heritage in Divided Cyprus: P... more New Approaches towards Recording, Preserving and Studying
Cultural Heritage in Divided Cyprus:
Problems & Opportunities

23-24 September 2019 / ARUCAD, Kyrenia

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Research paper thumbnail of Cyprus Conference: Call for Papers (English))

New Approaches towards Recording, Preserving and Studying Cultural Heritage in Divided Cyprus: P... more New Approaches towards Recording, Preserving and Studying
Cultural Heritage in Divided Cyprus:
Problems & Opportunities

23-24 September 2019 / ARUCAD, Kyrenia

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Research paper thumbnail of From “Cultural Looting” Towards “Cultural Heritage” – Beyoba Tumulus in Troad

Beyoba Tumulus, located on a high hill at a distance of 6 km from Parion close to Beyoba Village,... more Beyoba Tumulus, located on a high hill at a distance of 6 km from Parion close to Beyoba Village, is one of the numerous burial mounds from the Troad Region. The mound, which today dwarfs its once monumental size, inholds a long dromos and a big vaulted burial chamber built of fine ashlar masonry.
Beyoba Tumulus nowadays, unfortunately, stands as a looted cultural heritage due to numerous illicit excavations that were done in and around the mound for many years. Scientific investigations were also conducted on this burial mound, only by the Çanakkale Museum on a superficial basis, last of them being in 2009. This “unfortunate” past of this important funerary monument was transformed into a new and better state by a recent full scaled rescue excavation done under the auspices of the Çanakkale Museum. Realized in 2018 by a field team from the Parion Excavations, this last investigation of the tumulus changed the state of this funerary monument from being an object of illicit digging into a piece of cultural heritage under protection.
This paper will be the first study in which the preliminary results of the 2018 rescue excavation on the Beyoba Tumulus will be presented on a scientific basis. By doing so, it is hoped that this long-neglected burial mound will again earn its deserved place within the archaeology of the Troad Region.

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Research paper thumbnail of Athenians in Sinope - Tracing the Archaeological Evidence

Written sources inform us of an Athenian presence in Sinope, probably starting from around mid-43... more Written sources inform us of an Athenian presence in Sinope, probably starting from around mid-430s BC. According to Plutarch, the main source of this information, this presence was established by the founding of an Athenian “colony” as a cleruchy by the settling of 600 Athenians in the city itself.
The archaeological evidence related to this cleruchy and the people that constituted it, namely the Athenians, is a less focused subject within the scope of Sinopean studies. The few investigations on this subject, to a large extent, seem so far unable of going beyond of being partial and superficial evaluations. Thus, up to today, the subject of Athenian presence in Sinope still lacks the backing of concrete and wide ranged archaeological data.
This paper aims to shed a little more light on the subject of Athenian presence and presence of “Athenians” in Sinope by conducting a general, yet still large-scaled, analysis of present archaeological data. An examination of a varia of archaeological data will be conducted to reveal more about this aspect of the Sinopean past. Grave markers and inscriptions, finds with more possibility to be linked with people themselves, will form the core of the study together with other finds, such as ceramics, which might only present an indirect yet supportive addition to the final result.

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Research paper thumbnail of Parion, Toprak Kuleler Mevkindeki Roma Dönemi Oda Mezarları /  Roman Chamber Tombs from the Toprak Kuleler Locality in Parion

Anadolu’da Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemleri’nde Ölü Gömme Adetleri Uluslararası Ssempozyumu / The International Symposium on Burial Customs in Anatolia during the Hellenistic and Roman Periods 23-24 TEMMUZ/JULY, 2018 AIZANOI-CAVDARHISAR-KÜTAHYA

Parion Antik Kenti’nin güneydoğu sınırında yer alan Toprak Kuleler mevkinde, 2011-2017 yılları ar... more Parion Antik Kenti’nin güneydoğu sınırında yer alan Toprak Kuleler mevkinde, 2011-2017 yılları arasında yapılan kazı çalışmaları ile yan yana beş adet oda mezar açığa çıkarılmıştır.
İrili ufaklı moloz taşlar ve harç yardımıyla inşa edilmiş olan oda mezarların beden duvarları içten ve dıştan sıva tabakası ile kaplanmıştır. Eşik seviyesine kadar yeraltında olan mezarların girişleri güneye bakmakta olup, birer monolit kapı bloğu ile kapatılmıştır. Mezarların üst örtüsünde, istisnasız olarak beşik tonoz uygulaması görülmektedir. Anakayanın tıraşlanması ile düzleştirilen mezar zeminleri bazen iki tekne ile bölünmüş bazen de tek mekân oluşturularak gömüye hazırlanmıştır.
Söz konusu beş adet oda mezar zemininde ve kaçak kazılar ile mezar dışına rastgele atılan toprak içerisinde 22 adet pişmiş toprak eser, 6 adet cam eser, 5 adet metal eser, 11 adet sikke ve 3 adet takı olmak üzere toplamda 47 adet buluntu ele geçmiştir.
Belli bir tabakaya kadar kontekstinin korunduğu belirlenen OM 5 adlı mezar, içerisinde üst üste ve yan yana 26 adet gömüye rastlanması ve çoklu gömü uygulamasına işaret etmesi ile bu mezar topluluğu içinde ayrı bir önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada mimarileri ve buluntularının inceleneceği söz konusu mezarlar, Parion kentinin Erken Roma İmparatorluğu Dönemi’ndeki kimliğine, sosyal, demografik ve dini açıdan önemli katkılar sunmuştur.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Oda Mezar, Erken Roma, gömü, Parion, Troas.

Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense excavation period lasting from 2011 to 2017 within the Toprak Kuleler locality on the southeastern limits of the ancient city of Parion.
The tombs that were built by means of using rubble and mortar were found to be covered with a layer of stucco both from inside and outside. Entrance to the tombs, which are all below the ground level, was made possible by small entrances all opening to the south and understood to be closed by monolith blocks. All tombs were covered by a built barrel vault. Floors of the chambers were carved from the bedrock itself and in some examples was divided by two basins or was left undivided.
A total of 47 artefacts were recovered from the chambers as well as from the soil taken out by the illegal excavations comprising of 22 ceramics, 6 glass artefacts, 5 metal objects, 11 coins and 3 pieces of jewellery.

One of the tombs with a partially preserved context, named as OM 5, especially stands out from the rest as it housed a mass burial made of 26 bodies piled on top or aside of each other. All these tombs and their remains, which will be evaluated within this study, posses a high potential for a better understanding of the social, demographic and religious identity of Parion during the Early Imperial Period.

Keywords: Chamber Tomb, Early Roman, burial, Parion, Troad.

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Research paper thumbnail of Rethinking the " Plakettenvasen " from Sinope A New Late Classical Sarcophagus Burial from the Western-Necropolis Rethinking the " Plaketten-Vasen " from Sinope A New Late Classical Sarcophagus Burial from the Western-Necropolis

International Symposium on Sinope and the Black Sea Archaeology - Ancient Sinope and the Black Sea, 13-15 October 2017 / SİNOP

Rethinking the “Plaketten-Vasen” from Sinope: A New Late Classical Sarcophagus Burial from the We... more Rethinking the “Plaketten-Vasen” from Sinope: A New Late Classical Sarcophagus Burial from the Western-Necropolis

An undecorated sarcophagus was found in 2013 during infrastructure works in the Gelincik neighborhood where the western necropolis of Sinope once located. The rescue excavations of the Museum of Sinop documented a rich assemblage of grave offerings, various types of jewelry, personal care utilities, coins and different types of pottery from the sarcophagus. Within the pottery, a small group of Attic vases and several well-preserved clay vessels with polychrome relief decoration, known in the literature as “Plaketten-vasen”, attract a special attention. According to the anthropological analyses, this rich burial belonged to a young female deceased.
This paper will present this new burial with its offerings by focusing on the polychrome “Plaketten-vasen”. It will review the dating of this pottery-group, controversially discussed in the literature, on the base of the assemblage of the new burial.

Keywords: Plaketten-vasen, Sinope, sarcophagus, polychrome relief ceramics, Late Classical.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gelincik Lahdi M.Ö. 4. yy. Sinopesinden Bir Soylu Mezarı ve Buluntuları (Gelincik Sarcophagus: A 4th Century BC Aristocratic Burial from Sinope)

A sarcophagus burial, named as “Gelincik Sarcophagus”, found in Sinop in 2013 during substructure... more A sarcophagus burial, named as “Gelincik Sarcophagus”, found in Sinop in 2013 during substructure excavation works promises to shed new light to the Classical Period of Sinope. Housing a single female individual, the burial attracts attention with a repertory of jewellery, personal care utilities, imported Attic vessels but especially with the presence of a total of 9 polychrome relief vessels.
This presentation, especially focuses on the 2 lebes gamikoi and 7 lekythoi which comprise the polychrome relief vessels. The vessels will be analyzed in form, decoration and iconography and will be identified and contextualized in light of these features. Last but not the least, the meaning of the preference of a wide range of polychrome relief vessels as burial gifts and the relationship of this phenomenon to the character of the burial will also be explained.

2013 yılında Sinop’ta gerçekleştirilen bir altyapı çalışması esnasında bulunmuş ve “Gelincik Lahdi” olarak adlandırılmış olan lahit mezar yeni çalışmalar ışığında Sinope’nin Klasik Çağına dair yeni bulgular sunmaktadır. Tek bir kadın bireye ait mezar, takılar, kişisel bakım eşyaları, ithal Attik seramikler yanında özellikle çok renkli ve kabartmalı seramikleri ile dikkat çekmektedir.
Bu sunum, özellikle çok renkli ve kabartmalı seramikleri teşkil eden 2 lebes gamikos ve 7 adet lekythos üzerine odaklanacaktır. Eserlerin formsal, bezemesel ve ikonografik analizi gerçekleştirilecek ve eserler bu şekilde tanımlanacaktır. Ardından özellikle form ve tercih edilen sahneler üzerinden bu eserlerin mezara koyulma amacı ve bu amacın gömünün karakteri ile olan ilişkisi açıklanacaktır.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrakottalar - Antik Kıbrıs'ta Din ve Mythosun Sessiz Tanıkları (Terracottas - The Silent Witnesses of Religion and Mythos in Ancient Cyprus), IV. Uluslararası Akdeniz Pişmiş Toprak Sempozyumu, Bedesten, (12.05.2016 - Lefkoşa).

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Research paper thumbnail of Soli’nin Altın Yaprakları: Geç Klasik Dönem Soli Aristokrasisi (Golden Leaves of Soloi - Solian Aristocracy of the Late Classical Period), Dünya Müzeler Haftası Paneli, Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi, (18.05.2015 - Lefke).

Named presentation aims to show a cut from the daily life of the Solian aristocracy in the Cypro-... more Named presentation aims to show a cut from the daily life of the Solian aristocracy in the Cypro-Classical Period. Many rich and luxurious finds from a family tomb complex excavated in 2005-06 from the necropolis of Soloi are used as guidelines for understanding the daily life and habits of the ancient Solian aristocracy. Finds such as symposion sets, daily utensils, self care utilities, jewellery, weapons and figurines ables us to identify the members of the Cypro-Classical Solian aristocracy as warriors and housewives living a life that both combines Greek and Eastern culture together enriched in every aspect with the goods obtained from Achaemenid Persia, Anatolia, Ionia, Athens and Macedonia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrakottalar Işığında Antik Kıbrıslıların Gündelik Hayatı (Daily Life of Ancient Cypriots in light of Terracottas), III. Uluslararası Akdeniz Pişmiş Toprak Sempozyumu, Bedesten, (18.05.2015 - Lefkoşa).

The names presentation focuses on understanding the daily life of ancient Cypriots mostly for the... more The names presentation focuses on understanding the daily life of ancient Cypriots mostly for the Bronze and Archaic Periods in light of the terracotta's. Well known terracotta examples from the aforementioned periods and many different parts of Cyprus ables us to identify ancient Cypriots as extremely social ethnicity where their daily life was spent with agriculture, religious rituals, producing all kinds of living products and many more. Terracotta's produced locally, also gives plentiful information related to the living and eating habits of the ancient Cypriots making us understand better this multi faced and rich culture which once existed on the Island.

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Research paper thumbnail of Soli’nin Altınla Taçlanmış Soyluları – Unutulmuş Bir Nekropolden Yeni Bulgular (Golden Wreathed Solian Aristocracy - New Finds from a Forgotten Necropolis), Dünya Müzeler Haftası Etkinliği, Bellapais Manastırı (22.05.2015 - Bellapais).

The named presentation concentrates on a family tomb complex recently excavated in the necropolis... more The named presentation concentrates on a family tomb complex recently excavated in the necropolis of Soloi and dated to the Cypro-Classical Period. The tomb complex with three nearly identical chambers revealed three separate family burials characterized with extremely rich find repertories. These repertories containing ceramics, lamps, figurines, metal vessels, jewellery, weapons, daily usage utensils and many other finds able us to look in more detail to the life and beliefs of the Solian and Cypriot aristocracy during the 4th century BC.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wealth and Aristocracy in Cyprus in the 4th Century BC. - New Evidence from a Family Tomb in Soloi, Ludwig-Maximillian Universitat, Fakultat fur Kulturwissenschaften, Department für Kulturwissenschaften und Altertumskunde, Institut für Klassische Archaologie (26.01.2015 - Münih)..

The named presentation concentrates on a family tomb complex recently excavated in the necropo... more The named presentation concentrates on a family tomb complex recently excavated in the necropolis of Soloi and dated to the Cypro-Classical Period. The tomb complex with three nearly identical chambers revealed three separate family burials characterized with extremely rich find repertories. These repertories containing ceramics, lamps, figurines, metal vessels, jewellery, weapons, daily usage utensils and many other finds able us to look in more detail to the life and beliefs of the Solian and Cypriot aristocracy during the 4th century BC.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Beyoba Tumulus

This book holistically presents a rescue excavated Early Hellenistic tumulus from the hinterland ... more This book holistically presents a rescue excavated Early Hellenistic tumulus from the hinterland of Parion in Troad to the world of academy. It thoroughly examines the architecture of the tumulus, the sarcophagi placed in it, its burials that extend from Early Hellenistic to Roman Period, and its find inventory together with the human remains recovered.

The study of the Beyoba Tumulus, not just only brings new insights to the much-overlooked subject matter of the relations between the Thraco-Macedonian geography and Troad but also sheds light on the material culture, sociopolitical structure, and funerary beliefs/customs of the hinterland communities of Hellenistic and Roman Parion.


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Research paper thumbnail of Info: The Northern Face of Cyprus, Cypriote Archaeology and Art Histrory 2016; Content

The Northern Face of Cyprus. New Studies in Cypriote Archaeology and Art Histrory, 2016

The northern face of Cyprus - Studies in Cypriote Archaeology and Art History. Edited 2016 by La... more The northern face of Cyprus - Studies in Cypriote Archaeology and Art History.
Edited 2016 by Latife Summerer and Hazar Kaba
The editors hope that this volume will present and encourage more diverse attitudes towards Northern Cyprus changing the paradigm and paving the way for more bi-communal collaborations between North and South towards the appreciation, protection and exploration of their shared cultural heritage.
My contribution: Of death and life. Funerary and other features of the multi-functional city wall of Lambusa, p. 277-297.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Northern Face of Cyprus. New Studies in Cypriot Archaeology and Art History

The Northern Face of Cyprus. New Studies in Cypriot Archaeology and Art History, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Laid to Impress: Exceptional Pebble Mosaic Floors from Late 4th century BC Sinope On-line Seminar - 02.02.2023 10h30 - 12h30 (FR time) / 12h30 - 14h30 (TR time)

Séminaire "Décor et architecture d'Orient et d'Occident" AOROC CNRS-ENS, France, 2023

Recent rescue excavations by the Museum Directorate in and around Sinop, the modern settlement ov... more Recent rescue excavations by the Museum Directorate in and around Sinop, the modern
settlement over Sinope, revealed various architectural remains dispersed around different
locations which all were decorated with exceptional and lavish pebble-mosaic floors. Both the
architectural remains and the pebble mosaic floors are rare finds in Sinop, and in many other
parts of the ancient world, even more so given that the floors were found largely intact within
their architectural settings.
All these different elements appear to have constituted surviving portions of a total of three
once-grand houses of the mid-4th to early 3rd centuries BC. This lecture will focus on different
pebble-mosaic floors all recovered from those houses and their scientific analysis in two parts.
At first, the floors will be introduced and both their construction techniques and decorative
programmes will be evaluated. Analogies with contemporaries mostly from Northern Greece will
form an essential part of the analysis to contextualise the pavements within the corpus of Greek
pebble-mosaic floors. A holistic evaluation of the architectural remains and the mosaics will
follow, to consider the setting and use of the floors.
In the second part, a special emphasis will be shown on the sociocultural context of the mosaics.
This analysis will consider the meaning and symbolism of their decorations, as well as the place
they once occupied within the lives of their owners. Ultimately, the position of the examples
from Sinope within the wider sphere of Greek pebble-mosaic floors will be considered, along
with the significance of such lavishly decorated floors in Sinope at this time.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Display of Wealth, Status and Power: Two Recently Discovered Mid Fourth-century BC Pebble-mosaic Floors from Sinope

British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, 2022

In 2019, excavation in the Yalnızlar neighbourhood of Sinop, Turkey, revealed a small number of a... more In 2019, excavation in the Yalnızlar neighbourhood of Sinop, Turkey, revealed a small number of architectural remains, two stone-paved floors and two lavishly decorated pebble-mosaic floors. Both the architectural remains and the pebble mosaic floors are rare finds in Sinop, even more so given that the floors were found largely intact within their architectural settings. These elements appear to have constituted a portion of a once-grand house of the mid-fourth century BC. This seminar will focus on the pebble-mosaic floors, which will be analysed in two parts. The first introduces the floors and considers their construction techniques and decorative programmes. Analogies form an essential part of the analysis in order to contextualise both pavements within the corpus of Greek pebble-mosaic floors. A holistic evaluation of the architectural remains and the mosaics follows, in order to consider the setting and use of the floors. In the second part of the seminar, the socio-cultural context of the mosaics will be addressed. The analysis considers the meaning and symbolism of their decorations, as well as the place they once occupied in the lives of their owners. Ultimately, the position of the examples from Sinope within the wider sphere of mid-fourth-century BC Greek pebble-mosaic floors will be considered, along with the significance of such lavishly decorated floors in Sinope at this time.



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Research paper thumbnail of Ozetler Abstracts Final

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Research paper thumbnail of Program-TR.pdf

Uluslararası Sinope ve Karadeniz Arkeolojisi etkinlik programının güncel hali.

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Research paper thumbnail of Programme-ENG.pdf

Final programme of the International Symposium on Sinope and Black Sea Archaeology.

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Research paper thumbnail of Uluslararası Sinope ve Karadeniz Sempozyumu - Call for Papers TR.pdf

Tarihi boyunca birçok farklı yerel yönetime başkentlik yapmış olan antik Sinope, bir zamanlar hem... more Tarihi boyunca birçok farklı yerel yönetime başkentlik yapmış olan antik Sinope, bir zamanlar hem Karadeniz’in hem de antik dünyanın en önemli liman kentlerinden biri idi. Arkaik Dönem’de bir Miletos kolonisi olarak kurulmuş olan Sinope, Klasik, Hellenistik, Roma ve Geç Antik Dönem’de önemli bir liman kenti olarak gelişmiş ve zenginleşmiştir.
Sinop Üniversitesi Arkeoloji Bölümü, bu liman kentinin yapısı, önemi ile gelişimini anlamak ve Karadeniz içindeki rolünü yeni ve güncel bulgular ışığında ortaya koymak adına bu Uluslararası sempozyumu düzenleyecektir.
Sinop Üniversitesi’nin düzenlediği ilk arkeolojik temalı sempozyum olacak olan bu sempozyum, özellikle kentin antik dönemlerine ve bu dönemlerdeki yakın çevresine odaklanacaktır. Sinope ve artalanı sempozyum için ortamı teşkil edecek ve kentin tarihi, dini karakteri, mimarisi, kentsel ve kırsal yapılanması, üretimleri, yazılı kaynakları, ticari ve politik bağlantıları ile su altı zenginlikleri de bu ortamda irdelenecek başlıca konular olacaktır.
Bu bağlamda, yeni ve özgün çalışmalar ışığında aşağıda listelenmiş konulara odaklanan tüm başvurular memnuniyetle kabul edilecektir:

- Tarih öncesi dönemlerden Geç Antik Çağ’a kadar Sinop Bölgesi,
- Tarih boyunca şehir planlaması, yerleşim alanları ve mezarlık alanlarının yapısı
- Sinope’de yerel üretim, endüstri ve ekonomi
- Tunç Çağı’ndan Geç Antik Dönem’e kadar Sinope’nin Karadeniz ticari bağlantıları
- Sinope’nin iç komşuları ile olan kültürel, ticari ve politik ilişkileri
- Sinope’de sosyo kültürel değişimler veya kültürel devamlılık
- Karadeniz ekonomik sistemi içinde Sinope’nin konumu
- Sinop çevresinde gerçekleştirilmiş arkeolojik kazı, su altı araştırmaları ve müze araştırmaları

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Research paper thumbnail of International Symposium on Sinope and Black Sea Archaeology - Call for Papers ENG

Ancient Sinope, once capital of the many local administrative systems, was one of the most import... more Ancient Sinope, once capital of the many local administrative systems, was one of the most important coastal cities of the Black Sea and the ancient World. Founded as an Milesian Colony in the Archaic Period, Sinope thrived as an important port in the Classical, Hellenistic, Roman Periods and Late Antiquity.
In order to understand better the character, importance and evolution of this coastal city, as well as revealing its role in the Black Sea in light of the recent evidences, Archaeology Department of the Sinop University took a step in for organizing this International Symposium.
First of its kind for the Sinop University, this symposium will especially focus on the ancient periods of the city and its close surroundings. Sinope and its hinterland will establish the setting for the symposium, where as history of the city, its religious character, architecture, urban and rural organization, productions, epigraphic evidences, trade or politic connections as well as underwater richness will be the main subjects of interest.
In this context, papers focusing to the below listed subjects through recent and inventive studies will be welcomed:

- Region of Sinop during prehistory
- City Planning, urban and mortuary landscape of the city through ages
- Local production, industry and economy in ancient Sinope
- Trading connections of Sinope with the Black Sea from Bronze Age to Late Antique Period
- Sociocultural, trading and political relations of Sinop with its mainland neighbors
- Tracing socio-cultural transformation and cultural continuity in Sinope
- Place of Sinope in the Black Sea monatery system
- Results of the archaeological excavations, underwater surveys and Museum researches

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Research paper thumbnail of International Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures: From Pre-History to the end of Antiquity. Abstracts Booklet

by Michael Deniz YILMAZ, CEVAT BAŞARAN, Hasan Kasapoğlu, Hazar Kaba, Kasım OYARÇİN, Büşra Elif Kasapoğlu, Soner Özmen, halil ozkan, Ayberk Enez, Merve Yeşil, Sinan Ekinci, and William Pillot

Keleş, V., et al., International Symposium of Propontis and the Surrounding Cultures -From Pre-History to the end of Antiquity: Abstracts Booklet, Çanakkale: İÇDAŞ A.Ş. Yayınları., Sep 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Confprogram final (1)

Program of the Cyprus Conference, Kyrenia, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Cyprus Conference ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ ΣΥΜΜΕΤΟΧΗΣ ΣΕ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ


Νέες προσεγγίσεις στους τομείς της καταγραφής, διαφύλαξης και μελέτης της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιά... more Νέες προσεγγίσεις στους τομείς της καταγραφής, διαφύλαξης και μελέτης της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς στη διαιρεμένη Κύπρο: Προβλήματα και προοπτικές 23-24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019 / ARUCAD, Κηρύνεια Στη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 45 χρόνων, η έρευνα και η προστασία των ιστορικών χώρων και μνημείων της Κύπρου δεν ακολούθησε ενιαία κατεύθυνση εξαιτίας της διαίρεσης του νησιού. Στο νότιο τμήμα, η καλή διατήρηση και η μελέτη των μνημείων διευκολύνονται χάρη σε αρκετά διεθνή προγράμματα. Το βόρειο όμως τμήμα είναι παραμελημένο. Για την ανισότητα της κατανομής της έρευνας στο νησί προβάλλονται νομικοί και ηθικοί λόγοι. Το αποτέλεσμά της είναι, ωστόσο, ανεπανόρθωτες απώλειες υλικού και πληροφοριών. Αν κάτι μπορεί να διδάξει η πολιτική της επί μισό περίπου αιώνα απραξίας και παραμέλησης είναι ότι πρέπει να αλλάξουμε τρόπους προσέγγισης. Ορισμένα διακοινοτικά προγράμματα με διεθνή υποστήριξη που αφορούν την συντήρηση και την «ζοφερή» πολιτιστική κληρονομιά (dark heritage) δείχνουν ότι η αλλαγή μεθόδων είναι εφικτή και σε άλλους τομείς της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς. Παρά τις δυσκολίες και τις κυρώσεις, ορισμένοι πανεπιστημιακοί με έδρα το βόρειο τμήμα του νησιού διεξάγουν ερευνητικά προγράμματα και συνεργάζονται με τοπικά μουσεία για τη μελέτη υλικού που προέρχεται από σωστικές ανασκαφές. Πρόκειται ωστόσο για ατομικές προσπάθειες με μικρή σύνδεση μεταξύ τους, που δεν έχουν τη δυνατότητα να ενταχθούν στη διεθνή έρευνα. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, το συνέδριο επιθυμεί να παρουσιάσει μελέτες και μαρτυρίες καλής πρακτικής στους τομείς της αρχαιολογίας, της ιστορίας της τέχνης, των πολιτιστικών σπουδών, της διαχείρισης της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς και του δικαίου. Σκοπός μας είναι να φέρουμε κοντά αρχαιολόγους, ιστορικούς της τέχνης, εξειδικευμένους νομικούς, κρατικούς λειτουργούς και πρόσωπα υπεύθυνα για την χάραξη πολιτικής, προκειμένου να ανταλλάξουν δεδομένα, γνώσεις και ιδέες σχετικά με την μελλοντική ανάπτυξη της κοινής πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς της διαιρεμένης Κύπρου. Γλώσσα των ανακοινώσεων θα είναι η αγγλική. Όσοι επιθυμούν να συμμετάσχουν καλούνται να υποβάλουν περίληψη της (εικοσάλεπτης) ομιλίας τους μέχρι τα μέσα Μαΐου.

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Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense excavation period lasti... more Five adjacent built chamber tombs were revealed as a result of an intense
excavation period lasting from 2011 to 2017 within the Toprak Kuleler locality on the southeastern
limits of the ancient city of Parion.
The tombs that were built by means of using rubble and mortar were found to be covered
with a layer of stucco both from inside and outside. Entrance to the tombs, which are all below
the ground level, was made possible by small entrances all opening to the south and understood
to be closed by monolith blocks. All tombs were covered by a built barrel vault. Floors of the
chambers were carved from the bedrock itself and in some examples was divided by two basins
or was left undivided.
A total of 47 artefacts were recovered from the chambers as well as from the soil taken out
by the illegal excavations. The overall repertory comprises of ceramics, glass artefacts, metal
objects, coins and jewellery. One of the tombs with a partially preserved context, named as
OM5, especially stands out from the rest as it housed a mass burial made of more than forty
bodies piled on top or aside of each other.
All these tombs and their remains, which will be evaluated within this study, posses a high
potential for a better understanding of the social, demographic and religious identity of Parion
as well as its burials customs during the Early Imperial Roman Period.

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