Patrick Bernhard | University of Oslo (original) (raw)

Books by Patrick Bernhard

Research paper thumbnail of L'uomo nuovo del fascismo: La costruzione di un progetto totalitario (Rome: Viella 2017)

L’uomo nuovo del fascismo La costruzione di un progetto totalitario, ed. by Patrick Bernhard and Lutz Klinkhammer, Rome: Viella 2017 (= Ricerche dell’Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, 11), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945 (Essen: Klartext Publishing House, 2014).

Für Amerikaner und Westeuropäer war der Kalte Krieg nur am Rande ein bewaffneter Konflikt und meh... more Für Amerikaner und Westeuropäer war der Kalte Krieg nur am Rande ein bewaffneter Konflikt und mehr als eine reine Auseinandersetzung zwischen den zwei großen Ideologien Kommunismus und liberaler Kapitalismus. Er beeinflusste Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Kultur in den westlichen Staaten in ganz erheblichem Maße: Der Rüstungswettlauf war einerseits Projektionsfläche tiefgreifender Ängste vor einem atomaren Holocaust. Andererseits sollte diese Angst durch Planung und Verwissenschaftlichung in kollektive Sicherheit transformiert werden. In diesem Sinne versteht der vorliegende Band den Kalten Krieg als ‚Krieg der Imaginationen‘ (Mary Kaldor). Er führt Beiträge von Militär-, Sozial- und Ideenhistorikern in einer sozialen Ideengeschichte zusammen und bereichert unser Wissen über eines der am tiefsten einschneidenden Phänomene des 20. Jahrhunderts um wichtige, bislang aber vernachlässigte Facetten.

Research paper thumbnail of Zivildienst zwischen Reform und Revolte: Eine bundesdeutsche Institution im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, 1961-1982 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2005)

Seit 1968 und den Konflikten um die Studentenbewegung wurde der Zivildienst mehr und mehr zum Pol... more Seit 1968 und den Konflikten um die Studentenbewegung wurde der Zivildienst mehr und mehr zum Politikum. Auf ihrem "langen Marsch durch die Institutionen" machte die APO die Kriegsdienstverweigerung zum politischen Kampfinstrument und zwang die sozialliberale Koalition unter Willy Brandt zu weitreichenden Reformen. Patrick Bernhard schildert nicht nur die Diskussion um die "Demokratisierung des Dienstes" und die Abschaffung des "inquisitorischen" Prüfungsverfahrens, die Öffentlichkeit und Parlament erregte. Als wichtiger Beitrag zur jüngeren Gesellschaftsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik bilanziert die Studie auch, wie die Reformen den Sozialstaat langfristig veränderten.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Schweiz und Deutschland, 1945-1961 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2004)

Subedited with Petra Weber

Journal Articles by Patrick Bernhard

Research paper thumbnail of North Africa and the Holocaust: European Colonialism, Nazism, and Local Agency


To this day, the problem of relating colonialism to National Socialism remains highly controversi... more To this day, the problem of relating colonialism to National Socialism remains highly controversial among scholars and a broader public. So far, comparisons have been drawn between the German presence in Africa during the German Empire and the Nazi extermination policy in Eastern Europe forty years later. This article, however, examines from a transnational perspective how the Holocaust that was initiated and driven by the Nazi state played out on colonial soil in North Africa, when the region became an important theatre of World War Two and the 450,000 Jewish people living there became the focus of persecution. The article argues that the exclusion, persecution, and partial murder of Jewish people in North Africa was strongly influenced by colonial traditions of violence against Arabs and Berbers. Under the conditions of World War Two, and fuelled by the Third Reich, the two phenomena overlapped and intersected, which in turn helps to explain the dynamics of violence that we can observe in the region. At the same time, however, this perspective highlights the agency of local non-Jewish populations, which ranged from helping persecuted Jewish people to actively supporting the Nazi regime and its allies.

Research paper thumbnail of Die ausgebliebene Ahndung: Nationalsozialistische Verbrechen an Tuberkulosekranken, westdeutsche Strafverfolgung und die Konstruktion von „Normalität“ nach 1945, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 71,4 (2023), pp. 749-785.

Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 71,4 (2023), pp. 749-785.

Persons suffering from tuberculosis are among the forgotten victims of the Nazi dictatorship. One... more Persons suffering from tuberculosis are among the forgotten victims of the Nazi dictatorship. One of the reasons for this was the fact that cases of intentional patient neglect, physical violence and finally murder were not prosecuted after 1945 insofar as they pertained to German victims. Patrick Bernhard inquires into the reasons for this and – by using newly treated sources – points to a lack of will to deal with crimes which did not take place in concentration camps or institutions understood to be genuinely National Socialist. Thus, the approach of the involved jurists can be interpreted as a successful attempt to enclose National Socialism and the crimes committed in its name by reducing them to certain criminal acts, perpetrators and crime scenes. The article thereby also describes how “normality” was constructed in West German society.

Research paper thumbnail of Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 68 (2019), Iss. 2-3 : pp. 129–149.

Abstract Death and Social Security: The German State Pension System and Anti-Tuberculosis Batt... more Abstract

Death and Social Security: The German State Pension System and Anti-Tuberculosis Battles under National Socialism

Seen in historical context, the state pension system was among the most important institutional actors in the German social system in the fight against the widespread public health crisis of tuberculosis, which remained a major statistical cause of death at the beginning of the 20th century. Based on extensive archive research, this paper demonstrates that to a significant extent, the pension system remained structurally embedded in public health policy after the National Socialist seizure of power, working hand in hand with the NSDAP and the government agencies responsible for combating tuberculosis. Their close cooperation was not merely the result of pressure exerted by the Nazi dictatorship on pension insurance, as one reads in post-1945 apologetic texts. Alongside coercion, other factors played a critical role, including major institutional continuities and a specific understanding of tradition within the pension insurance system, ideological overlap between the thinking of National Socialist health policy-makers and leading state pension officials, and the self-interest of sanatoria, which used the coercive National Socialist system for tuberculosis patients to rid themselves of undesirable tuberculosis patients. In extreme cases, this meant the deliberate murder of patients by pension system doctors.

Research paper thumbnail of Nord-Afrika og Holocaust: Europeisk kolonialisme, nazisme og lokal agens

Fortid 4 (2021), pp. 27-35.

Historieforskningen i dag har en tendens til å forstå kolonialisme og nasjonalsosialismen til Naz... more Historieforskningen i dag har en tendens til å forstå kolonialisme og nasjonalsosialismen til Nazi-Tyskland som to atskilte fenomen. Forsøk på å sette disse to i dialog med hverandre innenfor et postkolonialt rammeverk har blitt møtt med sterk kritikk, noe som har medført at debatten har stoppet opp. I denne artikkelen går jeg nærmere inn på et forskningsprosjekt med sikte på å gjenåpne denne diskusjonen.
Jeg foreslår en alternativ tilnærming til komparative tilnærminger der nasjonalsosialismen og kolonialismen relateres til hverandre gjennom en sammenflettet historie med fokus på holocaust i Nord-Afrika.

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogisk pizza:  Ernæring, utdannelse og den senmoderne italienske matlagingsboomen

Fortid, 2021

Temaet for denne artikkelen kan virke merkelig for noen lesere – og det er sannsynligvis av to gr... more Temaet for denne artikkelen kan virke merkelig for noen lesere – og det er sannsynligvis av to grunner. Først og fremst vil mange ikke umiddelbart se sammenhengen mellom utenlandsk mat og spørsmål om dannelse. Nyere forskningsmetoder i samtids- og utdanningshistorie tydeliggjør imidlertid at pedagogiske konsept fortsatt spiller en sentral rolle i vestlige samfunn, og gjennomsyrer alle livets områder. Disse forstås i økende grad som kunnskapssamfunn, fordi vitenskap og kunnskap spiller sentrale roller i å håndtere en stadig mer kompleks og gjensidig avhengig virkelighet. I tillegg finnes det pedagogiske fundamentet i nesten alle institusjoner med sikte på å fundamentalt regulere borgernes oppførsel i en kompleks struktur av ekstern- og selvkontroll. Dette omfatter ikke bare tradisjonelle meklingssteder som familier, skoler og universiteter -som var og er kommersielle bedrifter, men også media og militæret. En visjon med sentral plass gjennom hele 1900-tallet var omforming og optimalisering av mennesker.

Research paper thumbnail of In the Shadow of ‘Euthanasia’: The Long Road to the Nazi Murder of Tuberculosis Patients

German History, 2021

The social stigmatization, persecution and murder of tuberculosis patients in Nazi Germany is a t... more The social stigmatization, persecution and murder of tuberculosis patients in Nazi Germany is a topic that has long been overshadowed by euthanasia crimes. Based on extensive archival research, this article shows that over 30,000 patients, labelled as deviant, became victims of forced detention. In so-called 'special institutions', which were part of the regime's terror apparatus, these people suffered severe physical abuse. An estimated 4,000 were deliberately starved to death or murdered by overdoses of medication. As the article argues, a long road led to the Nazi murder of tuberculosis patients and began with medical experience gathered during the First World War and in the 1920s. When the regime's handling of the disease and of tuberculosis patients is located within this much wider time frame, the notion that the exigencies of the Second World War caused the regime's radicalization falters.

Research paper thumbnail of Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus (abstracts)

Sozialer Fortschritt, 2019

Historisch betrachtet ist die Rentenversicherung einer der wichtigsten institutionellen Akteure d... more Historisch betrachtet ist die Rentenversicherung einer der wichtigsten institutionellen Akteure des deutschen Sozialsystems im Kampf gegen die Volkskrankheit Tuberkulose, die noch zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts die Statistik der Todesursachen anführte. Wie der Beitrag auf der Basis umfangreicher Archivrecherchen zeigt, blieb die Rentenversicherung auch nach der nationalsozialistischen Machteroberung strukturell in erheblichem Maß in die öffentliche Gesundheitspolitik eingebunden und arbeitete eng mit den für die Tuberkulosebekämpfung zuständigen Stellen von Staat und NSDAP zusammen. Das geschah jedoch nicht ausschließlich, weil die nationalsozialistische Diktatur Druck auf die Rentenversicherung ausübte, wie nach 1945 in apologetischer Absicht zu lesen war. Neben Zwang spielten noch andere Faktoren eine entscheidende Rolle: starke institutionelle Kontinuitäten und ein spezifisches Traditionsverständnis innerhalb der Rentenversicherung, ideologische Schnittmengen im Denken von NS-Gesundheitspolitikern und leitenden Mitarbeitern der Rentenversicherung sowie Eigeninteressen von Heilanstalten, die das nationalsozialistische Zwangssystem für Tuberkulosekranke nutzten, um sich unbequemer Tuberkulosepatienten zu entledigen. Im Extremfall bedeutete das die eigenständige Ermordung von Patienten durch Ärzte der Rentenversicherung.

Research paper thumbnail of Death and Social Security: The German State Pension System and Anti-Tuberculosis Battles under National Socialism

Sozialer Fortschritt, 2019

Seen in historical context, the state pension system was among the most important institutional a... more Seen in historical context, the state pension system was among the most important institutional actors in the German social system in the fight against the widespread public health crisis of tuberculosis, which remained a major statistical cause of death at the beginning of the 20th century. Based on extensive archive research, this paper demonstrates that to a significant extent, the pension system remained structurally embedded in public health policy after the National Socialist seizure of power, working hand in hand with the NSDAP and the government agencies responsible for combating tuberculosis. Their close cooperation was not merely the result of pressure exerted by the Nazi dictatorship on pension insurance, as one reads in post- 1945 apologetic texts. Alongside coercion, other factors played a critical role, including major
institutional continuities and a specific understanding of tradition within the pension insurance system, ideological overlap between the thinking of National Socialist health policy-makers and leading state pension officials, and the self-interest of sanatoria, which used the coercive National Socialist system for tuberculosis patients to rid themselves of undesirable tuberculosis patients. In extreme cases, this meant the deliberate murder of patients by pension system doctors.

Research paper thumbnail of Open access of "The great divide? Notions of racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: new answers to an old problem"

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2019

The Journal of Modern Italian Studies has made "The great divide" an open access article until th... more The Journal of Modern Italian Studies has made "The great divide" an open access article until the end of April. It is as this link:

Research paper thumbnail of Riassunto in Italiano di "The great divide? Notions of racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: new answers to an old problem" per il Journal of Modern Italian Studies 24 (2019)

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2019

Uno dei risultati più importanti della ricerca di Michele Sarfatti è stata la messa in discussion... more Uno dei risultati più importanti della ricerca di Michele Sarfatti è stata la messa in discussione l’idea di una differenza fundamentale tra il razzismo biologico, predominante nella Germania nazista, e il ‘razzismo culturale’ del fascismo italiano. Io esamino come questa dicotomia si è andata formando e il significato che ha acquisito nel corso del tempo. Il fulcro della mia interpretazione è che tale divisione sia stata il risultato del dialogo tra gli esperti di demografia italiani e tedeschi nel periodo tra le due guerre, che ha portato ad una forte distinzione tra lo stile ‘italiano’ e ‘tedesco’ del razzismo, necessaria per la costruzione delle rispettive identità. In altri termini, il dibattito sul razzismo era un mezzo necessario per definire cosa volesse dire essere un ‘vero’ nazista o fascista. In questo modo, le differenze nell’ideologia razzista possono essere interpretate come il risultato di uno scontro sui significati. In conclusione, lo scopo della mia ricerca è di de-essenzializzare il significato di razza nella ricerca sia nella Germania nazista che nell’Italia fascista.

Research paper thumbnail of The Great Divide? Notions of Racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: New Answers to an Old Problem (AV full text)


One of Michele Sarfatti’s greatest accomplishments has been to challenge the notion that there wa... more One of Michele Sarfatti’s greatest accomplishments has been to challenge the notion that there was a fundamental difference between the biological racism predominant in Nazi Germany and the ‘cultural racism’ of Fascist Italy. I examine how this dichotomy took shape and the meaning it acquired over time. My basic argument is that this division is the result of dialogue between Italian and German population experts during the interwar period, and that making a sharp distinction between a ‘German’ and an ‘Italian’ style of racism helped them to construct their own identities. In other words, the debate on racism was a vehicle for defining what it meant to be a ‘true’ Nazi or Fascist. In this way, differences in racist ideology can be understood as a product of struggles over meaning. Ultimately, my aim is to de-essentialize the meaning of race in research on both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

Research paper thumbnail of A Lost Generation: The German Red Cross and the Missing Children of World War II

Research paper thumbnail of Fascist Empire? Nazi Germany and the Problem of Colonialism

The article has been published as part of the discussion forum "German and Italian Colonialism. C... more The article has been published as part of the discussion forum "German and Italian Colonialism. Comparative and Transnational Perspectives" by Contemporanea 21,1 (2018), pp. 120-124.

Research paper thumbnail of Blueprints of Totalitarianism: How Racist Policies in Fascist Italy Inspired and Informed Nazi Germany

Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies, 2017

Racism, especially anti-Semitism, is typically seen as a crucial point of distinction between Naz... more Racism, especially anti-Semitism, is typically seen as a crucial point of distinction between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Based on a range of new materials, this article shows that Nazi policies of social exclusion were inspired by Mussolini’s regime. The main thesis is that racist thought and action were intrinsic elements of both regimes and constituted a unifying element between them. The paper looks at the way the National Socialists used Fascist Italy as a foil for their own dreams of racial regeneration before Hitler’s rise to power. It also examines the cooperation between the two regimes following the 1936 Axis alliance, especially in terms of policing and the exchange of information about ‘Aryanisation’. Conceptually speaking, the article argues that the methods of cultural history are highly useful for shedding new light on Axis relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Colonial Crossovers: Nazi Germany and its Entanglements with Other Empires (full text)

Journal of Global History, 2017

Journal of Global History 12,2 (2017), pp. 206-27 Nazi Germany’s place in the wider world is a c... more Journal of Global History 12,2 (2017), pp. 206-27

Nazi Germany’s place in the wider world is a controversial topic in historiography. While scholars such as Ian Kershaw argue that Hitler’s dictatorship must be understood as a unique national phenomenon, others analyse Nazism within comparative frameworks. Mark Mazower, for example, argues that the international concept of ‘empire’ is useful for comprehending the German occupation of Europe. Using an approach native to transnational cultural studies, my contribution goes a step further: I analyse how the Nazis themselves positioned their regime in a wider international context, and thus gave meaning to it. My main thesis is that, while the Nazis took a broad look at international colonialism, they differentiated considerably between the various national experiences. French and British empire-building, for instance, did not receive the same attention as Japanese and Italian colonial projects. Based on new archival evidence, I show that the act of referring in particular to the Italian example was crucial for the Nazis. On the one hand, drawing strong parallels between Italian colonialism and the German rule of eastern Europe allowed Hitler to recruit support for his own visions of imperial conquest. On the other hand, Italian colonialism served as a blueprint for the Nazis’ plans for racial segregation. The article thus shows the importance of transnational exchange for understanding ideological dynamics within the Nazi regime.

Journal of Global History 12,2 (2017), pp. 206-27

Research paper thumbnail of Pädagogische Pizza:  Ernährung, Erziehung und der Boom der italienischen Küche in der Spätmoderne (full text)

in: ZeitRäume. Potsdamer Almanach des Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung (2016), pp. 82-91.

Research paper thumbnail of L'uomo nuovo del fascismo: La costruzione di un progetto totalitario (Rome: Viella 2017)

L’uomo nuovo del fascismo La costruzione di un progetto totalitario, ed. by Patrick Bernhard and Lutz Klinkhammer, Rome: Viella 2017 (= Ricerche dell’Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, 11), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945 (Essen: Klartext Publishing House, 2014).

Für Amerikaner und Westeuropäer war der Kalte Krieg nur am Rande ein bewaffneter Konflikt und meh... more Für Amerikaner und Westeuropäer war der Kalte Krieg nur am Rande ein bewaffneter Konflikt und mehr als eine reine Auseinandersetzung zwischen den zwei großen Ideologien Kommunismus und liberaler Kapitalismus. Er beeinflusste Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Kultur in den westlichen Staaten in ganz erheblichem Maße: Der Rüstungswettlauf war einerseits Projektionsfläche tiefgreifender Ängste vor einem atomaren Holocaust. Andererseits sollte diese Angst durch Planung und Verwissenschaftlichung in kollektive Sicherheit transformiert werden. In diesem Sinne versteht der vorliegende Band den Kalten Krieg als ‚Krieg der Imaginationen‘ (Mary Kaldor). Er führt Beiträge von Militär-, Sozial- und Ideenhistorikern in einer sozialen Ideengeschichte zusammen und bereichert unser Wissen über eines der am tiefsten einschneidenden Phänomene des 20. Jahrhunderts um wichtige, bislang aber vernachlässigte Facetten.

Research paper thumbnail of Zivildienst zwischen Reform und Revolte: Eine bundesdeutsche Institution im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, 1961-1982 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2005)

Seit 1968 und den Konflikten um die Studentenbewegung wurde der Zivildienst mehr und mehr zum Pol... more Seit 1968 und den Konflikten um die Studentenbewegung wurde der Zivildienst mehr und mehr zum Politikum. Auf ihrem "langen Marsch durch die Institutionen" machte die APO die Kriegsdienstverweigerung zum politischen Kampfinstrument und zwang die sozialliberale Koalition unter Willy Brandt zu weitreichenden Reformen. Patrick Bernhard schildert nicht nur die Diskussion um die "Demokratisierung des Dienstes" und die Abschaffung des "inquisitorischen" Prüfungsverfahrens, die Öffentlichkeit und Parlament erregte. Als wichtiger Beitrag zur jüngeren Gesellschaftsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik bilanziert die Studie auch, wie die Reformen den Sozialstaat langfristig veränderten.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Schweiz und Deutschland, 1945-1961 (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2004)

Subedited with Petra Weber

Research paper thumbnail of North Africa and the Holocaust: European Colonialism, Nazism, and Local Agency


To this day, the problem of relating colonialism to National Socialism remains highly controversi... more To this day, the problem of relating colonialism to National Socialism remains highly controversial among scholars and a broader public. So far, comparisons have been drawn between the German presence in Africa during the German Empire and the Nazi extermination policy in Eastern Europe forty years later. This article, however, examines from a transnational perspective how the Holocaust that was initiated and driven by the Nazi state played out on colonial soil in North Africa, when the region became an important theatre of World War Two and the 450,000 Jewish people living there became the focus of persecution. The article argues that the exclusion, persecution, and partial murder of Jewish people in North Africa was strongly influenced by colonial traditions of violence against Arabs and Berbers. Under the conditions of World War Two, and fuelled by the Third Reich, the two phenomena overlapped and intersected, which in turn helps to explain the dynamics of violence that we can observe in the region. At the same time, however, this perspective highlights the agency of local non-Jewish populations, which ranged from helping persecuted Jewish people to actively supporting the Nazi regime and its allies.

Research paper thumbnail of Die ausgebliebene Ahndung: Nationalsozialistische Verbrechen an Tuberkulosekranken, westdeutsche Strafverfolgung und die Konstruktion von „Normalität“ nach 1945, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 71,4 (2023), pp. 749-785.

Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 71,4 (2023), pp. 749-785.

Persons suffering from tuberculosis are among the forgotten victims of the Nazi dictatorship. One... more Persons suffering from tuberculosis are among the forgotten victims of the Nazi dictatorship. One of the reasons for this was the fact that cases of intentional patient neglect, physical violence and finally murder were not prosecuted after 1945 insofar as they pertained to German victims. Patrick Bernhard inquires into the reasons for this and – by using newly treated sources – points to a lack of will to deal with crimes which did not take place in concentration camps or institutions understood to be genuinely National Socialist. Thus, the approach of the involved jurists can be interpreted as a successful attempt to enclose National Socialism and the crimes committed in its name by reducing them to certain criminal acts, perpetrators and crime scenes. The article thereby also describes how “normality” was constructed in West German society.

Research paper thumbnail of Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 68 (2019), Iss. 2-3 : pp. 129–149.

Abstract Death and Social Security: The German State Pension System and Anti-Tuberculosis Batt... more Abstract

Death and Social Security: The German State Pension System and Anti-Tuberculosis Battles under National Socialism

Seen in historical context, the state pension system was among the most important institutional actors in the German social system in the fight against the widespread public health crisis of tuberculosis, which remained a major statistical cause of death at the beginning of the 20th century. Based on extensive archive research, this paper demonstrates that to a significant extent, the pension system remained structurally embedded in public health policy after the National Socialist seizure of power, working hand in hand with the NSDAP and the government agencies responsible for combating tuberculosis. Their close cooperation was not merely the result of pressure exerted by the Nazi dictatorship on pension insurance, as one reads in post-1945 apologetic texts. Alongside coercion, other factors played a critical role, including major institutional continuities and a specific understanding of tradition within the pension insurance system, ideological overlap between the thinking of National Socialist health policy-makers and leading state pension officials, and the self-interest of sanatoria, which used the coercive National Socialist system for tuberculosis patients to rid themselves of undesirable tuberculosis patients. In extreme cases, this meant the deliberate murder of patients by pension system doctors.

Research paper thumbnail of Nord-Afrika og Holocaust: Europeisk kolonialisme, nazisme og lokal agens

Fortid 4 (2021), pp. 27-35.

Historieforskningen i dag har en tendens til å forstå kolonialisme og nasjonalsosialismen til Naz... more Historieforskningen i dag har en tendens til å forstå kolonialisme og nasjonalsosialismen til Nazi-Tyskland som to atskilte fenomen. Forsøk på å sette disse to i dialog med hverandre innenfor et postkolonialt rammeverk har blitt møtt med sterk kritikk, noe som har medført at debatten har stoppet opp. I denne artikkelen går jeg nærmere inn på et forskningsprosjekt med sikte på å gjenåpne denne diskusjonen.
Jeg foreslår en alternativ tilnærming til komparative tilnærminger der nasjonalsosialismen og kolonialismen relateres til hverandre gjennom en sammenflettet historie med fokus på holocaust i Nord-Afrika.

Research paper thumbnail of Pedagogisk pizza:  Ernæring, utdannelse og den senmoderne italienske matlagingsboomen

Fortid, 2021

Temaet for denne artikkelen kan virke merkelig for noen lesere – og det er sannsynligvis av to gr... more Temaet for denne artikkelen kan virke merkelig for noen lesere – og det er sannsynligvis av to grunner. Først og fremst vil mange ikke umiddelbart se sammenhengen mellom utenlandsk mat og spørsmål om dannelse. Nyere forskningsmetoder i samtids- og utdanningshistorie tydeliggjør imidlertid at pedagogiske konsept fortsatt spiller en sentral rolle i vestlige samfunn, og gjennomsyrer alle livets områder. Disse forstås i økende grad som kunnskapssamfunn, fordi vitenskap og kunnskap spiller sentrale roller i å håndtere en stadig mer kompleks og gjensidig avhengig virkelighet. I tillegg finnes det pedagogiske fundamentet i nesten alle institusjoner med sikte på å fundamentalt regulere borgernes oppførsel i en kompleks struktur av ekstern- og selvkontroll. Dette omfatter ikke bare tradisjonelle meklingssteder som familier, skoler og universiteter -som var og er kommersielle bedrifter, men også media og militæret. En visjon med sentral plass gjennom hele 1900-tallet var omforming og optimalisering av mennesker.

Research paper thumbnail of In the Shadow of ‘Euthanasia’: The Long Road to the Nazi Murder of Tuberculosis Patients

German History, 2021

The social stigmatization, persecution and murder of tuberculosis patients in Nazi Germany is a t... more The social stigmatization, persecution and murder of tuberculosis patients in Nazi Germany is a topic that has long been overshadowed by euthanasia crimes. Based on extensive archival research, this article shows that over 30,000 patients, labelled as deviant, became victims of forced detention. In so-called 'special institutions', which were part of the regime's terror apparatus, these people suffered severe physical abuse. An estimated 4,000 were deliberately starved to death or murdered by overdoses of medication. As the article argues, a long road led to the Nazi murder of tuberculosis patients and began with medical experience gathered during the First World War and in the 1920s. When the regime's handling of the disease and of tuberculosis patients is located within this much wider time frame, the notion that the exigencies of the Second World War caused the regime's radicalization falters.

Research paper thumbnail of Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus (abstracts)

Sozialer Fortschritt, 2019

Historisch betrachtet ist die Rentenversicherung einer der wichtigsten institutionellen Akteure d... more Historisch betrachtet ist die Rentenversicherung einer der wichtigsten institutionellen Akteure des deutschen Sozialsystems im Kampf gegen die Volkskrankheit Tuberkulose, die noch zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts die Statistik der Todesursachen anführte. Wie der Beitrag auf der Basis umfangreicher Archivrecherchen zeigt, blieb die Rentenversicherung auch nach der nationalsozialistischen Machteroberung strukturell in erheblichem Maß in die öffentliche Gesundheitspolitik eingebunden und arbeitete eng mit den für die Tuberkulosebekämpfung zuständigen Stellen von Staat und NSDAP zusammen. Das geschah jedoch nicht ausschließlich, weil die nationalsozialistische Diktatur Druck auf die Rentenversicherung ausübte, wie nach 1945 in apologetischer Absicht zu lesen war. Neben Zwang spielten noch andere Faktoren eine entscheidende Rolle: starke institutionelle Kontinuitäten und ein spezifisches Traditionsverständnis innerhalb der Rentenversicherung, ideologische Schnittmengen im Denken von NS-Gesundheitspolitikern und leitenden Mitarbeitern der Rentenversicherung sowie Eigeninteressen von Heilanstalten, die das nationalsozialistische Zwangssystem für Tuberkulosekranke nutzten, um sich unbequemer Tuberkulosepatienten zu entledigen. Im Extremfall bedeutete das die eigenständige Ermordung von Patienten durch Ärzte der Rentenversicherung.

Research paper thumbnail of Death and Social Security: The German State Pension System and Anti-Tuberculosis Battles under National Socialism

Sozialer Fortschritt, 2019

Seen in historical context, the state pension system was among the most important institutional a... more Seen in historical context, the state pension system was among the most important institutional actors in the German social system in the fight against the widespread public health crisis of tuberculosis, which remained a major statistical cause of death at the beginning of the 20th century. Based on extensive archive research, this paper demonstrates that to a significant extent, the pension system remained structurally embedded in public health policy after the National Socialist seizure of power, working hand in hand with the NSDAP and the government agencies responsible for combating tuberculosis. Their close cooperation was not merely the result of pressure exerted by the Nazi dictatorship on pension insurance, as one reads in post- 1945 apologetic texts. Alongside coercion, other factors played a critical role, including major
institutional continuities and a specific understanding of tradition within the pension insurance system, ideological overlap between the thinking of National Socialist health policy-makers and leading state pension officials, and the self-interest of sanatoria, which used the coercive National Socialist system for tuberculosis patients to rid themselves of undesirable tuberculosis patients. In extreme cases, this meant the deliberate murder of patients by pension system doctors.

Research paper thumbnail of Open access of "The great divide? Notions of racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: new answers to an old problem"

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2019

The Journal of Modern Italian Studies has made "The great divide" an open access article until th... more The Journal of Modern Italian Studies has made "The great divide" an open access article until the end of April. It is as this link:

Research paper thumbnail of Riassunto in Italiano di "The great divide? Notions of racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: new answers to an old problem" per il Journal of Modern Italian Studies 24 (2019)

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2019

Uno dei risultati più importanti della ricerca di Michele Sarfatti è stata la messa in discussion... more Uno dei risultati più importanti della ricerca di Michele Sarfatti è stata la messa in discussione l’idea di una differenza fundamentale tra il razzismo biologico, predominante nella Germania nazista, e il ‘razzismo culturale’ del fascismo italiano. Io esamino come questa dicotomia si è andata formando e il significato che ha acquisito nel corso del tempo. Il fulcro della mia interpretazione è che tale divisione sia stata il risultato del dialogo tra gli esperti di demografia italiani e tedeschi nel periodo tra le due guerre, che ha portato ad una forte distinzione tra lo stile ‘italiano’ e ‘tedesco’ del razzismo, necessaria per la costruzione delle rispettive identità. In altri termini, il dibattito sul razzismo era un mezzo necessario per definire cosa volesse dire essere un ‘vero’ nazista o fascista. In questo modo, le differenze nell’ideologia razzista possono essere interpretate come il risultato di uno scontro sui significati. In conclusione, lo scopo della mia ricerca è di de-essenzializzare il significato di razza nella ricerca sia nella Germania nazista che nell’Italia fascista.

Research paper thumbnail of The Great Divide? Notions of Racism in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: New Answers to an Old Problem (AV full text)


One of Michele Sarfatti’s greatest accomplishments has been to challenge the notion that there wa... more One of Michele Sarfatti’s greatest accomplishments has been to challenge the notion that there was a fundamental difference between the biological racism predominant in Nazi Germany and the ‘cultural racism’ of Fascist Italy. I examine how this dichotomy took shape and the meaning it acquired over time. My basic argument is that this division is the result of dialogue between Italian and German population experts during the interwar period, and that making a sharp distinction between a ‘German’ and an ‘Italian’ style of racism helped them to construct their own identities. In other words, the debate on racism was a vehicle for defining what it meant to be a ‘true’ Nazi or Fascist. In this way, differences in racist ideology can be understood as a product of struggles over meaning. Ultimately, my aim is to de-essentialize the meaning of race in research on both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

Research paper thumbnail of A Lost Generation: The German Red Cross and the Missing Children of World War II

Research paper thumbnail of Fascist Empire? Nazi Germany and the Problem of Colonialism

The article has been published as part of the discussion forum "German and Italian Colonialism. C... more The article has been published as part of the discussion forum "German and Italian Colonialism. Comparative and Transnational Perspectives" by Contemporanea 21,1 (2018), pp. 120-124.

Research paper thumbnail of Blueprints of Totalitarianism: How Racist Policies in Fascist Italy Inspired and Informed Nazi Germany

Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies, 2017

Racism, especially anti-Semitism, is typically seen as a crucial point of distinction between Naz... more Racism, especially anti-Semitism, is typically seen as a crucial point of distinction between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Based on a range of new materials, this article shows that Nazi policies of social exclusion were inspired by Mussolini’s regime. The main thesis is that racist thought and action were intrinsic elements of both regimes and constituted a unifying element between them. The paper looks at the way the National Socialists used Fascist Italy as a foil for their own dreams of racial regeneration before Hitler’s rise to power. It also examines the cooperation between the two regimes following the 1936 Axis alliance, especially in terms of policing and the exchange of information about ‘Aryanisation’. Conceptually speaking, the article argues that the methods of cultural history are highly useful for shedding new light on Axis relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Colonial Crossovers: Nazi Germany and its Entanglements with Other Empires (full text)

Journal of Global History, 2017

Journal of Global History 12,2 (2017), pp. 206-27 Nazi Germany’s place in the wider world is a c... more Journal of Global History 12,2 (2017), pp. 206-27

Nazi Germany’s place in the wider world is a controversial topic in historiography. While scholars such as Ian Kershaw argue that Hitler’s dictatorship must be understood as a unique national phenomenon, others analyse Nazism within comparative frameworks. Mark Mazower, for example, argues that the international concept of ‘empire’ is useful for comprehending the German occupation of Europe. Using an approach native to transnational cultural studies, my contribution goes a step further: I analyse how the Nazis themselves positioned their regime in a wider international context, and thus gave meaning to it. My main thesis is that, while the Nazis took a broad look at international colonialism, they differentiated considerably between the various national experiences. French and British empire-building, for instance, did not receive the same attention as Japanese and Italian colonial projects. Based on new archival evidence, I show that the act of referring in particular to the Italian example was crucial for the Nazis. On the one hand, drawing strong parallels between Italian colonialism and the German rule of eastern Europe allowed Hitler to recruit support for his own visions of imperial conquest. On the other hand, Italian colonialism served as a blueprint for the Nazis’ plans for racial segregation. The article thus shows the importance of transnational exchange for understanding ideological dynamics within the Nazi regime.

Journal of Global History 12,2 (2017), pp. 206-27

Research paper thumbnail of Pädagogische Pizza:  Ernährung, Erziehung und der Boom der italienischen Küche in der Spätmoderne (full text)

in: ZeitRäume. Potsdamer Almanach des Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung (2016), pp. 82-91.

![Research paper thumbnail of Im Rücken Rommels: Kriegsverbrechen, koloniale Massengewalt und Judenverfolgung in Nordafrika (full text author`s version)](

Im Rücken Rommels: Kriegsverbrechen, koloniale Massengewalt und Judenverfolgung in Nordafrika, 1940-1943,` Zeitschrift fuer Genozidforschung 17/1-2 (2019), S. 83-122

In Rommel’s Rear: War Crimes, Colonial Mass Violence and the Persecution of Jews in North Africa... more In Rommel’s Rear: War Crimes, Colonial Mass Violence and the Persecution of
Jews in North Africa, 1940-1943 – Conventional wisdom holds that the Desert
War was an honorably fought and dispassionate war with no Gestapo, persecuted
civilians, or ruined homes. No doubt the fighting in North Africa was marked by
acts of generosity and humanity towards the enemy. However, this is only one
side of the coin. As I will show on the basis of new archival findings in seven
countries and a critical reassessment of the existing literature, in the shadow of
El Alamein, both sides committed serious atrocities against enemy soldiers and
civilians. While it is certainly true that the level of violence was lower than in
Eastern Europe, the North African Campaign was anything but a war without
hate. There were numerous intentional crimes and infringements of the rules of
conduct, including the ill- treatment and murder of captured enemy soldiers; the
plunder of the indigenous population; the rape of local women; as well as the
exploitation, murder, and mass detainment in concentration camps of Arabs,
Berbers, and Jews, which was often motivated by racial and anti-Semitic hatred.
Thus, the Desert War has to be recontextualized and put into the larger historical
frameworks that shaped WWII and, more broadly, the first half of the 20th
century. Conceptually, I reconnect the North African Campaign to the overarching
policies and prevailing ideologies of both the Axis and Allied regimes and
their societies. In particular, I show that much of the war violence that we see in
North Africa resulted from two major factors: the colonial context in which the
fighting took place, and the simple yet too often ignored fact that on the Axis side
the war was waged by fascist regimes that shared the violent vision of creating
racially pure societies. Thus, the Desert War has to be seen for what it actually
was: an integral part of the World War II experience which itself was inextricably
linked to the Axis powers’ imperial drive for “living space” and their murderous

Research paper thumbnail of Writing about the „Revolution“: Neue Studien zur 68er-Protestbewegung in internationaler Perspektive

Research paper thumbnail of Hitler’s Africa in the East:  Italian Colonialism as a Model for German Planning in Eastern Europe

Journal of Contemporary History 0022009414561825, first published on March 31, 2015 as doi:10.1177/0022009414561825

Since Hannah Arendt’s essay on the ‘Origins of Totalitarianism’ in 1951, there has been a vivid s... more Since Hannah Arendt’s essay on the ‘Origins of Totalitarianism’ in 1951, there has been a vivid scholarly debate about a nexus between Imperial Germany’s colonial endeavours in Africa and the Nazi occupation of Eastern Europe. Some historians have gone so far as to draw a direct line from the colonial massacres of Windhoek to those committed at Auschwitz. Yet my article suggests a different answer to the question of historical continuities: in its plans for Poland and the Soviet Union, the Third Reich did not draw upon its own colonial past but looked to the undertakings of Fascist Italy in Africa for inspiration. Italy’s huge settlement project, with which it sought to produce the racially superior Fascist New Man, served as a model for Nazi Germany particularly in one crucial regard: in the organization and regulation of a new Volksgemeinschaft at the edge of the empire. These findings are of far-reaching significance for our understanding of both Italian Fascism and National Socialism. The still dominant image of Mussolini’s regime as an insignificant appendage to the superior Nazi state is inaccurate. Rather, modern social engineering of Italian Fascism acted as an ‘inspirational’ force on Nazi Germany, catalysing the evolution of Hitler’s dictatorship.

Research paper thumbnail of Renarrating Italian Fascism: New Directions in the Historiography of a European Dictatorship

Contemporary European History 23,1 (2014), pp. 151-63.

Department of History, School of Histories & Humanities, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Republ... more Department of History, School of Histories & Humanities, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Republic of Ireland.

The extent to which European dictatorships of the twentieth century enjoyed popular support is one of the most contested and difficult questions in international contemporary history. In the case of Italian Fascism, two opposing points of view continue to hold sway. The first, orthodox viewpoint was established before 1945, and holds that the majority of the Italian population rejected Mussolini's regime, making widespread repression of the ubiquitous antifascist resistance essential for maintaining Mussolini's claim to power. A second, revisionist opinion first gained ground in the 1960s, and asserts that large segments of the population consented to the rule of regime, but that Fascist Italy was harmless compared to the dictatorships of Stalin and Hitler. It is only in recent years that an anti-revisionist, and, in certain cases, post-revisionist school of thought has been established. The five publications discussed in this article are representative of this new line of thinking. I argue that some of these publications are best characterised as anti-revisionist, as they focus predominantly on overturning the thesis of consensus. By contrast, only three of these works exhibit a truly post-revisionist perspective that attempts to combine both narratives into a new synthesis.

Research paper thumbnail of Der Beginn einer faschistischen Interpol: Das deutsch-italienische Polizeiabkommen und  die Zusammenarbeit der Diktaturen  im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit

Timm Beichelt / Clara Maddalena Frysztacka / Claudia Weber / Susann Worschech (eds.), Ambivalenzen der Europäisierung: Beiträge zur Neukonzeptionalisierung der Geschichte und Gegenwart Europas, 2020

Europas Gegenwart ist voller Widersprüche und Konflikte. Soeben noch mit dem Friedensnobelpreis a... more Europas Gegenwart ist voller Widersprüche und Konflikte. Soeben noch mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnet, ist die Europäische Union als transnationaler Akteur unfähig, auf existentielle Herausforderungen wie die globale Migration, die Klimakrise oder die eigene koloniale Gewaltgeschichte zu reagieren. Die Autorinnen und Autoren zeigen an ausgewählten Beispielen, dass Krisen und Konflikte nicht als unerwünschte Nebeneffekte einer ansonsten „gut gemeinten“ und erfolgreichen Europäisierung betrachtet werden können. Im Gegenteil sind jene Ambivalenzen, die im Kolonialismus oder in der Gewaltgeschichte zutage treten, dem modernen Konzept der Europäisierung eingeschrieben. Lange an die Peripherie oder in den außereuropäischen Raum verschoben, kehren Europas Widersprüche nun in die Zentren „zurück“. Das hier vorgestellte wissenschaftliche Analysekonzept exkludiert nicht die Ambivalenzen der Europäisierung: Sie sind den gegenwärtigen und historischen Prozessen innewohnend und basieren auf der Wechselbeziehung von Moderne und Europa, die die Weltenordnung seit der Aufklärung geprägt hat.

Research paper thumbnail of Guerre et violences en Afrique du Nord

'Guerre et violences en Afrique du Nord,' in Nicola Labanca, David Reynolds and Olivier Wieviorka (eds.), La Guerre du Désert 1940-1943 (Paris: Perrin, 2019), pp. 181-220. , 2019

From the book's cover: La guerre menée dans le désert du printemps 1940 à l’été 1943, de la Libye... more From the book's cover:
La guerre menée dans le désert du printemps 1940 à l’été 1943, de la Libye à l’Égypte, du Maroc à l’Algérie et à la Tunisie, a longtemps été réduite à l’affrontement entre Rommel et Montgomery, à la geste française de Bir Hakeim et au débarquement allié de novembre 1942. Comme si, en somme, la victoire des Alliés s’était surtout jouée ailleurs, dans les neiges de Stalingrad et le bocage de Normandie. Pour la première fois, les meilleurs spécialistes internationaux, réunis par Olivier Wieviorka, se penchent sur ce théâtre d’opérations pour le réinsérer dans les vastes horizons de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et étudier tout ce qui fait sa spécificité. Envisageant la guerre du désert dans sa pluralité, ils abordent des terres jusqu'alors inconnues – qu'il s'agisse de la logistique, de la composition plurinationale des troupes engagées ou des rapports complexes unissant colonisateurs et colonisés – et n'hésitent pas à briser quelques légendes, dont celle de la prétendue " guerre sans haine " menée notamment par le chevaleresque " Renard du désert ".

Cette guerre du désert, ou " guerre des sables ", retrouve ainsi la place qui lui revient dans l'historiographie et dans la mémoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : assurément l'une des toutes premières.

Research paper thumbnail of Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus

Patrick Bernhard, 'Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationa... more Patrick Bernhard, 'Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Sozialversicherung im Nationalsozialismus,' in Robert Loddenkemper,
Nikolaus Konietzko and Vera Seehausen (eds.), Die Lungenheilkunde und ihre Institutionen im Nationalsozialismus (Berlin: DGP, 2018), pp. 126-139.

Research paper thumbnail of Creare un ceto agricolo ʻsanoʼ. Razza, suolo e politiche agricole e di insediamento nell’ «Asse» fascista (full text)

Dalla metà degli anni Venti il regime fascista avviò il più grande esperimento di pedagogia polit... more Dalla metà degli anni Venti il regime fascista avviò il più grande esperimento di pedagogia politica di massa mai tentato nella storia italiana: forgiare una collettività organizzata di cittadini-sudditi, imbevuti sin dalla più tenera età di un’ideologia fascista nazionalpatriottica e militarista. Questo progetto, totalitario nelle intenzioni e propagato attraverso il termine di «uomo nuovo», divenne una forza trainante del regime, e diede occasione a gruppi di volonterosi esperti ed educatori di trovare una nuova collocazione sociale e opportunità di far carriera all’interno del regime, lavorando «incontro al Duce». Il volume analizza l’operato del regime e dei suoi esperti per realizzare l’ambizioso programma, concentrandosi su alcuni campi particolarmente significativi (partito unico di massa, scuola e organizzazioni giovanili, medicina, sport, arte futurista, politica demografica e assistenziale, propaganda, sfruttamento delle colonie, razzismo), presentando ideologia e politica legate alla formazione dell’uomo nuovo fascista nelle sue varie declinazioni, senza dimenticare il loro concorrente totalitario, la Chiesa cattolica.

Research paper thumbnail of La Svizzera: un caso isolato? Il servizio civile visto dagli altri

in Thomas Brueckner and Heinz Schenk (eds.), 20 anni di storie del servizio civile (Bern: BBL, 20... more in Thomas Brueckner and Heinz Schenk (eds.), 20 anni di storie del servizio civile (Bern: BBL, 2017), pp. 174-181.

In tema di servizio civile la Svizzera è stata a lungo considerata un caso isolato in Europa. Spesso e volentieri gli osservatori stranieri hanno ricordato che in Svizzera il diritto di obiezione di coscienza esiste solo dal 1992, mentre la maggior parte degli Stati europei lo aveva sancito nelle proprie leggi già da alcuni decenni. Anche il servizio civile istituito qualche tempo dopo, a detta di molti, era troppo modesto e specie se paragonato a quelli di Germania, Italia e Spagna – insignificante. Negli anni Settanta questi tre Paesi, che avevano conosciuto il fascismo, vedono crescere in modo esponenziale il numero dei loro obiettori di coscienza. Da allora in poi i giovani che rifiutano l’obbligo del servizio militare registrano un netto aumento anche in altri Stati dell’Europa occidentale, come Francia o Svezia. Di conseguenza, in questi Stati, Governi e associazioni caritatevoli istituiscono imponenti organizzazioni di servizio civile, e i giovani obiettori diventano ben presto un importante pilastro del sistema sociale nazionale.

Research paper thumbnail of Une exception suisse ? Le service civil sous l'angle international

in Thomas Brueckner and Heinz Schenk (eds.), 20 ans de service civil en histoires (Bern: BBL, 201... more in Thomas Brueckner and Heinz Schenk (eds.), 20 ans de service civil en histoires (Bern: BBL, 2017), pp. 174-181.

En matière de service civil, la Suisse a longtemps été une exception au sein de l’Europe. Les observateurs étrangers mentionnaient volontiers le fait que le droit à l’objection de conscience n’existe dans ce pays que depuis 1992, alors que la grande majorité des pays européens voisins l’avaient déjà inscrit dans leurs lois depuis des décennies. Le service civil constitué peu après passait auprès de nombreuses personnes pour dérisoire, voire insignifiant – surtout en comparaison de ce qui existait en Allemagne, en l’Italie ou en Espagne. Dans ces trois pays postfascistes, le nombre des objecteurs est monté en flèche depuis les années 1970. Dans d’autres pays d’Europe de l’Ouest, comme la France ou la Suède, le nombre des jeunes gens refusant le service militaire était aussi nettement plus élevé depuis cette période. Avec pour résultat que l’État et les organisations de bienfaisance y ont mis sur pied de grandes organisations de service civil et que les jeunes objecteurs sont bientôt devenus un soutien important du système social de leur pays.

Research paper thumbnail of Ausnahmefall Schweiz? Der Zivildienst in internationaler Perspektive

in Thomas Brueckner and Heinz Schenk (eds.), 20 Jahre Zivildienst in Geschichten (Bern: BBL, 2017... more in Thomas Brueckner and Heinz Schenk (eds.), 20 Jahre Zivildienst in Geschichten (Bern: BBL, 2017), pp. 174-181.

In Sachen Zivildienst galt die Schweiz in Europa lange Zeit als Sonderfall. Ausländische Beobachter verwiesen gerne darauf, dass es hierzulande erst seit 1992 ein Recht auf Kriegsdienstverweigerung gibt, während die allermeisten europäischen Nachbarländer einen solchen Anspruch oftmals bereits Jahrzehnte zuvor gesetzlich verankert haben. Auch der kurz danach aufgebaute Zivildienst galt vielen als klein und – gemessen vor allem an Deutschland, Italien und Spanien – als unbedeutend. In diesen drei postfaschistischen Ländern stieg die Zahl der Verweigerer seit den 1970er Jahren besonders rasant an. Auch in anderen westeuropäischen Staaten wie Frankreich oder Schweden verweigerten seit dieser Zeit deutlich mehr junge Menschen den Wehrdienst. Das Ergebnis war, dass Staat und Wohlfahrtsverbände dort jeweils grosse Zivildienstorganisationen aufbauten und junge Verweigerer bald zu wichtigen Stützen für die Sozialsysteme ihres Landes wurden.

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Von Drückebergern zu Helden des Alltags: Zur Geschichte der Wehrdienstverweigerer in der Bundesrepublik, 1945-1990 (full text)

in: Ich dien’ nicht! Wehrdienstverweigerung in der Geschichte, eds. Ch. Müller und D. Walter (Ber... more in: Ich dien’ nicht! Wehrdienstverweigerung in der Geschichte, eds. Ch. Müller und D. Walter (Berlin: Winter Industries, 2008), pp. 127-47.

Research paper thumbnail of Heralds of a New Order: Mussolini, Hitler and the Purging of Europe

in Dieter Pohl and Johannes Dafinger (eds.), A New Nationalist Europe under Hitler: Concepts of E... more in Dieter Pohl and Johannes Dafinger (eds.), A New Nationalist Europe under Hitler: Concepts of Europe and Transnational Networks in the National Socialist Sphere of Influence (1933-1945), forthcoming Routledge 2017/18

Research paper thumbnail of Violence de guerre, in: La guerre des sables, ed. by Olivier Wieviorka, David Reynolds, and Nicola Labanca (forthcoming Paris: Editions Perrin)

Présentation Entre 1940 et 1943, l’Afrique du Nord – au sens large – a été le théâtre d’opératio... more Présentation

Entre 1940 et 1943, l’Afrique du Nord – au sens large – a été le théâtre d’opérations décisives. Forces alliées d’une part et troupes germano-italiennes de l’autre se sont affrontées dans de durs combats, livrant des batailles décisives, qu’il s’agisse de Tobrouk, d’El-Alamein, du débarquement de novembre 1942 ou de la bataille du Cap-Bon. Ce conflit a laissé des traces durables dans les mémoires nationales : Rommel et Montgomery devinrent des héros, sinon des mythes. Et la France libre exalta l’épopée de Koenig et de Leclerc, au travers du serment de Koufra et du haut fait de Bir-Hakeim. La légende, cependant, a son revers : l’armée italienne fut raillée pour son absence de mordant ; et une histoire révisionniste s’est employée à diminuer les mérites de Monty, tout en euphémisant l’incidence d’El-Alamein.

Le projet ici présenté se propose de revenir sur cette guerre des sables en proposant – c’est sa première originalité – d’offrir un point de vue synthétique et global sur ce théâtre d’opérations. Car si les historiographies nationales ont largement déblayé le terrain, elles restent prisonnières d’un cadre national qui n’envisage que rarement le point de vue de l’adversaire. Le projet, seconde originalité, vise par ailleurs à dépasser les interrogations que suscite l’histoire-bataille. Certes, les opérations militaires auront toute leur place ; mais le propos entend également s’élargir aux problématiques diplomatiques, sociales et économiques. Les thèmes suivants sont ainsi abordés :

La stratégie et la conduite des opérations.
La logistique de guerre
Les hiérarchies militaires et les commandements
Le rapport entre alliés : Italie/Allemagne, Royaume-Uni/Commonwealth, France libre/Alliés, Royaume-Uni/Etats-Unis
L'impact du conflit sur les populations civiles et les situations coloniales
Les violences de guerre et la gestion des prisonniers
La sortie de guerre et la mémoire du conflit

Comité scientifique

Olivier Wieviorka (ENS Cachan)
David Reynolds (Cambridge University)
Stefan Martens (Deutsches Historisches Institut - Paris)
Nicola Labanca (Università degli studi di Siena)
François Dumasy (Ecole française de Rome)
Julie Le Gac (ENS Cachan)

Research paper thumbnail of A lezione da Mussolini: Le aspirazioni coloniali della Germania nazista all’ombra dell’espansionismo italiano

Research paper thumbnail of Der Kalte Krieg im langen 20. Jahrhundert: Neue Ansätze, Befunde und Perspektiven

Den Kalten Krieg denken: Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945, ed. P. Bernhard and H. Nehring (Essen: Klartext Publishing House, 2014)

Für Amerikaner und Westeuropäer war der Kalte Krieg nur am Rande ein bewaffneter Konflikt und meh... more Für Amerikaner und Westeuropäer war der Kalte Krieg nur am Rande ein bewaffneter Konflikt und mehr als eine reine Auseinandersetzung zwischen den zwei großen Ideologien Kommunismus und liberaler Kapitalismus. Er beeinflusste Gesellschaft, Wissenschaft und Kultur in den westlichen Staaten in ganz erheblichem Maße: Der Rüstungswettlauf war einerseits Projektionsfläche tiefgreifender Ängste vor einem atomaren Holocaust. Andererseits sollte diese Angst durch Planung und Verwissenschaftlichung in kollektive Sicherheit transformiert werden. In diesem Sinne versteht der vorliegende Band den Kalten Krieg als ‚Krieg der Imaginationen‘ (Mary Kaldor). Er führt Beiträge von Militär-, Sozial- und Ideenhistorikern in einer sozialen Ideengeschichte zusammen und bereichert unser Wissen über eines der am tiefsten einschneidenden Phänomene des 20. Jahrhunderts um wichtige, bislang aber vernachlässigte Facetten.

Research paper thumbnail of Wirklich alles locker, flockig, liberal? Plädoyer für einen postrevisionistischen Blick auf die westdeutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte der 1960er und 1970er Jahre

Research paper thumbnail of Italien auf dem Teller: Zur Geschichte der italienischen Gastronomie in Deutschland

Research paper thumbnail of Dolce Vita, Made in Italy und Globalisierung

‘Dolce Vita, Made in Italy und Globalisierung,’ in Dolce Vita? Das Bild der italienischen Migranten in Deutschland, ed. O. Janz and R. Sala (Frankfurt/New York: Campus, 2011), pp. 62-81.

Research paper thumbnail of Make love not war! Die APO, der Zivildienst und die sozialliberale Koalition

Research paper thumbnail of Metropolen auf Achse: Städtebau und Großstadtgesellschaften Roms und Berlins im faschistischen Bündnis 1936-1943

Research paper thumbnail of Lebensraumwissenschaft: Die Kieler Geographen, die NS-Volkstumsforschung und der Traum von einem deutschen Kolonialreich

Research paper thumbnail of Die Kolonialachse: Der NS-Staat und Italienisch-Afrika 1935 bis 1943

Research paper thumbnail of Repression transnational: Die Polizeizusammenarbeit zwischen Drittem Reich und italienischem Faschismus, 1933-1943

Research paper thumbnail of Podcast: The Mediterranean viewed from the Southern Shore

Podcast, 2020

Jasmin Daam and Esther Moeller: Modern Mediterranean history and Middle Eastern history rarely di... more Jasmin Daam and Esther Moeller:
Modern Mediterranean history and Middle Eastern history rarely dialogue with each other. Whereas European ideas and practices of and in the Mediterranean have been studied thoroughly, only recently did researchers start to examine ideas and experiences through which actors on the Southern shore contributed to the making of the Mediterranean. In this episode, recorded during a conference in Beirut, we discuss the relevance of the Mediterranean in Arab ideas, institutions and identity constructions in the late Ottoman and post-Ottoman period. We focus on topics such as tourism in the Mandates, spatial transformations in the former Western Arab provinces after the demise of the Ottoman Empire, emigration on sea from the coast of Lebanon, and humanitarianism in Egypt after WWII. Through such diverse perspectives, the episode asks what a focus on the Southern shore might add to our perception of the Mediterranean “liquid continent”.

Research paper thumbnail of Ermordung und pflegerische Vernachlässigung von Tuberkulose-Patienten - Projektbericht

Ermordung und pflegerische Vernachlässigung von Tuberkulose-Patienten in den Kliniken der gesetzl... more Ermordung und pflegerische Vernachlässigung von Tuberkulose-Patienten in den Kliniken der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung im Nationalsozialismus

Projektleitung: PD Dr. Winfried Süß (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung)

PD Dr. Winfried Süß und Dr. Patrick Bernhard führten das Projekt von Mai 2015 bis Dezember 2017 durch. Zur Umsetzung des Vorhabens griffen die Forscher auf eine Fülle von Quellen aus Fachzeitschriften, medizinischen Dissertationen oder Lehrbüchern sowie lokalen (z.B. Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Regensburg), regionalen (z.B. Staatsarchiv Hamburg) und nationalen (z.B. Bundesarchiv) Archivbeständen zurück. Aus den Aktenbeständen der Regionalträger der Deutschen Rentenversicherung konnten jedoch keine für das Projekt relevanten Daten gefunden werden.

Die Ergebnisse des Projekts gliedern die Forscher in drei Aspekte auf. Erstens schließen sie aus dem untersuchten Material, dass die Ausgrenzung und Tötung von als „asozial“ bezeichneten Tuberkulosepatienten zeitlich weit vor dem Nationalsozialismus schon in der Weimarer Republik diskursiv vorbereitet wurde. Eine entscheidende Rolle spielte dabei der Erste Weltkrieg, durch welchen es in Deutschland zu einem drastischen Anstieg der ohnehin schon die Hälfte aller Sterbefälle im Alter von 15-40 Jahren verursachenden Tuberkuloseerkrankung kam. Eine weitere Ausbreitung sollte „unter allen Umständen“ und „mit allen Mitteln“ verhindert werden. Die Auseinandersetzung der Mediziner mit der bis dato bestehenden Tuberkulosebekämpfung führte zu einer massiven Kritik an den stationären Behandlungen. Die Krankheit sollte schon im Anfangsstadium entdeckt, behandelt und Neuansteckungen sollten verhindert werden, weshalb den ambulanten Fürsorgestellen zur frühzeitigen Bekämpfung der Krankheit besondere Bedeutung beigemessen wurde. Damit gingen aber auch stärkere Kontrolle und letztlich eine veränderte Sichtweise auf die Krankheit und Kranke einher. Nicht mehr die Hilfsbedürftigkeit von Tuberkulosekranken stand im Vordergrund sondern deren Verhalten war entscheidend. Kranken, die sich nicht an ärztliche Anweisungen hielten, wurde psychopathologisches Fehlverhalten bescheinigt. Sie galten als böswillig und wurden später als „asozial“ deklariert. Diese Entwicklung vollzog sich Anfang der 1920er bis Anfang der 1930er Jahre und hatte die weitere Ausgrenzung von Randgruppen wie Alkoholikern, Prostituierten oder Obdachlosen zur Folge. Als Konsequenz daraus sollten zur Bekämpfung der Krankheit Tuberkulosepatienten mit deren Zustimmung zwangsweise untergebracht werden. Außerdem gab es in der Tuberkulosebekämpfung erste Berührungspunkte mit „Euthanasieüberlegungen“. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass es sich bei Tuberkulose um eine chronische Krankheit handelt und dies auch längere Erwerbsunfähigkeit bedeutete, übernahmen die Landesversicherungsanstalten seit Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts die Kosten für stationäre Behandlungen in Lungenheilstätten und waren so direkt in die Tuberkulosebekämpfung eingebunden.

So folgern Bernard und Süß zweitens, dass die Rentenversicherung auch während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus strukturell in die öffentliche Gesundheitspolitik eingebunden war und zusammen mit dem Regime an der Tuberkulosebekämpfung arbeitete. Dabei sind unterschiedliche Dynamiken zu erkennen, die u.a. auf Zwänge, institutionelle Kontinuitäten, ein spezifisches Traditionsverständnis, auf ideologische Schnittmengen im Denken von NS-Gesundheitspolitikern und leitenden Mitarbeitern der Rentenversicherung oder auf Eigeninteressen der Heilanstalten zurückzuführen sind. Einerseits sorgten die nationalsozialistischen Personalsäuberungsaktionen und ihre Pläne, eine Einheitshilfe für Tuberkulosekranke zu errichten, für Konflikte und Konkurrenz zwischen der Rentenversicherung und dem Regime. So zwang man die Rentenversicherung durch die Ausweitung staatlicher Hilfen für nicht-versicherte Tuberkulosekranke dazu, die Leistungen für ihre eigenen Versicherten ebenfalls zu erweitern, was eine gewisse finanzielle Überbeanspruchung bedeutete. Andererseits trug die Rentenversicherung das System mit, indem z.B. die Landesversicherungsanstalten in großem Maße die Tuberkulosefürsorgestellen (finanziell) unterstützten, berieten und kontrollierten. In der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus wurde die bestehende Alltagspraxis der Tuberkulosebekämpfung weitestgehend fortgesetzt, aber es ließ sich schon früh eine Radikalisierung erkennen. 1934 wurde die Zwangsasylierung in Sonderanstalten für „asoziale“ Tuberkulosekranke ohne deren formale Einwilligung durch eine rechtliche Grundlage gestützt. In diesen Sonderanstalten herrschten teilweise haftähnliche Bedingungen mit Arbeitszwang, seelischer und körperlicher Misshandlung bis hin zur Tötung. Einige Mitarbeiter der Rentenversicherung und Lungenfachärzte arbeiteten aufgrund ideologischer Affinitäten auch eng mit NS-Gesundheitspolitikern zusammen oder forcierten radikale Entwicklungen, so dass es zu einer Normalisierung von Gewalt gegenüber Tuberkulosepatienten kam. Ca. 3000 Patienten starben in den Sonderanstalten aufgrund dieser Behandlung. Mitarbeiter der LVA Heilstätten konnten die Sonderanstalten aus als Drohkulisse verwenden, um Patienten einzuschüchtern und gefügig zu machen. Einen konkreten Fall von Patientenmord konnten Bernhard und Süß im Rahmen ihrer Untersuchung ausmachen: In der von der LVA-Mecklenburg betriebenen Heilstätte Amsee bei Waren/Müritz hatte ein Arzt 1945 kurz vor Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges sieben Patientinnen mit einer Überdosierung des Narkotikums Evipan getötet.

Abschließend stellen Bernhard und Süß drittens heraus, dass die Verbrechen an Tuberkulosekranken während des Nationalsozialismus kaum juristisch aufgearbeitet und geahndet wurden. Auch ist insgesamt wenig darüber bekannt, wie nach dem Krieg mit diesen Verbrechen umgegangen wurde. Als mögliche Gründe dafür sehen die Forscher zum einen erhebliche Schwierigkeiten bei der Beweiserhebung. Zum anderen benennen sie fehlenden Mut und Konformitätsdruck, z.B. schreckten Zeugen davor zurück, Täter bei Behörden anzuzeigen. Letztlich bescheinigen sie den ermittelnden Staatsanwaltschaften Unwillen, Verbrechen zu ahnden, die in nicht als genuin nationalsozialistisch begriffenen Institutionen begangen worden waren. Auch nach 1945 hielt sich unter Lungenfachärzten die Auffassung des Fehlverhaltens von Kranken und der Gefahr durch Tuberkulosepatienten für die Gesellschaft. Die Kategorie der asozialen Tuberkulosekranken wurde über Jahrzehnte weiterverwendet und findet sich noch heute im Sprachgebrauch von Behörden, z.B. im Bayerischen Besoldungsrecht (s. §13 Bayerische Zulagenverordnung).

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Mediterranean: A New Research Network Presents itself.pdf

Online Publication:, 2019

Due to current conflicts, crises and wars, the Mediterranean is back on the agenda of the Humanit... more Due to current conflicts, crises and wars, the Mediterranean is back on the agenda of the Humanities and the social sciences. Yet, in the field of modern history this paradigm is almost absent. The DFG research network “The Modern Mediterranean: Dynamics of a World Region 1800 | 2000” therefore aims to transcend the fragmentation of separate historiographies and to get a more integrated view of the modern period of this region. It focuses on the dynamics and transformations of the region in the 19th and 20th centuries. Instead of taking the Mediterranean as a natural given, the network will explore how this space was invented and shaped in the modern age. Against myths of Mediterranean unity, continuity and singularity, the region is conceived as a contact zone between Africa, Asia and Europe that was connected to and is comparable with other regions of the world. The members and guests of the network meet at international Mediterranean research centres (Deutsches Historisches Institut Rom, Deutsch-Italienisches Studienzentrum Venedig, École française de Rome, Orient Institut Beirut, Orient Institut Istanbul, Zentrum für Mittelmeerstudien Bochum, Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin) in order to explore themes which are at the core of current debates on Mediterranean history: spatial and temporal configurations, mobility and borders, empires and religions, port cities and islands, transregional connections and global entanglements. The discussions of the network will result in a series of publications, among them an anthology collecting texts representing the new historiography of the modern Mediterranean. In this way, Mediterranean history will not only be presented as an innovative field of historical research but also as a new approach that is able to combine European and non-European perspectives in a productive way helping us to understand what is at stake in this region at the moment and in the future.

Research paper thumbnail of In the Shadow of El Alamein:  The Desert War, Fascist Biopolitics and Violence in North Africa in the 20th Century

Online Publication:, 2019

Conventional wisdom holds that the Desert War was an honorably fought and dispassionate war with ... more Conventional wisdom holds that the Desert War was an honorably fought and dispassionate war with no Gestapo, persecuted civilians, or ruined homes. No doubt the fighting in North Africa was marked by acts of generosity and humanity towards the enemy. However, this is only one side of the coin.

As I will show on the basis of new archival findings in seven countries and a critical reassessment of the existing literature, in the shadow of El Alamein, both sides committed serious atrocities against enemy soldiers and civilians.
While it is certainly true that the level of violence was lower than in Eastern Europe, the North African Campaign was anything but a war without hate.

There were numerous intentional crimes and infringements of the rules of conduct, including the ill-treatment and murder of captured enemy soldiers;
the plunder of the indigenous population; the rape of local women; as well as the exploitation, murder, and mass detainment in concentration camps of Arabs, Berbers, and Jews, which was often motivated by racial and anti-Semitic hatred.

Thus, the Desert War has to be recontextualized and put into the larger historical frameworks that shaped WWII and, more broadly, the first half of the 20th century. Conceptually, I reconnect the North African Campaign to the overarching policies and prevailing ideologies of both the Axis and Allied regimes and their societies.

In particular, I show that much of the war violence that we see in North Africa resulted from two major factors: the colonial context in which the fighting took place, and the simple yet too often ignored fact that on the Axis side the war was waged by fascist regimes that shared the violent vision of creating racially pure societies. Thus, the Desert War has to be seen for what it actually was: an integral part of the World War II experience which itself was inextricably linked to the Axis powers’ imperial drive for “living space” and their murderous biopolitics.

Related Publications:

Patrick Bernhard, “Behind the Battle Lines: Italian Atrocities and the Persecution of Arabs, Berbers, and Jews in North Africa during World War II,” Holocaust and Genocide Studies 26,3 (2012), pp. 425-446.

Patrick Bernhard and Julie Le Gac, “Guerre et violence en Afrique du Nord,” in Olivier Wieviorka, David Reynolds, and Nicola Labanca (eds.), La Guerre des Sables (in print Paris: Editions Perrin).

Patrick Bernhard, “Im Rücken Rommels: Kriegsverbrechen, koloniale Massengewalt und Judenverfolgung in Nordafrika,“ forthcoming Zeitschrift für Genozidforschung, special issue on violence in the Mediterranean region.

Research paper thumbnail of A Tale of Modernity:  The Global Success of Italian Cuisine in Western Societies

What is so compelling about a transnational history of Italian food? I believe such a history can... more What is so compelling about a transnational history of Italian food? I believe such a history can shed light on broader historical movements: In my view, the main reason for the global success of Italian cuisine from
the late 20th century onward is that there was a major shift in our understanding of modernity.

At the beginning of the 20th century Italian food was largely unpopular, as people related it to the allegedly pre-modern fabric of a Mediterranean society that seemed to lag far behind the highly industrialized, technological and scientific nations of Western Europe and North America. Italian food was seen as archaic and even unhealthy, as it was not based on meat and milk, the two main ingredients of what at the time was seen as the ideal diet for a scientifically optimized society.

Yet this understanding dramatically changed in the late 20th century, as Western societies became aware of the dark side of modernity; modernity was seen more and more as a story not just about advancement but also about loss and destruction. In this context, Italian food soon emerged as representative of a better, older world that people had sacrificed in the name of human progress. According to this countervailing narrative, a world was lost in which human relations were central, especially friendships and family ties; a world in which people took their time – indeed, the attractiveness of Italian “slow food” has very much to do with our shifting ideas of temporality.

Even the very idea of values such as work and achievement underwent critique. What had formerly been despised as Italian laziness now became a virtue: the ability to live the dolce vita, or “the sweet life of doing nothing”.

Accordingly, in this project, I will not only seek to present modernity as a key concept for comprehending the 20th century. Perhaps more importantly, my research will contextualize and historicize the term “modernity” by showing the semantic transformation it underwent over the course of the century.

In this way, I wish to contribute to what has been called the “History of the Present”: a critical endeavor to reflect on the role history plays in establishing categories of contemporary debate and scrutinize current concepts deemed inevitable, natural, or culturally necessary by unearthing their genesis in specific historical and ideological contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Une exception suisse ? Le service civil sous l'angle international

Vingt ans de service civil en histoires Publication online:

Research paper thumbnail of La Svizzera: un caso isolato? Il servizio civile visto dagli altri

20 anni di servizio civile: storie per l’anniversario Pubblicazione online:

Research paper thumbnail of Ausnahmefall Schweiz? Der Zivildienst in internationaler Perspektive

20 Jahre Zivildienst: Geschichten im Jubiläumsjahr Online-Publikation unter

Research paper thumbnail of In the Shadow of "Euthanasia": A New Study on the Murder of Tuberculosis Patients during National Socialism

Research paper thumbnail of Im Schatten der "Euthanasie": Ein neues Projekt zum Krankenmord an Tuberkulosepatienten

Inwiefern wurden im Nationalsozialismus neben behinderten Menschen auch Tuberkulosekranke Opfer v... more Inwiefern wurden im Nationalsozialismus neben behinderten Menschen auch Tuberkulosekranke Opfer von Krankenmord? Mit dieser grundlegenden Frage beschäftigt sich ein neues Forschungsprojekt, das im Mai 2015 mit großzügiger finanzieller Unterstützung durch das Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung der Deutschen Rentenversicherung gestartet ist. Damit stellt sich die DRV ihrer historischen Verantwortung: Die Bekämpfung der Volkskrankheit Tuberkulose zählte in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts zu einer der großen Aufgaben der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung, die dadurch in erheblichem Maß in die nationalsozialistische Gesundheitspolitik eingebunden war. Entsprechend untersucht die Studie zum einen die konkrete medizinische und pflegerische Behandlung von Tuberkulosepatienten in Einrichtungen und Belegkliniken der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung, zum anderen fragt sie nach den Akteuren und Verantwortlichkeiten für eventuelle Fälle von Patientenmord und lotet deren Entscheidungsspielräume innerhalb des NS-Regimes aus. Wo handelten Mediziner und Krankenpflegepersonal auf Anordnung, wo hingegen ging der Patientenmord möglicherweise auf Initiativen vor Ort zurück, die dann nur mehr vom NS-Regime unterstützt wurden? Das Projekt verbindet somit medizin-, sozial-und politikgeschichtliche Ansätze zu einer Gesellschaftsgeschichte des Nationalsozialismus, die die Beteiligung an und die Unterstützung der Diktatur in den Blick nimmt. Neben der Frage, wer wie viel Verantwortung am Krankenmord trug, geht es vor allem auch um die Frage nach dem Warum. Ein bis heute ungeklärtes Problem ist der Stellenwert, den hier der Rassismus besaß. Während frühere Forschungen letztlich alle Verbrechen der Diktatur allein auf rassistisches Denken zurückführten, werden in der aktuellen Forschung auch andere Begründungszusammenhänge wie Nation, Religion, Klasse und kriegswirtschaftliche Nützlichkeitskalküle diskutiert. Genau hier setzt das Projekt ein: Es untersucht, inwieweit auch ökonomische Erwägungen eine Rolle bei der Behandlung von Tuberkulosepatienten spielten. Das betrifft vor allem die Frage nach deren Arbeitsfähigkeit: Entschied sich das Schicksal von Tbc-Kranken möglicherweise an der Frage, ob sie noch arbeiten konnten oder eine vermeintliche Belastung für das Gesundheitssystem darstellten? War es also am Ende weniger die rassistische Vorstellung von einer " reinen Volksgemeinschaft " als vielmehr die ihnen zugeschriebene geringe " Nützlichkeit " der Patienten für die Kriegsanstrengungen der deutschen Gesellschaft, die ihre unzureichende medizinische Behandlung und evtl. auch den Mord an ihnen begründete?

Research paper thumbnail of L'Italia dopo il 1945

14° convegno internazionale organizzato dal Gruppo di lavoro per la storia contemporanea italiana... more 14° convegno internazionale organizzato dal Gruppo di lavoro per la storia contemporanea italiana, in collaborazione con l'Istituto Storico Germanico, l'Istituto italiano di cultura di Berlino, l'Italienzentrum della FU di Berlino, e lo Zentrum für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas ; 15 - 17 giugno a Berlino

Research paper thumbnail of Napoleonische Expansionspolitik. Okkupation oder Integration?

Research paper thumbnail of Wehrgerechtigkeit - Conscription in Post-War West Germany

Online Article on "German Defense Policy" of the The Federal Agency for Civic Education Online-B... more Online Article on "German Defense Policy" of the The Federal Agency for Civic Education

Online-Beitrag für das Dossier "Deutschen Verteidigungspolitik" der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung

Research paper thumbnail of Kriegsdienstverweigerung und Zivildienst - Conscientious Objection and Alternative Military Service in Post-War West Germany

Online Article on "German Defense Policy" of the The Federal Agency for Civic Education Online-... more Online Article on "German Defense Policy" of the The Federal Agency for Civic Education

Online-Beitrag für das Dossier "Deutschen Verteidigungspolitik" der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung

Research paper thumbnail of 100(0) Schlüsseldokumente zur deutschen Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert

100(0) key documents on German history in the 20th century Internet edition of the Department of... more 100(0) key documents on German history in the 20th century
Internet edition of the Department of Eastern European History of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München

Research paper thumbnail of Die Unordnung der deutschen Gesellschaft: Der Suchdienst des Roten Kreuzes und die vermissen Kinder des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Research paper thumbnail of Der Beginn einer faschistischen Interpol? Das deutsch-italienische Polizeiabkommen von 1936 und die Zusammenarbeit der faschistischen Diktaturen im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit

Research paper thumbnail of L’Europizza: La diffusione della cucina italiana nel mondo e lo sviluppo di un modello di consumo europeo, 1900-2000

Research paper thumbnail of La politique d’expansion napoléonienne: Occupation ou intégration ? Compte rendu du colloque de Rome

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Monica Fioravanzo, Fascist Europe: From Italian Supremacy to Subservience to the Reich (1932-1943

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2024

BOOK REVIEW Fascist Europe: From Italian Supremacy to Subservience to the Reich (1932–1943) by Mo... more BOOK REVIEW
Fascist Europe: From Italian Supremacy to Subservience to the Reich (1932–1943)
by Monica Fioravanzo, Berghahn, New York and London, 2024, 232 pp., $135.00/£99.00 (hard cover), ISBN: 9781805392705

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Christian Goeschel, Mussolini and Hitler: the forging of the fascist alliance for Journal of Modern Italian Studies

Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Claudia C. Gatzka, Die Demokratie der Wähler: Stadtgesellschaft und politische Kommunikation in Italien und der Bundesrepublik 1944–1979

The American Historical Review, Volume 126, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 1697–1698, Published: 09 February 2022

Claudia C. Gatzka has written an excellent comparative study on how people in Italy and West Germ... more Claudia C. Gatzka has written an excellent comparative study on how people in Italy and West Germany dealt with notions of democracy after 1945. What is so intriguing about her book is its innovative approach: instead of writing a top-down history of democratization with an emphasis on political parties and institutions, Gatzka focuses on the intricate interplay between voters and their representatives and how, as a result, new political legitimacies were both crafted and represented in the two societies after fascism and Nazism. As Gatzka explains in the book’s introduction, she is interested in not only how politicians addressed their citizens and tried to engage them in the political process but also how the latter reacted to the offers made, by either participating or staying aside. Also, rather than analyzing political communication at the national level and thus taking a bird’s-eye view, Gatzka has chosen a translocal approach that leads...

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Andrew Buchanan, World War II in Global Perspective, 1931-1953: A Short History (Hoboken: Wiley, 2019)

War in History 28,3 (2021), pp. 704-6.

Although a great deal has been written about the global dimensions of the First World War, until ... more Although a great deal has been written about the global dimensions of the First World War, until recently, historical accounts of the Second World War were conspicuously less wide ranging, tending to focus on isolated aspects of the conflict or specific research questions. In recent years, however, new perspectives have been emerging; scholars such as Judith A. Byfield, ‎Heike Liebau, Dan Diner, and Ethan Mark have addressed largely neglected aspects of the war in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, seeking to understand the significance of the war for local populations. Another fresh perspective is offered by Andrew Buchanan of the University of Vermont, who highlights how the war transformed the United States into the rise of the US as an economic and military superpower. Buchanan asserts that while the US was an economic powerhouse in the interwar years, it was only after 1945 that it also became a dominant military force – and, by extension, a political hegemon. While this argument is not entirely new, it is advanced in a novel fashion, because Buchanan takes the perspective of global history, which for many scholars has been a tool for overcoming western-centric positions, rather than reaffirming them. In this way, Buchanan offers an alternate understanding of global history that is sure to spark some controversy within the academic community. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Bjarte Bruland, Holocaust in Norwegen. Registrierung, Deportation, Vernichtung (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019).

Beitraege zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, 2020

Norwegen stand lange außerhalb des Erkenntnisinteresses von Historikerinnen, die sich mit dem Hol... more Norwegen stand lange außerhalb des Erkenntnisinteresses von Historikerinnen, die sich mit dem Holocaust beschäftigen. Das gilt sowohl für die internationale Forschung, die offenbar angesichts der wenigen im Land lebenden jüdischen Menschen dem Thema wenig Aufmerksamkeit schenkte, als auch für die Geschichtswissenschaft in Norwegen selbst. Mehr noch als in den anderen Ländern stand dort nach 1945 der militärische Widerstand gegen die deutschen Besatzer im Zentrum der akademischen Aufmerksamkeit und leistete in der interessierten Öffentlichkeit der bis heute weit verbreiteten Vorstellung Vorschub, bei Quislings Kollaborationsregime habe es sich um eine gesellschaftlich gänzlich isolierte Minderheit gehandelt. In einem Land mit ausgeprägtem Konsensdenken geriet umgekehrt die Vorstellung einer Nation im Widerstand zum Kern norwegischer Nachkriegsidentität. Die Situation änderte sich erst in den 1990er Jahren. Ausgangspunkt war hier zum einen die international heftig geführte Diskussion um die Rolle Schweizer Banken bei der Einziehung jüdischer Vermögen. Zum anderen stellten die jüdische Gemeinde in Norwegen und der World Jewish Congress Wiedergutmachungsforderungen, die wie in vielen anderen Staaten zur Einsetzung einer Historikerinnenkommission führten, deren Arbeit ebenfalls fuer heftigen Streit in Politik und Gesellschaft sorgte. Ein Mitglied dieser Kommission war Bartje Bruland, der damals gerade seine Abschlussarbeit zum Thema Judenverfolgung geschrieben hatte. Aufbauend auf diesen Vorarbeiten publizierte Bruland im Jahr 2017 seine ungleich umfassendere Doktorarbeit, die nun auch in deutscher Übersetzung vorliegt.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Eileen Ryan, Religion as Resistance: Negotiating Authority in Italian Libya

Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 22,1 (2021)., 2021

in Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 22,1 (2021).

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Arne Hassing, Church Resistance to Nazism in Norway, 1940–1945 for American Historical Review

American Historical Review, 2017

Norway still tends to be neglected in research on the German occupation of Europe. In Church Resi... more Norway still tends to be neglected in research on the German occupation of Europe. In Church Resistance to Nazism in Norway, 1940–1945, Arne Hassing specifically examines how the Lutheran Church responded to the Nazi regime over the course of the war. Drawing on his previous works on this topic and a broad range of primary sources from Norwegian, Swedish, German, British, Swiss, and American archives, Hassing seeks to explain why members of the Norwegian higher clergy, including its undisputed leader, Bishop of Oslo Eivind Berggrav, took a stand against Nazism, thus acting in sharp contrast to Protestant religious leaders in Germany. While the Church of Norway initially attempted to accommodate Nazism, Hassing sees fundamental differences between the German and Norwegian Protestant episcopates in addressing the challenge posed by totalitarianism: while opposition to Nazism was infrequent and scattered in German Protestantism, Hassing asserts that in Norway it became a defining characteristic of the Church. Furthermore, whereas antisemitism was widespread within the German episcopate, it played only a marginal role in Norway (see in particular page 17)...

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Viale, Il 68. Tra rivoluzione e restaurazione (in German)

Guido Viale war einer der Hauptprotagonisten der Studentenbewegung von " 68 " in Italien. Im Jahr... more Guido Viale war einer der Hauptprotagonisten der Studentenbewegung von " 68 " in Italien. Im Jahr 1978, also genau zehn Jahre nach dem Höhepunkt der Proteste, erschien sein Buch " il 68 " in der Erstauflage. Nun hat der in Rimini beheimatete linksalternative Verlag NdA Press den Text erneut herausgebracht und zwar in einer Reihe, die den bezeichnenden Titel " classici del movimento " trägt. Auch Viale versteht seinen eigenen Text inzwischen nur mehr als Quelle und nicht als historische Darstellung, wie er in der Einleitung ausdrücklich erklärt. Entsprechend hat er die zahlreichen geschichtswissenschaftlichen Studien, die inzwischen zur Protestbewegung und zu den 1960er Jahren insgesamt erschienen sind, weitgehend unberücksichtigt gelassen (siehe hierzu den Literaturbericht von Bernhard/Rohstock in RSP 2/08). Tatsächlich besitzt der Text Viales einen gewissen Quellenwert. Das Buch ist zwar im Abstand von zehn Jahren zu den Ereignissen von 1968 geschrieben worden und deshalb sind die Eindrücke des Autors bereits sedimentiert und teilweise überformt. Die Darstellung bewegt sich aber immer noch nah genug an den Ereignissen. Aufschlussreich sind vor allem die Ausführungen des Autors zu den Auseinandersetzungen um die Reform des Bildungswesens, die Viale als Zeitzeuge selbst erlebt und teils auch mitbestimmt hat. Ganz deutlich wird hier, dass die Frontlinien damals weitaus komplizierter verliefen, als man heute im Rückblick allgemein glaubt. Es kam nicht nur zu Konflikten zwischen Studenten und Polizei, sondern auch zwischen einer reformfreudigen Politik und einer an Besitzstandwahrung orientierten Professorenschaft, die " 68 " dazu instrumentalisierte, jegliche Neuerungen abzublocken. Außerdem hat Viale im Anhang seines Buches ein Schlüsseldokument der Bewegung aus dem Jahr 1968 abdrucken lassen, das nun leicht zugänglich ist. Es handelt sich um das ihm selbst verfasste Manifest " Contro l'università " , mit dem die protestierenden Studenten ihrem Unmut gegenüber den Universitäten als einer der vermeintlich wichtigsten herrschaftssichernden Sozialisationsinstanzen im " Spätkapitalismus " Luft machten. In seiner Bedeutung annährend vergleichbar ist der Text mit dem Port Huron Statement des amerikanischen SDS aus dem Jahr 1962. Geschmälert wird der Quellenwert der Publikation allerdings dadurch, dass der Autor seinen eigenen Text nachträglich gekürzt und stilistisch verändert hat. So hat Viale insbesondere Passagen, die über das " Sektierertum " [settarismo] der Bewegung Auskunft geben, einfach gestrichen. Etliche Hinweise auf Rivalitäten und Animositäten innerhalb einer nach 1968 zunehmend fragmentierten Bewegung sind so für den Historiker verloren gegangen. Höchst bedauerlich sind außerdem die stilistischen Veränderungen, die der Autor vorgenommen hat. Viale tat das nach eigenem Bekunden, um den Text lesbarer zu gestalten. Nun sind aber gerade die Rhetorik der " 68er " für Zeithistoriker und Sprachwissenschaftler ein ausgesprochen lohnender Untersuchungsgegenstand. Hier hätte der Autor unbedingt nach dem Prinzip der Originaltreue verfahren müssen und den Text nicht verändern dürfen.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Caplan (ed.), Nazi Germany (in German)

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Esposito, Mythische Moderne: Aviatik, Faschismus und die Sehnsucht nach Ordnung in Deutschland und Italien (in German)

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Talbot, Censorship in Fascist Italy, 1922-43 (in German)

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Galassi, Pressepolitik im Faschismus. Das Verhältnis von Herrschaft und Presseordnung in Italien zwischen 1922 und 1940 (in German)

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Guido Viale, Il 68. Tra rivoluzione e restaurazione

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Wehrs, Protest der Professoren: Der ‘Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft’ in den 1970er Jahren

German History 33,2 (2015), pp. 343-4.

The Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft (Association for Scientific Freedom) is usually seen as a bast... more The Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft (Association for Scientific Freedom) is usually seen as a bastion of the conservative backlash West Germany experienced from the late 1960s, part of a wider phenomenon occurring across the Western world. Uniting key figures from the realms of education, industry and politics, the association allegedly put an end to the education reform effort of the social-liberal coalition under Chancellor Brandt and Vice-Chancellor Scheel—an effort that was for many inspired by the infamous student revolts of 1968. The organization is particularly engraved into the memories of today’s burgeoning generation of historians, who witnessed the heated quarrels between protesting students and supposedly reactionary professors from the vantage point of junior research assistants caught between the two sides. It is therefore hardly surprising that the organization has now become the subject of a doctoral dissertation under Martin Sabrow’s supervision.

The study’s author, Nikolai Wehrs, takes a complex approach to the question, combining social and political historical perspectives with aspects of generational theory and the history of mentalities. A key focus is placed on the role played by the Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaft in the frequently heated arguments over the democratization of education at both the federal and state level. Wehrs proceeds from the well-established assumption that the association simply brought together various diverse and hugely influential interests under one umbrella. Exactly how to measure the influence exerted by this specific organization—only one of many contemporary lobbying groups—is …

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Strang (ed.), Collision of Empires: Italy's Invasion of Ethiopia and Its International Impact

Dublin Review of Books, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Jane Caplan (ed.), Nazi Germany (in English)

Book Review: Jane Caplan, ed., Nazi Germany, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2008; European History Quarterly 41,3 (2011), pp. 508-9., 2011

Every now and again, overviews of a historical epoch or theme are always neces- sary to bring tog... more Every now and again, overviews of a historical epoch or theme are always neces- sary to bring together the results of ever more diverse monographic studies. This is especially true of research on National Socialism: on average, four works are published per day on this subject. No surprise, then, that the time is ripe for another overview, and Jane Caplan’s edited volume takes its place alongside works of synthesis or other collections that have recently appeared on the interna- tional market (notably, those by Richard J. Evans, Michael Wildt, and Winfried and Dietmar Suess).

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Esposito, Mythische Moderne: Aviatik, Faschismus und die Sehnsucht nach Ordnung in Deutschland und Italien (in Italian)

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Cioli, Il fascismo e la "sua" arte: Dottrina e istituzioni tra futurismo e Novecento

H-Soz-Kult, 28.08.2012,

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Loch, Das Gesicht der Bundeswehr: Kommunikationsstrategien in der Freiwilligenwerbung der Bundeswehr 1956-1989

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Bodenschatz (ed.), "Städtebau für Mussolini": Auf der Suche nach der neuen Stadt im faschistischen Italien

Research paper thumbnail of Settler Colonialism as a Model: A Transimperial Perspective

International Workshop organised by Olindo di Napoli and Paolo Fonzi, Naples, May 23-24, 2024. I... more International Workshop organised by Olindo di Napoli and Paolo Fonzi, Naples, May 23-24, 2024.

IMPERIAL ENTANGLEMENTS: Latecomer Colonial Empires and the “Politics of Comparison” (1880s-1940s)
The Research Project «Imperial Entanglements» is supported by the Italian government under the Next Generation EU Program.
«Imperial Entanglements» investigates four cases of latecomer imperialism, namely those of Germany, Italy, Belgium, and Japan. Each of
these countries entered the phase of colonial expansion only in the late nineteenth century.
Because of this delayed inception, when their power elites and experts shaped new structures of imperial rule, they had to consider existing
models of imperial rule and colonial administration, as previously established by other powers. In pursuit of original visions of
their imperial project, they critically engaged with the existing models, adopting, refashioning, or rejecting their constituent features. Imperial Entanglements is a project based on the collaboration between scholars
from three different Italian universities.

Research paper thumbnail of Remade by War: New Perspectives on Postwar North Africa. 2023 AIMS Conference in Tunis

How were North Africa and its people transformed by World War II? How did the war shape the decol... more How were North Africa and its people transformed by World War II? How did the war shape the decolonization movements that intensified across North Africa after 1945? These are two of the questions this conference seeks to address. The historiography of World War II has largely centered the colonial state through a focus on either the military conflict or the War’s diplomatic impact. Instead, we turn to the transformative impact of the War on the lives of Muslims, Jews, and European settlers in all five North African colonies: French and Spanish Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.

Research paper thumbnail of Alexandrie dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale

International conference at the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the battle of El Alamein, Ale... more International conference at the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the battle of El Alamein, Alexandria, October 20-23, 2022, organised by Frédéric Abécassis, ENS de Lyon, and the Centre d`Etudes Alexandrine.

Alexandrie, 20-23 octobre 2022
Les Alexandrins à l’heure de la guerre
- Jean-Yves Empereur, CEAlex : La guerre au quotidien, une vision locale de l’adaptation des Alexandrins à leur ville en guerre
- Dominique Gogny, La guerre vue à travers les archives familiales d'Alexandrins conservées au CEAlex
- Alexandre Buccianti, La vie quotidienne dans les camps d’internement pendant la guerre
- Daniel Lançon, université Grenoble-Alpes : Littératures et cultures : Alexandrie en guerre (1940-1945), témoignages, mémoires, fictions
- Cécile Shaalan, CEAlex, La cartographie d’Alexandrie dans la WW2, campements militaires, hôpitaux ; les bombardements de la ville au quotidien (témoignages, cartographie, images aériennes, etc.)
- Esther Möller, institut Leibniz d’histoire européenne à Mainz et Shaimaa Ismail Al-Naklawi, université d'Alexandrie : L’aide humanitaire auprès des réfugiés : Le rôle du Croissant-Rouge à Alexandrie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (titre provisoire)
- Anne-Marie Moulin, CNRS, LARHRA : Médecine et chirurgie dans Alexandrie en guerre
- Marie-Delphine Martellière, CEAlex, La vie à Alexandrie durant la guerre d’après les journaux francophones
- Islam Assem, La vie quotidienne à Alexandrie durant la guerre d’après les journaux arabophones (titre provisoire et présence à confirmer)
Le cosmopolitisme à l’épreuve de la guerre : communautés et groupes sociaux
- Annalaura Turiano, associée IREMAM : Représentations vaticanes, internés italiens et charité transnationale à Alexandrie (1939-1945)
- Angelos Dalachanis, CNRS, IHMC : Les Grecs d’Alexandrie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (titre provisoire)
- Alexandros Lamprou, Marburg University : Refugees from Greece in Egypt
- Jean-François Faü, professeur-associé Université Senghor, Alexandrie : Les juifs d’Alexandrie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale
- Olivier Lempereur, associé CEAlex, La vie quotidienne de la Force X à Alexandrie
- Sylvia Chiffoleau, LARHRA : Les Français d'Alexandrie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la dualité consulaire à Alexandrie (1940-1943)
- Dalia Khalil, université de Helwan, ENS de Lyon, LARHRA : Les enseignants français d’Alexandrie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale (titre provisoire et présence à confirmer)
Représentations, mémoires et ruptures
- Patrick Peter Bernhard, université d'Oslo : ‘In the Shadow of El Alamein: War Violence during the North African Campaign’
- Frédéric Abécassis, ENS de Lyon, LARHRA et Hoël Dizien, ENS de Lyon : Quand le désert recouvre la ville : la filmographie de la guerre du désert 1942-2012
- Benoît Tadié, professeur d’études américaines, université de Rennes 2 : La représentation de la guerre d'Afrique du Nord dans le cinéma hollywoodien : Les cinq secrets du désert de B. Wilder (1943)
- Charlotte Deweerdt, Aflam : Le cosmopolitisme des cimetières, les lieux de mémoire d’Al Alamein (titre provisoire et présence à confirmer)

Research paper thumbnail of Italy and the Jews in the Occupied Territories During World War II

International Conference, Rome February 27-28, 2023, organised by Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi

Il tema del rapporto tra l’Italia fascista e gli ebrei nelle colonie e nei territori occupati è s... more Il tema del rapporto tra l’Italia fascista e gli ebrei nelle colonie e nei territori occupati è stato trattato in maniera piuttosto ampia negli ultimi anni. Dopo decenni di giudizi basati fondamentalmente sull’idea di una “diversità” degli italiani (si vedano, ad esempio, alcune frasi di Poliakov e di Arendt), una nuova generazione di storici ha messo profondamente in crisi l’ipotesi dell’ "umanità" dei militari e dei funzionari civili nei territori occupati. A partire dallo studio di Davide Rodogno (Il Nuovo ordine mediterraneo), sono stati pubblicati numerosi lavori, di studiosi italiani e stranieri (Moehrle, Schmid, Schlemmer), che hanno suscitato non poche polemiche e sono arrivati a conclusioni radicalmente diverse. La domanda alla base di ogni ricerca comunque è sempre la stessa: come spiegare le ambiguità e le contraddizioni di uomini e istituzioni appartenenti a uno stato totalitario, antisemita, razzista, imperialista e partner dell’Asse nei confronti della "questione ebraica"? È possibile comprendere la prassi della repressione e della violenza del regio esercito, e la sua apparente “diversità” rispetto alle politiche antiebraiche non solo dei nazisti, ma anche di altri satelliti del Reich?
La risposta, o almeno delle ipotesi plausibili di risposte, possono arrivare da contributi che approfondiscano le dinamiche locali, le politiche dei funzionari e dei militari impegnati sul campo, sui singoli che, stretti da innumerevoli pressioni, hanno dovuto compiere delle scelte che si intersecavano con le necessità della politica “imperiale” del fascismo e del regio esercito. È necessario quindi tenere sempre presente sia i tempi che il contesto, per capire le diverse risposte ad una “questione”, quella ebraica, che rientrava all’interno di un contesto dove erano le esigenze della guerra che avevano l’assoluta priorità.
Lo scopo del convegno è quello di mettere a confronto diversi studiosi e scuole storiografiche, per fare il punto delle conoscenze e indicare nuove prospettive di studio e di ricerca, partendo però non dallo studio dei vertici del regime fascista (di cui ovviamente si deve tener conto), ma analizzando in particolare le politiche, le prospettive e la prassi degli uomini impegnati sul campo.

Research paper thumbnail of Modern Transimperial and Interimperial Histories: Forms, Questions, Prospects


Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Maison de la paix, chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Genève

Research paper thumbnail of Postkoloniales Shaming: Praktiken und Materialitaeten der Herabsetzung

International Conference in Dresden and Leipzig, December 2-4, 2021

Emotionsbasierte Praktiken wie shaming, Demütigungen und Diskriminierungen standen im Zentrum der... more Emotionsbasierte Praktiken wie shaming, Demütigungen und Diskriminierungen standen im Zentrum der Etablierung und Verfestigung kolonialer Machtgefüge. Positionierungen, Gruppenzugehörigkeiten und asymmetrisierende Kodierungen wurden innerhalb kolonialer Kontexte dabei nicht allein durch menschliche Akteur:innen hergestellt: Auch Dinge waren während des europäischen Kolonialismus des späten 19. und des 20. Jahrhunderts integrale Bestandteile herabsetzender Praktiken. Deren Materialität etwa als Gebrauchsgegenstände mit alltags- oder ritualbezogenen Nutzungen wurde innerhalb solcher Praktiken einer veränderten Ingebrauchnahme zugeführt, mit neuer Bedeutung beladen oder divers affiziert: Waffen und gehandelte (Kolonial)Waren wurden bspw. zu Vehikeln emotionsgeladener politischer Strategien. Alltagsdinge, rituelle Gegenstände und Kunstobjekte, aber auch Architekturen und Infrastrukturen eines Ortes/Raumes manifestierten grundsätzlich tradierte oder neu konfigurierte Machthierarchien. Bilder und Texte waren über ihre inhaltlich-ästhetischen Dimensionen hinaus mittels ihrer materiellen Aspekte - beispielsweise in Gestalt fotografischer Postkarten - ebenso Teil herabsetzender Praktiken. Solche Objekte mit Kolonialbezug können noch heute, etwa durch die Verwendung in Bildungs- und Erinnerungskontexten, Beschämung perpetuieren und immer wieder neu aufrufen, wie z.B. die aktuelle Restitutionsdebatte zu den Beninbronzen verdeutlicht. Die Delokalisierung von Alltagsgegenständen, die aus ihrem kulturellen Gebrauchskontext herausgenommen und in Kolonialausstellungen in Europa inszeniert wurden, versah diese Exponate mit einer zeichenhaften Valenz. Sie erlaubte es dem europäischen Publikum, die eigene kulturelle Überlegenheit zu konstruieren. Abbildung von Menschen und Dingen aus den Kolonialgebieten ordneten in europäischen Bild- und Textmedien den Kolonisierten koloniale Rollen zu. Damit wurden auch den Dingen Bedeutungen eingeschrieben, die bei der Herstellung und Verfestigung kolonialer Herrschaft mitwirkten. So hatte die Fotografie in kolonialen Kontexten maßgeblichen Anteil an der Produktion einer westlichen Vorstellung des "Primitiven" bzw. des kolonialen "Exotischen". Transferprozesse und Bedeutungswandel charakterisieren schließlich das postkoloniale Fortleben von kolonial geprägten Dingen, Menschen, Macht und Wissen. Historisch und/oder kulturell wechselnde Kodierung eliminieren sich nicht gegenseitig, sondern überlagern sich und prägen das post/koloniale ‚Leben der Dinge' weiter. Daraus ergeben sich vielfältige Probleme im Zusammenhang mit kolonialen Objekten und Referenzen. Aus heutiger Perspektive ist dabei bspw. zu diskutieren, ob und wie ein nicht herabwürdigender Umgang mit Objekten und Praktiken möglich scheint, denen Herabwürdigung durch koloniale Ingebrauchnahme bereits tief eingewoben ist.

Research paper thumbnail of (Post)Colonial Shaming: The Practices and Materiality of Degradation

International Conference Dresden and Leipzig, December 2-4, 2021

Emotion-based practices such as shaming, humiliation, and discrimination lay at the center of the... more Emotion-based practices such as shaming, humiliation, and discrimination lay at the center of the establishment and consolidation of colonial power structures. The ensuing positioning, belonging, and asymmetrical coding effects within colonial contexts were not the products of human actors alone, however. Physical objects were also constitutive of European colonialism's disparagement practices in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The materiality of these things for use in the everyday and the ritual was transformed, that is, it was imbued with new meaning or affected in diverse other ways. Weapons and traded colonial wares, for example, became vehicles for emotionally charged political strategies. Everyday, ritual, and art objects manifested fundamentally traditional or newly configured power hierarchies, as did the buildings and infrastructure of a given place or space. Images and texts also played their parts in colonial disparagement practices, doing so in specific material forms, including as photographic postcards. Even today, objects with a colonial connection can perpetuate and repeatedly invoke shame, for example, when used in educational and commemorative contexts, as the current restitution debate on the Benin bronzes makes clear. The removal of everyday objects from their localities and cultural contexts for display in European colonial exhibitions lent the exhibits a signifying valence. It allowed European audiences to construct their own cultural superiority. The depiction of people and things from colonial territories in European visual and textual media likewise assigned colonial roles to the colonized. Meanings were inscribed on things that played a role in the production and consolidation of colonial domination. Thus, photography in colonial contexts was crucial to the making of a Western conception of the "primitive" or the colonial "exotic." Finally, transfer processes and changes in meaning continue to characterize the postcolonial lives of things, people, power, and knowledge still marked by colonialism. That said, historical and/or cultural shifts in encodings do not erase what came before. Instead, the old and new overlap as they continue to shape the colonial or postcolonial lives of things. This circumstance gives rise to a variety of problems related to colonial objects and references. From today's perspective, for example, we must discuss whether and how to treat objects and practices that are already deeply interwoven with disdainful colonial appropriation.

Research paper thumbnail of New Approaches to the Holocaust in Libya

Jerusalem, January 2021 International Conference of The Documentation Center of North-African Jew... more Jerusalem, January 2021
International Conference of The Documentation Center of North-African Jewry during WWII, Ben-Zvi Institute, in cooperation with the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & The Claims Conference

Research paper thumbnail of Tagungsbericht Facing Police and Holocaust, Oktober 2019

Am Morgen des zweiten Konferenztages empLng die Bürgermeisterin Münsters, Wendela-Beate Vilhjalms... more Am Morgen des zweiten Konferenztages empLng die Bürgermeisterin Münsters, Wendela-Beate Vilhjalmsson, die Tagungsteilnehmenden im Friedenssaal des Historischen Rathauses. Sie erklärte, dass an diesem historischen Ort-und im nahen Osnabrück-1648 der Westfälische Frieden geschlossen und damit der Dreißigjährige Krieg beendet wurde. Abschließend bat sie Herrn Browning und die Initiatorinnen und Initiatoren der Tagung, sich im Goldenen Buch der Stadt Münster einzutragen. Der "jüdische Ordnungsdienst" als Ghettopolizei Mit ihrem Input über die "jüdischen Ordnungsdienste" in den Ghettos Litzmannstadt, Warschau und Wilna stellte Svenja Bethke einen besonderen "Graubereich der (Mit-)Täterschaft" vor, so der Titel des dritten Panels. Die deutschen Besatzer verlangten eine jüdische Ghettopolizei als Exekutivorgan, was ein neues Phänomen gewesen sei, erläuterte die Dozentin für Neuere Europäische Geschichte der Leicester University. Diese Ordnungsdienste hatten durchaus Handlungsspielräume, da die deutschen Besatzer zwar die Einrichtung einer Ghettopolizei befohlen hatten-wie diese konkret ausgestaltet werden sollte, überließen sie den sogenannten Judenräten im Ghetto jedoch selbst. Dies lasse sich aber weniger als Großzügigkeit denn als Desinteresse der Besatzer verstehen, betonte Bethke. Die Befehle und Aufgaben des Ordnungsdienstes änderten sich im Lauf der Besatzung drastisch. Sollten anfangs vor allem Ruhe und Ordnung aufrechterhalten werden, mussten diese Polizisten und Polizistinnen schließlich an der Beschlagnahme von Wertgegenständen der Ghettobevölkerung wie auch an Deportationen mitwirken. Werfe man heute die Frage nach Handlungsspielräumen des "jüdischen Ordnungsdienstes" auf, werde häuLg auf diese Mitwirkung an Deportationen angespielt. Bethke stellte jedoch klar, dass dies eine retrospektive Interpretation sei-als die Ordnungsdienste eingerichtet wurden, war eine solche Entwicklung und spätere Aufgabe nicht abzusehen. Sowohl die Judenräte als auch die Ghettopolizei agierten in einem als Zwangsgemeinschaft zu verstehenden Sozialraum und könnten ex post nicht allein nach moralischen Maßstäben bewertet werden. Stattdessen lohne es, zu fragen, wie die Ordnungsdienste zeitgenössisch ihre eigenen Handlungsspielräume eingeschätzt hätten, inwiefern sie im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten

Research paper thumbnail of Facing Police and Holocaust. Ein Vierteljahrhundert nach Christopher R. Brownings "Ordinary Men" | b

Perspektiven der neuen Polizei-Täterforschung und der Holocaust-Vermittlung 29. - 31. Oktober 20... more Perspektiven der neuen Polizei-Täterforschung und der Holocaust-Vermittlung

29. - 31. Oktober 2019, Villa ten Hompel & Historisches Rathaus, Münster

Gleich drei Jubiläen waren der Anlass für die internationale Konferenz "Facing Police and Holocaust. Ein Vierteljahrhundert nach Christopher R. Brownings 'Ordinary Men' – Perspektiven der neuen Polizei-Täterforschung und der Holocaust-Vermittlung": der 75. Geburtstag des US-amerikanischen Historikers Christopher Browning, das 25-jährige Jubiläum der deutschen Veröffentlichung seines Bestsellers "Ganz normale Männer" (im englischen Original "Ordinary Men") und das 20-jährige Bestehen des Münsteraner Geschichtsortes Villa ten Hompel, dessen Einrichtung ohne Brownings Pionierstudie kaum denkbar gewesen wäre.

Drei Tage lang, vom 29. bis 31. Oktober 2019, wurden neuere Ergebnisse der internationalen Holocaust-, speziell der Polizei-Täterforschung, vorgestellt und über didaktische Vermittlungsstrategien diskutiert. Thematisiert wurden dabei sozialpsychologische Faktoren von Täterschaft, Kollaborationen nicht-deutscher Polizeien, Konzeptions- und Quellenprobleme sowie Bedeutungen und Methoden der historisch-politischen Bildungsarbeit zum Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in der (Post-)Migrationsgesellschaft.

Research paper thumbnail of Deadly Biopolitics: Fascist Settlement Policies and Mass Violence in North Africa from a Global Perspective

Conventional wisdom holds that Rommel´s Desert War was an honorably fought and dispassionate war ... more Conventional wisdom holds that Rommel´s Desert War was an honorably fought and dispassionate war with no Gestapo, persecuted civilians, or ruined homes. No doubt the fighting in North Africa was marked by acts of generosity and humanity towards the enemy. However, this is only one side of the coin. As I will show on the basis of new archival findings in seven countries and a critical reassessment of the existing literature, in the shadow of El Alamein, both sides committed serious atrocities against enemy soldiers and civilians. While it is certainly true that the level of violence was lower than in Eastern Europe, the North African Campaign was anything but a war without hate. There were numerous intentional crimes and infringements of the rules of conduct, including the ill-treatment and murder of captured enemy soldiers; the plunder of the indigenous population; the rape of local women; as well as the exploitation, murder, and mass detainment in concentration camps of Arabs, Berbers, and Jews, which was often motivated by racial and anti-Semitic hatred. Thus, the Desert War has to be recontextualized and put into the larger historical frameworks that shaped WWII and, more broadly, the first half of the 20th century. Conceptually, I reconnect the North African Campaign to the overarching policies and prevailing ideologies of both the Axis and Allied regimes and their societies. In particular, I show that much of the war violence that we see in North Africa resulted from two major factors: the colonial context in which the fighting took place, and the simple yet too often ignored fact that on the Axis side the war was waged by fascist regimes that shared the violent vision of creating racially pure societies. Thus, the Desert War has to be seen for what it actually was: an integral part of the World War II experience which itself was inextricably linked to the Axis powers’ imperial drive for “living space” and their murderous biopolitics.

Research paper thumbnail of Mediterranean Empires of the Interwar Period: Geopolitics, Biopolitics, Chronopolitics

Mediterranean Empires of the Interwar Period: Geopolitics, Biopolitics, Chronopolitics Internatio... more Mediterranean Empires of the Interwar Period:
Geopolitics, Biopolitics, Chronopolitics
International workshop of the DFG-Network “The Modern Mediterranean: Dynamics of a World Region, 1800-2000”, organised by Patrick Bernhard, Manuel Borutta and Fernando Esposito in cooperation with the German Historical Institute Rome and the Ecole Française de Rome, March 18- 21.2019.

Research paper thumbnail of La guerra de las arenas

From 1940 to 1943, decisive operations took place in North Africa. In this harsh campaign Allied ... more From 1940 to 1943, decisive operations took place in North Africa. In this harsh campaign Allied armies confronted German and Italian forces, engaging in decisive battles at Tobruk, at El Alamein, in the waters off Cape Bon or during the Allied landings of November 1942. This conflict left an enduring mark on national memories: Rommel and Montgomery became heroes, even myths. The Free French constructed legends around the exploits of Leclerc and Koenig: the oath of Koufra and the victory of Bir Hakeim. This myth-making had its reverse, however: the supposed weakness of the Italian Army would become an enduring source of mockery and ridicule, while revisionist historians endeavoured to detract from Montgomery's talents and to sideline the importance of El Alamein. If Operation Torch allowed for the liberation of Algeria and Morocco, it struggled to free Tunisia and immobilised the Anglo-American troops in the Mediterranean Theatre, thus delaying Operation Overlord. This project seeks to revitalise the history of the war in the desert by providing a much-needed global perspective on this theatre of operations. National historiographies have certainly done much of the groundwork but they have remained prisoners of their national frameworks and have almost wholly neglected the point of view of the adversary. In addition, this project seeks to transcend the preoccupations of 'traditional' military history. Military operations will certainly be studied: it will be necessary to analyse the nature of the combat and thus to investigate the strategies adopted, the merits of the leaders, the resolve of men and the conduct of the operations. But the project also intends to broaden the investigation beyond the battlefield. It aims at a better understanding of the diplomatic context, such as the relations between Rome and Berlin or the divergences opposing London and Washington. It hopes to cast new light on the colonial dimension of this war by investigating the relations established between colonisers and colonised peoples during wartime and, in particular; by assessing the impact of the intrusion of newcomers (the Germans on the one hand, the Anglo-Americans on the other). This approach will allow for greater reflection on the phenomenon of acculturation aroused by these encounters. It also intends to assess the overall colonial contribution to the war effort (whether voluntary or compelled).

Research paper thumbnail of Creare il contadino sano: Giuseppe Tassinari, Konrad Meyer e la politica agraria dell’asse fascista

Research paper thumbnail of After Nazi Empire: Thinking about Former Axis Colonialism in West Germany

International Workshop "The Axis Powers and Decolonisation: Debating Perspectives, Differences, a... more International Workshop "The Axis Powers and Decolonisation: Debating Perspectives, Differences, and Entanglements of the End of Empire in Germany, Italy, and Japan", Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin, December 13-14

Research paper thumbnail of Der Tod und die Rente: Tuberkulosebekämpfung und Rentenversicherung im Nationalsozialismus

Talk, given at the ZZF Potsdam, April 6, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Nordafrika unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die deutsche Präsenz in Libyen und Tunesien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Theme Day "The Jews of North Africa during World War II"

Research paper thumbnail of Der Krieg der Achsenmächte in Nordafrika - ein Überblick

Einführung in den Film „Villa Jasmin“ von Regisseur Férid Boughedir. 28. September um 19 Uhr im J... more Einführung in den Film „Villa Jasmin“ von Regisseur Férid Boughedir.
28. September um 19 Uhr im Jüdischen Museum in Berlin.

20 Jahre nachdem er Tunis als Kind verlassen musste, macht sich Serge Boccara 1976 mit seiner Verlobten auf die Suche nach Spuren seiner Kindheit. Am Grab der Eltern und in ihrem früheren Haus, der Villa Jasmin, taucht er in die Geschichte seiner jüdischen Familie ein. Im Zentrum seiner Erinnerungen steht dabei der Vater, der aus einer bedeutenden sephardischen Familie stammte, sich der sozialistischen Bewegung anschloss und für die Unabhängigkeit Tunesiens kämpfte. Nach Einmarsch der Deutschen wurde er ins KZ Sachsenhausen verschleppt. Der Film erzählt vom Leben tunesischer Juden von Anfang bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts und gewährt Einblick in die wenig bekannte Zeit der deutschen Besatzung in Tunesien.

Stiftung Jüdisches Museum Berlin
Lindenstraße 9–14
10969 Berlin

Research paper thumbnail of A Missing Link: Italian Colonialism and the Nazis’ Dream of Empire

Paper given at the International Conference "Imperial Comparison", All Souls College Oxford, July... more Paper given at the International Conference "Imperial Comparison",
All Souls College Oxford, July 8-9, 2016

by Arthur Asseraf
Imperial Comparison

8-9 July 2016, All Souls College, Oxford
Keynote speaker: Ann Laura Stoler (New School for Social Research, New York)
Deadline for abstracts: 15 December 2015
Convenors: Alex Middleton (Corpus Christi, Oxford) and Arthur Asseraf (All Souls, Oxford)
How have comparisons been used to establish, sustain, and resist empire? Empires, after all, have always compared themselves to other empires. Imperial officials consistently sought information on their competitors, and deployed strategic comparisons to justify techniques of imperial rule. But alternative comparisons could bring to light uncomfortable truths, and motivate networks of resistance to imperial authority. Comparisons, moreover, have been used to create imperial exceptionalisms, or in some cases to deny ‘imperial’ status altogether. This interdisciplinary conference will explore imperial comparisons holistically, covering both their employment by historical actors, and by academics studying empires.
Following an exploratory workshop in Oxford last year, the conference aims to explore three main interrelated areas:
- Official comparisons – how have comparisons been used for imperial statecraft? How do imperial administrators strategically collect and select information from other empires? How have comparisons been used to transfer techniques of imperial rule?
- Resistant comparisons – how have movements of resistance (nationalist or otherwise) used comparisons to undermine imperial rule? How have comparisons with other peoples under domination shaped political action by those resisting empire?
- Scholarly comparisons – how have academics used comparisons to study empires? What happens to imperial comparisons after empire formally ends? How can we be sensitive to the roles of comparisons in justifying imperial rule when conducting our own research?
Building on recent scholarship, the conference will move beyond distinctions between comparative and connective histories in order to construct a more thoroughly global history of empire. It will investigate how geographies of knowledge circulation limited the spectrum of available comparisons, and in turn, how this opened and closed intellectual and political possibilities. It will explore the relationship between comparison and power, up to and including the controversial use of historical analogies with empires in the present day.
Ann Laura Stoler, Willy Brandt Distinguished University Professor of Anthropology and Historical Studies at the New School for Social Research, will be giving the keynote address.

Research paper thumbnail of Hitler’s Unwilling Executioners?  Fascist Italy and the Persecution of Jews in North Africa

Research paper thumbnail of Nordafrika und der Holocaust: Eine Verflechtungsgeschichte von Nationalsozialismus und Kolonialismus

Homepage of the Simon-Wiesenthal-Institute in Vienna,, 2022

Bis heute ist die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von Kolonialismus und Nationalsozialismus hoch umst... more Bis heute ist die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von Kolonialismus und Nationalsozialismus hoch umstritten. Das Projekt stellt sich dem Problem auf neue Weise: Anstatt wie bisher üblich Vergleiche zu ziehen zwischen der deutschen Präsenz in Afrika während des Deutschen Kaiserreichs seit dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts und der nationalsozialistischen Vernichtungspolitik in Osteuropa 40 Jahre später, soll nun die transnationale Perspektive untersucht werden; wie sich der vom NS-Staat initiierte und vorangetriebene Holocaust auf kolonialem Boden in Nordafrika abspielte, als die Region zu einem wichtigen Schauplatz des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde und die 450.000 dort lebenden jüdischen Menschen in den Fokus der Verfolgung gerieten. Konzeptionell orientiert sich die Arbeit damit an Zugängen neuerer Arbeiten zum Holocaust in Ost-und Südosteuropa, die die Verfolgung und Ermordung der Jüdinnen und Juden vor dem Hintergrund bereits bestehender lokaler Konflikte zwischen als religiös, ethnisch oder rassisch definierten Bevölkerungsgruppen analysieren und damit in zeitlich längere Zusammenhänge einbetten. Patrick Bernhard, Professor für Moderne Europäische Geschichte an der Universität Oslo. Zu seinen Schwerpunkten zählen unter anderem kollektive Gewalt in der Moderne, die Geschichte des Mittelmeers und das Verhältnis von Kolonialismus und Faschismus. Er publizierte zuletzt zu kolonialer Massengewalt und Judenverfolgung in Nordafrika sowie zu Nazi-Deutschland und seinen Verflechtungen mit anderen Imperien.

Research paper thumbnail of Cummings Foundation Fellowship of the Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C.

Fellow from September 2014 - December 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Chercheur invité at the Centre canadien d'études allemandes et européennes de l'Université de Montréal and the Centre d'Excellence sur l'Union européenne, McGill University

Fellow from September 2011 - October 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies

Fellow from October 2010 - September 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Visiting Fellow at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung in Potsdam, Germany

Fellow from October 2009 - December 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Research Fellow at the Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, Trento, Italy

Fellow from April 2003 - March 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Call announcement postdoc Fellowships GH&G

Postdoc fellowships in Global History and Governance at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale The Scu... more Postdoc fellowships in Global History and Governance at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale

The Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples (Italy), invites applications for four 1-year (renewable for up to 3 years) postdoc fellowships in Global History and Governance.
Host Institution: Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Napoli (Italy)
The program in Global History and Governance:
The program in Global Histories and Governance focuses on the comparisons, connections, and processes of globalization that have characterized different areas of the planet between the 16th and the 20th centuries by concentrating on the relational dimension of historical processes, legal regimes, and the organization of power; on the interconnections between economic, political, legal, cultural and social factors; and on the circulation, exchange and interconnection of ideas, persons, institutions, legal cultures, political models, concepts, rights
and goods on a global scale.
The selection will reward the best projects in terms of quality and feasibility. Special attention will be paid to projects focusing on the period between the 19th and 21st centuries and insisting on one or more of the following areas:
Ideas and Practices of Citizenship, History of the Welfare State, History of Affirmative Action and Preferential Policies, History of Rights, History of Minorities and History of Minority Rights, History of Migration,
General principles of global law, Global regulatory regimes, Global dispute resolution mechanisms, Institutions and decision-making processes in a globalized world, Relationships between legal orders.
Successful applicants must reside in Naples and are expected to teach a 20-hour course yearly for SSM undergraduate or graduate students. Fellowships are initially for one year but can be renewed for two additional years, pending satisfactory performance and continued funding.
Application Deadline: 15 October 2024
Eligibility: Candidates of any nationality who have obtained their first Ph.D. degree by the deadline of this call
can participate. Those who will obtain their first Ph.D. degree no later than January 23, 2025, can also
participate and be awarded a scholarship conditionally on achieving the degree within this deadline.
Applicants must also have an excellent command of English and possibly a second or third language. They
must present a research project on a subject relevant to the research program.
Salary and Benefits: The salary is € 35,000 per year (the scholarship is tax-exempt. The fellow must
contribute to the Italian pension fund). Each fellow will receive an annual research budget of circa € 4,000.
Tenure: The Fellowship program begins in February 2025.
Location: Naples (Italy). Fellowships require residency for the duration of the tenure.
Application Process: Applications will only be accepted via the online application system.
Applicants must submit 1) a CV, 2) a research project (2,500 words max), 3) a syllabus of a 10-session course,
4) a copy of the PhD dissertation, 5) a maximum of 3 publications, 6) a copy of an ID, and 7) a statement of
For the CV, the research project, and the statement of truth, please use the templates provided on the website.
Details on the research programs and instructions on the application process can be found here.
For further information, please contact

Research paper thumbnail of Call announcement PhD Fellowships GH&G 2024 ENG new

The Program: The PhD in Global History and Governance consists of an advanced course of study and... more The Program: The PhD in Global History and Governance consists of an advanced course of study and research at the end of which the student defends a dissertation based on original and independent scientific work. The course offers an educational program based on a multidisciplinary approach centered on history and law, but it is open to contributions from other disciplines. The Ph.D. program in Global History and Governance is aimed at highly motivated students with a solid personal background and multiple language skills. The program focuses on the comparisons, connections, and processes of globalization that have characterized different areas of the planet between the 16th and 20th centuries. It does so by concentrating on the relational dimension of historical processes, legal regimes, and the organization of power; on the interconnections between economic, political, legal, cultural, and social factors; and on the circulation, exchange, and interconnection of ideas, persons, institutions, legal cultures, political models, concepts, rights, and goods on a global scale. The selection will reward projects of the highest quality and feasibility, with preference given to those that insist on areas on which members of the college can offer world-class training and research preparation. These include, in particular: Ideas and practices of citizenship; the History of the Welfare State; History of rights; History of minorities and history of minority rights; History of migration; History of empires; States, wars, and violence in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; History of slavery and forced labor; History of historiography; The idea of Europe and its history; Europe's legal heritage and its integration; International organizations; Administrative and private law in the global sphere; Global legal pluralism; Rule of law and democracy; Public and private powers as actors in global governance; General principles and methods of dispute resolution in the global arena; Comparative federalism.

Research paper thumbnail of Up to 6 PhD POSITIONS

NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional ... more NTNU is a broad-based university with a technical-scientific profile and a focus in professional education. The university is located in three cities with headquarters in Trondheim. At NTNU, 9,000 employees and 43,000 students work to create knowledge for a better world. You will find more information about working at NTNU and the application process here.

Deadline is October 15, 2024.

Research paper thumbnail of Seeking Refuge beyond Europe: New perspectives on European Refugees, Migrants and Exilees in the Middle East and North Africa, 19th -20th centuries

Call for Articles in English and French language for a special Issue of Diasporas.Circulations, M... more Call for Articles in English and French language for a special Issue of Diasporas.Circulations, Migrations, Histoire (to be published in 2025), edited by Alex Lamprou and Esther Möller.
The special issue "Seeking Refuge beyond Europe. New perspectives on European Refugees, Migrants and Exilees in the Middle East and North Africa, 19th-20th centuries" aims at investigating the societies of the Middle East and North Africa as spaces of arrival, transit and settlement for refugees from Europe in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

In the light of current arrivals of refugees from MENA and beyond in Europe, historiography of the last 20 years has started to highlight the presence of Arab migrants in European countries as well as their political and social engagement there since the late 19th century. However, the fact that Europeans were themselves fleeing to the Middle East and North Africa in this period has only recently attracted the interest of historians. The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans and the Caucasus, the two World Wars, the Jewish migration to Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel, the postwar decolonization constitute some of the turning points in this history of displacement, migration and exile that connects the MENA region to Europe. It seems worthwhile to deepen this question further and to explore the arrival of refugees from Europe in the Middle East and North Africa and their interaction with the civil societies, but also the state institutions in these countries. A comparative perspective both in terms of space and of time seems particularly promising as it asks for the points in common and the differences between the different countries in MENA as well as the evolution of their refugee, settlement and migration policies over time. In this regard, the respective role of the late Ottoman, national and colonial governmental structures will be of particular interest in order to understand the different political factors at stake for the interactions between refugees and the local societies.

Research paper thumbnail of Masterstipend Røde Kors

Utlysning av masterstipend Har du lyst til å skrive en masteroppgave som betyr noe for andre enn... more Utlysning av masterstipend

Har du lyst til å skrive en masteroppgave som betyr noe for andre enn deg selv? Som faktisk kan bidra til å belyse og avdekke humanitære behov i Norge eller utlandet?

Da kan du søke masterstipend hos Røde Kors!

Røde Kors sitt samfunnsoppdrag er å avdekke, hindre og lindre menneskelig nød og lidelse. Kunnskapsutvikling er svært viktig i dette arbeidet. For å stimulere til ny og relevant kunnskap deler Røde Kors ut inntil seks stipender til masterprosjekter som skal gjennomføres i 2024-2025.

Årets stipend tildeles masterprosjekter som identifiserer og belyser humanitære behov og utfordringer i Norge eller innenfor temaer eller land der Norges Røde Kors har en særskilt interesse. Prosjektet må fordype seg tematisk slik at den belyser minst ett av våre fokusområder. Innenfor fokusområdene har vi identifisert særskilte temaer, markert i kursiv, som kan være aktuelle. Imidlertid er alle gode masterprosjekter innenfor fokusområdene av interesse:

Humanitære verdier
Prosjekter som fokuserer på krigens folkerett og/eller de humanitære prinsippene, inkludert cyber, kunstig intelligens og våpeneksport, er særlig av interesse
Helsekonsekvenser av klimaendringene internasjonalt
Land der Røde Kors i Norge har programaktiviteter er særlig av interesse
Utsatte gruppers behov for beskyttelse og/eller nødhjelp som følge av konflikt og/eller klimarelaterte kriser internasjonalt
Land der Røde Kors i Norge har programaktiviteter er særlig av interesse
Krisehåndtering og beredskapsarbeid i Norge
Prosjekter som fokuserer på totalforsvaret eller mennesker i sårbare situasjoner, spesielt som følge av klimaendringene, er særlig av interesse
Barn og unge i Norge som befinner seg i sårbare situasjoner
Prosjekter som setter søkelys på trygghet, mestring og/eller inkluderende felleskap blant barn og unge er særlig av interesse​
Personer i Norge som har begått kriminalitet eller står i risikosone for å bli involvert i kriminalitet
Levekårsutfordringer under- og etter straffegjennomføring eller soning er særlig av interesse​
Nåværende og fremtidige levekårsutfordringer for utsatte grupper i Norge:
Eldre, migranter og flyktninger er grupper av særskilt interesse​

Research paper thumbnail of Place of service

A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in History is available at the Department of Archaeolog... more A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in History is available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (IAKH), University of Oslo. The position is associated with the Research Group “History of Capitalism”, with a focus on the history of intellectual property in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Research projects are expected to address one or more of the following questions:

The history of the place of Sub-Saharan African countries in the international arenas for the internationalization of intellectual property (e.g. BIRPI, WIPO, ALAI, ARIPO and OAPI).
The history of customary rights, traditional knowledge and norms in sub-Saharan African countries. This can be linked to an examination of the work of the relevant international organizations, such as the history of the UNESCO, for example.
The history of counterfeiting and piracy of knowledge, trademarks, and products in Sub-Saharan Africa. This work may focus on one, or several categories of products (for example: pharmaceuticals, luxury goods, works of art, etc.)

Research paper thumbnail of Doctoral Research Fellowship in the History of Capitalism

A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in History is available at the Department of Department... more A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in History is available at the Department of Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (IAKH), University of Oslo.

The position is associated with the Research Group “History of Capitalism”, and in particular the Norwegian Research Council (NRC) funded project "Persistence or change? Lessons from the introduction of enhetsskolen in Denmark and Norway"
The project contributes to the global debate about how to overcome today’s societal challenges in terms of educational inequalities and restricted educational systems by turning to history to study the long-term effects of Denmark and Norway’s inclusive school system: enhetsskolen (unity school). We follow the creation of the systems from the late 19th century over a period of 150 years and evaluate the early reforms. A Scandinavian Educational Database (1800-1950) is being developed based on student grades and graduate biographies. This Database is being linked to the Norwegian Historical Population Register and Link Lives of Denmark. Using individual level data on the complete life spans of the entire populations we examine variation in the timing of educational reforms, and regional and national variations in their implementation.

Research paper thumbnail of Doctoral Research Fellowship in Modern or Contemporary History of the Middle East

PhD position in the Modern Middle East

We are looking for candidates with degrees in history, sociology, law, or other pertinent discipl... more We are looking for candidates with degrees in history, sociology, law, or other pertinent disciplines with a strong historical focus. We look for projects with a post-1800 timeline and a focus on North Africa, Mediterranean, and the Levant. Approaches embracing more than one national context or region and transnational approaches are welcome. We are particularly interested in movements and flows. Whether it is following the paths of specific individuals and groups, tracing the cross-cultural fertilization of intellectual or religious movements, or tracking the global circulation of objects, we are concerned with the ways in which the modern or contemporary history of the Middle East can be explored anew. Other topics within the stated chronological and geographic boundaries are welcome, depending on the applicant's capabilities and interests. The person appointed will be affiliated with the Faculty's organized research training. The academic work is to result in a doctoral thesis that will be defended at the Faculty with a view to obtaining the degree of PhD. The successful candidate is expected to join the existing research milieu or network and contribute to its development. Read more about the doctoral degree. The start date for the position will be in the autumn semester 2024. The appointment is for a duration of 3 years. All PhD Candidates who submit their doctoral dissertation for assessment with a written recommendation from their supervisor within 3 years or 3 ½ years after the start of their PhD position, will be offered, respectively, a 12 or 6 month Completion Grant.

Research paper thumbnail of Karrin Hanshew featured Dolce Vita,’ ‘Made in Italy’ und Globalisierung in Central European History

Thisarticlemakesacaseforrupturingthenationalframeworkusedintraditionalnar- ratives of the Federal... more Thisarticlemakesacaseforrupturingthenationalframeworkusedintraditionalnar- ratives of the Federal Republic, and it does so by revisiting the Italo-German relationship in par- ticular. The state of Europe—and of Germans’ place in it—are in flux in the wake of the recent Eurozone crisis and “Brexit.” A study of German-Italian entanglements cannot offer definite answers about whether Germans or Italians feel “European,” but it does demonstrate, on the one hand, that perceptions of national difference do not preclude collaboration and closer rela- tions, and, on the other, that the construction and deployment of difference can actually help create and maintain bonds between populations. Making a case for the importance of a history of German-Italian entanglements, the article offers evidence for how perceived national differences have brought Germans and Italians together, from the beginning of the Federal Republic to roughly the present, with a focus on Germans’ (and Italians’) recent turn to an apo- litical or even anti-political lifestyle politics, and on the uncertain consequences that this has for the European project as a whole.

Research paper thumbnail of Sabine Küntzel, Kolonialismus im Krieg: Die Kriegserfahrung deutscher Wehrmachtssoldaten im Nordafrikafeldzug, 1941-1943

Sabine Küntzel, a PhD candidate of mine, will publish her book in October this year. From the co... more Sabine Küntzel, a PhD candidate of mine, will publish her book in October this year.

From the cover: Der Kolonialismus prägte die deutsche Gesellschaft nachhaltig und schlug sich auch in der Erfahrungsbildung der Menschen zur NS-Zeit nieder. Im Fokus der Studie steht die Kriegserfahrung deutscher Soldaten in Nordafrika, wo die Wehrmacht über zwei Jahre Krieg in einem kolonialen Raum führte. Sabine Küntzel zeichnet anhand von Briefen, Tagebüchern, Bildern und anderen Zeugnissen ein vielfältiges Bild von exotistischen und kolonial geprägten Wahrnehmungen des nordafrikanischen Raums und seiner Menschen, die lange Zeit keinen Platz in der Erinnerung hatten. Zugleich wird deutlich, wie rassistische Fremd- und Weltbilder das gewaltvolle Handeln der Soldaten anleiteten. Die Studie liefert damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zu einer Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Militärs an der Schnittstelle von europäischem Kolonialismus und Weltkrieg.

![Research paper thumbnail of Matthew Wills featured Hitler`s Africa in the East for JStor Daily](

JStor Daily, October 28, 2022, 2022

Matthew Wills, Mussolini's Colonial Inspiration On October 29, 1922, as Benito Mussolini’s Black... more Matthew Wills, Mussolini's Colonial Inspiration

On October 29, 1922, as Benito Mussolini’s Black Shirt paramilitaries threatened to seize power in Rome, King Victor Emmanuel III appointed Mussolini as Prime Minister. It was a coup d’état that ushered in two decades of dictatorship and military disaster. Mussolini’s was the first fascist party to come to power in Europe. The Partito Nazionale Fascista was a model for Adolf Hitler and the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei: Hitler’s first attempt at seizing power came a year later in Munich. Although German Faschismus would outdistance Italian fascismo in ruthlessness and mass murder, the Italians were nevertheless the Germans’ first teachers, particularly when it came to colonialism. As historian Patrick Bernhard explains.

Research paper thumbnail of Benoit Rondeau reviewed La Guerre du Desert

Un bon livre qui est un excellent complément à mon Afrikakorps. L'armée de Rommel, ainsi qu'aux n... more Un bon livre qui est un excellent complément à mon Afrikakorps. L'armée de Rommel, ainsi qu'aux nombreuses pages que je consacre à la guerre du désert dans mon Rommel, paru en 2018 chez Perrin. Le lecteur qui attendrait la somme sur les opérations militaires menées en Afrique du Nord pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale doit passer son chemin: tel n'est pas le propose de l'ouvrage. Le titre est donc un peu trompeur, mais le 4e de couverture recadre et resserre le sujet. L'ouvrage, outre qu'il attire l'attention du public pour cette page méconnue de la guerre, ne manque pourtant pas d'intérêt car il apporte des éléments sur des thèmes méconnus.

Research paper thumbnail of 4 postdoc fellowships in the Global History and Governance Program - Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Naples, Italy

Applicants should submit research projects characterized by a comparative and/or global historica... more Applicants should submit research projects characterized by a comparative and/or global historical or legal perspective on one or more of the following themes in modern and contemporary history: 1) Liberal-democratic systems and/or authoritarian, populist, and illiberal movements and regimes; 2) National, international and global nexuses of the past; shared or removed historical memory; cultural canons, imaginaries and political, social and economic models in different contexts; 3) Cultural flows and exchanges, identifying geographical and historical contexts significant for the role played by Italy on a European and extra-continental scale (Mediterranean, Central Europe, Americas, etc. ), keeping in mind the dynamics and problems of migration.

Research paper thumbnail of Entangled food histories

The history of food and food cultures represents a prism to understand, investigate and compare t... more The history of food and food cultures represents a prism to understand, investigate and compare the collective identities of societies of both in ancient and contemporary times. Eating habits in a group - meant as the way to feel, think and behave with respect to food - and cooking - meant as the art to transform food - offer a unique possibility to study cultural identities and social and economic relations in different populations. However, how do food practices develop? Are they volatile or fixed across centuries? How do food cultures circulate and how do they influence each other? Finally, how do institutions confront the problems related to the necessities of the societies they operate for?

Entangled food histories. Mobility in food cultures from ancient history to contemporary times
Dates: 12th-16th December in presence; 21 st December online Location: University of Pavia Number of participants: 30 Registration: by 15 th November 2022.

Research paper thumbnail of Associate Professor of Nordic history from c. 800 to c. 1500 AD (220376) | University of Oslo

A permanent position of Associate Professor of Nordic history from c. 800 to c. 1500 AD is availa... more A permanent position of Associate Professor of Nordic history from c. 800 to c. 1500 AD is available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo.

The successful candidate is expected to initiate and lead research, supervise PhD candidates, participate in teaching and in exam setting and assessment at all levels,

and to carry out administrative duties in accordance with the needs of the department.

The holder of the position is expected to be ready to teach on a broad range thematically as well as chronologically and geographically, if necessary, also outside the field specified in the announcement.

Research paper thumbnail of Associate Professor of European history from c. 750 to c. 1500 AD (220359) | University of Oslo

A permanent position of Associate Professor of European history from c. 750 to c. 1500 AD is avai... more A permanent position of Associate Professor of European history from c. 750 to c. 1500 AD is available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo.

The successful candidate is expected to initiate and lead research, supervise PhD candidates, participate in teaching and in exam setting and assessment at all levels,

and to carry out administrative duties in accordance with the needs of the department.

The holder of the position is expected to be ready to teach on a broad range thematically as well as chronologically and geographically, if necessary, also outside the field specified in the announcement.

Research paper thumbnail of Associate Professor of European Contemporary History

Job description A permanent position of Associate Professor of European Contemporary History (af... more Job description

A permanent position of Associate Professor of European Contemporary History (after 1918) is available at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo.

The successful candidate is expected to initiate and lead research, supervise PhD candidates, participate in teaching and in exam setting and assessment at all levels,

and to carry out administrative duties in accordance with the needs of the department.

The holder of the position is expected to be ready to teach on a broad range thematically as well as chronologically and geographically, if necessary, also outside the field specified in the announcement.

Research paper thumbnail of Doctoral Research Fellowship at the Department of History

The position is associated with the Critical Historiography research group, whose members work on... more The position is associated with the Critical Historiography research group, whose members work on cross-chronological, problem-driven subjects with a strong emphasis on conceptual reflection.
Applicants should propose a research project within the larger framework of the group's focus project, "Good Work. The Value of Work in the long 20th Century". "Good work" is a historical project, with a keen interdisciplinary interest, that enquires into the fundamental transformations global working conditions underwent since c. 1870, with a particular emphasis on perceptions and discourses in which these changes were reflected. It asks how large secular trends such as (de)industrialisation, tertiarisation, digitalisation, and globalisation affected working lives in Norway, Europe, and beyond, and how notions of value of, in, and through work changed in the process. The project thus endeavours to shed light on a key dimension of social and economic life in the twentieth century while also analysing the politically and culturally contentious issue of labour's valuation. Its main aim is to provide critical interpretations of contemporary notions of "quality work" and explore its historically contingent meanings in different industrial and national contexts.

Research paper thumbnail of Talk of Yair Wallach, The Arab Ashkenazi: The Forgotten History of Jewish Eastern European Integration in the Levant

Abstract of Yair Wallach`s Talk: Around 100,000 Ashkenazi Jews migrated from Central and Eastern ... more Abstract of Yair Wallach`s Talk:
Around 100,000 Ashkenazi Jews migrated from Central and Eastern Europe to the Levant - from the early 19th century to 1914. The large majority of these migrants settled in Palestine, with smaller numbers in Egypt, and elsewhere. This migration is typically understood as ideologically driven by Zionist or proto-Zionist sentiments, and the relationship between the migrants and their Arab environment is seen as essentially antagonistic, framed through dichotomies of Europe and the Orient.

Wallach's research challenges this assumption, revealing the myriad paths of Ashkenazi integration and acculturation in the Levant: learning Arabic, adopting local dress and music, building neighbourly relations, commercial and political alliances. Belly dancers, soldiers, communist comrades, students, business partners, doctors, lovers and partners in crime: Ashkenazi-Arab relations were manifold and meaningful. But this integration was insufficient to withstand the political forces of the 20th century. The advent of Zionism and Arab resistance to it inevitably and retrospectively positioned local Ashkenazi Jews as European settlers against local Arabs. Ashkenazi “Arabisation” was undone and was erased from cultural memory and historiography. Challenging this reductive reading, I aim to place Ashkenazi migration to the Middle East within the larger story of migration into the Middle East,, to explore the different paths Ashkenazi migration followed, and the divergent political horizons it facilitated beyond separatism and settler colonialism.

A photo of researcher Yair Wallach
Yair Wallach is a senior lecturer in Israeli Studies at SOAS, the University of London, where he is also the head of the SOAS Centre for Jewish Studies. He has written on urban and material culture in modern Palestine/Israel. His book, A City in Fragments: Urban Texts in Modern Jerusalem (Stanford 2020) dealt with the street texts of late Ottoman and British Mandate Jerusalem. He has also written for the Guardian, Haaretz, 972+, Newsweek and other publications.

Research paper thumbnail of Deborah Cuccia reviewed "Ambivalenzen der Europäisierung" for HSK

H-Soz-Kult October 12, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of The History of Consumption

What we choose to consume, and what we refuse to consume, has become an important part of how we ... more What we choose to consume, and what we refuse to consume, has become an important part of how we define ourselves. Consumer activists, for example in anti-sweatshops movements have contributed to give high visibility to consumer advocacy. It is, however, hardly a recent political cause. Why and when did we start speaking of consumption society? How has consumption become central in defining human activity? What is a citizen-consumer?
In this course we will explore the emergence of new forms of consumption from the late 19th century, and read about the critiques addressed to them. Answering critiques, enterprises and public institutions have in turn developed skills to communicate with the consumer. The line between information and persuasion will be a topic of debate in the course, as well as the transfers and exchanges in know-how and experts. Cases will approach the history of multinational advertising agencies, the evolution of marketing and propaganda techniques under totalitarian regimes, and renewed forms of consumers’ activism. These questions will be further explored up to and including the Cold War.

Research paper thumbnail of Reel Reality: Movies in 20th Century History

Why should historians study movies? This basic question is at the very heart of this course, whic... more Why should historians study movies? This basic question is at the very heart of this course, which places moving images from the late 19th century to the present in their wider economic, social, political, and cultural contexts. Engaging with a variety of theoretical approaches, the course addresses the four main issues “production”, “regulation”, “meaning” and “consumption”. Firstly, it follows the development of the film business in different countries to understand how technology, law and regulation, industry structure and labor shaped film content to a considerable extent. Secondly, the course highlights the various influences politics, the military, churches, and other social groups exerted on the production of movies, in particular on film contents that were often channeled and censored to fit specific political agendas and moral norms. Thirdly, the course focuses on selected genres and their meaning for our understanding of history. Fourthly, the course raises questions about cinema-going and audiences’ experience. How does movie-goers engage with films and make sense of them in the light of their own needs, expectations, and hopes? In what ways and to what extent does film condition the ways we perceive realities?
In our course, there will be particular emphasis on the analysis of primary sources which, in this instance, will include visual material such as movie posters and adverts, as well as a selection of films that are exemplary for the wider issues that we want to discuss in class. We will screen these movies at full length and analyze them with you.

Research paper thumbnail of Fascism and Communism: Two Cataclysmic Ideologies in the Age of –isms

Research paper thumbnail of “Exclusive Shopping”: The Boycott of Jewish Businesses of 1933, Consumerism and the Mechanisms of Discrimination in Nazi Germany

Research paper thumbnail of Grandeur and Decline: History of Continental Europe, 1870–1920

Tutorial Handbook, Trinity College Dublin, Fall Term 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Cataclysm and Renewal: History of Continental Europe, 1917 to the Present

Research paper thumbnail of A Success Story? Democracy in Modern Europe

Lecture week 7: The Making of Modern Europe, 1500-2000 (co-lectured with Sandy Wilkinson) Univer... more Lecture week 7: The Making of Modern Europe, 1500-2000 (co-lectured with Sandy Wilkinson)

University College Dublin, Autumn Term 2013

Research paper thumbnail of The New Imperialism: A Global Phenomenon and its Legacies

Lecture week 9: The Making of Modern Europe, 1500-2000 (co-lectured with Sandy Wilkinson) Univ... more Lecture week 9: The Making of Modern Europe, 1500-2000 (co-lectured with Sandy Wilkinson)

University College Dublin, Autumn Term 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Umbruchzeit? Die westdeutsche Gesellschaft in den 1960er Jahren

Sie gelten als eine der wichtigsten Zäsuren im 20. Jahrhundert: die sog. langen 1960er Jahre. Zwi... more Sie gelten als eine der wichtigsten Zäsuren im 20. Jahrhundert: die sog. langen 1960er Jahre. Zwischen dem Ende des Wiederaufbaus in den späten 1950er Jahren und der 1974 einsetzenden Weltwirtschaftskrise veränderte sich die westdeutsche Nachkriegsgesellschaft tiefgreifend. In der Boomzeit der Bundesrepublik etablierten sich nicht nur neue Formen von Öffentlichkeit. Es kam zudem zu einem Einstellungswandel etwa in Fragen von Sexualität und zu weitreichenden gesellschaftspolitischen Reformen, so nicht zuletzt im Bildungsbereich. Das Seminar fragt nach den Antriebskräften und Akteuren des Umbruchs und bilanziert dessen langfristige Folgen für Gesellschaft und Politik der Bundesrepublik.

Research paper thumbnail of Das Italien Mussolinis: Die erste faschistische Diktatur Europas 1922-1945

Am 28. Oktober 1922 gelangte mit Mussolinis Schwarzhemden erstmals eine faschistische Bewegung an... more Am 28. Oktober 1922 gelangte mit Mussolinis Schwarzhemden erstmals eine faschistische Bewegung an die Macht. Das Seminar gibt einen Überblick über die Diktatur, die zunächst als neues politisches Ordnungsmodell weltweit große Faszination ausübte und später zusammen mit dem nationalsozialistischen Achsenpartner Europa in den Krieg stürzte. In der Bewertung dieses Regimes hat sich in den letzten Jahren Grundlegendes geändert: Lange Zeit als harmlose Diktatur im Schatten Hitlers abgetan, betont die Forschung heute den totalitären Charakter von Mussolinis Herrschaft und dessen strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten mit dem „Dritten Reich“. Am Beispiel zentraler Denk- und Handlungsfelder bietet das Seminar eine Einführung in diese neuen historiographischen Ansätze. Dazu zählen neben klassischen Themen wie Rassepolitik und koloniale Expansion auch neue kultur- und wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Fragestellungen, so zum Beispiel die Bedeutung von Sozialexperten für das Funktionieren des Regimes. Darauf aufbauend soll ein abschließender Vergleich mit dem „Dritten Reich“ gezogen werden.

Research paper thumbnail of The History of the Cold War (With the Boring Parts Left Out)

This module explores some of the most influential and significant debates in the writing of histo... more This module explores some of the most influential and significant debates in the writing of history. You will examine the major developments that have shaped the ways in which historians think about and write about the past. Historians have adopted a variety of different approaches to their studies and have often disagreed about the causes, meaning and implications of certain historical events. For some, ideas about the past have been shaped by political beliefs, by the application of political ideologies and philosophies, popular culture and by the desire to produce a more inclusive version of history, focusing on the experience of the working classes, women, racial minorities and other groups marginalised in established accounts. Others have been influenced by different methods of research, and the opportunities offered by particular types of source material to tell different stories about the past. This module examines several key debates in recent historical writing, which collectively reveal the ways in which historians’ personal and professional outlook, their approach to source materials, and the political and cultural contexts in which they write impacts historical scholarship.

Research paper thumbnail of James Bond and the Historians: The New Cultural History of the Cold War after 1990

"Debates in History" Second year undergraduate module University College Dublin, Autumn Ter... more "Debates in History"

Second year undergraduate module

University College Dublin, Autumn Term 2013

No other historical phenomenon had deeper impacts on the second half of the 20th century than the Cold War. The confrontation between the superpowers USA and USSR was by no my means just a military and diplomatic conflict, but permeated the entire societies: economy, culture and also the world of Academia had to be made fit for a battle that was seen as a fundamental clash between two systems of social organization.
For us historians the Cold War bears huge potential but also dangers. On the one hand, using the conflict as an analytical framework helps us better understand an entire era and overcome purely national narratives in historiography. On the other hand, if even the Academia was profoundly influenced by the Cold War, how can we write its history in a way that does not simply repeat the premises of the conflict and the perspectives of its protagonists? Indeed, for many years the historiography on the Cold War was itself an ideological battleground of the Cold War that reflects the broader social, political and cultural developments of the years after 1945. In my lecture I will thus not only provide an overview on the history of the Cold War but also address more general problems of writing history.

Research paper thumbnail of An Essential Difference? Racism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy

M.A. Course "History of Totalitarianism. Politics, Society and Culture" University College Dubli... more M.A. Course "History of Totalitarianism. Politics, Society and Culture"
University College Dublin, Spring Term 2014

Research paper thumbnail of A Clash of Generations? The Current Debates on Consensus under Nazism and Fascism

M.A. Course "History of Totalitarianism. Politics, Society and Culture" University College Dubli... more M.A. Course "History of Totalitarianism. Politics, Society and Culture"
University College Dublin, Spring Term 2014

Research paper thumbnail of More Top-Down or Bottom-Up? Repression in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy

M.A. Course "History of Totalitarianism. Politics, Society and Culture" University College Dubli... more M.A. Course "History of Totalitarianism. Politics, Society and Culture"
University College Dublin, Spring Term 2014

Research paper thumbnail of World War II, France and Historians

Syllabus of a second year undergraduate module Department of History, Trinity College Dublin ... more Syllabus of a second year undergraduate module

Department of History, Trinity College Dublin
Hilary Term 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Advertising and Consumption: Reconfiguring European Society in the 20th century

Syllabus of a third year undergraduate module Department of History, Trinity College Dublin M... more Syllabus of a third year undergraduate module

Department of History, Trinity College Dublin
Michaelmas and Hilary Term, 2012-2013

Research paper thumbnail of Axis Apologies:  Coming to Terms with the Second World War and Dictatorship in Germany, Italy, and Japan

We live, one observer has remarked, amid a “tsunami of apology”. Indeed, the early 21st century h... more We live, one observer has remarked, amid a “tsunami of apology”. Indeed, the early 21st century has often been decried as a time in which people said sorry for almost every imaginable wrongdoing in history: the Catholic Church has offered mea culpas to Galileo, the Jews and the gypsies; the U.S. Congress apologized for slavery; the Australian Prime Minister regretted the treatment of Aborigines, and, most recently, David Cameron condemned the 1972 "Bloody Sunday." From this perspective, our need for apology stems from a radical sort of “presentism”: the belief that the actions of the past should be evaluated by present-day standards.
I would like to challenge this idea. Apologies are not a simply the expression of a present-day mania. Rather, they have also been the result of tangible economic and political interests, both international and domestic. We will analyze the vectors that shaped these policies of saying sorry by looking at Germany, Italy and Japan and how the former Axis powers dealt with the legacies of their dictatorships. More specifically, the lectures will cover Italian colonialism in Africa, sexual exploitation by the Imperial Japanese Army in Asia and the German murder of the European Jews.

Research paper thumbnail of Deny – Apologize – Un-Apologize?  Japan, WWII, and the Problem of Sex Slavery

Research paper thumbnail of When the Italians Said Scusa:  Libya, Colonial Scars and the Big Oil Deal of 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Die unvollkommene Italianisierung: Politik und Verwaltung in Südtirol 1918–1943

Andrea Di Michele, Die unvollkommene Italianisierung: Politik und Verwaltung in Südtirol 1918-1943. Aus dem Italienischen von Patrick Bernhard und Julia Becker (Innsbruck: Wagner, 2008)

Translated from the Italian by Patrick Bernhard and Julia Becker. Original title: Andrea Di Mi... more Translated from the Italian by Patrick Bernhard and Julia Becker.

Original title: Andrea Di Michele, L’italianizzazione imperfetta: L’amministrazione pubblica dell’Alto Adige tra Italia liberale e fascismo, prefazione di Nicola Tranfaglia (Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso: 2003).

Dieses Buch analysiert die öffentliche Verwaltung in Südtirol durch den italienischen Staat während der vier Jahre liberaler Regierung (1918-1922) und in der folgenden Epoche faschistischer Herrschaft (1922-1943). Nach welchen Kriterien und wurden die nach Südtirol versetzten Staatsbeamten ausgesucht? Auf welche Weise und mit welchen Auswirkungen operierte die öffentliche Verwaltung als von der faschistischen Diktatur bewusst eingesetztes Instrument zur Italianisierung Südtirols? Was änderte sich gegenüber der liberalen Politik, was wurde beibehalten? War die geplante Faschisierung der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Südtirol erfolgreicher als im restlichen Italien? Weder die liberale Regierung noch das faschistische Regime waren imstande, fähige Führungseliten für Regierung und Verwaltung Südtirols auszuwählen. Die italienische Führungsschicht, die sich nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg bis zum Fall des faschistischen Regimes in Südtirol niederließ, zeichnet sich durch Inkompetenz, kulturelle und moralische Armut, einen hohen Grad an interner Zerstrittenheit und durch die Unvermögen aus, sich vor Ort einzuleben. Die Unzulänglichkeit der Führungsschicht stellt eine der bedeutsamsten Kontinuitäten zwischen öffentlicher Verwaltung im liberalen Staat und im ventennio fascista, den zwanzig Jahren faschistischer Herrschaft dar. Die Unfähigkeit des Regimes, eine professionelle und politisch motivierte Führungsschicht in der Provinz Bozen aufzubauen, war eine der Ursachen für die unvollkommene Italianisierung Südtirols.

Research paper thumbnail of Reform als Routine

Nils Brunsson, Reform als Routine, in: Reform und Innovation in einer unstabilen Gesellschaft, edited by Elena Esposito and Giancarlo Corsi (Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, 2005), pp. 9-25.

Translated from the English by Patrick Bernhard. Dieses Buch geht von einer Feststellung aus... more Translated from the English by Patrick Bernhard.

Dieses Buch geht von einer Feststellung aus, die wenig umstritten zu sein scheint: Reformen sind ein Problem. Kein Konsens herrscht jedoch darüber, in welcher Hinsicht genau Reformen problematisch sind und wie man am besten damit umgeht. Zum einen sind Reformen ein weit verbreitetes und diskutiertes Thema. Reformen sind zum anderen problematisch, weil sie anscheinend strittig sind. Sie rufen Widerstände und Konflikte hervor. Man sucht dann nach Mitteln und Wegen, um sie in befriedigender Weise zu realisieren. Die in diesem Band versammelten Aufsätze sind als ein Beitrag zu dieser Problematik zu verstehen. Sie bieten einen Überblick über die Schlüsselbezüge, die Semantik von Reform und Innovation, das Problem von Planbarkeit von Reformen sowie den Bezug zum Objekt der Reformen: den Organisationen.

Research paper thumbnail of Welches Interventionstrauma für welche Militärs? Der Kriegseintritt von 1915 und das italienische Militär

Nicola Labanca, Welches Interventionstrauma für welche Militärs? Der Kriegseintritt von 1915 und das italienische Militär, in: Der Kriegseintritt Italiens im Mai 1915, edited by Johannes Hürter and Gian Enrico Rusconi (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2007), pp. 73-84

Translated from the Italian by Patrick Bernhard. Am 23. Mai 1915 erklärte das Königreich Itali... more Translated from the Italian by Patrick Bernhard.

Am 23. Mai 1915 erklärte das Königreich Italien seinem Verbündeten und Erzfeind Österreich-Ungarn nach monatelangem Tauziehen den Krieg. Die Beteiligung am Ersten Weltkrieg auf Seiten der Entente führte zum Triumph über das Habsburgerreich und zur Annexion weiter Gebiete einschließlich Südtirols, aber auch zu schrecklichen Verlusten an Mensch und Material sowie zum Aufstieg des Faschismus. Während im kollektiven Gedächtnis der betroffenen Länder immer noch die alten Denkmuster vom „italienischen Verrat“ bzw. vom „gerechten Krieg“ vorherrschen, bemühen sich italienische, deutsche und österreichische Historiker endlich gemeinsam um ein differenziertes Bild. Dieser Sammelband diskutiert die Ursachen und Wirkungen des italienischen Intervento von 1915 in neuer Sicht und leistet damit einen Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen Dialog zwischen den ehemaligen Kriegsgegnern, der noch längst nicht beendet ist.

Research paper thumbnail of Das Hasardspiel des Jahrs 1915: Warum sich Italien für den Eintritt in den Ersten Weltkrieg entschied

Gian Enrico Rusconi, Das Hasardspiel des Jahrs 1915. Warum sich Italien für den Eintritt in den Ersten Weltkrieg entschied, in: Der Kriegseintritt Italiens im Mai 1915, edited by Johannes Hürter and Gian Enrico Rusconi (Munich: Oldenbourg, 2007), pp. 13-52

Translated from the Italian by Patrick Bernhard. Am 23. Mai 1915 erklärte das Königreich Ita... more Translated from the Italian by Patrick Bernhard.

Am 23. Mai 1915 erklärte das Königreich Italien seinem Verbündeten und Erzfeind Österreich-Ungarn nach monatelangem Tauziehen den Krieg. Die Beteiligung am Ersten Weltkrieg auf Seiten der Entente führte zum Triumph über das Habsburgerreich und zur Annexion weiter Gebiete einschließlich Südtirols, aber auch zu schrecklichen Verlusten an Mensch und Material sowie zum Aufstieg des Faschismus. Während im kollektiven Gedächtnis der betroffenen Länder immer noch die alten Denkmuster vom „italienischen Verrat“ bzw. vom „gerechten Krieg“ vorherrschen, bemühen sich italienische, deutsche und österreichische Historiker endlich gemeinsam um ein differenziertes Bild. Dieser Sammelband diskutiert die Ursachen und Wirkungen des italienischen Intervento von 1915 in neuer Sicht und leistet damit einen Beitrag zum wissenschaftlichen Dialog zwischen den ehemaligen Kriegsgegnern, der noch längst nicht beendet ist.

Research paper thumbnail of Anti-urbanism across Borders: Mussolini's Italy, Nazi Germany, and the Remodelling of “Space“ within Fascist Alliance

Settlement policy was one of the main fields of Axis cooperation between Nazi Germany and Fascist... more Settlement policy was one of the main fields of Axis cooperation between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The two dictatorships not only shared the basic assumption that “regenerating” the nation demanded a strict policy of “reruralizing” the country. It also came to a wide-ranging exchange of information between the countries’ leading settlement experts in terms of city planning and the remodelling of the rural “living space”. This led to mutual learning processes. The Italians, for instance, adapted the Reichserbhofgesetz which constituted the core of Nazi blood-and-soil ideology. Conversely, the Nazis were not only inspired by the Fascist New Towns in the Pontine Marshes and Mussolini’s social housing policy when transforming the German cities to fit the needs of the “National Community” after 1933. There is also indication that even in their settlement plans for Eastern Europe the Nazis looked to the colonial undertakings of Fascist Italy in Libya and Abyssinia for inspiration. C...

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: George Talbot, Censorship in Fascist Italy, 1922--43, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 2007; 251 pp.; 9780230543089,  55.00 (hbk)

European History Quarterly, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Jane Caplan, ed., Nazi Germany, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2008; 348 pp., 5 maps; 9780199276868,  62.00 (hbk); 9780199276875,  20.00 (pbk)

European History Quarterly, 2011

[Research paper thumbnail of Sophia Dafinger: Rezension von: Patrick Bernhard / Holger Nehring (Hgg.): Den Kalten Krieg denken. Beiträge zur sozialen Ideengeschichte seit 1945, Essen: Klartext 2013, in: sehepunkte 14 (2014), Nr. 7/8 [15.07.2014], URL:](

Research paper thumbnail of Seeking Refuge beyond Europe. New perspectives on European Refugees, Migrants and Exiles in the Middle East and North Africa, 19 th -20 th centuries

Call for Articles in English and French language for a special Issue of Diasporas.Circulations, M... more Call for Articles in English and French language for a special Issue of Diasporas.Circulations, Migrations, Histoire (to be published in 2025), edited by Alex Lamprou and Esther Möller The special issue "Seeking Refuge beyond Europe. New perspectives on European Refugees, Migrants and Exilees in the Middle East and North Africa, 19 th-20 th centuries" aims at investigating the societies of the Middle East and North Africa as spaces of arrival, transit and settlement for refugees from Europe in the late 19 th and 20 th centuries.

Research paper thumbnail of Second CFP: Italy's Decade of War: 1935-45 in International Perspective

From the invasion of Abyssinia to the end of World War II, Italy experienced a decade of war. Thi... more From the invasion of Abyssinia to the end of World War II, Italy experienced a decade of war. This conference aims to re-evaluate the history of the Italian experience during this ten-year period with a unifying perspective that places the Italian Fascist regime and its foreign and military enterprises in an entirely internationalised framework of analysis. It will bring an international focus upon the Italian role in the breakdown of the international system and appeasement, and will analyse the consequences of Italian militarism on a global scale. It will explore comparative and transnational histories of the Italian occupations of France, the Balkans, Greece, and Albania, as well as the Allied occupation of Italy following the defeat. The conference will seek to place particular emphasis upon the significance of the Mediterranean region in the wider history of the Second World War, exploring the broader implications of Italy's actions in Africa and the Middle East. It will also look at Italian diplomatic, military and economic relations with Britain, the United States, and Nazi Germany, as well as those with other states such as Vichy France and Spain.

Research paper thumbnail of Die Rentenversicherung in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus

Conference organized by the Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung of the German Pension Funds

Research paper thumbnail of Nordafrika unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die deutsche Präsenz in Libyen und Tunesien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Theme Day "The Jews of North Africa during World War II", Jewish Museum in Berlin, January 26, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Nordafrika unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die deutsche Präsenz in Libyen und Tunesien während des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Theme Day "The Jews of North Africa during World War II", Jewish Museum in Berlin, January 26, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Im Schatten der "Euthanasie": Der Umgang mit Tuberkulosekranken im Nationalsozialismus

Conference "Health, Society, and National Socialism in the Region, " organized by Malte Thiessen,... more Conference "Health, Society, and National Socialism in the Region, " organized by Malte Thiessen, Dietmar von Reeken, and Gerd Steinwascher,

State Archives Lower Saxony, Oldenburg, October 28-29, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of German and Italian Colonialism. Comparative and Transnational Perspectives. Edited by Nicola Camilleri, Ulrike Schaper, Massimo Zaccaria. With contributions by Nicola Camilleri, Dominik Nagl, Massimo Zaccaria, Michael Pesek, Nicola Labanca and Patrick Bernhard.

Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900, 2018