Angel Versetti | United Nations (original) (raw)

Fieldwork Projects by Angel Versetti

Research paper thumbnail of Japan-ASEAN Economic Partnership: Prospects for 2015 and Beyond - United Nations Trade Insights Publications

Research paper thumbnail of Geography Fieldwork Research: Impact of Tourism on Bournemouth’s Urban and Coastal Environments: IB Geography Higher Coursework

Comprehensive overview of the impact of tourism on the coastal and urban environments of Bournemo... more Comprehensive overview of the impact of tourism on the coastal and urban environments of Bournemouth

Table of Contents:

Fieldwork Outline 1
Geographical Context 1
Methods of Investigation 3
Coastline Environment’s Features (sub-questions 1, 2) 5
Tourism Profile of Bournemouth (sub-questions 3, 4) 8
Demographical Patterns (sub-question 3) 8
Social Patterns (sub-questions 3, 4) 9
Urban Environment (sub-questions 1, 2, 4, 5) 11
Safety Index (sub-question 1) 11
Transport Survey (sub-question 4) 12
Mini-Golf Management (sub-questions 4, 5) 13
Land-Use of Old Christchurch Road (sub-questions 1, 2) 14
Management of Pressures and Conflicts (sub-question 5) 15
Economic Influence of Tourism on Bournemouth (sub-question 6) 17
Conclusion and Evaluation 19

Word-Count: 4000 Words
Page-Count: 24 Pages
Author: Angel Versetti

Books by Angel Versetti

Research paper thumbnail of Afghanistan and Central Asia: Strengthening Trade and Economic Ties - United Nations ESCAP Publication (Co-Author)

Afghanistan is facing a difficult period of economic and political transition; further regional i... more Afghanistan is facing a difficult period of economic and political transition; further regional integration, including with the countries of Central Asia, will be an essential element of any future development strategy

Papers by Angel Versetti


Africa and India each have a big island off their south-eastern tips – Madagascar and Sri Lanka r... more Africa and India each have a big island off their south-eastern tips – Madagascar and
Sri Lanka respectively. These two islands share many commonalities: their populations
today are 22 and 24 million respectively 1 ; each has multi-ethnic population; each was a
colony of a Western power (from 1882/1897 and 1815); and each became independent
post-WWII (in 1960 and 1948); each has extremely high, unique bio-diversity, similarly
threatened by deforestation; each holds a strategic maritime location, yet prone to natural
hazards (albeit, arguably, Sri Lanka’s is more so, in both cases 2 ); each had adopted socialist
economic policies at some point of the 1970s and then radically liberalised their
economies; and each has experienced multiple serious political and constitutional crises
over the past 50 years.
Most importantly for this discussion, both islands had an equally miserable state of
economic affairs in the 1960s and the early 1970s, throughout which their GDP per capita
indicators, seen on the title page, make it seem as if their economies had been glued
together. They were each a poor, agrarian, commodity-exporting economy. But then,
from the late 1970s onwards, Sri Lanka entered and has remained on an amazing
economic growth path that has allowed it to increase its GDP per capita from 273$ in
1980 to 3’820$ in 2014 3 , while Madagascar’s GDP per capita between 1980 and 2014
decreased from 462$ to 449$ 4 . Sri Lanka has become a middle-income, industrialised,
service-based economy with the highest Human Development Index (HDI) in South
Asia 5 and even has its own space satellite 6 . Madagascar has around 90% of its population
living in poverty 7 and remains among the most backward economies in the world.

Research paper thumbnail of Raison(s) d'être for central banks & (In)ability of Artificial Intelligence to replace them

This essay will consist of two major parts. Firstly, various roles and functions of central banks... more This essay will consist of two major parts. Firstly, various roles and functions of central banks will be presented, with particular focus on the recent years. Secondly, complexities of the central banking functions and monetary policy will be analysed, considering the extent to which Artificial Intelligence is (un)prepared to perform them autonomously in the foreseeable future (up to 2030).

Research paper thumbnail of Governing Our Digital Waters: Can the International Law on the High Seas and Piracy Enshrined in Part VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Be Replicated for Security Governance of the Internet?

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has been, since 1994, the only glob... more The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has been, since

1994, the only globally recognised codification of rights and responsibilities of nations in

the international waters, also known as the high seas. For the purpose of this essay we

shall only consider Part VII (High Seas) of UNCLOS, as the international cyberspace is in

many ways comparable to the international waters, and their security regulations, as we

will see throughout the essay, pose many similar challenges. Within Part VII of UNCLOS

the following two relevant themes arise (clustered by author): inclusive and safe usage and

navigation of the high seas (Art. 87-94, 97) and suppression of piracy and other criminal

acts in the high seas (Art. 100-109, 111)

purposes of relevant concepts (free navigation, illegal acts, aggression, etc.) as well as to

consider the rights and responsibilities of the nation states between those applicable in

international waters and in cyberspace.

Research paper thumbnail of "At the end of the day, it's just corn flakes": a short essay about the increasing financialization of the US economy, the transformational power of the financial sector and its insatiable appetite to make more money from money

The paper will follow the structure of the question, first briefly setting the conceptual context... more The paper will follow the structure of the question, first briefly setting the
conceptual context of financialisation and comparing the competing
definitions of financialisation and its dynamics. Part II will consider the
size of the financial sector relative to the real economy. Part III will look
at the influence of the financial sector over agenda-setting and outcomes
of economic policies in the US. Part IV will deal with transfers of income
away from the real into financial sector and its impact on employment and
thus wages. Concluding remarks will only propose areas for further
research for financial regulators as well as offer a philosophical critique.
Thus the paper is only a diagnostic report which only sets a road-map for
further exploration within this broad, multi-disciplinary theme.

Research paper thumbnail of Global Governance: to Compete or to Co-operate? - How do the US, the EU and Russia engage in Global Governance?

This essay consists of 3 main parts: PART I encompasses the broad notion of global governance ... more This essay consists of 3 main parts:

PART I encompasses the broad notion of global governance within the framework of International Relations, providing definitional and theoretical aspects of global governance. In simple words, it will try to answer what global governance is, what subsets it contains and how these are interconnected and implemented. We will see that global governance is a complex rapidly-evolving concept involving multilateral and multilevel political, military and economic co-operation. Due to the breadth of the area covered by global governance, the essay will mainly focus on security and defence strategies within global governance.

PART II builds a comparative overview of engagement of the US, Russia and the EU in global governance with a degree of critical evaluation of the governance policies. Firstly, we will see how the former Cold War era rivalry still heavily influences the foreign policy of all three actors (particularly for Russia), which acts as an obstacle to effective global governance. Then we will also see through a case study (the Iraq War) that the US, despite its legitimacy as the leader of global governance being constantly challenged, can engage in a major process of global governanceeven with clear opposition from Russia and the EU.

PART III forges conclusive remarks about the development of complex interaction between the three agents, assessing the extent of the effectiveness of their co-operation, and finally examines theshifting balance in global governance powers within the broader context of the emerging powers such as BRICS. It will argue that BRICS and many other existing alliances (such as the SCO for instance) are generally viewed as politically-motivated copycats of the US/EU-dominated political or monetary mechanisms. The rising powers are yet to develop any clear agenda beyond that challenging the US global leadership. Finally, Russia’s unclear position between the old powers andemerging powers will be assessed. The main finding is that Russia clearly wants to belong to the world’s Great powers, but due to lack of recognition as such by the US or the EU, prefers to side with the developing countries and engage in global governance by building alternative networks.

Research paper thumbnail of Going Against the Tide or How Long Can Conservative Christianity Keep Preventing Legalization Of Same-Sex Marriages?

"""It has been established that Conservative Protestantism and Roman Catholicism – both through a... more """It has been established that Conservative Protestantism and Roman Catholicism – both through active individuals and interest groups – exert significant influence on legislation in the USA. Legalisation of same-sex marriages has been a contentious legislative issue for conservative Christians, who make up the majority of opposition to same-sex marriages in the US. Since the issue is ongoing on a national scale and is subject to fierce responses from both sides of the argument, it is interesting to analyse the effectiveness of conservative Christian interest groups in preventing legalisation of same-sex marriages in the USA since the 1990s and to attempt to predict the outcome of this controversy.

This paper aims to prove that through active lobbying, organisatorial skills and tactical management of social movements, Roman Catholic and Conservative Protestant interest groups have been more effective in preventing and forcing repeal of any legislation that aimed at legalisation of same-sex marriages in the USA, than liberal movements have been in promoting its enactment. Nonetheless, the latter will inevitably emerge victorious from this battle and the Christian institutions will have to adapt to the liberal tendency of Americans in order to preserve their political power."""

Research paper thumbnail of Usurpation of Power In The Time of Crisis: A Short Essay About The Remarkable Power Gain The European Central Bank (ECB) Has Made Since the 2008 Financial Crisis And The Unchecked Influence It Has Exerted On Individual Member States In The Wake Of The Eurozone Crisis (pub. April 2014)

Research paper thumbnail of Blowing the Whistle: When Performing Fiduciary Duty Becomes Corporate Hara-Kiri  (Analysis of the Olympus Corporate Scandal of 2011)

Research paper thumbnail of Dividing the Petroleum Pie: The Implications of Competition for Natural Resources in Africa between the USA and China on the US National Interests

Analysis of the implications of the trilateral relations of US-Africa-China on the national inter... more Analysis of the implications of the trilateral relations of US-Africa-China on the national interests and security of the USA.

Research paper thumbnail of Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart And Lean Not On Your Own Understanding: A Short Essay About The Noteworthy Efforts By Evangelical Denominations In The Antebellum American South To Reinforce Acceptance Among African-Americans Of Their Own Enslavement

Research paper thumbnail of The Anatomy of Liberalism: Do the works of Locke, Smith, Tocqueville and Mill follow from one another? Do they share a common core, and are there important ways in which they differ?

Analysis of the historical development of the Liberal Thought. John Lock, John Stuart Mill, Alexi... more Analysis of the historical development of the Liberal Thought. John Lock, John Stuart Mill, Alexis de Tocqueville and Adam Smith

The essay consists of 3 main parts:

I. Liberalism: Live and Let Live
II. Liberty and Private Property
III. The Will of the Majority: From the Advancement of the Public Good to Democratic Despotism

Research paper thumbnail of Zollverein: the Economic Processes in the Formation of the German Empire (German Unification)

"Size: 3204 words Analysis of the underlying economic processes in the formation of the German... more "Size: 3204 words

Analysis of the underlying economic processes in the formation of the German Empire throughout the XIX century."

Research paper thumbnail of America’s Lacklustre Success and Japan’s Spectacular Failure: US and Imperial Japan’s Asian Conquests of 1898-1945

Comparative analysis of the imperialist policies of the US and the Empire of Japan Empire between... more Comparative analysis of the imperialist policies of the US and the Empire of Japan Empire between 1898 and 1945

Research paper thumbnail of Tribal Sovereignty for Indian Peoples in the USA: Masters of their Fate or at the Mercy of the Fate? - To what extent is granting Native American tribes legal autonomy fair, sufficient and efficient in reducing their social inequality?

Political and Legal Autonomy of the Indian Tribes in the USA and the implications on equality and... more Political and Legal Autonomy of the Indian Tribes in the USA and the implications on equality and discrimination. Child welfare, equality of gender, income disparities and access to legal remedy are considered in this essay.

Research paper thumbnail of Civil Disobedience – a Threat, an Instrument or a Sacred Right? - Comparative Analysis of John Locke's Second Trestise of Government and Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince and Discourses of the Livy

Comparative Analysis of John Locke's Second Trestise of Government and Niccolo Machiavelli's The ... more Comparative Analysis of John Locke's Second Trestise of Government and Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince and Discourses of the Livy.
Author: Angel Versetti

"A wise ruler should nip any rebellion in the bud, claims Machiavelli’s Prince. Yet people have a right to rebel even against the shadow of tyranny, according to Locke’s Second Treatise. These two notions might suggest eternal confrontation between the oppressive ruler and rebellious citizenry, paranoid and suspicious of each other’s schemes. This is where the moderating approach from Machiavelli’s Discourses comes in: rebellion is a nuisance, but since the ruler needs the power of people to assist him in his quest for glory, let them rant and mob a bit.""

Research paper thumbnail of In the Wake of the Big Changes: How Does Life Narrative Register Abrupt Shifts in State Politics?

A comparative analysis of life narratives on post-9/11 America (Moustafa Bayomi's Being Young and... more A comparative analysis of life narratives on post-9/11 America (Moustafa Bayomi's Being Young and Arab in America), the Iranian Revolution of 1979 (Azar Nafisi’s Reading Lolita in Tehran and Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis), Guatemalan military dictatorship of 1970s and 1980s (Elisabeth Burgos-Debray’s I, Rigoberta Menchu) and the Japanese American Internment during WWII (Mine Okubo’s Citizen 13660).

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative overview of demographic transition patterns in Brazil and Mexico, their economic implications and policy responses of the governments

Overview of Demographic Transition patters in Brazil and Mexico and their implications on economi... more Overview of Demographic Transition patters in Brazil and Mexico and their implications on economic development of these countries. Various sources, such as national census and UN data are compiled. Population pyramids and other demographic instruments are employed in the paper.

Research paper thumbnail of Japan-ASEAN Economic Partnership: Prospects for 2015 and Beyond - United Nations Trade Insights Publications

Research paper thumbnail of Geography Fieldwork Research: Impact of Tourism on Bournemouth’s Urban and Coastal Environments: IB Geography Higher Coursework

Comprehensive overview of the impact of tourism on the coastal and urban environments of Bournemo... more Comprehensive overview of the impact of tourism on the coastal and urban environments of Bournemouth

Table of Contents:

Fieldwork Outline 1
Geographical Context 1
Methods of Investigation 3
Coastline Environment’s Features (sub-questions 1, 2) 5
Tourism Profile of Bournemouth (sub-questions 3, 4) 8
Demographical Patterns (sub-question 3) 8
Social Patterns (sub-questions 3, 4) 9
Urban Environment (sub-questions 1, 2, 4, 5) 11
Safety Index (sub-question 1) 11
Transport Survey (sub-question 4) 12
Mini-Golf Management (sub-questions 4, 5) 13
Land-Use of Old Christchurch Road (sub-questions 1, 2) 14
Management of Pressures and Conflicts (sub-question 5) 15
Economic Influence of Tourism on Bournemouth (sub-question 6) 17
Conclusion and Evaluation 19

Word-Count: 4000 Words
Page-Count: 24 Pages
Author: Angel Versetti

Research paper thumbnail of Afghanistan and Central Asia: Strengthening Trade and Economic Ties - United Nations ESCAP Publication (Co-Author)

Afghanistan is facing a difficult period of economic and political transition; further regional i... more Afghanistan is facing a difficult period of economic and political transition; further regional integration, including with the countries of Central Asia, will be an essential element of any future development strategy


Africa and India each have a big island off their south-eastern tips – Madagascar and Sri Lanka r... more Africa and India each have a big island off their south-eastern tips – Madagascar and
Sri Lanka respectively. These two islands share many commonalities: their populations
today are 22 and 24 million respectively 1 ; each has multi-ethnic population; each was a
colony of a Western power (from 1882/1897 and 1815); and each became independent
post-WWII (in 1960 and 1948); each has extremely high, unique bio-diversity, similarly
threatened by deforestation; each holds a strategic maritime location, yet prone to natural
hazards (albeit, arguably, Sri Lanka’s is more so, in both cases 2 ); each had adopted socialist
economic policies at some point of the 1970s and then radically liberalised their
economies; and each has experienced multiple serious political and constitutional crises
over the past 50 years.
Most importantly for this discussion, both islands had an equally miserable state of
economic affairs in the 1960s and the early 1970s, throughout which their GDP per capita
indicators, seen on the title page, make it seem as if their economies had been glued
together. They were each a poor, agrarian, commodity-exporting economy. But then,
from the late 1970s onwards, Sri Lanka entered and has remained on an amazing
economic growth path that has allowed it to increase its GDP per capita from 273$ in
1980 to 3’820$ in 2014 3 , while Madagascar’s GDP per capita between 1980 and 2014
decreased from 462$ to 449$ 4 . Sri Lanka has become a middle-income, industrialised,
service-based economy with the highest Human Development Index (HDI) in South
Asia 5 and even has its own space satellite 6 . Madagascar has around 90% of its population
living in poverty 7 and remains among the most backward economies in the world.

Research paper thumbnail of Raison(s) d'être for central banks & (In)ability of Artificial Intelligence to replace them

This essay will consist of two major parts. Firstly, various roles and functions of central banks... more This essay will consist of two major parts. Firstly, various roles and functions of central banks will be presented, with particular focus on the recent years. Secondly, complexities of the central banking functions and monetary policy will be analysed, considering the extent to which Artificial Intelligence is (un)prepared to perform them autonomously in the foreseeable future (up to 2030).

Research paper thumbnail of Governing Our Digital Waters: Can the International Law on the High Seas and Piracy Enshrined in Part VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Be Replicated for Security Governance of the Internet?

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has been, since 1994, the only glob... more The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has been, since

1994, the only globally recognised codification of rights and responsibilities of nations in

the international waters, also known as the high seas. For the purpose of this essay we

shall only consider Part VII (High Seas) of UNCLOS, as the international cyberspace is in

many ways comparable to the international waters, and their security regulations, as we

will see throughout the essay, pose many similar challenges. Within Part VII of UNCLOS

the following two relevant themes arise (clustered by author): inclusive and safe usage and

navigation of the high seas (Art. 87-94, 97) and suppression of piracy and other criminal

acts in the high seas (Art. 100-109, 111)

purposes of relevant concepts (free navigation, illegal acts, aggression, etc.) as well as to

consider the rights and responsibilities of the nation states between those applicable in

international waters and in cyberspace.

Research paper thumbnail of "At the end of the day, it's just corn flakes": a short essay about the increasing financialization of the US economy, the transformational power of the financial sector and its insatiable appetite to make more money from money

The paper will follow the structure of the question, first briefly setting the conceptual context... more The paper will follow the structure of the question, first briefly setting the
conceptual context of financialisation and comparing the competing
definitions of financialisation and its dynamics. Part II will consider the
size of the financial sector relative to the real economy. Part III will look
at the influence of the financial sector over agenda-setting and outcomes
of economic policies in the US. Part IV will deal with transfers of income
away from the real into financial sector and its impact on employment and
thus wages. Concluding remarks will only propose areas for further
research for financial regulators as well as offer a philosophical critique.
Thus the paper is only a diagnostic report which only sets a road-map for
further exploration within this broad, multi-disciplinary theme.

Research paper thumbnail of Global Governance: to Compete or to Co-operate? - How do the US, the EU and Russia engage in Global Governance?

This essay consists of 3 main parts: PART I encompasses the broad notion of global governance ... more This essay consists of 3 main parts:

PART I encompasses the broad notion of global governance within the framework of International Relations, providing definitional and theoretical aspects of global governance. In simple words, it will try to answer what global governance is, what subsets it contains and how these are interconnected and implemented. We will see that global governance is a complex rapidly-evolving concept involving multilateral and multilevel political, military and economic co-operation. Due to the breadth of the area covered by global governance, the essay will mainly focus on security and defence strategies within global governance.

PART II builds a comparative overview of engagement of the US, Russia and the EU in global governance with a degree of critical evaluation of the governance policies. Firstly, we will see how the former Cold War era rivalry still heavily influences the foreign policy of all three actors (particularly for Russia), which acts as an obstacle to effective global governance. Then we will also see through a case study (the Iraq War) that the US, despite its legitimacy as the leader of global governance being constantly challenged, can engage in a major process of global governanceeven with clear opposition from Russia and the EU.

PART III forges conclusive remarks about the development of complex interaction between the three agents, assessing the extent of the effectiveness of their co-operation, and finally examines theshifting balance in global governance powers within the broader context of the emerging powers such as BRICS. It will argue that BRICS and many other existing alliances (such as the SCO for instance) are generally viewed as politically-motivated copycats of the US/EU-dominated political or monetary mechanisms. The rising powers are yet to develop any clear agenda beyond that challenging the US global leadership. Finally, Russia’s unclear position between the old powers andemerging powers will be assessed. The main finding is that Russia clearly wants to belong to the world’s Great powers, but due to lack of recognition as such by the US or the EU, prefers to side with the developing countries and engage in global governance by building alternative networks.

Research paper thumbnail of Going Against the Tide or How Long Can Conservative Christianity Keep Preventing Legalization Of Same-Sex Marriages?

"""It has been established that Conservative Protestantism and Roman Catholicism – both through a... more """It has been established that Conservative Protestantism and Roman Catholicism – both through active individuals and interest groups – exert significant influence on legislation in the USA. Legalisation of same-sex marriages has been a contentious legislative issue for conservative Christians, who make up the majority of opposition to same-sex marriages in the US. Since the issue is ongoing on a national scale and is subject to fierce responses from both sides of the argument, it is interesting to analyse the effectiveness of conservative Christian interest groups in preventing legalisation of same-sex marriages in the USA since the 1990s and to attempt to predict the outcome of this controversy.

This paper aims to prove that through active lobbying, organisatorial skills and tactical management of social movements, Roman Catholic and Conservative Protestant interest groups have been more effective in preventing and forcing repeal of any legislation that aimed at legalisation of same-sex marriages in the USA, than liberal movements have been in promoting its enactment. Nonetheless, the latter will inevitably emerge victorious from this battle and the Christian institutions will have to adapt to the liberal tendency of Americans in order to preserve their political power."""

Research paper thumbnail of Usurpation of Power In The Time of Crisis: A Short Essay About The Remarkable Power Gain The European Central Bank (ECB) Has Made Since the 2008 Financial Crisis And The Unchecked Influence It Has Exerted On Individual Member States In The Wake Of The Eurozone Crisis (pub. April 2014)

Research paper thumbnail of Blowing the Whistle: When Performing Fiduciary Duty Becomes Corporate Hara-Kiri  (Analysis of the Olympus Corporate Scandal of 2011)

Research paper thumbnail of Dividing the Petroleum Pie: The Implications of Competition for Natural Resources in Africa between the USA and China on the US National Interests

Analysis of the implications of the trilateral relations of US-Africa-China on the national inter... more Analysis of the implications of the trilateral relations of US-Africa-China on the national interests and security of the USA.

Research paper thumbnail of Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart And Lean Not On Your Own Understanding: A Short Essay About The Noteworthy Efforts By Evangelical Denominations In The Antebellum American South To Reinforce Acceptance Among African-Americans Of Their Own Enslavement

Research paper thumbnail of The Anatomy of Liberalism: Do the works of Locke, Smith, Tocqueville and Mill follow from one another? Do they share a common core, and are there important ways in which they differ?

Analysis of the historical development of the Liberal Thought. John Lock, John Stuart Mill, Alexi... more Analysis of the historical development of the Liberal Thought. John Lock, John Stuart Mill, Alexis de Tocqueville and Adam Smith

The essay consists of 3 main parts:

I. Liberalism: Live and Let Live
II. Liberty and Private Property
III. The Will of the Majority: From the Advancement of the Public Good to Democratic Despotism

Research paper thumbnail of Zollverein: the Economic Processes in the Formation of the German Empire (German Unification)

"Size: 3204 words Analysis of the underlying economic processes in the formation of the German... more "Size: 3204 words

Analysis of the underlying economic processes in the formation of the German Empire throughout the XIX century."

Research paper thumbnail of America’s Lacklustre Success and Japan’s Spectacular Failure: US and Imperial Japan’s Asian Conquests of 1898-1945

Comparative analysis of the imperialist policies of the US and the Empire of Japan Empire between... more Comparative analysis of the imperialist policies of the US and the Empire of Japan Empire between 1898 and 1945

Research paper thumbnail of Tribal Sovereignty for Indian Peoples in the USA: Masters of their Fate or at the Mercy of the Fate? - To what extent is granting Native American tribes legal autonomy fair, sufficient and efficient in reducing their social inequality?

Political and Legal Autonomy of the Indian Tribes in the USA and the implications on equality and... more Political and Legal Autonomy of the Indian Tribes in the USA and the implications on equality and discrimination. Child welfare, equality of gender, income disparities and access to legal remedy are considered in this essay.

Research paper thumbnail of Civil Disobedience – a Threat, an Instrument or a Sacred Right? - Comparative Analysis of John Locke's Second Trestise of Government and Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince and Discourses of the Livy

Comparative Analysis of John Locke's Second Trestise of Government and Niccolo Machiavelli's The ... more Comparative Analysis of John Locke's Second Trestise of Government and Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince and Discourses of the Livy.
Author: Angel Versetti

"A wise ruler should nip any rebellion in the bud, claims Machiavelli’s Prince. Yet people have a right to rebel even against the shadow of tyranny, according to Locke’s Second Treatise. These two notions might suggest eternal confrontation between the oppressive ruler and rebellious citizenry, paranoid and suspicious of each other’s schemes. This is where the moderating approach from Machiavelli’s Discourses comes in: rebellion is a nuisance, but since the ruler needs the power of people to assist him in his quest for glory, let them rant and mob a bit.""

Research paper thumbnail of In the Wake of the Big Changes: How Does Life Narrative Register Abrupt Shifts in State Politics?

A comparative analysis of life narratives on post-9/11 America (Moustafa Bayomi's Being Young and... more A comparative analysis of life narratives on post-9/11 America (Moustafa Bayomi's Being Young and Arab in America), the Iranian Revolution of 1979 (Azar Nafisi’s Reading Lolita in Tehran and Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis), Guatemalan military dictatorship of 1970s and 1980s (Elisabeth Burgos-Debray’s I, Rigoberta Menchu) and the Japanese American Internment during WWII (Mine Okubo’s Citizen 13660).

Research paper thumbnail of Comparative overview of demographic transition patterns in Brazil and Mexico, their economic implications and policy responses of the governments

Overview of Demographic Transition patters in Brazil and Mexico and their implications on economi... more Overview of Demographic Transition patters in Brazil and Mexico and their implications on economic development of these countries. Various sources, such as national census and UN data are compiled. Population pyramids and other demographic instruments are employed in the paper.

Research paper thumbnail of History of the Neoclassical Economics - Analysis of Failures of the Neoclassical Thought

"Size: 2499 words Analysis of neoclassical economics from the historical perspective that attemp... more "Size: 2499 words
Analysis of neoclassical economics from the historical perspective that attempts to evaluate its ability to provide solution to the ongoing crisis of the western world."

Research paper thumbnail of Theory of Knowledge: In what ways may models help or hinder the search for knowledge?

Theory of Knowledge - International Baccalaureate Essay Subject: “A model is a simplified repres... more Theory of Knowledge - International Baccalaureate Essay
Subject: “A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of the world. In what ways may models help or hinder the search for knowledge?”

Author: Angel Versetti
Word-count: 1599 Words

Research paper thumbnail of Has the United States Become a Thin Democracy? - The Rise of the Occupy Movement

"Analysis of the driving forces of the Occupy Movement: Is the US merely a formal democracy with... more "Analysis of the driving forces of the Occupy Movement:
Is the US merely a formal democracy with little effective citizen participation in politics?"

Research paper thumbnail of Legal Families in the Modern World: Civil (Romano-Germanic) Law, Common Law and Other Legal Families in the World

Research paper thumbnail of The Omega Case Summary and The Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality in EU Law

An 800-word summary of the Omega vs Bonn Police case in the context of the principles of subsidia... more An 800-word summary of the Omega vs Bonn Police case in the context of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality of the EU Law.

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental Policy of the European Union in 2014: Assessment of Efficiency and Effectiveness

Research paper thumbnail of General Principles of the EU Law + Implementation of the EU Law through Directives and Regulations

Presentation skeleton outline Size: 600 words

Research paper thumbnail of Summers  v. Tice - Case Brief

An 800-word case brief of Summers v. Tice case in the US raising the issue of joint liability wit... more An 800-word case brief of Summers v. Tice case in the US raising the issue of joint liability within a Common Law legal system

Research paper thumbnail of What are, according to Machiavelli, the essential prerequisites for the formation of a stable, enduring Republic?

"Size: 1000 words Type: Skeleton Outline for a discussion on the Republic constructed by Nicco... more "Size: 1000 words

Type: Skeleton Outline for a discussion on the Republic constructed by Niccolo Machiavelli in the Discourses of the Livy"

Research paper thumbnail of European Monetary System:  What were the main sources of the institutionalisation of monetary cooperation within the European Union in the 1970s and 1980s?

Research paper thumbnail of The Discipline of International Relations and European Integration

Research paper thumbnail of Development of the Principles of Equity in the English Law System

600-word presentation outline on the English Law System and Equity

Research paper thumbnail of Does Machiavelli deem reckless opportunism more essential a tool to seize and hold power, than careful arrangement? (Analysing the Prince)

"Size: 815 words Type: Skeleton Outline contrasting reckless opportunism with careful calculat... more "Size: 815 words

Type: Skeleton Outline contrasting reckless opportunism with careful calculation as the strategy advocated by Machiavelli in the Prince."

Research paper thumbnail of Theories of Public Perception of the EU: Factors Influencing Attitudes of the Public Towards the European Union

Research paper thumbnail of WRF2015 and COP21: Interplay of Resource Governance and Climate Change

St Gallen/Paris, 23 December 2015. Now that the fireworks celebrating conclusion of the historic ... more St Gallen/Paris, 23 December 2015. Now that the fireworks celebrating conclusion of the historic Paris Climate Agreement are over, it is high time to start developing work-streams to make this agreement work. The agreement, endorsed by 195 countries, sets out a comprehensive list of global action areas to cut greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the impact of climate change: mitigation techniques, technology transfer, global stocktake, financing mechanisms and capacity building.

Research paper thumbnail of Against All Odds: A Case for Hope on Sustainability

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Conference of the Parties on Climate Chang... more United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Conference of the Parties on Climate Change in 2015 are discussed

Research paper thumbnail of “Ward № 6” – the Epitome of the Russian Intelligentsia’s Tragedy

Anton Chekhov - Ward Number 6, literature critical analysis - parallel between the Russian litera... more Anton Chekhov - Ward Number 6, literature critical analysis - parallel between the Russian literature and society

Research paper thumbnail of file temporarily unavailable

description temporarily unavailable

Research paper thumbnail of file temporarily unavailable.

Research paper thumbnail of Thirsty for Solutions: Tackling Global Water Scarcity Through Transboundary Governance Frameworks and Technology Transfer

Succinct discussion of the three types of convergence in global governance of scarce water resour... more Succinct discussion of the three types of convergence in global governance of scarce water resources: epistemological, political and economic.

Research paper thumbnail of Justin Carter: How Sarcasm Became a Threat to the U.S. National Security

Research paper thumbnail of Bradley Manning Trial: A Tale of Two Democracies

Research paper thumbnail of Talking Prices by Olav Velthuis: Deconstructing the theatricality of pricing strategies on the art market

Book Review: Talking Prices by Olav Velthuis TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Introduction II. Juxtapos... more Book Review: Talking Prices by Olav Velthuis

I. Introduction
II. Juxtaposition of art and commerce: the trichotomy of the avant-garde galleries, conservative dealers and auction houses
III. Money as the building block of relationships between artists, dealers and collectors
IV. Pricing works of art: bending rationality and twisting the economic principles
V. Social fabric of the art market
VI. Conclusion

Angel Versetti

Research paper thumbnail of Luttwak - The Logic of Strategy - Text Analysis - rough draft - Strategic Thinking and Warfare

Research paper thumbnail of Deconstruction of the CIA report: "Prospects for the defense of Indochina against a Chinese Communist Invasion", First Indochina War, 1950, Document Analysis

Report of the CIA on the situation in Indochina (Vietnam) in 1950 in respect to the threat of the... more Report of the CIA on the situation in Indochina (Vietnam) in 1950 in respect to the threat of the Communist China's invasion of Vietnam

Research paper thumbnail of Economic and Social Development in Mauritius 2000-2012, Short Report and Data: Macroeconomic Policies in Emerging Markets

Report on Macroeconomic Performance of Mauritius between the years 2000 and 2012, including trade... more Report on Macroeconomic Performance of Mauritius between the years 2000 and 2012, including trade, tourism and manufacturing

Research paper thumbnail of Macroeconomic Policies in Cameroon and Comparative Overview of the Oil-Rich Economies of CEMAC Region (Central African States)

Analysis of the impact of oil and gas reserves on economic development of Central African countri... more Analysis of the impact of oil and gas reserves on economic development of Central African countries. Development economics

Research paper thumbnail of Early Christian communities in North America: Ideology as Religion and Hypocrisy as Faith (Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay in XVII Century)

Chapter 5 of “Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?” by John Fea dealing with the earliest c... more Chapter 5 of “Was America Founded as a Christian Nation?” by John Fea dealing with the earliest communities in North America, namely Jamestown and Massachusetts Bay of the XVII century, exposes the bitter irony of how having escaped from the Old World’s abuse of religion, the early Christian communities in North America over the course of years recreated many evils that had mired Christianity in Europe.

Research paper thumbnail of Economic Implications of RMB Exchange Rate Changes for China and the USA: IB  IB Higher Economics Commentary: International Economics

Word-Count: 750 Words Analysis of the exchange rate fluctuations between the USD and RMB. Com... more Word-Count: 750 Words
Analysis of the exchange rate fluctuations between the USD and RMB.
Completed as part of IB Economics Commentary Assignments.
Article by Xinhua News Network

Research paper thumbnail of Model Case Law Exercise: Public International Law and the Issues of Sovereignty, Use of Military Force and Arms Embargo

Research paper thumbnail of New Façade, Old Foundation: How the Transformation of the American Educational System Enshrines the Old Supremacy of the Entrenched Elites

Research paper thumbnail of Live and Let Die - the only legal philosophy completely free of religion (Religion, Politics and Euthanasia)

Research paper thumbnail of Interactions of Demand and Supply of Agricultural Commodities on a Global Scale: IB Higher Economics Commentary: Microeconomics

Word-Count: 750 Words Analysis of the global market for agricultural commodities. Completed as ... more Word-Count: 750 Words
Analysis of the global market for agricultural commodities.
Completed as part of IB Economics Commentary Assignments.
Article by Financial Times

Research paper thumbnail of Capital Flows in Emerging Economies: Brazil in 2002-2013

Research paper thumbnail of 50 Years after Kennedy:  Would Americans elect a Muslim President today?

Research paper thumbnail of Harold Macmillan: Riding the Storm - Repairing the Relationship between the US and UK in 1956-59

Research paper thumbnail of The Implicit Association Test:  An instrument for cognitive programming that promises to root out the “subliminal  racial prejudices” of the society

Research paper thumbnail of Cybersecurity Policy Note for Tesla Motors: October 2015 - Landscape of Cybersecurity Threat and Policy Responses - for CEO Elon Musk

Overall, your company’s high-technology approach to carmaking and direct distribution and mainten... more Overall, your company’s high-technology approach to carmaking and direct distribution and maintenance
of your car-fleet via software updates, make it extremely reliant on technology and thus disruption to
security could lead your firm to bankruptcy or legal action from both public safety authorities and individual
owners. You are also aware of this and your infrastructure corresponds to the highest degree of security,
while you employees are trained enough in order not to become victims of primitive attempts to breach
your network (such as phishing, spam, suspicious freeware installation, using and renewing complex alphanumeric
passwords and not inserting unknown CDs or USBs into your organizational computers). Despite
this high security of human and physical resources, threats to Tesla will continue to persist.

Research paper thumbnail of Harsh Reality for Basel III: Now it’s the Question of Preserving the Euro

Research paper thumbnail of Rigoberta Menchu Tum: Bringing the Maya Question to the Front (Analysis of "Rigoberta Menchu’s History within the Guatemalan Context" by Arturo Arias)

Research paper thumbnail of Portrayal of the Post-Revolution Iran in "Reading Lolita in Tehran" by Azar Nafisi

Research paper thumbnail of Malcolm X: "Learning to Read" - Self-Education, Determination, Understanding

600 words - short analytical review of the 3-page long "Learning to Read" extract from Malcolm X'... more 600 words - short analytical review of the 3-page long "Learning to Read" extract from Malcolm X's Autobiography

Research paper thumbnail of Post 9/11 Experience of Arab-Americans: Rasha's Perspective in Moustafa Bayoumi's "How Does It Feel to Be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America"

720 words Short review of the "Introduction" and "Rasha" chapters within "How Does It Feel to ... more 720 words

Short review of the "Introduction" and "Rasha" chapters within "How Does It Feel to Be a Problem?: Being Young and Arab in America" by Moustafa Bayoumi

Research paper thumbnail of The Implicit Association Test: An instrument for cognitive programming that promises to root out the “subliminal racial prejudices” of the society

Research paper thumbnail of Exoneration of Stereotypes: Analysis of Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother by Amy Chua, Chapters I-VII

Research paper thumbnail of Balinese Cockfight Culture: Lost in Translation. - Brief analysis of "The Interpretation of Cultures" by Clifford Geertz

Research paper thumbnail of CITIZEN 13660 by Mine Okubo - Light-hearted Humour in the Japanese Internment Camps

Research paper thumbnail of Reaffirming the Affirmative Action

Research paper thumbnail of Reflecting on the Purpose and Equity of the Legislature on Adoption of the Indian Children in the USA

Research paper thumbnail of How Can We Reach the Stage of Post-Racial Society?

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the Enthalpy Change for a Reaction of Copper Sulphate and Zinc: IB Chemistry HL Internal Assessment

Chemistry HL IB IA: higher level internal assessment

Research paper thumbnail of Determining the Concentration of the Dilute Sulphuric Acid and the Equivalence Point Using a Titration Curve: IB Chemistry HL Internal Assessment

Chemistry HL IB IA: higher level internal assessment Angel Versetti

Research paper thumbnail of Creation of Global Mechanism for Natural Resources Governance - UNIDO Study Guide at PIMUN 2015 (Part B is authored by Abdessalam Ben Hammouda)

Natural resources have played a pivotal role in economic development of humanity since prehistori... more Natural resources have played a pivotal role in economic development of humanity since
prehistoric times when humans started processing first materials leading to the Stone Age and
emergence of proto-civilisations. At later stages humans learned to smelt and work metals brining
the Bronze Age and Iron Age whereby civilisations shaped and economic development became
more sophisticated. Over centuries, empires and economic powerhouses rose and fell on extracting
and processing raw materials and fighting wars for precious metals and minerals. The Industrial
Revolution led to increased consumption of fuels, and large-scale energy production became a
necessity to satisfy the ever-growing needs of economies. As the consumer base for a variety of
products, such as cars, air travel and a wide range of electronic devices increased exponentially
over the XX century, a new phenomenon became increasingly apparent: our wants are unlimited,
but the carrying capacity of our planet is not.

Research paper thumbnail of LIMUN 2014: ECOSOC Position Papers Report: How to write them, How to grade them - What is expected from delegates at MUN - Guide for Delegates

Research paper thumbnail of Position Paper of Center for Justice and International Law, Harvard National Model United Nations 2013, GA: Legal, UNHRC, SOCHUM

Research paper thumbnail of Militarization of the Arctic - Position Paper of the United States of America for the United Nations General Assembly DISEC (Disarmament and International Security Council) - MUN Sample Paper

Research paper thumbnail of A Five-Year Plan for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the Years 2014-2019: Economic Policy Brief

North Korea Economic Reforms Proposals 2014 through to 2019

Research paper thumbnail of NATO-Russia Council 2013: Crisis Committee Resolution on the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

NATO Crisis Committee Communique

Research paper thumbnail of The United Nations and Stateless Persons: Legal Challenges and Potential Solutions - Study Guide for EUROMUN-2014 (Part B authored by Sisheng Zhang)

Research paper thumbnail of UNIDO: Creation of global mechanism for natural resources governance - PIMUN 2015 Study Guide MUN (Part B authored by Abdesslem Benhammouda)

A global mechanism for natural resources governance is an ambitious proposal and likely to meet s... more A global mechanism for natural resources governance is an ambitious proposal and likely to meet significant resistance from a variety of actors, not least member states themselves, since raw materials and natural resources constitute one of the innermost aspects of national economies and sovereignty. Thus giving up even part of governance of their national resources to a supra-national entity is likely to be a contentious issue.

Research paper thumbnail of EUROMUN 2014 - Position Papers Assessment Report - UNHRC - Climate Refugees and Stateless Persons

Research paper thumbnail of ASEM 2014: Russian Federation - Economic Pillar - Statement for Working Group

Model ASEM 2014 8–12 October 2014 in Milan, Italy in conjunction with the 10th ASEM Summit “Respo... more Model ASEM 2014
8–12 October 2014 in Milan, Italy
in conjunction with the 10th ASEM Summit
“Responsible Partnership for
Sustainable Growth and Security”

part I: On Trade, Investment and Sustainable Growth
part II: On Small and Medium Enterprises

Research paper thumbnail of ASEM Member Brief 2014: Russian Federation

Model ASEM 2014 8–12 October 2014 in Milan, Italy in conjunction with the 10th ASEM Summit “Respo... more Model ASEM 2014
8–12 October 2014 in Milan, Italy
in conjunction with the 10th ASEM Summit
“Responsible Partnership for
Sustainable Growth and Security”
Member Brief prepared by Angel Versetti, Veronica Piazza and Jan Wagner

Research paper thumbnail of The UN and Proliferation of Practice of Unpaid Internships - ECOSOC Study Guide at LIMUN-2014 (Part A is authored by Villas Boller)

Research paper thumbnail of MaMUN 2014: Position Paper of the Russian Federation on the subject of Cyber-Warfare at the United Nations Security Council - MUN Sample Paper

Research paper thumbnail of High Percentage of Accidental Civilian Deaths - Position Paper of the United States of America for the United Nations General Assembly DISEC (Disarmament and International Security Council) - PIMUN 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Mediation and Negotiation Report: Marks & Spencer's v. Rheims Chamber of Commerce

Research paper thumbnail of "What are mangroves and why are they important?" A short introductory fact-sheet about mangroves

300 words, fact-sheet for geography on mangroves and tropical flora

Research paper thumbnail of Global Financial Regulation / LSE Graduate Course: Notes from Lectures 1-6

Too big to fail corporate governance of financial firms capital requirements financial crisis reg... more Too big to fail
corporate governance of financial firms
capital requirements
financial crisis
regulatory framework for financial sector

Research paper thumbnail of LSE Notes: Principles of Banking and Finance, 001, Introduction to Financial Systems

Research paper thumbnail of LSE Notes: Principles of Banking and Finance, 002, Financial Systems and Financial Crises

Research paper thumbnail of LSE Notes: Principles of Banking and Finance, 003, Role of Financial Intermediation and Information Asymmetry

Research paper thumbnail of LSE Notes: Principles of Banking and Finance, 004, Commercial Banking and Financial Innovation

Research paper thumbnail of A Smart Student’s Guide to “ The American Revolution ” by Gordon S. Wood - Concise Summary of the Book

200+ pages of text intelligently condensed into 17 pages – save your precious time! For smart la... more 200+ pages of text intelligently condensed into 17 pages – save your precious time!
For smart lazy students with love from Angel Versetti
Spark Notes style summary of the essentials for your preparation
The American Revolution by Gordon S. Wood summary

Research paper thumbnail of Mission without end – Peacekeeping in the African political marketplace by Alex De Waal, Summary

Research paper thumbnail of False Promise of International Institutions by John Mearsheimer, Summary

Research paper thumbnail of The Social Space and Genesis of Groups by Pierre Bourdieu, Summary

Pierre Bourdieu - brief summary of the article - 1200 words

Research paper thumbnail of John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government, Summary of Chapters II-VI, A Lazy Student's Guide to Locke

5 Chapters of Locke summarised in 1500 words Angel Versetti

Research paper thumbnail of What was the Cold War About by John Muller, Summary

Research paper thumbnail of Using securitisation to boost capital flows into  the Energy Savings Companies (ESCOs) in the  Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) region

This Policy Brief proposes a framework of policies to create the regulatory environment and finan... more This Policy Brief proposes a framework of policies to create the regulatory environment and financing mechanisms necessary to increase capital flows into the Energy Savings Companies (ESCOs) in India, in order to foster wider adoption of energy-efficiency across all sectors, with particular focus on the industrial sector. The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) is amongst the largest-scale economic development projects ever undertaken by the Government of India and it includes a comprehensive range of industrial objectives, including efficient use of energy. DMIC thus offers an opportunity to serve as catalyst to attract sufficient amounts of capital from the private sector, both domestic and foreign, required to finance business growth of

Research paper thumbnail of Financing models for Sustainable Consumption and Production businesses - Global Network Conference on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production RECP - UNIDO UNEP Davos 2015

Existing and emerging financing mechanisms for SCP businesses RECP in investment decisions of f... more Existing and emerging financing mechanisms for SCP businesses
RECP in investment decisions of financial institutions
Challenges, barriers and limitations
Economic benefits of investment in SCP: Case-Studies
IBIS: Igniting Business Investments in Sustainable Lifestyles –solution for SCP

Research paper thumbnail of Financing models for Sustainable Consumption and Production businesses - Global Network Conference on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production RECP - UNIDO UNEP Davos 2015

Existing and emerging financing mechanisms for SCP businesses RECP in investment decisions of f... more Existing and emerging financing mechanisms for SCP businesses
RECP in investment decisions of financial institutions
Challenges, barriers and limitations
Economic benefits of investment in SCP: Case-Studies
IBIS: Igniting Business Investments in Sustainable Lifestyles –solution for SCP

Research paper thumbnail of WTO and UN Workshop on Trade, June 2014: Relevant links between Transfer of Technology and Global Value Chains (GVCs)

Research paper thumbnail of Linkages Between Trade and Sustainable Development Goals - Priority Sub-Goals for Trade and Investment Division of the UN

Research paper thumbnail of Сводка о торговле в субрегионах Азии и Тихого Океана: Северная и Центральная Азия 2014

Sub-regional trade policy brief: North and Central Asia

Research paper thumbnail of Сводка о торговле в регионе Азии и Тихого Океана: Российская Федерация 2014

Trade Profile of the Russian Federation for 2014. Comparative characteristics with other Asia-Pac... more Trade Profile of the Russian Federation for 2014. Comparative characteristics with other Asia-Pacific economies. (Russian version). The author is responsible for translation ONLY.

Research paper thumbnail of The Asia Pacific Trade and Investment Report (APTIR) 2014

UN ESCAP Acknowledges the work of Angel Versetti on APTIR 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Sources Assange Document

Research paper thumbnail of MSMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Introduction (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises - PRESENTATION)

Relevance of MSMEsfor the politicaleconomyof Sub-SaharanAfrica(SSA) State of affairs, currentMS... more Relevance of MSMEsfor the politicaleconomyof Sub-SaharanAfrica(SSA)
State of affairs, currentMSME dynamicsin SSA, comparisonwithglobal trends
Challenges & EmergingSolutions in SSA
Case Study: Uganda –Challenges of Policymakingfor World’sMost Entrepreneurial Country
Setting agenda for the future: How to bringmore privatefinancingintoMSMEs?

Research paper thumbnail of MSMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Introduction (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises - PRESENTATION)

Relevance of MSMEsfor the politicaleconomyof Sub-SaharanAfrica(SSA) State of affairs, currentMS... more Relevance of MSMEsfor the politicaleconomyof Sub-SaharanAfrica(SSA)
State of affairs, currentMSME dynamicsin SSA, comparisonwithglobal trends
Challenges & EmergingSolutions in SSA
Case Study: Uganda –Challenges of Policymakingfor World’sMost Entrepreneurial Country
Setting agenda for the future: How to bringmore privatefinancingintoMSMEs?