Massimo Capulli | Università degli Studi di Udine / University of Udine (original) (raw)
Books by Massimo Capulli
Il volume Per aquam ad astra rappresenta un omaggio a Luigi Fozzati da parte di colleghi del Mini... more Il volume Per aquam ad astra rappresenta un omaggio a Luigi Fozzati da parte di colleghi del Ministero della Cultura e delle Università, di allievi e di collaboratori, di amici di una vita, come segno tangibile di ammirazione e gratitudine per la sua lunga battaglia a difesa del patrimonio culturale sommerso e per l’instancabile impegno nel promuovere il valore storico di tutti gli ambienti acquatici. I contributi offerti, quasi una sorta di moderno avviso ai naviganti, affrontano inevitabilmente tematiche di ar - cheologia subacquea, allargandosi poi fino ad abbracciare il più ampio mare della ricerca: cultura materiale, architettura, storia, storia dell’arte, botanica e geologia, toccando sia ambiti territoriali nei quali Luigi Fozzati ha coordinato direttamente centinaia di campagne di scavo e progetti di ricerca (Piemonte, Veneto e Friuli Venezia Giulia) sia luoghi e siti di altre parti d’Italia e d’oltre con fine.
La storia dell’uomo sulla Terra ha sempre coinvolto l’acqua, in un lungo, complesso e non esaurit... more La storia dell’uomo sulla Terra ha sempre coinvolto l’acqua, in un lungo, complesso e non esaurito processo di domesticazione. L’archeologia subacquea è la prosecuzione, con altri strumenti, della ricerca sul passato umano nel contesto dove maggiormente si sono conservate le tracce del millenario rapporto ‘uomo-acqua’, quello dei paesaggi sommersi, i quali denotano caratteristiche assai dissimili tra di loro. Questo volume presenta una serie di casi studio frutto dell’esperienza personale dell’autore nei diversi ambienti – marino, lagunare, lacustre e fluviale – con l’intento di mettere in luce le particolari situazioni di volta in volta affrontate, evidenziando gli adattamenti metodologici messi in campo e i risultati conseguiti.
Alcuni anni fa da una trincea di scavo allagata di acqua fangosa sulle rive del fiume Stella è sp... more Alcuni anni fa da una trincea di scavo allagata di acqua fangosa sulle rive del fiume Stella è spuntata un’imbarcazione medievale dalle fattezze originali. Cosa si nasconde dietro il relitto di Precenicco? In questo libro il lettore è accompagnato in un viaggio a ritroso nel tempo, attraverso la ormai perduta rete delle vie d’acqua del Friuli medievale. Diversi punti sono ancora oscuri, tuttavia gli ingredienti sono sapidi: parliamo di ordini monastico-cavallereschi, di crociati, di un imperatore come Federico II, di pellegrini e facoltosi mercanti, di spade, imbarcazioni e cantieri navali, il tutto in un dialogo armonico tra fonti storiche e indagini archeologiche
A vent’anni dal primo convegno nazionale di archeologia subacquea, questo volume raccoglie i cont... more A vent’anni dal primo convegno nazionale di archeologia subacquea, questo volume raccoglie i contributi del quinto incontro tenutosi a Udine nel 2016 con la necessità di fare un bilancio sulle cose fatte e le occasioni perdute, le energie da raccogliere e il tipo di futuro da progettare per il patrimonio culturale sommerso. I numerosi saggi qui riuniti fotografano le recenti esperienze di ricerca e scavo subacqueo in Italia. Le riflessioni nate nei tavoli di lavoro del convegno hanno portato a una proposta condivisa: la Carta di Udine per l’archeologia subacquea. Questo documento rappresenta l’esito del fitto dibattito della comunità scientifica sul patrimonio culturale sommerso e lancia la sfida per una tutela che sappia garantire lo sviluppo della ricerca, promuovendo al contempo modelli di partecipazione pubblica al bene archeologico.
Papers by Massimo Capulli
![Research paper thumbnail of The columns shipwreck of Kamarina (2nd c. AD) – New data from the Kaukana project 2024]](
Sailing through History, Reading the Past – Imagining the Future (Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology ISBSA 16, Zadar, 26 September – 1 October 2021, University of Zadar), 2024
Atti della XVII Rassegna di Archeologia Subacquea , 2024
The shipwreck of the Columns, dated at the end of the 2nd c. AD, lies on a sandy bottom at a dept... more The shipwreck of the Columns, dated at the end of the 2nd c. AD, lies on a sandy bottom at a depth of 2.5 to 4 m in the bay that opens south of the promontory on which the Syracusans, at the beginning of the sixth century BC, founded the colony of Kamarina. The main cargo consisted of a pair of half-finished columns 80 cm in diameter and approximately 6 m long. The new research on this site, known since the 1970s, is part of an organic program of study of the historical-archaeological evidence preserved along the Ragusa coastline by the University of Udine, in collaboration with the Superintendence of the Sea of Sicily and with the support of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology.
Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea, 2023
The island of Grado separates the top part of the Adriatic Sea from the lagoon of the same name w... more The island of Grado separates the top part of the Adriatic Sea from the lagoon of the same name which, due to the rise in sea level, now covers part of what was the outskirts of Aquileia in Roman times. Here there probably existed a widespread port where the passage of cargo from larger ships to flat-bottomed ones that could more easily reach the urban port or travel the internal routes that interconnected the entire region took place. Until recently there were only a few timbers as evidence of the passage of ships in this area, but that changed last summer with the discovery of two new shipwrecks. In addition to these discoveries due to underwater archaeological research, the rereading of data from an excavation of over a century ago on the Gorgo island made it possible to recognize the reuse of planks from a sewn boat. The set of all the nautical artifacts seems to identify a privileged route to reach the port of Aquileia through the lagoon of Grado.
Città e territorio nel Mediterraneo antico. Studi in onore di Edoardo Tortorici (a cura di R. Brancato), 2023
A. Tibbs, P.B. Campbell (Eds.): Rivers and Waterways in the Roman World. Empire of Water, 2024
The first underwater archeology campaign along the marine side of the island of Lido di Venezia e... more The first underwater archeology campaign along the marine side of the island of Lido di Venezia ended in early July 2022, led by the University of Udine and carried out with the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Municipality of Venice and the Lagoon and the support of the Institute of Nautical Archeology (USA). The archaeological investigations were concentrated in front of the beach of San Nicoletto and concerned the remains of a shipwreck of historical age. The site lies in shallow water, only 4,5 and 6 meters and during the first season it was possible to dig for ten consecutive days, uncovering over nineteen meters of hull to take directly measured some construction details and several pictures for the 3D photogrammetric recording. The shipwreck is what remains of a freighter sailing ship of the end of the XIX AD, according with the artifacts recovered and Venetian-made glass products and ceramics, however, the main load was made up of stone blocks.
Proceedings 2nd International Conference on the Promotion of Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites “Dive in Blue Growth” , 2023
The Caorle 1 shipwreck (II-I BC) is located in the upper Adriatic sea at about 28 m under sea lev... more The Caorle 1 shipwreck (II-I BC) is located in the upper Adriatic sea at about 28 m under sea level and at 12 nautical miles from the coast of Bibione; so from the legal point of view, it is therefore at the limit of the territorial waters. With the aim of protect this site, the Superintendency has started a collaboration with the University of Udine in order to develop a video surveillance system. The project involves the creation of an apparatus capable of continuously monitoring both the body of water above a submerged site and the actual site. Indeed the system, developed in an energy autonomous way, involves sending video streams, collected by underwater cameras installed at various points of the shipwreck, to a management and sorting system located on a buoy, on which additional cameras are placed to also record the surface. The acquired images are also transmitted in real time via satellite to a remote server and recorded. This allows both their distribution for remote use on the web or in a virtual station in the museum. The surface images are instead aimed solely at keeping the area monitored, thus constituting the main element of deterrence.
Nell'ambito del progetto Anaxum - Archeologia e Storia di un Paesaggio Fluviale, nato della colla... more Nell'ambito del progetto Anaxum - Archeologia e Storia di un Paesaggio Fluviale, nato della collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali dell'Università di Udine e la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia, nell'estate del 2011 si è tenuta una campagna di ricerche che ha avuto come obiettivo il rilievo dello scaffo del relitto Stella 1, imbarcazione cucita del I sec. d.C. All'indagine archeologica subacquea hanno partecipato docenti i studenti dell'Università di Udine e della Texas A&M.
Underwater archaeological heritage is exposed not only to natural environmental stresses, but als... more Underwater archaeological heritage is exposed not only to natural environmental stresses, but also is threatened by human activity. As a matter of fact, both commercial fishing and recreational diving have caused considerable damage to several major wrecks in the northern Adriatic Sea. The Archaeological Superintendence of Friuli Venezia Giulia and of Veneto have thus initiated an interdisciplinary collaboration with the University of Udine, involving the Department of History and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, and the Department of Electrical, Management and Mechanical Engineering, in order to develop a project that has as its primary objective the protection of underwater sites by both surface and underwater video surveillance. It was also decided to start an experimental trial on the wrecks Caorle 1 and Grado 2, with the intention to monitor the sites remotely using the same technology. The video collected from underwater cameras installed on the metal protective structure, and by surface cameras placed on a buoy in the vicinity of the site, are sent to a management and processing system. This system, autonomous with respect to its power supply, is the central node for video acquisition and recording. Part of the images are radio-transmitted to a remote server that is in charge of their distribution, in order to permit a virtual visit of the site to remote visitors, as well as to identify potential threats that can be later investigated with the help of the recorded video. The necessity of a stand-alone system on the buoy and the distance from the coast impose stringent technological constraints on the efficiency of processing and communication. These aspects constitute the main technological challenges of the project.
Il volume Per aquam ad astra rappresenta un omaggio a Luigi Fozzati da parte di colleghi del Mini... more Il volume Per aquam ad astra rappresenta un omaggio a Luigi Fozzati da parte di colleghi del Ministero della Cultura e delle Università, di allievi e di collaboratori, di amici di una vita, come segno tangibile di ammirazione e gratitudine per la sua lunga battaglia a difesa del patrimonio culturale sommerso e per l’instancabile impegno nel promuovere il valore storico di tutti gli ambienti acquatici. I contributi offerti, quasi una sorta di moderno avviso ai naviganti, affrontano inevitabilmente tematiche di ar - cheologia subacquea, allargandosi poi fino ad abbracciare il più ampio mare della ricerca: cultura materiale, architettura, storia, storia dell’arte, botanica e geologia, toccando sia ambiti territoriali nei quali Luigi Fozzati ha coordinato direttamente centinaia di campagne di scavo e progetti di ricerca (Piemonte, Veneto e Friuli Venezia Giulia) sia luoghi e siti di altre parti d’Italia e d’oltre con fine.
La storia dell’uomo sulla Terra ha sempre coinvolto l’acqua, in un lungo, complesso e non esaurit... more La storia dell’uomo sulla Terra ha sempre coinvolto l’acqua, in un lungo, complesso e non esaurito processo di domesticazione. L’archeologia subacquea è la prosecuzione, con altri strumenti, della ricerca sul passato umano nel contesto dove maggiormente si sono conservate le tracce del millenario rapporto ‘uomo-acqua’, quello dei paesaggi sommersi, i quali denotano caratteristiche assai dissimili tra di loro. Questo volume presenta una serie di casi studio frutto dell’esperienza personale dell’autore nei diversi ambienti – marino, lagunare, lacustre e fluviale – con l’intento di mettere in luce le particolari situazioni di volta in volta affrontate, evidenziando gli adattamenti metodologici messi in campo e i risultati conseguiti.
Alcuni anni fa da una trincea di scavo allagata di acqua fangosa sulle rive del fiume Stella è sp... more Alcuni anni fa da una trincea di scavo allagata di acqua fangosa sulle rive del fiume Stella è spuntata un’imbarcazione medievale dalle fattezze originali. Cosa si nasconde dietro il relitto di Precenicco? In questo libro il lettore è accompagnato in un viaggio a ritroso nel tempo, attraverso la ormai perduta rete delle vie d’acqua del Friuli medievale. Diversi punti sono ancora oscuri, tuttavia gli ingredienti sono sapidi: parliamo di ordini monastico-cavallereschi, di crociati, di un imperatore come Federico II, di pellegrini e facoltosi mercanti, di spade, imbarcazioni e cantieri navali, il tutto in un dialogo armonico tra fonti storiche e indagini archeologiche
A vent’anni dal primo convegno nazionale di archeologia subacquea, questo volume raccoglie i cont... more A vent’anni dal primo convegno nazionale di archeologia subacquea, questo volume raccoglie i contributi del quinto incontro tenutosi a Udine nel 2016 con la necessità di fare un bilancio sulle cose fatte e le occasioni perdute, le energie da raccogliere e il tipo di futuro da progettare per il patrimonio culturale sommerso. I numerosi saggi qui riuniti fotografano le recenti esperienze di ricerca e scavo subacqueo in Italia. Le riflessioni nate nei tavoli di lavoro del convegno hanno portato a una proposta condivisa: la Carta di Udine per l’archeologia subacquea. Questo documento rappresenta l’esito del fitto dibattito della comunità scientifica sul patrimonio culturale sommerso e lancia la sfida per una tutela che sappia garantire lo sviluppo della ricerca, promuovendo al contempo modelli di partecipazione pubblica al bene archeologico.
![Research paper thumbnail of The columns shipwreck of Kamarina (2nd c. AD) – New data from the Kaukana project 2024]](
Sailing through History, Reading the Past – Imagining the Future (Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Boat & Ship Archaeology ISBSA 16, Zadar, 26 September – 1 October 2021, University of Zadar), 2024
Atti della XVII Rassegna di Archeologia Subacquea , 2024
The shipwreck of the Columns, dated at the end of the 2nd c. AD, lies on a sandy bottom at a dept... more The shipwreck of the Columns, dated at the end of the 2nd c. AD, lies on a sandy bottom at a depth of 2.5 to 4 m in the bay that opens south of the promontory on which the Syracusans, at the beginning of the sixth century BC, founded the colony of Kamarina. The main cargo consisted of a pair of half-finished columns 80 cm in diameter and approximately 6 m long. The new research on this site, known since the 1970s, is part of an organic program of study of the historical-archaeological evidence preserved along the Ragusa coastline by the University of Udine, in collaboration with the Superintendence of the Sea of Sicily and with the support of the Institute of Nautical Archaeology.
Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea, 2023
The island of Grado separates the top part of the Adriatic Sea from the lagoon of the same name w... more The island of Grado separates the top part of the Adriatic Sea from the lagoon of the same name which, due to the rise in sea level, now covers part of what was the outskirts of Aquileia in Roman times. Here there probably existed a widespread port where the passage of cargo from larger ships to flat-bottomed ones that could more easily reach the urban port or travel the internal routes that interconnected the entire region took place. Until recently there were only a few timbers as evidence of the passage of ships in this area, but that changed last summer with the discovery of two new shipwrecks. In addition to these discoveries due to underwater archaeological research, the rereading of data from an excavation of over a century ago on the Gorgo island made it possible to recognize the reuse of planks from a sewn boat. The set of all the nautical artifacts seems to identify a privileged route to reach the port of Aquileia through the lagoon of Grado.
Città e territorio nel Mediterraneo antico. Studi in onore di Edoardo Tortorici (a cura di R. Brancato), 2023
A. Tibbs, P.B. Campbell (Eds.): Rivers and Waterways in the Roman World. Empire of Water, 2024
The first underwater archeology campaign along the marine side of the island of Lido di Venezia e... more The first underwater archeology campaign along the marine side of the island of Lido di Venezia ended in early July 2022, led by the University of Udine and carried out with the Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the Municipality of Venice and the Lagoon and the support of the Institute of Nautical Archeology (USA). The archaeological investigations were concentrated in front of the beach of San Nicoletto and concerned the remains of a shipwreck of historical age. The site lies in shallow water, only 4,5 and 6 meters and during the first season it was possible to dig for ten consecutive days, uncovering over nineteen meters of hull to take directly measured some construction details and several pictures for the 3D photogrammetric recording. The shipwreck is what remains of a freighter sailing ship of the end of the XIX AD, according with the artifacts recovered and Venetian-made glass products and ceramics, however, the main load was made up of stone blocks.
Proceedings 2nd International Conference on the Promotion of Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites “Dive in Blue Growth” , 2023
The Caorle 1 shipwreck (II-I BC) is located in the upper Adriatic sea at about 28 m under sea lev... more The Caorle 1 shipwreck (II-I BC) is located in the upper Adriatic sea at about 28 m under sea level and at 12 nautical miles from the coast of Bibione; so from the legal point of view, it is therefore at the limit of the territorial waters. With the aim of protect this site, the Superintendency has started a collaboration with the University of Udine in order to develop a video surveillance system. The project involves the creation of an apparatus capable of continuously monitoring both the body of water above a submerged site and the actual site. Indeed the system, developed in an energy autonomous way, involves sending video streams, collected by underwater cameras installed at various points of the shipwreck, to a management and sorting system located on a buoy, on which additional cameras are placed to also record the surface. The acquired images are also transmitted in real time via satellite to a remote server and recorded. This allows both their distribution for remote use on the web or in a virtual station in the museum. The surface images are instead aimed solely at keeping the area monitored, thus constituting the main element of deterrence.
Nell'ambito del progetto Anaxum - Archeologia e Storia di un Paesaggio Fluviale, nato della colla... more Nell'ambito del progetto Anaxum - Archeologia e Storia di un Paesaggio Fluviale, nato della collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali dell'Università di Udine e la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia, nell'estate del 2011 si è tenuta una campagna di ricerche che ha avuto come obiettivo il rilievo dello scaffo del relitto Stella 1, imbarcazione cucita del I sec. d.C. All'indagine archeologica subacquea hanno partecipato docenti i studenti dell'Università di Udine e della Texas A&M.
Underwater archaeological heritage is exposed not only to natural environmental stresses, but als... more Underwater archaeological heritage is exposed not only to natural environmental stresses, but also is threatened by human activity. As a matter of fact, both commercial fishing and recreational diving have caused considerable damage to several major wrecks in the northern Adriatic Sea. The Archaeological Superintendence of Friuli Venezia Giulia and of Veneto have thus initiated an interdisciplinary collaboration with the University of Udine, involving the Department of History and Preservation of Cultural Heritage, and the Department of Electrical, Management and Mechanical Engineering, in order to develop a project that has as its primary objective the protection of underwater sites by both surface and underwater video surveillance. It was also decided to start an experimental trial on the wrecks Caorle 1 and Grado 2, with the intention to monitor the sites remotely using the same technology. The video collected from underwater cameras installed on the metal protective structure, and by surface cameras placed on a buoy in the vicinity of the site, are sent to a management and processing system. This system, autonomous with respect to its power supply, is the central node for video acquisition and recording. Part of the images are radio-transmitted to a remote server that is in charge of their distribution, in order to permit a virtual visit of the site to remote visitors, as well as to identify potential threats that can be later investigated with the help of the recorded video. The necessity of a stand-alone system on the buoy and the distance from the coast impose stringent technological constraints on the efficiency of processing and communication. These aspects constitute the main technological challenges of the project.
Fourth International Congress of Underwater Archaeology (IKUWA4), 2014
'City of waters', Venice represents a unique example of the challenges to be met ... more 'City of waters', Venice represents a unique example of the challenges to be met in order to reconcile the conflicting demands of heritage preservation, infrastructural development and environmental management. This paper expands on the strategic value of Archaeological Impact Assessments (AIA) – studies initiated in response to development proposals that will potentially disturb or alter archaeological sites – by presenting a case study related to an AIA undertaken in Venice prior to the construction of a pipeline stretching across the central and south parts of its lagoon (Fusina Integrated Project). The morphology of this area is very complex and diverse, and it is characterised by the presence of numerous canals, shallows and shoals, a landscape (or, rather, a waterscape) shaped by countless natural and anthropogenic modifications that occurred over the past centuries. The AIA involved the analysis of a variety of datasets acquired through historical, archaeological, geomorphologic and palaeo-environmental investigations coupled with information retrieved by remote sensing imagery analysis and interpretation, and direct survey. The analysis of these datasets led to the identification of a new, large archaeological site located along the planned pipeline track. The elevated ‘archaeological sensitivity’ of this area caused a change in the project plan, resulting in the relocation of the original pipeline track at an early stage of the work.
Society for Historical Archaeology, 2018
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 2016
The remains of a Roman barge were found in 1981 in the River Stella, Udine, Italy. Its cargo cons... more The remains of a Roman barge were found in 1981 in the River Stella, Udine, Italy. Its cargo consisted mainly of roof tiles. It was excavated in 1998 and 1999, and detailed recording of the hull, and a second wooden structure, was achieved in 2011. A spread of material upstream of the wreck has been investigated 2012-2015. The barge was originally dated to the first quarter of the 1st century AD by the in situ cargo. This article describes the bottom-based sewn-plank hull construction and examines it in the light of local boatbuilding traditions. The second wooden structure is also described, along with recent finds and new dating evidence from the dispersed material. The Stella 1 excavation was part of the Anaxum Project, a wider study of the Stella River's cultural landscape through time.
by Isabelle Bertrand, Olivier Blamangin, Elise Vigier, Stéphanie RAUX, Alyssa Turgis, Isabelle Rodet-Belarbi, Michel Feugère, Gabriella Kohári, Massimo Capulli, Stefi Floreani, and Eckhard Deschler-Erb
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The remains of a Roman barge were found in 1981 in the River Stella, Udine, Italy. Its cargo cons... more The remains of a Roman barge were found in 1981 in the River Stella, Udine, Italy. Its cargo consisted mainly of roof tiles. It was excavated in 1998 and 1999, and detailed recording of the hull, and a second wooden structure, was achieved in 2011. A spread of material upstream of the wreck has been investigated 2012–2015. The barge was originally dated to the first quarter of the 1st century AD by the in situ cargo. This article describes the bottom-based sewn-plank hull construction and examines it in the light of local boatbuilding traditions. The second wooden structure is also described, along with recent finds and new dating evidence from the dispersed material. The Stella 1 excavation was part of the Anaxum Project, a wider study of the Stella River's cultural landscape through time.
Fozzati, L., Capulli, M., Castro, F., Atauz, A., Bartoli, D., Rose, K., Thomas, L., Yamafune, K.,... more Fozzati, L., Capulli, M., Castro, F., Atauz, A., Bartoli, D., Rose, K., Thomas, L., Yamafune, K., Holt, P., The Stella 1 Shipwreck, 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, January 2012.
Nel corso degli ultimi decenni le stesse motivazioni che hanno spinto in tutta la Laguna all&... more Nel corso degli ultimi decenni le stesse motivazioni che hanno spinto in tutta la Laguna all'abbandono dei centri storici e delle isole hanno causato l'isolamento anche di Torcello. L'isola, essendo molto frequentata, ha subito un grave degrado che ha interessato l'intero ...
A vent'anni dal primo convegno nazionale di archeologia subacquea, questo volume raccoglie i cont... more A vent'anni dal primo convegno nazionale di archeologia subacquea, questo volume raccoglie i contributi del quinto incontro tenutosi a Udine nel 2016 con la necessità di fare un bilancio sulle cose fatte e le occasioni perdute, le energie da raccogliere e il tipo di futuro da progettare per il patrimonio culturale sommerso. I numerosi saggi qui riuni-ti fotografano le recenti esperienze di ricerca e scavo subacqueo in Italia. Le riflessioni nate nei tavoli di lavoro del convegno hanno portato a una proposta condivisa: la Carta di Udine per l'archeologia subacquea. Questo documento rappresenta l'esito del fitto dibattito della comunità scientifica sul patrimonio culturale sommerso e lancia la sfida per una tutela che sappia garantire lo sviluppo della ricerca, promuovendo al contempo modelli di partecipazione pubblica al bene archeologico. Massimo Capulli, archeologo, si interessa di tecniche di lavoro e documentazione archeologica in ambiente subacqueo, di principi e metodi della costruzione navale antica e della ricostruzione dei paesaggi d'acque: fiumi, laghi e lagune. Attualmente è ricercatore presso l
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 470, 2020
The Stella River (Udine, Italy) was in antiquity one of the most important watercourses of the Fr... more The Stella River (Udine, Italy) was in antiquity one of the most important watercourses of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, its relevance residing in that it connected the populations living in the foothills of the Alps to the ones living near the Adriatic coast. The Anaxum Project (named after the Roman appellation for the river), a partnership between the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage of the University of Udine and the local Archaeological Superintendency, aims to reconstruct the history of the Stella River basin focusing on human-landscape relationships through time. This article describes the part of the project focused on the study of a Roman shipwreck area; in particular, the relation-ship between the remains of a barge and a spread of archaeological material, which without a break stretches north of the hull for tens of meters. The aim was to find out if this material could be part of the cargo of the same wreck, to assess the original dimensions of the boat, as well as to ascertain the dynamics of the sinking and post-depositional events. Thanks to the methodology used during the underwater archaeological research, it was possible to establish in the whole area investigated the homogeneous presence of tegulae (roof tiles) equal to those that were part of the known cargo of the ship; the presence of the same producer names on the tegulae stamps provides the most solid proof that the spread of archaeological material is linked with the barge. However, it seems unlikely that all of the tegulae recovered were on the same boat. In accordance with the stowage scheme observed, the boat could not be laden with more than 55 tegulae per linear meter. This means that even if we do not consider the fact that we have partial data (many tiles are still on the river bottom), at its widest part the vessel would have been over 13 meters to accommodate all recovered tiles. At present, one explanation could be that this archaeological site represents a convoy and that a second vessel might have been involved in the sinking.
In 2012, fragments of hull planking bearing the signs of a Roman-era sewn vessel, with holes dril... more In 2012, fragments of hull planking bearing the signs of a Roman-era sewn vessel, with holes drilled along the plank edges, washed ashore on Venice Lido, the barrier island separating the Venice Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea. This paper describes the construction features of this timber assemblage and places it within the context of other excavated sewn boats of the Upper Adriatic. The assemblage presented here best fits into the north-western Adriatic sewn tradition and likely represents either a fluvial-maritime or maritime watercraft.
NAVIS 5. Rassegna di studi di archaeologia, etnologia e storia navale, 2014
Nell'ambito del progetto Anaxum - Archeologia e Storia di un Paesaggio Fluviale, nato della colla... more Nell'ambito del progetto Anaxum - Archeologia e Storia di un Paesaggio Fluviale, nato della collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali dell'Università di Udine e la Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Friuli Venezia Giulia, nell'estate del 2011 si è tenuta una campagna di ricerche che a avuto comoe obiettivo il rilievo dello scafo del relitto Stella 1, imbarcazione "cucita" del I sec. d.C.
Ships And Maritime Landscapes
V Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea Udine 8-10 settembre 2016
by Martin Auer, Massimo Capulli, Patrick Marko, Susanne Lamm, Josef Gspurning, Julia Rabitsch, Paola Ventura, Ada Gabucci, Vladimir Kusik, Franz Glaser, Jana Horvat, Maja Janežič, Evgen Lazar, Josef Eitler, and Eleni Schindler
This course is an introduction to the basic technical skills required for recording, representing... more This course is an introduction to the basic technical skills required for recording, representing and interpreting ship archaeological remains. Students are expected to develop a practical approach to the conceptualization and design of a ship. This course is divided in three parts: recording a shipwreck, reconstructing a ship from its archaeological remains, and producing a comprehensive ship project. Upon completion of ANTH616 students are expected to be familiar with: a) the particular vocabulary of shipbuilding; b) the basic rules and methods to map an archaeological site; c) the basic rules and methods to record hull remains: how to quantify and represent 3D curves on paper and how to produce a clear and comprehensive set of documents with all relevant records pertaining to a particular set of ship's hull remains; d) the basic principles of ship construction, in terms of the structural components of a ship and its construction sequence; e) the process of designing a ship's hull in the three standard views of the so-called "lines drawings" of a vessel; f) the basic rules to reconstruct an archaeologically excavated ship's hull and formulate an educated guess about the vessel's probable size, shape and structural composition; g) the standards for graphic representation of ship's hulls and their components; h) the basic rules of hull analysis.
ShipLAB Report, 2019
This is the second volume of our working glossary. We want to thank the feedback on the first vol... more This is the second volume of our working glossary. We want to thank the feedback on the first volume. We are entering the words you sent us, and Massimo is currently working on this second volume. We will update the fines as soon as we can.
We need volunteers to help us improve this glossary.
ShipLAB Reports - Tentative Glossary - Volume 1, 2019
This is an attempt to make an informal, always in progress, glossary for early modern ship parts,... more This is an attempt to make an informal, always in progress, glossary for early modern ship parts, hopefully to be corrected and expanded by its users. We encourage anybody to send us corrections and ideas, so that we can expand it and upload new versions regularly.