PRITHA MAYA SAVITRI | Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta (original) (raw)
The Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Mar 31, 2023
Introduction: Fear of getting COVID-19 has led to an upsurge in mental health problems, particula... more Introduction: Fear of getting COVID-19 has led to an upsurge in mental health problems, particularly among those who deal directly with others, such as cabin crew. A regulation has been established requiring travelers to attach the results of a COVID-19 test to prevent the transmission of the virus during flight. While the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continued to rise, the regulations were subsequently repealed in early 2022. The marital status of an individual is one factor that can influence the level of anxiety. Studies regarding the correlation between marital status and anxiety levels of cabin crew during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia are still lacking. This study aims to determine the correlation between marital status and anxiety levels of Indonesian cabin crews in 2022. Methods: In November 2022, a cross-sectional offline survey was conducted using a written questionnaire. Using consecutive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria, a final sample of 79 was analyzed. The independent variable is classified as either married or unmarried based on Indonesia Law Act No. 1 of 1974. Anxiety levels, the dependent variable, were collected using a Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) questionnaire and a personal data questionnaire. Results: A correlation was observed between the marital status of Indonesian cabin attendants in 2022 and their anxiety levels (p=0.025), according to the findings. Conclusion: Increased anxiety levels about cabin personnel's marital status are driven by the worry of catching COVID-19, which will result in feelings of loneliness, particularly for cabin crew with unmarried marital status.
Wilayah DAS Ciliwung terbentang melalui beberapa wilayah administratif, Kab/Kodya Bogor, Kotif De... more Wilayah DAS Ciliwung terbentang melalui beberapa wilayah administratif, Kab/Kodya Bogor, Kotif Depok dan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pertambahan penduduk, perubahan penggunaan lahan, dan pembangunan industri berperan dalam kelestarian wilayah lingkungan DAS Ciliwung. Risiko bahaya banjir meningkat berhubungan dengan aktivitas manusia. Masyarakat Peduli Ciliwung dan Peduli Lingkungan (Mat Peci) dengan konsep Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas (PRBBK) menjadi alternatif solusi untuk mitigasi dan pencegahan banjir. Metode. Penyusunan artikel dilaksanakan dengan metode wawancara dan studi literatur.Hasil. Mat Peci memiliki program kegiatan lingkungan, pendidikan dan pembelajaran, pemberdayaan yang dilaksanakan dengan implementasi nilai spiritual moral, etika dan peradaban.Diskusi. Mat Peci yang dirintis sejak tahun 2006 memiliki program kegiatan untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup di DAS Ciliwung. Program ini berkelanjutan dan melibatkan banyak pihak dan pemangku kepentingan.
Amerta nutrition, Nov 27, 2023
INTRODUCTION During the COVID-19 pandemic, the prolonged use of digital devices for various purpo... more INTRODUCTION During the COVID-19 pandemic, the prolonged use of digital devices for various purposes, such as education, communication, and recreation, mostly exceeded six hours per day 1. This has resulted in an increased risk of computer vision syndrome (CVS), which refers to symptoms affecting the eyes and vision due to prolonged use of digital devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets 2. Symptoms of CVS include itchy eyes, burning eyes, foreign body sensation in the eyes, excessive blinking, watery eyes, red eyes, heavy eyelids, dry eyes, eye pain, blurred vision, double vision, inability to focus on nearby objects, light sensitivity, seeing halos around lights, worsening vision, and headache 3. These symptoms are temporary and will disappear if the use of digital devices is reduced. If prevention measures are not taken, the symptoms of CVS can persist and worsen 2. According to research, the global prevalence of CVS among students is estimated at 89.9%, with over 70% of students suffering from low productivity due to the symptoms of CVS 5. Engaging in activities using digital devices decreases the blink reflex, leading to increased tear evaporation and tear film instability 6. Decreased blink reflex and dry eyes are often associated with symptoms
Background: The incidence of chronic renal disease in Indonesia is increasing. Metabolic syndrome... more Background: The incidence of chronic renal disease in Indonesia is increasing. Metabolic syndrome is one of the risk factors of chronic renal disease. Insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes mellitus, high fasting-blood glucose, glucose intolerance), hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, low serum HDL level, obesity, and microalbuminuria are components of metabolic syndrome according to WHO criteria. Metabolic syndrome causes chronic inflammation and eventually damages renal cells. This study aimed to examine the associations between metabolic syndrom components and chronic renal disease. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study carried out at Gatot Subroto Hospital, Jakarta. A sample of 113 patients with chronic renal disease was selected for this study. The dependent variable was patient of chronic renal disease. The independent variable was metabolic syndrome components based on WHO criteria. The data of chronic renal disease were obtained from the medical record. The data were described in percent and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Of all 113 patients with chronic renal disease sample in this study, 66 (58.4%) had metabolic syndrome. Chronic renal disease was associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (OR= 8.29; 95% CI= 0.77 to 52.50; p= 0.049) and high fastingblood glucose level (OR= 6.34; 95% CI= 1.01 to 68.08; p= 0.087). Conclusion: Type 2 diabetes mellitus and high fasting-blood glucose level are associated with an increased risk of chronic renal disease.
CoMPHI Journal, Jun 12, 2020
Pneumonia merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada balita di dunia. Faktor risiko pneumonia dapat b... more Pneumonia merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada balita di dunia. Faktor risiko pneumonia dapat berasal dari faktor host dan faktor lingkungan. Faktor host penyebab pneumonia adalah status gizi dimana kolonisasi mikroorganisme patogen mudah terbentuk karena penurunan sistem imun. Salah satu faktor lingku ngan penyebab pneumonia adalah paparan asap rokok yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh, apalagi jika yang terpapar adalah anak dibawah lima tahun yang mana sistem imunnya belum matang sehingga tidak adanya sistem pertahanan untuk melawan mikroorganisme penyebab pneumonia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain potong lintang pada 33 pasien balita di RSUD Pasar Minggu, untuk mengetahui h ubungan antara status gizi dan perilaku merokok di dalam rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia. Pengambilan data penelitian menggunakan lembar rekam medik dan pengukuran z-score menggunakan indeks BB/U untuk memperoleh status gizi dan lembar kuesioner untuk memperoleh perilaku merokok. Data dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebesar 66,67% orang tua atau anggota keluarga memiliki kebiasaa n merokok di sekitar anak dan 66,67% merokok saat sedang berkumpul bersama keluarga. Sebagian besar orang tua atau anggota keluarga memiliki kebiasaan membuka jendela sebanyak 75,76% orang. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara status gizi terhadap kejadian pneumonia balita (p=0,732) dan terdapat hubungan antara perilaku merokok terhadap kejadian pneumonia balita (p=0,021). Selain itu perilaku merokok di dalam rumah dapat meningkatkan kejadian pneumonia pada balita. Maka dari itu perlu peningkatan kesadaran keluarga agar tidak merokok di dekat anak.
Bernas, Nov 1, 2021
During the COVID-19 pandemic, student learning activities are carried out online. Online learning... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, student learning activities are carried out online. Online learning increases the risk of vision symptoms known as computer vision syndrome (CVS). These visual symptoms may also be accompanied by headaches, shoulder pain, or neck pain. Community service activities were carried out to medical students of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. The activities aimed to increase students' knowledge so that students can make efforts to prevent CVS. Students were asked to fill out a pretest questionnaire to measure knowledge, student behavior related to computer use, and identify CVS problems. After filling out the pre-test, they were given education via zoom meeting about CVS and its preventive efforts using slides and videos. Furthermore, students were asked to fill out a post-test questionnaire to measure their knowledge. Two weeks later, another zoom meeting was held to measure CVS problems and CVS prevention efforts carried out by the students. The activities result showed that the level of students' knowledge increased. After two weeks of implementing the preventive efforts, the number of students experiencing CVS decreased. It can be concluded these community service activities have succeeded in overcoming the CVS experienced by the students during online learning.
Warta Ardhia: Jurnal perhubungan udara, Dec 28, 2018
Fatigue on pilots is a serious problem in aviation safety. Flight hours and flight types may affe... more Fatigue on pilots is a serious problem in aviation safety. Flight hours and flight types may affect the occurrence of acute fatigue complaints on pilots. This study aims to determine the correlation of total flight hours within 7 days and the type of flight with the Acute Fatigue Syndrome risk on civil pilots in Indonesia. The design of this study used cross sectional method on civil pilots at Civil Aviation Medical Center in December 2017 with consecutive sampling as the sample determination technique. Data were collected by interview and questionnaire methods. Respondents were 112 civil pilots of fixed wing aircraft. The study population was all the pilots who conducted medical examination at Civil Aviation Medical Center in December 2017. The results showed that as many as 65 (58%) respondents experienced Acute Fatigue Syndrome, 110 (98.2%) respondents had flight hours ≤ 30 hours within 7 days, 76 (67.9%) respondents have short haul flight type. The result of bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test showed that there was no significant relationship between flying hours within 7 days (p = 0,509) and acute fatigue syndrome and there was significant relationship between flight type (p = 0,018) and acute fatigue syndrome. Fatigue pada penerbang merupakan masalah serius dalam keselamatan penerbangan. Jam terbang dan jenis penerbangan dapat mempengaruhi timbulnya keluhan kelelahan akut pada penerbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan jumlah jam terbang dalam 7 hari dan jenis penerbangan dengan risiko Acute Fatigue Syndrome pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional pada penerbang sipil di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan bulan Desember 2017 dengan teknik penentuan sample yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner. Responden sejumlah 112 penerbang pesawat sayap tetap. Populasi penelitian adalah semua penerbang yang melakukan medical examination di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan pada bulan Desember 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 65 responden atau 58% mengalami Acute Fatigue Syndrome, 110 responden atau 98,2% memiliki jam terbang ≤ 30 jam dalam 7 hari, 76 responden atau 67,9% melakukan penerbangan jenis Short Haul. Hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square didapatkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakan / signifikan antara jam terbang dalam 7 hari (p = 0,509) dengan acute fatigue syndrome serta terdapat hubungan yang bermakna / signifikan antara jenis penerbangan (p = 0,018) dengan acute fatigue syndrome.
Health Science Journal of Indonesia, Jul 13, 2016
Latar belakang: Miopia merupakan kelainan refraksi yang sering terjadi di antara penerbang. Penel... more Latar belakang: Miopia merupakan kelainan refraksi yang sering terjadi di antara penerbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor risiko dominan terhadap miopia ringan pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. Metode: Subyek adalah penerbang sipil pria berusia 21-45 tahun yang dipilih secara purposif di antara yang sedang melaksanakan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan Jakarta. Data tajam penglihatan dan gula darah didapatkan dari rekam medik. Miopia ringan adalah subyek dengan penurunan tajam penglihatan dengan koreksi lensa-0,25 sampai dengan-0,30. Analisis data dengan regresi Cox menggunakan Stata 10. Hasil: Persentase miopia ringan dalam penelitian ini sebesar 36%. Faktor risiko dominan terhadap myopia ringan adalah jam terbang total, riwayat orang tua myopia, dan gejala iritasi dan gatal mata. Subyek dengan dibandingkan dengan yang kurang dari 1000 jam terbang 28% lebih tinggi berisiko myopia ringan [risiko relatif suaian (
Annals of Applied Sport Science, Dec 1, 2022
Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks fifth in the most disabling conditions. Karate is an unarme... more Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks fifth in the most disabling conditions. Karate is an unarmed combat sport that uses hands and feet to deliver and block blows. The karate movements, such as high load and frequent flexion and extension of the knee, make the athletes susceptible to knee injuries and progress to knee OA (KOA). Objectives. The study aims to address the prevalence and risk factors of KOA in karate athletes in the Karate Community in Jakarta, Indonesia. Methods. Fifty-nine karate athletes were enrolled in this cohort study in November 2018. Body weights and heights were measured, and a physical examination was performed. Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaires were given. Ultrasound imaging and X-ray of the knee were conducted. All data were analyzed using STATA 15. A descriptive analysis was performed, and correlations between two continuous variables were analyzed using the Pearson Chi squared-test. Logistic regression analysis evaluated associations between knee osteoarthritis and independent variables such as sex, age, BMI, WOMAC score, injury, and ultrasound findings. Results. Among 59 karate athletes, 18 (23%) were clinically diagnosed with clinical KOA. Most of them were males (46 instructors). The mean age of KOA was lower than negative KOA (53.61; 54.75 years old) (p=0.332). The WOMAC score was the only variable that showed a difference between the two groups regarding independent variables. Conclusion. One-third of karate athletes were diagnosed with clinical KOA. WOMAC showed a significant difference between positive KOA and negative KOA.
Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran, Oct 20, 2022
Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs due to progressive damage of the cartil... more Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs due to progressive damage of the cartilage knee joint. The severity of the disease can be determined based on the clinical condition and several investigations. This inspection is expensive, so other alternatives are needed. One of the markers of inflammation is the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) but until now it has not been used to detect the severity of knee OA. This study aims to determine the relationship between the degree of knee OA and NLR. The method: cross-sectional design with medical record data of 75 knee OA patients at Al Fauzan General Hospital, Jakarta. The result: the highest distribution of patients old aged (≥60) years was 53 people (70,7%), 58 women (77.3%), with mild OA degree 45 people (60%), duration of OA history 4 years 74 people (98, 7%) and the highest BMI is obesity, 53 people (70.7%). The NLR values (<2.1) for mild OA were 33 (71.7%) and NLR (>2.1) for severe OA were 17 (58.6%). The significance test with Chi-Square obtained a p-value of 0.018 (< 0.05). Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between the degree of knee OA and NLR.
Childhood Stunting, Wasting, and Obesity, as the Critical Global Health Issues: Forging Cross-Sectoral Solutions, 2020
Background: After undergoing a large-scale social distancing period of 5 months, and considering ... more Background: After undergoing a large-scale social distancing period of 5 months, and considering learning needs, the Ministry of Education and Culture decided to carry out face-to-face learning for schools in the green and yellow zones by implementing strict health protocols. Students, teachers, administrative staff, and workers need to have knowledge about Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of Dian Didaktika Islamic high school students regarding Covid-19 before and after being given health promotion in preparation for face-to-face learning. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Dian Didaktika Islamic high school, Jakarta. All high school students of class X, XI and XII totaling 164 people were enrolled in this study. The independent variable was health promotion using powerpoints and the dependent variable in this study was the level of knowledge. The level of knowledge was measured using questionnaire and analyzed using Wilcoxon test. Results: The majority of students were 16 years old (47.0%), male. (54.9%), and from class X students (58.5%). The level of knowledge on Covid-19 was increased after being given health education (Mean= 77.48) than before being given education (Mean= 72.88), and they were statistically significant (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Health promotion can increase knowledge about Covid-19 among high school students.
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia, Jun 30, 2020
Pendahuluan. Ulkus kaki diabetik (UKD) adalah salah satu komplikasi diabetes melitus (DM) yang se... more Pendahuluan. Ulkus kaki diabetik (UKD) adalah salah satu komplikasi diabetes melitus (DM) yang sering dijumpai. Tingginya angka risiko amputasi dan tingkat mortalitas pada pasien DM dengan UKD serta penggunaan terapi konvensional yang sering gagal dalam melakukan perbaikan UKD menyebabkan terapi adjuvan seperti terapi oksigen hiperbarik (TOHB) digunakan. Terapi oksigen hiperbarik diketahui dapat membantu dalam dasar penutupan luka dan menurunkan angka amputasi pada kaki gangren diabetik. Peneliti bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan jumlah sesi TOHB sebagai terapi adjuvan dengan perbaikan UKD. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan sampel pasien UKD yang diberikan TOHB sebagai terapi adjuvan di Rumah Sakit Angkatan Laut Dr. Mintohardjo pada tahun 2016-2018. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang diambil dari data rekam medik. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Friedman untuk menilai apakah terdapat hubungan jumlah sesi TOHB dengan perbaikan UKD. Selanjutnya, dilakukan uji post-hoc Wilcoxon untuk mengetahui kelompok jumlah sesi terapi terbaik pada perbaikan UKD. Hasil. Terdapat 20 subjek pasien UKD pada penelitian ini. Untuk menilai kelompok terapi yang terbaik dalam memperbaiki UKD dilakukan perbandingan pada kelompok terapi dibawah 10 kali dan diatas 10 kali dengan kelompok terapi yang lainnya. Pada uji Friedman didapatkan nilai p= 0,001 yang menunjukkan terdapat hubungan jumlah sesi TOHB sebagai terapi adjuvan dengan perbaikan UKD. Selanjutnya, pada uji Wilcoxon kelompok terapi yang bermakna secara statistik dalam memperbaiki UKD merupakan kelompok terapi diatas 10 dengan nilai p = 0,001. Simpulan. Jumlah sesi TOHB sebagai terapi adjuvan diatas 10 kali menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan UKD yang paling bermakna dengan terjadinya penurunan derajat dan mengecilnya ukuran luka.
JIMKI: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia, 2020
Annals of Applied Sport Science
Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks fifth in the most disabling conditions. Karate is an unarme... more Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks fifth in the most disabling conditions. Karate is an unarmed combat sport that uses hands and feet to deliver and block blows. The karate movements, such as high load and frequent flexion and extension of the knee, make the athletes susceptible to knee injuries and progress to knee OA (KOA). Objectives. The study aims to address the prevalence and risk factors of KOA in karate athletes in the Karate Community in Jakarta, Indonesia. Methods. Fifty-nine karate athletes were enrolled in this cohort study in November 2018. Body weights and heights were measured, and a physical examination was performed. Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaires were given. Ultrasound imaging and X-ray of the knee were conducted. All data were analyzed using STATA 15. A descriptive analysis was performed, and correlations between two continuous variables were analyzed using the Pearson Chi squared-test. Logistic regression analysis evaluated associations between knee osteoarthritis and independent variables such as sex, age, BMI, WOMAC score, injury, and ultrasound findings. Results. Among 59 karate athletes, 18 (23%) were clinically diagnosed with clinical KOA. Most of them were males (46 instructors). The mean age of KOA was lower than negative KOA (53.61; 54.75 years old) (p=0.332). The WOMAC score was the only variable that showed a difference between the two groups regarding independent variables. Conclusion. One-third of karate athletes were diagnosed with clinical KOA. WOMAC showed a significant difference between positive KOA and negative KOA.
Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran (Journal of Medical Science)
Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs due to progressive damage of the cartil... more Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs due to progressive damage of the cartilage knee joint. The severity of the disease can be determined based on the clinical condition and several investigations. This inspection is expensive, so other alternatives are needed. One of the markers of inflammation is the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) but until now it has not been used to detect the severity of knee OA. This study aims to determine the relationship between the degree of knee OA and NLR. The method: cross-sectional design with medical record data of 75 knee OA patients at Al Fauzan General Hospital, Jakarta. The result: the highest distribution of patients old aged (≥60) years was 53 people (70,7%), 58 women (77.3%), with mild OA degree 45 people (60%), duration of OA history 4 years 74 people (98, 7%) and the highest BMI is obesity, 53 people (70.7%). The NLR values (<2.1) for mild OA were 33 (71.7%) and NLR (>2.1) for severe OA were 17 (58.6%). The significance test with Chi-Square obtained a p-value of 0.018 (< 0.05). Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between the degree of knee OA and NLR.
JIMKI: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia, 2020
eJournal Kedokteran Indonesia
Tuli mendadak adalah penurunan pendengaran sensorineural 30 dB pada tiga frekuensi berturut-turut... more Tuli mendadak adalah penurunan pendengaran sensorineural 30 dB pada tiga frekuensi berturut-turut dalam waktu 72 jam. Penatalaksanaannya dengan terapi steroid dan adjuvan hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT yaitu seseorang bernapas dengan oksigen 100% di dalam ruang udara bertekanan lebih dari 1 ATA. Tujuan terapi adalah meningkatkan tekanan parsial oksigen dan memaksimalkan oksigenasi di dalam koklea sehingga tercapai perbaikan pendengaran yang ditentukan oleh faktor prognostik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan usia, derajat, ketulian, dan onset tuli mendadak dengan perbaikan pendengaran setelah HBOT di Rumah Sakit Angkatan Laut Dr. Mintohardjo tahun 2016-2019. Desain studi potong lintang 36 pasien tuli mendadak. Faktor usia tidak dapat dinilai karena datanya konstan. Hasil uji Fisher menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan derajat ketulian dengan perbaikan pendengaran (p = 0,307). Onset tuli mendadak sebagai faktor prognostik tidak hubungan dengan perbaikan pendengaran (p = ...
Pendahuluan. Osteoartritis (OA) didefinisikan sebagai penyakit penuaan sendiyang kebanyakan pada ... more Pendahuluan. Osteoartritis (OA) didefinisikan sebagai penyakit penuaan sendiyang kebanyakan pada sendi yang menjadi penopang berat badan terutama sendilutut. Karate adalah olahraga yang melibatkan tangan dan kaki untuk memberikanserangan. Gerakan menekuk dan meluruskan kaki pada olahraga karate,menyebabkan atlet karate cenderung menderita OA. Pengabdian ini akanmemberikan penyuluhan tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi osteoarthritisdan memberikan edukasi tentang latihan yang akan menguatkan otot sehingganyeri lutut akan dirasakan berkurang. Metode. Atlet karate yang merupakan guru(sinsei) biasanya berusia di atas 40 tahun dan telah latihan karate selama 10 tahunakan berkumpul pada dua hari yang ditentukan merupakan responden daripengabdian ini. Mereka akan dikumpulkan sebelum pertandingan dimulai, didatadan diukur berat dan tinggi badannya dan diberikan kuesioner tentangpengetahuan mengenai OA juga diberikan. Penyuluhan tentang osteoarthritis danlatihan peregangan sendi lutut di...
Childhood Stunting, Wasting, and Obesity, as the Critical Global Health Issues: Forging Cross-Sectoral Solutions, 2020
Background: After undergoing a large-scale social distancing period of 5 months, and considering ... more Background: After undergoing a large-scale social distancing period of 5 months, and considering learning needs, the Ministry of Education and Culture decided to carry out face-to-face learning for schools in the green and yellow zones by implementing strict health protocols. Students, teachers, administrative staff, and workers need to have knowledge about Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of Dian Didaktika Islamic high school students regarding Covid-19 before and after being given health promotion in preparation for face-to-face learning. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Dian Didaktika Islamic high school, Jakarta. All high school students of class X, XI and XII totaling 164 people were enrolled in this study. The independent variable was health promotion using powerpoints and the dependent variable in this study was the level of knowledge. The level of knowledge was measured using questionnaire and analy...
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Pada pandemi COVID-19, kegiatan pembelajaran mahasiswa dilakukan secara daring. Pembelajaran dari... more Pada pandemi COVID-19, kegiatan pembelajaran mahasiswa dilakukan secara daring. Pembelajaran daring meningkatkan risiko timbulnya sejumlah gejala penglihatan yang dikenal dengan computer vision syndrome (CVS). Gejala penglihatan tersebut dapat pula disertai nyeri kepala, nyeri bahu, atau nyeri leher. Kegiatan PKM dilakukan kepada mahasiswa kedokteran Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa sehingga mahasiswa dapat melakukan upaya untuk mencegah CVS. Mahasiswa diminta mengisi kuesioner pre-test untuk mengukur pengetahuan, perilaku terkait penggunaan komputer, dan mengidentifikasi masalah CVS. Setelah mengisi pre-test, mahasiswa diberi edukasi tentang CVS dan upaya pencegahannya melalui zoom meeting menggunakan slide dan video. Selanjutnya mahasiswa diminta mengisi kuesioner post-test untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuannya. Dua minggu kemudian diadakan kembali zoom meeting untuk mengukur masalah CVS dan implementasi upaya penceg...
The Indonesian Journal of Occupational Safety and Health, Mar 31, 2023
Introduction: Fear of getting COVID-19 has led to an upsurge in mental health problems, particula... more Introduction: Fear of getting COVID-19 has led to an upsurge in mental health problems, particularly among those who deal directly with others, such as cabin crew. A regulation has been established requiring travelers to attach the results of a COVID-19 test to prevent the transmission of the virus during flight. While the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases continued to rise, the regulations were subsequently repealed in early 2022. The marital status of an individual is one factor that can influence the level of anxiety. Studies regarding the correlation between marital status and anxiety levels of cabin crew during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia are still lacking. This study aims to determine the correlation between marital status and anxiety levels of Indonesian cabin crews in 2022. Methods: In November 2022, a cross-sectional offline survey was conducted using a written questionnaire. Using consecutive sampling with inclusion and exclusion criteria, a final sample of 79 was analyzed. The independent variable is classified as either married or unmarried based on Indonesia Law Act No. 1 of 1974. Anxiety levels, the dependent variable, were collected using a Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) questionnaire and a personal data questionnaire. Results: A correlation was observed between the marital status of Indonesian cabin attendants in 2022 and their anxiety levels (p=0.025), according to the findings. Conclusion: Increased anxiety levels about cabin personnel's marital status are driven by the worry of catching COVID-19, which will result in feelings of loneliness, particularly for cabin crew with unmarried marital status.
Wilayah DAS Ciliwung terbentang melalui beberapa wilayah administratif, Kab/Kodya Bogor, Kotif De... more Wilayah DAS Ciliwung terbentang melalui beberapa wilayah administratif, Kab/Kodya Bogor, Kotif Depok dan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pertambahan penduduk, perubahan penggunaan lahan, dan pembangunan industri berperan dalam kelestarian wilayah lingkungan DAS Ciliwung. Risiko bahaya banjir meningkat berhubungan dengan aktivitas manusia. Masyarakat Peduli Ciliwung dan Peduli Lingkungan (Mat Peci) dengan konsep Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Berbasis Komunitas (PRBBK) menjadi alternatif solusi untuk mitigasi dan pencegahan banjir. Metode. Penyusunan artikel dilaksanakan dengan metode wawancara dan studi literatur.Hasil. Mat Peci memiliki program kegiatan lingkungan, pendidikan dan pembelajaran, pemberdayaan yang dilaksanakan dengan implementasi nilai spiritual moral, etika dan peradaban.Diskusi. Mat Peci yang dirintis sejak tahun 2006 memiliki program kegiatan untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup di DAS Ciliwung. Program ini berkelanjutan dan melibatkan banyak pihak dan pemangku kepentingan.
Amerta nutrition, Nov 27, 2023
INTRODUCTION During the COVID-19 pandemic, the prolonged use of digital devices for various purpo... more INTRODUCTION During the COVID-19 pandemic, the prolonged use of digital devices for various purposes, such as education, communication, and recreation, mostly exceeded six hours per day 1. This has resulted in an increased risk of computer vision syndrome (CVS), which refers to symptoms affecting the eyes and vision due to prolonged use of digital devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets 2. Symptoms of CVS include itchy eyes, burning eyes, foreign body sensation in the eyes, excessive blinking, watery eyes, red eyes, heavy eyelids, dry eyes, eye pain, blurred vision, double vision, inability to focus on nearby objects, light sensitivity, seeing halos around lights, worsening vision, and headache 3. These symptoms are temporary and will disappear if the use of digital devices is reduced. If prevention measures are not taken, the symptoms of CVS can persist and worsen 2. According to research, the global prevalence of CVS among students is estimated at 89.9%, with over 70% of students suffering from low productivity due to the symptoms of CVS 5. Engaging in activities using digital devices decreases the blink reflex, leading to increased tear evaporation and tear film instability 6. Decreased blink reflex and dry eyes are often associated with symptoms
Background: The incidence of chronic renal disease in Indonesia is increasing. Metabolic syndrome... more Background: The incidence of chronic renal disease in Indonesia is increasing. Metabolic syndrome is one of the risk factors of chronic renal disease. Insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes mellitus, high fasting-blood glucose, glucose intolerance), hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, low serum HDL level, obesity, and microalbuminuria are components of metabolic syndrome according to WHO criteria. Metabolic syndrome causes chronic inflammation and eventually damages renal cells. This study aimed to examine the associations between metabolic syndrom components and chronic renal disease. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study carried out at Gatot Subroto Hospital, Jakarta. A sample of 113 patients with chronic renal disease was selected for this study. The dependent variable was patient of chronic renal disease. The independent variable was metabolic syndrome components based on WHO criteria. The data of chronic renal disease were obtained from the medical record. The data were described in percent and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Of all 113 patients with chronic renal disease sample in this study, 66 (58.4%) had metabolic syndrome. Chronic renal disease was associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus (OR= 8.29; 95% CI= 0.77 to 52.50; p= 0.049) and high fastingblood glucose level (OR= 6.34; 95% CI= 1.01 to 68.08; p= 0.087). Conclusion: Type 2 diabetes mellitus and high fasting-blood glucose level are associated with an increased risk of chronic renal disease.
CoMPHI Journal, Jun 12, 2020
Pneumonia merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada balita di dunia. Faktor risiko pneumonia dapat b... more Pneumonia merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada balita di dunia. Faktor risiko pneumonia dapat berasal dari faktor host dan faktor lingkungan. Faktor host penyebab pneumonia adalah status gizi dimana kolonisasi mikroorganisme patogen mudah terbentuk karena penurunan sistem imun. Salah satu faktor lingku ngan penyebab pneumonia adalah paparan asap rokok yang sangat berbahaya bagi tubuh, apalagi jika yang terpapar adalah anak dibawah lima tahun yang mana sistem imunnya belum matang sehingga tidak adanya sistem pertahanan untuk melawan mikroorganisme penyebab pneumonia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain potong lintang pada 33 pasien balita di RSUD Pasar Minggu, untuk mengetahui h ubungan antara status gizi dan perilaku merokok di dalam rumah dengan kejadian pneumonia. Pengambilan data penelitian menggunakan lembar rekam medik dan pengukuran z-score menggunakan indeks BB/U untuk memperoleh status gizi dan lembar kuesioner untuk memperoleh perilaku merokok. Data dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS dengan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebesar 66,67% orang tua atau anggota keluarga memiliki kebiasaa n merokok di sekitar anak dan 66,67% merokok saat sedang berkumpul bersama keluarga. Sebagian besar orang tua atau anggota keluarga memiliki kebiasaan membuka jendela sebanyak 75,76% orang. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara status gizi terhadap kejadian pneumonia balita (p=0,732) dan terdapat hubungan antara perilaku merokok terhadap kejadian pneumonia balita (p=0,021). Selain itu perilaku merokok di dalam rumah dapat meningkatkan kejadian pneumonia pada balita. Maka dari itu perlu peningkatan kesadaran keluarga agar tidak merokok di dekat anak.
Bernas, Nov 1, 2021
During the COVID-19 pandemic, student learning activities are carried out online. Online learning... more During the COVID-19 pandemic, student learning activities are carried out online. Online learning increases the risk of vision symptoms known as computer vision syndrome (CVS). These visual symptoms may also be accompanied by headaches, shoulder pain, or neck pain. Community service activities were carried out to medical students of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. The activities aimed to increase students' knowledge so that students can make efforts to prevent CVS. Students were asked to fill out a pretest questionnaire to measure knowledge, student behavior related to computer use, and identify CVS problems. After filling out the pre-test, they were given education via zoom meeting about CVS and its preventive efforts using slides and videos. Furthermore, students were asked to fill out a post-test questionnaire to measure their knowledge. Two weeks later, another zoom meeting was held to measure CVS problems and CVS prevention efforts carried out by the students. The activities result showed that the level of students' knowledge increased. After two weeks of implementing the preventive efforts, the number of students experiencing CVS decreased. It can be concluded these community service activities have succeeded in overcoming the CVS experienced by the students during online learning.
Warta Ardhia: Jurnal perhubungan udara, Dec 28, 2018
Fatigue on pilots is a serious problem in aviation safety. Flight hours and flight types may affe... more Fatigue on pilots is a serious problem in aviation safety. Flight hours and flight types may affect the occurrence of acute fatigue complaints on pilots. This study aims to determine the correlation of total flight hours within 7 days and the type of flight with the Acute Fatigue Syndrome risk on civil pilots in Indonesia. The design of this study used cross sectional method on civil pilots at Civil Aviation Medical Center in December 2017 with consecutive sampling as the sample determination technique. Data were collected by interview and questionnaire methods. Respondents were 112 civil pilots of fixed wing aircraft. The study population was all the pilots who conducted medical examination at Civil Aviation Medical Center in December 2017. The results showed that as many as 65 (58%) respondents experienced Acute Fatigue Syndrome, 110 (98.2%) respondents had flight hours ≤ 30 hours within 7 days, 76 (67.9%) respondents have short haul flight type. The result of bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test showed that there was no significant relationship between flying hours within 7 days (p = 0,509) and acute fatigue syndrome and there was significant relationship between flight type (p = 0,018) and acute fatigue syndrome. Fatigue pada penerbang merupakan masalah serius dalam keselamatan penerbangan. Jam terbang dan jenis penerbangan dapat mempengaruhi timbulnya keluhan kelelahan akut pada penerbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan jumlah jam terbang dalam 7 hari dan jenis penerbangan dengan risiko Acute Fatigue Syndrome pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional pada penerbang sipil di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan bulan Desember 2017 dengan teknik penentuan sample yang digunakan adalah consecutive sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner. Responden sejumlah 112 penerbang pesawat sayap tetap. Populasi penelitian adalah semua penerbang yang melakukan medical examination di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan pada bulan Desember 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 65 responden atau 58% mengalami Acute Fatigue Syndrome, 110 responden atau 98,2% memiliki jam terbang ≤ 30 jam dalam 7 hari, 76 responden atau 67,9% melakukan penerbangan jenis Short Haul. Hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square didapatkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakan / signifikan antara jam terbang dalam 7 hari (p = 0,509) dengan acute fatigue syndrome serta terdapat hubungan yang bermakna / signifikan antara jenis penerbangan (p = 0,018) dengan acute fatigue syndrome.
Health Science Journal of Indonesia, Jul 13, 2016
Latar belakang: Miopia merupakan kelainan refraksi yang sering terjadi di antara penerbang. Penel... more Latar belakang: Miopia merupakan kelainan refraksi yang sering terjadi di antara penerbang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi beberapa faktor risiko dominan terhadap miopia ringan pada penerbang sipil di Indonesia. Metode: Subyek adalah penerbang sipil pria berusia 21-45 tahun yang dipilih secara purposif di antara yang sedang melaksanakan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala di Balai Kesehatan Penerbangan Jakarta. Data tajam penglihatan dan gula darah didapatkan dari rekam medik. Miopia ringan adalah subyek dengan penurunan tajam penglihatan dengan koreksi lensa-0,25 sampai dengan-0,30. Analisis data dengan regresi Cox menggunakan Stata 10. Hasil: Persentase miopia ringan dalam penelitian ini sebesar 36%. Faktor risiko dominan terhadap myopia ringan adalah jam terbang total, riwayat orang tua myopia, dan gejala iritasi dan gatal mata. Subyek dengan dibandingkan dengan yang kurang dari 1000 jam terbang 28% lebih tinggi berisiko myopia ringan [risiko relatif suaian (
Annals of Applied Sport Science, Dec 1, 2022
Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks fifth in the most disabling conditions. Karate is an unarme... more Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks fifth in the most disabling conditions. Karate is an unarmed combat sport that uses hands and feet to deliver and block blows. The karate movements, such as high load and frequent flexion and extension of the knee, make the athletes susceptible to knee injuries and progress to knee OA (KOA). Objectives. The study aims to address the prevalence and risk factors of KOA in karate athletes in the Karate Community in Jakarta, Indonesia. Methods. Fifty-nine karate athletes were enrolled in this cohort study in November 2018. Body weights and heights were measured, and a physical examination was performed. Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaires were given. Ultrasound imaging and X-ray of the knee were conducted. All data were analyzed using STATA 15. A descriptive analysis was performed, and correlations between two continuous variables were analyzed using the Pearson Chi squared-test. Logistic regression analysis evaluated associations between knee osteoarthritis and independent variables such as sex, age, BMI, WOMAC score, injury, and ultrasound findings. Results. Among 59 karate athletes, 18 (23%) were clinically diagnosed with clinical KOA. Most of them were males (46 instructors). The mean age of KOA was lower than negative KOA (53.61; 54.75 years old) (p=0.332). The WOMAC score was the only variable that showed a difference between the two groups regarding independent variables. Conclusion. One-third of karate athletes were diagnosed with clinical KOA. WOMAC showed a significant difference between positive KOA and negative KOA.
Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran, Oct 20, 2022
Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs due to progressive damage of the cartil... more Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs due to progressive damage of the cartilage knee joint. The severity of the disease can be determined based on the clinical condition and several investigations. This inspection is expensive, so other alternatives are needed. One of the markers of inflammation is the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) but until now it has not been used to detect the severity of knee OA. This study aims to determine the relationship between the degree of knee OA and NLR. The method: cross-sectional design with medical record data of 75 knee OA patients at Al Fauzan General Hospital, Jakarta. The result: the highest distribution of patients old aged (≥60) years was 53 people (70,7%), 58 women (77.3%), with mild OA degree 45 people (60%), duration of OA history 4 years 74 people (98, 7%) and the highest BMI is obesity, 53 people (70.7%). The NLR values (<2.1) for mild OA were 33 (71.7%) and NLR (>2.1) for severe OA were 17 (58.6%). The significance test with Chi-Square obtained a p-value of 0.018 (< 0.05). Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between the degree of knee OA and NLR.
Childhood Stunting, Wasting, and Obesity, as the Critical Global Health Issues: Forging Cross-Sectoral Solutions, 2020
Background: After undergoing a large-scale social distancing period of 5 months, and considering ... more Background: After undergoing a large-scale social distancing period of 5 months, and considering learning needs, the Ministry of Education and Culture decided to carry out face-to-face learning for schools in the green and yellow zones by implementing strict health protocols. Students, teachers, administrative staff, and workers need to have knowledge about Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of Dian Didaktika Islamic high school students regarding Covid-19 before and after being given health promotion in preparation for face-to-face learning. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Dian Didaktika Islamic high school, Jakarta. All high school students of class X, XI and XII totaling 164 people were enrolled in this study. The independent variable was health promotion using powerpoints and the dependent variable in this study was the level of knowledge. The level of knowledge was measured using questionnaire and analyzed using Wilcoxon test. Results: The majority of students were 16 years old (47.0%), male. (54.9%), and from class X students (58.5%). The level of knowledge on Covid-19 was increased after being given health education (Mean= 77.48) than before being given education (Mean= 72.88), and they were statistically significant (p = 0.001). Conclusion: Health promotion can increase knowledge about Covid-19 among high school students.
Jurnal Penyakit Dalam Indonesia, Jun 30, 2020
Pendahuluan. Ulkus kaki diabetik (UKD) adalah salah satu komplikasi diabetes melitus (DM) yang se... more Pendahuluan. Ulkus kaki diabetik (UKD) adalah salah satu komplikasi diabetes melitus (DM) yang sering dijumpai. Tingginya angka risiko amputasi dan tingkat mortalitas pada pasien DM dengan UKD serta penggunaan terapi konvensional yang sering gagal dalam melakukan perbaikan UKD menyebabkan terapi adjuvan seperti terapi oksigen hiperbarik (TOHB) digunakan. Terapi oksigen hiperbarik diketahui dapat membantu dalam dasar penutupan luka dan menurunkan angka amputasi pada kaki gangren diabetik. Peneliti bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan jumlah sesi TOHB sebagai terapi adjuvan dengan perbaikan UKD. Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan sampel pasien UKD yang diberikan TOHB sebagai terapi adjuvan di Rumah Sakit Angkatan Laut Dr. Mintohardjo pada tahun 2016-2018. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang diambil dari data rekam medik. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Friedman untuk menilai apakah terdapat hubungan jumlah sesi TOHB dengan perbaikan UKD. Selanjutnya, dilakukan uji post-hoc Wilcoxon untuk mengetahui kelompok jumlah sesi terapi terbaik pada perbaikan UKD. Hasil. Terdapat 20 subjek pasien UKD pada penelitian ini. Untuk menilai kelompok terapi yang terbaik dalam memperbaiki UKD dilakukan perbandingan pada kelompok terapi dibawah 10 kali dan diatas 10 kali dengan kelompok terapi yang lainnya. Pada uji Friedman didapatkan nilai p= 0,001 yang menunjukkan terdapat hubungan jumlah sesi TOHB sebagai terapi adjuvan dengan perbaikan UKD. Selanjutnya, pada uji Wilcoxon kelompok terapi yang bermakna secara statistik dalam memperbaiki UKD merupakan kelompok terapi diatas 10 dengan nilai p = 0,001. Simpulan. Jumlah sesi TOHB sebagai terapi adjuvan diatas 10 kali menunjukkan bahwa perbaikan UKD yang paling bermakna dengan terjadinya penurunan derajat dan mengecilnya ukuran luka.
JIMKI: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia, 2020
Annals of Applied Sport Science
Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks fifth in the most disabling conditions. Karate is an unarme... more Background. Osteoarthritis (OA) ranks fifth in the most disabling conditions. Karate is an unarmed combat sport that uses hands and feet to deliver and block blows. The karate movements, such as high load and frequent flexion and extension of the knee, make the athletes susceptible to knee injuries and progress to knee OA (KOA). Objectives. The study aims to address the prevalence and risk factors of KOA in karate athletes in the Karate Community in Jakarta, Indonesia. Methods. Fifty-nine karate athletes were enrolled in this cohort study in November 2018. Body weights and heights were measured, and a physical examination was performed. Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaires were given. Ultrasound imaging and X-ray of the knee were conducted. All data were analyzed using STATA 15. A descriptive analysis was performed, and correlations between two continuous variables were analyzed using the Pearson Chi squared-test. Logistic regression analysis evaluated associations between knee osteoarthritis and independent variables such as sex, age, BMI, WOMAC score, injury, and ultrasound findings. Results. Among 59 karate athletes, 18 (23%) were clinically diagnosed with clinical KOA. Most of them were males (46 instructors). The mean age of KOA was lower than negative KOA (53.61; 54.75 years old) (p=0.332). The WOMAC score was the only variable that showed a difference between the two groups regarding independent variables. Conclusion. One-third of karate athletes were diagnosed with clinical KOA. WOMAC showed a significant difference between positive KOA and negative KOA.
Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran (Journal of Medical Science)
Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs due to progressive damage of the cartil... more Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs due to progressive damage of the cartilage knee joint. The severity of the disease can be determined based on the clinical condition and several investigations. This inspection is expensive, so other alternatives are needed. One of the markers of inflammation is the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) but until now it has not been used to detect the severity of knee OA. This study aims to determine the relationship between the degree of knee OA and NLR. The method: cross-sectional design with medical record data of 75 knee OA patients at Al Fauzan General Hospital, Jakarta. The result: the highest distribution of patients old aged (≥60) years was 53 people (70,7%), 58 women (77.3%), with mild OA degree 45 people (60%), duration of OA history 4 years 74 people (98, 7%) and the highest BMI is obesity, 53 people (70.7%). The NLR values (<2.1) for mild OA were 33 (71.7%) and NLR (>2.1) for severe OA were 17 (58.6%). The significance test with Chi-Square obtained a p-value of 0.018 (< 0.05). Conclusion: there is a significant relationship between the degree of knee OA and NLR.
JIMKI: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia, 2020
eJournal Kedokteran Indonesia
Tuli mendadak adalah penurunan pendengaran sensorineural 30 dB pada tiga frekuensi berturut-turut... more Tuli mendadak adalah penurunan pendengaran sensorineural 30 dB pada tiga frekuensi berturut-turut dalam waktu 72 jam. Penatalaksanaannya dengan terapi steroid dan adjuvan hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT yaitu seseorang bernapas dengan oksigen 100% di dalam ruang udara bertekanan lebih dari 1 ATA. Tujuan terapi adalah meningkatkan tekanan parsial oksigen dan memaksimalkan oksigenasi di dalam koklea sehingga tercapai perbaikan pendengaran yang ditentukan oleh faktor prognostik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan usia, derajat, ketulian, dan onset tuli mendadak dengan perbaikan pendengaran setelah HBOT di Rumah Sakit Angkatan Laut Dr. Mintohardjo tahun 2016-2019. Desain studi potong lintang 36 pasien tuli mendadak. Faktor usia tidak dapat dinilai karena datanya konstan. Hasil uji Fisher menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan derajat ketulian dengan perbaikan pendengaran (p = 0,307). Onset tuli mendadak sebagai faktor prognostik tidak hubungan dengan perbaikan pendengaran (p = ...
Pendahuluan. Osteoartritis (OA) didefinisikan sebagai penyakit penuaan sendiyang kebanyakan pada ... more Pendahuluan. Osteoartritis (OA) didefinisikan sebagai penyakit penuaan sendiyang kebanyakan pada sendi yang menjadi penopang berat badan terutama sendilutut. Karate adalah olahraga yang melibatkan tangan dan kaki untuk memberikanserangan. Gerakan menekuk dan meluruskan kaki pada olahraga karate,menyebabkan atlet karate cenderung menderita OA. Pengabdian ini akanmemberikan penyuluhan tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi osteoarthritisdan memberikan edukasi tentang latihan yang akan menguatkan otot sehingganyeri lutut akan dirasakan berkurang. Metode. Atlet karate yang merupakan guru(sinsei) biasanya berusia di atas 40 tahun dan telah latihan karate selama 10 tahunakan berkumpul pada dua hari yang ditentukan merupakan responden daripengabdian ini. Mereka akan dikumpulkan sebelum pertandingan dimulai, didatadan diukur berat dan tinggi badannya dan diberikan kuesioner tentangpengetahuan mengenai OA juga diberikan. Penyuluhan tentang osteoarthritis danlatihan peregangan sendi lutut di...
Childhood Stunting, Wasting, and Obesity, as the Critical Global Health Issues: Forging Cross-Sectoral Solutions, 2020
Background: After undergoing a large-scale social distancing period of 5 months, and considering ... more Background: After undergoing a large-scale social distancing period of 5 months, and considering learning needs, the Ministry of Education and Culture decided to carry out face-to-face learning for schools in the green and yellow zones by implementing strict health protocols. Students, teachers, administrative staff, and workers need to have knowledge about Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of Dian Didaktika Islamic high school students regarding Covid-19 before and after being given health promotion in preparation for face-to-face learning. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at Dian Didaktika Islamic high school, Jakarta. All high school students of class X, XI and XII totaling 164 people were enrolled in this study. The independent variable was health promotion using powerpoints and the dependent variable in this study was the level of knowledge. The level of knowledge was measured using questionnaire and analy...
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Pada pandemi COVID-19, kegiatan pembelajaran mahasiswa dilakukan secara daring. Pembelajaran dari... more Pada pandemi COVID-19, kegiatan pembelajaran mahasiswa dilakukan secara daring. Pembelajaran daring meningkatkan risiko timbulnya sejumlah gejala penglihatan yang dikenal dengan computer vision syndrome (CVS). Gejala penglihatan tersebut dapat pula disertai nyeri kepala, nyeri bahu, atau nyeri leher. Kegiatan PKM dilakukan kepada mahasiswa kedokteran Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa sehingga mahasiswa dapat melakukan upaya untuk mencegah CVS. Mahasiswa diminta mengisi kuesioner pre-test untuk mengukur pengetahuan, perilaku terkait penggunaan komputer, dan mengidentifikasi masalah CVS. Setelah mengisi pre-test, mahasiswa diberi edukasi tentang CVS dan upaya pencegahannya melalui zoom meeting menggunakan slide dan video. Selanjutnya mahasiswa diminta mengisi kuesioner post-test untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuannya. Dua minggu kemudian diadakan kembali zoom meeting untuk mengukur masalah CVS dan implementasi upaya penceg...