Jesus Angel Sanchez-Garcia | University of Santiago de Compostela (original) (raw)
Papers by Jesus Angel Sanchez-Garcia
Anuario Brigantino, 2022
Esta investigación aborda las singularidades arquitectónicas y decorativas de una casa construida... more Esta investigación aborda las singularidades arquitectónicas y decorativas de una casa construida en A Coruña en 1872, vivienda que a día de hoy sigue destacando entre las que integran la fachada marítima de las galerías de la Marina. La documentación inédita aportada por los descendientes de su promotor, el empresario Manuel Ramírez Carvajal, que había hecho fortuna en Filipinas, completa los datos existentes en el Archivo Municipal de A Coruña, desvelando un cuadro que va más allá de las habituales relaciones entre clientes y técnicos de arquitectura en el contexto de desarrollo de la ciudad burguesa. Siguiendo la propuesta de Mario Praz en La casa della vita, este trabajo de indagación microhistórica aspira a reintegrar el mundo de sensaciones y emociones ligadas a una vivienda, deteniéndose en los entrelazamientos de la arquitectura con la vida familiar. El rastreo de los reflejos físicos y sentimentales se extiende desde la percepción pública del conjunto de galerías en formación hasta las metáforas íntimas recogidas en el libro de poemas Ecos dolientes (1880) prologado por Emilia Pardo Bazán. El artículo combina aproximaciones desde la historia de la arquitectura, los estudios visuales y la cultura material referida a los ámbitos de domesticidad y esferas de género, enriqueciendo estos enfoques con las propias experiencias y recuerdos del autor en torno al espacio y significados de las galerías coruñesas. This research deals with the architectural and decorative singularities of a house built in A Coruña in 1872, that still stands out today among those that fit in the maritime façade of the glass-covered galleries of the Marina. The unpublished documentation provided by the descendants of its promoter, the businessman Manuel Ramírez Carvajal, who had made his fortune in the Philippines, completes the existing data in the Municipal Archive of A Coruña, revealing a picture that goes beyond the usual relationships between clients and architects in the context of the development of the bourgeois city. Following Mario Praz’s proposal in La casa della vita, this piece of microhistorical research aims to reintegrate the world of sensations and emotions linked to a house, focusing on the intertwining of architecture with the family life. The tracing of physical and sentimental reflections extends from the public perception of the set of galleries to the intimate metaphors collected in the book of poems Ecos dolientes (1880), prefaced by Emilia Pardo Bazán. The article combines approaches from the history of architecture, visual studies and material culture referring to the spheres of domesticity and gender, enriching these approaches with the author’s own experiences and memories of the space and meanings of the galleries in A Coruña.
Passés futurs, 2022
Dossier dedicado a analizar la gestión que la democracia española está haciendo respecto del pasa... more Dossier dedicado a analizar la gestión que la democracia española está haciendo respecto del pasado dictatorial, a partir de un ejemplo muy concreto, que es la residencia campestre de la escritora Emilia Pardo Bazán la cual, a partir de la guerra civil, fue ocupada y transformada por el “Caudillo de España”, el general Francisco Franco, en residencia política, a la que acudió todos los veranos desde 1939 hasta su muerte en 1975.
Quintana, 2022
Reproducción y análisis del proyecto de Rúa Galicia para Santiago de Compostela preparado en 1932... more Reproducción y análisis del proyecto de Rúa Galicia para Santiago de Compostela preparado en 1932 por Antonio Palacios con la intención de construir una extensión de la ciudad histórica que solucionara el acceso de vehículos hasta la plaza del Obradoiro. El proyecto buscó la armonización e integración con las arquitecturas y trazados dominantes en el conjunto histórico, vinculándose con la cultura urbanística conservacionista, el regionalismo y las intervenciones de restauración sobre las ciudades históricas europeas en las primeras décadas del siglo XX
Artículo en acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Atribución-NoComercial-Si... more Artículo en acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Atribución-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Storia Urbana, 2021
Junto a los nuevos planes urbanísticos, en las primeras décadas del siglo XX el movimiento del Ci... more Junto a los nuevos planes urbanísticos, en las primeras décadas del siglo XX el movimiento del Civic Art encontró en la conservación de las ciudades históricas uno de los terrenos preferentes para mantener la calidad artística preconizada por Camillo Sitte. Fue en este marco en el que se elaboraron las propuestas de Antonio Palacios para intervenir en el corazón de dos ciudades históricas españolas: Ourense (1928) y Santiago de Compostela (1932). Los objetivos funcionales de dotar de nuevos accesos a sus catedrales se resolverían mediante una plaza presidida por una escalinata en Ourense y una avenida de irregular trazado y escenográficos efectos en Santiago. Compartiendo unos alzados inspirados en las arquitecturas tradicionales e históricas de Galicia, esta personal interpretación de la herencia vernacular, acorde con los proyectos regionalistas de Palacios, se defendía como herramienta operativa para afrontar la reforma y ampliación de las viejas ciudades, si bien finalmente ambas propuestas no llegaron a pasar del papel.
Together with the new urban planning, in the first decades of the 20th century the Civic Art movement found in the conservation of historic cities one preferential ground to keep the artistic quality advocated by Camillo Sitte. It was within this framework that Antonio Palacios made his proposals to intervene in the heart of two Spanish historic cities: Ourense (1928) and Santiago de Compostela (1932). The functional objectives of providing new accesses to their cathedrals were solved by means of a square presided by a staircase in Ourense, and an avenue of irregular layout and scenographic effects in Santiago. Sharing inspiration in the traditional and historic architectures of the Galician region, the personal interpretation of the vernacular heritage in the regionalism of Palacios was presented as an operative tool to address the reform and expansion in old cities, although finally both proposals did not go beyond the paper.
LEXICON: Storie e Architettura in Sicilia, 2021
de las pérdidas más lamentables de la arquitectura civil de origen medieval de Galicia 1. El pala... more de las pérdidas más lamentables de la arquitectura civil de origen medieval de Galicia 1. El palacio había sido edificado hacia 1510 por frey Juan Piñeiro Gallego, comendador de Portomarín y Trebejo, como delatan sus singulares emblemas heráldicos, el cual logró fama y fortuna en Rodas, al amparo de la Orden de San Juan, y como capitán en las guerras italianas.
ERR, 2021
During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy northwestern Spanish commercial por... more During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy northwestern
Spanish commercial port of Corunna became the stage for
a series of memorialization strategies focusing on an exceptional
group of military heroes who died in the area or whose mortal
remains were buried there. In a city notable for being a bastion
of Liberal political ideas, actions taken to preserve the collective
memory of military figures—such as the Scottish general John
Moore, an ally of the Spanish during the Peninsular War, or
Spanish officers such as Porlier, Acevedo, and Espoz y Mina, who
were responsible for various uprisings against King Ferdinand VII
—necessarily led to the construction of provisional or permanent
tombs to house their mortal remains. Considered martyrs and
heroes fallen in defense of liberty, the political glorification of
these figures tied in with the romantic sensibility to produce a
varied set of funerary memorials and, above all, the creation of
sites of memory that made this maritime city a forerunner to the
national pantheon coveted by Spanish liberales as a means of
legitimizing their political ideals.
European Romantic Review, 2021
During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy northwestern Spanish commercial port... more During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy northwestern
Spanish commercial port of Corunna became the stage for
a series of memorialization strategies focusing on an exceptional
group of military heroes who died in the area or whose mortal
remains were buried there. In a city notable for being a bastion
of Liberal political ideas, actions taken to preserve the collective
memory of military figures—such as the Scottish general John
Moore, an ally of the Spanish during the Peninsular War, or
Spanish officers such as Porlier, Acevedo, and Espoz y Mina, who
were responsible for various uprisings against King Ferdinand VII
—necessarily led to the construction of provisional or permanent
tombs to house their mortal remains. Considered martyrs and
heroes fallen in defense of liberty, the political glorification of
these figures tied in with the romantic sensibility to produce a
varied set of funerary memorials and, above all, the creation of
sites of memory that made this maritime city a forerunner to the
national pantheon coveted by Spanish liberales as a means of
legitimizing their political ideals.
European Romantic Review, 2021
ABSTRACT During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy north-western Spanish comme... more ABSTRACT During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy north-western Spanish commercial port of Corunna became the stage for a series of memorialization strategies focusing on an exceptional group of military heroes who died in the area or whose mortal remains were buried there. In a city notable for being a bastion of Liberal political ideas, actions taken to preserve the collective memory of military figures—such as the Scottish general John Moore, an ally of the Spanish during the Peninsular War, or Spanish officers such as Porlier, Acevedo, and Espoz y Mina, who were responsible for various uprisings against King Ferdinand VII—necessarily led to the construction of provisional or permanent tombs to house their mortal remains. Considered martyrs and heroes fallen in defense of liberty, the political glorification of these figures tied in with the romantic sensibility to produce a varied set of funerary memorials and, above all, the creation of sites of memory that made this maritime city a forerunner to the national pantheon coveted by Spanish liberales as a means of legitimizing their political ideals.
XX Encuentro de Cementerios Patrimoniales, 2019
Además del cementerio de San Amaro, la ciudad de A Coruña conserva otro singular espacio funerari... more Además del cementerio de San Amaro, la ciudad de A Coruña conserva otro singular espacio funerario en el pequeño jardín de San Carlos, donde se localiza la tumba del general John Moore. Las dramáticas circunstancias de una muerte en batalla y entierro lejos de la patria estimularon a partir de 1809 una continua corriente de visitantes, a enmarcar en la costumbre británica de rendir homenaje a las tumbas de sus compatriotas en suelo extranjero. Los testimonios redactados por algunos militares y escritores, desde John Milford a Richard Ford y George Borrow, fueron un acicate para las mejoras en un sitio convertido desde 1838 en un romántico jardín centrado por el neoclásico sarcófago que define la presencia del héroe.
La atracción por las tumbas de personajes ilustres desarrollada en Inglaterra desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII se exportó así a España para reforzar los componentes intangibles y emocionales en torno a la tumba de Moore. La leyenda sobre una misteriosa dama inglesa que visitaba periódicamente el lugar, o las obras literarias de Charles Wolfe y Rosalía Castro fijadas en sus muros en 1927, completan los ricos significados de este poético cementerio-jardín, cuyo aprovechamiento como uno de los principales recursos turísticos de la ciudad debe forzosamente considerar aquellas tempranas muestras de necroturismo.
Memoria y Civilización, 2017
The cosmographic and geographical Arab treatise titled The Book of Curiosities of the Sciences an... more The cosmographic and geographical Arab treatise titled The Book of Curiosities of the Sciences and Marvels for the Eyes (first half of the 10th century), is preserved, since its acquisition in the year 2002, at the Oxford Bodleian Library. Inside his pages it contains a rectangular world map, which shows as the only represented building the legendary Caspian Gates, attributed to Alexander the Great. In the other confines of the inhabited lands, opposite to the north-western angle of the Iberian Peninsula, an enigmatic shape of a dilapidated tower raised the possibility that it was the figure of the ancient Roman lighthouse known as Tower of Hercules (A Coruña, Spain). Although this hypothesis finally had to be abandoned, to avoid future confusions an explanation is necessary of the eventful circumstances that surround the appearance of this figure; as well as supplied new thoughts, concerning the representations of the Tower of Hercules and other lighthouses in medieval mappae mundi.
Memoria y Civilización, 2017
Proceedings of the Fifth Internacional Conference of the European Architectural History Network, Andres Kurg and Kavin Vicente, eds., 2018
In August 1907, the Spanish writer Emilia Pardo Bazán took up residence at Torres de Meirás, even... more In August 1907, the Spanish writer Emilia Pardo Bazán took up residence at Torres de Meirás, even as the finishing touches were still being put on the new abode. Thirteen years on from laying the first stone, the famous author was anxious to install herself in the studio on the top floor of ‘Torre de la Quimera’, a room identifiable on the outside by the so-called Balcony of Muses. Designed by her own hand, the stone reliefs of the muses were accompanied by portraits of her favourite writers and the titles of their most treasured works. As someone who had either visited or was familiar with the houses of Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Edmond de Goncourt and Émile Zola, Pardo Bazán thus fulfilled her dream of having a refuge where she could hide away and find the inspiration to write.
In the nineteenth century, the distinction that came with living in a castle, in the style of Walter Scott’s Abbotsford, was allied in the case of some writers with a predilection for towers as creative havens. Coined by the critic Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve to describe the lack of social engagement in the literary output of Alfred de Vigny at his Château de Le Maine-Giraud (Pensées d’Août, 1837), the ‘ivory tower’ and the image it created spawned numerous descendants, such as Alphonse de Lamartine’s Château de Saint-Point, Alexandre Dumas’ Château de Monte-Cristo, Émile Zola’s Château de Médan, Jules Verne’s Maison à la Tour in Amiens and Emilia Pardo Bazán’s Torres de Meirás. In the spread of the phenomenon from Great Britain and, above all, France to Spain, isolation was not only expressed as a reaction to the overexposure to urban life, as denounced by Goncourt (‘La vie menace de devenir publique,’ Journal des Goncourt, Vol. I, 1891). The intense physical relationship with remote locations that enhanced the powers of concentration led to eminent writers becoming singularly involved in the design and decoration of their residences. The nineteenth-century’s tried and tested models of spatial organisation would remain influential through to the twentieth century, even in the most hostile urban environments. In assessing the conditions in which an author could give free rein to their creative energy and embrace a number of artistic fields – literature, architecture, interior decoration, garden design – these ivory towers can be seen as ideal places for the creation of words and images that were designed to endure.
When Alexandre Dumas père was at the peak of his success and popularity, he was personally involv... more When Alexandre Dumas père was at the peak of his success and popularity, he was personally involved in the design and construction of the Château de Monte-Cristo (Port-Marly, France, 1847). The architectural and ornamental features of this lavish abode can be interpreted as a reflection of Dumas’ literary ambition, as a complex aesthetic portrait. Dumas’ mise en scène of his whole life as artwork prompted him to create an elaborate display of visual rhetoric, an interplay of images and words developed through a physical and allegorical relationship with a place now appropriated by and absorbed into his persona. It is essential, therefore, that information on Dumas’ life and literary career may be combined with an iconographic analysis as a means of decoding the meanings bound up in the spectacle buildings at the Château de Monte-Cristo.
RIHA Journal, 2017
When Alexandre Dumas père was at the peak of his success and popularity, he was personally involv... more When Alexandre Dumas père was at the peak of his success and popularity, he was personally involved in the design and construction of the Château de Monte-Cristo (Port-Marly, France, 1847). The architectural and ornamental features of this lavish abode can be interpreted as a reflection of Dumas' literary ambition, as a complex aesthetic portrait. Dumas' mise en scène of his whole life as artwork prompted him to create an elaborate display of visual rhetoric, an interplay of images and words developed through a physical and allegorical relationship with a place now appropriated by and absorbed into his persona. It is essential, therefore, that information on Dumas' life and literary career may be combined with an iconographic analysis as a means of decoding the meanings bound up in the spectacle buildings at the Château de Monte-Cristo.
The San Carlos Garden or Jardín de San Carlos (Corunna, Spain) is presided since 1809 by the last... more The San Carlos Garden or Jardín de San Carlos (Corunna, Spain) is presided since 1809 by the last resting place of Lieutenant General Sir John Moore. In keeping with Moore’s wishes, after the battle fought on the outskirts of Corunna against the French the body of the fallen general was hastily interred in the city’s outer ramparts, and some months later transferred to a bastion in the old town. The first monuments and tomb built to pay homage to Moore paved the way for the idea of changing the appearance of the military enclave, remodelled in 1839 as botanical garden. Since then, the burial site and the gardens have worked together to heighten the Romantic ambience of this melancholy spot, a rare example of a unique burial site converted into a public garden -listed as historic garden in 1944- just in the heart of an old town.
In the West the cult of the remains and relics of heroes is a tradition that can essentially be t... more In the West the cult of the remains and relics of heroes is a tradition that can essentially be traced back to Ancient Greece. Nevertheless, when analyzing the re-emergence of the hero cult during a period as decisive in modern European history as the nineteenth century we should not restrict ourselves to the study of ancient tombs and memorials as archaeological artefacts alone. This paper will thus approach the cult of the Romantic hero from the perspective of cultural history, drawing on the literature and art inspired by historical figures that were the object of this new veneration. Taking Pierre Nora’s characterization of places of memory or lieux de mémoire as a starting point, this paper will reveal some of the links, from the literary to the artistic, that were used to encapsulate and project the glorification of Romantic heroes. An obsession with building tombs and memorials took root in the Romantic age, becoming the most visible manifestation of political strategies designed to convert memory into history. In examining the cases of Horatio Nelson, Antoine de Guillaume-Lagrange, John Moore and Napoleon, this paper underscores the value of focusing on the glorification of the figures being remembered – of their lives and actions – through literature and the first funeral rites, and on the structures and artworks that housed their remains and preserved their memories.
La città globale / The Global City, Marco Pretelli, Rosa Tamborrino, Ines Tolic, eds., AISU, Section F, pp. 771-784, 2020
One of the most notable aspects in the late but intense boom in cinema attendance in Spain in the... more One of the most notable aspects in the late but intense boom in cinema attendance in Spain in the post-Civil War period-the years under Franco's dictatorship (1939-1975)-was the large number of open-air or summer cinemas, which totalled 1,758 out of the 9,399 cinemas surveyed in 1965. Located mainly in the southern half of the country and on the Mediterranean coast, this dazzling constellation of outdoor viewing practices, which included screenings in bullrings, roof-tops of movie theatres and some drive-in cinemas, left an indelible mark on the urban film experience still present in the memories of past generations.
Such was the development of cinema architecture in Spain during the course of the 20th century th... more Such was the development of cinema architecture in Spain during the course of the 20th century that the country boasted one of the highest number of functioning picture halls in Europe. Founded on travelling cinemas and music halls in the early part of the century, the Spanish cinema industry eventually saw the emergence of a wide variety of permanent facilities, among them the large halls of the 1950s and 60s. Those buildings adopted the latest architectural trends, chief among them Art Nouveau, Art Deco and modernism, with the aim to stand out in the urban landscape and ultimately to attract people to venture inside. This architectural heritage, which played a key role in the modernising of Spanish society and its cities, is now an integral part of 20th-century social history, a manifestation of what was the most popular form of mass entertainment at the time
The ecclesiastical disentailment began in Spain in 1836, promoted by Mendizabal Cabinet. The oppo... more The ecclesiastical disentailment began in Spain in 1836, promoted by Mendizabal Cabinet. The opportunity to convert or demolish the urban convents gave answer in many towns to the Spanish bourgeoisie aspiration’s to enjoy new places for leisure and social relationship. A source of great interest to know what happened in the early stages of this process is Diccionario geográfico-estadístico-histórico de España y sus posesiones de Ultramar (Pascual Madoz, 1846-1850). Up to fifty cases of reuse or replacement of convents are analyzed here. During the second half of the nineteenth century, and even into the twentieth century, the ruin of many monasteries offered another opportunity to continue building ludic spaces, now with the new premises for picture halls. It is possible to recover the traces of the old convents and also evaluate the urban reconfiguration originated with the creation of new nodes and paths that changed the urban landscape in the old Spanish cities
Anuario Brigantino, 2022
Esta investigación aborda las singularidades arquitectónicas y decorativas de una casa construida... more Esta investigación aborda las singularidades arquitectónicas y decorativas de una casa construida en A Coruña en 1872, vivienda que a día de hoy sigue destacando entre las que integran la fachada marítima de las galerías de la Marina. La documentación inédita aportada por los descendientes de su promotor, el empresario Manuel Ramírez Carvajal, que había hecho fortuna en Filipinas, completa los datos existentes en el Archivo Municipal de A Coruña, desvelando un cuadro que va más allá de las habituales relaciones entre clientes y técnicos de arquitectura en el contexto de desarrollo de la ciudad burguesa. Siguiendo la propuesta de Mario Praz en La casa della vita, este trabajo de indagación microhistórica aspira a reintegrar el mundo de sensaciones y emociones ligadas a una vivienda, deteniéndose en los entrelazamientos de la arquitectura con la vida familiar. El rastreo de los reflejos físicos y sentimentales se extiende desde la percepción pública del conjunto de galerías en formación hasta las metáforas íntimas recogidas en el libro de poemas Ecos dolientes (1880) prologado por Emilia Pardo Bazán. El artículo combina aproximaciones desde la historia de la arquitectura, los estudios visuales y la cultura material referida a los ámbitos de domesticidad y esferas de género, enriqueciendo estos enfoques con las propias experiencias y recuerdos del autor en torno al espacio y significados de las galerías coruñesas. This research deals with the architectural and decorative singularities of a house built in A Coruña in 1872, that still stands out today among those that fit in the maritime façade of the glass-covered galleries of the Marina. The unpublished documentation provided by the descendants of its promoter, the businessman Manuel Ramírez Carvajal, who had made his fortune in the Philippines, completes the existing data in the Municipal Archive of A Coruña, revealing a picture that goes beyond the usual relationships between clients and architects in the context of the development of the bourgeois city. Following Mario Praz’s proposal in La casa della vita, this piece of microhistorical research aims to reintegrate the world of sensations and emotions linked to a house, focusing on the intertwining of architecture with the family life. The tracing of physical and sentimental reflections extends from the public perception of the set of galleries to the intimate metaphors collected in the book of poems Ecos dolientes (1880), prefaced by Emilia Pardo Bazán. The article combines approaches from the history of architecture, visual studies and material culture referring to the spheres of domesticity and gender, enriching these approaches with the author’s own experiences and memories of the space and meanings of the galleries in A Coruña.
Passés futurs, 2022
Dossier dedicado a analizar la gestión que la democracia española está haciendo respecto del pasa... more Dossier dedicado a analizar la gestión que la democracia española está haciendo respecto del pasado dictatorial, a partir de un ejemplo muy concreto, que es la residencia campestre de la escritora Emilia Pardo Bazán la cual, a partir de la guerra civil, fue ocupada y transformada por el “Caudillo de España”, el general Francisco Franco, en residencia política, a la que acudió todos los veranos desde 1939 hasta su muerte en 1975.
Quintana, 2022
Reproducción y análisis del proyecto de Rúa Galicia para Santiago de Compostela preparado en 1932... more Reproducción y análisis del proyecto de Rúa Galicia para Santiago de Compostela preparado en 1932 por Antonio Palacios con la intención de construir una extensión de la ciudad histórica que solucionara el acceso de vehículos hasta la plaza del Obradoiro. El proyecto buscó la armonización e integración con las arquitecturas y trazados dominantes en el conjunto histórico, vinculándose con la cultura urbanística conservacionista, el regionalismo y las intervenciones de restauración sobre las ciudades históricas europeas en las primeras décadas del siglo XX
Artículo en acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Atribución-NoComercial-Si... more Artículo en acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Atribución-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Storia Urbana, 2021
Junto a los nuevos planes urbanísticos, en las primeras décadas del siglo XX el movimiento del Ci... more Junto a los nuevos planes urbanísticos, en las primeras décadas del siglo XX el movimiento del Civic Art encontró en la conservación de las ciudades históricas uno de los terrenos preferentes para mantener la calidad artística preconizada por Camillo Sitte. Fue en este marco en el que se elaboraron las propuestas de Antonio Palacios para intervenir en el corazón de dos ciudades históricas españolas: Ourense (1928) y Santiago de Compostela (1932). Los objetivos funcionales de dotar de nuevos accesos a sus catedrales se resolverían mediante una plaza presidida por una escalinata en Ourense y una avenida de irregular trazado y escenográficos efectos en Santiago. Compartiendo unos alzados inspirados en las arquitecturas tradicionales e históricas de Galicia, esta personal interpretación de la herencia vernacular, acorde con los proyectos regionalistas de Palacios, se defendía como herramienta operativa para afrontar la reforma y ampliación de las viejas ciudades, si bien finalmente ambas propuestas no llegaron a pasar del papel.
Together with the new urban planning, in the first decades of the 20th century the Civic Art movement found in the conservation of historic cities one preferential ground to keep the artistic quality advocated by Camillo Sitte. It was within this framework that Antonio Palacios made his proposals to intervene in the heart of two Spanish historic cities: Ourense (1928) and Santiago de Compostela (1932). The functional objectives of providing new accesses to their cathedrals were solved by means of a square presided by a staircase in Ourense, and an avenue of irregular layout and scenographic effects in Santiago. Sharing inspiration in the traditional and historic architectures of the Galician region, the personal interpretation of the vernacular heritage in the regionalism of Palacios was presented as an operative tool to address the reform and expansion in old cities, although finally both proposals did not go beyond the paper.
LEXICON: Storie e Architettura in Sicilia, 2021
de las pérdidas más lamentables de la arquitectura civil de origen medieval de Galicia 1. El pala... more de las pérdidas más lamentables de la arquitectura civil de origen medieval de Galicia 1. El palacio había sido edificado hacia 1510 por frey Juan Piñeiro Gallego, comendador de Portomarín y Trebejo, como delatan sus singulares emblemas heráldicos, el cual logró fama y fortuna en Rodas, al amparo de la Orden de San Juan, y como capitán en las guerras italianas.
ERR, 2021
During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy northwestern Spanish commercial por... more During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy northwestern
Spanish commercial port of Corunna became the stage for
a series of memorialization strategies focusing on an exceptional
group of military heroes who died in the area or whose mortal
remains were buried there. In a city notable for being a bastion
of Liberal political ideas, actions taken to preserve the collective
memory of military figures—such as the Scottish general John
Moore, an ally of the Spanish during the Peninsular War, or
Spanish officers such as Porlier, Acevedo, and Espoz y Mina, who
were responsible for various uprisings against King Ferdinand VII
—necessarily led to the construction of provisional or permanent
tombs to house their mortal remains. Considered martyrs and
heroes fallen in defense of liberty, the political glorification of
these figures tied in with the romantic sensibility to produce a
varied set of funerary memorials and, above all, the creation of
sites of memory that made this maritime city a forerunner to the
national pantheon coveted by Spanish liberales as a means of
legitimizing their political ideals.
European Romantic Review, 2021
During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy northwestern Spanish commercial port... more During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy northwestern
Spanish commercial port of Corunna became the stage for
a series of memorialization strategies focusing on an exceptional
group of military heroes who died in the area or whose mortal
remains were buried there. In a city notable for being a bastion
of Liberal political ideas, actions taken to preserve the collective
memory of military figures—such as the Scottish general John
Moore, an ally of the Spanish during the Peninsular War, or
Spanish officers such as Porlier, Acevedo, and Espoz y Mina, who
were responsible for various uprisings against King Ferdinand VII
—necessarily led to the construction of provisional or permanent
tombs to house their mortal remains. Considered martyrs and
heroes fallen in defense of liberty, the political glorification of
these figures tied in with the romantic sensibility to produce a
varied set of funerary memorials and, above all, the creation of
sites of memory that made this maritime city a forerunner to the
national pantheon coveted by Spanish liberales as a means of
legitimizing their political ideals.
European Romantic Review, 2021
ABSTRACT During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy north-western Spanish comme... more ABSTRACT During the first decades of the nineteenth century, the busy north-western Spanish commercial port of Corunna became the stage for a series of memorialization strategies focusing on an exceptional group of military heroes who died in the area or whose mortal remains were buried there. In a city notable for being a bastion of Liberal political ideas, actions taken to preserve the collective memory of military figures—such as the Scottish general John Moore, an ally of the Spanish during the Peninsular War, or Spanish officers such as Porlier, Acevedo, and Espoz y Mina, who were responsible for various uprisings against King Ferdinand VII—necessarily led to the construction of provisional or permanent tombs to house their mortal remains. Considered martyrs and heroes fallen in defense of liberty, the political glorification of these figures tied in with the romantic sensibility to produce a varied set of funerary memorials and, above all, the creation of sites of memory that made this maritime city a forerunner to the national pantheon coveted by Spanish liberales as a means of legitimizing their political ideals.
XX Encuentro de Cementerios Patrimoniales, 2019
Además del cementerio de San Amaro, la ciudad de A Coruña conserva otro singular espacio funerari... more Además del cementerio de San Amaro, la ciudad de A Coruña conserva otro singular espacio funerario en el pequeño jardín de San Carlos, donde se localiza la tumba del general John Moore. Las dramáticas circunstancias de una muerte en batalla y entierro lejos de la patria estimularon a partir de 1809 una continua corriente de visitantes, a enmarcar en la costumbre británica de rendir homenaje a las tumbas de sus compatriotas en suelo extranjero. Los testimonios redactados por algunos militares y escritores, desde John Milford a Richard Ford y George Borrow, fueron un acicate para las mejoras en un sitio convertido desde 1838 en un romántico jardín centrado por el neoclásico sarcófago que define la presencia del héroe.
La atracción por las tumbas de personajes ilustres desarrollada en Inglaterra desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII se exportó así a España para reforzar los componentes intangibles y emocionales en torno a la tumba de Moore. La leyenda sobre una misteriosa dama inglesa que visitaba periódicamente el lugar, o las obras literarias de Charles Wolfe y Rosalía Castro fijadas en sus muros en 1927, completan los ricos significados de este poético cementerio-jardín, cuyo aprovechamiento como uno de los principales recursos turísticos de la ciudad debe forzosamente considerar aquellas tempranas muestras de necroturismo.
Memoria y Civilización, 2017
The cosmographic and geographical Arab treatise titled The Book of Curiosities of the Sciences an... more The cosmographic and geographical Arab treatise titled The Book of Curiosities of the Sciences and Marvels for the Eyes (first half of the 10th century), is preserved, since its acquisition in the year 2002, at the Oxford Bodleian Library. Inside his pages it contains a rectangular world map, which shows as the only represented building the legendary Caspian Gates, attributed to Alexander the Great. In the other confines of the inhabited lands, opposite to the north-western angle of the Iberian Peninsula, an enigmatic shape of a dilapidated tower raised the possibility that it was the figure of the ancient Roman lighthouse known as Tower of Hercules (A Coruña, Spain). Although this hypothesis finally had to be abandoned, to avoid future confusions an explanation is necessary of the eventful circumstances that surround the appearance of this figure; as well as supplied new thoughts, concerning the representations of the Tower of Hercules and other lighthouses in medieval mappae mundi.
Memoria y Civilización, 2017
Proceedings of the Fifth Internacional Conference of the European Architectural History Network, Andres Kurg and Kavin Vicente, eds., 2018
In August 1907, the Spanish writer Emilia Pardo Bazán took up residence at Torres de Meirás, even... more In August 1907, the Spanish writer Emilia Pardo Bazán took up residence at Torres de Meirás, even as the finishing touches were still being put on the new abode. Thirteen years on from laying the first stone, the famous author was anxious to install herself in the studio on the top floor of ‘Torre de la Quimera’, a room identifiable on the outside by the so-called Balcony of Muses. Designed by her own hand, the stone reliefs of the muses were accompanied by portraits of her favourite writers and the titles of their most treasured works. As someone who had either visited or was familiar with the houses of Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Edmond de Goncourt and Émile Zola, Pardo Bazán thus fulfilled her dream of having a refuge where she could hide away and find the inspiration to write.
In the nineteenth century, the distinction that came with living in a castle, in the style of Walter Scott’s Abbotsford, was allied in the case of some writers with a predilection for towers as creative havens. Coined by the critic Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve to describe the lack of social engagement in the literary output of Alfred de Vigny at his Château de Le Maine-Giraud (Pensées d’Août, 1837), the ‘ivory tower’ and the image it created spawned numerous descendants, such as Alphonse de Lamartine’s Château de Saint-Point, Alexandre Dumas’ Château de Monte-Cristo, Émile Zola’s Château de Médan, Jules Verne’s Maison à la Tour in Amiens and Emilia Pardo Bazán’s Torres de Meirás. In the spread of the phenomenon from Great Britain and, above all, France to Spain, isolation was not only expressed as a reaction to the overexposure to urban life, as denounced by Goncourt (‘La vie menace de devenir publique,’ Journal des Goncourt, Vol. I, 1891). The intense physical relationship with remote locations that enhanced the powers of concentration led to eminent writers becoming singularly involved in the design and decoration of their residences. The nineteenth-century’s tried and tested models of spatial organisation would remain influential through to the twentieth century, even in the most hostile urban environments. In assessing the conditions in which an author could give free rein to their creative energy and embrace a number of artistic fields – literature, architecture, interior decoration, garden design – these ivory towers can be seen as ideal places for the creation of words and images that were designed to endure.
When Alexandre Dumas père was at the peak of his success and popularity, he was personally involv... more When Alexandre Dumas père was at the peak of his success and popularity, he was personally involved in the design and construction of the Château de Monte-Cristo (Port-Marly, France, 1847). The architectural and ornamental features of this lavish abode can be interpreted as a reflection of Dumas’ literary ambition, as a complex aesthetic portrait. Dumas’ mise en scène of his whole life as artwork prompted him to create an elaborate display of visual rhetoric, an interplay of images and words developed through a physical and allegorical relationship with a place now appropriated by and absorbed into his persona. It is essential, therefore, that information on Dumas’ life and literary career may be combined with an iconographic analysis as a means of decoding the meanings bound up in the spectacle buildings at the Château de Monte-Cristo.
RIHA Journal, 2017
When Alexandre Dumas père was at the peak of his success and popularity, he was personally involv... more When Alexandre Dumas père was at the peak of his success and popularity, he was personally involved in the design and construction of the Château de Monte-Cristo (Port-Marly, France, 1847). The architectural and ornamental features of this lavish abode can be interpreted as a reflection of Dumas' literary ambition, as a complex aesthetic portrait. Dumas' mise en scène of his whole life as artwork prompted him to create an elaborate display of visual rhetoric, an interplay of images and words developed through a physical and allegorical relationship with a place now appropriated by and absorbed into his persona. It is essential, therefore, that information on Dumas' life and literary career may be combined with an iconographic analysis as a means of decoding the meanings bound up in the spectacle buildings at the Château de Monte-Cristo.
The San Carlos Garden or Jardín de San Carlos (Corunna, Spain) is presided since 1809 by the last... more The San Carlos Garden or Jardín de San Carlos (Corunna, Spain) is presided since 1809 by the last resting place of Lieutenant General Sir John Moore. In keeping with Moore’s wishes, after the battle fought on the outskirts of Corunna against the French the body of the fallen general was hastily interred in the city’s outer ramparts, and some months later transferred to a bastion in the old town. The first monuments and tomb built to pay homage to Moore paved the way for the idea of changing the appearance of the military enclave, remodelled in 1839 as botanical garden. Since then, the burial site and the gardens have worked together to heighten the Romantic ambience of this melancholy spot, a rare example of a unique burial site converted into a public garden -listed as historic garden in 1944- just in the heart of an old town.
In the West the cult of the remains and relics of heroes is a tradition that can essentially be t... more In the West the cult of the remains and relics of heroes is a tradition that can essentially be traced back to Ancient Greece. Nevertheless, when analyzing the re-emergence of the hero cult during a period as decisive in modern European history as the nineteenth century we should not restrict ourselves to the study of ancient tombs and memorials as archaeological artefacts alone. This paper will thus approach the cult of the Romantic hero from the perspective of cultural history, drawing on the literature and art inspired by historical figures that were the object of this new veneration. Taking Pierre Nora’s characterization of places of memory or lieux de mémoire as a starting point, this paper will reveal some of the links, from the literary to the artistic, that were used to encapsulate and project the glorification of Romantic heroes. An obsession with building tombs and memorials took root in the Romantic age, becoming the most visible manifestation of political strategies designed to convert memory into history. In examining the cases of Horatio Nelson, Antoine de Guillaume-Lagrange, John Moore and Napoleon, this paper underscores the value of focusing on the glorification of the figures being remembered – of their lives and actions – through literature and the first funeral rites, and on the structures and artworks that housed their remains and preserved their memories.
La città globale / The Global City, Marco Pretelli, Rosa Tamborrino, Ines Tolic, eds., AISU, Section F, pp. 771-784, 2020
One of the most notable aspects in the late but intense boom in cinema attendance in Spain in the... more One of the most notable aspects in the late but intense boom in cinema attendance in Spain in the post-Civil War period-the years under Franco's dictatorship (1939-1975)-was the large number of open-air or summer cinemas, which totalled 1,758 out of the 9,399 cinemas surveyed in 1965. Located mainly in the southern half of the country and on the Mediterranean coast, this dazzling constellation of outdoor viewing practices, which included screenings in bullrings, roof-tops of movie theatres and some drive-in cinemas, left an indelible mark on the urban film experience still present in the memories of past generations.
Such was the development of cinema architecture in Spain during the course of the 20th century th... more Such was the development of cinema architecture in Spain during the course of the 20th century that the country boasted one of the highest number of functioning picture halls in Europe. Founded on travelling cinemas and music halls in the early part of the century, the Spanish cinema industry eventually saw the emergence of a wide variety of permanent facilities, among them the large halls of the 1950s and 60s. Those buildings adopted the latest architectural trends, chief among them Art Nouveau, Art Deco and modernism, with the aim to stand out in the urban landscape and ultimately to attract people to venture inside. This architectural heritage, which played a key role in the modernising of Spanish society and its cities, is now an integral part of 20th-century social history, a manifestation of what was the most popular form of mass entertainment at the time
The ecclesiastical disentailment began in Spain in 1836, promoted by Mendizabal Cabinet. The oppo... more The ecclesiastical disentailment began in Spain in 1836, promoted by Mendizabal Cabinet. The opportunity to convert or demolish the urban convents gave answer in many towns to the Spanish bourgeoisie aspiration’s to enjoy new places for leisure and social relationship. A source of great interest to know what happened in the early stages of this process is Diccionario geográfico-estadístico-histórico de España y sus posesiones de Ultramar (Pascual Madoz, 1846-1850). Up to fifty cases of reuse or replacement of convents are analyzed here. During the second half of the nineteenth century, and even into the twentieth century, the ruin of many monasteries offered another opportunity to continue building ludic spaces, now with the new premises for picture halls. It is possible to recover the traces of the old convents and also evaluate the urban reconfiguration originated with the creation of new nodes and paths that changed the urban landscape in the old Spanish cities
El presente volumen ofrece una mirada crítica, global y al tiempo minuciosa, a los procesos de de... more El presente volumen ofrece una mirada crítica, global y al tiempo minuciosa, a los procesos de destrucción del patrimonio arquitectónico en Galicia desde 1936 hasta el cambio de milenio. Con la experiencia acumulada en un reconocido trabajo previo sobre las “Arquitecturas desvanecidas” antes de 1936, este equipo de especialistas en historia del arte y la arquitectura propone ahora una selección amplia y muy
representativa del bosque de edificios con valor histórico y artístico que, sobre todo en villas y ciudades, fueron desapareciendo desde la Guerra Civil hasta fechas recientes. El conjunto de 57 capítulos que
componen este libro aborda frontalmente los procesos y motivaciones que condujeron a unas pérdidas que, aunque accidentales a veces, casi siempre han sido resultado de actos intencionados amparados en excusas economicistas y de pretendido progresismo. Para poner la destrucción frente a su espejo, los autores apuestan por el conocimiento preciso y riguroso del patrimonio perdido, no solo a través de un amplio arsenal de fuentes históricas, sino también de un lujoso compendio de restituciones infográficas que permiten disfrutar en tres dimensiones y a todo color de las “Arquitecturas añoradas".
Antonio Palacios. Soños de modernidade, compromiso con Galicia / Antonio Palacios. Sueños de modernidad, compromiso con Galicia, 2020
Catálogo de edificios que integraron el patrimonio arquitectónico de la Diputación Provincial de ... more Catálogo de edificios que integraron el patrimonio arquitectónico de la Diputación Provincial de A Coruña, hasta la actualidad, incluyendo edificios desaparecidos
Reservados todos los derechos. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser reproducida o almacenada por... more Reservados todos los derechos. Ninguna parte de este libro puede ser reproducida o almacenada por cualquier sistema o transmitida por cualquier forma o medio ya sea electrónico, mecánico, fotocopia, grabación u otro método, sin el permiso previo y explícito del editor
Xardíns das Mariñas, 2008
Arquitecturas añoradas. Memoria del patrimonio desaparecido en Galicia, 2023
Análisis del Gran Teatro de Lugo, edificio de espectáculos de estilo Art déco, inaugurado en 1940... more Análisis del Gran Teatro de Lugo, edificio de espectáculos de estilo Art déco, inaugurado en 1940 y destruido en 1996
Arquitecturas añoradas. Memoria del patrimonio desaparecido en Galicia, 2023
Análisis de la Villa para el veraneo del escritor y político José Echegaray en Madrid, destruida ... more Análisis de la Villa para el veraneo del escritor y político José Echegaray en Madrid, destruida en 1997
Arquitecturas añoradas. Memoria gráfica del patrimonio destruido en Galicia en el siglo XX, 2023
jesús ángel sánchez garcía | julio vázquez castro alfredo vigo trasancos (eds.
Arquitecturas añoradas. Memoria gráfica del patrimonio destruido en Galicia en el siglo XX, 2023
jesús ángel sánchez garcía | julio vázquez castro alfredo vigo trasancos (eds.
Arquitecturas desvanecidas. Memoria gráfica del patrimonio desaparecido en Galicia, 2019
Calle del Gobernador, 18 / 28014 Madrid WWW.ABADAEDITORES.COM imagen de cubierta: diseño Sabática... more Calle del Gobernador, 18 / 28014 Madrid WWW.ABADAEDITORES.COM imagen de cubierta: diseño Sabática producción Guadalupe Gisbert isbn 978-84-00000-00-0 ibic aaaa depósito legal m-00000-2019 preimpresión Escarola Leczinska impresión COFÁS, INDUSTRIAS GRÁFICAS LECTURAS Serie H.ª del Arte y de la Arquitectura
Calle del Gobernador, 18 / 28014 Madrid WWW.ABADAEDITORES.COM imagen de cubierta: diseño Sabática... more Calle del Gobernador, 18 / 28014 Madrid WWW.ABADAEDITORES.COM imagen de cubierta: diseño Sabática producción Guadalupe Gisbert isbn 978-84-00000-00-0 ibic aaaa depósito legal m-00000-2019 preimpresión Escarola Leczinska impresión COFÁS, INDUSTRIAS GRÁFICAS LECTURAS Serie H.ª del Arte y de la Arquitectura
Calle del Gobernador, 18 / 28014 Madrid WWW.ABADAEDITORES.COM imagen de cubierta: diseño Sabática... more Calle del Gobernador, 18 / 28014 Madrid WWW.ABADAEDITORES.COM imagen de cubierta: diseño Sabática producción Guadalupe Gisbert isbn 978-84-00000-00-0 ibic aaaa depósito legal m-00000-2019 preimpresión Escarola Leczinska impresión COFÁS, INDUSTRIAS GRÁFICAS LECTURAS Serie H.ª del Arte y de la Arquitectura
Efímero y Virtual. Rescates digitales de artefactos provisionales, Victoria Soto Caba y Mercedes Simal López, editoras, 2022
Imago Urbis. Las ciudades españolas vistas por los viajeros (siglos XVI-XIX), Luis Sazatornil y Vidal de la Madrid, editores, Trea, 2019, 2019
Análisis de los dibujos realizados por George Vivian en distintas provincias españolas entre los ... more Análisis de los dibujos realizados por George Vivian en distintas provincias españolas entre los años 1833 y 1837. Dibujos publicados en las litografías de Spanish Scenery y Scenery of Portugal & Spain.
Emilia Pardo Bazán. El reto de la modernidad, 2021
Sobre la clara luna, fondo sombrío de árboles formaba cortina densa, bajo un cielo de un gris ing... more Sobre la clara luna, fondo sombrío de árboles formaba cortina densa, bajo un cielo de un gris inglés, delicado, teñido apenas por restregones de rosa, ligeros como huella de dedo de pastelista, y, entre la fluidez del celaje, un edificio me pareció fantástico: tenía la elegancia de los que se ven en las tablas antiguas, y su blancura lo destacaba como arquitectura de ensueño: torres, almenas, ventanas misteriosas. Era mi propia vivienda, que vista así adquiría magia.
ARCHITETTURE PER LA VITA Palazzi e dimore dell’ultimo gotico tra XV e XVI secolo, a cura di Armando Antista, Emanuela Garofalo, Marco Rosario Nobile, 2021
The demolition of what was known as the Casa Gótica (“Gothic House”) in A Coruña in 1936 was one ... more The demolition of what was known as the Casa Gótica (“Gothic House”) in A Coruña in 1936 was one of the most lamentable of all losses of medieval civil architecture in Galicia. The palace was built in around 1510 by Brother Juan Piñeiro Gallego, a knight commander of Portomarín and Trebejo who achieved fame and fortune in Rhodes as a member of the Order of San Juan and as a captain in the Italian Wars. The building featured an existing medieval tower, which was used as a watchtower for the port, with a new palatial building – completely open to the adjoining square – being constructed around it, in the manner of a large loggia. It was a construction unique in the Spanish-speaking world. While the decoration was Galician in style and the structure Castilian in its inspiration – based on the Casa del Cordón in Burgos – the arcade that looked out on to the main square was inspired by the Gothic buildings of northern Italy, the only possible explanation for which was the time its owner spent in the Mediterranean. Such is the importance of the palace’s new urban layout, the unique nature of its decorative elements, the fascinatingly nuanced story of the man who built it, and its physical disappearance, that an in-depth study, accompanied by virtual recreations, is needed in order to highlight the value of a building like no other.
Antonio Palacios. Sueños de modernidad, compromiso con Galicia, J.A. Sánchez García, editor., 2020
As concepcións urbanísticas de Antonio Palacios. Influencias e modelos para o Plan de Vigo e outr... more As concepcións urbanísticas de Antonio Palacios. Influencias e modelos para o Plan de Vigo e outras propostas en Galicia 308 Las concepciones urbanísticas de Antonio Palacios. Influencias y modelos para el Plan de Vigo y otras propuestas en Galicia Jesús Ángel Sánchez García A arquitectura despois de Palacios, de Madrid a Galicia: leccións, afinidades e persistencias
La Casa. Espacios domésticos. Modos de habitar, 2019
Study of the houses owned by public figures in Galicia in the closing decades of the 19th century... more Study of the houses owned by public figures in Galicia in the closing decades of the 19th century reveals a significant concentration of leading personalities on the national social and cultural scene, particularly politicians and writers, who had family homes there or chose it as the location for the construction of new abodes. The list of eminent personalities includes the Marquis of Riestra, Marquis of Vega de Armijo, José Elduayen, Eugenio Montero Ríos, José Echegaray or Emilia Pardo Bazán.
Viewed as a whole, these houses make up a varied sample of types and styles, ranging from popular architecture to the most fashionable eclecticism and comprising vernacular solutions such as Galician manor houses, but also chalets and hôtels, not to mention the time-honoured option of taking up residence in a castle. Press articles with engravings, photographs and postcards were the most common means of ensuring that the architectural physiognomy was seen not just as a symbol of status but also as an expression and aesthetic portrait of the personality of their owners
Thiasos Monografie, 11, 2018
Known around the world as the final destination on the Way of St. James, the historic city of San... more Known around the world as the final destination on the Way of St. James, the historic city of Santiago de Compostela has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1985. Striking a balance between the conservation of monuments and the dynamics of the centre-periphery relationship, a special plan for the protection and restoration of the historic city was implemented in the 1990s. Yielding excellent results, the plan received widespread international recognition, most notably in the form of the 1996 Europa Nostra Award for the restoration of a historic centre, the European Commission’s European Urban and Regional Planning Award in 1998, and the 2002 Dubai Award for best practices to improve the living environment. Taking as a reference urban renewal projects based on iconic and eye-catching buildings, such as the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, the regional government of Galicia decided in 1997 to build a vast cultural complex comprising a museum, technology centre, library, archive, opera theatre and art centre on a hill some two kilometres from the historic city. Following an international tender process, the design – named The City of Culture of Galicia – was entrusted to the architect Peter Eisenman in 1999. The winning project involved creating a street grid replicating the layout of the city’s historic centre and superimposing it on to waves of stone reminiscent of a scallop shell, a time-honoured symbol of the pilgrimage to Compostela, among other shapers from the mythical and secular history of the site. Despite its stated intention of reflecting Santiago’s historic centre and the ideals of participation and democracy that were the basis for the shaping and the identity of European cities, the project has been dogged by controversy. Weighed down by its formalist excesses and too far removed from the rest of the city, it has ground to a halt and remains unfinished, more than 15 years on from its inception.
Colección Piedras Angulares, 2019
Hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, la tecnología permite «viajar» virtualmente por lejanas ciudades y fasci... more Hoy, en pleno siglo XXI, la tecnología permite «viajar» virtualmente por lejanas ciudades y fascinarse ante las reproducciones urbanas de la era digital. No obstante, la atracción por las representaciones de ciudades tiene una larga tradición histórica, que surge de los primeros experimentos renacentistas con la perspectiva visual. Impulsada desde el siglo XVI por el desarrollo de la imprenta, la curiosidad geográfica y el éxito editorial de los atlas de ciudades, la popularidad del retrato de ciudades como género artístico se extiende por toda la Edad Moderna y culmina en el Romanticismo. Un largo periodo en el que las pintorescas ciudades españolas fueron revisitadas incansablemente, creando un repertorio de vistas basado en la mirada del otro: el viajero, el editor o el dibujante extranjero.
La presente obra analiza la evolución de la imagen artística de las ciudades españolas a través de libros ilustrados, estampas, acuarelas, dibujos y óleos, desde esos primeros atlas hasta la aparición de la fotografía. Un itinerario que comienza con los pioneros repertorios de vistas de ciudades en el Renacimiento y el Barroco (Braun, Colmenar, Lavanha o Texeira), se renueva en tiempos de la Ilustración (Villanueva, Ponz, Laborde, Bradford y Murphy) y alcanza su plenitud con la nostálgica mirada de los viajeros románticos (Locker, Lewis, Roberts, Gail, Vivian, Villaamil o Doré). Después, la aparición de la fotografía (Clifford y Laurent) y las vistas aéreas (Guesdon), junto a la expansión industrial burguesa, transformarán la percepción de la ciudad tradicional, completando este viaje visual y literario por la iconografía urbana, un género artístico aún fragmentariamente conocido y que permite —como pocos— aventurarse por los paisajes históricos de las ciudades.
Esta obra se publica con motivo de la exposición Imago Urbis. Las ciudades españolas vistas por los viajeros (siglos XVI-XIX), organizada por el Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias en colaboración con el proyecto de investigación “Culturas urbanas en la España Moderna (siglos XVI-XIX)”, financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades).
Recoge una de las principales líneas de investigación del citado proyecto, centrada en los «Imaginarios urbanos», y ha sido coordinada por Luis Sazatornil Ruiz (catedrático de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Cantabria) y Vidal de la Madrid Álvarez (catedrático de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Oviedo). En su redacción también han participado Gabino Busto Hevia (conservador del Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias), Teresa Caballero Navas (biblioteca y archivo del Museo de Bellas Artes de Asturias), Javier González Santos (profesor titular de la Universidad de Oviedo), Yayoi Kawamura (profesora titular de la Universidad de Oviedo), Juan Martínez Moro (catedrático de Dibujo de la Universidad de Cantabria), Isabel M. Rodríguez Marco (Cuerpo Facultativo de Conservadores de Museos), Jesús Ángel Sánchez García (profesor titular de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela), Blanca Sazatornil Pinedo (Cuerpo Facultativo de Conservadores de Museos) y María Soto Cano (doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Oviedo).
culturAs coordinAción: arquivo municipal da coruña dpto. de eXposicións do concello da coruña com... more culturAs coordinAción: arquivo municipal da coruña dpto. de eXposicións do concello da coruña comisArios: Jaime oíza Galán mª de la o suárez rodríGuez textos: antonio lópez mariño Jaime oíza Galán Jesús ánGel sánchez García mª de la o suárez rodríGuez trAducción: patricia sotelo dios trAtAmento de imAxes: José caruncho ProcesAdo de imAxes: aF Fine art photoGraphic restAurAción de documentos: eva García amador documentos textuAis e de imAxen: arquivo municipal da coruña colección antonio caruncho colección Bartolomé-chavert deseño do cAtálogo: edición: editorial mic © da edición: concello da coruña © dos teXtos: os autores depósito leGal: c 989-2016 presentación do alcade da coruña / presentación del alcalde de a coruña 7 teXtos aBrindo horizontes. a coruña dos 70 e 80 do século XiX. aBriendo horizontes. a coruña de los 70 y 80 del siGlo XiX. Jaime oiza Galán -maría de la o suárez rodríGuez 7 pax. / pag. ai xa anos que Henry Cartier Bresson, o cofundador da axencia Magnum, dixo que non lle interesaba a fotografía, senón a vida. Creo que é unha sentenza acertada. A fotografía ten moito de arte, de simbolismo e de ciencia, pero tamén moito de realidade e de xornalismo. É unha forma de captar a esencia dun tempo. En definitiva, de contar unha vida: a dun país, a dun pobo, a dunha cidade… O Kiosco Alfonso acolle estes días a exposición Abrindo Horizontes, unha crónica visual da Coruña do século XIX realizada por unha testemuña de excepción: Valentín Mendía, un veciño da Rioxa que traballou na nosa cidade durante uns anos como funcionario e como profesional da fotografía.
Partiendo de una aproximación metodológica interdisciplinar, una selección de textos literarios y... more Partiendo de una aproximación metodológica interdisciplinar, una selección de textos literarios y periodísticos de diferentes autores españoles –Unamuno, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Azorín, Ramón Rucabado o Ramiro de Maeztu- sirven para poner de manifiesto las primeras apreciaciones sobre los valores estéticos a preservar en la fisonomía y ambientes urbanos de ciudades históricas como Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Toledo o Ávila. Esta línea de pensamiento sobre la conservación de las viejas ciudades, surgida entre las décadas finales del siglo XIX a los comienzos del XX, debe relacionarse con los procesos paralelos de renovación arquitectónica y urbanística, al confluir esta visión nostálgica y patrimonial del paisaje urbano con el contexto de modernización de las ciudades españolas. Las visiones desde la literatura evidencian sus puntos de contacto en temas arquitectónicos y urbanísticos como la recepción del tópico de la ciudad muerta, acuñado en la novela de Georges Rodenbach Bruges-la-Morte (1892), las denuncias sobre la intromisión y falta de armonía de ciertas edificaciones eclécticas y modernistas, o la favorable consideración hacia la opción regionalista como vía para asegurar la integración de las nuevas construcciones en las viejas ciudades. Los debates sobre los aspectos negativos o distorsionadores para el mantenimiento de la estética urbana se apoyaron en posiciones que, entendiendo la ciudad como obra de arte, abrieron el camino a defender la necesidad de acometer políticas de conservación de la arquitectura vernácula y de los valores pintorescos, con lo que es posible establecer concordancias con la apreciación de la dimensión cultural del paisaje urbano en la escala europea de aquellos años del cambio de siglo.
Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this research uses a selection of literary and journalistic texts from different Spanish writers - Unamuno, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Azorín, Ramon Rucabado or Ramiro de Maeztu- with the aim of highlighting the first insights into the aesthetic values in the urban physiognomy and landscape of historic cities like Salamanca, Santiago de Compostela, Toledo or Ávila. Emerged from the final decades of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth, this new line of thinking about the preservation of historic cities may be connected both with architectural and with urban renewal, merging the nostalgic gaze with the context of modernization of Spanish cities. The combination of visions from literature and urbanism show points of agreement on issues such as the reception of the topic of the dead city, coined in the novel Bruges-la-Morte (1892) by Georges Rodenbach; the complaints about the disruption and lack of harmony in some eclectic and art nouveau buildings; and the favourable regard to the regionalism as an architectural answer to ensure the integration of new buildings in old cities. The debates on the negative or distorting aspects that affected urban aesthetics relied on positions understanding the city as a work of art, which opened the way to emphasize the importance of conservation policies concerning vernacular architecture and picturesque values; so it is possible to establish concordances in the appreciation of the cultural dimension of the urban landscape with the Europe of those years of the turn of the century.
History and architectural features are considered for the two lighthouses built on the island of ... more History and architectural features are considered for the two lighthouses built on the island of Sálvora, Galicia (1853 and 1921). Some months before the unveiling of the second lighthouse, on January 2, 1921, just in front of the island took place the wreck of the ocean liner Santa Isabel.
Quintana Revista Do Departamento De Historia Da Arte, 2012
Quintana Revista De Estudos Do Departamento De Historia Da Arte, 2012
Quintana Revista De Estudos Do Departamento De Historia Da Arte, 2013
Quintana Revista Do Departamento De Historia Da Arte, 2013
Quintana Revista De Estudos Do Departamento De Historia Da Arte, 2006
Quintana Revista Do Departamento De Historia Da Arte, 2011
The Spanish Cinemas architectural database aims to provide a historical record of all surviving c... more The Spanish Cinemas architectural database aims to provide a historical record of all surviving cinemas, including those adapted for other uses or highly altered over the years.
This project is focused on the historic movie theaters of Spain, from their earliest survival onwards, and sets them within their context
by Revista Quintana, Alfredo Vigo Trasancos, Juan Miguel Muñoz Corbalán, Juan David Díaz López, Emma López Bahut, Juan Ignacio Prieto López, Antonio S. Río Vázquez, Inmaculada Rodriguez Moya, Imanol Zumalde, Mercedes López-Mayán, Leticia Bermejo de Rueda, Jesus Angel Sanchez-Garcia, and Pablo Allepuz García
by Revista Quintana, José Manuel B. López Vázquez, minia bravo, Joaquín García Nistal, Fernando Gutiérrez Baños, Rosario LLamas-Pacheco, Maite Mendez-Baiges, Monica Ortuzar, rosa perales-piqueres, Iñigo Sarriugarte, Natalia Tielve, Carlos Villar-Taboada, Mercedes López-Mayán, Patricia Andrés González, María Rivo Vázquez, Teresa Llácer Viel, Victoria Soto Caba, Alfredo Vigo Trasancos, and Jesus Angel Sanchez-Garcia
by Revista Quintana, Didier Martens, Victor I Stoichita, Jose Luis Castro de Paz, Gladys Arana, Anton Castro, Juan David Díaz López, Francisco Juan Garcia Gomez, Roque Lazcano Vázquez, Rosa María Rodríguez Porto, Alfredo Vigo Trasancos, and Jesus Angel Sanchez-Garcia
by Revista Quintana, Rose Walker, Javier Maderuelo, Alberto Darias Príncipe, Laura F. Gibellini, Pedro Luengo Gutierrez (龙彼得), Xosé Nogueira, Laura Pelayo, Julia Ramírez-Blanco, Miguel Tain Guzman, Irene Mera Álvarez, Aránzazu Pérez Indaverea, Agar Ledo Arias, Alfredo Vigo Trasancos, and Jesus Angel Sanchez-Garcia
The medieval village of Portomarín, a strategic stretch on the French Way to Compostela, was decl... more The medieval village of Portomarín, a strategic stretch on the French Way to Compostela, was declared as Historic Site in 1946. However, at the beginning of 1963, this place was completely flooded after the construction of the Belesar dam. A temporary emptying of the waters allowed the villagers to return to their houses and recover belongings abandoned in the hasty departure, until the Fenosa company, under the protection of Franco’s dictatorial regime, proceeded to dynamite the old village.
The virtual reconstruction of Portomarín, financed by the College of William&Mary (USA) and Galiverso (Xunta de Galicia, Spain), has as its theoretical framework the history of digital art, searching for recover the specific characteristics of the structure and physiognomy of the disappeared village. The final result was exhibited from November 2023 in the form of a virtual experience with 3D Oculus glasses.
The process was surrounded by numerous problems and limitations due to the lack of historical plans and even the loss of the model made specifically for Fenosa propaganda. Fortunately, the archive of the local photographer José López -Foto Pereira- provided the images needed for the joint work of historians and graphic designers. As rigorous and accurate as Virtual Portomarín is, its authenticity as a digital artefact is relative. Neither the realistic textures nor the sound ambience that accompanies it can replace the direct experience. The possibilities of disseminating the lost heritage, the tourist experience and future educational guides should be considered as alternatives to the irreparable loss of the historic village.
In the early days of film projections, when the most popular venues were still show-booths and tr... more In the early days of film projections, when the most popular venues were still show-booths and travelling pavilions, the first attempts to set up permanent premises that would lure a family clientele addressed the problem of enhancing its urban visibility. The presentation of the cinematograph as a magical and captivating place that met the passers-by was supported by the Art Nouveau decorative repertoire and distinctive white tones applied to the facades. The influence of the white pavilions at various international exhibitions -Turin, St. Louis, Milan-, safety regulations and decorative guidelines are combined in an aesthetic and symbolic analysis that does not forget the hygienic and moral connotations linked to the publicity and social prominence of the new entertainment.
La visibilidad del coleccionismo privado: de la Ilustración a la Segunda República 17 y 18 de octubre de 2022, 2022
Encuentro científico. La visibilidad del coleccionismo privado: de la Ilustración a la Segunda Re... more Encuentro científico. La visibilidad del coleccionismo privado: de la Ilustración a la Segunda República 17 y 18 de octubre de 2022 Este encuentro se centrará en las numerosas iniciativas y mecanismos a través de los cuales el coleccionismo particular de la nobleza y de la burguesía se hizo visible a lo largo de casi tres siglos. Desde diferentes puntos de vista, se analizan algunas de las prácticas más habituales de este proceso, así como determinados casos concretos en relación con los museos e instituciones públicas, las transferencias culturales, la resignificación de las colecciones y las nuevas formas de sociabilidad que se fueron sucediendo desde mediados del siglo XVIII hasta el primer tercio del siglo XX.
XX Encuentro de Cementerios Patrimoniales, 2019
Además del cementerio de San Amaro, la ciudad de A Coruña conserva otro singular espacio funerari... more Además del cementerio de San Amaro, la ciudad de A Coruña conserva otro singular espacio funerario en el pequeño jardín de San Carlos, donde se localiza la tumba del general John Moore. Las dramáticas circunstancias de una muerte en batalla y entierro lejos de la patria estimularon a partir de 1809 una continua corriente de visitantes, a enmarcar en la costumbre británica de rendir homenaje a las tumbas de sus compatriotas en suelo extranjero. Los testimonios redactados por algunos militares y escritores, desde John Milford a Richard Ford y George Borrow, fueron un acicate para las mejoras en un sitio convertido desde 1838 en un romántico jardín centrado por el neoclásico sarcófago que define la presencia del héroe.
La atracción por las tumbas de personajes ilustres desarrollada en Inglaterra desde la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII se exportó así a España para reforzar los componentes intangibles y emocionales en torno a la tumba de Moore. La leyenda sobre una misteriosa dama inglesa que visitaba periódicamente el lugar, o las obras literarias de Wolfe y Rosalía Castro fijadas en sus muros en 1927, completan los ricos significados de este poético cementerio-jardín, cuyo aprovechamiento como uno de los principales recursos turísticos de la ciudad debe forzosamente considerar aquellas tempranas muestras de necroturismo.
La città globale / The Global City, Marco Pretelli, Ines Tolic, Rosa Tamborrino, eds., AISU, 2021, Section F, pp. 771-784, 2019
One of the most notable aspects in the late but intense boom in cinema attendance in Spain in the... more One of the most notable aspects in the late but intense boom in cinema attendance in Spain in the post-Civil War period-the years under Franco's dictatorship (1939-1975)-was the large number of open-air or summer cinemas, which totalled 1,758 out of the 9,399 cinemas surveyed in 1965. Located mainly in the southern half of the country and on the Mediterranean coast, this dazzling constellation of outdoor viewing practices, which included screenings in bullrings, roof-tops of movie theatres and some drive-in cinemas, left an indelible mark on the urban film experience still present in the memories of past generations.
This paper aims to examine the role played by the travelling cinemas in the urban landscape of th... more This paper aims to examine the role played by the travelling cinemas in the urban landscape of the Spanish cities during the arrival of the new and eye-catching decorative motifs coming from the Art Nouveau style. Plans, postcards and ancient photographs show the elements that served as effective masks in order to set apart these exhibition venues from the fairground booths that had received the films in their beginnings. The decorative motifs were completed with another appealing device: the fairground organs popularized during the Universal Exhibition of Paris (1900), which came to Spain by the hand of the French manufacturers Limonaire and Gavioli
Architectures and collective memories linked to the old cinemas in Pontevedra, Spain
Transcorrido máis dun século dende a chegada a Galicia do cinematógrafo, esta mostra recolle as m... more Transcorrido máis dun século dende a chegada a Galicia do cinematógrafo, esta mostra recolle as moi variadas arquitecturas empregadas para a súa exhibición, dende as primeiras proxeccións ambulantes en espacios preexistentes, ata a aparición da tipoloxía propia desta industria. A súa asombrosa evolución, co seu apoxeo a mediados do século vinte, rematou nunha crise case definitiva para a maioría destes "templos". Nos últimos anos hai un rexurdimento do espectáculo, integrado maioritariamente en modelos de consumo como os centros comerciais.
Innovación Docente e Investigación en Arte y Humanidades, Dykinson, 2020
En alguna ocasión se ha llamado la atención sobre la paradoja que afecta a los profesores de hist... more En alguna ocasión se ha llamado la atención sobre la paradoja que afecta a los profesores de historia del arte, ante el bajo interés por la práctica de las artes objeto de su docencia, en contraste con el significativo número de profesores de literatura o música que sí escriben o tocan instrumentos. Este curioso desapego no debiera llevar a pensar que los profesores de historia del arte renuncien a ser tan creativos como, por ejemplo, es habitual entre los de Bellas Artes. Bien al contrario, la capacidad de crear e innovar, frecuentemente esgrimida como factor de los cambios artísticos, debiera servir como modelo y estímulo para plantear procesos de aprendizaje igualmente creativos e inspiradores.
Junto a la tendencia a la evaluación continua que ya venía de atrás, la reciente crisis del COVID-19 ha reactivado los debates sobre la enseñanza en los entornos de aprendizaje virtuales y la obligación de reformular los sistemas de evaluación. La evaluación que se suele incluir en las últimas posiciones de las programaciones docentes evidencia en estos contextos su condición de premisa y componente esencial en las estrategias de aprendizaje profundo. Partiendo de analizar aspectos como la inercia a la hora de mantener sistemas de evaluación anclados en el aprendizaje memorístico, el escaso trabajo colaborativo entre profesores, o la baja aplicación de metodologías y herramientas digitales que aprovechen los recursos disponibles en internet más allá de recopilar información, esta ponencia explora algunas posibilidades en evaluación continua y pruebas del tipo de análisis de casos o solución de problemas, como alternativas capaces de suscitar respuestas creativas y articuladas para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Humanidades.
Innovación docente e investigación en arte y humanidades: avanzado en el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje, 2020, ISBN 978-84-1377-217-2, págs. 525-534, 2020
En alguna ocasión se ha llamado la atención sobre la paradoja que afecta a los profesores de hist... more En alguna ocasión se ha llamado la atención sobre la paradoja que afecta a los profesores de historia del arte, ante el bajo interés por la práctica de las artes objeto de su docencia, en contraste con el significativo número de profesores de literatura o música que sí escriben o tocan instrumentos. Este curioso desapego no debiera llevar a pensar que los profesores de historia del arte renuncien a ser tan creativos como, por ejemplo, es habitual entre los de Bellas Artes. Bien al contrario, la capacidad de crear e innovar, frecuentemente esgrimida como factor de los cambios artísticos, debiera servir como modelo y estímulo para plantear procesos de aprendizaje igualmente creativos e inspiradores. Junto a la tendencia a la evaluación continua que ya venía de atrás, la reciente crisis del COVID-19 ha reactivado los debates sobre la enseñanza en los entornos de aprendizaje virtuales y la obligación de reformular los sistemas de evaluación. La evaluación que se suele incluir en las últimas posiciones de las programaciones docentes evidencia en estos contextos su condición de premisa y componente esencial en las estrategias de aprendizaje profundo. Partiendo de analizar aspectos como la inercia a la hora de mantener sistemas de evaluación anclados en el aprendizaje memorístico, el escaso trabajo colaborativo entre profesores, o la baja aplicación de metodologías y herramientas digitales que aprovechen los recursos disponibles en internet más allá de recopilar información, esta ponencia explora algunas posibilidades en evaluación continua y pruebas del tipo de análisis de casos o solución de problemas, como alternativas capaces de suscitar respuestas creativas y articuladas para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Humanidades.
This work explains how an interdisciplinary approach was conceived and applied in order to addin... more This work explains how an interdisciplinary approach was conceived and applied in order to adding dynamism to the students' learning in different subjects of Humanities and Social Sciences degrees. This project springs up from the teacher’s concern on the lack of real cross curricular contents and skills in the former branch of knowledge of Geography and History. To respond to the students' formative needs within the context of the EHEA the experience put into practice some active methodologies of learning.
Revista Del Congres Internacional De Docencia Universitaria I Innovacio, Mar 5, 2015
Esta experiencia plantea una propuesta interdisciplinar para dinamizar el aprendizaje de los estu... more Esta experiencia plantea una propuesta interdisciplinar para dinamizar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en varias materias de grados de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Teniendo como punto de partida la preocupación docente por la falta de una efectiva transversalidad en contenidos y competencias dentro de la antigua rama de conocimiento de los estudios de Geografía e Historia, a la hora de responder a las necesidades formativas contempladas en los nuevos grados se expone la puesta en práctica de diversas metodologías activas de aprendizaje.
Innovacion Metodologica Y Docente En Historia Arte Y Geografia Recurso Electronico Actas Congreso Internacional Santiago De Compostela 7 9 De Septiembre De 2011 2012 Isbn 978 84 9887 932 2 Pags 954 958, 2012
This paper focus on the use of the WebQuest methodology in the field of higher education in Human... more This paper focus on the use of the WebQuest methodology in the field of higher education in Humanities, in particular for the subject of the history of architecture and urban planning. The teaching experience developed during the present academic year within the framework of the new Degree in Geography (University of Santiago de Compostela) set out the interest in using the short duration WebQuest model as a strategy to motivate and to improve the learning in the interactive or practical classes of a subject adapted to the EHEA. Through the design of small projects of learning focused on contents of history of architecture and urbanism triying to exceed the easy compilation of information; so that the students use different resources in Internet and can go deeper into questions of urban architecture and the role of the building types in the construction of the town in different historical periods. Outside the usual methodology of working in groups within the WebQuest, as a consequence of the reduced number of students in the subject this experience opted for a personal and independent phase such as the preparation, sharing and explanation of the results of common interactive practise at a later moment.
Esta comunicación plantea las experiencias en la aplicación de una técnica de role playing para l... more Esta comunicación plantea las experiencias en la aplicación de una técnica de role playing para las clases prácticas de la materia “Conservación de Bienes Culturales”. La simulación de una situación real, con asignación de diferentes papeles de los estudiantes, se ha venido empleando en los últimos cursos para desarrollar al menos dos prácticas, centradas respectivamente en el análisis de las teorías de restauración del siglo XIX y en la polémica contemporánea sobre la devolución de las esculturas del Partenón de Atenas. Junto a la exposición de la metodología seguida en dichas clases, se incluye una evaluación de los resultados obtenidos y satisfacción de los estudiantes.
En un contexto de primacía y acumulación de espectáculos visuales, las propuestas de la arquitect... more En un contexto de primacía y acumulación de espectáculos visuales, las propuestas de la arquitectura internacional de las últimas décadas se han sumado con entusiasmo a la tendencia hacia lo espectacular, por lo que resulta extremadamente complicado orientarse en medio de la profusión de imágenes derivadas de esa auténtica inflación de proyectos, a cual más llamativo y “gesticulante” en la competencia por captar la atención de medios, público y clientes.
Siendo internet la mejor fuente para localizar imágenes sobre las últimas propuestas arquitectónicas, se considera el interés de desarrollar un aprendizaje basado en una experiencia de búsqueda, selección y análisis de obras proyectadas o construidas.
Gracias a la elaboración de e-portfolios individuales sobre este tema, en una segunda fase los trabajos personales son expuestos a la valoración del resto de estudiantes de la asignatura por medio de su publicación e inserción en un entorno virtual, desarrollándose una experiencia de aprendizaje colaborativo, tanto virtual como presencial.
Memoria y Civilización, 2017
El tratado cosmográfico y geográfico árabe titulado Libro de las Curiosidades de las Ciencias y M... more El tratado cosmográfico y geográfico árabe titulado Libro de las Curiosidades de las Ciencias y Maravillas para los Ojos (primera mitad del siglo XI), se conserva, desde su adquisición en el año 2002, en la Bodleian Library de Oxford. Sus páginas contienen un mapamundi rectangular en el que la única construcción dibujada son las legendarias Puertas del Caspio, atribuidas a Alejandro Magno. Al otro confín de las tierras habitadas, frente al ángulo noroccidental de la península ibérica, una enigmática forma de torre arruinada suscitó la posibilidad de que se tratara del antiguo faro romano conocido como la Torre de Hércules (La Coruña, España). Aunque finalmente esta hipótesis fue descartada, se hace necesaria una explicación de las azarosas circunstancias que condujeron a la aparición de esta fantasmal imagen para evitar futuras confusiones, a la vez que se aportan nuevas consideraciones en torno a las representaciones de la Torre de Hércules y otros
faros de la Antigüedad en los mapamundis medievales.
Emilia Pardo Bazán en su centenario. Literatura y vida en los siglos XIX, XX y XXI