Adam Krzywon | University of Warsaw (original) (raw)
Papers by Adam Krzywon
Revista Dominicana de Derecho Constitucional, 2024
Resumen: las plataformas en línea interactúan con un número elevado de usuarios, ejerciendo una i... more Resumen: las plataformas en línea interactúan con un número elevado
de usuarios, ejerciendo una influencia directa en los contenidos publicados
y las informaciones diseminadas. Hoy en día, no cabe duda de
que resulta necesario un marco jurídico que regule el funcionamiento
de las plataformas en línea, y la pregunta principal es cómo llevar a
cabo una regulación adecuada y eficaz, asegurando el respeto de los
derechos de todas las partes involucradas. El presente estudio analiza
el nuevo marco regulatorio de la Unión Europea adoptado en 2022
(Digital Services Act). La idea principal de este análisis es demostrar
que el Digital Services Act, siendo un ejemplo del constitucionalismo
digital de la Unión Europea, constituye un marco apropiado para proporcionar
un equilibrio horizontal entre los derechos de los usuarios
y las plataformas en línea.
Revista Española de Derecho Europeo, 2023
On 7 October 2021, the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland declared the unconstitutionality of ess... more On 7 October 2021, the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland declared the
unconstitutionality of essential provisions of the Treaty on European Union, calling
into question the principle of the primacy of EU law (judgment K 3/21).
This decision is closely related to the Polish judicial reform that has been severely
criticised by the CJEU for violating standards of judicial independence. This
study first explains the process of political capture of the Polish Constitutional
Court and then looks at the content of the K 3/21 judgment: the Polish Constitutional
Tribunal attempt to reject the aforementioned case law of the CJEU on the
grounds that the EU institutions have exceeded their competences. Secondly, this
study aims to determine the extent of the Union’s competences in the area of the
national judiciary, to explain the methods of resolving potential conflicts between
national and EU laws and to analyse the consequences of the primacy principle.
The key argument of this part of the article is that national judges have the faculty
to examine, ex officio, the compatibility of a given national provision with EU law.
This power cannot be limited by any national act, nor by the fact that there is a
prior declaration of its constitutionality.
La evidencia científica y tecnológica como recurso jurídico, 2022
Reflections for Quality Democracy in a Technological Age (part two), 2023
W poszukiwaniu dobrego prawa. Księga Jubileuszowa Profesora Mirosława Steca (tom I), 2022
Digital Transformations in Public International Law, 2022
This chapter analyses the impact of the Internet and the shift in communication processes on the ... more This chapter analyses the impact of the Internet and the shift in communication processes on the States' obligations emerging from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). It claims that the environment created by the Internet is different from the traditional one; that is, it substantially empowers a range of private actors such as social media and other Internet platforms. That is why in the light of the actual development of the ECHR's standards, both the strict distinction between positive and negative State's obliga tions, and an overall preference for the latter are anachronistic. This chapter claims that it is crucial to keep developing European minimal safeguards in horizontal online relations when human rights violation is a result of a State's non-compliance with the positive duty. Against this backdrop, this chapter centers around the influence of the Internet on the exercise and protection of selected human rights and the changing nature of communication processes, as well as the game-changing shift caused by the growing power of private actors. It also includes a detailed analysis of the scope and content of positive State's obligations emerging from the use of the Internet, focusing on substantive obligations (i.e., the legal framework and the allocation of responsibilities), as well as on the issue of the public guarantees for online pluralism and procedural obligations (the duty to provide responses to allegations concerning online ill-treatment inflicted by private individuals).
Państwo i Prawo, 2022
"Freedom of Expression on the Internet. About the Role of Social Media and State’s Positive Oblig... more "Freedom of Expression on the Internet. About the Role of Social Media and State’s Positive Obligations". Abstract: Modern online communication processes are characterized by the growing role of private entities (social media) and the emergence of numerous conflicts of a horizontal nature. This paper examines these issues from the standpoint of the ECtHR’s theory of positive obligations. Consequently, it analyses the impact of new technologies on the freedom of expression, the paradigm shift in communication, and the State’s positive obligations to prevent horizontal abuses. The article also analyses the existing and planned legal framework (national and EU). The main argument of this article is that public control over social media should be strengthened. Limiting their discretion to ensure adequate protection of rights and freedoms does not mean, however, the freedom of forum, understood as an unlimited right of access to the platform in order to express opinions.
FÖV Discussion Papers, 2022
The aim of this paper is to create an analytical framework for comparative study (FÖV project “Th... more The aim of this paper is to create an analytical framework for comparative study (FÖV project “The Transformation of the Civil Service in Europe”). It explores the scope and denotation of the terms “civil service” and “civil servant”. Its main argument is that a comparative legal ana-lysis should distinguish the notions of public service and civil service. Public service concerns a type of professional activity related to the exercise of all public power (legislative, executive and judicial). Civil servants are officials employed by the executive; they have special duties and responsibilities and are often subject to specific requirements. The employment regime is not decisive for the status of civil servant, due to the fact that government officials in Europe are employed both under public or private (labour) law. Nonetheless, they should enjoy stability of employment and exercise their competencies on a regular basis, not ad hoc.
Revista de Derecho Político, 2022
En Europa Central, sobre todo en Hungría y en Polonia, en los últimos años se evidencian varios p... more En Europa Central, sobre todo en Hungría y en Polonia, en los últimos años se evidencian varios problemas relacionados con la democracia, el equilibrio constitucional y el Estado de Derecho. En poco tiempo, los dirigentes políticos iliberales pusieron en práctica un orden que cuestiona directamente varios principios que forman parte del fundamento axiológico de la Unión Europea. El presente artículo explica por qué el iliberalismo ha tenido tanto éxito en esta región y que técnicas se han utilizado para el refuerzo del secuestro político de varias instituciones del Estado, sobre todo el poder judicial. El artículo contiene también un análisis crítico de la postura y la reacción de la Unión Europea. Una de las principales hipótesis del presente estudio es que Hungría y Polonia han avanzado tanto en su camino hacia el iliberalismo constitucional que resulta extremadamente difícil indicar técnicas legislativas simples para el rápido restablecimiento de la democracia liberal en estos dos países.
In Central Europe, especially in Hungary and Poland, over the last years there are serious problems related to democracy, constitutional balance and the rule of law. In a short time, the illiberal political leaders put into practice an order that calls into question principles that form part of the axiological foundation of the European Union. This article explains why illiberalism has been so successful in this region and which techniques have been used to reinforce the political capture of various state institutions,especially the judiciary. The article also contains a critical analysis of the European Union’s attitude towards Hungarian and Polish illiberalism. The general hypothesis of this study is that Hungary and Poland have gone so far towards constitutional illiberalism, that it is extremely difficult to indicate the simple legal remedies for rapid return of these countries to liberal democracy.
Estudios de casos líderes europeos. Vol. XXIII. Las elecciones libres en la doctrina de Estrasburgo, 2022
REALaw blog, 2021
Comparative study of the employment regimes of public officials in European countries requires an... more Comparative study of the employment regimes of public officials in European countries requires an appropriate analytical framework, including definitions. This blog entry explores the meaning and scope of terms “civil service” and “civil servant”. It argues that a civil servant is an employee of the executive power, who has special duties and responsibilities, and should often meet specific requirements.
German Law Journal, 2021
Electoral disinformation has become one of the most challenging problems for democratic states. A... more Electoral disinformation has become one of the most challenging problems for democratic states. All of them are facing the phenomenon of-both online and offline-dissemination of false information during preelectoral period, which is harmful for individual and collective rights. As a consequence, some European countries adopted special measures, including summary judicial proceedings in order to declare that information or materials used in electioneering are false and to prohibit its further dissemination. There are already three rulings of the ECtHR concerning this expeditious judicial examination provided in the Polish law. In December 2018 France passed complex regulation against manipulation of information that include similar mechanisms. This article, basing on the ECtHR's case law and some national experiences, attempts to define the minimal European standard for measures targeted at electoral disinformation, especially judicial summary proceeding. It contains the analysis of the notion of electoral disinformation, defines the state's positive obligations in this sphere, and indicates mayor challenges for the legal framework. The principal argument is that summary judicial proceedingsif adequately designedcannot be questioned from the Convention standpoint and provide a partial solution to the problem of electoral disinformation.
Reflexiones para una democracia de calidad en una era tecnológica, 2021
Legebiltzarreko Aldizkaria - LEGAL - Revista del Parlamento Vasco, 2020
In the judgment of 24 June 2019, Commission v. Poland (Independence of the Supreme Court), C-619/18, EU:C:2019:531, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on the retirement of Polish Supreme Court judges, declaring that the mechanism of arbitrary lowering the retirement age was not compatible with the European Union law. This commentary analyses the latest changes in the Polish judicial system and the CJEU's arguments. The study is focused in the change in European case-law and the development of instruments available to the EU institutions for monitoring judicial independence. The paper discusses also the elements of the judicial independence indicated by CJEU and the rules on the retirement of judges.
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, 2020
Agenda Estado de Derecho, 2020
Państwo i Prawo, 2020
W sprawie Brzeziński przeciwko Polsce ETPC po raz trzeci zajmował się zagadnieniem przyśpieszoneg... more W sprawie Brzeziński przeciwko Polsce ETPC po raz trzeci zajmował się zagadnieniem przyśpieszonego wyborczego trybu postępowania sądowego. Wyrok ten stanowi dobrą okazję do przeanalizowania, czy problemy z poszanowaniem wolności wypowiedzi w kontekście szczególnego trybu wyborczego wynikają z treści normatywnej przepisów, czy z wadliwej praktyki ich stosowania. Bez wątpienia wolne wybory i wolność wypowiedzi stanowią podstawę każdego systemu demokratycznego. Są to prawa ze sobą powiązane i wzajemnie się wzmacniające. Z tego względu szczególnie ważne jest, aby w okresie poprzedzającym wybory umożliwić swobodny przepływ wszelkiego rodzaju opinii i informacji. Niemniej jednak, władze krajowe są uprawnione do tworzenia specjalnych procedur w celu zapewnienia właściwego przebiegu kampanii wyborczej przez zapobieganie rozpowszechnianiu fałszywych informacji. W związku z tym możliwe jest sądowe weryfikowanie prawdziwości twierdzeń zawartych w materiałach wyborczych. Szczególne sądowe postępowania wyborcze nie powinny mieć jednak zastosowania do ocen (sądów wartościujących). Jeżeli te ostatnie naruszają prawa osobiste kandydata, to może on skorzystać ze zwykłych środków prawnych.
In the case, Brzeziński v. Poland, the European Court of Human Rights for the third time addressed the issue of the summary electoral proceedings in the Polish legal system. The last judgement is an excellent opportunity to examine if the provisions of the electoral law concerning these proceedings are well designed and correctly interpreted by the Polish courts. There is no doubt that free elections and freedom of expression together form the bedrock of any democratic system. The two rights are inter-related and operate to reinforce each other. For this reason, it is particularly important in the period preceding an election that opinions and information of all kinds are permitted to circulate freely. On the other hand, national authorities are legitimised to create special proceedings in order to ensure the proper conduct of the electoral campaign by preventing the dissemination of false information. As a consequence, it is possible to verify factual statements contained in the materials pertaining to an electoral campaign. Special proceedings should not apply to the value judgements. If such comments and opinions infringe the candidate’s personal rights, he or she may seek redress under the general rules of protection of individual rights.
Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, 2020
El objeto del estudio en el presente artículo es la visión general de independencia judicial en l... more El objeto del estudio en el presente artículo es la visión general de independencia judicial en la UE y los mecanismos de su defensa. Se analizan tanto las vías de protec-ción de este principio como su desarrollo y contenido sustancial en el contexto de la reciente jurisprudencia del TJUE sobre el estatus del Poder Judicial en Polonia. En la primera parte del artículo se explican los instrumentos (de carácter político y jurídico) disponibles para garantizar la independencia judicial en la UE. El objetivo es demos-trar cómo el procedimiento del art. 7 TUE, las cuestiones prejudiciales (art. 267 TFUE) y los recursos de incumplimiento (art. 258 TFUE) incrementan la exigibilidad de la independencia judicial en el espacio jurídico europeo. En la segunda parte, el objeto de estudio es el mismo concepto de la independencia judicial y las garantías detalladas en este campo en la última jurisprudencia, incluyendo reglas para los nombramientos judiciales, el régimen de la jubilación, la responsabilidad disciplinaria y la remuneración.
The purpose of this article is the general vision of judicial independence in the EU and its defence mechanisms. The article analyses the ways of the protection of this principle, as well as its development and substantial content in the context of the recent CJEU jurisprudence on the status of the judiciary in Poland. The first part of the article explains the techniques (of a political and legal nature) to guarantee judicial independence in the EU. The objective is to demonstrate how the procedure based on the Article 7 TEU, as well as the preliminary rulings (Article 267 TFEU) and infringement procedures (Article 258 TFEU) increment the enforceability of judicial independence. In the second part the article develops the concept of judicial independence and the detailed guarantees in this field, including rules for judicial appointments, the retirement regime, disciplinary responsibility and remuneration.
Zeszyty Naukowe Sądownictwa Administracyjnego, 2019
Streszczenie: Zasada niepogarszania sytuacji skarżącego należy do kanonu reguł rządzących każdym ... more Streszczenie: Zasada niepogarszania sytuacji skarżącego należy do kanonu reguł rządzących każdym postępowaniem. Została ona uwzględniona również w ramach procedury podatkowej, jednakże obowiązujące regulacje oraz praktyka ich stosowania pokazują, że istnieje obszar niepodlegający dostatecznej ochronie z punktu widzenia zakazu reformationis in peius. Ma to miejsce w sytuacji, gdy po skorzystaniu przez podatnika z prawa uruchomienia kontroli odwoławczej lub sądowej sprawa podatkowa wraca do ponownego rozpoznania przez organ I lub II instancji (pośredni zakaz reformationis in peius). Praktyka wskazuje, że na tym etapie może dojść do pogorszenia sytuacji strony skarżącej w porównaniu z jej położeniem sprzed złożenia odwołania lub skargi do sądu administracyjnego. Następuje to przez wymiar podatku w kwocie wyższej niż ustalona w poprzedniej – uchylonej przez sąd z inicjatywy podatnika – decyzji. Praktyka taka była przedmiotem orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych i nie dostrzeżono w niej naruszenia obowiązującego prawa. Analiza tej instytucji jednak powinna zostać dokonana z uwzględnieniem standardów konstytucyjnych. W szczególności chodzi o wywodzone z Konstytucji RP: zasadę zaufania do państwa i stanowionego prawa oraz zasadę bezpieczeństwa prawnego, zasadę nieczerpania przez państwo korzyści z bezprawnego działania organów państwa, zasadę ochrony własności oraz prawo do sądu. Wzięcie pod uwagę wartości konstytucyjnych prowadzi do wniosku, że pogorszenie sytuacji podatnika w wyniku wniesionych przez niego i na jego koszt środków zaskarżenia budzi uzasadnione wątpliwości co do zgodności z zasadami konstytucyjnymi. Potwierdza to pośrednio kierunek ewolucji przepisów podatkowych, w tym rozwiązania projektowane w nowej Ordynacji podatkowej.
The principle of the non-deterioration of the appellant’s situation belongs to the catalogue of principles governing all of the proceedings. It was also included within the framework of the tax procedure, however, the prevailing regulations and the practical application thereof indicate that there exists an area where no sufficient protection is afforded from the point of view of the prohibition reformationis in peius. This takes place in a situation in which after the taxpayer exercised its right to judicial review, the tax case was referred for review to the first instance or to the second instance body (the indirect prohibition reformationis in peius). From the practical experience it appears that at this stage the appellant’s situation may be deteriorated, taking into consideration its position at the time preceding the lodging of a complaint to the administrative court. This takes the form of a tax assessment in an amount higher than the one determined in the former decision, which was set aside by the court in response to the initiative launched by the taxpayer. Such practice was the subject matter of judicial decisions of administrative courts and no violation of law was discerned in this regard. However, the analysis of this institution should be made with consideration given to the constitutional standards. In particular, the following principles stemming from the Constitution of the Republic of Poland are meant here: the principle of trust in the state and in the codified law (statutory law) and the principle of legal safety, the principle of non-taking advantage by the state of unlawful actions taken the state bodies, the principle of property protection and the right to have recourse to the court of law. The taking into consideration of the constitutional values leads to the conclusion that the deterioration of the appellant’s situation as a result of appeal measures it has lodged at its own expense gives rise to legitimate doubts as to the compliance with the constitutional principles. This is indirectly confirmed by the direction of the evolution of the tax regulations, including the solutions drafted within the framework of the new Tax Ordinance.
Limits of Satirical Symbolic Speech. Commentary on Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights... more Limits of Satirical Symbolic Speech. Commentary on Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 27 February 2018, 39496/11, Sinkova v. Ukraine
Revista Dominicana de Derecho Constitucional, 2024
Resumen: las plataformas en línea interactúan con un número elevado de usuarios, ejerciendo una i... more Resumen: las plataformas en línea interactúan con un número elevado
de usuarios, ejerciendo una influencia directa en los contenidos publicados
y las informaciones diseminadas. Hoy en día, no cabe duda de
que resulta necesario un marco jurídico que regule el funcionamiento
de las plataformas en línea, y la pregunta principal es cómo llevar a
cabo una regulación adecuada y eficaz, asegurando el respeto de los
derechos de todas las partes involucradas. El presente estudio analiza
el nuevo marco regulatorio de la Unión Europea adoptado en 2022
(Digital Services Act). La idea principal de este análisis es demostrar
que el Digital Services Act, siendo un ejemplo del constitucionalismo
digital de la Unión Europea, constituye un marco apropiado para proporcionar
un equilibrio horizontal entre los derechos de los usuarios
y las plataformas en línea.
Revista Española de Derecho Europeo, 2023
On 7 October 2021, the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland declared the unconstitutionality of ess... more On 7 October 2021, the Constitutional Tribunal of Poland declared the
unconstitutionality of essential provisions of the Treaty on European Union, calling
into question the principle of the primacy of EU law (judgment K 3/21).
This decision is closely related to the Polish judicial reform that has been severely
criticised by the CJEU for violating standards of judicial independence. This
study first explains the process of political capture of the Polish Constitutional
Court and then looks at the content of the K 3/21 judgment: the Polish Constitutional
Tribunal attempt to reject the aforementioned case law of the CJEU on the
grounds that the EU institutions have exceeded their competences. Secondly, this
study aims to determine the extent of the Union’s competences in the area of the
national judiciary, to explain the methods of resolving potential conflicts between
national and EU laws and to analyse the consequences of the primacy principle.
The key argument of this part of the article is that national judges have the faculty
to examine, ex officio, the compatibility of a given national provision with EU law.
This power cannot be limited by any national act, nor by the fact that there is a
prior declaration of its constitutionality.
La evidencia científica y tecnológica como recurso jurídico, 2022
Reflections for Quality Democracy in a Technological Age (part two), 2023
W poszukiwaniu dobrego prawa. Księga Jubileuszowa Profesora Mirosława Steca (tom I), 2022
Digital Transformations in Public International Law, 2022
This chapter analyses the impact of the Internet and the shift in communication processes on the ... more This chapter analyses the impact of the Internet and the shift in communication processes on the States' obligations emerging from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). It claims that the environment created by the Internet is different from the traditional one; that is, it substantially empowers a range of private actors such as social media and other Internet platforms. That is why in the light of the actual development of the ECHR's standards, both the strict distinction between positive and negative State's obliga tions, and an overall preference for the latter are anachronistic. This chapter claims that it is crucial to keep developing European minimal safeguards in horizontal online relations when human rights violation is a result of a State's non-compliance with the positive duty. Against this backdrop, this chapter centers around the influence of the Internet on the exercise and protection of selected human rights and the changing nature of communication processes, as well as the game-changing shift caused by the growing power of private actors. It also includes a detailed analysis of the scope and content of positive State's obligations emerging from the use of the Internet, focusing on substantive obligations (i.e., the legal framework and the allocation of responsibilities), as well as on the issue of the public guarantees for online pluralism and procedural obligations (the duty to provide responses to allegations concerning online ill-treatment inflicted by private individuals).
Państwo i Prawo, 2022
"Freedom of Expression on the Internet. About the Role of Social Media and State’s Positive Oblig... more "Freedom of Expression on the Internet. About the Role of Social Media and State’s Positive Obligations". Abstract: Modern online communication processes are characterized by the growing role of private entities (social media) and the emergence of numerous conflicts of a horizontal nature. This paper examines these issues from the standpoint of the ECtHR’s theory of positive obligations. Consequently, it analyses the impact of new technologies on the freedom of expression, the paradigm shift in communication, and the State’s positive obligations to prevent horizontal abuses. The article also analyses the existing and planned legal framework (national and EU). The main argument of this article is that public control over social media should be strengthened. Limiting their discretion to ensure adequate protection of rights and freedoms does not mean, however, the freedom of forum, understood as an unlimited right of access to the platform in order to express opinions.
FÖV Discussion Papers, 2022
The aim of this paper is to create an analytical framework for comparative study (FÖV project “Th... more The aim of this paper is to create an analytical framework for comparative study (FÖV project “The Transformation of the Civil Service in Europe”). It explores the scope and denotation of the terms “civil service” and “civil servant”. Its main argument is that a comparative legal ana-lysis should distinguish the notions of public service and civil service. Public service concerns a type of professional activity related to the exercise of all public power (legislative, executive and judicial). Civil servants are officials employed by the executive; they have special duties and responsibilities and are often subject to specific requirements. The employment regime is not decisive for the status of civil servant, due to the fact that government officials in Europe are employed both under public or private (labour) law. Nonetheless, they should enjoy stability of employment and exercise their competencies on a regular basis, not ad hoc.
Revista de Derecho Político, 2022
En Europa Central, sobre todo en Hungría y en Polonia, en los últimos años se evidencian varios p... more En Europa Central, sobre todo en Hungría y en Polonia, en los últimos años se evidencian varios problemas relacionados con la democracia, el equilibrio constitucional y el Estado de Derecho. En poco tiempo, los dirigentes políticos iliberales pusieron en práctica un orden que cuestiona directamente varios principios que forman parte del fundamento axiológico de la Unión Europea. El presente artículo explica por qué el iliberalismo ha tenido tanto éxito en esta región y que técnicas se han utilizado para el refuerzo del secuestro político de varias instituciones del Estado, sobre todo el poder judicial. El artículo contiene también un análisis crítico de la postura y la reacción de la Unión Europea. Una de las principales hipótesis del presente estudio es que Hungría y Polonia han avanzado tanto en su camino hacia el iliberalismo constitucional que resulta extremadamente difícil indicar técnicas legislativas simples para el rápido restablecimiento de la democracia liberal en estos dos países.
In Central Europe, especially in Hungary and Poland, over the last years there are serious problems related to democracy, constitutional balance and the rule of law. In a short time, the illiberal political leaders put into practice an order that calls into question principles that form part of the axiological foundation of the European Union. This article explains why illiberalism has been so successful in this region and which techniques have been used to reinforce the political capture of various state institutions,especially the judiciary. The article also contains a critical analysis of the European Union’s attitude towards Hungarian and Polish illiberalism. The general hypothesis of this study is that Hungary and Poland have gone so far towards constitutional illiberalism, that it is extremely difficult to indicate the simple legal remedies for rapid return of these countries to liberal democracy.
Estudios de casos líderes europeos. Vol. XXIII. Las elecciones libres en la doctrina de Estrasburgo, 2022
REALaw blog, 2021
Comparative study of the employment regimes of public officials in European countries requires an... more Comparative study of the employment regimes of public officials in European countries requires an appropriate analytical framework, including definitions. This blog entry explores the meaning and scope of terms “civil service” and “civil servant”. It argues that a civil servant is an employee of the executive power, who has special duties and responsibilities, and should often meet specific requirements.
German Law Journal, 2021
Electoral disinformation has become one of the most challenging problems for democratic states. A... more Electoral disinformation has become one of the most challenging problems for democratic states. All of them are facing the phenomenon of-both online and offline-dissemination of false information during preelectoral period, which is harmful for individual and collective rights. As a consequence, some European countries adopted special measures, including summary judicial proceedings in order to declare that information or materials used in electioneering are false and to prohibit its further dissemination. There are already three rulings of the ECtHR concerning this expeditious judicial examination provided in the Polish law. In December 2018 France passed complex regulation against manipulation of information that include similar mechanisms. This article, basing on the ECtHR's case law and some national experiences, attempts to define the minimal European standard for measures targeted at electoral disinformation, especially judicial summary proceeding. It contains the analysis of the notion of electoral disinformation, defines the state's positive obligations in this sphere, and indicates mayor challenges for the legal framework. The principal argument is that summary judicial proceedingsif adequately designedcannot be questioned from the Convention standpoint and provide a partial solution to the problem of electoral disinformation.
Reflexiones para una democracia de calidad en una era tecnológica, 2021
Legebiltzarreko Aldizkaria - LEGAL - Revista del Parlamento Vasco, 2020
In the judgment of 24 June 2019, Commission v. Poland (Independence of the Supreme Court), C-619/18, EU:C:2019:531, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled on the retirement of Polish Supreme Court judges, declaring that the mechanism of arbitrary lowering the retirement age was not compatible with the European Union law. This commentary analyses the latest changes in the Polish judicial system and the CJEU's arguments. The study is focused in the change in European case-law and the development of instruments available to the EU institutions for monitoring judicial independence. The paper discusses also the elements of the judicial independence indicated by CJEU and the rules on the retirement of judges.
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, 2020
Agenda Estado de Derecho, 2020
Państwo i Prawo, 2020
W sprawie Brzeziński przeciwko Polsce ETPC po raz trzeci zajmował się zagadnieniem przyśpieszoneg... more W sprawie Brzeziński przeciwko Polsce ETPC po raz trzeci zajmował się zagadnieniem przyśpieszonego wyborczego trybu postępowania sądowego. Wyrok ten stanowi dobrą okazję do przeanalizowania, czy problemy z poszanowaniem wolności wypowiedzi w kontekście szczególnego trybu wyborczego wynikają z treści normatywnej przepisów, czy z wadliwej praktyki ich stosowania. Bez wątpienia wolne wybory i wolność wypowiedzi stanowią podstawę każdego systemu demokratycznego. Są to prawa ze sobą powiązane i wzajemnie się wzmacniające. Z tego względu szczególnie ważne jest, aby w okresie poprzedzającym wybory umożliwić swobodny przepływ wszelkiego rodzaju opinii i informacji. Niemniej jednak, władze krajowe są uprawnione do tworzenia specjalnych procedur w celu zapewnienia właściwego przebiegu kampanii wyborczej przez zapobieganie rozpowszechnianiu fałszywych informacji. W związku z tym możliwe jest sądowe weryfikowanie prawdziwości twierdzeń zawartych w materiałach wyborczych. Szczególne sądowe postępowania wyborcze nie powinny mieć jednak zastosowania do ocen (sądów wartościujących). Jeżeli te ostatnie naruszają prawa osobiste kandydata, to może on skorzystać ze zwykłych środków prawnych.
In the case, Brzeziński v. Poland, the European Court of Human Rights for the third time addressed the issue of the summary electoral proceedings in the Polish legal system. The last judgement is an excellent opportunity to examine if the provisions of the electoral law concerning these proceedings are well designed and correctly interpreted by the Polish courts. There is no doubt that free elections and freedom of expression together form the bedrock of any democratic system. The two rights are inter-related and operate to reinforce each other. For this reason, it is particularly important in the period preceding an election that opinions and information of all kinds are permitted to circulate freely. On the other hand, national authorities are legitimised to create special proceedings in order to ensure the proper conduct of the electoral campaign by preventing the dissemination of false information. As a consequence, it is possible to verify factual statements contained in the materials pertaining to an electoral campaign. Special proceedings should not apply to the value judgements. If such comments and opinions infringe the candidate’s personal rights, he or she may seek redress under the general rules of protection of individual rights.
Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, 2020
El objeto del estudio en el presente artículo es la visión general de independencia judicial en l... more El objeto del estudio en el presente artículo es la visión general de independencia judicial en la UE y los mecanismos de su defensa. Se analizan tanto las vías de protec-ción de este principio como su desarrollo y contenido sustancial en el contexto de la reciente jurisprudencia del TJUE sobre el estatus del Poder Judicial en Polonia. En la primera parte del artículo se explican los instrumentos (de carácter político y jurídico) disponibles para garantizar la independencia judicial en la UE. El objetivo es demos-trar cómo el procedimiento del art. 7 TUE, las cuestiones prejudiciales (art. 267 TFUE) y los recursos de incumplimiento (art. 258 TFUE) incrementan la exigibilidad de la independencia judicial en el espacio jurídico europeo. En la segunda parte, el objeto de estudio es el mismo concepto de la independencia judicial y las garantías detalladas en este campo en la última jurisprudencia, incluyendo reglas para los nombramientos judiciales, el régimen de la jubilación, la responsabilidad disciplinaria y la remuneración.
The purpose of this article is the general vision of judicial independence in the EU and its defence mechanisms. The article analyses the ways of the protection of this principle, as well as its development and substantial content in the context of the recent CJEU jurisprudence on the status of the judiciary in Poland. The first part of the article explains the techniques (of a political and legal nature) to guarantee judicial independence in the EU. The objective is to demonstrate how the procedure based on the Article 7 TEU, as well as the preliminary rulings (Article 267 TFEU) and infringement procedures (Article 258 TFEU) increment the enforceability of judicial independence. In the second part the article develops the concept of judicial independence and the detailed guarantees in this field, including rules for judicial appointments, the retirement regime, disciplinary responsibility and remuneration.
Zeszyty Naukowe Sądownictwa Administracyjnego, 2019
Streszczenie: Zasada niepogarszania sytuacji skarżącego należy do kanonu reguł rządzących każdym ... more Streszczenie: Zasada niepogarszania sytuacji skarżącego należy do kanonu reguł rządzących każdym postępowaniem. Została ona uwzględniona również w ramach procedury podatkowej, jednakże obowiązujące regulacje oraz praktyka ich stosowania pokazują, że istnieje obszar niepodlegający dostatecznej ochronie z punktu widzenia zakazu reformationis in peius. Ma to miejsce w sytuacji, gdy po skorzystaniu przez podatnika z prawa uruchomienia kontroli odwoławczej lub sądowej sprawa podatkowa wraca do ponownego rozpoznania przez organ I lub II instancji (pośredni zakaz reformationis in peius). Praktyka wskazuje, że na tym etapie może dojść do pogorszenia sytuacji strony skarżącej w porównaniu z jej położeniem sprzed złożenia odwołania lub skargi do sądu administracyjnego. Następuje to przez wymiar podatku w kwocie wyższej niż ustalona w poprzedniej – uchylonej przez sąd z inicjatywy podatnika – decyzji. Praktyka taka była przedmiotem orzecznictwa sądów administracyjnych i nie dostrzeżono w niej naruszenia obowiązującego prawa. Analiza tej instytucji jednak powinna zostać dokonana z uwzględnieniem standardów konstytucyjnych. W szczególności chodzi o wywodzone z Konstytucji RP: zasadę zaufania do państwa i stanowionego prawa oraz zasadę bezpieczeństwa prawnego, zasadę nieczerpania przez państwo korzyści z bezprawnego działania organów państwa, zasadę ochrony własności oraz prawo do sądu. Wzięcie pod uwagę wartości konstytucyjnych prowadzi do wniosku, że pogorszenie sytuacji podatnika w wyniku wniesionych przez niego i na jego koszt środków zaskarżenia budzi uzasadnione wątpliwości co do zgodności z zasadami konstytucyjnymi. Potwierdza to pośrednio kierunek ewolucji przepisów podatkowych, w tym rozwiązania projektowane w nowej Ordynacji podatkowej.
The principle of the non-deterioration of the appellant’s situation belongs to the catalogue of principles governing all of the proceedings. It was also included within the framework of the tax procedure, however, the prevailing regulations and the practical application thereof indicate that there exists an area where no sufficient protection is afforded from the point of view of the prohibition reformationis in peius. This takes place in a situation in which after the taxpayer exercised its right to judicial review, the tax case was referred for review to the first instance or to the second instance body (the indirect prohibition reformationis in peius). From the practical experience it appears that at this stage the appellant’s situation may be deteriorated, taking into consideration its position at the time preceding the lodging of a complaint to the administrative court. This takes the form of a tax assessment in an amount higher than the one determined in the former decision, which was set aside by the court in response to the initiative launched by the taxpayer. Such practice was the subject matter of judicial decisions of administrative courts and no violation of law was discerned in this regard. However, the analysis of this institution should be made with consideration given to the constitutional standards. In particular, the following principles stemming from the Constitution of the Republic of Poland are meant here: the principle of trust in the state and in the codified law (statutory law) and the principle of legal safety, the principle of non-taking advantage by the state of unlawful actions taken the state bodies, the principle of property protection and the right to have recourse to the court of law. The taking into consideration of the constitutional values leads to the conclusion that the deterioration of the appellant’s situation as a result of appeal measures it has lodged at its own expense gives rise to legitimate doubts as to the compliance with the constitutional principles. This is indirectly confirmed by the direction of the evolution of the tax regulations, including the solutions drafted within the framework of the new Tax Ordinance.
Limits of Satirical Symbolic Speech. Commentary on Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights... more Limits of Satirical Symbolic Speech. Commentary on Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 27 February 2018, 39496/11, Sinkova v. Ukraine
A free sample taken from the published work.
The publication describes the constitutional norms, principles and values that have influence on ... more The publication describes the constitutional norms, principles and values that have influence on all statutory regulations about taxes and other public imposts. The objective of the book is to analyze and clarify the normative content of the aforementioned principles and to emphasise their broad scope of application and protective nature. In order to meet this objective, the publication refers to the tax norm, tax regulation and tax statute in order to deal with important constitutional tax issues.
Polish parliament has a constitutional autonomy in tax legislation. In democratic state ruled by the law there are some limitations of this autonomy. Substantive limitations of the legislative body are the principle of tax justice and the principle of respect of the constitutional borders of taxation. Procedural limitations are related to the proper construction, revision and enactment of the tax regulation. For instance, the most important procedural limitation is constitutional principle of statutory exclusiveness in the field of the taxes and other public imposts.