HUKUM KELUARGA ISLAM:Perspektif Maqāṣid asy-Syarīah Terhadap Dasar Wajib Patuh Pada Undang-undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (original) (raw)
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ABSTRAK Pernikahan adalah suatu kegiatan yang sakral dalam agama manapun, salah satunya adalah agama Islam. Maka dari itu, pernikahan harus diawasi oleh negara dan dibuat peraturannya agar masyarakat tidak seenaknya melakukan pernikahan. Hasil dari peraturan itu disebut sebagai Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan yang di dalamnya mengatur segala hal mengenai pernikahan. Penyusun ingin menganalisis UU Perkawinan tersebut, khususnya pada bab hak dan kewajiban suami istri bila dilihat dari konsep maqāṣid syari’ah. Hal ini dikarenakan bangsa Indonesia adalah masyarakat penganut agama Islam terbesar di dunia yang mana peraturannya pun harus sesuai dengan syari’at Islam. Penyusun mencoba meneliti dua pokok masalah, yaitu; (1) Apa saja hak dan kewajiban suami istri menurut hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang No. 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan, (2) Bagaimana tinjauan maqāṣid syari’ah terkait hak dan kewajiban suami istri dalam Pasal 30-34 Undang-Undang No. 1 tahu 1974 tentang Perkaw...
The Indonesian marital act grew long time and it find its maturity on the shape of marital act (1974) and Islamic law compilation (1991). On their old ages, Indonesian family law have been examined. Its results, some of them want to defens and others want to reform this marital act. For the last, marital act the applicable marital act is considered contrary to the universal principles, such as justice, equality, and brotherhood. This article attemp to discuss the justice on the marital act, specifically, about the role of husband and wife position. After describing the Indonesian Marital Act, the concept of justice in Islam, this article discuss the problem of justice on the role of husband and wife position on Marital Act and Islamic Law Compilation, what it has fulfilled the values of justice or not. [Hukum perkawinan di Indonesia sudah berkembang lama dan menemukan bentuk kematangannya dalam bentuk Undang-Undang Perkawinan (1974) dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (1991). Di usianya yang ...
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As global civilization and technology advance, so do the problems that humanity as a whole must solve, especially by Muslims who follow certain lifestyle standards. Islam regulates marriage in sufficient detail, including the issue of ittihad al-majlis in the marriage contract, which becomes problematic due to technological advances and human elasticity. Using the library research method and based on information from library materials, the author will use it to identify relevant legal provisions and principles to address the problems found. The results of this study show that ittihad almajlis in the marriage contract has several meanings according to the views of the scholars of the four madhabs, some argue that ittihad al-majlis does not have to be united in one place, but rather the ijab and kabul are the ones who are in one place, meaning that the person who will perform the ijab and kabul does not have to be in one place as well as the witnesses.
Tinjauan Maqāșid Al-Sharī’ah Terhadap Dispensasi Nikah
AL-AQWAL : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
The age limit for marriage contained in the Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 which is also mentioned in the Compilation of Islamic Law is the result of ijtihad, although in classical literature it is not found. The age limit itself is an attempt to avoid damage. On the other hand, the law provides leeway for prospective brides who are still under the age limit to request dispensation through the Religious Courts. In this regard, of course, judges are required to decide wisely without violating the Shari'a. This research is focused on Maqāșid al-Sharī'ah's review of marriage dispensation. With the emphasis of this study, this study uses the Maqāșid al-Sharī'ah approach. Meanwhile, according to the emphasis of the study, this research is classified as a normative rule research. Meanwhile, if observed according to the data collection operations studied, it is included in the category of library research (library study). Considering that this research belongs to the categor...