Advanced Coma Patient Monitoring System Research Papers (original) (raw)

Health has prime importance in our day-today life. This project aims at developing a system which gives body temperature and heart rate using temperature and pulse sensor respectively. These sensors are interfaced with Field Programmable... more

Health has prime importance in our day-today life. This project aims at developing a system which gives body temperature and heart rate using temperature and pulse sensor respectively. These sensors are interfaced with Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). FPGA has been used here instead of microcontroller as it is reconfigurable and necessary hardware can be added as and when required. When the parameters are above the threshold value, buzzer is ON. And values are displayed on LCD. Here used FPGA will help to reduce power consumption.

Design of the health monitoring system for the researchers is the hot topic. Health monitoring system is used every field such as hospital, home care unit, sports. This health monitoring system use for chronicle diseases patients who have... more

Design of the health monitoring system for the researchers is the hot topic. Health monitoring system is used every field such as hospital, home care unit, sports. This health monitoring system use for chronicle diseases patients who have daily checkup. So, researchers design a system as portable device. Researcher designed different health monitoring system based on requirement. Different platform like Microcontroller, ASIC, FPGA, PIC microcontroller are used to design the system based on this performance. The integration of different medical instrument on the single system on-chip is main achievement for researcher by using different biomedical sensor. Different biomedical sensors like temperature sensor, heart rate sensor, blood pressure sensor are used to monitor the health condition which is integrated on single system on-chip.

Tonic pupil was observed in a 67 year-old patient following a retinal detachment repair with pars plana vitrectomy, endolaser and silicone oil tamponade performed under retrobulbar anesthesia. The probable location of disturbance is the... more

Tonic pupil was observed in a 67 year-old patient following a retinal detachment repair with pars plana vitrectomy, endolaser and silicone oil tamponade performed under retrobulbar anesthesia. The probable location of disturbance is the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers in the short ciliary nerves along their course to the pupil in the suprachoroidal space. A likely explanation for this phenomenon is injury to short ciliary nerves by endolaser treatment.

Background: Pain assessment is a challenge in critically ill patients, in particular those who are unable to express movements in reaction to noxious stimuli. The purpose of the study was to compare the pupillary response and skin... more

Background: Pain assessment is a challenge in critically ill patients, in particular those who are unable to express movements in reaction to noxious stimuli. The purpose of the study was to compare the pupillary response and skin conductance to pain stimulation in critically ill unconscious patients. Methods: This observational study included adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with acute brain injury (Glasgow Coma Scale < 9 with a motor response < 5) and/or requirements for deep level of sedation. Automated pupillometry (Algiscan, ID-MED, Marseille, France) was used to determine pupillary reflex dilation during tetanic stimulation. The maximum intensity of the stimulation value allowed the determination of a pupillary pain index score ranging from 1 (no nociception) to 9 (high nociception): a pupillary pain index (PPI) score of ≤4 was used to reflect adequate pain control. For skin conductance (SC), the number of SC peaks per second (NSCF) was collected ...

Argyll Robertson pupil, a miotic pupil that responds to an accommodation effort but fails to react to direct light, has been described in medical literature for more than a century. This pupillary reaction (Sidebar) is a simple way to... more

Argyll Robertson pupil, a miotic pupil that responds to an accommodation effort but fails to react to direct light, has been described in medical literature for more than a century. This pupillary reaction (Sidebar) is a simple way to confirm the integrity of the optic pathways and is a marker of such neurological disorders as neurosyphilis, neurosarcoidosis, and multiple sclerosis. The test requires no special equipment, holds great diagnostic yield, and takes less time to elicit than is needed to pronounce the eponym. the German ophthalmologist Von Graefe, the preemi-nent ophthalmologist of that era. 1 Robertson's first landmark contribution to ophthal-mology came in early 1863, when he reported the ocu-lar effects of the Calabar bean. 2 The active agent of the Calabar bean is physostigmine, a cholinesterase in-hibitor. Robertson showed the antagonistic property of the Calabar bean to atropine, and this agent became the first effective medication to treat glaucoma. Robertson f...

The aim of this paper is to present methods to calculate pupil size based on various parameters, such as: luminance, age, corneal flux density or monocular/binocular effect. These models allow to distinguish pupil dilation caused by the... more

The aim of this paper is to present methods to calculate pupil size based on various parameters, such as: luminance, age, corneal flux density or monocular/binocular effect. These models allow to distinguish pupil dilation caused by the influence of light and other factors such as psychological state of participants.The developed methods were presented based on empirical data. Various researchers estimate their equations based on oculographic data obtained in the course of experiments. The presented plots are based on those equations. Different approaches can be compared to show the difference between particular models.The methods presented in this paper enable a more detailed investigation of the influence of various parameters on the pupil. It can be used to better estimate the influence of light on pupil size. The main changes occurring in pupil size, i.e. contractions and dilation, are caused by light. Other criteria such emotional arousal, cognitive processes or even memory ope...

Healthcare is given the intense importance now a-days by each country with the advent of the novel corona virus. So, in this aspects, an Internet of Things based health monitoring system is the best solution for such an obsolete. Internet... more

Healthcare is given the intense importance now a-days by each country with the advent of the novel corona virus. So, in this aspects, an Internet of Things based health monitoring system is the best solution for such an obsolete. Internet of Things is the new revolt of internet which is the growing research area especially in the health care. With the increase in use of wearable sensors and the smart phone, these remote health care monitoring has evolved in such a step. Internet of Things monitoring of health helps in preventing the noise of diseases as well as to get a proper diagnosis of the state of health, even if the doctor is at away distance. In this paper, a portable and physiological checking framework is displayed, which can constantly screen the patient's heartbeat, and temperature and also other basic parameters of the rooms. We proposed a nonstop checking and control instruments to screen the patient condition and store the patient information's in server make use of Wi-Fi Module based remote correspondence. A remote health monitoring system using Internet of Things is proposed where the authorized personal can access these data stored using any IoT platform and based on these values received, the diseases are diagnosed by doctors from a distance.

Acquired Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a critically ill patient with invasive pulmonary Aspergillosis and Turicella Otitidis bacteraemia: A Case Report. Karakosta P, Aslanidis Th, Flioni E.N, Agaliadou-Dioritou U. Hemophagocytic... more

Acquired Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in a critically ill patient with invasive pulmonary Aspergillosis and Turicella Otitidis bacteraemia: A Case Report. Karakosta P, Aslanidis Th, Flioni E.N, Agaliadou-Dioritou U. Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a life-threatening syndrome of excessive immune activation that mostly occurs as primary (hereditary) disease in children. Acquired HLH is associated with infections, cancer of rheumatological conditions. Both are rare in adults. Turicella otitidis is a bacterium, that is associated with ear infections and there is only one case report of bacteraemia. The present report describes a case of acquired HLH with invasive pulmonary Aspergillosis and Turicella otitidis bacteraemia in an adult patient; and also reviews the relative literature. In conclusion though rare, acquired HLH is a devastating condition that clinicians should have in mind when managing patients with multiple infection or underlying immunosuppression.

Austenitic Stainless steel (316L) is a low carbon high chromium containing high alloy steel, it has a good number of application because of its high strength, high ductility and corrosion resistance. It is used in jet engine parts, heat... more

Austenitic Stainless steel (316L) is a low carbon high chromium containing high alloy steel, it has a good number of application because of its high strength, high ductility and corrosion resistance. It is used in jet engine parts, heat exchanger application and pharmaceutical application. It is compatible in cryogenic temperature to red hot temperature. The paper presents an experimental investigation on different parameters which affect the cutting process and also cause significant effect on the chip formation in machining of Austenitic Stainless steel (316L). In this study, experiments were conducted on Austenitic Stainless steel (316L) at different cutting speed, feed and depth of cut and the effect of different influential parameters on the process of chip formation has been studied subsequently. Quality characteristic of machined item is depending much on material behaviour during machining. Present experimental analysis on machining has been performed by implementing Von Mises stress evaluation employing true stress-true strain behaviour of the materials under consideration. Experimental true stress-true strain plot was required to find out the strength coefficient and strain hardening exponent of the material and using the same, Von Mises stress was estimated by using material property consideration. Experimental study on machining was performed on austenitic stainless steel (316L) to know the trend of variation of chip thickness, shear angle, Von Mises stress and total work done with respect to cutting velocity. From the study it showed that austenitic stainless steel gets work hardened at higher cutting speed. Therefore this type of material can be machined at lower cutting speed only.

Now-a-days, a growing number of people in a developing countries like India forces to look for new solutions for the continuous monitoring of health checkup. It has become a necessity to visit hospitals frequently for doctor's... more

Now-a-days, a growing number of people in a developing countries like India forces to look for new solutions for the continuous monitoring of health checkup. It has become a necessity to visit hospitals frequently for doctor's consultation, which has become financially related and a time consuming process. To overcome this situation, we propose a design to monitor the patient's health conditions such as heart beat, temperature, ECG and BP and send the message to guardian using GSM. In the recent development of internet of things(IoT) makes all objects interconnected and been recognized as the next technical revolution. Patient monitoring is one of the IoT application to monitor the patient health status. Internet of things makes medical equipments more efficient by allowing real time monitoring of health. Using IoT doctor can continuously monitor the patient's on his smart phone and also the patient history will be stored on the web server and doctor can access the information whenever needed from anywhere.

Clinical evaluation of pupils is considered as an essential part of neurological examination. The pu-pillary response to light is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Numerous factors affect pupils dynamics, like e.g. luminance,... more

Clinical evaluation of pupils is considered as an essential part of neurological examination. The pu-pillary response to light is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Numerous factors affect pupils dynamics, like e.g. luminance, visual field area, pain, drug administration, age, the functional integrity of anatomical structures involved, e.t.c. Moreover, pupillometry card method and examina-tion of pupil reaction with the use of a penlight is subjective to a lot of bias. Portable infrared pupil-lometry allows a more objective and detail evaluation of pupil’s dynamics. That’s why it has al-ready found applications in various clinical areas, like e.g. neurology, psychology, ophthalmology, endocrinology, anesthesia, pain management, intensive care, emergency medicine. This review fo-cuses on physiology of pupil’s dynamics and on applications of infrared pupillometry in periopera-tive setting