Triage Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The assessment of the response of a prehospital/hospital system to a disaster will prove a complex and challenging undertaking for those who attempt it. Data availability and quality will prove to be an immediate problem. Finding the time... more

The assessment of the response of a prehospital/hospital system to a disaster will prove a complex and challenging undertaking for those who attempt it. Data availability and quality will prove to be an immediate problem. Finding the time to devote to assessment is usually difficult. Identifying qualified and interested members of the required multidisciplinary team and, in particular, an individual with health services research background who can assist in all phases of the design and implementation of the project, is often difficult. Obviously, these problems will be less severe if they are addressed to some degree in the disaster plan. That is, a general protocol for assessment could be developed as part of the disaster planning effort and evaluation staff could tentatively be identified by position (e.g., emergency department medical director). The issue of data availability could be confronted and provisions made for the recording of at least minimal information on patient log ...

Developing a mass-casualty medical response to the detonation of an improvised nuclear device (IND) or large radiological dispersal device (RDD) requires unique advanced planning due to the potential magnitude of the event, lack of... more

Developing a mass-casualty medical response to the detonation of an improvised nuclear device (IND) or large radiological dispersal device (RDD) requires unique advanced planning due to the potential magnitude of the event, lack of warning, and radiation hazards. In order for medical care and resources to be collocated and matched to the requirements, a [US] Federal interagency medical response-planning group has developed a conceptual approach for responding to such nuclear and radiological incidents. The "RTR" system (comprising Radiation-specific TRiage, TReatment, TRansport sites) is designed to support medical care following a nuclear incident. Its purpose is to characterize, organize, and efficiently deploy appropriate materiel and personnel assets as close as physically possible to various categories of victims while preserving the safety of responders. The RTR system is not a medical triage system for individual patients. After an incident is characterized and safe...

Aim This audit was designed to compare current referral practice with the Ministry of Health elective services National Access Criteria for first Specialist Assessment (ACA) guidelines, to identify specific problems, and (if possible) to... more

Aim This audit was designed to compare current referral practice with the Ministry of Health elective services National Access Criteria for first Specialist Assessment (ACA) guidelines, to identify specific problems, and (if possible) to improve the use of acute dermatology services. Method Information regarding referral source, information provided, urgency and diagnostic accuracy, time interval between referral and consultation date, and

In the new millennium new technologies (should) play an ever more prominent role in the management of mass casualty incidents (MCI). Drawing on empirical datafrom a four-year research project (SOGRO), the article reflects on the impact... more

In the new millennium new technologies (should) play an ever more prominent role in the management of mass casualty incidents (MCI). Drawing on empirical datafrom a four-year research project (SOGRO), the article reflects on the impact of information technologies (IT) on the organisation of emergency response and on rescue services against the backdrop of broader organisational shifts and contemporary demands. Because IT strengthens a particular way of MCI management, it is firstly described as expressing and reifying specific considerations of emergency response experts. Secondly, the benefits of an IT-based emergency responseare critically reviewed. IT collects and makes available data about the rescue operation. Thus, it makes aformerly blurred rescue operation transparent. Although its operational benefit remains vague for on-scene executives, the visualisation reduces uncertainties among them. Thirdly, the article points out the inherent logics of IT. Its implementation not only satisfies newly evolved information needs, but also increases the control density.

Over the last decades, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period, lung ultrasound (LUS) gained interest due to multiple advantages: radiation-free, repeatable, cost-effective, portable devices with a bedside approach. These... more

Over the last decades, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period, lung ultrasound (LUS) gained interest due to multiple advantages: radiation-free, repeatable, cost-effective, portable devices with a bedside approach. These advantages can help clinicians in triage, in positive diagnostic, stratification of disease forms according to severity and prognosis, evaluation of mechanically ventilated patients from Intensive Care Units, as well as monitoring the progress of COVID-19 lesions, thus reducing the health care contamination. LUS should be performed by standard protocol examination. The characteristic lesions from COVID-19 pneumonia are the abolished lung sliding, presence of multiple and coalescent B-lines, disruption and thickening of pleural line with subpleural consolidations. LUS is a useful method for post-COVID-19 lesions evaluation, highlight the remaining fibrotic lesions in some patients with moderate or severe forms of pneumonia.

To assess the effectiveness of the PAST (Pre-hospital Acute Stroke Triage) protocol in reducing pre-hospital and emergency department (ED) delays to patients receiving organised acute stroke care, thereby increasing access to thrombolytic... more

To assess the effectiveness of the PAST (Pre-hospital Acute Stroke Triage) protocol in reducing pre-hospital and emergency department (ED) delays to patients receiving organised acute stroke care, thereby increasing access to thrombolytic therapy. Prospective cohort study using historical controls. Hunter Region of New South Wales, September 2005 to March 2006 (pre-intervention) and September 2006 to March 2007 (post-intervention). Consecutive patients presenting with acute stroke to a regional, tertiary referral hospital. PAST protocol, comprising a pre-hospital stroke assessment tool for ambulance officers, an ambulance protocol for hospital bypass for potentially thrombolysis-eligible patients, and pre-hospital notification of the acute stroke team. Proportion of patients who received intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), process of care time points (symptom onset to ED arrival, ED arrival to tPA treatment, and ED transit time), and clinical outcomes of patients treated...

Demand for intensive care unit (ICU) resources often exceeds supply, and shortages of ICU beds and staff are likely to persist. Triage requires careful weighing of the benefits and risks involved in ICU admission while striving to... more

Demand for intensive care unit (ICU) resources often exceeds supply, and shortages of ICU beds and staff are likely to persist. Triage requires careful weighing of the benefits and risks involved in ICU admission while striving to guarantee fair distribution of available resources. We must ensure that the patients who occupy ICU beds are those most likely to benefit from the ICU's specialized technology and professionals. Although prognosticating is not an exact science, preference should be given to patients who are more likely to survive if admitted to the ICU but unlikely to survive or likely to have more significant morbidity if not admitted. To provide general guidance for intensivists in ICU triage decisions, a task force of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine addressed 4 basic questions regarding this process. The team made recommendations and concluded that triage should be led by intensivists considering input from nurses, emergency...

Telephone triage and advice services (TTAS) are increasingly being implemented around the world. These services allow people to speak to a nurse or general practitioner over the telephone and receive assessment and healthcare advice.... more

Telephone triage and advice services (TTAS) are increasingly being implemented around the world. These services allow people to speak to a nurse or general practitioner over the telephone and receive assessment and healthcare advice. There is an existing body of research on the topic of TTAS, however the diffuseness of the evidence base makes it difficult to identify key lessons that are consistent across the literature. Systematic reviews represent the highest level of evidence synthesis. We aimed to undertake an overview of such reviews to determine the scope, consistency and generalisability of findings in relation to the governance, safety and quality of TTAS. We searched PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science and the Cochrane Library for English language systematic reviews focused on key governance, quality and safety findings related to telephone based triage and advice services, published since 1990. The search was undertaken by three researchers who reached consensu...

To determine the diagnostic and triage accuracy of online symptom checkers (tools that use computer algorithms to help patients with self diagnosis or self triage). Audit study. Publicly available, free symptom checkers. 23 symptom... more

To determine the diagnostic and triage accuracy of online symptom checkers (tools that use computer algorithms to help patients with self diagnosis or self triage). Audit study. Publicly available, free symptom checkers. 23 symptom checkers that were in English and provided advice across a range of conditions. 45 standardized patient vignettes were compiled and equally divided into three categories of triage urgency: emergent care required (for example, pulmonary embolism), non-emergent care reasonable (for example, otitis media), and self care reasonable (for example, viral upper respiratory tract infection). For symptom checkers that provided a diagnosis, our main outcomes were whether the symptom checker listed the correct diagnosis first or within the first 20 potential diagnoses (n=770 standardized patient evaluations). For symptom checkers that provided a triage recommendation, our main outcomes were whether the symptom checker correctly recommended emergent care, non-emergent...

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the adequacy of the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index-20, a rapid triage instrument to test vulnerability in Brazilian older adults, for the use in primary health care. METHODS The study included convenience... more

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the adequacy of the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index-20, a rapid triage instrument to test vulnerability in Brazilian older adults, for the use in primary health care. METHODS The study included convenience sample of 397 patients aged older than or equal to 60 years attended at Centro de Referência para o Idoso (Reference Center for Older Adults) and of 52 older adults the same age attended at the community. The results of the questionnaire, consisting of 20 questions, were compared with those of the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, considered a reference for identifying frail older adults. Spearman’s correlation was evaluated in the Clinical-Functional Vulnerability Index-20 with the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment; the validity was verified by the area under the ROC curve; reliability was estimated by the percentage of agreement among evaluators and by the kappa coefficient, both with quadratic weighted. The cut-off point was obtained based on th...

No matter how well we plan and train, every MCI is an exercise in gaining control over chaos. Emotions can sometimes get in the way. An MCI with pediatric victims is an additional emotional challenge that must be met by using objective... more

No matter how well we plan and train, every MCI is an exercise in gaining control over chaos. Emotions can sometimes get in the way. An MCI with pediatric victims is an additional emotional challenge that must be met by using objective tools so we can avoid needless mistakes in medical judgment. JumpSTART, used in conjunction with an adult triage tool such as START, can help to ensure that we not only meet the needs of all our MCI victims, but also address our own needs to provide the very best care for the children we encounter.

To develop a screening tool to identify elderly patients at the end of life and quantify the risk of death in hospital or soon after discharge for to minimise prognostic uncertainty and avoid potentially harmful and futile treatments.... more

To develop a screening tool to identify elderly patients at the end of life and quantify the risk of death in hospital or soon after discharge for to minimise prognostic uncertainty and avoid potentially harmful and futile treatments. Narrative literature review of definitions, tools and measurements that could be combined into a screening tool based on routinely available or obtainable data at the point of care to identify elderly patients who are unavoidably dying at the time of admission or at risk of dying during hospitalisation. Variables and thresholds proposed for the Criteria for Screening and Triaging to Appropriate aLternative care (CriSTAL screening tool) were adopted from existing scales and published research findings showing association with either in-hospital, 30-day or 3-month mortality. Eighteen predictor instruments and their variants were examined. The final items for the new CriSTAL screening tool included: age ≥65; meeting ≥2 deterioration criteria; an index of ...

Il TRIAGE è un procedimento decisionale volto a stabilire le priorità assistenziali secondo protocolli condivisi fra personale medico ed infermieristico addestrato, basato sull'attribuzione di un codice di gravità. Altra finalità è... more

Il TRIAGE è un procedimento decisionale volto a stabilire le priorità assistenziali secondo protocolli condivisi fra personale medico ed infermieristico addestrato, basato sull'attribuzione di un codice di gravità. Altra finalità è contribuire all'efficienza complessiva del P.S. e facilitare l'analisi della qualità delle prestazioni. Dal Gennaio 2000 presso il Nostro Pronto Soccorso, ove vengono visitati oltre 50.000 pazienti l'anno, è stato attivato un servizio di TRIAGE DA BANCONE attivo tutti i giorni dalle ore 8 alle ore 21 (nelle ore notturne solo a domanda). Scopo del presente lavoro è la valutazione dell'attività di triage con la relativa verifica della qualità delle prestazioni ed il suo impatto sull'efficienza della intera Unità Operativa. PERCENTUALI DEI CODICI COLORE NEL 2001 E 2002 TEMPI DI ATTESA SUDDIVISI PER CODICE COLORE SOVRASTIMA SULL'APPROPRIATEZZA DEL CODICE COLORE Non c'è stata sottostima per i codici rossi, mentre per i codici gialli la sottostima si è attestata al di sotto del 3%.Una ulteriore valutazione della prestazione di TRIAGE è stata eseguita con l'analisi della corretta individuazione del sintomo/problema principale verificata con la congruità con la successiva diagnosi medica; la verifica ha dimostrato nel 2002 una congruità pari al 95%, con un range di variabilità dal 92 al 97%.
In conclusione possiamo affermare che, nel corso del tempo, la prestazione del triager e’ migliorata in relazione all’appropriatezza nell’assegnazione dei codici e nel riconoscimento del sintomo principale; l’attivita’ di triage ha anche decisamente contribuito ad una migliore efficienza della unita’ operativa.
Resta ancora da risolvere la problematica della sovrastima di alcuni codici e dei tempi di attesa oltre lo standard di riferimento.