Ancient Greece (Anthropology) Research Papers (original) (raw)

The volume represents an attempt of a complex study of the politogenetic processes in their regional and temporary variety. The authors hope that their survey can and should also promote a better understanding of the general tendencies... more

The volume represents an attempt of a complex study of the politogenetic processes in their regional and temporary variety. The authors hope that their survey can and should also promote a better understanding of the general tendencies and mechanisms of cultural and sociopolitical evolution, of the interrelation and interaction of cultural, social, and political formats in the human society. The authors believe that the use of principles and methods of the civilizational approach in politogenetic studies, on the one hand, and the inclusion of the politogenesis into the problem area of civilizations studies, on the other hand, creates the effect of novelty in terms of both anthropology and civilizations studies, enriches their scientific toolkit and expands heuristic limits.

There is nothing more compliant to the nourishment of Man than human flesh -but for the abomination that Nature has of it.

Le concept de nature n'est pas tombé du ciel : ces éléments que nous reconnaissons aujourd'hui comme les membres d'un même ensemble que nous appelons « nature », par exemple les astres, les sols, les forêts, les poissons, les rivières ou... more

Le concept de nature n'est pas tombé du ciel : ces éléments que nous reconnaissons aujourd'hui comme les membres d'un même ensemble que nous appelons « nature », par exemple les astres, les sols, les forêts, les poissons, les rivières ou les organes qui composent nos corps, et que nous opposons en bloc aux artefacts que nous produisons ou aux règles que nous nous imposons en société, ne furent pas toujours reconnus et rassemblés ainsi. Comme il ressortait clairement de la synthèse proposée par Durkheim et Mauss, il y a plus d'un siècle, les formes primitives de classification sont indifférentes à la différence entre ce que nous reconnaissons aujourd'hui comme naturel et comme social -au point même que cette indifférence semble leur permettre de fonctionner efficacement, en regroupant dans un même groupe une partie de la tribu, certains moments de la vie sociale, certains matériaux à utiliser pour l'artisanat et les rites, tel vent, tel perroquet, telle heure du soir, telle étoile . Or, pour reprendre les mots par lesquels Louis Gernet retenait la leçon de la sociologie au sein des études classiques, la « mentalité grecque » représente un « intermédiaire » entre la pensée primitive et les formes de pensée qui parurent ensuite en Europe : la Grèce est le lieu où des formes primitives de classification s'altèrent pour donner naissance aux catégorisations sur le fondement desquels les sciences et la philosophie occidentale se sont édifiées (Gernet, 1917, p. XV-XVI) 1 . Nous voyons paraître chez les Grecs, assurément dès le IV e siècle, les contours d'un ensemble regroupant 2. Platon, Sophiste, 265c. 3. C'est précisément le cas dans le texte du Sophiste qui vient d'être cité. 4. Pseudo-Platon, Epinomis, 991a1.

This is the preliminary edition of a collection of translated ancient Greek sources on: family and household, sexuality, social groups, travel and foreigners, education, religion, military, leisure and sports, and science. The book is... more

This is the preliminary edition of a collection of translated ancient Greek sources on: family and household, sexuality, social groups, travel and foreigners, education, religion, military, leisure and sports, and science. The book is meant to be used in a university course on the History, society, or culture of Ancient Greece. One of its primary intentions is to train undergraduate students in testing the reliability of ancient sources and in extracting historical information from them.

Este libro propone un estudio de la pólis griega indagando los problemas conexos de los orígenes de la ciudad y sus estructuras de funcionamiento, así como los diversos enfoques forjados por los especialistas para dar cuenta de estos... more

Este libro propone un estudio de la pólis griega indagando los problemas conexos de los orígenes de la ciudad y sus estructuras de funcionamiento, así como los diversos enfoques forjados por los especialistas para dar cuenta de estos aspectos. Se analiza la pólis en el marco general de la historia grecorromana, apelando al modelo de la ciudad antigua, su formación, su funcionamiento político-institucional y sus condiciones agrarias, económicas y sociales. Se estudia asimismo el papel de la aldea, abordando el problema de cuáles son los conceptos más adecuados para interpretar a los labradores helénicos, así como los vínculos entre la aldea y la ciudad y el lugar que la primera pasa a ocupar una vez ocurrido el surgimiento de la pólis. Por último, se indaga la invención de la política y la democracia, dando un encuadre diferente, y a la vez complementario, de la emergencia de la pólis como forma estatal cuyas prácticas se organizan bajo una lógica política.

In 1866 the archaeologist, antiquities “looter,” Prof Athanasios Rhousopoulos dug up a marble ball which was 30 in diameter covered with magical signs similar to what can be seen in the Greek Magical Papyri. This paper looks at the ball... more

In 1866 the archaeologist, antiquities “looter,” Prof Athanasios Rhousopoulos dug up a marble ball which was 30 in diameter covered with magical signs similar to what can be seen in the Greek Magical Papyri. This paper looks at the ball in the contect of the Papyri reaches the conclusion that it was not a talisman designed to cheat at games.

Проблема истории властных отношений и институтов является сегодня одной из наиболее актуальных для целого ряда научных дисциплин: антропологии, истории, политологии, культурологии, философии. Особое значение данная проблематика имеет для... more

Проблема истории властных отношений и институтов является сегодня одной из наиболее актуальных для целого ряда научных дисциплин: антропологии, истории, политологии, культурологии, философии. Особое значение данная проблематика имеет для все более активно развивающихся ныне междисциплинарных исследований в области общественных наук. Целью авторов коллективной монографии является изучение на материалах большого количества конкретных обществ древности, средних веков и раннего нового времени, комплекса явлений, обусловленных тем фундаментальным, но зачастую не понимаемым и игнорируемым фактом, что политическая культура, политическая организация являются частью, проявлением и отражением типа культуры, присущего данной цивилизации в целом. Этот цивилизационный тип культуры, разнящийся в разных цивилизациях, и определяет многообразие, вариативность темпов, форм, направлений, пределов социокультурной эволюции, в том числе форм и объема сакрализации власти и ее носителей. Книга рассчитана на ученых (антропологов, историков, политологов, философов, культурологов,), преподавателей и учащихся вузов, а также на широкий круг любителей истории и культуры.

Pan in Ancient Greece. Cults and myths

Si les tout-petits à Corinthe et Argos ne paraissent pas faire l’objet de discrimination particulière quant à leur traitement funéraire, l’étude des sépultures d’enfants dans les nécropoles de ces deux cités permet d’envisager la... more

Si les tout-petits à Corinthe et Argos ne paraissent pas faire l’objet de discrimination particulière quant à leur traitement funéraire, l’étude des sépultures d’enfants dans les nécropoles de ces deux cités permet d’envisager la diversité régionale des pratiques funéraires en Grèce continentale. Deux régions distantes d’une quarantaine de kilomètres peuvent en effet traiter leurs défunts de manière très différente. Pour autant ces diversités sont-elles significatives ? Impliquent-elles une conception différente du jeune enfant ? Pour Corinthe et Argos, les spécificités concernent surtout le type de sépulture et ne semblent pas engager une vision et une intégration funéraires radicalement opposées des 0-1 ans. Le choix intentionnel
d’inhumer un enfant dans une nécropole collective avec un type de sépulture particulier ou non, paraît surtout résulter de normes sociales, économiques voire religieuses propres à chaque groupe même si des pratiques communes entre les deux cités peuvent être identifiées.

“Scientificity” and appeals to political independence are invaluable tools in the efforts of institutions such as the American School of Classical Studies at Athens to maintain their professional autonomy. Yet again, the cooperation of... more

“Scientificity” and appeals to political independence are invaluable tools in the efforts of institutions such as the American School of Classical Studies at Athens to maintain their professional autonomy. Yet again, the cooperation of scientists and scholars at large, among whom the archaeologists affiliated with the ASCSA, with the OSS suggests a constitutive affinity between political and cultural leadership. In this article, I historically map out this relationship while drawing from sociological categorizations of knowledge and its employ in order to situate the archaeologists in their broader social and political context and evaluate their work not merely as agents of disciplinary knowledge but also as agents of culture and cultural change.

In the twentieth century, research in classics and cultural anthropology concerning the relationship between humans and animals in ancient Greece almost exclusively concentrated on the differences between these two groups. Starting from... more

In the twentieth century, research in classics and cultural anthropology concerning the relationship between humans and animals in ancient Greece almost exclusively concentrated
on the differences between these two groups. Starting from Jean-Pierre Vernant’s surveys (La cuisine du sacrifice en pays grec and Entre bêtes et dieux), the focus of most studies dealing with the differences between humans and animals has been on topics such as hunting, sacrifice, food and sexual habits. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to cases where ancient Greek authors considered the boundaries between humans and animals to be less rigidly defined.
This paper examines the evidence provided by a series of anecdotes and stories in particular from Aelian’s De natura animalium, but also by linguistic and cultural habits which portray
certain animals as experts in several crafts or techniques and as deserving of recognition among humans. In several texts, humans are said to have acquired skills from animals through imitation, e.g. sailing or medical practices. Through a detailed analysis of Aelian’s De natura animalium, this article demonstrates that it is possible to identify examples of approaches in ancient Greek thought which tend to diminish the boundaries between humans and animals.

The partially mummified remains of a high-status female (ca. 1700 BP, Thessaloniki, Greece) were found inside a Roman-type marble sarcophagus containing a lead coffin. The individual was positioned on a wooden pallet, wrapped in bandages,... more

The partially mummified remains of a high-status female (ca. 1700 BP, Thessaloniki, Greece) were found inside a Roman-type marble sarcophagus containing a lead coffin. The individual was positioned on a wooden pallet, wrapped in bandages, and covered with a gold-embroidered purple silk cloth. Besides the clothes, remnants of soft tissue as well as the individual's original hair style and eyebrows were exceptionally well preserved. In addition to the macroscopic examination, microscopic and biochemical analyses were undertaken. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) were applied to examine the tissue preservation and probable mechanisms of mummification. The presence of chemical components, such as sesquiterpenes, triterpenoids, and diterpenoids, originating from coniferous and pistacia resins, myrrh, and other spices, verify ancient information on preparation methods of the dead in Greek and Roman times. These chemical components are thought to have played a prominent role in the mummification mechanism in this particular case. The potential effect of the lead coffin in the mummification process was also examined. Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis failed to detect lead penetration into the tissues, suggesting that the coffin played a limited role in the preservation of soft tissue.

Much has been written on the analogy between game and law, which is referred to by classical books like J. Huizinga s Homo Ludens and H. Harts The Concept of Law. But, as L. Gernet has shown, a contiguity of games and law can be observed... more

Much has been written on the analogy between game and law, which is referred to by classical books like J. Huizinga s Homo Ludens and H. Harts The Concept of Law. But, as L. Gernet has shown, a contiguity of games and law can be observed already in Homer. Starting from the analysis of two disputes arising during athletic competitions (the one between Ajax ofOileus and Ido-meneus in II. 23 and the one between Odysseus and Euryalus in Od. 8) the paper tries to cast some light on the trial scene of the Shield of Achilles : the dispute settlement method (a group of γέροντες who, taking turns, render their judgments until the one who has pronounced the most correct one emerges) follows the agonistic model of athletic competitions.

Rasseg?za bibLìografca Antichità classica a cura di LUCIO BERTELLI ì.nwao O., Tecniche detta comwnìcazio#e meZZa Grecia a /ica, Napoli, Liguori, 1981, PP. 144. condo le quali le infomìazioni si pjnducevano quotidianamente nell'antica... more

Rasseg?za bibLìografca Antichità classica a cura di LUCIO BERTELLI ì.nwao O., Tecniche detta comwnìcazio#e meZZa Grecia a /ica, Napoli, Liguori, 1981, PP. 144. condo le quali le infomìazioni si pjnducevano quotidianamente nell'antica Grecia, e in particolare alla circolazione delle notizie concernenti eventi già prodottisi oppure concorrenti al loro prodursi. L'A., cominciando col prendere in considerazione la comunicazione verbale diretta,

The anthropological analysis of skeletal material under the auspice of 33 rd Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (Ministry of Culture) constitutes an important methodological tool for the archaeological research in the... more

The anthropological analysis of skeletal material under the auspice of 33 rd Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities (Ministry of Culture) constitutes an important methodological tool for the archaeological research in the prefectures of Arta and Preveza. First of all, I would like to give some geographical and historical information on these two prefectures. Arta and Preveza are neighbouring prefectures.

Reconstruction of Socrates' argument for justice, and other details.

The study of ancient human and animal skeletal remains offers valuable information and has become an indispensable part of modern excavation and research. The majority of ancient bones from Sifnos have been lost taking with them all the... more

The study of ancient human and animal skeletal remains offers valuable information and has become an indispensable part of modern excavation and research. The majority of ancient bones from Sifnos have been lost taking with them all the direct information on the ancient and older inhabitants of the island. Interest is therefore focused on the few human skeletal remains recovered so far from the recent excavations undertaken on the island by the National Archaeological Service. In addition, organised efforts are being made to gather and report memories and testimonies of inhabitants, especially of those who have participated in archaeological excavations in the past. Introduction: the value of ancient skeletal remains The study of skeletal remains forms today an impoltant part of the archaeological research. Although excavations usually lack ideal conditions (due to lack of funds and /or timg together with adverse weather conditions), the careful recovering, inventorying and storage ...

In occasione del trentennale del Centro dipartimentale A.M.A. (Antropologia e Mondo Antico) dell’Università degli Studi di Siena, i dottorandi del curriculum in “Antropologia del mondo antico” del dottorato in “Scienze dell’Antichità e... more

In occasione del trentennale del Centro dipartimentale A.M.A. (Antropologia e Mondo Antico) dell’Università degli Studi di Siena, i dottorandi del curriculum in “Antropologia del mondo antico” del dottorato in “Scienze dell’Antichità e Archeologia” promuovono un ciclo di seminari incentrati sulle diverse tematiche che hanno forgiato l'identità del Centro, rendendolo un punto di riferimento culturale e accademico nel panorama nazionale e internazionale. Il presente CFP, rivolto a giovani studiosi (laureati magistrali, dottorandi, dottori di ricerca sotto i 35 anni), oltre a promuovere l'incontro e il confronto tra antichisti di diversa formazione e interessi, offrendo loro la possibilità di presentare il frutto delle loro attività di ricerca, mira a raccogliere studi e proposte nuovi sulle più importanti tematiche da anni all'attenzione del Centro A.M.A. Tra le finalità vi è, infatti, quella di saggiare il terreno sulle attuali linee di ricerca in relazione agli argomenti proposti. Alla base vi è, altresì, il desiderio di promuovere con intento dialogico il confronto tra prospettive diverse (antropologiche, filologiche, storiche, archeologiche, semiotiche etc...), con lo scopo di rafforzare il tessuto epistemologico degli studi sul mondo antico, nel Centro e fuori.

Hellas and Crete, its root, in fact there is a shadow and fire, Mind and Heart, Earth and Moon. // Эллада и Крит, ее корень — суть тень и огонь, Ум и Сердце, Земля и Луна.

The late J.L.Durand has been an exceptional men and scholar. His field was Cultural Anthropology, with two very different loves: Ancient Greece and Central Africa. He has been the only Hellenist with a wide and deep experience of... more

The late J.L.Durand has been an exceptional men and scholar. His field was Cultural Anthropology, with two very different loves: Ancient Greece and Central Africa. He has been the only Hellenist with a wide and deep experience of anthropological field work.

An attempt at what is usually called post-historical analysis.

Les actes d'affranchissement de Delphes:
De 10-12h: le statut de l'esclave affranchi et la clause de paramona.
De 14-16h: quel nom pour un esclave?
(escalier E, salle Delamarre D059)

... Health and disease in Greece : past, present and future. Roberts, CA and Lagia, A. andTriantaphyllou, S. and Bourbou, C. and Tsaliki, A. (2005) 'Health and disease in Greece : past, present and future.', in Health in... more

... Health and disease in Greece : past, present and future. Roberts, CA and Lagia, A. andTriantaphyllou, S. and Bourbou, C. and Tsaliki, A. (2005) 'Health and disease in Greece : past, present and future.', in Health in antiquity. London: Routledge, pp. 32-58. ...

An 1 refiere 30 hombres que se traen de cinco lugares y están «yéndose como remeros a Pleurón». PUERTO PRINCIPAL -Voldhokiliá. MAS DE 150 KM DE COSTA -SOBRE TODO ZONAS ROCOSAS SISTEMA DE VIGILANCIA DE LA COSTA (An 657, An 654, An 519, An... more

An 1 refiere 30 hombres que se traen de cinco lugares y están «yéndose como remeros a Pleurón». PUERTO PRINCIPAL -Voldhokiliá. MAS DE 150 KM DE COSTA -SOBRE TODO ZONAS ROCOSAS SISTEMA DE VIGILANCIA DE LA COSTA (An 657, An 654, An 519, An 656, An 661): «Así los vigías están guardando las regiones costeras», con unidades u o-ka, quizá orkhai, unidades de mando a cargo de un órkhamos. EJEMPLO: anotación referente a la primera unidad (An 657.2-4): EJEMPLO: anotación referente a la primera unidad (An 657.2-4): BIBLIOGRAFÍA BAUMBACH, L.; "An examination of the Evidence for a state of Mycenaeae, Gotinga 1983, pp. 28-40. BRADFORD, A. S.; With Arrow, Sword and Spear. A History of Warfare CASTLEDEN, Rodney; Mycenaeans: Life in Bronze Age Greece; Routledge, CHADWICK, John; El Mundo Micenico; Alianza, Madrid, 1977. CHRISSANTHOS, S.; Warfare in the Ancient Wolrd. From the Bronze COTTERELL, Arthur; Chariot. The astounding rise and fall of the world COTTERELL, Arthur; Chariot. The astounding rise and fall of the world D'AMATO, Raffaele; SALIMBETI, Andrea; Bronze age greek warrior DEGER-JALKOTZY, Sigrid; LEMOS, Irene S. (Eds.); Ancient Greece E. Univ. Press, 2006. ___; 'Military prowess and social status in Mycenaean Greece'; Polemos, DEROY, Louis; "Une nouvelle interprètation des tablettes oka de Mycenaean Symposium, Brno, Universita J.F. Purkyne, April 1968, pp DRIESSEN, J.; 'The Archaeology of Aegean Warfare'; Polemos, Liege,

Much of the cultural production of the ancient world, east and west, was based on the idea of reflecting aspects of the divine in human life and thought. Many social structures and institutions were based on this approach. The model for... more

Much of the cultural production of the ancient world, east and west, was based on the idea of reflecting aspects of the divine in human life and thought. Many social structures and institutions were based on this approach. The model for these things was was astronomy and the heavens, and the heavens were conceived of as a moving image of eternity, and eternity was understood to be coterminous with the Divine. Since it moved, it contained life and thought, and repaid the attention of man. We still live, work and think inside what is a scarcely changed neolithic temple, which is the sky.