Bussiness Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Kentang Asli Batam, Jualan Kentang Asli Batam, Jualan Kentang Asli di Batam, Kentang Batam asli, Jual Kentang Asli di Batam, Jual Kentang Asli Batam, Kentang Asli asal Batam, Kentang Asli di-Batam, Kentang Batam Asli jual.

presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso trata da responsabilização dos bancos frente ao pagamento de cheques sem a devida provisão de fundos. Toma como base de pesquisa, a aplicação das diretrizes do Código de Defesa do Consumidor perante... more

presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso trata da responsabilização dos bancos frente ao pagamento de cheques sem a devida provisão de fundos. Toma como base de pesquisa, a aplicação das diretrizes do Código de Defesa do Consumidor perante as instituições financeiras; a devida reparação de danos, através do instituto da responsabilidade civil previsto no Código Civil Brasileiro; as decisões do Superior Tribunal de Justiça quanto as relações de consumo que envolvem os bancos, e as normas do Banco Central do Brasil.
A importância do estudo se dá, em função da enorme quantidade de cheques sem provisão de fundos que circulam no comércio, afetando cidades, bairros e comunidades que não encontram no judiciário uma forma adequada para a reparação dos prejuízos sofridos.
O estudo procurou ser específico, mas abrangente quanto à interdisciplinaridade das fontes, a fim de, chegar-se a uma visão ampliada do problema que atinge, o incrível número, de mais de vinte milhões de cheques emitidos sem provisão de fundos no ano de 2009.
Também estão incluídos nessa abordagem, os julgados do Tribunal de Justiça de SC, que de forma pioneira, responsabilizam os bancos pelo pagamento de cheques sem fundos, classificando tal prática como, defeito e vício de produto e serviço, prestado pelas instituições financeiras.

دانلود کتاب مدیریت ارتباط با مشتریان اثر فرانسیس باتل PDF ترجمه فارسی

Abstract This research aimed to know the students’ vocabulary ability and difficulties in learning vocabulary. The subject of the research was the third-semester students of Food Technology. The method used in this research is descriptive... more

کتاب پدر پولدار پدر بی پول اثر رابرت کیوساکی PDF

Abstract: Using the intuition and varied information, we propose a mathematical model to assign the price to a product, taking the basic case that the commerce or the business offer a single product or service.

Новые требования общества и экономики в целом больше не позволяют осуществлять обеспечение реализации генеральных целей компании учитывая лишь интересы с точки зрения бизнеса. В этой ситуации не является исключением и агропредприятия.... more

Новые требования общества и экономики в целом больше не позволяют осуществлять обеспечение реализации
генеральных целей компании учитывая лишь интересы с
точки зрения бизнеса. В этой ситуации не является исключением и агропредприятия.
Отечественные бизнес-структуры, начавшие вставать
на социально ответственную платформу развития, уже начали понимать для себя потенциальные выгоды цивилизованного бизнеса. Однако такие трансформации происходят
преимущественно в сырьевой промышленности и менее
всего в сельском хозяйстве. Можно предположить, что агропромышленный комплекс у нас и так имеет множество
проблем и «вешать» на него работу по изменениям в социальных структурах менеджмента смысла, как минимум, не
имеет. Однако это предположение, как показывает практика
современного успешного российского агробизнеса, легко
В настоящее время, когда у большинства населения на-
шей страны село ассоциируется с упадком и бесперспективностью, способом, который может решить известные
проблемы аграриев, может оказаться реализация концепции корпоративной социальной ответственности. Главным
преимуществом ее реализации может являться решение
множества насущных проблем не только одного выделенно
го сельхозпроизводителя, но, потенциально, и всех аграриев страны, причем преимущественно не за счет финансовых
вливаний, а благодаря инновационным преобразованиям
в менеджменте. При благоприятном развитии, успешная
реализация социально ответственных практик позволит
приобрести отечественным агропроизводителям новый,
современный опыт управления, который сможет принести
не только экономические выгоды хозяйству, но также будет
активно способствовать формированию престижа аграрно-
го труда и развитию села в целом.
Ключевые слова: агробизнес, корпоративная социальная ответственность, развитие, эффективность, конкурентоспособность.

دانلود متن کامل کتاب ثروتمندترین مرد بابل pdf اثر جورج کلاسون ترجمه فارسی

Защита бизнеса и стра-тегия предприятия: Экономический и пра-вовой аспект // М.: ЮРКНИГА, 2005. - 160 с. Книга посвящена проблемам защиты бизнеса и стратегии развития предприятия , которые исследованы во взаимосвязи их экономических и... more

معرفی تمامی کتابهای مارک فیشر همراه با لینک دانلود نسخه PDF

کتاب اسرار ذهن ثروتمند اثر تی هارو اکر PDF

کتاب میلیونر شدن در جوانی اثر مت موریس PDF

Using the 2013 World Bank Enterprise Survey data for Uganda, this paper employs the quintile estimation technique to explain the relationship between innovation and firm performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Innovation... more

Using the 2013 World Bank Enterprise Survey data for Uganda, this paper employs the quintile estimation technique to explain the relationship between innovation and firm performance in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Innovation involves the introduction of a new or significantly improved production process, product, marketing technique or organizational structure. Our results indicate that individual processing, product, marketing and organizational innovations have no impact on labour productivity as proxied by sales per worker. However, the results indicate the presence of complementarity between the four types of innovation. Specifically, the effect of innovation on sales per worker is positive when an SME engages in all four types of innovation. Even then the complementarity is weakly positive with incidences of a negative relationship when using any combination of innovations that are less than the four types of innovation. Policy-wise the results suggest that effort...

Though the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and governance (CG) have been evolving for decades, no single all-encompassing meaning has as yet been achieved. This paper seeks to explore the interrelationship between CSR... more

Though the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and governance (CG) have
been evolving for decades, no single all-encompassing meaning has as yet been achieved.
This paper seeks to explore the interrelationship between CSR and CG and its Indian context.
The paper argues about the implication of these concepts in Indian businesses. The first part
of the paper states the increased focus of CG in CSR, and its linkage with business practices.
The second part states the recent transformation in the legal norms to be followed by
corporate houses, highlighting the essential of good governance. The third part of the paper
discusses the prospects and challenges drawn by the stakeholders outlining the success of
CSR in 2014.
The methodology used for the research is secondary and the main objective is to outline the
overlapping of CSR and CG and the growing need of the developing nation to understand the
core importance of moving beyond CG conformance towards voluntary CSR performance.
This paper can provide an insight about the current CSR practices being carried out in this
competitive era, especially in Indian corporate scenario.

کتاب بیندیشید و ثروتمند شوید اثر ناپلئون هیل ترجمه فارسی PDF

دانلود آموزش بازی فراوانی استر هیکسPDF برای جذب ثروت و پول با قانون جذب

The Dynamics of an Urban Metropolis changes over time. As said through years, time and tide waits for none, and so Cities transform themselves over a period of time, this metamorphosis is brought upon by a number of social, spatial,... more

The Dynamics of an Urban Metropolis changes over time. As said through years, time and tide waits for none,
and so Cities transform themselves over a period of time, this metamorphosis is brought upon by a number of
social, spatial, cultural, economic and ecological factors. This paper examines the context of CBDs in Indian
Scenario, and the background theories related to them, with Ghaziabad as a specific case study. Ghaziabad,
one of the prime cities of the NCR (North Central Region) has witnessed rapid development in the past two
decades. While the outskirts of the city is growing at a remarkable pace, the inner city, including the old city
and the identified CBD, has given way to congestion and chaos. An attempt has been made to delineate the
CBD area of Ghaziabad, based upon a number of qualitative features taken from various literary sources. The
methodology adapted has been derived from research papers citing examples of cities similar to Ghaziabad.
The basic goals of the study being to delineate the CBD area of Ghaziabad city and to analyze the importance
of CBDs in the Indian Context .The delineation is based upon some Quantitative features of CBD as
highlighted in literary sources. The core area of a city is a special character of any urban centre. On this basis,
the concept of “Central Business District” has been developed in western countries. In this context, the concept
of Central Business District has been applied to Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.

RESUMO O presente artigo trata-se de um estudo de caso, realizado para reconhecer os tipos de líderes e seus estilos de liderança. Também tem como objetivo identificar as visões sobre o líder e sua influência em seus liderados, na teoria,... more

RESUMO O presente artigo trata-se de um estudo de caso, realizado para reconhecer os tipos de líderes e seus estilos de liderança. Também tem como objetivo identificar as visões sobre o líder e sua influência em seus liderados, na teoria, com base no arcabouço teórico existente, e, na prática, por meio de um questionário aplicado em duas instituições de ensino. As implicações práticas deste estudo se fazem presentes a partir da reflexão sobre os diferentes papéis das lideranças que presenciamos hoje à frente das organizações, quais suas principais ideologias e conquistas e o que os levaram a estar à frente de seus liderados. Palavras-Chave: Liderança. Ensino. Autocrático. Democrático. Liberal. ABSTRACT This article is a case study conducted in order to recognize the types of leaders and their leadership styles. It also aims to identify views about the leaders and their influence on their employees, in theory, based on the existing theoretical literature, and, in practice, through a questionnaire applied in two teaching institutions. The practical implications of this study are from reflections about the different roles in leaderships which are in organizations nowadays, what their main ideologies and achievements are, and how they became leaders in their companies.

Berwirausaha adalah pekerjaan yang mulia, selain untuk mencari keuntungan/laba bagi diri sendiri juga bisa membuka lapangan pekerjaan bagi orang lain. Maka dari itu penulis menginginkan bisa membuka usaha kecil yang berharap semakin hari... more

Berwirausaha adalah pekerjaan yang mulia, selain untuk mencari keuntungan/laba bagi diri sendiri juga bisa membuka lapangan pekerjaan bagi orang lain. Maka dari itu penulis menginginkan bisa membuka usaha kecil yang berharap semakin hari makin berkembang dan mampu menyerap tenaga kerja.

Climate changes, overpopulation, resources overuse and ecological catastrophes require companies to embrace a circular economy and improve existing circular business models (CBMs). Due to their novelty, CBMs have been critiqued concerning... more

Climate changes, overpopulation, resources overuse and ecological catastrophes require companies to embrace a circular economy and improve existing circular business models (CBMs). Due to their novelty, CBMs have been critiqued concerning their sustainability input at the company level. This paper contributes to the conference theme and session by assessing existing CBMs' sustainability using alternative sustainability assessment approach service design (SD) in three areas: innovation, which is crucial for sustainable business development enabling greater sustainability of CBMs; sustainable customer experiences on a human level allowing progressive organisational sustainability, and transparency in companies' internal and external processes indicating high sustainability processes area. A pilot study assessed 16 Finnish companies with four CBMs in seven industries to answer how sustainable are CBMs across different industries when adopting SD as a sustainability assessment approach? The author completed an assessment at the university SD educational process for professionals. It consisted of CBMs analysis adopting various design tools and a redesign conducted at the virtual workshop. Results revealed high sustainability performance in groundbreaking technological innovation (n=8) reinforced with innovative CBM (n=6) and limited sustainability performance in all other areas: limited customeroriented services and poor user experiences (n=2), unfamiliarity with customer needs (n=9), haziness in the service life cycle (n=6), supply chain (n=4), value chain (n=5), and waste management (n=6). Therefore the short answer to RQ would be that pertinent CBMs are sustainable partly. Finally, the study demonstrates promising results when adopting SD as a sustainability assessment approach; however, the author recommends using other established procedures.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION TO FRANCHISING 1.1 What is franchising? 1.2 Definitions for franchising 1.3 History of Franchising 1.4 Types of franchises 1.4.1 Product distribution 1.4.2 Business format franchise 1.4.3 Types of... more

1.1 What is franchising?
1.2 Definitions for franchising
1.3 History of Franchising
1.4 Types of franchises
1.4.1 Product distribution
1.4.2 Business format franchise
1.4.3 Types of franchise arrangements
1.4.4 Common franchise terms
2.1 Advantages and disadvantage of buying a franchise
2.1.1 Advantages of buying a franchise
2.1.2 Disadvantages of buying a franchise
2.2 Advantages and disadvantage of buying a existing franchise
2.2.1 Advantage
2.2.2 Disadvantage
2.3 Status of the Franchising Market
2.3.1 Sri Lanka Franchise Business Opportunities
2.4 Alternatives to Franchising
2.4.1 Distributorship
2.4.2 Licensing
3.1.1 Evaluate yourself
3.1.2 Investigate before investing
3.1.3 The criteria for selecting a franchise
3.1.4 The Key Subjects in the Franchise Agreement
3.1.5 The disclosure document
4 References

Sun Tzu adalah seorang filsuf praktis yang menulis The Art of War yang terdiri dari 7000 aksara pada kira-kira tahun 500 sebelum Masehi. The Art of War mungkin salah satu buku yang ditulis pada bilah-bilah bambu, karya yang diakui ini... more

Sun Tzu adalah seorang filsuf praktis yang menulis The Art of War yang terdiri dari 7000 aksara
pada kira-kira tahun 500 sebelum Masehi.
The Art of War mungkin salah satu buku yang ditulis pada bilah-bilah bambu, karya yang diakui
ini telah meraih reputasi internasional sebagai intisari strategi meraih kemenangan.
Selama berabad-abad, The Art of War dijunjung tinggi oleh para ahli strategi Tiongkok maupun Jepang.
Banyak pernyataan Mao diambil dari filosofi Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu adalah pendahuluan singkat terbaik
untuk studi tentang perang, The Art of War memang naskah mendasar yang mantap tentang strategi.
The Art of War adalah landasan dari strategi Timur. Tesis sentral Sun Tzu adalah bahwa anda bisa
menghindari pertempuran kalau anda merencanakan strategi yang tepat sebelum pertempuran.
On War karya Carl von clausewitz, seorang pejabatJerman yang menulis di zaman Napoleon, adalah
landasan dari sebagian besar strategi Barat. Teori menurut Clausewitz berkonsentrasi pada pertempuran
besar sebagai cara meraih kemenangan.
The Art of War merupakan maha karya kesederhanaan. Ketika membandingkan Clausewitz dengan Sun
Tzu, ahli strategi Liddel Hart berkomentar: “Sun Tzu memiliki visi yang jelas, wawasan yang lebih
mendalam, kesegaran yang kekal”. Karya Sun Tzu umumnya tidak dianggap sebagai kontributor
terhadap strategi militer Barat. Karya Sun Tzu adalah rahasia-rahasia bagi sukses bisnis maupun pribadi.
Studi dan analisa yang berkesinambungan terhadap Sun Tzu menghasilkan wawasan-wawasan baru
untuk membuka konsep-konsep meraih kemenangan.
Menggunakan strategi Sun Tzu dalam bisnis bukanlah barang baru. Ada banyak bukti bahwa The Art of
War memberikan kontribusi terhadap cara berpikir pemimpin-pemimpin modern.
The Art of War merupakan bacaan wajib untuk mengikuti kursus tentang kewirausahaan di Columbia
University. Banyak pesanan The Art of War telah dilakukan oleh organisasi-organisasi bisnis, serikat
dagang, dan aparat-aparat penegak hukum.
The Art of War merupakan karya klasik bukan saja tentang strategi melainkan juga tentang kesederhanaan.
Kesederhanaan The Art of War menjadikan pelajaran-pelajaran Sun Tzu langsung dapat dijabarkan
menjadi strategi bisnis. Prinsip-prinsip Sun Tzu memantapkan landasan yang kokoh untuk memahami
aturan-aturan strategi bisnis di milenium baru.
Pelajaran-pelajaran Sun Tzu sudah ribuan usianya, dan ujian waktulah yang menjadikannya berharga bagi
manajer bisnis.
Prinsip mendasar strategi itu sama bagi semua manajer, bagi segala waktu, bagi segala situasi. Hanya
taktik yang berubah dan taktik dimodifikasi sesuai berjalannya waktu.
Strategi paling baik didefinisikan sebagai “melakukan hal yang benar”. Sementara taktik adalah
“melakukan segalanya dengan benar”.
Strategi berhenti di perbatasan dalam perang dan di kantor-kantor pusat dalam bisnis; taktik dimulai
dengan kontak dengan pelanggan. The Art of War nya Sun Tzu memberikan pelajaran-pelajaran yang
mendasar untuk pemikiran strategis modern dan menjadi sumber ide-ide yang subur untuk taktik.

Hughes dan Kapoor : " Kegiatan usaha individu yang terorganisir untuk menghasilkan dan menjual barang dan jasa guna mendapatkan keuntungan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. " Brown dan Petrello : " Lembaga yang menghasikan barang dan... more

Hughes dan Kapoor : " Kegiatan usaha individu yang terorganisir untuk menghasilkan dan menjual barang dan jasa guna mendapatkan keuntungan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. " Brown dan Petrello : " Lembaga yang menghasikan barang dan jasa yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat "

آموزش بازی فراوانی و ثروت استر هیکس