Circadian Rhythms Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The rest-activity circadian rhythm (CircAct) reflects the function of the circadian timing system. In a prior single-institution study, the extent of CircAct perturbation independently predicted for survival and tumor response in 192... more

The rest-activity circadian rhythm (CircAct) reflects the function of the circadian timing system. In a prior single-institution study, the extent of CircAct perturbation independently predicted for survival and tumor response in 192 patients receiving chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer. Moreover, the main CircAct parameters correlated with several health-related quality of life (HRQoL) scales. In this prospective study, we attempted to extend these results to an independent cohort of chemotherapy-naive metastatic colorectal cancer patients participating in an international randomized phase III trial (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer 05963). Patients were randomized to receive chronomodulated or conventional infusion of 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin as first-line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer. Patients from nine institutions completed the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-C30 and wore a wrist accelerometer (actigraph) for 3 days before chemotherapy delivery. Two validated parameters (I<O and r24) were used to estimate CircAct. Of 130 patients with baseline CircAct assessments, 96 had baseline HRQoL data. I<O was confirmed to correlate with global quality of life, physical functioning, social functioning, fatigue, and appetite loss (r > |0.25|; P < 0.01). I<O further independently predicted for overall survival with a hazard ratio of 0.94 (P < 0.0001). The associations between CircAct parameters, HRQoL, and survival, which were shown in this international study involving previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer patients, confirm prior single-institution findings in mostly pretreated metastatic colorectal cancer patients. The circadian timing system constitutes a novel therapeutic target. Interventions that normalize circadian timing system dysfunction may affect quality of life and survival in cancer patients. [Cancer Res 2009;69(11):4700-7]

BackgroundToday many merchant ships sail with only two nautical officers, working a shift schedule of 6 hr on and 6 hr off. There are concerns that such a shift schedule is related to fatigue. However, little data exist from onboard... more

BackgroundToday many merchant ships sail with only two nautical officers, working a shift schedule of 6 hr on and 6 hr off. There are concerns that such a shift schedule is related to fatigue. However, little data exist from onboard studies of seafarers.Today many merchant ships sail with only two nautical officers, working a shift schedule of 6 hr on and 6 hr off. There are concerns that such a shift schedule is related to fatigue. However, little data exist from onboard studies of seafarers.MethodsData were collected on board 13 ships. Fifteen participants worked on a 6-on, 6-off watch system and another 15 on a 4-on, 8-off watch system. Electrooculography, actigraphy, diaries, and reaction time tests were used to measure the effects of shift system on fatigue and sleep.Data were collected on board 13 ships. Fifteen participants worked on a 6-on, 6-off watch system and another 15 on a 4-on, 8-off watch system. Electrooculography, actigraphy, diaries, and reaction time tests were used to measure the effects of shift system on fatigue and sleep.Results and ConclusionsSleepiness was higher during the night shift in the 6-on, 6-off system. Moreover, sleepiness increased more during the watch in the 6-on, 6-off system compared to the 4-on, 8-off system. There was a trend toward shorter sleep episodes in the 6-on, 6-off system and sleep was more often split into two episodes. Am. J. Ind. Med. 53:733–740, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Sleepiness was higher during the night shift in the 6-on, 6-off system. Moreover, sleepiness increased more during the watch in the 6-on, 6-off system compared to the 4-on, 8-off system. There was a trend toward shorter sleep episodes in the 6-on, 6-off system and sleep was more often split into two episodes. Am. J. Ind. Med. 53:733–740, 2010. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

The increased use of self-luminous displays, especially in the evening prior to bedtime, has been associated with melatonin suppression, delayed sleep and sleep curtailment. The present study set out to investigate whether the Night Shift... more

The increased use of self-luminous displays, especially in the evening prior to bedtime, has been associated with melatonin suppression, delayed sleep and sleep curtailment. The present study set out to investigate whether the Night Shift application provided by Apple Inc. for use on its portable electronic devices is effective for reducing acute melatonin suppression, a well-established marker of circadian phase. Participants experienced four experimental conditions: a dim light control, a high circadian stimulus true positive intervention and two Night Shift interventions delivering low and high correlated colour temperature light from the devices. Melatonin suppression did not significantly differ between the two Night Shift interventions, which indicates that changing the spectral composition of self-luminous displays without changing their brightness settings may be insufficient for preventing impacts on melatonin suppression.

The presence of natural 24-hour oscillations within the body provides often overlooked opportunities for treatment of epilepsy. By simply tailoring the drug regimen to an individual's circadian rhythm, recent studies suggest one can... more

The presence of natural 24-hour oscillations within the body provides often overlooked opportunities for treatment of epilepsy. By simply tailoring the drug regimen to an individual's circadian rhythm, recent studies suggest one can improve the effectiveness of antiepileptic drugs, while reducing side effects. Daily variations in seizure occurrence and drug side effects create optimal timing windows for delivery of medication. Conversely, in certain epilepsy syndromes, there is growing evidence that both sleep and circadian rhythm can be distorted or misaligned. Thus, therapeutic re-entrainment of rhythms via application of zeitgebers (chronobiotics) may represent an untapped opportunity for improving patient quality of life.

Aim. – The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of the Spanish version of Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) and its ability to measure the circadian typology.Subjects and methods. – Voluntary and unpaid psychology students... more

Aim. – The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of the Spanish version of Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) and its ability to measure the circadian typology.Subjects and methods. – Voluntary and unpaid psychology students (N= 391; 132 men and 259 women), aged between 17 and 33, completed the questionnaire between the months of September and December.Results.

The question of when people rely on stereotypic preconceptions in judging others was investigated in two studies. As a person's motivation or ability to process information systematically is diminished, the person may rely to an... more

The question of when people rely on stereotypic preconceptions in judging others was investigated in two studies. As a person's motivation or ability to process information systematically is diminished, the person may rely to an increasing extent on stereotypes, when available, as a way of simplifying the task of generating a response. It was hypothesized that circadian variations in arousal levels would be related to social perceivers' propensity to stereotype others by virtue of their effects on motivation and processing capacity. In support of this hypothesis, subjects exhibited stereotypic biases in their judgments to a much greater extent when the judgments were rendered at a nonoptimal time of day (i.e., in the morning for “night people” and in the evening for “morning people”). In Study One, this pattern was found in probability judgments concerning personal characteristics; in Study Two, the pattern was obtained in perceptions of guilt in allegations of student misbehavior. Results generalized over a range of different types of social stereotypes and suggest that biological processes should be considered in attempts to conceptualize the determinants of stereotyping.

Translation and interpretation of Paul Kammerer's 1919 Das Gesetz Der Serie, its implications and applications from chaos and complexity theory to multiple aspects of anomalism and the generally with Robert... more

Translation and interpretation of Paul Kammerer's 1919 Das Gesetz Der Serie, its implications and applications from chaos and complexity theory to multiple aspects of anomalism and the generally with Robert Schmidt, copyright 1991-2014...introduction only...
The complete text has now been uploaded and available here as Cause and Coincidence: The Serial Structure of Reality, q.v....

Resumo O presente trabalho aborda a questão da influência da temperatura de cor da luz artificial LED juntamente com a luz natural e seus efeitos não visuais no padrão circadiano de seres humanos. Dessa forma, foi realizado um estudo... more

Resumo O presente trabalho aborda a questão da influência da temperatura de cor da luz artificial LED juntamente com a luz natural e seus efeitos não visuais no padrão circadiano de seres humanos. Dessa forma, foi realizado um estudo sobre a interferência da iluminacao artificial no ciclo circadiano dos indivíduos, a qual esta intimamente relacionada a regulação de estimulos, tais como, períodos vigília-sono, apetite, relaxamento, alerta, entre outros. Um ponto interessante, e que, ate pouco tempo, partindo do ponto de vista do projeto luminotecnico, a relação entre o sistema endócrino, responsável por regular os hormonios no corpo humano, e a iluminação era pouco considerada. Entretanto, recentemente, estudos indicam uma forte relacao entre o bom funcionamento deste relógio biológico e à variação de temperaturas de cores da luz natural durante o dia. Sendo assim, em meio a um contexto o qual tecnologias novas estão sendo criadas e difundidas a cada dia, as pessoas estão cada vez mais expostas a utilização de iluminação artificial por meio de aparelhos eletronicos. E, salvo algumas excessões lançadas recentemente no mercado, tais aparelhos não possuem a capacidade de configurar a variacao da temperatura de cor durante o dia, ocasionando alterações no ciclo circadiano e consequentemente na saúde dos usuários do ambiente. Portanto, além de estudar a interferência da iluminação artificial, o trabalho visa indicar soluções para minimizar os efeitos da iluminação noturna residencial afim de melhorar a saúde e a qualidade de vida dos usuários, por meio de soluções fáceis de serem adotadas. Dessa forma, é imperativo que além de projetar ambientes bem iluminados, realçando os elementos do espaço, exista a preocupaçao por parte dos arquitetos e profissionais do ramo em projetar ambientes que proporcionem qualidade de vida as pessoas, salientando a necessidade de se pensar na iluminação artificial voltada para com enfoque no ritmo biológico dos usuários, cada vez mais orientado para o ser humano, influenciando positivamente na saúde. Palavras-chave: Ciclo circadiano. Iluminação. LED Azul. Luz e saúde. Melatonina. 1. Introdução Para Feldman (2007:19) a arquitetura se enquadra dentro das ciências sociais onde os aspectos qualitativos constituem parte fundamental do estudo e deliberações visando a qualidade de vida das pessoas concomitantemente com a própria natureza. Sob a perspectiva da qualidade da iluminação do ambiente residencial, os controles poderiam ser aproveitados para aumentar a flexibilidade, funcionalidade e estética de um ambiente. A luz é fundamental ao homem e sem ela não há vida. A luz é radiação eletromagnética capaz de sensibilizar o olho humano. Os seres humanos que possuem 100% da visão ou algo próximo a isso, são pessoas menos dependentes dos outros sentidos: paladar, audição, tato e olfato, quando comparados a indivíduos que apresentam diferentes estágios de perdas

Objectives: Disturbances in cognition, affect, sleep and activity have been identified in bipolar disorder (BD) but little is known about the possible role of these factors in the development of the condition. We studied these variables... more

Objectives: Disturbances in cognition, affect, sleep and activity have been identified in bipolar disorder (BD) but little is known about the possible role of these factors in the development of the condition. We studied these variables in a familial high-risk sample.Methods: Twenty-five children (13–19 years) of bipolar parents were compared with 22 similar aged children of age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Participants were assessed using Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime version (SADS-L) and completed self-report measures of dysfunctional attitudes, behavioural inhibition/activation, social rhythms, coping styles and subjective experience of sleep. Children completed a 7-day recording of actigraphy (sleep and activity) and a 7-day diary measuring self-esteem, positive and negative affect and reactions to positive and negative events.Results: Fifty-six per cent of children of bipolar parents (CBP) reported mood symptoms compared to 9% of children of control parents (CC). The CBP group had coping styles and instability of self-esteem consistent with abnormal strategies for regulating affect. Both groups also differed on sleep measures. The majority of differences observed were between CBP with a current or past mood diagnosis and CC. BD parents reported dysfunctional coping styles and (to a lesser extent) disrupted activity patterns.Conclusions: A familial high-risk strategy for studying the role of psychological factors in BD is feasible and informative. This pilot study indicates that abnormal coping styles, instability of self-esteem and dysregulation of sleep may be early markers of bipolar illness. However, current findings need to be explored further in longitudinal studies to clarify which potential markers are truly predictive of BD.

Background: The study aimed to elucidate previously observed associations between morningness-eveningness and depressive symptomatology in university students. Relations between components of depressive symptomatology and... more

Background: The study aimed to elucidate previously observed associations between morningness-eveningness and depressive symptomatology in university students. Relations between components of depressive symptomatology and morningness-eveningness were analysed.
Methods: Nine hundred and seventy-four university students completed Polish versions of the Centre for Epidemiological Studies – Depression scale (CES-D; Polish translation appended to this paper) and the Composite Scale of Morningness. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to test the structure of depressive symptoms. Pearson and partial correlations (with age and sex controlled), along with regression analyses with morning affect (MA) and circadian preference as predictors, were used.
Results: PCA revealed three components of depressive symptoms: depressed/somatic affect, positive affect, interpersonal relations. Greater MA was related to less depressive symptoms in three components. Morning circadian preference was related to less depressive symptoms in depressed/somatic and positive affects and unrelated to interpersonal relations. Both morningness-eveningness components exhibited stronger links with depressed/somatic and positive affects than with interpersonal relations. Three CES-D components exhibited stronger links with MA than with circadian preference. In regression analyses only MA was statistically significant for positive affect and better interpersonal relations, whereas more depressed/somatic affect was predicted by lower MA and morning circadian preference (relationship reversed compared to correlations).
Limitations: Self-report assessment.
Conclusions: There are three groups of depressive symptoms in Polish university students. Associations of MA with depressed/somatic and positive affects are primarily responsible for the observed links between morningness-eveningness and depressive symptoms in university students. People with evening circadian preference whose MA is not lowered have less depressed/somatic affect.

Conferencia impartida en el congreso de la AIFIBI 2018, en Bogotá. Una reflexión acerca de los efectos de la medición temporal; específicamente, cómo es que considerar al tiempo como propenso a ser cuantificado tiene consecuencias... more

Conferencia impartida en el congreso de la AIFIBI 2018, en Bogotá. Una reflexión acerca de los efectos de la medición temporal; específicamente, cómo es que considerar al tiempo como propenso a ser cuantificado tiene consecuencias ontológicas fundamentales para nuestro acercamiento a las actividades biológicas.

The effects of lighting on the human circadian system are well-established. The recent discovery of 'non-visual' retinal receptors has confirmed an anatomical basis for the non-image forming, biological effects of light and has... more

The effects of lighting on the human circadian system are well-established. The recent discovery of 'non-visual' retinal receptors has confirmed an anatomical basis for the non-image forming, biological effects of light and has stimulated interest in the use of light to enhance wellbeing in the corporate setting. A prospective controlled intervention study was conducted within a shift-working call centre to investigate the effect of newly developed fluorescent light sources with a high correlated colour temperature (17000 K) upon the wellbeing, functioning and work performance of employees. Five items of the SF-36 questionnaire and a modification of the Columbia Jet Lag scale, were used to evaluate employees on two different floors of the call centre between February and May 2005. Questionnaire completion occurred at baseline and after a three month intervention period, during which time one floor was exposed to new high correlated colour temperature lighting and the other r...

Light pollution is one of the most rapidly increasing types of environmental degradation. Its levels have been growing exponentially over the natural nocturnal lighting levels provided by starlight and moonlight. To limit this pollution... more

Light pollution is one of the most rapidly increasing types of environmental degradation. Its levels have been growing exponentially over the natural nocturnal lighting levels provided by starlight and moonlight. To limit this pollution several effective practices have been defined: the use of shielding on lighting fixture to prevent direct upward light, particularly at low angles above the horizon; no over lighting, i.e. avoid using higher lighting levels than strictly needed for the task, constraining illumination to the area where it is needed and the time it will be used. Nevertheless, even after the best control of the light distribution is reached and when the proper quantity of light is used, some upward light emission remains, due to reflections from the lit surfaces and atmospheric scatter. The environmental impact of this "residual light pollution", cannot be neglected and should be limited too. Here we propose a new way to limit the effects of this residual light pollution on wildlife, human health and stellar visibility. We performed analysis of the spectra of common types of lamps for external use, including the new LEDs. We evaluated their emissions relative to the spectral response functions of human eye photoreceptors, in the photopic, scotopic and the ‘meltopic’ melatonin suppressing bands. We found that the amount of pollution is strongly dependent on the spectral characteristics of the lamps, with the more environmentally friendly lamps being low pressure sodium, followed by high pressure sodium. Most polluting are the lamps with a strong blue emission, like Metal Halide and white LEDs. Migration from the now widely used sodium lamps to white lamps (MH and LEDs) would produce an increase of pollution in the scotopic and melatonin suppression bands of more than five times the present levels, supposing the same photopic installed flux. This increase will exacerbate known and possible unknown effects of light pollution on human health, environment and on visual perception of the Universe by humans. We present quantitative criteria to evaluate the lamps based on their spectral emissions and we suggest regulatory limits for future lighting.► This work presents a new additional way to limit light pollution effects. ► We summarize light pollution consequences on health, environment and astronomy. ► We summarize the technical prescription to limit light pollution. ► We found that a limit to the short wavelength blue light should be implemented. ► New white LEDs pollute the blue part of the spectrum and should be regulated.

В настоящем обзоре установлена связь между эволюционноконсервативной группой генов, формирующих молекулярный осциллятор, ответственный за генерацию циркадных ритмов, и генетическими детерминантами процесса старения, а также... more

В настоящем обзоре установлена связь между эволюционноконсервативной группой генов, формирующих молекулярный осциллятор, ответственный за генерацию циркадных ритмов, и генетическими детерминантами процесса старения, а также ассоциированными с ними путями внутриклеточной сигнализации. Проведен анализ механизмов формирования возраст-зависимых патологий с позиций циркадной генетики. Систематизированы данные исследований профилей экспрессии циркадных генов животных, обнаруживающих различные темпы старения, от ускоренного до пренебрежимого.

Поступила в редакцию 08.05.2020 г. После доработки 21.05.2020 г. Принята к публикации 21.05.2020 г. В обзоре рассмотрены механизмы старения на молекулярном, клеточном, тканевом и системном уровнях. Первичные молекулярные повреждения... more

Поступила в редакцию 08.05.2020 г. После доработки 21.05.2020 г. Принята к публикации 21.05.2020 г. В обзоре рассмотрены механизмы старения на молекулярном, клеточном, тканевом и системном уровнях. Первичные молекулярные повреждения вызывают клеточный ответ, направленный на компенсацию нарушений, однако постепенно выходят из строя сами механизмы восстановления и поддержания гомеостаза. Когда количество ошибок в регуляторных сетях достигает критического порога, на системном уровне происходит фазовый переход из состояния здоровья в состояние бо-лезни. Рассмотрены подходы к количественной оценке процесса старения (биомаркеры старения), а также интервенции, перспективные с точки зрения возможности замедления процессов старения и уменьшения риска развития возрастзависимых заболеваний. Ключевые слова: старение, возрастзависимые заболевания, биомаркеры старения, геропротекторы ВВЕДЕНИЕ В связи с увеличением среднего возраста насе-ления проблема профилактики преждевременного старения и лечения возрастных заболеваний выхо-дит на первый план в современном здравоохране-нии [1]. Перспективным подходом к реализации этой цели считается воздействие на ключевые мо-лекулярные механизмы, связанные со старением-основным фактором риска возрастзависимых за-болеваний, направленное на подавление патологи-ческих процессов и активацию защитных систем клетки и организма в целом [2, 3]. В настоящее вре-мя практически отсутствуют клинически прове-ренные терапевтические вмешательства в ход мо-лекулярных процессов естественного и ускоренно-го старения, однако имеется большое количество перспективных доклинических исследований [1, 4]. Кроме того, для трансляции в клинику потребу-ется разработка системы биомаркеров старения, пригодных как для оценки состояния организма, так и для определения эффективности геропротек-торной терапии [5]. Основатель геронтологии Бенджамин Гомперц вывел закон смертности, впоследствии названный его именем: "Возможно, что смерть может быть следствием двух обычно сосуществующих причин: одна-случайность, без предшествующей пред-расположенности к смерти или изнашиванию; другая-изнашивание или возрастающая неспо-собность противостоять разрушению" [6]. Тем самым Гомперц не только отделил внешние при-чины смертности от внутренних (старения), но и предвосхитил разделение механизмов старения на накопление повреждений и ошибок ("изна-шивание") и утрату способности восстанавливать ошибки из-за поломок самих систем репарации. В обзоре с современных позиций рассмотрена комплексная динамика процесса старения на разных уровнях биологической организации-от первичных повреждений на молекулярном уров-не и ответа клетки на них, который отчасти ком-пенсирует нарушения, но может вносить новые ошибки (в том числе, приводящие к нарушению регулирования систем поддержания гомеостаза), до системного уровня, когда количество накоп-ленных ошибок вызывает фазовый переход из со-стояния здоровья в состояние болезни. Цель обзора состояла в обобщении современ-ных взглядов на ключевые механизмы старения, а также на биомаркеры, характеризующие биоло-гический возраст организма и связанные со ста-рением патологические процессы, и на геропро-текторные интервенции, нацеленные на профи-лактику преждевременного старения.

Secara umum dipercaya bahwa seorang yang sehat memiliki irama Sikardian yang secara ketat berkoordinasi untuk menciptakan hubungan optimal antara berbagai macam organ dan sistem fisiologis dan lingkungan dalam waktu-waktu tertentu.... more

Secara umum dipercaya bahwa seorang yang sehat memiliki irama Sikardian yang secara ketat berkoordinasi untuk menciptakan hubungan optimal antara berbagai macam organ dan sistem fisiologis dan lingkungan dalam waktu-waktu tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan irama sikardian berkenaan dengan umur, suhu tubuh, beban kerja, kualitas tidur, dan riwayat penyakit dengan produktivitas kerja pada pekerja wanita sektor informal kota Makassar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di pasar Kalimbu Kota Makassar sebagai salah satu lapangan kerja sektor Informal. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif yaitu survey analitik dengan desain potong melintang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pedagang wanita di pasar Kalimbu kota Makassar, sedangkan sampel dipilih mellaui metode purposive sampling sebanyak 56 pekerja di malam hari dan 56 pekerja di pagi hari (1:1). Data dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara, pengisian kuesioner, dan pengukuran kondisi pekerja menggunakan alat bantu (Termometer, stopwatch, dan waktu reaksi). Analisis data (Univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat) dan pengolahan data menggunakan program komputer Microsoft word dan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai Chi Square Test variabel umur (muda p =0,123, tua p =0,370), beban kerja (ringan p =201, berat p =0,900) riwayat penyakit (tidak p=), suhu tubuh (tidak normal p =0,491) dan kualitas tidur (baik p =0,400, buruk p =0,180) > 0,05 maka tidak ada hubungan terhadap irama sikardian dengan kelelahan kerja. Sedangkan nilai Chi Square Test variabel variabel suhu tubuh (normal) dan riwayat penyakit (ya) < 0,05 maka ada hubungan terhadap irama sikardian dengan kelelahan kerja dengan nilai Chi square masing-masing 0,035 dan 0,046, p < 0,05, dan variabel yang paling berpengaruh adalah variabel suhu tubuh dengan derajat kemaknaan 0,010.

The review establishes a link between a group of genes which are conserved in evolution and form a molecular oscillator responsible for generation of circadian rhythms and genetic determinants of aging including associated pathways of... more

The review establishes a link between a group of genes which are conserved in evolution and form a molecular oscillator responsible for generation of circadian rhythms and genetic determinants of aging including associated pathways of intracellular signaling. An analysis of mechanisms of development of age dependent pathologies is conducted from the viewpoint of circadian genetics. Systematic data of circadian gene expression studies in animals demonstrating different rates of aging from accelerated to negligible are presented.

Several neurotransmitter systems and circulating factors regulate rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, non-REM (NREM) sleep, and wakefulness (W). The nuclei involved in the occurrence of W are located in the brainstem, hypothalamus, and the... more

Several neurotransmitter systems and circulating factors regulate rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, non-REM (NREM) sleep, and wakefulness (W). The nuclei involved in the occurrence of W are located in the brainstem, hypothalamus, and the basal forebrain (BFB). These corresponding to the brainstem include the dorsal raphe nucleus (serotonergic neurons); locus coeruleus (noradrenergic neurons); ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra compacta, and ventral periaqueductal gray matter (dopaminergic neurons); and laterodorsal and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei (cholinergic neurons). The structures found in the hypothalamus comprise the tuberomammillary nucleus (histaminergic neurons) and the posterior and lateral hypothalamus around the fornix (orexinergic neurons). The cholinergic neurons of the BFB are located mainly in the diagonal band of Broca, substantia innominata, and the medial septal area. The NREM sleep-inducing system comprises neurons located in the preoptic area, which contains Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and galanin, and cells containing melanin-concentrating hormone located in the lateral hypothalamus and incertohypothalamic area. The latter is also involved in the regulation of REM sleep. Somnogens, including adenosine (formed mainly by the breakdown of adenosine nucleotides), prostaglandin D2 (which is mainly present in the leptomeninges, choroid plexus, and oligodendrocytes), nitric oxide (synthesized predominantly from L-arginine), and cytokine promote also sleep, mainly NREM sleep. Melatonin is a hormone secreted during the night from the pineal gland and has a weak sleep-promoting effect in humans. The subcoeruleus nucleus has been proposed as the critical area for REM sleep regulation in the cat. Its equivalent in the rat is called the sublaterodorsal nucleus. The REM sleep generation region includes mainly glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons.
Sleep timing depends on two factors, sleep debt (process S; homeostasis) and circadian control (process C). When process S approaches the upper boundary, it triggers sleep. On the other hand, the markers of process C include melatonin and core body temperature

The evolution and function of sleep remains an enigma in modern science. Significant variation can be observed within species and across taxa. Little is understood about how sleep exists, or presents itself in species surviving in extreme... more

The evolution and function of sleep remains an enigma in modern science. Significant variation can be observed within species and across taxa. Little is understood about how sleep exists, or presents itself in species surviving in extreme conditions. For example, harsh desert ecosystems with notably lower survival rates for resident species. It has been hypothesized that specialized sleep-related behaviours impact thermoregulation to promote survival advantage. The threatened Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx), a member of the Cetartiodactyl superorder, is a large desert dwelling ungulate species successfully residing in the arid zones of the Middle East. Arabian Oryx exhibit numerous morphophysiological adaptations and capabilities to cope with their harsh environment. The current thesis provides an examination of the neuroanatomy, physiology and behavioural patterns related to sleep in wild, free-roaming Arabian oryx under natural conditions. It was our objective to determine whether the extreme conditions and climate of the Arabian Desert has led to novelties within the organization of the oryx’s sleep related neuronal architecture, seasonal behaviour patterns and sleep physiology. Using immunohistochemistry and stereology our results indicate the sleep related nuclei in the brain of the oryx exhibit a typical mammalian organizational plan with additional order-specific and novel, species- specific features. Actigraphy revealed that oryx exhibit temporal niche switching patterns seasonally presenting with winter diurnal- and summer nocturnal activity and intermittent patterns during the transitional periods of spring and autumn. Polysomnography results indicate novel sleep patterns between seasons and physiologically confirm activity-based temporal niche switching at a seasonal level. Our work covers the first examination of the Arabian oryx brain sleep centers as well as its year-long activity patterns. Importantly, it is the first examination of physiological
sleep in wild mammals within a desert environment. Our results suggest that ambient temperature acts a dominant driving force for the adaptive behavioural and physiological features described. The Arabian oryx is a remarkable species, well adapted to such an extreme environment and its highly plastic survival mechanisms appear unique. Considering the continual desertification of our planet and the predicted consequences of climate change, knowledge of such species and their continued conservation is of vital importance.

Disruptions in sleep and sleep-wake cycle regulation have been identified as one of the main causes for the pathophysiology of depressive disorders. The search has been on for the identification of an ideal antidepressant that could... more

Disruptions in sleep and sleep-wake cycle regulation have been identified as one of the main causes for the pathophysiology of depressive disorders. The search has been on for the identification of an ideal antidepressant that could improve both sleep disturbances and depressive symptomatology. Melatonin, the major hormone of the pineal gland, has been shown to improve sleep and is involved in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. Identification of high concentrations of MT1 and MT2 melatonergic receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus, the structure concerned with regulation of circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles, has led to the development of melatonergic agonists with greater potency and longer durations of action. Agomelatine is one such melatonergic agonist that acts specifically on MT1/MT2 melatonergic receptors and at the same time exhibits 5-HT2C antagonism, a property that is utilized by current antidepressants that are in clinical use. Agomelatine has been shown to be effective in a number of animal models of depression. Clinical studies undertaken on patients with major depression, bipolar disorders, seasonal affective disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder have all shown that agomelatine is also very effective in ameliorating depressive symptoms and manifesting early onset of action with a good tolerability and safety profile. It improved sleep efficiency and also resynchronized the disrupted circadian rhythms. Hence, the melatonergic modulation by agomelatine is suggested as one of the mechanisms for its antidepressant effect. Agomelatine's action on dendritic neurogenesis in animal models of depression is also identified as yet another action.

Theory suggests that the chemicals made in the pineal gland follow a circadian rhythm and may be important in the processes of sleeping and dreaming, and it is speculated that these chemicals may also be important in the mediation of... more

Theory suggests that the chemicals made in the pineal gland follow a circadian rhythm and may be important in the processes of sleeping and dreaming, and it is speculated that these chemicals may also be important in the mediation of spontaneous mystical and visionary states, and in the mediation of psi (clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition or psychokinesis). The abundance of one such chemical, melatonin, is known to fluctuate cyclically, nevertheless very little research has been conducted to test whether peak melatonin periods (3am) are more conducive to psi than lower melatonin periods (e.g., 8am). The present study tested for precognition among ten participants across ten nights each, both during the night and first thing in the morning. Two types of test were used on each occasion: A 10-trial forced-choice precognition task and a single-trial free-recall dream precognition task, and it was predicted that dream psi performance would be better than forced-choice psi, particularly in the middle of the night when compared to performance in the morning. A number of other factors were also monitored for the possible relationship to psi performance, including belief in psi, belief in the paranormal and openness to experience. Both precognition task overall sample scores were non-significant, but dream precognition performance was significantly better at 3am than 8am, whereas the reverse was true for forced choice task, as predicted, although the interaction was not significant. None of the personality measures were found to correlate with precognition task performance, as might be expected with such a small sample size. The findings point to the importance of exploring circadian cycles in the research of psi, and offer tentative support for the psi-pineal gland hypothesis.

In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 147th year’s of the “Circassian exile” and their relatives living in Abkhazia; and also Armenians who resettled in Abkhazia after 1915 and... more

In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 147th year’s of the “Circassian exile” and their relatives living in Abkhazia; and also Armenians who resettled in Abkhazia after 1915 and those living in Turkey will be discussed under the perspective of “acculturation”.
The research has done both in Abkhazia and Turkey in 2010 with 698 participants. According to the results, the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” living in Abkhazia and Turkey are differentiated from each other while their values became similar to the values of other ethnic groups both in Abkhazia and Turkey. On the other hand the values of the Armenians, who almost have similar deportation process, with 50 years of difference, living in Abkhazia and Turkey stayed closer to each other while resembling to other ethnic groups in both of the countries. According to Berry’s (1997) acculturation strategies, it can be said that there are different acculturation processes in the same country. Thus the “Abkhazians-Abazinians and the Circassians) living in Turkey are “assimilated”, while the Armenians living in Abkhazia and Turkey are “integrated” into the new culture.
Key Words: Values, Acculturation, Abkhazian-Abazinian, Circassian, Armenian, Abkhazia-Turkey
Bu makalede 21 Mayıs 2011’de Çerkes Sürgünü’nün 147. yılını anan Türkiye’deki “Çerkesler-Abazalar” ve bu grupların Abhazya’daki akrabaları “Abhazlar” ile, 1915 tehcirinden sonra Abhazya’ya yerleşen ve Türkiye’de yaşayan Ermenilerin kültürlenme süreçleri “değerler” kapsamında ele alınmıştır.
2010 yılında 698 kişi ile yapılan bu araştırma sonucunda, Türkiye’de yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” ile “Adiğe-Çerkes-Kafkasyalı” etnik kimlik gruplarının değerleri, ülkedeki diğer gruplarla benzeşirken, Abhazya’da yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” grubuyla farklılaştıkları saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan yaklaşık 50 yıl farkla benzer süreçleri yaşamış Ermenilerin değerlerinin, ülke içerisindeki diğer etnik kimlik gruplarla benzeştikleri ancak diğer Ermenilerle olan benzerliklerini sürdürdükleri bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak aynı ülkede yaşayan ve farklı etnik kimliğe sahip bireylerin, farklı kültürlenme süreçlerinin olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Türkiye’de yaşayan Abhaz-Abaza ve Çerkeslerin Berry’nin (1997) kültürlenme stratejilerinden “asimilasyona”, diğer taraftan hem Türkiye hem de Abhazya’daki Ermenilerin ise “entegrasyona” tabi oldukları söylenebilir

Majority of the physiological processes in the human organism are rhythmic. The most common are the diurnal changes that repeat roughly every 24 hours, called circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms disorders have negative influence on human... more

Majority of the physiological processes in the human organism are rhythmic. The most common are the diurnal changes that repeat roughly every 24 hours, called circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms disorders have negative influence on human functioning. The aim of this article is to present the current understanding of the circadian rhythms physiological role, with particular emphasis on the circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders (CRSWD), principles of their diagnosis and chronobiological therapy. The guidelines are based on the review of
recommendations from the scientific societies involved in sleep medicine and the clinical experiences of the authors. Researchers participating in the preparation of guidelines were invited by the Polish Sleep Research Society and the Section of Biological Psychiatry of the
Polish Psychiatric Association, based on their significant contributions in circadian rhythm research and/or clinical experience in the treatment of such disorders. Finally, the guidelines were adjusted to the questions and comments given by the members of both Societies. CRSWD have a significant negative impact on human health and functioning. Standard methods used to assess CRSWD are sleep diaries and sleep logs, while the actigraphy, when available, should be also used. The most effective methods of CRSWD treatment are melatonin administration and light therapy. Behavioral interventions are also recommended. A fourteen-day period of sleep-wake rhythm assessment in CRSWD enables accurate diagnosis, adequate selection of chronobiological interventions, and planning adequate diurnal timing of their application. This type of assessment is quite easy, low-cost, and provides valuable indications how to adjust the therapeutic approach to the circadian phase of the particular patient.

Young sunflower plants track the Sun from east to west during the day and then reorient during the night to face east in anticipation of dawn. In contrast, mature plants cease movement with their flower heads facing east. We show that... more

Young sunflower plants track the Sun from east to west during the day and then reorient during the night to face east in anticipation of dawn. In contrast, mature plants cease movement with their flower heads facing east. We show that circadian regulation of directional growth pathways accounts for both phenomena and leads to increased vegetative biomass and enhanced pollinator visits to flowers. Solar tracking movements are driven by antiphasic patterns of elongation on the east and west sides of the stem. Genes implicated in control of phototropic growth, but not clock genes, are differentially expressed on the opposite sides of solar tracking stems. Thus, interactions between environmental response pathways and the internal circadian oscillator coordinate physiological processes with predictable changes in the environment to influence growth and reproduction.

Circadian variations have been found in human performance, including the efficiency to execute many tasks, such as sensory, motor, reaction time, time estimation, memory, verbal, arithmetic calculations, and simulated driving tasks.... more

Circadian variations have been found in human performance, including the efficiency to execute many tasks, such as sensory, motor, reaction time, time estimation, memory, verbal, arithmetic calculations, and simulated driving tasks. Performance increases during the day and decreases during the night. Circadian rhythms have been found in three basic neuropsycho-logical processes (attention, working memory, and executive functions), which may explain oscillations in the performance of many tasks. The time course of circadian rhythms in cognitive performance may be modified significantly in patients with brain disorders, due to chronotype, age, alterations of the circadian rhythm, sleep deprivation, type of disorder, and medication. This review analyzes the recent results on circadian rhythms in cognitive performance, as well as the implications of these rhythms for the neuropsychological assessment of patients with brain disorders such as traumatic head injury, stroke, dementia, developmental disorders, and psychiatric disorders.

Many of the physiological and psychological qualities that influence an athlete’s performance show diurnal variation. Humans present with a temporal phenotype, their chronotype that affects their preference for morning or evening... more

Many of the physiological and psychological qualities that influence an athlete’s performance
show diurnal variation. Humans present with a temporal phenotype, their chronotype
that affects their preference for morning or evening activity. There is considerable interindividual
variation in the phase relationship of physiological processes, hormones and core body temperature
to external time due to chronotype. This can lead to differences in the times of peaks
of physical performance within a day. Chronotype is thus an important variable in determining
optimal times for training and competition and may affect an athlete’s choice of sport or his/
her success in it. We review the evidence that chronotype influences athletic performance and
speculate about how athletes might overcome the effects of chronotype when their schedule is
out of phase with their circadian rhythm.

The key to the keys to immortality and eternal youth lies in the correct answer to the main question: How to naively discover new essential – but still hidden – features required for properly training novel adaptive supervised machine... more

The key to the keys to immortality and eternal youth lies in the correct answer to the main question: How to naively discover new essential – but still hidden – features required for properly training novel adaptive supervised machine learning algorithms (SMLA)

The paradigm shift into an ontological-epistemological (OE) reality of quantum resonance has created the crisis of planetary extinction due to the use of false research premises; i.e., the fundamental research parameters—rational... more

The paradigm shift into an ontological-epistemological (OE) reality of quantum resonance has created the crisis of planetary extinction due to the use of false research premises; i.e., the fundamental research parameters—rational materialistic objectivity—that are still requirements for scientific research have become false premises that generate false conclusions. A primary reason that human cultural “personae” have become psychotic is that they are wandering between paradigms without definitive direction. Reality has become “false news”. It is well-known that organisms survive only if they understand their environment, and—due to radical changes into the quantum field worldview that is controlled by its “preternatural” media inhabitants—human perceptions of their sentient energy environment must be updated. The Individuated True Self must be carefully defined. In a QFT “reality”, the mystical concept that “humans are made in the image of God” (As above, so below) must be transformed from a vague “childish” sense of “personal privilege” to a mature sense of “responsibility” for all creation. Maturity may be gauged according to a scaled spectrum of “Intention”—degrees of coherent entrainment between First Cause and Human systems. Another way to understand coherence of collective behavior is “harmony of rhythm” in a musical composition. Forms of this OE cultural transformation may be seen in human agency that—consciously or unconsciously—is based in the algorithms of a rhythmic “source code” that includes harmonious dynamics of asymmetrical mathematics (Pope, R., 2019a), Jungian Compensation leading to Individuation (Jung, C., 1933), and Coherent Heart Entrainment (McCraty, R., 2015). This transformational dynamic can be understood in terms of “coherent entrainment of First Cause and human intentional creativity” and “Reframing the Moral/Economic Narrative with Sentient Media”.