Communication Skills Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The psychometric properties of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) (Bricker & Squires, 1999) used in a French-Canadian preschool population were compared with psychometric data derived from US normative studies. The ASQ was translated... more

The psychometric properties of the Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) (Bricker & Squires, 1999) used in a French-Canadian preschool population were compared with psychometric data derived from US normative studies. The ASQ was translated into French (Bonin, Robaey, ...

To assess the impact of business students’ international experience during college on their post-graduation careers, the authors of this study surveyed alumni from The Kelly School of Business at Indiana University who were five to ten... more

To assess the impact of business students’ international experience during college on their post-graduation careers, the authors of this study surveyed alumni from The Kelly School of Business at Indiana University who were five to ten years into their careers. The goal of the research was to determine the impact of international experience on alumni’s career paths. In addition, the survey sought to compare the career paths of alumni who studied abroad to those who did not study abroad.

Higher education in recent years has become complicated, because of the COVID19 pandemic making content delivering complex, and skills acquisition a bit difficult to learners. into all programs and courses in Sub-Saharan universities to... more

Higher education in recent years has become complicated, because of the COVID19 pandemic making content delivering complex, and skills acquisition a bit difficult to learners. into all programs and courses in Sub-Saharan universities to improve economic development and increase employability. Teaching in higher education is a complex passing of knowledge and skills to learners. Unfortunately, universities in Sub-Saharan Africa teach mainly theories. The expected outcomes of higher education, are supposed to produce learned and productive individuals with skills that can manipulate, alter or change the environment technically into a much better environment, in every aspect. The method of the study is constructivism, interpretative paradigm and knowledge claims; Xrays some of the difficulties in including skills in higher education and also suggests ways

Introduction: Many of the problems in Indian healthcare settings resulting in mistrust, violence, allegations and litigations against doctors can be solved by effective communication between doctors and patients or their relatives.... more

Introduction: Many of the problems in Indian healthcare settings resulting in mistrust, violence, allegations and litigations against doctors can be solved by effective communication between doctors and patients or their relatives. Interaction of the students as a community physician needs training in communication skills. A structured module-based training on communication skills during internship will help the interns to communicate effectively with patients and their relatives. Aim: To develop, introduce and evaluate a structured, validated module on communication skills for interns in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Kolkata, India. Materials and Methods: A quasi-experimental, prospective, non randomised educational intervention study was conducted in the Department of Community Medicine at Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, from January 2020 to December 2020. A structured and validated module for teaching communication sk...

Children with developmental disabilities often converse less frequently than their developmentally matched peers. This low conversational participation can cause problems for the children’s future language and discourse development. The... more

Children with developmental disabilities often converse less frequently than their developmentally matched peers. This low conversational participation can cause problems for the children’s future language and discourse development. The purpose of this experimental study was to test the hypothesis that adult topic-continuing wh-questions would elicit topic continuations in children with relatively low language ability, but not in children with relatively high language ability. Twenty-three children with developmental delays interacted with an adult who conducted two play sessions. In each session, the adult used a different interaction style. The two styles differed in the adult’s use of topic-continuing wh-questions. Results indicate that adult use of topic-continuing wh-questions supported the use of child continuations in children at all language levels. The type of continuations (single word versus multiword) that were elicited depended on the language level of the children. Cli...

The purpose of this study was to identify what school board presidents perceived to be critical incidents with their superintendents. Eighty-seven percent (87%) of school board presidents in Nebraska responded. Of these 239... more

The purpose of this study was to identify what school board presidents perceived to be critical incidents with their superintendents. Eighty-seven percent (87%) of school board presidents in Nebraska responded. Of these 239 superintendents, 68 (28%) experienceda critical incident and 60 (88%) agreed to discuss the incidents. Incidents were grouped into 11 categories: Communication/human relations, staffing, ethics, competence, personal issues,

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to establish a link between communication apprehension and communication self‐efficacy in accounting students.Design/methodology/approachThis is achieved by the use of two questionnaires jointly... more

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to establish a link between communication apprehension and communication self‐efficacy in accounting students.Design/methodology/approachThis is achieved by the use of two questionnaires jointly distributed to the students involved. The Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA‐24) developed by McCroskey to measure oral communication apprehension[1] (OCA) and the instrument for written communication apprehension (WCA) developed by Daly and Miller and a questionnaire to measure communication self‐efficacy. This had been developed using the guidelines set out by Bandura and was designed to measure two constructs: oral communication self‐efficacy, and written communication self‐efficacy.FindingsThe two separate statistical tests to identify the connection between the two concepts both indicated the existence of a strong relationship between the two. This was shown not only in the overall relationship between communication apprehension and s...

Since 1990 the DRA Speech Research Unit has conducted research into applications of speech recognition technology to speech and language development for young children. This has been done in collaboration wirh Hereford and Worcester... more

Since 1990 the DRA Speech Research Unit has conducted research into applications of speech recognition technology to speech and language development for young children. This has been done in collaboration wirh Hereford and Worcester County Council Education ...

Although children and adolescents with developmental disabilities are said to have higher risks of abuse than those without, trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are little examined in those diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum... more

Although children and adolescents with developmental disabilities are said to have higher risks of abuse than those without, trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are little examined in those diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Our study aims to assess trauma types, prevalence, risk factors and symptoms; and PTSD in individuals with diagnosis of ASD. Participants were 69 children and adolescents (53 males, 16 females) who were consecutively followed-up at our clinic and met DSM-IV criteria for ASD. Assessment was done using semi-structured interview forms. 18 had trauma history and 12 were diagnosed with PTSD. Witnessing or being a victim of accidents/disasters/violence was the most common type of trauma. Interestingly, the rate of sexual and/or physical abuse was less than in the general population. Trauma history and PTSD rates were higher in girls than boys. Deterioration in social and communicative abilities, increase in stereotypes, aggression, distract...

As aberrant behavior is often recognized as the number one form of communication, it becomes imperative that as parents, teachers, and educators we must address and system-atically teach or provide all children with an effective means of... more

As aberrant behavior is often recognized as the number one form of communication, it becomes imperative that as parents, teachers, and educators we must address and system-atically teach or provide all children with an effective means of communication. While many augmentative and alternative communication systems such as manual sign lan-guage and the Picture Exchange Communication System (Frost & Bondy, 1994) have shown tremendous success, some students with developmental disabilities students unique needs require more individually tailored communication training that necessitates empirical inquiry and use of collective expertise. Doing so may facilitate the acquisition of skills and behaviors that improve communication skills through independent appropri-ate means for meeting students’ personal needs and desires. This article systematically provides a variation of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) including materials, resources, and methodology necessary to implement...

The paper presents results of a study on the development of communication skills in engineering students of three different programs. Professors detected the students had difficulties to prepare written reports and to do oral... more

The paper presents results of a study on the development of communication skills in engineering students of three different programs. Professors detected the students had difficulties to prepare written reports and to do oral presentations. As a consequence, professors decided to join an expert group in communication skills and designed a project to characterize these difficulties. Finally, professors developed an intervention to improve communication skills. The project consisted in a classroom research experience with a quantitative study and quasi-experimental design. The reference group consisted of students in the first semester of observation. Students in the second semester were the experimental group. Data was evaluated by employing a rubric and a survey applied to the students (both validated by experts). Total number of participants was 154 senior students from Electrical, Electronics and Systems Engineering programs. Survey results show that 98% of the students acknowledg...

Seriously ill hospitalized patients have identified communication and decision making about goals of care as high priorities for quality improvement in end-of-life care. Interventions to improve care are more likely to succeed if tailored... more

Seriously ill hospitalized patients have identified communication and decision making about goals of care as high priorities for quality improvement in end-of-life care. Interventions to improve care are more likely to succeed if tailored to existing barriers. To determine, from the perspective of hospital-based clinicians, (1) barriers impeding communication and decision making about goals of care with seriously ill hospitalized patients and their families and (2) their own willingness and the acceptability for other clinicians to engage in this process. Multicenter survey of medical teaching units of nurses, internal medicine residents, and staff physicians from participating units at 13 university-based hospitals from 5 Canadian provinces. Importance of 21 barriers to goals of care discussions rated on a 7-point scale (1 = extremely unimportant; 7 = extremely important). Between September 2012 and March 2013, questionnaires were returned by 1256 of 1617 eligible clinicians, for a...

This weekly brief is not only about the mismatch of skills in our global labour market, but also how factors such as coronavirus disease will affect it, why children need to play musical instruments and some guidelines for our children in... more

This weekly brief is not only about the mismatch of skills in our global labour market, but also how factors such as coronavirus disease will affect it, why children need to play musical instruments and some guidelines for our children in their future career paths (by the 2030 year). It is also about changes shaping the global labour market and what we adults need to learn to be in demand.

Negotiation techniques are useful — unless the other side refuses to cooperate. What then? Asaf Shani teaches powerful techniques to make it worthwhile for the other side to negotiate during confrontational situations. These are not... more

Negotiation techniques are useful — unless the other side refuses to cooperate. What then?
Asaf Shani teaches powerful techniques to make it worthwhile for the other side to negotiate during confrontational situations. These are not cliché power games that can leave your situation worse than when you started. The techniques — based on the psychology of human behavior — are designed to help you achieve the positive outcomes you seek.
Make no mistake. This book is not for the faint-hearted. If you believe you can get what you need by asking as nicely as possible . . . well, let us know how that works out. The truth is, you can negotiate any conflict and get what you need — without destroying relationships. But it requires tough-minded adherence to proven principles.
Based on 15 years of experience teaching conflict management and negotiation skills to Fortune 500 execs and small business operators, the book provides a structured way to examine situations and tactics on the “darker side of negotiation” — using levers, guns (figurative guns, not the hurtful kind) and sanctions to persuade the other side to address issue that are most important to you.
Written in a style that’s easy to understand and implement, you’ll be way ahead of the other side — before you even reach the negotiating table.

When a deaf child is born to hearing parents, there are several problems that arise not due to the physiological handicap, but because of the language barrier. The present treatise is an integration of several issues having an impact upon... more

When a deaf child is born to hearing parents, there are several problems that arise not due to the physiological handicap, but because of the language barrier. The present treatise is an integration of several issues having an impact upon the socialization, education, and language development of the deaf child as well as the disruption of the familial unit. Relevant issues discussed include: (1) the meaning of a child to a parent, (2) the developmental stages of the deaf child in comparison to the hearing child, (31 the discovery of deafness, (4) the deaf child's influence 6pon parents, grandparents, and siblings, and lastly 151 finding a communicative mode. BEST COPY AVAILAbLt. 3 2

Quiero ser locutor...o locutora. Cuántas veces a lo largo de los años chicos y chicas ilusionadas por la profesión te confiesan este deseo. Quiero ser locutor...pero no sé por dónde empezar. Generalmente son alumnos que ya han tenido... more

Quiero ser locutor...o locutora. Cuántas veces a lo largo de los años chicos y chicas ilusionadas por la profesión te confiesan este deseo. Quiero ser locutor...pero no sé por dónde empezar. Generalmente son alumnos que ya han tenido contacto con algún medio de comunicación audiovisual y allí han descubierto que el micrófono es lo suyo. A otros les han dicho muchas veces aquello de ‘¡pero qué voz tienes! Y directamente quisieron dedicarse a ello. Unos por su manera de expresarse y otros por su voz han decidido que quieren dedicarse a la locución profesional. Pero, exactamente ¿qué es la locución?

From the early time of edification, the evolving of communication is being always a cardinal factor for the reformation to build an association of the human race. To attain the expected outcome from the organization there is no such... more

From the early time of edification, the evolving of communication is being always a cardinal factor for the reformation to build an association of the human race. To attain the expected outcome from the organization there is no such substitute for effective business communication. It is of great significance that appointed employees always continue communication with the management, leaders as well as with the co-workers and teammates. The flow of communication
and information in an organization is effective in the case of the performance of the employees as well as decision making to attain the objectives and mission of the organization. How adult trainees can improve their communication skills and can strategize the skills to obtain the maximum customers is precisely elaborated in this section.

La radio es uno de los medios de comunicación más propicios para contar historias. Su poder estimulador la ha convertido en un soporte idóneo para hacer soñar al oyente. Pero los relatos de ficción en la radio se han ido perdiendo y por... more

La radio es uno de los medios de comunicación más propicios para contar historias. Su poder estimulador la ha convertido en un soporte idóneo para hacer soñar al oyente. Pero los relatos de ficción en la radio se han ido perdiendo y por ello este libro nace con el objetivo de recuperar esa magia, analizando sus beneficios, y explicando paso a paso cómo elaborar una historia de ficción en la radio. Para quienes quieran idear, escribir o producir relatos de ficción en la radio, es un gran libro de apoyo.