Constitutional Conflicts Research Papers - (original) (raw)

El presente artículo da cuenta de la regulación en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano sobre el funcionamiento de la rama judicial por medios electró- nicos1 como una forma de hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de principios procesales como... more

El presente artículo da cuenta de la regulación en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano sobre el funcionamiento de la rama judicial por medios electró- nicos1 como una forma de hacer efectivo el cumplimiento de principios procesales como la gratuidad, garantismo y agilidad en la búsqueda efectiva del funcionamiento del aparato judicial. La necesidad de avance tecnológico informático al servicio de la rama judicial no ha sido soportado desde una política de gobierno generadora de proyectos e inversión que materialicen la inclusión del mundo tecnológico informático en la administración de justicia, más aún, no existe desarrollo legal que permita adelantar un proceso legal por medios electrónicos, salvo la modificación a los artículos 315 y 3202 de la ley 794 de 2003, con la inclusión de la notificación electrónica, avance normativo que a la fecha no se tiene en funcionamiento, volviendo la disposición letra muerta, en contraste con el acelerado desarrollo del comercio y el creciente surgimiento de empresas virtuales del tipo de establecimientos de comercio y sociedades comerciales, las cuales tienen su domicilio de operación comercial, no en una dirección física sino electrónica.
The present article realizes of the regulation in the juridical Colombian classification on the functioning of the judicial branch for electronic means (ways) as a way of making effective the fulfillment of procedural beginning(principles) as the gratuitousness, garantismo and agility, in the effective search of the functioning of the judicial device. The need of technological computer advance to the service of the Judicial Branch has not been supported from a generating politics(policy) of project government and investment that they materialize the incorporation of the technological computer world in the administration of justice, mass still(yet), there does not exist legal development that allows to advance a legal process for electronic means, except the modification to the articles 315 and 320 of the law 794 of 2003, with the incorporation of the electronic notification, normative advance that to the date is not had in functioning, turning the disposition(regulation) dead letter, in contrast with the intensive development of the trade and the increasing emergence of virtual companies of the type of establishments of trade and commercial societies, which have his(her, your) domicile of commercial operation, not in a physical but electronic direction (address).

Монография посвящена конституционным преобразованиям в Украине. Представлено изложение процессов подготовки и принятия Конституции Украины 1996 г., конституционно-проектных работ и конституционных преобразований после принятия Конституции... more

Монография посвящена конституционным преобразованиям в Украине. Представлено изложение процессов подготовки и принятия Конституции Украины 1996 г., конституционно-проектных работ и конституционных преобразований после принятия Конституции Украины, содержание основных направлений конституционной модернизации на современном этапе и ее институционально-правового обеспечения, а также сделана попытка решения проблем теоретико-методологического обоснования реформирования и модернизации, определения влияния иностранных правовых институтов на отечественную конституционную практику, европейского измерения конституционных преобразований в Украине.
Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей юридических учебных заведений, других специалистов в области конституционного права.

Constitution to States is much like the nerves to a human body. Their imperative is integral to the soundness of maintaining states as well as shaping governance. This paper seeks to examine the incubation of constitutional reforms in... more

Constitution to States is much like the nerves to a human body. Their imperative is integral to the soundness of maintaining states as well as shaping governance. This paper seeks to examine the incubation of constitutional reforms in Africa and its desire with a case of Kenya in its continuous constitutional reforms. As it asks why the reforms (the short and long term), it also narrows down on the implications of the process of constitutionalism to the country. It will evaluate the long standing issues on Kenya's constitutional processes past and the immediate post 2010 constitutional dispensation. The conclusion gears towards reflecting as to whether it is a desire to fix 'the form state' or not. It ends by recommending that unless 'the form state' is fixed to move from the current unitary state, more and frequent reviews shall still follow after numerous conflicts.

Учебное пособие содержит тематический материал, не являющийся традиционным для учебного курса конституционного права. Логика содержания и размещения материала дает научно-образовательный и практико-прикладной толчок для развития... more

Учебное пособие содержит тематический материал, не являющийся традиционным для учебного курса конституционного права. Логика содержания и размещения материала дает научно-образовательный и практико-прикладной толчок для развития конституционного права и подготовки отечественных специалистов. В пособии делается попытка решения проблемы новых знаний, не получивших единого понимания в науке, образовании, практике, не имеющих еще научно обоснованного содержания, структуры, места в учебном курсе.
Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей юридических учебных заведений.

From 2002 to 2004 Bulgaria underwent an acute constitutional conflict between the legislature and the executive on the one hand and the judicature and the constitutional court on the other. The judicial branches stepwise expanded their... more

From 2002 to 2004 Bulgaria underwent an acute constitutional conflict between the legislature and the executive on the one hand and the judicature and the constitutional court on the other. The judicial branches stepwise expanded their power, reducing the political scope of parliament and government and thereby raising the hurdles for constitutional amendments. Lacks in the constitutional order of 1991 mainly triggered the conflict. Recently the council of ministers and the national assembly have tried to reestablish a balance of power by amendments to the constitution and to several bills – only with moderate success. Pacification of the situation within the last two years can be put down mainly to a changed structure of power, but not to essential modifications of the constitutional order. Therefor the latent constitutional conflict persists.

The present paper aims at analysing and fleshing out the concept of balancing and explore to what extent the discourse of reasons can be helpful in weighing contexts. Assuming that justified interferences in fundamental rights presuppose... more

The present paper aims at analysing and fleshing out the concept of balancing and explore to what extent the discourse of reasons can be helpful in weighing contexts. Assuming that justified interferences in fundamental rights presuppose a constitutional conflict, which in the absence of specific norms of conflicts have to be solved through balancing, an intellectual operation governed by proportionality, the million-dollar question moves to the (external) justification of the relation of preference between the conflicting norms to be determined under balancing. More specifically, proportionality in its narrow sense imposes the choice of a balanced alternative of action, which is determined by measuring the property of an object, such as weight. But what is the object of measuring or, in other words, what predicates the weight property? Is it norms, such as principles? Or reasons constituted by norms and other normatively relevant facts?
After a conceptual disambiguation process, in which I will analytically distinguish between brute balancing and guided balancing, proportionality and weighing, I will argue that the solution of constitutional conflicts irresolvable by norms of conflicts of each legal system require balancing under a set of relevant circumstances; but the most important step in the legal reasoning at stake concerns a second-order weighing process which makes it possible to justify the values to be attributed to intensities of interferences, as well as to degrees of certainty and, therefore, to rationally choose which conflicting norm should prevail. I will also claim that the object of weighing are reasons and not norms themselves.
For this endeavour, I will develop a model of reasons inspired by the particularist practical reasoning apparatus to be used as the main tool for decision-makers to solve prima facie irresolvable normative conflicts in light of particular cases’ properties, which I believe do constitute a case of local particularism. According to this model, as we will see, reasons can vary across contexts as a result of conditions (enablers and disablers) that create and eliminate reasons to act, and modifiers (intensifiers and attenuators) that change the weight of the normative reasons to act. Lastly, I will argue that this model, although it can operate independently, can also be envisaged as the ideal complement to ALEXY’s “Weight Formula” regarding its external justification.

Навчальний посібник містить тематичний матеріал, який є нетрадиційним для навчального курсу конституційного права. Передбачається, що логіка змісту і розміщення матеріалу дасть науково-освітній і практично-прикладний поштовх для розвитку... more

Навчальний посібник містить тематичний матеріал, який є нетрадиційним для навчального курсу конституційного права. Передбачається, що логіка змісту і розміщення матеріалу дасть науково-освітній і практично-прикладний поштовх для розвитку конституційного права та підготовки вітчизняних фахівців. У посібнику зроблена спроба вирішення проблеми нових знань, які не отримали єдиного розуміння в науці, освіті, практиці, не мають достатнього наукового обґрунтування, структури, місця в навчальному курсі.
Представлено виклад процесів підготовки і прийняття Конституції України 1996 р., конституційно-проектних робіт і конституційних перетворень після прийняття Конституції України, зміст основних напрямів конституційної модернізації на сучасному етапі та її інституційно-правового забезпечення, а також зроблена спроба вирішення проблем теоретико-методологічного обґрунтування реформування і модернізації, визначення впливу іноземних правових інститутів на вітчизняну конституційну практику, європейського виміру конституційних перетворень в Україні.
Для студентів, аспірантів, викладачів юридичних навчальних закладів.

Post-autocratic transitions are often followed by constitutional conflicts between state powers. With respect to the question of rule of law in young democracies, clashes between the executive and legislative branches, on the one hand, and... more

Post-autocratic transitions are often followed by constitutional conflicts between state powers. With respect to the question of rule of law in young democracies, clashes between the executive and legislative branches, on the one hand, and the judiciary and constitutional courts, on the other, as well as those between ordinary and constitutional courts are particularly virulent. All these conflicts have massively affected the key distinction between politics and law that had been mainly violated in the previous autocratic regimes. Based on Niklas Luhmann’s theory, this article presents a systems-theoretical approach in order to explain the occurrence of these constitutional conflicts. The central argument reads as follows: constitutional conflicts between politics and law will occur under two circumstances—if a constitutional order allows the decision of legal questions based on political criteria or vice versa, and if a constitutional order allows the judiciary or the constitutional court to decide political questions based on political criteria. This argument is further substantiated by means of two exploratory case studies with a special emphasis on post-socialist transitions in Central and Eastern Europe. The main results are eight detailed hypotheses on the question of when, in constitutional orders, and under what circumstances are constitutional conflicts to be expected.

This chapter analyzes constitutional politics in post-socialist Bulgaria from 1990 until 2014. After a brief outline of the constitution-making in 1990/1991, special emphasis is placed on the four amendment laws that reformed the new... more

This chapter analyzes constitutional politics in post-socialist Bulgaria from 1990 until 2014. After a brief outline of the constitution-making in 1990/1991, special emphasis is placed on the four amendment laws that reformed the new constitutional order in 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2007. As the analysis shows, constitutional politics was dominated by the process of EU accession. In contrast, all amendment initiatives before and after this process were not able to reach sufficient majorities in parliament. A constitutional conflict between the state branches regarding the issue of legally admissible amendments had a decisive influence on the path of reform. The vast majority of the amendments dealt with the reform of the judiciary and the structure and competencies of the parliament.

After the year 2011, it began the quest for a new constitution to be held in Turkey. In this framework, it was aimed to create a consensus text in terms of various conflict points in the society. Although areas of constitutional conflict... more

After the year 2011, it began the quest for a new constitution to be held in Turkey. In this framework, it was aimed to create a consensus text in terms of various conflict points in the society. Although areas of constitutional conflict in Turkey are diverse, we can briefly say that the basic issues of conflict are ethnic identity, faith identity, civil-military relations, independence and impartiality of the judiciary, and the role of presidential office in legislation-executive relations. This article discusses whether constitutional solutions can be found to these problems.

From late 2006 to early 2009, Romania underwent a constitutional conflict concerning the opportunities to fight government corruption. In this conflict, the vast majority of the political elite tried to prevent former and current members... more

From late 2006 to early 2009, Romania underwent a constitutional conflict concerning the opportunities to fight government corruption. In this conflict, the vast majority of the political elite tried to prevent former and current members of government from being prosecuted in criminal proceedings, namely in corruption cases. In particular, eight leading politicians were involved, including former Prime Minister Adrian Nastase. The cause of the conflict can be found in the Constitution of 1991, which entitled the parliament as well as the president with the competence to decide on prosecution attempts against government members. In the course of the conflict, many formal constitutional and legal obstacles have been removed, not least through five Constitutional Court rulings. Nevertheless, the impression prevails that the political elite mainly exploits the issue of corruption in their mutual conflicts instead of faithfully trying to solve the problem itself. As a result, so far, not a single former or current government member has been convicted by a court of ultimate resort. Consequently, the prospects of successfully fighting grand political corruption in Romania are sceptically assessed.

Aiming to foster reflection on the role of the EU regarding the enforcement of the rule of law, this essay revisits, in a normative fashion, the Union's legal system with references to recent and established case law and literature. It... more

Aiming to foster reflection on the role of the EU regarding the enforcement of the rule of law, this essay revisits, in a normative fashion, the Union's legal system with references to recent and established case law and literature. It understands the judicial enforcement of the rule of law as a synonym of effective judicial protection and analyses the pluralistic system of the Union as being overarched by loyalty. It then introduces three specific components of the rule of law related to its judicial enforcement. The first concerns its material aspect: the standards of protection of rights and principles. The contribution opines that the systemic analysis of the Union excludes conflicts of standards. The second component refers to judicial control. It is argued that the related structural obligations of the Member States are enforceable by individual claims grounded on a self-standing right. The last component is organic and relates to the judge. The contribution posits that the national judge is empowered by her European mandate to enforcing the rule of law. While the technique of exceptional circumstances as part of the mechanism of the European arrest warrant confirms this position, cases of constitutional conflicts suggest the procedural deficiency.