Contract Law Research Papers - (original) (raw)

It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile,... more

It is a common misconception that fides and bona fides are ethical principles with changeable content, shaped by the development of social and moral values. They belong instead, since time immemorial, to the tradition of the ius civile, and are deeply rooted in Roman social structure (and its needs) as interpreted by the priests and by the jurists. The standard of fides and bona fides is always objective: in the archaic period, the real status of the parties (fides as the 'credit' of the individual within the group); afterwards, an abstact stardard identified with the bonus vir. The two concepts developed therefore from early on an (outwardly) dualistic value: on the one side, the respect of the parties' agreement; on the other side, the respect of all the terms implied in the nature of the relationship.

The outer space becomes more approachable. As the developments occur in a row, the space launch vehicles are bigger, better, and faster, so that people can get to the outer space more quickly and efficiently. With this currency, space... more

The outer space becomes more approachable. As the developments occur in a row, the space launch vehicles are bigger, better, and faster, so that people can get to the outer space more quickly and efficiently. With this currency, space tourism appears which gives people special experiences, such as enjoying sight of the outer space and playing in the micro-gravity circumstances. However, the possibility of crashes also goes up. Yet the perfectly safe vehicles to carry the passengers into the outer space are not developed. Risk cannot be eliminated in the real world, especially in the case of the rocket launch vehicles, and the risk of failure in launching process is quite high. Already, there was a crash of private spaceship, which was designed to carry tourists. This article will bring forward the questions about the acceptability of the space tourism because there are similarities between the space tourism and Russian roulette game. If the risky space tourism is accepted, the other activities, which have the similar level of possibility of risks, should be accepted. This article focuses the situations and, as the conclusion, tries to suggest a solution to prevent this problem.

Përkushtimi për të shkruar një tekst universitar për një pedagog jo vetëm që është një nderë i veçantë por, para së gjithash, detyrë dhe barrë e madhe. Është detyrë e rëndë për faktin sepse libri jo vetëm që duhet të fitojë besimin e... more

Përkushtimi për të shkruar një tekst universitar për një pedagog jo vetëm që është një nderë i veçantë por, para së gjithash, detyrë dhe barrë e madhe. Është detyrë e rëndë për faktin sepse libri jo vetëm që duhet të fitojë besimin e studentëve por duhet të përmbajë garanci akademike e shkencore që t'i ndihmojë ata në mënyrë që t'i njohin dhe zbatojnë sa më mirë e sa më thellë normat juridike dhe kontraktore në sferë e rregullimit të marrëdhënieve biznesore. Duke e pasur parasysh që një numër i studentëve të cilëve u dedikohet teksti nuk janë në profilin e juristit, realizimi i tij ka qenë angazhim jashtëzakonisht i vështirë. Pa dashur që tu ngarkojë me sfidat dhe vështirësitë, punën në këtë fushë e kam konsideruar si mision në mënyrë që studentëve dhe lexuesve të interesuar t'u ofrojë informacionet themelore për natyrën juridike të kontratës, elementeve të saj dhe mundësitë e mëdha që ofrojnë ato për rregulluar marrëdhëniet biznesore mbi bazën e vullnetit të palëve.
Teksti E Drejta Kontraktore Biznesore u vihet në dispozicion studentëve të fakulteteve të ekonomisë dhe të drejtësisë që janë përcaktuar për studime më të thelluara në sferën e rregullimit të marrëdhënieve të biznesit. Angazhimi për përpilimin e këtij teksti ka filluar që në kohën kur kam qenë pedagog në ish FSHAB të Universitetit të Prishtinës. Pjesa më e madhe e njësive, tani të rishikuara, riformuluara dhe të plotësuara, në forma të ndryshme janë trajtuar edhe në tekstet universitare siç janë E Drejta në Turizëm dhe Hotelieri (2004), E drejta biznesore (2014) dhe E drejta biznesore ndërkombëtare (2015).
Në përpilimin e tekstit, duke i pasur parasysh mundësitë modeste subjektive e objektive, jam udhëhequr nga disa parime. Fillimisht, parimi më thelbësor ka qenë zbatimi i doktrinës juridike dhe kornizës legjislative vendore në këtë sferë të së drejtës. Për shkak të dedikimit të tij, jam kujdesur që përmbajtjet e librit të mos jenë abstrakte dhe i njëjti të ketë mundësi përdorimi nga juristët, ekonomistët dhe të tjerë.
Për fund, jam i ndërgjegjshëm për përgjegjësinë morale, shkencore dhe pedagogjike për rëndësinë e trajtimit të çështjeve që janë përfshirë në këtë libër. Andaj, çdo vërejtje, sugjerim apo kritikë të sinqertë e konsideroj kontribut të çmueshëm në shqyrtimin e materies që në të ardhmen në mënyrë që të kemi një tekst më të mirë e më të kompletuar dhe për këtë ju falënderohem paraprakisht.

Muovendo dal fenomeno della commercializzazione dei dati personali dei consumatori, il lavoro analizza i formanti giuridici che intersecano il tema a livello nazionale ed europeo. Lo sguardo è rivolto principalmente alla disciplina in... more

Muovendo dal fenomeno della commercializzazione dei dati personali dei consumatori, il lavoro analizza i formanti giuridici che intersecano il tema a livello nazionale ed europeo. Lo sguardo è rivolto principalmente alla disciplina in materia di protezione dei dati personali e agli istituti privatistici che possono essere invocati dinanzi alla crescente patrimonializzazione dei dati. Il cuore dell’indagine è dedicato ai modi in cui lo statuto contrattuale consumeristico può combinarsi con il sistema di data protection. In tale contesto, la maggior parte delle riflessioni sono ispirate dai rapporti tra il regolamento (Ue) 2016/679, ossia il regolamento generale per la protezione dei dati, e la direttiva 2019/770/Ue, relativa ai contratti di fornitura di contenuti e servizi digitali. Quest’ultima, infatti, giuridicizzando lo scambio «servizi/contenuti digitali contro dati personali» apre le porte ad una nuova stagione del diritto contrattuale, deputato a fronteggiare le sfide del «capitalismo della sorveglianza».

Reviews the nature of Programmes and delay analysis within the context of Construction Law; considers and compares the contractual provisions in the various standard forms of contract as used for complex construction projects in England... more

Reviews the nature of Programmes and delay analysis within the context of Construction Law; considers and compares the contractual provisions in the various standard forms of contract as used for complex construction projects in England and Wales; compares these with other jurisdictions and industries. Concludes with an account of what is missing and what might be provided.

Under Venezuelan law, as in other jurisdictions, an arbitration agreement imposes to parties the obligation to refer present or future disputes to arbitration. Since an arbitration agreement is a legally binding agreement, the study of... more

Under Venezuelan law, as in other jurisdictions, an arbitration agreement imposes to parties the obligation to refer present or future disputes to arbitration. Since an arbitration agreement is a legally binding agreement, the study of their obligations could be performed under the principles of the law of contract. The breach of the obligations derived from the arbitration agreement legitimizes and entitles the injured parties to a various set of remedies and opens a wide view on disputes resolution. These lines present a general overview of the topic from a Venezuelan Law's perspective.

As one of the young investment forms in emerging economies around the world, Public-Private Partnerships (“PPP”) have shown that it is one of the best ways to achieve the best of the best characteristics from both public sector and... more

As one of the young investment forms in emerging economies around the world, Public-Private Partnerships (“PPP”) have shown that it is one of the best ways to achieve the best of the best characteristics from both public sector and private sectors. As comparative research, firstly, this paper would provide a general approach on PPP investment format. Next, since 2020 is a milestone for the first official law on PPP ever promulgated in Vietnam, the third chapter of the paper describe several essential sections of the PPP Law 2020 with a brief comparison to the most recent legal framework on PPP of Vietnam - Decree 63. After a review of new and old version of the law on PPP, this paper provide several current legal issues that has been around for a long period of time without effective mechanism to deal with. Besides the remained issues, several loopholes under the new regulations have been found, and it even become more and more evident when compared to international standard and practice from reports of international organisations and those of countries with world-leading PPP legal systems. To sum up, I hold that, beside my recognition for the 20-year rapid development of PPP, the Vietnamese government efforts in attracting more and more foreign and domestic private sectors into public projects for the sustainable development of the county, Vietnam should synchronise, systematise those other legal framework heavily related to PPP projects such as Law on Investment, Bidding Law, Law on Environmental Protection, and other relevant regulations. Besides that, the Law on Information Access although it comes into effect from 2018, it remains to be a “ghost” regulation since it has never been integrated into newer laws and regulations, including Law on PPP 2020. As information disclosure is one of the key parts of this paper, the Author provide substantial rule, regulation and practice in developed countries that can be a model for Vietnam to follow.

Against the backdrop of the predominant legal positivism, this book strives to depict private law as a complex social phenomenon interacting with human culture as a whole and its history. The author sketches the national jurisdictions... more

Against the backdrop of the predominant legal positivism, this book strives to depict private law as a complex social phenomenon interacting with human culture as a whole and its history. The author sketches the national jurisdictions belonging to the Western legal tradition, as well as the supranational trends that point towards a global law. In particular, the rise of a European law is accounted for not only within the framework of the Union, but also through the development of a rediscovered ius commune that has emerged from comparative studies conducted by scholars and from the dialogue among national and international courts. Traditional doctrines regarding juridical facts and rights are presented as analytical tools aimed to construct a jurisprudence that extends beyond national borders.

A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law... more

A contract is legally enforceable because it meets the requirements and approval of the law. An agreement typically involves the exchange of goods, services, money, or promises of any of those. In the event of breach of contract, the law awards the injured party access to legal remedies such as damages and cancellation.

Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more

Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind seems problematic. What the consequences of the criticism mean for Law and Economics’ tenability depends largely on the questions whether (1) some elements are unassailable to the alternative’s objections and (2) the alternative is a systematic whole. It is argued that Law and Economics may be salvaged, if it is minimized and its ambitions are tempered. This means focusing on the stable, a priori, elements inherent to it.

This introductory chapter provides an overview of the main legal and policy implications of blockchain technology. It proceeds in four steps. First, the chapter traces the technical and legal evolution of blockchain applications since the... more

This introductory chapter provides an overview of the main legal and policy implications of blockchain technology. It proceeds in four steps. First, the chapter traces the technical and legal evolution of blockchain applications since the early days of bitcoin, highlighting in particular the political ambitions and tensions that have marked many of these projects from the start. Second, it shows how blockchain applications have created new calculative spaces of financial markets that seek to challenge existing forms of money. Third, it discusses the core points of friction with incumbent legal systems, with a particular focus on the regulability of decentralized systems in general and data protection concerns in particular. Fourth, the chapter provides an outline to the contributions to the volume, which span a wide array of topics at the intersection of blockchain, law, and politics.

We report the progression of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) with circulating villous lymphocytes to Burkitt lymphoma with the presence of a t(8;14)(q24;q32) followed by a highly aggressive course. While the initial indolent... more

We report the progression of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) with circulating villous lymphocytes to Burkitt lymphoma with the presence of a t(8;14)(q24;q32) followed by a highly aggressive course. While the initial indolent lymphoma had an IgM λ immunophenotype the Burkitt lymphoma was IgM κ-positive. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene (IGH) sequence analysis showed no identity between the two clones. We conclude that Burkitt lymphoma can occur in patients with SMZL, although not necessarily of identical clonal origin.

This article identifies the chief impediment to a tortious response to mischief of the kind seen in _Bhasin v. Hrynew_, and goes on to explain the nature of the impediment before then considering how the problem may be ultimately... more

This article identifies the chief impediment to a tortious response to mischief of the kind seen in _Bhasin v. Hrynew_, and goes on to explain the nature of the impediment before then considering how the problem may be ultimately overcome. The essence of the present obstacle according to the author is that the nascent notion of “damage” and what it means to suffer “damage” in tort is at odds with recognizing the fact of a justiciable wrong having happened to Bhasin at all. The author’s ultimate conclusion as such is that there is an avenue to address “wrongs” like that done to Bhasin in tort, but that tort must first reconceptualize damage in order to embrace invasions of interests that go beyond the contravention of express rights.

Background and Aim: Supervision of Public company is accepted in most legal systems. In the legal system of Iran, inspectors are liable for overseeing Public limited company and in other countries like UK; this is the auditorchr('39')s... more

Background and Aim: Supervision of Public company is accepted in most legal systems. In the legal system of Iran, inspectors are liable for overseeing Public limited company and in other countries like UK; this is the auditorchr('39')s duty. Given the importance of the proper function of auditors and inspectors in protecting shareholderschr('39') rights, their liability has been considered in numerous rules and judgment.
Materials and Methods: For present study, the descriptive approach has been chosen.
Ethical Considerations: All ethical considerations as well as authenticity of the texts have been observed.
Findings: This article, which deals with comparative study of liability of inspectors and auditors in these two legal systems, first, it described the duties of the "inspector" of the Public limited company in the Iranian legal system along with the legal duties of the auditor in the UK. The findings of this research indicate that failure to process accounts, failure to declare violations or offenses and disclose company trade secrets are the most important examples of behaviors that lead to the emergence of liability of the companychr('39')s inspectors and auditors.
Conclusion: In UK, based on statutes and case laws, the responsibility of auditors was acknowledged toward legal person of the company, the third parties as well as shareholders. In Iranian law, the most important related legal reference named Commercial Law Bill (1968) has limited inspectors responsibilities only toward legal person of the company, the third parties but shareholders should also be added.

From the above mentioned admitted facts, it is evident that the petitioner needs sufficient amount of money for the treatment of breast cancer. Hence, it cannot be ruled out that in order to save her life by getting money, she agreed for... more

From the above mentioned admitted facts, it is evident
that the petitioner needs sufficient amount of money for the
treatment of breast cancer. Hence, it cannot be ruled out that
in order to save her life by getting money, she agreed for a
settlement of dissolution of marriage. On these facts, a
question that came in our mind is as to whether the Court
would be justified in granting a decree for divorce on the basis
of settlement when the wife is suffering with breast cancer and
is in need of money for her treatment and can that be the
consideration for dissolution of marriage.
Vennangot Anuradha Samir …..Petitioner
Vennangot Mohandas Samir …Respondent
Dated;December 02, 2015

The nature of the arbitration agreement in most legal systems (at least legal systems other than common law) is somewhat unclear. Presently, it is not possible to make any decisive statements as to which theory is the only correct one. On... more

The nature of the arbitration agreement in most legal systems (at least legal systems other than common law) is somewhat unclear. Presently, it is not possible to make any decisive statements as to which theory is the only correct one. On the other hand, it is necessary to examine each arbitration agreement invoked by the parties at the beginning of the proceedings and choose one of the current theories mentioned above. The classification of the arbitration agreement might, under certain circumstances, be the decisive element in determining the rules, i.e. procedural or substantive rules, applicable to the arbitration agreement. In civil law tradtion arbitration agreements may be defined as procedural agreements in broader sense, which does not have effects in proceedings only, but which are of substantial significance for qualitative evaluation of the substantive contractual relation between parties. Nevertheless, despite a mixed nature of arbitration agreements (as well as all jurisdictional agreements), jurisdiction is a procedural and not substantive category in the civil law tradition and jurisdiction remains the procedural condition (procedural requirement). Taking decision on jurisdiction in arbitration by partial award is in contradiction to the concept of jurisdiction as a procedural category, rather an interim award may be used for such decisions. Jurisdictional decisions taken in course of arbitration are, however, not substantive decisions and do not effect any Res Judicata. Some of civil law jurisdictions, completely in compliance with the concept of jurisdiction as procedural category, therefore deny to set-aside jurisdictional awards rendered prior to rendering award(s) on the merits of the dispute. Having any civil law dimension in arbitration, it may cause significant problems to the parties, if the arbitral tribunal decides on jurisdiction by a separate jurisdictional award.

Full text available at: --- The invalidity of contract in Croatian law, as well as in Swiss, Austrian, and German law, in principle has ex tunc effect. One of the legal consequences of the invalidity of... more

Full text available at: --- The invalidity of contract in Croatian law, as well as in Swiss, Austrian, and German law, in principle has ex tunc effect. One of the legal consequences of the invalidity of contract is the obligation of restitution that arises when one of the parties provides the other with an act of performance in fulfilment of an obligation under an invalid contract, while the rules on unjustified enrichment are also to be applied to the obligation relationship between the parties. According to a legal standpoint found in Swiss, Austrian, and German law, in relation to continuing contracts, in cases where the provision of a continuing obligation has already begun, the effect of invalidity of a contract is to be limited to effect only from now on. Under this view, invalidity of a continuing contract, that is a contract under which a continuous obligation relationship is established between the parties, has ex nunc effect, therefore there is no unwinding of the continuous obligation relationship. This standpoint of Swiss, Austrian, and German law, as well as the various theoretical foundations on which it is based is analysed in the paper. The legal consequences of invalidity of contract under Croatian law are discussed, especially in relation to the obligation of restitution. The paper examines whether it is possible and necessary under Croatian law de lege lata to apply the comparative law doctrine on the limitation of the effect of invalidity of continuing contracts.

We often think about justice and social change in terms of refinement and better implementation of legal or economic theories and categories. Justice and change are often understood as more accountability and participation, as resistance... more

We often think about justice and social change in terms of refinement and better implementation of legal or economic theories and categories. Justice and change are often understood as more accountability and participation, as resistance to free movement/ autonomy considerations and an emphasis on social ones, as resistance to the ‘the market’, as a general protection of the weaker party, or a better theory or alignment of the entire legal system with general constitutional values and principles. Change is expected to follow from an overtly political discourse that should free us from the shackles of legal language and enable the concerns of the people to be voiced.
However, "Justice" cannot be understood in terms of any theory or concept. The word justice only makes sense because of the current unjust reality. Justice should be understood dynamically, as constant social transformation. Legal thinking misses the hierarchical structure of society and when considering justice too often assumes an abstract category or theory that can bring about “justice”.
For example, it is generally assumed in legal consciousness that the identity of the weaker party can be generalised and predetermined. Beside its reliance on constitutionalism and on conceptual understanding of the legal structure, the conceptualism of contemporary legal thought, this was one of the main weaknesses of the European Social Justice Manifestos. A legal system favoring an abstract “weaker party” is bound to struggle with concerns of justice.
We cannot rely on any theory or worldview when thinking about justice. Such thinking about "justice" often contributes to the reproduction of existing hierarchies - to the reproduction of the status quo, particularly when (hierarchical) reality is interpreted according to existing ideology. Justice means a dynamic change of the currently unjust hierarchical reality that needs to be constantly constructed and reconstructed. The aim of social transformation cannot be a final solution, a perfect social order, or ubiquitous affirmations of ‘social’ considerations, nor a stable state of justice, but rather a constant pursuit of “justice”.

This article examines the potential liability of a party inviting tenders for a contract for improperly rejecting a tender. The approach of the courts in the recent decision of Petition of Sidey Ltd for Judicial Review of a decision of... more

This article examines the potential liability of a party inviting tenders for a contract for improperly rejecting a tender. The approach of the courts in the recent decision of Petition of Sidey Ltd for Judicial Review of a decision of Clackmannanshire Council [2011] CSOH 194 is the focus of the discussion.

Quelques précisions importantes sur le champ d'application et les modalités du déséquilibre significatif de l'article L. 442-6, I, 2º, du Code de commerce I-« SOUMISSION » ÉGALE « CONTRAT D'ADHÉSION » II-LES CLAUSES CONTRÔLABLES... more

Quelques précisions importantes sur le champ d'application et les modalités du déséquilibre significatif de l'article L. 442-6, I, 2º, du Code de commerce I-« SOUMISSION » ÉGALE « CONTRAT D'ADHÉSION » II-LES CLAUSES CONTRÔLABLES III-L'INTERDÉPENDANCE DES STIPULATIONS-Quelques précisions importantes sur le champ d'application et les modalités du déséquilibre significatif de l'article L. 442-6, I, 2º, du Code de commerce Revue Lamy Droit civil, Nº 148, 1er mai 2017 C'est un véritable arrêt de principe qu'a rendu la Chambre commerciale de la Cour de cassation le 25 janvier 2017 à propos du champ d'application et des modalités du déséquilibre significatif opéré sur le fondement de l'article L. 442-6, I, 2º, du Code de commerce. Il en ressort que les conventions susceptibles d'être contrôlées sont les contrats d'adhésion, que le juge peut contrôler l'adéquation du prix à la prestation promise et que l'appréciation du déséquilibre significatif doit tenir compte de l'indépendance des stipulations.

No presente trabalho, proponho-me facilitar a identificação das ocorrências contratuais que se submetem ao regime jurídico dos contratos de crédito aos consumidores, previsto no DL 133/2009, de 2 de junho, na redação do DL 42-A/2013, de... more

No presente trabalho, proponho-me facilitar a identificação das ocorrências contratuais que se submetem ao regime jurídico dos contratos de crédito aos consumidores, previsto no DL 133/2009, de 2 de junho, na redação do DL 42-A/2013, de 28 de março. Para tanto, delineio a noção de contrato de crédito aos consumidores e elenco as situações que, apesar de se subsumirem àquela noção, estão excluídas do âmbito de aplicação do diploma. Prossigo com a identificação das espécies contratuais mais frequentes ou paradigmáticas que se reconduzem à classe dos contratos de crédito aos consumidores. Finalmente, elenco as normas mais significativas do regime legal destinado aos contratos da identificada categoria. Palavras-chave: contrato de crédito; crédito ao consumo; crédito; consumidor
Publicado: Higina Orvalho Castelo, «Crédito ao consumo: Diversidade de tipos contratuais». Revista do CEJ, 2014, I, pp. 33-51.

Denna bok tar ett samlat grepp om rättsliga och idrottsliga åtgärder mot doping. Boken utreder bland annat vad som utgör doping, vilka motiv som ligger bakom olika åtgärder och när olika regler är tillämpliga. Den behandlar också det... more

Denna bok tar ett samlat grepp om rättsliga och idrottsliga åtgärder mot doping. Boken utreder bland annat vad som utgör doping, vilka motiv som ligger bakom olika åtgärder och när olika regler är tillämpliga. Den behandlar också det faktum att vissa dopingbekämpande åtgärder inom idrotten är rättsligt förbjudna. Författarens ambition är inte att undergräva idrottens antidopingarbete, utan att peka ut brister och problem för att i förlängningen stärka kampen mot doping, genom utformningen av ett regelverk som är förenligt med rättsliga krav.

Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from... more

Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from suretyships to usury.

The influence that advertising has on contemporary society is undeniable. Its importance transcends the original boundaries of its area of activity to boldly assume a position as a sort of “magical wise woman-cum-mother of our time” ,... more

The influence that advertising has on contemporary society is undeniable. Its importance transcends the original boundaries of its area of activity to boldly assume a position as a sort of “magical wise woman-cum-mother of our time” , with a presence in and hold over a multitude of aspects of people’s lives.
Within a legal context, advertising was seen until a few decades ago as an alien phenomena in respect of the general theory of Contract Law and, in particular, to its content. The incidents produced by eventual discrepancies between advertising and reality – as a result of a contract – were commonly resolved through the notion of pre-contractual liability .
The reason why advertising – or, more correctly, the information advertised – remained on the margin of contractual terms stems from a voluntarist concept of contracts . This notion has been gradually whittled away, not only in the area of consumer contracts but also in other specific (non-consumer) ones, allowing terms to be extended in order to include the information advertised.
In this incorporation of advertising into the content of the contract, we should stipulate the cause and scope of its binding nature, as well as its interaction with the sources of contractual terms. We will discuss this, in that order.

Данная монография посвящена основам правового регулирования внешнеэкономической деятельности (далее – ВЭД) и основным видам внешнеэкономических сделок, наиболее часто встречающихся в практике осуществления ВЭД. При ее написании... more

Данная монография посвящена основам правового регулирования внешнеэкономической деятельности (далее – ВЭД) и основным видам внешнеэкономических сделок, наиболее часто встречающихся в практике осуществления ВЭД. При ее написании использовались международные договоры, акты национального законодательства, подзаконные акты, доктринальные источники, судебные и арбитражные решения на языке. Авторы: Курбанов Рашад Афатович, Лалетина Алла Сергеевна, Зульфугарзаде Теймур Эльдарович, Налетов Кирилл Игоревич, Баланюк Леонид Леонидович, Белялова Асия Мидихатовна, Гречуха Владимир Николаевич, Гурбанов Рамин Афад-оглы, Лубягина Дина Владимировна, Свечникова Наталья Викторовна, Слободяник Виктор Владимирович, Спектор Асия Ахметовна

Nigeria depend greatly on oil and gas production to meet its revenue needs. Several initiatives are currently being gauged to diminish the high transaction cost of pipeline failures and the consequences on land rights' holders. Oil and... more

Nigeria depend greatly on oil and gas production to meet its revenue needs. Several initiatives are currently being gauged to diminish the high transaction cost of pipeline failures and the consequences on land rights' holders. Oil and gas are essential commodities hence, requires reliable means by which they can be conveyed from the platforms (sources of production) to the consumers. One of the sustainable and reliable means of conveying large quantities of oil and gas from one point to another is by purposely constructed pipelines. It is against the backdrop of the crucial needs for the use of pipelines to convey petroleum products that this article investigated the legal and social challenges of oil and gas pipelines in Nigeria. It found that, the laws and institutions responsible for governance of pipelines in Nigeria are defective and unsustainable. Furthermore, the weaknesses of the monitoring agencies and faulty legal regimes in Nigeria with regards to land use, revocation and flexible powers given to the pipeline owners to be able to vary routes and take lands of others in the name of public interest is one of the prime factors causing discontent and leading to pipeline vandalism. Amongst others, the article recommend that the government should energize the relevant agencies by entering into partnership with experts from overseas that can foster transfer of knowledge which would drive safety regulations grounded on effective risk analyses and cost-benefit analyses. Precisely, the regulatory agencies such as the Department of Petroleum Resources should embark on dependable risk management strategies.

La característica general del common law frente a la imposibilidad sobrevenida de la prestación es, según la interpretación tradicional, el respeto formal y casi absoluto de la obligatoriedad del contrato. Este respeto se ha manifestado... more

La característica general del common law frente a la imposibilidad sobrevenida de la prestación es, según la interpretación tradicional, el respeto formal y casi absoluto de la obligatoriedad del contrato. Este respeto se ha manifestado comúnmente no solo en relación con el cambio del valor económico de las prestaciones-y por ende de la distribución del riesgo económico por el aumento desproporcionado de la diferencia de valor-, sino también en relación con la imposibilidad sobrevenida de ejecutarlas 1. De esto puede entonces afirmarse-y se procurará demostrarlo en las páginas que siguen-que en el common law la imposibilidad sobrevenida y la excesiva onerosidad sobrevenida de la prestación tienen el mismo tratamiento doctrinal en lo que hace a la modificación del contrato, ya que los mecanismos de tutela contra el desequilibrio contractual sobrevenido tienen su origen en precedentes jurisprudenciales comunes y, en realidad, el criterio usado parte de una aplicación extensiva de los mecanismos previstos para regular los efectos de la imposibilidad en general.