Dental Public Health Research Papers (original) (raw)

RESUMEN: Introducción: La necesidad de considerar el uso eficiente de los recursos es un objetivo explícitamente establecido por todos los servicios de salud. Objetivo: Determinar la eficiencia técnica y las áreas de mejoramiento... more

RESUMEN: Introducción: La necesidad de considerar el uso eficiente de los recursos es un objetivo explícitamente establecido por todos los servicios de salud. Objetivo: Determinar la eficiencia técnica y las áreas de mejoramiento potencial de los servicios de Estomatología General Integral en la provincia Artemisa en el año 2016. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal en los 16 servicios de Estomatología General Integral de la provincia Artemisa en el año 2016. Se aplicó el algoritmo propuesto por García A y colaboradores, basado en la técnica del Análisis Envolvente de Datos. Se seleccionaron seis variables de resultados y dos de recursos. Resultados: Se logró distinguir los 6 servicios eficientes y 10 ineficientes, se determinó las áreas de mejoramiento potencial. Los resultados encontrados en términos de áreas susceptibles de mejora permiten afirmar que en la actividad de estomatología en Artemisa, el incremento en los niveles de eficiencia está centrado en mejorar los resultados con la utilización de los recursos asignados. Conclusiones: Se evidenciaron diferencias en materia de eficiencia entre los servicios de Estomatología General Integral de la provincia Artemisa lo que ratifica la necesidad de continuar y profundizar en el estudio de este aspecto. La identificación de al menos una unidad de entre las eficientes como referencia para cada unidad ineficiente podrá contribuir al mejoramiento de los procesos gerenciales y/o productivos de las entidades ineficientes. ABSTRACT Introduction: The need to consider the efficient use of resources is an objective explicitly established by all health services. Objectives: To determine the technical efficiency and areas of potential improvement of the General Comprehensive Dentistry services in Artemisa province in 2016.

Objective To assess the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in preventing early childhood caries compared with conventional oral health education. Study design Twelve health care units in southern Brazil were randomly allocated in... more

Objective To assess the effectiveness of motivational interviewing in preventing early childhood caries compared with conventional oral health education. Study design Twelve health care units in southern Brazil were randomly allocated in 2 groups of 6 and professionals in 1 group were trained in motivational interviewing. The mothers/children and external examiners were blinded to the intervention. The data were collected by calibrated examiners using questionnaires and a clinical examination based on modified International Caries Detection and Assessment System criteria. Of the 674 children born in the catchment area in the year 2013, 469 received the intervention (224 in the conventional oral health education group, 245 in the motivational interviewing group), and 320 were examined by the end of the study (145 in the conventional oral health education group, 175 in the motivational interviewing group), with mean age of 30 months. The final follow-up was 68%, after 3 years. Results Mean of decayed, missing, and filled surfaces at the end of the study period for the whole sample was 1.34 (95% CI 0.97-1.71). The caries rate per 100 surface-year in the conventional oral health education group was 1.74 (95% CI 1.14-2.34) and in the motivational interviewing group, it was 0.92 (95% CI 0.63-1.20). To correct for clustering effect and unbalanced factors, multilevel Poisson regression was fitted and the effect of motivational interviewing on the incidence rate ratio was 0.40 (95% CI 0.21-0.79). Conclusions An intervention based on the principles of motivational interviewing style was more effective in reducing the number of surfaces affected by early childhood caries compared with conventional oral health education intervention. (J Pediatr 2018;■■:■■-■■). Trial registration NCT02578966, Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials RBR-8fvwxq. M otivational interviewing is a strategy aimed at changing behavior based on the premise that the reasons to do so are individual and subjective. 1 In this patient-centered approach, patients are responsible for making the choices among the different alternatives and encouraged to make their own decisions. 1,2 Motivational interviewing has emerged as an alternative to address a series of undesirable behaviors, such as unhealthy eating habits, lack of physical activity, and smoking. 3-5 Motivational interviewing has shown different degrees of effect in preventing early childhood caries in clinical trials involving pregnant women and mothers of young children. Although some studies indicate that it can prompt behavioral changes, 6 reduce the severity of carious lesions, 7 and decrease the number of decayed teeth, 8,9 others found no clinical effect. 6 These differences cannot be explained by methodologic differences alone. Although the number of motivational interviewing sessions may provide a partial explanation, contextual factors that affect the incidence of new lesions may also be relevant. Those studies addressed different populations, namely indigenous Canadians, African Ameri-cans, and Asian immigrants. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of motivational interviewing compared with conventional oral health education in preventing early childhood caries in a public health service. Methods This was a randomized community-based trial with parallel groups, whereby children/mothers and external examiners did not know to which intervention group the children's mothers had been allocated. The project was approved by the GHC Research Ethics Committee (protocol no. 13-063 and CAAE no. 15015013.0.0000.5530). The protocol remained unchanged throughout the study. The trial was registered in the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (ReBEC:

ABSTRACT : The root canal system is an arborizational, anastomotic, byzanthine, labyrinthine complexity, morphologically comparable to a mosaic. While primary canals exist, the tributaries, accessory branches and lumina of dentinal... more

ABSTRACT : The root canal system is an arborizational, anastomotic, byzanthine, labyrinthine complexity, morphologically comparable to a mosaic. While primary canals exist, the tributaries, accessory branches and lumina of dentinal tubules harbour extensive tissue and microflora which if left untreated remains vector for persistent and refractory pathology. Therefore root canal shaping and cleaning is of utmost importance in the success of root canal treatment. Number of systems are available for effective shaping accounting from hand files to nickel titanium rotary files to the new single file concept “WAVE ONE” KEYWORDS : Wave One, Reciprocating Motion, Nickel Titanium, Reverse Balanced Force Technique, vCJD

Dental school graduates have many options following graduation. Many are pursuing additional education and training by doing a residency program. As more graduates consider this career path, these programs have become more competitive.... more

Dental school graduates have many options following graduation. Many are pursuing additional education and training by doing a residency program. As more graduates consider this career path, these programs have become more competitive. This study evaluates the competitiveness of match programs in dental residency programs by assessing data over a 9-year period for programs in the National Matching Service. The number of applicants participating in the match, number of positions offered, number of positions filled, and number of positions unfilled were analyzed for General Practice Residency (GPR), Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD), Oral Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS), Pediatric Dentistry (PED), Orthodontics (ORTHO) and Dental Anesthesiology (ANES). The result has been an overall increase in number of applicants for these programs. Based on positions offered, ORTHO, PED, and OMS are the most competitive programs. PED programs were the most competitive due to the increase in applicants and relatively unchanged available positions.

This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. The purposes of this study were to determine prevalence and physical factors related to dental caries in children-patients at the Faculty of Dentistry, Srinakharinwirot University. Data... more

This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study. The purposes of this study were to
determine prevalence and physical factors related to dental caries in children-patients at the
Faculty of Dentistry, Srinakharinwirot University. Data collected from OPD chart of Department of
Pediatric Dentistry and Preventive Dentistry of 300 children patients during 2005 - 2011 by simple
random sampling. Chi-square test, binary logistic regression were used in this study. The results
of this study showed that the prevalence of dental caries were 87.67 percent and the overall mean
dmft index were 9.53. The binary logistic regression revealed that the association between factor of
weight and the prevalence of dental caries is statistically significant (p-value = 0.001). The patients
who has weight above criterion was more chance to have higher dental caries prevalence than
those patients whose normal weight 4 times (OR = 4.00, CI = 1.3-9.18). No association between
the gender, unusual habits and occlusion with the prevalence of dental caries in children. However,
dental caries was a multiple factors disease. Therefore, it should compose another studies such
as correlation comparative study and experimental studies that are able to describe the clear

This study aims to estimate orthodontic treatment need among 15-24 year-old individuals in Montevideo, Uruguay, and the association of occlusal traits with demographic, clinical and socioeconomic factors, considering a life course... more

This study aims to estimate orthodontic treatment need among 15-24 year-old individuals in Montevideo, Uruguay, and the association of occlusal traits with demographic, clinical and socioeconomic factors, considering a life course approach. A cross-sectional study using data from the First National Oral Health Survey in Uruguay was conducted. A two-stage cluster procedure was used to select a sample of 278 individuals in Montevideo. Household interviews and oral examinations were performed by six dentists. Dental Aesthetic (DAI) and Decayed Missing and Filled Teeth Indices (DMFT) were used to assess orthodontic treatment need and dental caries, respectively. Early life and current socioeconomic factors were obtained from the interview. Ordinal logistic regression was used to model the DAI index. Prevalence of definite malocclusion was 20.6%, followed by severe (8.2%) and very severe (7.6%). In the adjusted analysis, individuals with untreated dental caries (OR = 1.11; 95%CI: 1.03-1....

บทความ -- “ฉันอยากเป็นทันตแพทย์”: จอมพล ป. พิบูลสงครามกับการเรียนการสอนด้านทันตกรรม ทศวรรษ 2480-2490 (“I want to be a dentist”: Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram and Dental Education, 2480s-2490s B.E.) . นำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติ... more

บทความ -- “ฉันอยากเป็นทันตแพทย์”: จอมพล ป. พิบูลสงครามกับการเรียนการสอนด้านทันตกรรม ทศวรรษ 2480-2490 (“I want to be a dentist”: Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram and Dental Education, 2480s-2490s B.E.)
นำเสนอในการประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติ เวทีวิจัยมนุษยศาสตร์ไทย ครั้งที่ 14 “iHumanities: เทคโนโลยีสุขภาพและชีวิต” ระหว่างวันที่ 8-9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2563 ณ คณะสังคมศาสตร์และมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ศาลายา นครปฐม
บทความนี้ศึกษาบทบาทของจอมพล ป. พิบูลสงคราม ในการพัฒนาการศึกษาวิชาทันตกรรมในระหว่างทศวรรษ 2480-2490 โดยมุ่งไปที่ความสนใจของจอมพล ป. พิบูลสงครามที่มีต่องานทันตกรรมและเครือข่ายความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างจอมพล ป. พิบูลสงครามกับกลุ่มหลวงวาจวิทยาวัฑฒน์ผู้ซึ่งเป็นทันตแพทย์ บทความนี้เสนอว่า เหตุที่การศึกษาด้านทันตกรรมในระหว่างทศวรรษ 2480-2490 ได้รับการสนับสนุนให้ก่อตั้งแผนกทันตแพทยศาสตร์และสนับสนุนด้านการเรียนการสอนจากรัฐบาลของจอมพล ป. พิบูลสงครามทั้งสองสมัยนั้น มีสาเหตุสามประการ ประการแรกคือ งานทันตกรรมตอบสนองนโยบายของรัฐบาลที่พยายามจัดการกับทันตสุขภาพของประชาชน ประการที่สองคือ จอมพล ป. พิบูลสงครามมีความสนใจส่วนตัวต่องานทันตกรรมและมักจะเข้ารับการรักษาฟันเป็นประจำ และประการสุดท้ายคือ จอมพล ป. พิบูลสงครามมีความสัมพันธ์อันดีกับกลุ่มทันตแพทย์ที่ต้องการพัฒนาการเรียนการสอนวิชาทันตกรรม ด้วยเหตุผลด้านสุขภาพและเครือข่ายความสัมพันธ์นี้มีส่วนอย่างมากที่ทำให้จอมพล ป. พิบูลสงครามพยายามให้การสนับสนุนการศึกษาด้านทันตกรรมและคณะทันตแพทยศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
This article devotes to the role of Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram in development of dental education during 2480s-2490s B.E. with a focus on Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram’s interests in dental works and his connection with Professor Colonel Luang Vach Vidyavaddhana who was a dentist. This article suggests there were three primary reasons behind Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram’s decisions to endorse dental education and ultimately the establishment of Faculty of Dentistry. The first reason was that dental works would fulfill the governmental policy on dental health care. The second reason lied in Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram’s personal interests in dental health and his experiences as a regular dental patient, and the final reason stemmed from his close connection with a group of dentists who long desired to develop dental education. For such concerns in dental health care and the particular connection, the Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, was thus established with all supports from Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram.
คำสำคัญ: ทันตกรรม, ทันตแพทย์, คณะทันตแพทยศาสตร์, จอมพล ป. พิบูลสงคราม
Keywords: dentistry, dentist, Faculty of Dentistry, Field Marshal P. Pibulsongkram

Bu sunumda diş hekimlerinin çalışma koşulları ve daha sağlıklı ve güvenli nasıl çalışmaları gerektiği ele alınmıştır. temel olarak üç unsur ele alınmıştır. Çalışma koşullarının güvenliği ve özellikle de laboratuvar koşullarının güvenliği,... more

Bu sunumda diş hekimlerinin çalışma koşulları ve daha sağlıklı ve güvenli nasıl çalışmaları gerektiği ele alınmıştır. temel olarak üç unsur ele alınmıştır. Çalışma koşullarının güvenliği ve özellikle de laboratuvar koşullarının güvenliği, radyasyon ve radyolojik açıdan güvenlik ve ALARA PRENSİBİ, enfeksiyon ve çeşitli hastalıklara karşı sağlık açıdan güvenlik ile çalışma koşulları açıdan daha sağlıklı nasıl çalışılmalı konuları ele alınmıştır. Bu konuda belkide ilk kez hazırlanmış bu sunumun ilginizi çekeceğini düşünüyorum. Bu sunum 7 aralık 2017 tarihinde saat 19 da M.E.G.A SÜREKLİ VE ÜCRETSİZ EĞİTİMLER 6.OTURUMunda Diş hekimlerine anlatılmıştır. Sunumun adı DİŞ HEKİMLİĞİNDE İŞ SAĞLIĞI VE İŞ GÜVENLİĞİ olarak belirlenmiştir.

Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of elementary school teachers about the management of dental trauma. Material and Methods: An observational study, with the cross-sectional design, was conducted among primary school teachers in Hail,... more

Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of elementary school teachers about the management of dental trauma. Material and Methods: An observational study, with the cross-sectional design, was conducted among primary school teachers in Hail, Saudi Arabia during January 2017. The questionnaire distributed among 400 primary school teachers from 18 different schools using convenient sampling. Data were gathered and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: 378 (94.5%) respondents to the questionnaire. It was found that only 37.8% of the primary school teachers were able to distinguish between the primary and permanent teeth. Only 59.5% reported starting the management of a child with trauma immediately. Merely 38.4% believed that it is important to search for the missing tooth or the broken pieces, whereas 31% would re-implant the permanent tooth into the socket by themselves. Regarding the storage media, only 16.6% respond correctly. According to school teachers, the best way of learning the management of dental trauma at school is through videos (36.2%) and phone application (33.9%). Conclusion: School teachers lack knowledge regarding the management of dental trauma. We strongly recommend planning for dental trauma educational based on the teacher's perception after pilot testing its effectiveness.

Background: Oral cancer mainly affects individuals in the 6th and 7th decades of life with a history of risk factors like, smoking, tobacco chewing and alcohol consump tion. Early recognition and referral is essential for higher cure... more

Background: Oral cancer mainly affects individuals in the 6th and 7th decades of life with a history of risk factors like, smoking, tobacco chewing and alcohol consump tion. Early recognition and referral is essential for higher cure rates and better quality of life. Nursing staff provides the oral health care for patients in hospital. Admission to hospital provides a ‘‘window of opportunity’’ for oral cancer screening via an oral health checkup during nursing care. Objective: To measure awareness of risk factors, clinical signs and screening service for oral cancer among nursing students. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in two Nursing Colleges of Davangere city. The questionnaire consisted of 17 closed ended questions. The questionnaire was pre-tested and validated before administering. Results: Among 300 nursing students, 231 were females and 69 were males. Over 90% thought oral health checkups were important although only 69% performed oral examination regularly; approximately 90% identifi ed smoking and use of tobacco products as a risk factor but very few identifi ed other associated factors like alcohol. Only 55% of the respondents were aware about the most common site of occurrence of oral cancer. Only 49% recognized a non healing ulcer as a sign of oral cancer. Over 90% of the students felt that a nursing student needs more education about screening for oral cancer and were willing to participate in a network to promote early screening for oral cancer. Conclusion: This study revealed that nurses’ awareness of oral cancer risk factors and clinical signs, in the group under study was, however, poor. This study highlights a need for improved education of nurses on oral cancer to make the oral health checkup on admission viable for oral cancer screening. Key words: Early detection, nurses, oral cancer, screening

ABSTRACT: Endodontic treatment involves removal of infected tissue and microorganisms from within the root canal space to prevent further infection of the periradicular tissues as well as to allow healing of these tissues. This critical... more

ABSTRACT: Endodontic treatment involves removal of infected tissue and microorganisms from within the root canal space to prevent further infection of the periradicular tissues as well as to allow healing of these tissues. This critical process involves the use of some chemical substances for disinfection of the root canal space. Studies have shown that contemporary chemical agents do not achieve complete disinfection, and have other disadvantages like weakening of the tooth structure, predisposing to fracture of the tooth. Recently, there has been a growing trend to seek natural remedies as part of dental treatment. This may be termed as ethnopharmacology or phytotherapy. This paper aims at providing a review that focuses on the natural agents and procedures that have been evaluated in endodontics.
KEYWORDS: Endodontics, Alternative dentistry, Naturopathy, Aryuveda, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Hypnosis.

Dentists commonly prescribe antibiotics for controlling and treating dental infections. But there is a widespread abuse of antibiotics in medical and dental field. The inappropriate use of antibiotics results in increased treatment costs,... more

Dentists commonly prescribe antibiotics for controlling and treating dental infections. But there is a widespread abuse of antibiotics in medical and dental field. The inappropriate use of antibiotics results in increased treatment costs, increased risk of adverse events related to the antibiotic used and most importantly development and propagation of antimicrobial resistance. The definitive indications for use of antibiotics in dentistry are limited and specific. This review discusses the various principles and rationale behind antibiotic therapy in different fields of dentistry with stress on rational antibiotic use in dentistry.

Oral diseases are among the most prevalent diseases globally and have serious health and economic burdens, greatly reducing quality of life for those affected. The most prevalent and consequential oral diseases globally are dental caries... more

Oral diseases are among the most prevalent diseases globally and have serious health and economic burdens, greatly reducing quality of life for those affected. The most prevalent and consequential oral diseases globally are dental caries (tooth decay), periodontal disease, tooth loss, and cancers of the lips and oral cavity. In this first of two papers in a Series on oral health, we describe the scope of the global oral disease epidemic, its origins in terms of social and commercial determinants, and its costs in terms of population wellbeing and societal impact. Although oral diseases are largely preventable, they persist with high prevalence, reflecting widespread social and economic inequalities and inadequate funding for prevention and treatment, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). As with most non-communicable diseases (NCDs), oral conditions are chronic and strongly socially patterned. Children living in poverty, socially marginalised groups, and older people are the most affected by oral diseases, and have poor access to dental care. In many LMICs, oral diseases remain largely untreated because the treatment costs exceed available resources. The personal consequences of chronic untreated oral diseases are often severe and can include unremitting pain, sepsis, reduced quality of life, lost school days, disruption to family life, and decreased work productivity. The costs of treating oral diseases impose large economic burdens to families and health-care systems. Oral diseases are undoubtedly a global public health problem, with particular concern over their rising prevalence in many LMICs linked to wider social, economic, and commercial changes. By describing the extent and consequences of oral diseases, their social and commercial determinants, and their ongoing neglect in global health policy, we aim to highlight the urgent need to address oral diseases among other NCDs as a global health priority.

ABSTRACT: Success or failure of endodontic treatment depends, among other parameters, on an accurate determination of the working length. Electronic apex locators (EALs) are a routinely used procedure in endodontic practice; yet their... more

ABSTRACT: Success or failure of endodontic treatment depends, among other parameters, on an accurate determination of the working length. Electronic apex locators (EALs) are a routinely used procedure in endodontic practice; yet their accuracy has been reported to vary from 35% to 100%. The operating systems of the EALs (frequency or impedance quotient) and different investigative methodologies explain the higher accuracy obtained with the current generation of devices. It is difficult to draw conclusions on the basis of the results obtained with the new generation EALs because of research variables that can influence the results. KEYWORDS: Apex locators, Endodontics, Root apex, Working length

Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to provide a useful critical review relating to the effects of malocclusion on the physical, social, and psychological aspects of the Quality of Life (QoL) of patients. Methods: The information... more

Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to provide a useful critical review relating to the effects of malocclusion on the physical, social, and psychological aspects of the Quality of Life (QoL) of patients. Methods: The information presented in previous articles was reviewed. They include reviews, meta-analyses, cross-sectional studies, retrospective and prospective longitudinal studies, and randomized controlled trials. These full-text English-language papers were studied to determine the effects of malocclusion on QoL. Results: Recent studies have found that malocclusion is associated with higher levels of dissatisfaction with appearance, and have the potential to negatively impact Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL). However, due to the differences in study designs, population demographics studied, and methods of assessment of physical, social, and psychological health, the evidence needs more analysis. Conclusion: In recent years, attention to patient-centered assess...

Epidemiológicamente, los adolescentes conforman un subgrupo poblacional con indicadores bucodentales que ameritan atención en el ámbito de la salud pública. Asimismo, la mayoría de las facultades de odontología orientan la enseñanza... more

Epidemiológicamente, los adolescentes conforman un subgrupo poblacional con indicadores bucodentales que ameritan atención en el ámbito de la salud pública. Asimismo, la mayoría de las facultades de odontología orientan la enseñanza odontológica dirigida al niño y al adulto, donde la atención enfocada al adolescente se suele diferir. Además, el desconocimiento en las alteraciones biopsicosociales y las particularidades clínicas inherentes a la adolescencia, hacen la atención de estos pacientes potencialmente compleja. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión de la literatura con el fin de ofrecerle al profesional las herramientas o recursos psicológicos (habilidades blandas) para el abordaje de la población adolescente que asiste a la consulta odontológica. Actualmente, la “Odontohebiatría” describe la atención integral e interdisciplinaria de la salud bucodental de los adolescentes, con énfasis en la prevención y la estética bucodental. De esta forma, la odontología moderna demanda una participación activa del profesional, el cual debe estar familiarizado con las afecciones clínicas y las variables psicológicas que puedan afectar al adolescente; asimismo, también se considera importante la instrucción y el adiestramiento en y estrategias de intervención psicológica para ofrecer una atención adaptada a este grupo etario.

The eight edition of this most widely read text of Endodontics “Pathways of the Pulp” was brought out in 2000 and its Indian Edition was printed in 2002 by Harcourt (India) Private Limited. It is very laudable that the Indian Edition is... more

The eight edition of this most widely read text of Endodontics “Pathways of the Pulp” was brought out in 2000 and its Indian Edition was printed in 2002 by Harcourt (India) Private Limited. It is very laudable that the Indian Edition is made available which make it afforable for all the Indian professionals and students of Endodontics, who need to not only study in -dpth but also need to keep referring to it frequently for some or the other endodontic problems. It is the most current, printed textbook in a digital world, where scientific, medical, dental and technological advances occure on an almost daily basis. The book reframes that fundamental and universal shaping and a meticulous obturation - into an evidence based, will ilustrated (more that 2000 illustrations)textbook that represented the highly evolved field of endodontics at the beginning of the 21 century. While the text has been kept simple, precise and easy to understand, the clear an descriptive illustrations demonstrate the day to day clinical problems and their effective troubleshooting faced by the clinicians. The new edition has 1031 pages compared to the previous edition, which had 892 pages. Obviously the text has been expanded, giving the latest developments in the field similarly, number of contributors have also increased in this edition. The old edition had 39 contributors, of which few are replaced
Book-Review PATHWAYS OF THE PULP 8th EDITION Stephen Cohen and Richard. C. Burns Harcourt (India) Private LImited *Vinayak V and **Shah N

Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the learning outcomes of the fifth and sixth-year dental students from their community-based education experiences as documented in the self-reflection essays. Materials and Methods:... more

Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the learning
outcomes of the fifth and sixth-year dental students from their
community-based education experiences as documented in the
self-reflection essays.
Materials and Methods: Fifth-year and sixth-year dental students were
assigned to submit a written reflection after their 2-week and 4-week
fieldwork experience. The fieldworks were organized every year in
Nakhon Ratchasima province for 5th-year students, and five provinces in
Northern Thailand for 6th-year students as a part of the dental curriculum
at Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University. Content analysis was used
to analyze the student’s learning from their reflections. Investigators read
assays independently to identify the learning outcome from 5th and 6th
year student’s reflection. The categories were coded by discussing
among the investigators, and then each category was emerged to themes.
Results: A total of 116 fifth-year students and 105 sixth-year students
from the 2013 academic year were included in this study. Five major
themes were identified similarly for both fifth-and sixth-year students.
They were communication and interpersonal skills, personal and
professional development, translate theory into practice, social awareness
and commitment to services.
Conclusions: According to students’ reflections, the fieldwork
experience affected their attitudes and perspectives. It also enhanced a
sense of profession and enabled them to appreciate the important role of
the dentist in a community.
Keywords: self-reflection, community-based, education, dental students,
fieldwork, experience

Oral diseases are a major global public health problem affecting over 3·5 billion people. However, dentistry has so far been unable to tackle this problem. A fundamentally different approach is now needed. In this second of two papers in... more

Oral diseases are a major global public health problem affecting over 3·5 billion people. However, dentistry has so far been unable to tackle this problem. A fundamentally different approach is now needed. In this second of two papers in a Series on oral health, we present a critique of dentistry, highlighting its key limitations and the urgent need for system reform. In high-income countries, the current treatment-dominated, increasingly high-technology, interventionist, and specialised approach is not tackling the underlying causes of disease and is not addressing inequalities in oral health. In low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), the limitations of so-called westernised dentistry are at their most acute; dentistry is often unavailable, unaffordable, and inappropriate for the majority of these populations, but particularly the rural poor. Rather than being isolated and separated from the mainstream health-care system, dentistry needs to be more integrated, in particular with primary care services. The global drive for universal health coverage provides an ideal opportunity for this integration. Dental care systems should focus more on promoting and maintaining oral health and achieving greater oral health equity. Sugar, alcohol, and tobacco consumption, and their underlying social and commercial determinants, are common risk factors shared with a range of other non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Coherent and comprehensive regulation and legislation are needed to tackle these shared risk factors. In this Series paper, we focus on the need to reduce sugar consumption and describe how this can be achieved through the adoption of a range of upstream policies designed to combat the corporate strategies used by the global sugar industry to promote sugar consumption and profits. At present, the sugar industry is influencing dental research, oral health policy, and professional organisations through its well developed corporate strategies. The development of clearer and more transparent conflict of interest policies and procedures to limit and clarify the influence of the sugar industry on research, policy, and practice is needed. Combating the commercial determinants of oral diseases and other NCDs should be a major policy priority.

Students are inspired to take up dentistry for factors related to security, social and professional status, financial rewards, better quality of life, and for working with people. The period of internship is the most suitable period to... more

Students are inspired to take up dentistry for factors related to security, social and professional status, financial rewards, better quality of life, and for working with people. The period of internship is the most suitable period to plan the future strategy by setting up professional goals for an appropriate career path. The number of options after graduating dentistry is many and choosing the best option that will satisfy passion as well as income, having an overall professional goal will enable to secure a bright and secure future in dentistry. In many instances parents take up the decision to place their children in dentistry based on their knowledge and then it is the turn of the children to put in their best efforts to succeed in life as they are matured enough to judge the need of their souls. Earning money as well as serving the people who are in need must be the vision of every graduating student. Dentistry gives a secured platform to take up the field of specialized interest and even if it fails to succeed there are always diverse options. The articles located, extracted and reviewed were relevant studies published in English language from selected websites and dental journals published online. This review article makes an attempt to focus on the different career paths available for students to pursue after their Bachelor graduation in dentistry. Key message: The responsibility in life does not just end as an Intern but it is miles to go. Dentistry gives a secured platform to take up the field of specialized interest and even if it fails to succeed there are always other options after graduation.

The American Dental Dream—the cultural desire for straight, white teeth—is difficult, if not impossible, for poor and working-class people to achieve. Using ethnographic fiction, autoethnography, poetry, and qualitative interviewing, I... more

The American Dental Dream—the cultural desire for straight, white teeth—is difficult, if not impossible, for poor and working-class people to achieve. Using ethnographic fiction, autoethnography, poetry, and qualitative interviewing, I brush away the taken-for-granted assumptions about teeth. I explore the personal, relational and structural consequences of this cultural desire, and show how social class writes itself on our bodies. I write these culture-centered teeth tales to show how one might cope with their teeth.

Analyse the effect of varnishes containing xylitol alone or combined with fluoride on the remineralization of artificial enamel caries lesions in vitro. Bovine enamel specimens were randomly allocated to 7 groups (n=15/group). Artificial... more

Analyse the effect of varnishes containing xylitol alone or combined with fluoride on the remineralization of artificial enamel caries lesions in vitro. Bovine enamel specimens were randomly allocated to 7 groups (n=15/group). Artificial caries lesions were produced by immersion in 30 mL of lactic acid buffer containing 3mM CaCl2·2H2O, 3mM KH2PO4, 6 μM tetraetil metil diphosphanate (pH 5.0) for 6 days. The enamel blocks were treated with the following varnishes: 10% xylitol; 20% xylitol; 10% xylitol plus F (5% NaF); 20% xylitol plus F (5% NaF); Duofluorid™ (6% NaF, 2.71% F+6% CaF2), Duraphat™ (5% NaF, positive control) and placebo (no-F/xylitol, negative control). The varnishes were applied in a thin layer and removed after 6h. The blocks were subjected to pH-cycles (demineralization-2h/remineralization-22 h during 8 days) and enamel alterations were quantified by surface hardness and transversal microradiography. The percentage of surface hardness recovery (%SHR), the integrated mineral loss and lesion depth were statistically analysed by ANOVA/Tukey's test or Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn's test (p<0.05). Enamel surface remineralization was significantly increased by Duraphat™, 10% xylitol plus F and 20% xylitol plus F formulations, while significant subsurface mineral remineralization could be seen only for enamel treated with Duraphat™, Duofluorid™ and 20% xylitol formulations. 20% xylitol varnishes seem to be promising alternatives to increase remineralization of artificial caries lesions. effective vehicles are desirable for caries control. Xylitol varnishes seem to be promising alternatives to increase enamel remineralization in vitro, which should be confirmed by in situ and clinical studies.

Retention in CD is an old topic about which very few people show interest to learn but keeping in mind the views of a patient, it is an OPTIMUS PRIME aspect. I hope most of the headings have been covered in this presentation except for... more

Retention in CD is an old topic about which very few people show interest to learn but keeping in mind the views of a patient, it is an OPTIMUS PRIME aspect. I hope most of the headings have been covered in this presentation except for details of denture adhesives used.

Determinasi Lengkung Dalam Ortodontik- Determinasi lengkung adalah metode untuk menentukan kebutuhan ruang dalam perawatan ortodontik dan merupakan penyederhanaan dari metode kesling. Metode determinasi lengkung ini dikembangkan Bagian... more

Determinasi Lengkung Dalam Ortodontik- Determinasi lengkung adalah metode untuk menentukan kebutuhan ruang dalam perawatan ortodontik dan merupakan penyederhanaan dari metode kesling. Metode determinasi lengkung ini dikembangkan Bagian Ortodonsia FKG UGM.
Determinasi lengkungini dilakukan mengetahui diskrepansi jumlah mesio-distal gigi (kebutuhan ruang) pada lengkung ideal yang dibuat sedemikian rupa sebagai lengkung gigi yang paling ideal dari lengkung gigi mula-mula. Prinsip dasar dari determinasi lengkung ini sebenarnya sama dengan prinsip dasar metode kesling, yaitu dengan menetapkan diskrepansi antara lengkung gigi yang direncanakan dengang besar gigi yang akan ditempatkan pada lengkung terebut pada saat melakukan koreksi maloklusi. Hanya saja pada metode kesling kita menggunakan model gigi langsung, sedangkan pada determinasi lengkung kita menggunakan plastik transparan.

Program pemerintah untuk kesehatan gigi dan mulut untuk target 2020

Macam-macam studi penelitian deskriptif

penyakit periodontal baik ginggivitis dan periodontitis disebabkan oleh plak

Ingin tampil lebih percaya diri dengan pasang gigi palsu permanen di Jogja? Disini tempatnya untuk pasang gigi tiruan di Yogyakarta. Kami siap melayani implan gigi palsu sesuai kebutuhan Anda dengan ditangani oleh dokter gigi dan perawat... more

Ingin tampil lebih percaya diri dengan pasang gigi palsu permanen di Jogja? Disini tempatnya untuk pasang gigi tiruan di Yogyakarta. Kami siap melayani implan gigi palsu sesuai kebutuhan Anda dengan ditangani oleh dokter gigi dan perawat gigi terbaik dan kompeten. Kami melayani pemasangan gigi palsu permanen, gigi palsu lepasan, gigi palsu akrilik, gigi palsu valplast, pemasangan crown (mahkota tiruan) dan gigi palsu lain yang aman dan nyaman untuk anak, ibu hamil, orang tua, dan orang dewasa. Siap melayani masyarakat Piyungan, Berbah, Prambanan, Kalasan, Patuk, Dlingo, Banguntapan, Bantul, Sleman, Wonosari, Wates, Jogja, dan sekitarnya. Kami percaya kepuasan dan kesehatan pelanggan adalah prioritas utama kami. Kami siap melayani segala jenis pemasangan gigi palsu permanen dan lepasan dengan berbagai model dan kebutuhan yang terbaru, ternyaman dan paling aman.

menerapkan balace score card (BSC) pada Puskesmas

Objectives Aim of this systematic review was to assess the effect of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances on the tooth color of patients. Methods Nine databases were searched up to May 2017 for clinical cohort studies on the effect... more

Objectives Aim of this systematic review was to assess the effect of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances on the tooth color of patients. Methods Nine databases were searched up to May 2017 for clinical cohort studies on the effect of fixed appliance treatment on tooth color. After elimination of duplicate studies, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment according to the Cochrane guidelines, random effects meta-analyses of mean differences (MD) or means and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were performed, followed by GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) assessment of the quality of evidence. Results Three nonrandomized and one randomized study with a total of 138 patients (46% male, 54% female) with average age of 15.7 years were included. Tooth color of treated patients was significantly altered during or after orthodontic treatment (4 studies; average of 3.2 E units; 95% CI = 2.0–4.4 E units), which was more than the variation among controls (1 study; MD = 1.9 E units; 95% CI = 1.7–2.2 E units). However, the quality of evidence was very low, due to the inclusion of nonrandomized studies, bias, and imprecision. Re-analysis of raw study data indicated that significant differences in clinically discernable treatment-induced color changes were seen between chemically and light-cured adhesives and among the various tooth categories. Conclusion Existing evidence of very low quality indicates that orthodontic treatment might be associated with alterations of tooth color, which are however not consistently clinically discernible. Treatment-induced color alterations might be dependent on bonding material and tooth type, but evidence supporting this is weak.