Earth and Environmental Sciences Research Papers (original) (raw)

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, was probably the largest event in a long series of megasummits on environmental protection and sustainable development. Roughly 44 000... more

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, held in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, was probably the largest event in a long series of megasummits on environmental protection and sustainable development. Roughly 44 000 participants descended on Rio de Janeiro to take part in ten days of preparatory committee meetings, informal consultations, side events, and the actual conference. Yet despite this unprecedented high attendance by participants from governments and civil society, the outcome of the conference is less than many had hoped for. In this paper I review the outcomes of the 2012 Rio conference in detail, with a special focus on its contributions towards the reform of the institutional framework for sustainable development. Following this review, I discuss the way ahead and options for structural reform to restrengthen earth system governance.

This paper presents the results of ground vibration measurements carried out in Hisarcik Boron open pit mine located on the west side of central Anatolia near Kütahya province in Turkey. Within the scope of this study to predict peak... more

This paper presents the results of ground vibration measurements carried out in Hisarcik Boron open pit mine located on the west side of central Anatolia near Kütahya province in Turkey. Within the scope of this study to predict peak particle velocity (PPV) level for this site, ground vibration components were measured for 304 shots during bench blasting. In blasting operations, ANFO (blasting agent), gelatin dynamite (priming), and delay electric detonators (firing) were used as explosives. Parameters of scaled distance (charge quantity per delay and the distance between the source and the station) were recorded carefully and the ground vibration components were measured for all blast events using two different types of vibration monitors (one White Mini-Seis and one Instantel Minimate Plus Model). The absolute distances between shot points and monitor stations were determined using GPS. The equation of square root scaled distance extensively used in the literature was taken into consideration for the prediction of PPV. Then, the data pairs of scaled distance and particle velocity obtained from the 565 event records were analyzed statistically. At the end of statistical evaluation of the data pairs, an empirical relation which gives 50% prediction line with a reasonable correlation coefficient was established between PPV and scaled distance.

In the 19th century, a unique combination of scientific, social, political and cultural factors attracted crowds of visitors from all over the world to the Dolomite Mountains. This phenomenon had its epicenter in Fiemme Valley and in the... more

In the 19th century, a unique combination of scientific, social, political and cultural factors attracted crowds of visitors from all over the world to the Dolomite Mountains. This phenomenon had its epicenter in Fiemme Valley and in the town of Predazzo, where Michele Giacomelli and his family hosted a great number of these travelers in their hotel: the Nave d’Oro.
This book features a critical edition of the first manuscript volume of the guestbook of the hotel, the Memoriale (1820–1875): a document where countless characters intertwined their lives, jobs, works, and passions. A stratification of social and cultural contexts, languages and events which make this manuscript a precious source for understanding a crucial chapter in Italian and European history.

The concurrent use of karst aquifers as drinking water resources and receptors of combined sewer overflow lacking appropriate pre-treatment may cause conflicts between drinking water supply and storm water management. A storm water tank... more

The concurrent use of karst aquifers as drinking water resources and receptors of combined sewer overflow lacking appropriate pre-treatment may cause conflicts between drinking water supply and storm water management. A storm water tank (SWT) for combined wastewater is identified as the source of sporadic contamination of a karst spring (Gallusquelle, ''Schwäbische Alb'', SW Germany) used for public water supply. Spring water quality was examined by routine and event sampling and by evaluating physicochemical and microbiological parameters. The total number of microbial colonies growing at 20°C and the number of Escherichia coli colonies rose to values up to four orders of magnitude higher than background, 2-5 days after overflow of the SWT. High concentrations of chloride, sodium, and total organic carbon (TOC) and high values of turbidity coincide with this increase. However, high bacterial contamination is also observed while turbidity and TOC are low. Several wastewater-related organic micro-pollutants such as chlorinated and non-chlorinated organophosphates were detected in the SWT and, depending on their K ow values and their biodegradability, in lower concentrations at the spring.

This study presents the results of a multidisciplinary approach, using hydrogeochemical, isotopic and ecotoxicological analyses, performed to assess the nature and suitability for use of Paranhos and Salgueiros spring waters (Porto city,... more

This study presents the results of a multidisciplinary approach, using hydrogeochemical, isotopic and ecotoxicological analyses, performed to assess the nature and suitability for use of Paranhos and Salgueiros spring waters (Porto city, NW Portugal). Based on the surface activities located along the course of the springs, 23 water samples were collected. All the samples were analysed for major element concentrations. The isotopic techniques employed included d 2 H, d 18 O and 3 H. Standard acute bioassays with Daphnia magna were also performed. The hydrogeochemical analyses showed a nitrate and sulphateenriched composition for these groundwaters, resulting mainly from urban drainage and sewer leakage. In the ecotoxicological analyses, no significant mortality was observed in any of the tests performed. The results obtained in this study suggest that Porto urban groundwater could be suitable for irrigation uses.

Laboratory batch experiments were carried out to study the competitive sorption behavior of metals in three types of Indian soils, differing in their physicochemical properties: acid laterite (SL1), red alfisol (SL2) and black vertisol... more

Laboratory batch experiments were carried out to study the competitive sorption behavior of metals in three types of Indian soils, differing in their physicochemical properties: acid laterite (SL1), red alfisol (SL2) and black vertisol (SL3) treated with different proportions of ...

Heavy metal contaminated soils are very hard to restore. This type of soil pollution is primarily attributed to anthropogenic activities, including, smelting, mining and various industrial activities. The world's heavily effected areas... more

Heavy metal contaminated soils are very hard to restore. This type of soil pollution is primarily attributed to anthropogenic activities, including, smelting, mining and various industrial activities. The world's heavily effected areas from heavy metal pollution have been proving as health risks to more than 10 million people in various countries. Linfen in China people faced extreme loads of pollution, In Haina of Dominican Republic, people suffered from a huge amount of lead poisoning due to, in Ranipet a city of India about 3.5 million people are being affected by tannery waste. Bioaccumulation of metal toxins in the food chain poses disastrous effects on human health. Plants accumulate some non essential heavy metals having no contribution in biological functions these heavy metals cause serious risks to plants, animals and human health. In order to remediate this problem in situ and ex situ techniques are being used but in situ methods are more effective than ex situ. Phytoremediation is one of the most successful and environmental friendly in situ method of modern era, coupled with chemical chealtores such as EDTA and Citrci Acid this method is being proved to be more useful and soil friendly. Angle JS, Baker AJM. 1997. Phytoremediation of soil metals. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 8, 279-284, http://dx.YL, Tian GM, Wong MH. 2003. The role of citric acid on the phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil. Chemosphere 50, 807-811, http://dx.

Malta is known for its limestone megalithic temples of which many are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. A variation of this limestone was historically, and until very few years ago, a primary building material in Malta. The... more

Malta is known for its limestone megalithic temples of which many are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. A variation of this limestone was historically, and until very few years ago, a primary building material in Malta. The temples are subject to various environmental influences which until recently have led to several collapses due in part to serious stone surface and infill loss. As a protection measure, open-sided shelters have been built over three of these temples. This work assesses the degrading influence of air pollution (nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particle matter, sulfur dioxide, and acidity in rain) on the temples, in combination and comparison with the influence of other environmental factors (relative humidity, temperature, precipitation, moisture, sea salt, wind) and in this respect evaluates the potential protective effect of the shelters. The variation in air pollution weathering of limestone exposed outdoor in Malta was calculated by exposure-response functi...

U radu su predstavljeni rezultati geoekološko-pedoloških istraživanja koncentracija kadmija (Cd) u tlu grada Tuzle. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi do koje mjere je područje grada Tuzle kontaminirano kadmijem i utvrditi... more

U radu su predstavljeni rezultati geoekološko-pedoloških istraživanja koncentracija kadmija (Cd) u tlu grada Tuzle. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi do koje mjere je područje grada Tuzle kontaminirano kadmijem i utvrditi porijeklo zagađivača. Terenskim istraživanjima su prikupljena 264 uzorka tla, na površini od 303 km 2. Ispitivanje koncentra-cije kadmija u uzorcima tla je obavljeno masenom spektrometrijom (ICP-MS) sa rasponom detekcije 0,02-4000 ppm. Prekoračenje maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija kadmija, definisanih Pravilnikom o utvrđivanju dozvoljenih količina štetnih i opasnih tvari u zemljištu i metodama njihovog ispitivanja je zabilježeno u uzorcima tla broj: 66, 87, 106, 109, 115, 116, 120, 121, 179, 220 i 252a. Raspon povišenih koncentracija kadmija iznosi < 0,02-4,62ppm, a prosječna vrije-dnost je 0,515ppm. Najviša koncentracija kadmija je evidentirana na uzorku 116 (4,62ppm), prikupljenom u neposrednoj blizini gradske deponije otpada. Povišene koncentracije kadmija zabilježene su i u blizini odlagališta šljake i komunalnog otpada, putne infrastrukture, površinskog kopa "Dubrave" te na određenim površinama koje se koriste u poljoprivredne svrhe, što ukazuje da su izvori zagađenja ovim elementom posljedica ljudskih djelovanja na istraživanom području. Ključne riječi: kadmij (Cd), onečišćenje, tlo, Tuzla.

There are various factors which effect on spectrum of earthquake such as: soil type, magnitude of earthquake, distance to earthquake center, type of fault, duration and damping of earthquake. The research was aimed to investigate the... more

There are various factors which effect on spectrum of earthquake such as: soil type, magnitude of earthquake, distance to earthquake center, type of fault, duration and damping of earthquake. The research was aimed to investigate the effects of soil on the spectrum of earthquake. Therefore, several accelerograms for three different locations around the world have been selected from Berkeley University website. Then the selected accelerograms were scaled up with number 1 for scaling the spectrums. The spectrums of accelerograms and the records of earthquake were drawn by seismosignal software. Finally, the effect of different soil were investigated on the spectrum of response earthquake. For increasing the accuracy of results, similar effective parameter have been selected in choosing of accelerograms. Results of the research were as follows; the domain of spectrum was higher due to increasing the hardness of soil in harez um similar design factor in low periods and the domain of spectrum was higher due to increasing the softness of soil in higher periods. The diagrams are more gatherer and possess a greater amount in harder soil and are is more extent and possess a lower amount in the softer soil.

Recently, a novel approach to a highly sensitive and quantitative detection of rare earth element (REE) ions including La3+, Eu3+ and Tb3+, by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, has been reported. The detection of REE ions is... more

Recently, a novel approach to a highly sensitive and quantitative detection of rare earth element (REE) ions including La3+, Eu3+ and Tb3+, by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, has been reported. The detection of REE ions is based on the catalytic nature of REE ions targeting the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), thus monitoring of the ions can be achieved by reading the level of intact DNA by PCR. Despite of its high sensitivity (at ppb to ppt levels), the conventional PCR-based REE detection protocol requires certain length of time (1-2 hours). In the present study, we modified the PCR-based REE detection protocols by employing the high-speed PCR, and performed the automated and rapid detection of La3+ in small-sized aqueous samples within 5min.

Raising awareness for sustainable development and environmental consciousness is an alternative teaching approach of geosciences in primary education. Through our methodology this is achieved by strengthening teachers' profile to... more

Raising awareness for sustainable development and environmental
consciousness is an alternative teaching approach of geosciences in primary education. Through our methodology this is achieved by strengthening teachers' profile to effectively coach students to work on several environmental issues. By creating a teacher’s guideline handbook, in accordance with the educational targets and regulations of EU countries, teachers acquire a fresh perspective on teaching environmental sciences. They also gain scientific knowledge in five educational topics through the implementation of five mini-projects. An e-book enriched with the pupils’ digitalised environmental stories was
designed to attract students and motivate them to engage environmental issues. The final product acts as a triggering factor for
the much-needed environmental awareness of pupils around Europe.

Sinkholes represent a geological risk that is often underrated, mainly due to its very localized nature. In fact, sinkholes occur only under particular circumstances and typically affect relatively small areas. Despite these... more

Sinkholes represent a geological risk that is often underrated, mainly due to its very localized nature. In fact, sinkholes occur only under particular circumstances and typically affect relatively small areas. Despite these characteristics, the difficulty in forecasting the precise location and timing of their sudden collapse creates serious problems for civil protection authorities and urban planners. In this framework, identifying the mechanism and thus the triggering factor of sinkholes is strategically pivotal in developing management plans. The present paper addresses the sinkhole-prone area of Il Piano (Elba Island, Central Italy). The integration of hydrogeological surveys, coupled with a thorough study of historical maps and aerial photographs, suggests that the main triggering factor in this area may not be related to water pumping from the karst aquifer, as initially hypothesized. Instead, sinkholes appear to be caused by ravelling and erosive processes occurring entirely in the sedimentary cover when heavy rainfall induces water overpressure within the superficial aquifer.

The aim of this study was to assess and monitor the seasonal variations of physicochemical parameters (temperature, EC, TS, TDS, TSS, pH, DO, BOD, COD, CO R 3 R , HCO R 3 R El-Menoufia Governorate, Egypt from summer 2012 to spring 2013.... more

The aim of this study was to assess and monitor the seasonal variations of physicochemical parameters (temperature, EC, TS, TDS, TSS, pH, DO, BOD, COD, CO R 3 R , HCO R 3 R El-Menoufia Governorate, Egypt from summer 2012 to spring 2013. Physicochemical characteristics of water varied significantly season to season and the most parameters values were significantly higher during summer at station I. All physicochemical parameters were below the permissible limits except TDS, BOD, COD and NH3 were higher in summer season at all stations. In case of heavy metals, As, Cd, Co, Sb, Se, Sn and V were not detectable (below the detection limits with ICP -OES Cu>Al> Zn>Ni>Pb>Cr>Ba and the highest concentrations of heavy metals were recorded in summer at Station I. The water of El-Bahr El-Pharaony drain is partially polluted with heavy metals so, it is recommended that strict vigilance and constant monitoring are needed to maintain water quality of the drain, which considered ...

This paper aims to provide a bibliometric analysis of publication trends on the themes of biomass and bioenergy worldwide. A wide range of studies have been performed in the field of the usage of biomass for energy production, in order to... more

This paper aims to provide a bibliometric analysis of publication trends on the themes of biomass and bioenergy worldwide. A wide range of studies have been performed in the field of the usage of biomass for energy production, in order to contribute to the green transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies. Over the past 20 years (from 2000 to 2019), approximately 10,000 articles have been published in the "Agricultural and Biological Sciences" field on this theme, covering all stages of production-from the harvesting of crops to the particular type of energy produced. Articles were obtained from the SCOPUS database and examined with a text mining tool in order to analyze publication trends over the last two decades. Publications per year in the bioenergy theme have grown from 91 in 2000 to 773 in 2019. In particular the analyses showed how environmental aspects have increased their importance (from 7.3% to 11.8%), along with studies related to crop conditions (from 10.4% to 18.6%). Regarding the use of energy produced, growing trends were recognized for the impact of biofuels (mentions moved from 0.14 times per article in 2000 to 0.38 in 2019) and biogases (from 0.14 to 0.42 mentions). Environmental objectives have guided the interest of researchers, encouraging studies on biomass sources and the optimal use of the energy produced. This analysis aims to describe the research evolution, providing an analysis that can be helpful to predict future scenarios and participation among stakeholders in the sector.

Modern coastal areas have natural and transported rocks (armourstone) on which various types of organisms live. Burrowing, boring and feeding by these organisms can destroy or modify the coastal rocks and hence change the coastal... more

Modern coastal areas have natural and transported rocks (armourstone) on which various types of organisms live. Burrowing, boring and feeding by these organisms can destroy or modify the coastal rocks and hence change the coastal morphology. Two rock types and three dominant types of organisms have been studied in Mersin Bay, Eastern Mediterranean of southern Turkey. In this study area, Plio-Quaternary conglomerates and variously aged limestone armourplates have been affected by Phoronida worms, bivalve Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P. 1870) and the limpet Patella sp. Phoronida colonies were found covering the hard substratum as a mat and form tubular endolithes of 35.0 mm depth and 1.5 mm diameter, whilst Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P. 1870) form 44 mm deep vase-shaped gastrochaenolites. The bioerosive activity of Limpet Patella sp., found intertidal and within the spray zone, cannot be significantly observed on the rocks over short time periods. The soft sandy matrix of the conglomerates present were found to disintegrate by bioerosional processes, with the released gravels being transported and deposited onto the beach. Within the armourstone limestone blocks, a maximum of 44.0 mm deep holes developed after 50–60 years. However, these biological activities do not threaten the stability of the blocks due to their hard and homogeneous internal structure. Furthermore, the organism colonies that cover these rocks as a strong mat (maximum 29.0 mm) act to protect their surfaces from further biological attack and wave action.

Geostatistical modeling has recently been developed for spatial prediction of environmental variables. The current research aims to utilize geographic information capabilities, remote sensing imagery and soil data, for decision-making in... more

Geostatistical modeling has recently been developed for spatial prediction of environmental variables. The current research aims to utilize geographic information capabilities, remote sensing imagery and soil data, for decision-making in natural resources management of El-Omayed area, N-W coast of Egypt. El-Omayed geographically limited by latitudes 30°45 0 N south and the Mediterranean Sea at the north. The selected region represents an extended territory having an area of 102,35 ha, and considers a promising location for future development, keeping the ecological protectorate site as a reference. It was possible to investigate the distribution of selected soil variables and their relation with the actual properties to carry out a detailed suitability evaluation for specific agricultural uses. Spatial patterns of some chemical and physical soil properties were analysed. Data were investigated both statistically and geostatistically based on the semivariogram analysis. Among the considered soil parameters, the spatial distribution model varied and showed moderate to strong spatial dependence. EC, gypsum and sand soil texture were strongly spatially dependent. Using a suitability model built in ALESarid software, the obtained results indicate that the area currently lacks high suitability classes. Following an improving soil properties program may enhance the soil capability status. An area of 70,109 ha (68.5 %) would become marginally suitable, then suitability for different common crops land use (wheat, sunflower, maize, olive, fig, onion, tomato, potato and watermelon) can elaborated. The usage of geospatial data, distribution analysis and GIS proved to be suitable tools to fulfill the needed large computational requirements.

In the present study, samples arising from the scaling of a Portuguese granite building were examined in an attempt to understand the mechanisms of surface blackening and detachment. The building, the Third Order of St. Francis Church, is... more

In the present study, samples arising from the scaling of a Portuguese granite building were examined in an attempt to understand the mechanisms of surface blackening and detachment. The building, the Third Order of St. Francis Church, is located in the city centre of Porto which is an area characterised by moderate motor traffic. The Mediterranean climate and the façade orientation favoured the proliferation of microorganisms on the Third Order of St. Francis Church, in Porto. The scientific approach carried out in the South façade revealed that these coloured layers are essentially of biological origin. Subsequent chemical analysis confirmed microscope observations and pointed out to the presence of organic matter synthesised by cyanobacteria, algae and lichens. Numerous biological marker compounds indicated a significant presence of biogenically derived material, suggesting that biological activity was playing a major role in the development of coloured layers and in the detachment processes in this historic building.

Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your work,... more

Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your work, please use the accepted author's version for posting to your own website or your institution's repository. You may further deposit the accepted author's version on a funder's repository at a funder's request, provided it is not made publicly available until 12 months after publication.

Massive construction on the Drava River basin and on the river itself during the last centuries, as well as recent climate change and/or variability, has caused many different and possibly dangerous changes to its hydrological and... more

Massive construction on the Drava River basin and on the river itself during the last centuries, as well as recent climate change and/or variability, has caused many different and possibly dangerous changes to its hydrological and ecological regime. Since 1975, numerous hydrotechnical works have been carried out on the 60-km long section of the Drava River from the Slovenian-Croatian border to the River Mura mouth. Three hydrotechnical power plants with three reservoirs and three long inlet and outlet canals have been built. Changes in water level, discharge and suspended sediment yield along the Drava River measured in Croatia, downstream of the three Croatian reservoirs, during the last 30-130 years are presented. The investigation focuses on changes that have occurred during the last thirty-odd years, caused by the anthropogenic influences on the Drava River watercourse and its catchment in Croatia and Hungary, and probably by climate change or variability. Methods of rescaled adjusted partial sums, statistical tests, as well as regression and correlation analyses are used to explain changes in water level, discharge and suspended sediment yield. There is evidence in the time series of decreases in the minimum, mean and maximum annual water levels, and minimum and mean discharges on the lower part of the Drava River. One of the main objectives of this study was to examine the effect of dams and reservoirs operation on the changes in the downstream suspended sediment regime. The amount of suspended sediment has been greatly reduced, which can cause serious consequences.

Worldwide, cassava (Manhiot esculenta Crantz) is used for a multitude of reasons; as a main food staple in Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroun etc.), Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia etc.) and South America (Bazil, Paraguay etc.) as well... more

Worldwide, cassava (Manhiot esculenta Crantz) is used for a multitude of reasons; as a main food staple in Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroun etc.), Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia etc.) and South America (Bazil, Paraguay etc.) as well as a source of energy for biogas and biofuel in Asia (China, Indonesia etc), South America (Brazil, Columbia etc.). A high demand of energy due to rapid urbanisation and development in developing countries, prompted governments, scientists and NGOs to seek other environmentally benign methods of energy production than fossil fuel based energy production systems. Thus, cassava has been identified as one of the suitable crops for biogas and biofuel production in order to mitigate the ensuing high energy demand. Like many developing countries, South Africa is interested in achieving sustainable energy and food supply, and cassava can serve as a source of both bioenergy bioethanol and biogas as well as food. However, the establishment/perennial production of cassava in developing countries generally and in South Africa particularly is facing potential challenges such as infertile land, pests problems, climate change and land availability for cultivation. However, some of this challenges can be overcome through availability of land for cassava cultivation, pest (insects) control, creation of local markets leading to job opportunities and communities acceptance of the crop for self-nourishment and industrial use.

The first female architecture student to study under Walter Gropius at the Harvard School of Design in the Post World War II era, Daphne Bugbee Jones was an accomplished architect who brought the principles of the Bauhaus and Modernist... more

The first female architecture student to study under Walter Gropius at the Harvard School of Design in the Post World War II era, Daphne Bugbee Jones was an accomplished architect who brought the principles of the Bauhaus and Modernist architecture to the state of Montana in America's Inland Northwest. Along with her husband, noted environmental philosopher Henry Bugbee, Bugbee Jones merged her commitment to Modernist design, social activism, and the preservation of wilderness in the urban interphase zone around the city of Missoula.

A geophysical survey routine is proposed to detect underground cavities and dolines; it is based on the sequential application of magnetic, low-frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR) and microgravity techniques. A case study near... more

A geophysical survey routine is proposed to detect underground cavities and dolines; it is based on the sequential application of magnetic, low-frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR) and microgravity techniques. A case study near Zaragoza (Ebro valley, Spain) demonstrates the applicability of these methods. The strong contrast of magnetic and electromagnetic properties (and to a lesser scale, of density) between the doline filling and the surrounding stratified Tertiary and Quaternary rocks allows the shape of filled cavities to be clearly outlined by these methods.

This paper presents the results of a study on stream and mine waters in the area of the largest porphyry copper deposit in the Apuseni Mountains (western Romania), the Rosia Poieni ore deposit. The research was focused on two aspects of... more

This paper presents the results of a study on stream and mine waters in the area of the largest porphyry copper deposit in the Apuseni Mountains (western Romania), the Rosia Poieni ore deposit. The research was focused on two aspects of environmental impact: (1) evaluation of the release of toxic elements into the environment through studying the mineralogical and chemical composition of the ore deposit; and (2) assessment of the distribution and extent of contamination through studying the chemistry of stream waters. This work proved that the Rosia Poieni mine is an active acidrock drainage (ARD)-producing site. Waters draining freely from the ore deposit are acidic and transport large amounts of toxic elements (Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, As, Cd, Sr, etc.). The weathering of silicate and ore minerals represents an important source of elements. Their release was determined by speciation calculations using an EQ3/6 computer program. Keywords Acid-rock drainage AE Mineral weathering AE Open-pit mine AE Romania AE Sulphides

Sediment samples collected in two harbors of a tropical region of Brazil were investigated for the distribution of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs), aliphatic (AHs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The levels of hydrocarbons in... more

Sediment samples collected in two harbors of a tropical region of Brazil were investigated for the distribution of linear alkylbenzenes (LABs), aliphatic (AHs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The levels of hydrocarbons in sediments from Mucuripe and Pecém harbors were lower than those reported in industrialized sites and threshold levels of sediment quality guidelines. Analysis of AHs revealed an input of biogenic compounds and, according to diagnostic ratios, PAHs in both harbors originated from pyrogenic sources, which can be related to harbor activities. The contribution of local and diffuse sources seemed to be less important, but not negligible. Deposition zones in both harbors are associated to sedimentation of particles, biogenic materials and hydrocarbons. The results of this study can assist in characterization and management of dredged material by providing information on the distribution and sources of hydrocarbons along the tropical zones, which is important for the identification of ecological risks associated with these compounds.

Bottom sediments were collected from seven Texas reservoirs to assess the spatial distribution of sediment types in reservoirs. The sediment samples were analyzed for water content, organic content, and grain-size distributions. The... more

Bottom sediments were collected from seven Texas reservoirs to assess the spatial distribution of sediment types in reservoirs. The sediment samples were analyzed for water content, organic content, and grain-size distributions. The reservoirs are characterized by distinct water content patterns (referred to in this paper as Types I, II, and III) that reflect the lithologic units comprising their drainage area. The water content, organic content, and percent mud decreases from Type I (shale, marl) through Type II (limestone-marlsandstone) to Type III (granite-gneiss-schist-sandstone) reservoirs. Reported elemental concentrations in the reservoir sediments are consistent with concentrations in the dominant rocks within their drainage area. While water depth accounts for part of the spatial distribution, sediment source explains the overall distribution of sediment types. Coarsegrained source rocks, multiple source rocks, and multiple tributaries which input sediment at different points contribute to an inconsistent sediment type distribution. Depending on the sediment source, sand and gravel-size sediments are present in the deeper regions of some reservoirs. This disrupts the classical morphometry (water depth, slope) controlled sediment distribution pattern (coarser sediments in shallower regions and finer sediments in deeper regions) of natural lakes. Thus, the location of tributaries and the type of sediments they carry are the dominant factors that control the sediment type distribution in reservoirs.

Noise is an inevitable part of daily life and has been identified as a cause of several health deficiencies across the world. It has increasingly become a significant concern on the health and well-being of people. Studies are required to... more

Noise is an inevitable part of daily life and has been identified as a cause of several health deficiencies across the world. It has increasingly become a significant concern on the health and well-being of people. Studies are required to advance knowledge on the sources and impacts of noise in residential neighbourhoods of Lagos State, Nigeria. Therefore, this study assesses the spatial variation of noise levels within a section of the Festac residential area in Lagos in line with noise limits specified by the World Bank Group International Finance Corporation (IFC) Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines and the Nigerian National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) Noise Standards and Control guidelines for community noise. Data for this research come from a field study comprising measurements of noise levels from 6 observation stations and questionnaire survey with 200 respondents. The criteria for siting the stations was based on factor...

This paper focuses on artificial groundwater recharge study in 'Ayyar basin', Tamil Nadu, India. The basin is covered by hard crystalline rock and overall has poor groundwater conditions. Hence, an artificial recharge study was carried... more

This paper focuses on artificial groundwater recharge study in 'Ayyar basin', Tamil Nadu, India. The basin is covered by hard crystalline rock and overall has poor groundwater conditions. Hence, an artificial recharge study was carried out in this region through a project sponsored by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology. The Indian Remote Sensing satellite 1A Linear Imaging Self Scanning Sensor II (IRS 1A LISS II) satellite imagery, aerial photographs and geophysical resistivity data were used to prioritize suitable sites for artificial recharge and to estimate the volume of aquifer dimension available to recharge. The runoff water available for artificial recharge in the basin is estimated through Soil Conservation Service curve number method. The land use/land cover, hydrological soil group and storm rainfall data in different watershed areas were used to calculate the runoff in the watersheds. The weighted curve number for each watershed is obtained through spatial intersection of land use/land cover and hydrological soil group through GeoMedia 3.0 Professional GIS software. Artificial recharge planning was derived on the basis of availability of runoff, aquifer dimension, priority areas and water table conditions in different watersheds in the basin.

Trace element geochemistry of humus (~0.425 mm) and till (~0.002 mm) collected in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake area, northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan, provides a regional context for assessing smelter contamination in the environment. The... more

Trace element geochemistry of humus (~0.425 mm) and till (~0.002 mm) collected in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake area, northern Manitoba and Saskatchewan, provides a regional context for assessing smelter contamination in the environment. The area includes a Cu-Zn smelter known to discharge As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb, and Zn. In this study, sequential extraction analyses, scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction analyses were used on a suite of samples to determine: (1) the chemical and physical characteristics of heavy metals in surficial sediments related to distance from the smelter, (2) criteria for assessing the relative contribution of these metals from natural and anthropogenic sources, and (3) the potential of these metals for remobilization in the environment. Humus geochemistry reflects the anthropogenic and natural component of heavy metal concentrations. Smelter-related elements show anomalously high values adjacent to the smelter, decreasing with distance until background values are reached at 70-104 km, depending on the element. In humus, Zn is associated primarily with labile phases; Hg with non-labile phases. Adjacent to the smelter, high proportions and concentrations of Zn and Hg in non-labile phases, indicative of smelter-derived particulates, are confirmed by SEM examination. The particles occur as spheres, irregular grains, and with organics. With increasing distance from the smelter, the geochemical response to bedrock composition is more obvious than the anthropogenic input. Till geochemistry reflects the natural variation imposed by bedrock composition. At highly contaminated sites (~3 km from the smelter), increased percentages of smelter-related elements in labile phases suggests heavy metals are leached from humus to the underlying sediment.

O conceito de motricidade concebe um corpo de ação contínua e significante, um corpo vivo de/em movimento intencional e transcendente para/com o mundo e para/com os outros. Alinhado a este conceito, a ecomotricidade abrange este corpo... more

O conceito de motricidade concebe um corpo de ação contínua e significante, um corpo vivo de/em movimento intencional e transcendente para/com o mundo e para/com os outros. Alinhado a este conceito, a ecomotricidade abrange este corpo vivo interagindo na/com a natureza (humano-e-não-humano) nos momentos em que esta interação é lúdica (sendo o prazer ou alegria/felicidade o que dá sentido à experiência vivida) e ecológica (ecosomaestética-ambientalmente ética-ecopolítica). Como manifestação que envolve a percepção espontânea e momentânea do sujeito envolvido na experiência, instrumentos, técnicas e métodos voltados para a análise indutiva e dedutiva a partir de bases cartesianas, em grande parte, se mostram falhos diante das realidades investigadas em pesquisas envolvendo contextos da ecomotricidade. Justificado por esse problema, o objetivo central desse projeto foi a investigação e experimentação de instrumentos, técnicas e métodos buscando elaborar metodologias adequadas/adaptadas aos objetivos da pesquisa em ecomotricidade. Havendo a necessidade de delimitação do campo de estudos, compreendendo a vasta produção científica relacionada a tipos de instrumentos, técnicas e métodos investigativos, o projeto abordou, especificamente, os “estudos em movimento” (mobile studies), modalidade que vem ganhando destaque no campo de pesquisa em educação ambiental. A pesquisa focou nas principais obras que descrevem os instrumentos, técnicas e métodos dos estudos em movimento, assim como publicações relacionadas a pesquisas que utilizaram essa modalidade metodológica.

Recharge is a key parameter in groundwater resources management, and a reliable estimate of recharge is required for their sustainable development. Several methods are available to evaluate recharge; however, selecting the appropriate one... more

Recharge is a key parameter in groundwater resources management, and a reliable estimate of recharge is required for their sustainable development. Several methods are available to evaluate recharge; however, selecting the appropriate one is made difficult because each method has its advantages and drawbacks, and results can vary greatly from one method to another. Recharge methods can actually refer to different processes. This paper compares and discusses the results obtained from five regional-scale recharge assessment approaches applied to a fractured rock aquifer in a region with a temperate and humid climate (Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada). These methods are distinguished between those providing estimates of the net infiltration (I) into the subsurface (river hydrograph separation and soil moisture balance) from those considering the net recharge (W) to the regional bedrock aquifer (river 7-day low-flows, the corrected soil moisture balance, a numerical groundwater flow model developed with FEFLOW and an infiltration model developed with HELP). The estimated net infiltration ranges from 160 to 250 mm/year, whereas the net recharge estimates range from 80 to 175 mm/year for the entire study area. Although different assessment methods were used, the estimated recharge range is still quite large, demonstrating the importance of using several methods. This case study should provide guidance on choices to be made in the development of a strategy for assessing representative values of aquifer recharge at the regional scale under similar geological and climatic conditions. The use of multiple complementary approaches should lead to a better understanding of the system dynamics and to better defined a representative range of recharge estimates.

The concentration rare earth elements and Yttrium (REE + Y) were determined in coral sands from Kavaratti Island, Arabian Sea, India. Chondrite-normalized REE + Y patterns show: (1) high REE concentration particularly light REE (LREE)... more

The concentration rare earth elements and Yttrium (REE + Y) were determined in coral sands from Kavaratti Island, Arabian Sea, India. Chondrite-normalized REE + Y patterns show: (1) high REE concentration particularly light REE (LREE) enrichment; (2) consistent negative Ce anomaly; (3) nearly chondritic Y/Ho ratios. All these features are consistent with the geochemistry of well oxygenated seawater with significant terrestrial contribution. The seawater composition of Nd/Yb ratio inferred from the coral record point to the dominance of LREE more than the heavy REE (HREE). The high terrestrial input rich in LREE and property of adsorption/scavenging processes of LREE than that of HREE may be the cause. Terrigenous contributions were detected on the basis of cooccurring trace element concentrations (Sc, Hf and Th) and Y/Ho ratio. Except for La, the REE distribution coefficients, KD(REE)s, are between 100 and 300. KDs are high comparing to the other elements in biogenic calcite which is attributed to detrital contamination during elemental incorporation. This study may not reflect original seawater chemistry but it can be a good proxy to indicate proximity of corals to terrigenous input sources.

Noise is an inevitable part of daily life and has been identified as a cause of several health deficiencies across the world. It has increasingly become a significant concern on the health and well-being of people. Studies are required to... more

Noise is an inevitable part of daily life and has been identified as a cause of several health deficiencies across the world. It has increasingly become a significant concern on the health and well-being of people. Studies are required to advance knowledge on the sources and impacts of noise in residential neighbourhoods of Lagos State, Nigeria. Therefore, this study assesses the spatial variation of noise levels within a section of the Festac residential area in Lagos in line with noise limits specified by the World Bank Group International Finance Corporation (IFC) Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines and the Nigerian National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) Noise Standards and Control guidelines for community noise. Data for this research come from a field study comprising measurements of noise levels from 6 observation stations and questionnaire survey with 200 respondents. The criteria for siting the stations was based on factor...

Magnetic properties of lagoon and stream sediments from Chascomús area (Buenos Aires Province) and the relevance of various magnetic parameters as giving pollution status are studied in the present work. This work is focussed on magnetic... more

Magnetic properties of lagoon and stream sediments from Chascomús area (Buenos Aires Province) and the relevance of various magnetic parameters as giving pollution status are studied in the present work. This work is focussed on magnetic parameters, such as concentration-dependent (magnetic susceptibility, saturation anhysteric and isothermal remanent magnetisation) and feature-dependent parameters (S-ratio, coercivity of remanence, anhysteric susceptibility/magnetic susceptibility-ratio), as pollution indicators. Firstly and most importantly, different magnetic parameters and chemical measurements were correlated in order to investigate their goodness, obtaining the best results for feature-dependent magnetic parameters. Coercivity of remanence correlate very well with chemical variables, showing correlations at high level of significance up to 0.9094, and the anhysteric susceptibility/magnetic susceptibility-ratio also shows very good correlations (up to 0.8376). Some results and advantages of using a new experimental method in order to discriminate hard and soft magnetic phases are also shown. This method uses alternately backfield isothermal remanent magnetisation and alternating field demagnetisation. From the experimental separation, the presence of hard magnetic phases in some samples was confirmed.

The area lies between Hugli river in the northwest and Bidyadhari river in the east and includes the East Kolkata Wetlands. The East Kolkata Wetlands is included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (“Ramsar List”), as per... more

The area lies between Hugli river in the northwest and Bidyadhari river in the east and includes the East Kolkata Wetlands. The East Kolkata Wetlands is included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (“Ramsar List”), as per the Convention on Wetlands signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971. This wetland has been declared as a Ramsar site on the 19th August 2002 (Ramsar site no. 1208) and therefore has acquired an international status. The area is a part of the lower deltaic plain of the Bhagirathi–Ganga river system and is generally flat in nature. The sub-surface geology of the area is completely blanketed by the Quaternary fluviatile sediments comprising a succession of clay, silty clay, sand and sand mixed with occasional gravel. The Quaternary aquifer is sandwiched between two clay sequences. The confined aquifer is made up of moderately well sorted sand and reflects fluviatile environment of deposition. The regional groundwater flow direction is from east to west. Detailed geochemical investigations of 40 groundwater samples along with statistical analysis (for example, correlation and principal component analysis) on these chemical data reveal: (i) four types of groundwater quality, for example, good, poor, very poor and water unsuitable for drinking purpose, (ii) four hydrochemical facies which may be assigned to three broad types such as “fresh”, “blended”, and “brackish” waters, (iii) the evolution of the “blended” water is possibly due to hydraulic mixing of “fresh” and “brackish” waters within the aquifer matrix and/or in well mixing, and (iv) absence of Na–Cl facies indicates continuous flushing of the aquifer.

The paper presents the case of the Boljunčica reservoir, which began operation in 1973. It is situated on the Istria peninsula (Croatia). This is a multipurpose reservoir which was built in order to protect the downstream area from flood,... more

The paper presents the case of the Boljunčica reservoir, which began operation in 1973. It is situated on the Istria peninsula (Croatia). This is a multipurpose reservoir which was built in order to protect the downstream area from flood, to store water for irrigation, and to control sediment transport. The reservoir is situated on the contact zone between water impermeable

This paper presents the first assessment study of the surface water quality in the Egyptian Fayoum Governorate (Province). A total of 42 water samples from irrigation and drainage canals as well as Lake Qarun were collected. Major ions,... more

This paper presents the first assessment study of the surface water quality in the Egyptian Fayoum Governorate (Province). A total of 42 water samples from irrigation and drainage canals as well as Lake Qarun were collected. Major ions, (semi-)metals, nutrients, salinity and microbiological parameters were examined. The results showed that the highest salinities and highest concentrations of Na ? , K ? , Ca 2? , Mg 2? , SO 2À 4 , Cland d 18 O were recorded in Lake Qarun due to up-concentration by evaporation. The highest concentrations of Al, Ba, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Fe and Mn were recorded in drainage waters. Tracking the fate of contaminants through sources-sink pathways helped to determine the potential sources of pollution. The highly impacted sites were located close to point sources of pollution such as sewage water treatment plants. Water used as drinking water supply has higher levels of Al and it can be harmful. High levels of microbiological contamination were recorded in irrigation and drainage waters, which therefore might cause water-borne diseases. Improper disposal of sewage or on-site sanitation tank overflowing into these waters is the main cause of microbiological contamination. Drainage and irrigation waters generally have high salinities resulting in soil salinization and degradation. Lake Qarun, a closed saline and alkaline lake, acts as the reservoir for left-over drainage waters. The results show that the lake has a selfcleaning system where most of the (semi-)metals carried by drainage waters are totally adsorbed on the lake sediments. Therefore, Lake Qarun is playing an important role in the environmental balancing in the Fayoum Governorate.

For the first time the abundances (the average concentrations) of chemical elements are given for the soils of urban landscapes. The figures were established by authors on the base of average concentrations of chemical elements in the... more

For the first time the abundances (the average concentrations) of chemical elements are given for the soils of urban landscapes. The figures were established by authors on the base of average concentrations of chemical elements in the soils of more than 300 cities and settlements in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and America. The major part of data (sampling, analyses and their statistical treatment) was obtained directly by authors as a result of special studies conducted for more than 15 years. The concentrations of elements were defined by the spectral, gravimetric, neutron activation and the X-ray fluorescence methods of analyses. The control of sampling and also inner and outer laboratory controls of analyses were carried out. The ordinary and the control analyses were carried out in the certified and accredited laboratories, including arbitration laboratory. The sufficiently numerous published materials of different researchers were also used.

The shrinkage of the Lisan Lake (LL) to form the recent Dead Sea (DS) was mainly a result of the reduction of the catchment area from around 157,000 km2 during Late Pleistocene to 43,000 km2 presently. The reduction in the catchment area... more

The shrinkage of the Lisan Lake (LL) to form the recent Dead Sea (DS) was mainly a result of the reduction of the catchment area from around 157,000 km2 during Late Pleistocene to 43,000 km2 presently. The reduction in the catchment area resulted from the eruption and spread of the basalt flows of Jabal Arab-Druz (JAD), which together with the resulting deposition of thick rock debris and gravels occupied the drainage system. The filling of the pre-basalt drainage system, which used to feed the Dead Sea, with basalts and alluvial sediments blocked the inflows from reaching the Dead Sea. Local base levels along the basalt flow boarders such as Azraq Oasis, Sirhan Basin and Damascus Oasis, and numerous pools and mud flats were created.

Hazaribagh is a densely populated area of Dhaka city where the main leather-tanning zone of Bangladesh is situated. About 185 tanneries have been operating their activities on an area of 4 km2, processing 220 metric tons of hide a day and... more

Hazaribagh is a densely populated area of Dhaka city where the main leather-tanning zone of Bangladesh is situated. About 185 tanneries have been operating their activities on an area of 4 km2, processing 220 metric tons of hide a day and about 40–50 l of liquid for each ...

A variety of chemicals including foaming agents are used to aid in the protection of forest resources from the wild land fires. The fire-fighting foams (FFFs) are formulations composed principally of surfactants. As a part of Japanese... more

A variety of chemicals including foaming agents are used to aid in the protection of forest resources from the wild land fires. The fire-fighting foams (FFFs) are formulations composed principally of surfactants. As a part of Japanese national project, environmentally inert FFFs have been developed. There is an emerging need for testing the impacts of these FFFs on the living organisms composing the typical landscapes or ecosystems in Japan. In the present report, we aimed to describe our latest attempt for assessing both the short-tem and long-term impacts of FFFs in aquatic (fresh water) and semi-aquatic (wetland) ecosystems , by employing the laboratory-sized model assays (preliminary studies) and the biotope-based observation, respectively. In the biotope assays which was based on the observation in compact biotopes mimicking the fresh water environments and wetland, both the acute and long-term eco-toxic impacts of two FFFs (soap-based and synthetic detergent-based) were assessed. Spraying of synthetic detergent-based foam formula was shown to be more toxic compared to soap-based formula and mock water treatment.

This paper proposes a two-stage geophysical approach to map the vertical cracking and the structural integrity of flood embankments made up of clay geomaterials susceptible to fissuring. The first stage is based on a 'coarse-resolution'... more

This paper proposes a two-stage geophysical approach to map the vertical cracking and the structural integrity of flood embankments made up of clay geomaterials susceptible to fissuring. The first stage is based on a 'coarse-resolution' investigation using conventional electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) equipment to identify the fissured zones in the embankment. This step is complemented by an additional geophysical technique, electromagnetic, to verify the ERT measurements. The second stage is based on a 'high-resolution' investigation using a miniature ERT system previously developed at the laboratory scale for detailed mapping of the fissure patterns. The 'coarse-resolution' stage is the major focus of this paper and was validated against two case studies in England and Scotland. Longitudinal ERT survey provided a tomographic picture of the upper desiccated zones of the embankments and fissured areas in 2-D, validating the range of resistivity results obtained previously on a fissured clay model in the laboratory. A transversal embankment resistivity tomography was also completed to show the positions of fissured zones in detail in the field. The electromagnetic technique as a fast screening tool allowed cross checking the ERT results and was also efficient in detecting high and low conductivity zones, indicating areas of potential weakness during flash floods and heavy rain. The southern embankment in England showed more fluctuations in the conductivity and resistivity than the north embankment in Scotland, likely to be due to the differences in climate, vegetation and location characteristics between the two sites. Conclusions were also drawn on the potential weaknesses for both embankments and the effect of vegetation on conductivity measurements.