Educational Technology Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Technology has the ability to scaffold academic advising and student support practices in higher education. The student and faculty perspectives of campus technology are often assessed; however, we rarely understand how technology impacts... more
Technology has the ability to scaffold academic advising and student support practices in higher education. The student and faculty perspectives of campus technology are often assessed; however, we rarely understand how technology impacts staff that support student success and academic advising practices. The 2013 Technology in Advising Use in Higher Education survey was designed to learn about how advising staff, faculty, and administrators utilize technologies in their academic advising practices. In cooperation with the Global Community for Academic Advising (NACADA) association and the NACADA Technology in Advising Commission, this study is concerned with how technology is being used and integrated into academic advising practices and services on campus.
This multiliteracies-oriented test is currently being used in intermediate Italian courses at a large public university in the southwestern United States. It was designed to replace the traditional oral assessments that are... more
This multiliteracies-oriented test is currently being used in intermediate Italian courses at a large public university in the southwestern United States. It was designed to replace the traditional oral assessments that are question-answer based, during which learners are providing predictable short answers to predictable, predetermined questions. In the multiliteracies-oriented test presented here, students perform tasks designed using the pedagogy of multiliteracies (Cope & Kalantzis, 2009; Kern, 2000; New London Group, 1996). A multiliteracies framework perceives learning as a process of discovery (Paesani, Allen, & Dupuy, 2015, p. 23), and learners are not only preparing for an assessment, but they are also engaging in forethought, design, and reflection while reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Educational theory is reviewed in context of its implications for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). Drawing on theory as well as strategic recommendations for use of TEL in Higher Education Institutions, this study undertook an... more
Educational theory is reviewed in context of its implications for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). Drawing on theory as well as strategic recommendations for use of TEL in Higher Education Institutions, this study undertook an exploratory study into the use of two educational technologies, namely online lectures and collaborative wiki tools, in a legal professional higher education setting. Research objectives include assessing ELT’s effectiveness in terms of student engagement, collaborative learning and learning outcomes. Results strongly suggest that this two-part online learning environment is appreciated by students, and importantly is associated with increases in perceived learning and critical analysis observations. Findings also indicate that flexibility, and in particular, opportunities for repeated lecture engagement are pivotal to enhanced learning. However, this study also reveals that digital skill gaps and participation inhibition prevent an inclusive learning environment. Recommendations for future research and the teaching profession are discussed.
Self-regulation of learning, learning to learn, and their potential stimulation by specific Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), are main topics in European policy. This issue of the 'European Educational Research Journal'... more
Self-regulation of learning, learning to learn, and their potential stimulation by specific Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), are main topics in European policy. This issue of the 'European Educational Research Journal' (EERJ) focuses on research to develop, integrate, and evaluate selfregulation of learning and the potential and actual uses of ICTs in educational practice. In this paper, we introduce five articles on self-regulated and technologyenhanced learning representing development and research conducted in preschools, primary and secondary schools, and universities of various countries. This research was presented at two symposia of the 'European Conference on Educational Research' (ECER) in Cádiz (2012). The symposia were part of the ECER network 16 'ICT in education and training'. The research exemplifies three different models of ICT-based learning, ranging from 'traditional' via 'more flexible' to 'optimal'
Social presence, as evident in the chapters throughout this book, continues to be a hot topic in online education. Social presence resonates with people because education depends on effective communication, but communication changes when... more
Social presence, as evident in the chapters throughout this book, continues to be a hot topic in online education. Social presence resonates with people because education depends on effective communication, but communication changes when it is electronically mediated. From its inception, social presence theory has focused on how technology influences communication.
When a computer-based tool or application is used to carry out a specific task in a learning situation—that is, it is used for learning—more effectively or efficiently one speaks of learning with the tool or application. When, possibly,... more
When a computer-based tool or application is used to carry out a specific task in a learning situation—that is, it is used for learning—more effectively or efficiently one speaks of learning with the tool or application. When, possibly, that same tool or application is used to enhance the way a learner works and thinks, and as such has effects that reach further than the learning situation in which it is used, then one speaks of learning from the tool or application. This article concentrates on the latter. It zooms in on the use of mindtools in education—computer programs and applications that facilitate meaningful professional thinking and working—because this is the epitome of learning from ICT. Mindtools and cognitive tools help users represent what they know as they transform information into knowledge and are used to engage in, and facilitate, critical thinking and higher order learning. These tools can be as simple as email and or discussion lists and as complicated as argume...
Transitions programs to support non-traditional students have been in existence in Canada since the educational reform movement of the 1970s (Malatest & Associates, 2004). Scholarly research in the success of such programs is frequently... more
Transitions programs to support non-traditional students have been in existence in Canada since the educational reform movement of the 1970s (Malatest & Associates, 2004). Scholarly research in the success of such programs is frequently presented in terms of institutional directives such as retention and attrition and success is is typically measured by graduation rates. Despite investment in these programs, more than thirty years later there still exists a considerable gap between Indigenous students’ graduation rates and those of their non-Indigenous counterparts, with significant numbers of students dropping out of university programs within the first year (Statistics Canada, 2011).
The goal of this exploratory case study was to determine what attributes of the design and structure of a hybrid learning environment encouraged positive persistence decisions. The case was positioned within the first year of an Indigenous Pre-Nursing Transitions (PNT) program in a western Canadian university.
Scholarly literature on persistence and community models such as Tinto’s (1975) Student Integration Model and Wenger’s (1998) Community of Practice were evaluated for their applicability to non-traditional students. Data collection took place over one academic year and consisted of interviews with student and faculty participants, as well as observation of online activities within two required biology courses. The results of this case study demonstrated the complexity of community membership for Indigenous students. Further, the results highlighted the importance of a one-to-one relationship with the instructor and student expectations about this relationship. Other factors that contributed to positive persistence decisions were scale of the environment and structure of course content.
This article addresses the position taken by Clark (1983) that media do not influence learning under any conditions. The article reframes the questions raised by Clark to explore the conditions under which media will influence learning.... more
This article addresses the position taken by Clark (1983) that media do not influence learning under any conditions. The article reframes the questions raised by Clark to explore the conditions under which media will influence learning. Specifically, it posits the need to consider the capabilities of media, and the methods that employ them, as they interact with the cognitive and social processes by which knowledge is constructed. This approach is examined within the context of two major media-based projects, one which uses computers and the other, video. The article discusses the implications of this approach for media theory, research and practice.
As educational technology practitioners and researchers engage in research in the field, a wide array of research methodologies are available to them. One such methodology is the Delphi Technique. Use of the Delphi Technique offers many... more
As educational technology practitioners and researchers engage in research in the field, a wide array of research methodologies are available to them. One such methodology is the Delphi Technique. Use of the Delphi Technique offers many benefits, including the ability to obtain expert opinion, build consensus, determine the suitability of the application of instructional interventions, forecast trends, and interact with
PowerPoint [supplemental] lesson for Comm 205: Presentation Making with Media.
Fundamental differences in philosophical outlook divide the more conservative and radical branches of the E-family. Yet the emergence of E-approaches to cognition, wherever they sit on the conservative-radical spectrum, represents an... more
Fundamental differences in philosophical outlook divide the more conservative and radical branches of the E-family. Yet the emergence of E-approaches to cognition, wherever they sit on the conservative-radical spectrum, represents an undeniably important development for understanding cognition. Educational research and practice should take serious stock of these approaches for the simple reason that questions of how to educate cannot be kept apart from questions about how we think and learn. This chapter reviews empirical findings in the E-cognition domain that lend credence to Shapiro and Stolz’s (2019) claim that, “the emerging research agenda of embodied cognition has much to offer educational practitioners, researchers, and/or policy-makers” (p. 34).
This chapter brackets question about the philosophical barriers that may, for some, block the acceptance of E-approaches and how to deal with them. It focuses instead on possible practical outcomes of such acceptance. Taking an imaginative leap, it asks: Assuming one adopted either a more conservative or more radical E-framework, how would that choice matter to one’s thinking about educational research and practice?
A temática central deste livro é o relacionamento interpessoal, que é abordada sob diferentes aportes teóricos, em especial o das Habilidades Sociais. O termo Habilidades Sociais se configura como um campo de conhecimento e investigação,... more
A temática central deste livro é o relacionamento interpessoal, que é abordada sob diferentes aportes teóricos, em especial o das Habilidades Sociais. O termo Habilidades Sociais se configura como um campo de conhecimento e investigação, que vem crescendo de maneira admirável nos últimos anos em nosso meio.
It is necessary to consider the students (Z generation) life in teaching language. It is always interesting to see their life, preferences in study and also the rapid development of technology that they are using both for daily life and... more
It is necessary to consider the students (Z generation) life in teaching language. It is always interesting to see their life, preferences in study and also the rapid development of technology that they are using both for daily life and learning purposes.
Teknologi pendidikan adalah salah satu aspek yang setiap sekolah penyelenggara program pendidikan yang harus diperhatikan. Semua bagian dari Teknologi Pendidikan memainkan peranan penting untuk menghasilkan program pendidikan yang... more
Teknologi pendidikan adalah salah satu aspek yang setiap sekolah penyelenggara program pendidikan yang harus diperhatikan. Semua bagian dari Teknologi Pendidikan memainkan peranan penting untuk menghasilkan program pendidikan yang berhasil. Namun, tidak semua sekolah telah menerapkan atau memperhatikan hal tersebut. Salah satu alasannya adalah kekurangan sumber daya manusia. Teknologi Informasi adalah sebuah teknologi yang menyajikan sistem yang otomatis dan "mudah" yang dapat memberikan beberapa solusi untuk menerapkan Teknologi Pendidikan di setiap sekolah. Dengan memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi, semua personil sekolah dapat lebih fokus di dalam fungsinya dan memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk mengembangkan keahlian dan pengetahuan yang mereka miliki. Maka, setiap aspek dari Teknologi Pendidikan dapat dikontrol. Terlebih lagi, alasan tentang kekurangan sumber daya manusia dapat ditanggulangi dan penerapan Teknologi Pendidikan dapat ditingkatkan.
This paper will explore two examples from the design, structure and implementation of the ‘E-learning and Digital Cultures’ Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Coursera. This five week... more
This paper will explore two examples from the design, structure and implementation of the ‘E-learning and Digital Cultures’ Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Coursera. This five week long course (known as the EDCMOOC) was delivered twice in 2013, and is considered an atypical MOOC in its utilisation of both the Coursera platform and a range of social media and open access materials. The combination of distributed and aggregated structure will be highlighted, examining the arrangement of course material on the Coursera platform and student responses in social media. This paper will suggest that a dominant instrumentalist view of technology limits considerations of these systems to merely enabling or inhibiting educational aims. The subsequent discussion will suggest that sociomaterial theory offers a valuable framework for considering how educational spaces are produced through relational practices between humans and non-humans. An analysis of You Tube and a bespoke blog aggregator will show how the algorithmic properties of these systems perform functions that cannot be reduced to the intentionality of either the teachers using these systems, or the authors who create the software, thus constituting a complex sociomaterial educational enactment.
La démultiplication des outils et des pratiques "numériques" dans l'éducation, comme dans tous les autres domaines de notre société, interroge plus particulièrement le métier de formateur ou d'enseignant. La question se pose de l'apport... more
La démultiplication des outils et des pratiques "numériques" dans l'éducation, comme dans tous les autres domaines de notre société, interroge plus particulièrement le métier de formateur ou d'enseignant. La question se pose de l'apport du numérique ou de sa perturbation concernant les conditions d'élaboration des apprentissages des jeunes et autres publics. Cet article pointe les éléments de convergence ou de divergence entre les situations d'enseignement et les conditions d'usage du numérique dans les organismes de formation. Il rappelle que le numérique est aussi accompagné par une pression sur les rythmes de travail des formateurs et que les conditions de sa mise en oeuvre, à défaut d'être réunies, engendrent parfois un scepticisme légitime. La diffusion du numérique tend à oublier la finalité de l'apprentissage, les difficultés d'une appropriation instrumentale et s'opère le plus souvent par injonctions fondées sur la croyance en ses vertus. L'article évoque en conclusion les conditions d'une rencontre au bénéfice des individus, de leurs apprentissages et des pratiques des formateurs. Le métier de formateur évolue au gré des évolutions sociales, institutionnelles, culturelles et techniques, auxquelles il doit pour partie sa pérennité. Ainsi, le développement des outils numériques est actuellement évoqué comme un domaine clef de l'évolution du métier. Le "numérique" en effet, associé aux outils et aux techniques, prend aujourd'hui une dimension quasi anthropologique au sens où il affecte toutes les dimensions de la vie. A ce titre, d'aucun évoquent un univers numérique dont il est question dans ce dossier. C'est pourquoi le monde de la formation se trouve aujourd'hui continuellement sollicité. Le numérique est partout, générant des comportements nouveaux : pourquoi n'a-t-il pas envahi, submergé les lieux et les acteurs de la formation ? Pourquoi la migration tant attendue des pratiques sociales vers les pratiques pédagogiques ne s'effectue pas aussi massivement ? En quoi le métier de formateur est-il mis en question par le développement de cet univers numérique ? FORMATIONS ET SOLUTIONS NUMERIQUES : APPUI OU PERTURBATION ? Les outils numériques sont convoqués dans le cadre de cours "présentiels", ou groupe classe ou associés aux nouveaux dispositifs de formation, plus flexibles, connus sous le vocable de FOAD, intégrant également des dimensions d'individualisation et d'autoformation 1. Ils sont souvent évoqués dans leur dimension facilitatrice des apprentissages, selon une vision idéalisée qui oublie la prégnance des contextes et des environnements. 1 Chaque terme mériterait un article à lui, seul, notamment la notion de FOAD et d'autoformation qui sont polysémiques et souvent réduits aux notions de distance et de travail individuel.
This paper presents the results of a research project that involved introducing iPads into two elementary school classrooms to support the development of student digital storytelling skills. This was done because the school jurisdiction... more
This paper presents the results of a research project that involved introducing iPads into two elementary school classrooms to support the development of student digital storytelling skills. This was done because the school jurisdiction wanted to implement technology into grade six classrooms and provide useful support to the teachers and students. This project resulted in many positive learning experiences with the technology, with storytelling and across other components of the curriculum and the community. There are a number of implications of this research, including examining the constructionist theories underpinning the learning behind the creation of educational artifacts. In practice, there are many management issues regarding implementing new technology in classrooms as well as the pedagogical implications of giving students access to technology that can allow them to create their own understandings in classrooms.
If music education is to respond to the skills and needs of 21st-century music learners, innovative learning paradigms must be explored. This dissertation reports a research-creation approach for the development of a framework for... more
If music education is to respond to the skills and needs of 21st-century music learners, innovative learning paradigms must be explored. This dissertation reports a research-creation approach for the development of a framework for Creative Music Learning with Technology (CMLT), which emphasizes a process of learning to interact creatively with music. Theoretical analysis of improvisation pedagogy and technology for learning to improvise provide the foundation for creative experimentation. An examination of existing technologies reveals a lack of available tools for cultivating a creative disposition to musicianship. As a result, a prototype application was built for iPad and iPhone based on the principles of the CMLT framework. The software is at once a tool for developing musical understanding and for exploring creative freedom in music. A two-phased study of middle school instrumentalists and expert teachers examined the effectiveness of the prototype. In the first phase, seven expert music teachers and eight middle school instrumental students participated in user testing, revealing that the prototype effectively engaged users in learning many key objectives of improvisation pedagogy. In the second phase, six middle school students reported increased confidence after using the prototype for four weeks. Results suggest there is a strong potential for the framework for CMLT to positively enhance creative music learning.
The purpose of this study was to investigate primary and secondary mathematics teachers' candidates' effect of the success in geometry education. The sample of the study consists of students first and last class preservice primary... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate primary and secondary mathematics teachers' candidates' effect of the success in geometry education. The sample of the study consists of students first and last class preservice primary mathematics teachers which are enrolled program education at department of mathematics and students first and last class in preservice secondary mathematics teachers enrolled to Necmettin Erbakan University Ahmet Keleşoğlu Faculty of Education. As data collection tool, the 2016 Transition to Higher Education Examination questions asked in geometry was used. Data obtained were analyzed using Mann Whitney U test. Based on the findings, investigated that in first and last class of primary classroom teacher candidates and in first and last class of secondary mathematics teacher candidates were revealed in that whether there were statistically significant differences in terms of their success.
The paper examined the effect of educational technology (computer-aided instruction CAI) in teaching on the attitude and performance of primary six pupils in mathematics in Jos metropolis. The aim was to examine how the use of... more
The paper examined the effect of educational technology (computer-aided instruction
CAI) in teaching on the attitude and performance of primary six pupils in mathematics in Jos metropolis.
The aim was to examine how the use of computer-aided instruction in the teaching of mathematics will
cause an improvement in the attitude and performance of pupils in mathematics. Four research questions
were raised and two hypotheses was formulated to guide the study. The sample consisted of 151 pupils
drawn from two public primary schools in Jos metropolis. The sample was divided into two groups called
control and experimental groups. Pupils in the experimental group were taught mathematics using CAI
while the central group was taught conventionally. Data for the study were elicited using a mathematics
attitude scale (MAS) and a mathematics achievement test (MAT) designed by the researchers. The means
score was used to answer all the research questions and t-test was used to test hypotheses. Results
obtained showed that the attitude of pupils towards mathematics was negative before the treatment; also
the pupils were below average in their performance in mathematics. After the treatment, pupils in the
experimental group were found to have a more positive attitude and better performance than those in
control group. It was recommended among other things that teachers of mathematics should endeavour to
use CAI in their teaching of mathematics. The study concluded therefore that the use of educational
technology (CAI) is effective in improving the attitude and performance of primary six pupils in
تتحدث هذه الورقة عن أبرز الاختلافات القديمة و الحديثة حول تقويم البرامج التعليمية
The current stage of early years information and communication technology (ICT) integration research has been criticized for not paying enough attention to the unique pedagogical features of early childhood education. Similarly,... more
The current stage of early years information and communication technology (ICT) integration research has been criticized for not paying enough attention to the unique pedagogical features of early childhood education. Similarly, children's views about educational use of ICT have been underrepresented in research. This dissertation study contributes to resolving these gaps in the literature by exploring children's ideas and preservice teachers' beliefs regarding the role of ICT in early childhood education.
Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores... more
Over the last decade and a half, classrooms have become swamped with a range of electronic devices. Technology will continue to be more efficient, more versatile and indeed more abundant in schools and in classrooms. This study explores the views of students and teachers on the effectiveness of ICT in science teaching in terms of (i) levels of enjoyment derived by students, and (ii) usefulness of ICTs to teachers for their teaching. A questionnaire was used to elicit the views of students and teachers in respect of a range of ICT-based classroom activities. Qualitative and quantitative data collected through the questionnaires from 12 teachers and 100 students involved in science teaching and learning at a selected secondary school in Trinidad were analyzed. The results show that students enjoy ICT interventions in their lessons and teachers rank it high in many respects but, both students and teachers agree that ICT loses its appeal when its use is arbitrary and ill-planned.
The use of video games in the classroom is still a controversial topic in the society. In this thesis I show results from a research with a high school in the autumn 2014. In this research I followed several classes which used the video... more
The use of video games in the classroom is still a controversial topic in the society. In this thesis I show results from a research with a high school in the autumn 2014. In this research I followed several classes which used the video game "The Walking Dead" to learn ethics in the classroom. The thesis focuses on gathering relevant information from a number of research fields and shows a holistic view of the pros and cons of video games in the classroom. The study reveals a positive attitude towards video games from both the students' perspective, as well as satisfied educators. The study includes multiple surveys with over 100 students, focused interviews with 17 students and 3 teachers, and statistical data from the school. The results indicate that video games are potentially good tools for educators that wish to use them, and that those who do, should be encouraged to use them. The research also includes the key success factors to implement video games in classroom learning.
The main objective of this study is to develop a self-report instrument to measure pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the extent to which they experience the necessary support and training in order to integrate technology into classroom... more
The main objective of this study is to develop a self-report instrument to measure pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the extent to which they experience the necessary support and training in order to integrate technology into classroom activities. The questionnaire items of this instrument were drawn up on the basis of a synthesis of 19 qualitative studies (Authors et al., 2012) and were reviewed by experts in the field. In order to study its reliability and aspects of validity, data were collected and analysed consisting of a sample of 688 pre-service teachers in Flanders (Belgium). The resulting scale showed highly satisfactory psychometric properties. Item response theory revealed a good fit of the measurement to a Rating Scale Model for 22 out of 24 items. The results also indicate that the items differ in their degree of difficulty. It seems that helping pre-service teachers to design ICT-rich lessons and providing adequate feedback can be considered more challenging for teacher training institutions. Recommendations are given regarding how the new scale can be useful for both teacher training institutions and schools in developing approaches to equip pre-service teachers with the competencies needed to integrate technology in teaching and learning processes.
This paper examines the state of the use of technology in the teaching of History in selected Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast metropolis. The study was modelled along the descriptive survey design with a sample size of 159,... more
This paper examines the state of the use of technology in the teaching of History in selected Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast metropolis. The study was modelled along the descriptive survey design with a sample size of 159, comprising 153 History students and 6 History teachers. The instruments used were the questionnaire and the interview guide. The findings revealed that technological tools such as computers, projectors, internet, and audio-visuals, can be employed in teaching History. Again, it was found that teachers have positive perceptions about the use of technology in teaching History. Students were also found to portray positive attitudes in class when technology is used in teaching. Finally, the study revealed that teachers face the challenges such as unavailability of technological resources, inadequate time, and lack of motivation, in their attempt to use technology in class. The study ends by recommending that in-service training sessions should be organized for History teachers as a way of exposing them to the types of technology and how to use them in teaching. Again, the education ministry should provide technological resources needed by schools, and heads of institutions should introduce incentives to motivate teachers to use technologically-oriented pedagogies for their lessons.
La Revista APEC es la publicación oficial de la Asociación de Profesores de Educación Comercial de Puerto Rico (APEC). Se publica cada dos años con el propósito de divulgar los trabajos de investigación y de creación realizados por los... more
La Revista APEC es la publicación oficial de la Asociación de Profesores de Educación Comercial de Puerto Rico (APEC). Se publica cada dos años con el propósito de divulgar los trabajos de investigación y de creación realizados por los profesores de educación comercial y de otras áreas afines con la administración y los sistemas de oficina. Asimismo, sirve como un medio para compartir y dar a conocer otros temas de interés en este campo de estudios. La Revista APEC es evaluada por Latindex (Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal) y está clasificada en la sección de Catálogo, ya que cumple con los criterios de calidad editorial establecidos por esta organización internacional. La publicación se distribuye libre de costo en formato digital a través de la página electrónica de la Asociación: Los interesados en obtener un volumen específico pueden acceder la página en la que se encuentra la sección Colección Revista APEC 1980-2016. Las expresiones y recomendaciones expuestas en esta Revista no constituyen necesariamente la política de la Asociación de Profesores de Educación Comercial de Puerto Rico. Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial de los artículos publicados sin la autorización de los autores. Sin embargo, el contenido de los artículos podrá mencionarse en otros trabajos siempre y cuando se cite al autor y la fuente de referencia. La Revista APEC, Volumen 31, fue publicada en San Juan, Puerto Rico, en octubre de 2016. Las normas para someter artículos, así como los criterios de evaluación, están detallados al final de esta publicación.
Previous research has provided some data with regard to the use of iPad technology within the classroom environment. However, there are only a small number that take on the investigation of the visual high school art educators as well as... more
Previous research has provided some data with regard to the use of iPad technology within the classroom environment. However, there are only a small number that take on the investigation of the visual high school art educators as well as the high school students’ attitudes towards the use of the iPad technology integrated into instruction within the visual art classroom. Quantitative results from high school art teachers indicated that over 70 percent of high school art teacher participants who completed the teacher survey feel that the iPad is useful in a sense that it promotes inquiry among student within the learning process. Additional quantitative results illustrated that over 80 percent of high school students that took the student survey reported that they are happier when their art teachers allow them to use the iPad to complete some art related assignments. Qualitative data collected in the form of written statements from student participants promoted that students find using the iPad within the art classroom to be very useful and helpful. Qualitative data collected in the form of written statements from teacher participants highlighted that the iPads are well received and students enjoyed the technology use within the art classroom. Additional research, within multiple high schools in order to obtain a greater sample of high school students as well as high school art educators who integrate the iPad technology within the art classroom, is recommended to help provide more depth. Keywords: iPad, engagement, high school art teachers, high school students, visual art, classroom, technology, integration
ÖZET Bu araştırmada, Fatih Projesinin toplumsal, eğitsel ve ekonomik dönüşüm üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, maksimum ve ölçüt örnekleme yöntemleri kullanılarak bir çalışma grubu oluşturulmuştur.... more
ÖZET Bu araştırmada, Fatih Projesinin toplumsal, eğitsel ve ekonomik dönüşüm üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada, maksimum ve ölçüt örnekleme yöntemleri kullanılarak bir çalışma grubu oluşturulmuştur. Araştırmanın verileri, 18 öğretmenle yapılan yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmeler üzerinden elde edilmiştir. Araştırmanın verilerinin çözümlenmesinde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, Fatih Projesinin toplumsal eşitliği sağlamaktan uzak olduğu; destek ve yan ürünlerle kendine özgü (bir) piyasa oluşturmaya başladığı, ailelerin teknolojiye dayalı eğitim harcamalarını artırarak ekonomik dönüşüm üzerinde etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir. Eğitimsel dönüşüm bakımından ise pedagojik ve mesleki açıdan tartışmalı sayılabilecek etkilere sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Fatih Projesinin öngördüğü siyasal, toplumsal, eğitimsel ve ekonomik boyutlardaki dönüşümlerin etkilerinin uzun süreli boylamsal çalışmalarla ortaya konulmasının gerektiği düşünülmektedir. ABSTRACT This study aimed to demonstrate the effects of the Fatih Project on social, educational and economic transformation. A study group was formed in the study by using the methods of maximum variation sampling and criterion sampling. The data of the study were obtained with semi-structured interviews held with 18 teachers. Content analysis was used in interpreting the data of the study. According to the results of the study, it was observed that the Fatih Project is far from achieving social equality, it started to establish a specific (single) market with supplements and by-products, and it is effective on economic transformation by increasing the technology-based education expenditure of families. In terms of educational transformation, it was determined that it had effects that might be considered questionable in a pedagogic and professional sense. It is thought that the transformation projected by the Fatih Project in political, social, educational and economic dimensions should be investigated in further longitudinal studies.
SinteSe: O objetivo central desse trabalho é compreender o comportamento de uso de um sistema de gestão acadêmica em uma Universidade Federal em relação às ferramentas de apoio às atividades docentes. A pesquisa é censitária, compreende... more
SinteSe: O objetivo central desse trabalho é compreender o comportamento de uso de um sistema de gestão acadêmica em uma Universidade Federal em relação às ferramentas de apoio às atividades docentes. A pesquisa é censitária, compreende todos os professores dos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nos períodos 2010.2 e 2011.1. Utilizou-se a análise de cluster para separar os elementos em grupos, de acordo com o uso maior ou menor do sistema de gestão.
A evolução das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (Tic) imprimiu uma dinâmica de transformação na educação e na escola pública. A utilização indiscriminada do computador pessoal inundou as nossas escolas de trabalhos do tipo... more
A evolução das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (Tic) imprimiu uma dinâmica de transformação na educação e na escola pública. A utilização indiscriminada do computador pessoal
inundou as nossas escolas de trabalhos do tipo “seleccionar
tudo, copiar e colar”. A escola pública contribui para atenuar a exclusão digital, porém a formação dos professores nestas matérias deve ser considerada prioritária, já que as Tic na educação, bem como a informação por elas disponibilizada, correspondem à descoberta de uma nova dimensão pedagógica
En el presente ensayo se recuperan aportes provenientes del campo de la neurociencia acerca del aprendizaje y cómo este tiene lugar, que permitirían explicar ciertos principios propuestos desde los planteos del constructivismo... more
En el presente ensayo se recuperan aportes provenientes del campo de la neurociencia acerca del aprendizaje y cómo este tiene lugar, que permitirían explicar ciertos principios propuestos desde los planteos del constructivismo sociocultural. Se enfatiza en la influencia que los entornos configuradores de las situaciones de aprendizaje ejercen sobre la persona que aprende, reconociendo a la plasticidad neuronal como un principio rector de nuestro hacer. La era de Internet y lo que en ella sucede, se constituye en un entorno particular que como educadores nos obliga a repensar nuestras prácticas de manera permanente.
Advanced by powerful venture philanthropies, educational technology companies, and the US Department of Education, a growing movement to apply ‘big data’ through ‘learning analytics’ to create ‘personalized learning’ is currently... more
Advanced by powerful venture philanthropies, educational technology companies, and the US Department of Education, a growing movement to apply ‘big data’ through ‘learning analytics’ to create ‘personalized learning’ is currently underway in K-12 education in the United States. While scholars have offered various critiques of the corporate school reform agenda, the role of personalized learning technology in the corporatization of public education has not been extensively examined. Through a content analysis of US Department of Education reports, personalized learning advocacy white papers, and published research monographs, this paper details how big data and adaptive learning systems are functioning to redefine educational policy, teaching, and learning in ways that transfer educational decisions from public school classrooms and teachers to private corporate spaces and authorities. The analysis shows that all three types of documents position education within a reductive set of economic rationalities that emphasize human capital development, the expansion of data-driven instruction and decision-making, and a narrow conception of learning as the acquisition of discrete skills and behavior modification detached from broader social contexts and culturally relevant forms of knowledge and inquiry. The paper concludes by drawing out the contradictions inherent to personalized learning technology and corporatization of schooling. It argues that these contradictions necessitate a broad rethinking of the value and purpose of new educational technology.
Sebuah pernyataan yang lazim dan sering kita dengarkan bahwa tujuan sejati pendidikan adalah menusiakan manusia. Ungkapan ini seakan terus diperbincangkan dan disetujui untuk dilaksanakan dalam praktek kehidupan sebagai penggiat dan... more
Sebuah pernyataan yang lazim dan sering kita dengarkan bahwa tujuan sejati pendidikan adalah menusiakan manusia. Ungkapan ini seakan terus diperbincangkan dan disetujui untuk dilaksanakan dalam praktek kehidupan sebagai penggiat dan pelaksana pendidikan. Satu hal yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah bagaimana caranya agar pendidikan dapat memanusiakan manusia? Pada hakikatnya seorang pendidik adalah seorang fasilitator. Fasilitator baik dalam aspek kognitif, afektif, psikomotorik, maupun konatif. Seorang pendidik hendaknya mampu membangun suasana belajar yang kondusif untuk belajar-mandiri (self-directed learning). Ia juga hendaknya mampu menjadikan proses pembelajaran sebagai kegiatan eksplorasi diri. Galileo menegaskan bahwa sebenarnya kita tidak dapat mengajarkan apapun, kita hanya dapat membantu peserta didik untuk menemukan dirinya dan mengaktualisasikan dirinya. Setiap pribadi manusia memiliki "self-hidden potential excellece" (mutiara talenta yang tersembunyi di dalam diri), tugas pendidikan yang sejati adalah membantu peserta didik untuk menemukan dan mengembangkannya seoptimal mungkin. Atau dalam ungkapan lain Emily Calhoun pada Bruce Joyce, ratusan kali berkata: "Mengajar yang sesungguhnya adalah mengajarkan siswa bagaimana belajar" atau "sekolah merupakan tempat untuk belajar bagaimana caranya belajar". Seorang pendidik yang efektif, tidak hanya efektif dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas saja (transfer of knowledge), tetapi lebih-lebih dalam relasi pribadinya dan "modeling"nya (transfer of attitude and values), baik kepada peserta didik maupun kepada seluruh anggota komunitas sekolah. Pendidikan yang humanis menekankan bahwa pendidikan pertama-tama dan yang utama adalah bagaimana menjalin komunikasi dan relasi personal antara pribadipribadi dan antar pribadi dan kelompok di dalam komunitas sekolah. Relasi ini berkembang dengan pesat dan menghasilkan buah-buah pendidikan jika dilandasi oleh cintakasih antar mereka. Pribadi-pribadi hanya berkembang secara optimal dan relatif tanpa hambatan jika berada dalam suasana yang penuh cinta (unconditional love), hati yang penuh pengertian (understanding heart) serta relasi pribadi yang efektif (personal relationship). Dalam mendidik seseorang kita hendaknya mampu menerima diri sebagaimana adanya dan kemudian mengungkapkannya secara jujur (modeling). Mendidik tidak sekedar mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan, melatih keterampilan verbal kepada para peserta didik, namun merupakan bantuan agar peserta didik dapat menumbuhkembangkan dirinya secara optimal. Mendidik yang efektif pada dasarnya merupakan kemampun seseorang menghadirkan diri sedemikian sehingga pendidik memiliki relasi yang bermakna pendidikan dengan para peserta didik sehingga mereka mampu menumbuhkembangkan dirinya menjadi pribadi dewasa dan matang. Pendidikan yang efektif adalah yang berpusat pada siswa atau pendidikan bagi siswa. Dasar pendidikannya adalah apa yang menjadi "dunia", minat, dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan peserta didik. Pendidik membantu peserta didik untuk menemukan, mengembangkan dan mencoba mempraktikkan kemampuan-kemampuan yang mereka miliki (the learners-centered teaching). Ciri utama pendidikan yang berpusat pada siswa adalah bahwa pendidik menghormati, menghargai dan menerima siswa sebagaimana adanya. Komunikasi dan relasi yang efektif sangat diperlukan dalam model pendidikan yang berpusat pada siswa, sebab hanya dalam suasana relasi dan komunikasi yang efektif, peserta didik akan dapat mengeksplorasi dirinya, mengembangkan dirinya dan kemudian mem-"fungsi"kan dirinya di dalam masyarakat secara optimal. Tujuan sejati dari pendidikan seharusnya adalah pertumbuhan dan perkembangan diri peserta
ICT has a great impact on human lives. The use of mobile technology in education is a positive response to the learning development in most tertiary institutions. Nowadays, it is difficult to motivate students to learn calculus.... more
ICT has a great impact on human lives. The use of mobile technology in education is a positive response to the learning development in most tertiary institutions. Nowadays, it is difficult to motivate students to learn calculus. Therefore, creative teaching techniques using WhatsApp is used to attract students. WhatsApp enhances idea sharing among students and makes communication easier and faster. This research seeks to assess students' readiness in using WhatsApp Application for calculus subject. Data were collected from 485 respondents from sixteen classes of diploma in mechanical engineering students in Universiti Teknologi MARA (Pulau Pinang) using the score of the test results. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics and analysis of one sample t-test at 0.05 level of significance. One sample t-test was used to identify whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis. Based on evaluation, more than half said that they prefer to use WhatsApp as one of the most effective teaching tool and students who were usually inactive in lecture class, contributed a lot in WhatsApp group. The findings of the study suggested that the marks increase in calculus subject is caused by flexible learning facilitated by WhatsApp mobile learning.
Dans l'introduction des nouvelles technologies pour l'information et la communication, la méthode pédagogique ou le dispositif dans lequel l'outil va prendre place sont essentiels. S'inscrivant dans la suite logique du précédent volume de... more
Dans l'introduction des nouvelles technologies pour l'information et la communication, la méthode pédagogique ou le dispositif dans lequel l'outil va prendre place sont essentiels. S'inscrivant dans la suite logique du précédent volume de l'auteur Des technologies pour enseigner et apprendre, cet ouvrage propose un ensemble de pistes permettant au lecteur de construire le dispositif pédagogique en fonction de ses propres objectifs. Ces méthodes pédagogiques sont simplement celles qui sont postulées actuellement dans l'optique de la rénovation de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage. Ce livre intéressera donc tous ceux qui souhaitent rendre leurs enseignements plus dynamiques, les apprentissages plus motivants et actifs : enseignants du secondaire, conseillers pédagogiques, formateurs, étudiants de l'agrégation, CAPES, concepteurs d'outils pédagogiques.
Learning English is vital skill that will help children achieve their full potential in later life. If they have the right techniques, they can learn English quickly and effectively. So, it is important that they have to learn English... more
Learning English is vital skill that will help children achieve their full potential in later life. If they have the right techniques, they can learn English quickly and effectively. So, it is important that they have to learn English which is practical and useful. Learning should not be stressful for children. It should be fun and stimulating. Their studies should make reading, listening, and speaking in English come naturally. As their confidence develops, they will learn more and use English to a more challenging level. This paper discusses about some resources for EFL teachers to facilitate the children in learning a foreign language. These are purposed for them to be able to teach effectively with the fun and variety that children need. The last part, this paper tells about how to ensure the children learn English using simple techniques that will absolutely make the teachers' job more fun and satisfying. Also, it will be expected that the teachers will have enough fresh ideas to be the most inspiring teachers that they possibly can.
Dans le domaine des technologies éducatives, nous souhaitons étayer l'hypothèse suivante : si généralement, on attribue le fait d'apprendre aux étudiants, il est aussi vrai que les enseignants apprennent, que les sociétés apprennent. La... more
Dans le domaine des technologies éducatives, nous souhaitons étayer l'hypothèse suivante : si généralement, on attribue le fait d'apprendre aux étudiants, il est aussi vrai que les enseignants apprennent, que les sociétés apprennent. La cohérence et la préoccupation de ces différents niveaux (étudiants, enseignants, institutions) autour de la question de l'apprentissage peuvent, selon nous, être considérées comme un guide et comme un signe d'une éducation de qualité. Dans ce cas, les modèles généraux de l'apprentissage et du développement de dispositifs pédagogiques peuvent être interrogés afin d'élaborer de nouveaux usages et de nouvelles méthodes d'enseignement et de formation des enseignants, pour promouvoir l'innovation technologique dans les institutions et pour valider la qualité de ces derniers.
All research is based on some underlying philosophical assumptions about what constitutes 'valid' research and which research method(s) is/are appropriate for the development of knowledge in a given study. In order to conduct and evaluate... more
All research is based on some underlying philosophical assumptions about what constitutes 'valid' research and which research method(s) is/are appropriate for the development of knowledge in a given study. In order to conduct and evaluate any research, it is therefore important to know what these assumptions are. This chapter discusses the philosophical assumptions and also the design strategies underpinning this research study. Common philosophical assumptions were reviewed and presented; the interpretive paradigm was identified for the framework of the study. In addition, the chapter discusses the research methodologies, and design used in the study including strategies, instruments, and data collection and analysis methods, while explaining the stages and processes involved in the study.