Online Learning Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Social presence, as evident in the chapters throughout this book, continues to be a hot topic in online education. Social presence resonates with people because education depends on effective communication, but communication changes when... more

Social presence, as evident in the chapters throughout this book, continues to be a hot topic in online education. Social presence resonates with people because education depends on effective communication, but communication changes when it is electronically mediated. From its inception, social presence theory has focused on how technology influences communication.

In order to accept this Student Recruiter agreement with the College of Mental Health Counselling, you must believe in and agree with the value of learning about counselling through the online course described at, and... more

In order to accept this Student Recruiter agreement with the College of Mental Health Counselling, you must believe in and agree with the value of learning about counselling through the online course described at, and you must act in good faith accepting that the College will remunerate you as per the terms of this agreement in #5 below. Because a Student Recruiter must communicate the following, therefore completing the below steps is considered a Skill Test in order to qualify. When the College receives full tuition from your first referral, you will be considered a Student Recruiter.

For some savvy scholars and industry insiders, fully online learning— where instruction takes place entirely (or nearly so) over the Internet—and blended instruction—where instruction takes place both online and in a traditional physical... more

For some savvy scholars and industry insiders, fully online learning— where instruction takes place entirely (or nearly so) over the Internet—and blended instruction—where instruction takes place both online and in a traditional physical space—were inevitable at all levels of education. But for many K-12 educators and the universities that prepare them, its emergence seemed sudden and rapid (Graham, 2006). Once it was here, online learning promised opportunities to take courses that were otherwise unavailable at traditional schools, including advanced courses and credit recovery. Online learning also offered the potential to reduce scheduling conflicts (Picciano, Seaman, Shea, & Swan, 2012). However, scholars have also sounded warnings about potential policy and practical challenges for students who need extra support for learning, including those with disabilities, in online envi

The current trend of technology advancement with digital devices such as smart phones, tablets, and laptops has shifted the way of societal life including teaching and learning. This initiative might also contribute to the typical... more

The current trend of technology advancement with digital devices such as smart phones, tablets, and laptops has shifted the way of societal life including teaching and learning. This initiative might also contribute to the typical approach of ICT (information and communication technology) to increasingly enhance the achievement through utilizing it in the education setting in the higher education context. Adopting social media in network data massively within the big data trends, the extraction of the particular means in providing structured data from enterprise resources data and sources of unstructured data from audio and video can begin with providing the value from information space such as message, conversation, transaction, and other sources. This chapter attempts to explore the design for teaching and learning in big
data approach. Attempts to achieve particular advantage of big data with analytic process could provide the innovative environment of adaptive online technology to enhance pedagogy and technology skill to support the initiative way of teaching and learning process in the higher education (HE) context.

SinteSe: O objetivo central desse trabalho é compreender o comportamento de uso de um sistema de gestão acadêmica em uma Universidade Federal em relação às ferramentas de apoio às atividades docentes. A pesquisa é censitária, compreende... more

SinteSe: O objetivo central desse trabalho é compreender o comportamento de uso de um sistema de gestão acadêmica em uma Universidade Federal em relação às ferramentas de apoio às atividades docentes. A pesquisa é censitária, compreende todos os professores dos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nos períodos 2010.2 e 2011.1. Utilizou-se a análise de cluster para separar os elementos em grupos, de acordo com o uso maior ou menor do sistema de gestão.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the construct of self-efficacy in the context of online learning environments. Self-efficacy is defined as ‘‘beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to... more

The purpose of this paper is to examine the construct of self-efficacy in the context of online learning environments. Self-efficacy is defined as ‘‘beliefs in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainments’’ (Bandura, 1997, p. 3). Traditionally, the four main sources of self-efficacy development are enactive master experiences, vicarious experi- ences, verbal persuasion, and physio- logical and affective state (Bandura, 1997). In this paper, self-efficacy is introduced in general. Research re- lated to academic self-efficacy and self-efficacy in online learning envir- onments is reviewed. The study of self-efficacy in online learning envir- onments is new relative to the con- struct of self-efficacy. Research on self- efficacy and the use of computers in instructional situations has been included to broaden the literature base. The development of self-efficacy beliefs in online environments is high- lighted as well as self-efficacy assess- ment issues. Possible areas of self- efficacy research in online environ- ments are suggested, including ped- agogical agents, persuasive feedback, and self-efficacy assessment.

The Metaverse is the post-reality universe, a perpetual and persistent multiuser environment merging physical reality with digital virtuality. It is based on the convergence of technologies that enable multisensory interactions with... more

The Metaverse is the post-reality universe, a perpetual and persistent multiuser environment merging physical reality with digital virtuality. It is based on the convergence of technologies that enable multisensory interactions with virtual environments, digital objects and people such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Hence, the Metaverse is an interconnected web of social, networked immersive environments in persistent multiuser platforms. It enables seamless embodied user communication in real-time and dynamic interactions with digital artifacts. Its first iteration was a web of virtual worlds where avatars were able to teleport among them. The contemporary iteration of the Metaverse features social, immersive VR platforms compatible with massive multiplayer online video games, open game worlds and AR collaborative spaces.

The aim of this paper is to explore the writing of Spanish students in an online learning context. The sample for this study consisted of a group of forty-three Psychology undergraduate students having a B2 level of English, and the... more

The aim of this paper is to explore the writing of Spanish students in an online learning context. The sample for this study consisted of a group of forty-three Psychology undergraduate students having a B2 level of English, and the corpus compiled contains eighty compositions in total. To achieve the purpose of our study, those written contributions were corrected and analysed so as to check their progress over the course. Their most common errors were classified into a number of categories, including addition, word form, word choice and spelling. Results indicated that first language (L1) interference played an important role in students’ inaccuracies at a lexical level. Gender-based differences could be observed in terms of written performance, especially when it comes to spelling. These findings also indicate that written accuracy seems to be affected by the formality of the register. What language teachers may find profitable about this study may be linked to the identification of problematic areas in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) that need to be tackled in higher education, more specifically in the Psychology classroom. The implementation of scaffolding learning strategies can have a positive impact on the written performance of students who work in online learning environments.

Nell’articolo, l’autore, alla sua prima esperienza di docente CLIL/DNL, descrive i caratteri, le fasi e lo svolgimento delle attività e fornisce esempi di lezioni in presenza e on line del modulo “Cybercrime and security measures”... more

Nell’articolo, l’autore, alla sua prima esperienza di docente CLIL/DNL, descrive i caratteri, le fasi e lo svolgimento delle attività e fornisce esempi di lezioni in presenza e on line del modulo “Cybercrime and security measures” recentemente erogato agli alunni di una classe quinta di un Istituto Tecnico Economico ad articolazione SIA (Sistemi Informativi Aziendali). Durante un cospicuo periodo di assenza dal servizio, l’autore si è visto costretto a ripianificare e riprogettare una parte del percorso formativo, in corso d’opera e, coinvolgendo gli altri colleghi del CLIL team, ha disegnato e allestito tre webinar sulla piattaforma per compensare alcune lezioni in presenza. Questa volta, il docente CLIL/DNL, nella veste di elearning researcher, investiga e si sofferma su alcuni rilevanti aspetti che emergono nel corso delle tre lezioni on line perché nota che la quantità e qualità delle interazioni on line migliora quando il classroom discourse si basa sull’uso delle funzioni comunicative del linguaggio riuscendo a fondere teoria e pratica in modo naturale ed efficace. Questo contributo infine mostra come sia stata condotta e realizzata la Ricerca-Azione, nel rispetto dei canoni scientifici, evidenziando quali sono stati i punti di debolezza e prospettando i possibili sviluppi .

In Volungeviciene, A., Szűcs, A., and Mázár, I. (eds.), Forging new pathways of research and innovation in open and distance learning: Reaching from the roots. Paper presented at the 9th EDEN Research Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany, 4 - 6... more

In Volungeviciene, A., Szűcs, A., and Mázár, I. (eds.), Forging new pathways of research and innovation in open and distance learning: Reaching from the roots. Paper presented at the 9th EDEN Research Workshop, Oldenburg, Germany, 4 - 6 October (pp. 99-108). European Distance and E-Learning Network.


Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.

Based on a framework emphasizing the social nature of learning, this research examines a model of how social constructs affect satisfaction within online learning using path analysis for students in higher education. The social constructs... more

Based on a framework emphasizing the social nature of learning, this research examines a model of how social constructs affect satisfaction within online learning using path analysis for students in higher education. The social constructs evaluated in this study include sense of community (SOC), social ability (SA), perceived ease of use (PEU) and usefulness (PU) of social awareness tools, and self-reported participation (SRP) in online courses. Students' social ability is predicted by perceived ease of use of social awareness ...

In this TFM, it is intended to describe and analyse the effect of formative assessment on students’ school performance. Given the context of the school, the students and an unusual situation (COVID-19), the analysis focuses on the... more

In this TFM, it is intended to describe and analyse the effect of formative assessment on students’ school performance. Given the context of the school, the students and an unusual situation (COVID-19), the analysis focuses on the assessment of oral expression, as it is sometimes the less developed skill in the classroom.
Through different activities based on the theory of formative assessment, in which the student is the core, the highest degree of participation and motivation on the part of the students is sought. Students can activate their prior knowledge on how to perform a good oral presentation, analyse one, and finally spot the evaluable criteria to create a chart for peer-assessment and self-assessment and use it for learning.
It is also analysed whether the formative assessment can be carried out in online classes in the same way and with the same results that would be expected from a face-to-face class. Adapting the evaluation to an online format caused a different outcome in which the initial goals were not achieved with the same degree.
Although the unprecedented event mentioned before, this research shows that the use of formative assessment, and the involvement of students in it, have a positive effect on the academic performance of students, as long as they are used to using it regularly in the English class.

he field of teacher education is in a state of flux… some might say upheaval… as a plethora of traditional university-based and “alternative route” pathways for preparing new teachers compete for the attention and support of both policy... more

he field of teacher education is in a state of flux… some might say upheaval… as a plethora of traditional university-based and “alternative route” pathways for preparing new teachers compete for the attention and support of both policy makers and prospective teacher candidates. In this context, the emergence of alternative route programs has produced a good deal of what might be termed “horse-race” research comparing outcomes of various teacher preparation models (e.g., Henry, et al, 2013; Xu, Hanaway, & Taylor, 2011). While results of these studies have varied, the general conclusion of researchers is that there is as much within-group variation in program features and quality as there is between groups—with both alt-route and traditional programs sharing many of the same structural features and curriculum content (Boyd, et al, 2008). The “horse-race” approach has not been a productive strategy for understanding the features and affordances of varying models of teacher preparation.

This paper describes The Flexible Learning Toolboxes Project, a component of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework for the National Vocational Education and Training System 2000-2004 (AFL Framework). The AFL Framework is designed to... more

This paper describes The Flexible Learning Toolboxes Project, a component of the Australian Flexible Learning Framework for the National Vocational Education and Training System 2000-2004 (AFL Framework). The AFL Framework is designed to support the accelerated take-up of flexible learning modes and position Australian VET as a world leader in applying new technologies to vocational education products and services. A Toolbox is a set of learning resources designed for web based delivwww. ascilite. orgs ...

The paper describes the use of latent semantic analysis and intelligent agents as means of supporting learning network users with their needs. These include the need to position themselves in the network, to navigate between activity... more

The paper describes the use of latent semantic analysis and intelligent agents as means of supporting learning network users with their needs. These include the need to position themselves in the network, to navigate between activity nodes, to acquire support for content bound questions.

This article applies the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework to a particular disciplinary context: first-year writing (FYW). Students enrolled in online FYW courses across three institutions (n = 272) completed a version of the CoI... more

This article applies the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework to a particular disciplinary context: first-year writing (FYW). Students enrolled in online FYW courses across three institutions (n = 272) completed a version of the CoI survey that was slightly modified to fit the disciplinary context of writing studies. A factor analysis was conducted to determine how well the CoI in Writing Studies data aligned with typical CoI survey research; teaching presence and cognitive presence loaded onto single factors, but the social presence items divided into multiple factors. The authors put their findings in conversation with other scholarship about social presence, especially Carlon et al. (2012) and Kreijns et al. (2014), and advocate for differentiating between survey items that relate to "social presence," "social comfort," "attitude," and "social learning." They also recommend that future disciplinary uses of the CoI Survey include survey items that ask students to report on the extent to which they engaged in the types of social learning that the discipline values.

Student engagement and group work are critical to developing competencies, deeper learning, and attributes that align with 21st-century skills. In an increasingly competitive and dynamic workforce, the ability for employees to engage in... more

Student engagement and group work are critical to developing competencies, deeper learning, and attributes that align with 21st-century skills. In an increasingly competitive and dynamic workforce, the ability for employees to engage in collaborative workgroups is essential. A new capstone group-work assignment using Online Human Touch (OHT) strategies was integrated into an Information Systems course at a regional university in the Caribbean. The course typically enrolls 250-300+ students per semester with one instructor. The assignment simulated a real-world business 'eMeeting' to proactively increase student engagement and retention. This action research study collected quantitative and qualitative data three years prior to and three years after the integration of the new 'eMeeting' group-work assignment. Quantitative data showed improved academic performance, higher scores on the standardized final exam, and decreases in attrition while qualitative data showed significant increases in student engagement. Integrating the 'eMeeting' assignment into the large online course provided students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge, skills, and experience gained throughout the semester. It also enhanced key soft skills sought by employers including problem-solving, ability to work in teams, communication, leadership, and time management.

In this introductory essay, we build on the articles in this special issue to provide a novel theoretical framework for the understanding of current and future trends in the digitalisation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher... more

In this introductory essay, we build on the articles in this special issue to provide a novel theoretical framework for the understanding of current and future trends in the digitalisation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher education (HE). We highlight three key elements. Context is critical and should be systematically expanded to include not only the immediate context of the virtual and blended classroom, but also the broader organisational and national contexts within which digital learning takes place. The involvement of individual actors, higher education institutions and national policy-making agencies in the development and implementation of digitalisation policy ideas and practices is also shaped by multiple mediations, which include the mediating role of technology itself, but also of other human, organisational and policy actors, ideas and practices. Finally, digitalisation of HE teaching and learning can lead to a variety of gradual or more radical digital transformations, operating at multiple scales and with multiple potential positive or negative effects. This framework helps put into focus the key question of how to go about searching for a flexible set of "Nordic characteristics" that might affect digitalisation of teaching and learning in the Nordic region, albeit in uneven and diverse ways. While it is too early to provide a systematic analysis of the impact of the rapid digitalisation of Nordic HE teaching and learning spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic, we make some preliminary observations that offer this emerging theoretical framework as a way to assess these trends both before and after the pandemic.

Introductory computer programming courses are inherently challenging for a variety of reasons. With increased demands for online delivery, the use of effective technologies, materials, and methods that best support online learning is... more

Introductory computer programming courses are inherently challenging for a variety of reasons. With increased demands for online delivery, the use of effective technologies, materials, and methods that best support online learning is essential to maximize student success. This article describes a recent study conducted at our institution with an overall objective to improve the design and online delivery of a

MAE interviewed faculty from schools with large populations of military-affiliated students to uncover the qualities that make an online learning environment particularly effective. We posed the question: “How does your faculty design... more

This paper examines how narrative-centered learning environments are establishing themselves as affordable and effective alternatives to traditional text-based delivery models, static computer-based tutoring systems, and immersive,... more

This paper examines how narrative-centered learning environments are establishing themselves as affordable and effective alternatives to traditional text-based delivery models, static computer-based tutoring systems, and immersive, role-playing computer game-based resources. Drawing upon long-standing cultural traditions while embodying constructivist principles and relying on cognitive theories that detail the
processing of word-driven information, narrative-centered learning environments arequietly, and quite naturally, winning over the minds of educators and students alike.

This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design... more

This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design dimensions for high granularity patterns have been established. In this paper we focus on detailing lower granularity adaptive patterns based upon learning styles. Several patterns from existing AEH system case studies are identified and classified according to an extended learning style "onion" model. This model forms the basis of a learning style taxonomy, introduced here, whose components determine adaptation patterns for AEH. These patterns are of importance both for authoring, as well as for interfacing between adaptive hypermedia systems. From an authoring point of view, these patterns may be used to establish a fine-grain approach to instructional strategies that can be implemented in AEH systems, as a response to a particular learning style. The implementation of this adaptation pattern taxonomy is discussed, both generally and in detail.

In this study, personalization of online learning environments, learner participation, and satisfaction in using these environments are inquired. With this purpose in mind, learners' personalization preferences of appearance and their... more

In this study, personalization of online learning environments, learner participation, and satisfaction in using these environments are inquired. With this purpose in mind, learners' personalization preferences of appearance and their satisfaction regarding the personalization in online learning environments are determined. In data collection and analysis processes, both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. And the study was designed as an explanatory mixed method research. Data is collected from 60 second-year students registered to Instructional In the study, to test the difference between two means, independent samples t-test was carried out but among non-parametric methods, and Mann-Whitney U test was conducted, because the normality hypothesis was not obtained in the tests. In order to evaluate students' learning environment usage and personalization of appearance satisfaction, survey was provided. Moreover, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were held with the students chosen among both the ones who fulfilled the personalization and the ones who did not. According to the results of the study, satisfaction level of the ones who did the personalization was higher than the ones who did not.

This article describes the learning experiences of students in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Qualitative observation methods and online interviews were conducted, to obtain information about online learning patterns that... more

This article describes the learning experiences of students in online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Qualitative observation methods and online interviews were conducted, to obtain information about online learning patterns that are often applied by lecturers; the platform that has been selected, the media used by the lecturers; time-frame, student learning experiences, and student responses to lectures. This study reveals that students tend to choose the application of various online learning patterns and simple platforms. As the first conclusion, in search of meaningful online learning experiences, coordinated online learning between pedagogy, technology, and organizational support can effectively foster appropriate learning experiences. The second conclusion is we need to critically examine the benefits and limitations of the types of asynchronous, synchronous, and hybrid online learning encountered. This will facilitate understanding of future complex assignments and can...

Contexto: En las últimas décadas, el avance en el proceso de geolocalización de la información ha sido vertiginoso. Actualmente, prácticamente cualquier información, noticia o hecho tiene su correspondiente georreferenciación en... more

Contexto: En las últimas décadas, el avance en el proceso de geolocalización de la información ha sido vertiginoso. Actualmente, prácticamente cualquier información, noticia o hecho tiene su correspondiente georreferenciación en dispositivos electrónicos. Este proceso se ha extendido a la educación y las tradicionales formas de enseñanza de la Geografía se han adaptado a comunicar contenidos mediante nuevos canales. Diagnóstico: Estas nuevas formas de interacción para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje han tenido especial relevancia en la modalidad de docencia online, en la que el uso de distintas herramientas permite conectar de forma más efectiva y eficiente con el alumno. En este escenario, la presente experiencia ha utilizado la interacción en redes sociales como medio innovador para el estudio de temáticas geográficas. Solución: En el marco de la impartición de asignaturas en el Grado online de Historia y Patrimonio de la Universidad de Burgos se ha testado la eficacia de estas herramientas para transmitir contenidos geográficos. Se han realizado diferentes experiencias en grupos de entre 15 y 100 alumnos, abriendo contenidos de diferente temática en redes sociales para fomentar el aprendizaje y comprobar tanto la percepción como la utilidad de estos recursos por parte del alumnado. Resultados: Los resultados identifican dinámicas positivas de atracción del estudiante hacia los contenidos mediante el uso de estas técnicas. Las redes sociales contribuyen a mejorar la motivación hacia el aprendizaje de contenidos geográficos y posibilitan una interacción más directa que reduce la “distancia” entre profesor y alumno en la docencia online. Palabras clave: Geografía, Redes Sociales, Docencia Online, Nuevas tecnologías.

Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk “Normas para el Parque humano” así como las polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el marco del naufragio del... more

Se indaga el sentido de la conferencia de Sloterdijk
“Normas para el Parque humano” así como las
polémicas por ella suscitada. Se realiza un diagnóstico
de la capacidad crítica del humanismo tradicional. En el
marco del naufragio del humanismo como escuela y
utopía domesticadora humana -marco en el que
Sloterdijk reclama una revisión genético-técnica de la
humanidad- se indaga ¿qué criterios pueden
establecerse para normar las inevitables luchas por los
derechos de la crianza humana? ¿Quiénes y sobre qué
bases debieran hoy detentar el derecho a la crianza?
¿Cómo determinar quiénes son los que educan y los que
son educados? Se proponen nuevos caminos que
tienen en la mediación de la técnica su formulación
discursiva y sus orígenes en las disidencias que, desde
la propia tradición filosófica, reducían la estancia del
hombre en el mundo a su expresión leída y escrita.