Fault Tolerant Control Research Papers (original) (raw)

In this paper, a hybrid fault tolerant control system is proposed for air–fuel ratio control of internal combustion gasoline engines based on Kalman filters and triple modular redundancy. Hybrid fault tolerant control system possesses... more

In this paper, a hybrid fault tolerant control system is proposed for air–fuel ratio control of internal combustion gasoline engines based on Kalman filters and triple modular redundancy. Hybrid fault tolerant control system possesses properties of both active fault tolerant control system and passive fault tolerant control system. As part of active fault tolerant control system, fault detection and isolation unit is designed using Kalman filters to provide estimated values of the sensors to the engine controller in case of faults in the sensors. As part of passive fault tolerant control system, a dedicated proportional–integral feedback controller is incorporated to maintain air–fuel ratio by adjusting the throttle actuator in the fuel supply line in faulty and noisy conditions for robustness to faults and sensors’ noise. Redundancy is proposed in the sensors and actuators as a simultaneous failure of more than one sensor, and failure of the single actuator will cause the engine sh...

Increased clock frequencies, higher transistor counts, lower voltage levels, and reduced noise margin have exponentially raised performance of modern microprocessors but made processors more vulnerable to soft errors. To detect soft... more

Increased clock frequencies, higher transistor counts, lower voltage levels, and reduced noise margin have exponentially raised performance of modern microprocessors but made processors more vulnerable to soft errors. To detect soft errors, redundant software and hardware are introduced frequently by the designers but software techniques have shown their capability to protect against soft errors without any hardware overhead and are more beneficial for their flexibility and low cost as well as easier to deployment. The techniques of Software fault-tolerance enable application protection by constructing redundancy into the compiled code. A new methodology is proposed for tolerating soft errors through triple modular redundancy. Experimental studies show that this method has increased reliability and offer efficient protection via software modulation in comparison to existing duplication and triplication methods.

Multi-agent systems (MASs) are typically composed of multiple smart entities with independent sensing, communication, computing, and decision-making capabilities. Nowadays, MASs have a wide range of applications in smart grids, smart... more

Multi-agent systems (MASs) are typically composed of multiple smart entities with independent sensing, communication, computing, and decision-making capabilities. Nowadays, MASs have a wide range of applications in smart grids, smart manufacturing, sensor networks, and intelligent transportation systems. Control of the MASs are often coordinated through information interaction among agents, which is one of the most important factors affecting coordination and cooperation performance. However, unexpected physical faults and cyber attacks on a single agent may spread to other agents via information interaction very quickly, and thus could lead to severe degradation of the whole system performance and even destruction of MASs. This paper is concerned with the safety/security analysis and synthesis of MASs arising from physical faults and cyber attacks, and our goal is to present a comprehensive survey on recent results on fault estimation, detection, diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of MASs, and cyber attack detection and secure control of MASs subject to two typical cyber attacks. Finally, the paper concludes with some potential future research topics on the security issues of MASs.

Bu çalışmada, hasarlı bir insansız hava aracının (İHA) hareketinin otomatik düzeltilmesi, özerk seyrüseferi ve yan rüzgâra rağmen inişi gösterilmektedir. Örnek olarak bir yön dümeni kontrol servosu kilitlenmesi ele alınmıştır. Değişik... more

Bu çalışmada, hasarlı bir insansız hava aracının (İHA)
hareketinin otomatik düzeltilmesi, özerk seyrüseferi ve yan
rüzgâra rağmen inişi gösterilmektedir. Örnek olarak bir yön
dümeni kontrol servosu kilitlenmesi ele alınmıştır. Değişik
senaryolara dayalı benzetimler sonucunda, tasarlanan bu yeni otopilotun bu kabil durumlarda uçağı başarı ile emniyete
ulaştırdığı görülmüştür.

This paper provides a review about the concept of convex systems based on Takagi-Sugeno, linear parameter varying (LPV) and quasi-LPV modeling. These paradigms are capable of hiding the nonlinearities by means of an equivalent description... more

This paper provides a review about the concept of convex systems based on Takagi-Sugeno, linear parameter varying (LPV) and quasi-LPV modeling. These paradigms are capable of hiding the nonlinearities by means of an equivalent description which uses a set of linear models interpolated by appropriately defined weighing functions. Convex systems have become very popular since they allow applying extended linear techniques based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to complex nonlinear systems. This survey aims at providing the reader with a significant overview of the existing LMI-based techniques for convex systems in the fields of control, observation and safety. Firstly, a detailed review of stability, feedback, tracking and model predictive control (MPC) convex controllers is considered. Secondly, the problem of state estimation is addressed through the design of proportional, proportional-integral, unknown input and descriptor observers. Finally, safety of convex systems is discussed by describing popular techniques for fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control (FTC).

This paper proposes an unknown input observer scheme based active fault tolerant control for induction machine with inter-turn short-circuit fault. This method is developed using a backstepping controller which can make system outputs to... more

This paper proposes an unknown input observer
scheme based active fault tolerant control for induction
machine with inter-turn short-circuit fault. This method is
developed using a backstepping controller which can make
system outputs to track their desired reference signal in
finite-time and obtain a better dynamic responses and performances.
The closed-loop stability is established based on
Lyapunov function. An unknown input observer is developed
not only to estimate the machine states but also to detect the
inter-turn short-circuit fault. When the fault is detected, a
signal alarm is provided to trigger the switch between measured
stator current and estimated ones. The backstepping
controller will be reconfigured in order to compensates the
inter-turn short-circuit fault impact. Simulations were performed
in MATLAB/Simulink environment to highlight the
designed approach performances and robustness with respect
to inter-turn short-circuit fault occurrence.

Uçuş kumanda yüzeylerinin hasar görmesi ya da kilitlenmesi durumunda geriye kalan kumandalarla bir hava aracının “eşgüdümlü olmayan” uçuş şartlarına “olağandışı durum” denmektedir. Olağandışı durumda uçağın düz uçuşa devam etmesi ve... more

Uçuş kumanda yüzeylerinin hasar görmesi ya da kilitlenmesi
durumunda geriye kalan kumandalarla bir hava aracının
“eşgüdümlü olmayan” uçuş şartlarına “olağandışı durum”
denmektedir. Olağandışı durumda uçağın düz uçuşa devam
etmesi ve sonunda yere indirilmesi için gereken insan- veya
otomatik-pilot kumanda giriş şartlarının benzetimi uçağın
gerçekten o şartları üretip üretemeyeceği, yani görevi
tamamlayıp tamamlayacağını tespit etmek ve bunu sağlayıcı
otomatik pilot tasarımı açısından gereklidir. Mevcut çalışmada
önce tek motorlu asimetrik özellikleri güçlü bir uçağın düz ve
yatay uçuşu için gerekli denge noktası bulunmuştur. Ardından
bu uçağın yön dümeni kilitlenerek uçağın kontrolsüz, açıkçevrim
(insan pilot) ve kapalı çevrim (otomatik pilot)
uçuşlarının MATLAB/SIMULINK ortamında benzetimleri
yapılmıştır. Kontrolsüz uçuşta uçağın kaybedildiği, insan
pilotlu uçuşlarda uçağın istenilen şekilde kumanda
edilemediği, buna karşılık tasarlanan otomatik pilot vasıtasıyla
düz ve yatay uçuşun başarılabildiği gösterilmiştir.

Loss of flight control authority in result of a system damage or an actuator jam is known or suspected to be the potential cause of many aviation accidents. After losing one or several control surface actuators, sustaining the flight for... more

Loss of flight control authority in result of a system damage or an actuator jam is known
or suspected to be the potential cause of many aviation accidents. After losing one or several
control surface actuators, sustaining the flight for a safe return home depends on the
capability of the remaining surfaces’ control authority and the engine power. In this study,
automatic recovery and autonomous guidance of a disabled general aviation aircraft is
demonstrated. A nonlinear aircraft model and a MATLAB/SIMULINK based flight
dynamics and control toolboxes are used to develop flight control laws for the disabled
aircraft. The flight control laws are first validated for steady trimmed flight conditions and
an actuator jam is applied to demonstrate the automatic recovery and autonomous
navigation of the aircraft. The autopilot is designed to handle different control actuator
malfunctions including rudder or aileron jams. Different scenario based simulations show
that the new autopilot design is capable of sustaining safe flight and autonomous navigation
under such malfunctions.

HAL - hal.archives-ouvertes.fr, CCSd - Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Direct. Accueil; Dépôt: S'authentifier; S'inscrire. Consultation: Par domaine; Les 30 derniers dépôts; Par année de publication, rédaction, dépôt;... more

HAL - hal.archives-ouvertes.fr, CCSd - Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Direct. Accueil; Dépôt: S'authentifier; S'inscrire. Consultation: Par domaine; Les 30 derniers dépôts; Par année de publication, rédaction, dépôt; Par type de publication; Par collection; Les portails de l'archive ouverte HAL; Par établissement (extraction automatique); ArXiv; Les Thèses (TEL). Recherche: Recherche simple; Recherche avancée; Accès par identifiant; Les Thèses ...

The signal processing techniques and computer simulation play an important role in the fault diagnosis and tolerance of all types of machines in the first step of design. Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) and five phase inverter... more

The signal processing techniques and computer simulation play an important role in the fault diagnosis and tolerance of all types of machines in the first step of design. Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) and five phase inverter with sine wave pulse width modulation (SPWM) strategy is developed. The PMSM speed is controlled by vector control. In this work, a fault tolerant control (FTC) system in the PMSM using wavelet switching is introduced. The feature extraction property of wavelet analysis used the error as obtained by the wavelet de-noised signal as input to the mechanism unit to decide the healthy system. The diagnosis algorithm, which depends on both wavelet and vector control to generate PWM as current based manage any parameter variation. An open-end phase PMSM has a larger range of speed regulation than normal PMSM. Simulation results confirm the validity and effectiveness of the switching strategy. Keyword: 5 phase inverter Fault tolerant control PMSM Vector control Wavelet

Networked control systems (NCS) are feedback systems closed through data networks. NCS have many advantages compared with traditional systems; however, the network-induced delay and other characteristics of data networks may degrade the... more

Networked control systems (NCS) are feedback systems closed through data networks. NCS have many advantages compared with traditional systems; however, the network-induced delay and other characteristics of data networks may degrade the performance of feedback ...

Renewable generation and energy storage systems are technologies which evoke the future energy paradigm. While these technologies have reached their technological maturity, the way they are integrated and operated in the future smart... more

Renewable generation and energy storage systems are technologies which evoke the future
energy paradigm. While these technologies have reached their technological maturity, the way they
are integrated and operated in the future smart grids still presents several challenges. Microgrids
appear as a key technology to pave the path towards the integration and optimized operation in smart
grids. However, the optimization of microgrids considered as a set of subsystems introduces a high
degree of complexity in the associated control problem. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a control
methodology which has been satisfactorily applied to solve complex control problems in the industry
and also currently it is widely researched and adopted in the research community. This paper reviews
the application of MPC to microgrids from the point of view of their main functionalities, describing
the design methodology and the main current advances. Finally, challenges and future perspectives
of MPC and its applications in microgrids are described and summarized.

—This paper presents a novel approach for open phase fault detection of a five-phase permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motor (PMa-SynRM). Under faults, the five-phase PMa-SynRM is expected to run at fault tolerant control... more

—This paper presents a novel approach for open phase fault detection of a five-phase permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motor (PMa-SynRM). Under faults, the five-phase PMa-SynRM is expected to run at fault tolerant control (FTC) mode, otherwise it draws a large amount of current with a significant reduction in the reluctance torque. To successfully achieve FTC operation of five-phase PMa-SynRM, the accurate detection of a fault condition has to be preceded. With the best of these authors knowledge, the detection of faults has been limitedly studied for five-phase motors. The analysis of open phase fault in five-phase machine involves complicated conditions including single-phase open fault (SPF), two-phase adjacent fault (TPAF), and two-phase non-adjacent fault (TPNF). To perform the timely fault tolerant operation, those faults have to be accurately analyzed and detected. In this paper, a novel symmetrical components (SCs) analysis is utilized to extract the feature of those fault conditions. This analysis will provide the types of faults by logically analyzing the pattern of magnitude and phase angle changes of the fundamental signal in the SCs. The proposed method has been comprehensively analyzed through theoretical derivation, finite element simulations, and experimental testing through a 5hp PMa-SynRM controlled by TI-DSP F28335.

Çok sayıda uçak kazasının uçak sistem arızası ya da servo kilitlenmesi sebebiyle uçuş kontrol yeteneğinin kaybedilmesi neticesinde oluştuğu bilinmekte/şüphelenilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, hasarlı bir insansız hava aracının (İHA) hareketinin... more

Çok sayıda uçak kazasının uçak sistem arızası ya da servo kilitlenmesi sebebiyle uçuş kontrol yeteneğinin kaybedilmesi neticesinde oluştuğu bilinmekte/şüphelenilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, hasarlı bir insansız hava aracının (İHA) hareketinin otomatik düzeltilmesi ve özerk seyrüseferi gösterilmektedir. Örnek olarak bir yön dümeni kontrol servosu kilitlenen insansız uçağın hareketinin otomatik düzeltilmesi ve özerk seyrüseferi için bir otopilot tasarımı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Değişik senaryolara dayalı benzetimler, yeni otopilotun bu kabil durumlarda uçuşu emniyetle devam ettirebildiğini ve özerk seyrüsefer sağlayabildiğini göstermektedir.

A low computational cost method is proposed for detecting actuator/sensor faults. Typical model-based fault detection (FD) units for multiple sensor faults require a bank of estimators [i.e., conventional Kalman estimators or artificial... more

A low computational cost method is proposed for detecting actuator/sensor faults. Typical model-based fault detection (FD) units for multiple sensor faults require a bank of estimators [i.e., conventional Kalman estimators or artificial intelligence (AI)-based ones]. The proposed FD scheme uses an AI approach for developing of a low computational power FD unit abbreviated as iFD. In contrast to the bank-of-estimators approach, the proposed iFD unit employs a single estimator for multiple actuator/sensor FD. The efficacy of the proposed FD scheme is illustrated through a rigorous analysis of the results for a number of sensor fault scenarios on an electromagnetic suspension system.

This paper concerns the design of a new active fault tolerant control framework for a class of switched linear systems subject to sensor faults and unknown bounded disturbances. The framework herein proposed ensures the fault tolerance... more

This paper concerns the design of a new active fault tolerant control framework for a class of switched linear systems subject to sensor faults and unknown bounded disturbances. The framework herein proposed ensures the fault tolerance capabilities by means of the interaction between three main blocks called generalized switched observer scheme, pre-designed multiple controllers and reconfiguration block. The fault detection and isolation problem has been solved by minimization of the H_inf-norm and maximization of the H_ index. Then, a suitable trade-off between the robustness to disturbances and the sensitivity to sensor faults has been obtained. The main results are reformulated by using linear matrix inequality formulation. An example is included to illustrate the design procedure.

A concept of active system control for safety purposes of aircraft is introduced and explained. Shown that safety and other properties of aircraft application should be considered as processes and supported and maintained during fight as... more

A concept of active system control for safety purposes of aircraft is introduced and explained. Shown that safety and other properties of aircraft application should be considered as processes and supported and maintained during fight as wells checking after mission. Shown that implementation of this approach reduces cost of maintenance in order of magnitude, leading to so-called "zero-maintenance" exploitation.

A distributed supervisory strategy for addressing load/frequency set-point reconfiguration problems in networked multi-area microgrid is presented. The aim is at finding a distributed coordination strategy able to reconfigure, whenever... more

A distributed supervisory strategy for addressing load/frequency set-point reconfiguration problems in networked multi-area microgrid is presented. The aim is at finding a distributed coordination strategy able to reconfigure, whenever necessary in response to unexpected load changes and/or faults, the nominal set-point on frequency and generated power to the generators of each area so that viable evolutions arise for the overall power system during transients and a new post-fault sustainable equilibrium is reached. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategy, an example on a four-area power system is presented.

Simple paradigm to unite control operators for programming languages into one scheme using graph-logic representation of relations between agents (or elements of interaction) assuming independence of behavior for each element is... more

Simple paradigm to unite control operators for programming languages into one scheme using graph-logic representation of relations between agents (or elements of interaction) assuming independence of behavior for each element is presented. Shown that power of this structure exceed known models of description of behavior for concurrence and parallelism. Proposed model explicitly separates concurrency and parallelism and indicates further steps to automatic reprocessing programs for making them better tuned to modern architectures.
This is an updated version of notes made in 2009-11.

In practical engineering systems, unknown actuator, sensor or system component faults frequently occur, which results from component and interconnection failures, degrade control performance, system stability, and profitability, and even... more

In practical engineering systems, unknown actuator, sensor or system component faults frequently occur, which results from component and interconnection failures, degrade control performance, system stability, and profitability, and even arise hazardous situation. To avoid abnormal activity like faults and maintain system control performance subject to faults occurring into the system, the Fault-tolerant Control (FTC) is a realistic approach to address the unwanted situation. The two-tank conical system is widely used in chemical and food process industries because of its greater advantages. The non-interacting configuration of the two-tank conical system is highly nonlinear due to its shape and varying area of the tank thought the height of the tank, as a consequence level control of this system is extremely difficult. The paper attributes to design a Passive Fault-tolerant Control Strategy (PFTCS) for a Two-tank conical Non-Interacting Level Control System (TTCNILCS) subject to the major system (leak), sensor, and actuator faults with external process disturbances. PFTC will increase system control performance and system stability acceptable level in the presence of sensor, system, and actuator faults. The simulation results demonstrate the proposed PFTC strategy has definite fault tolerant ability against the system and actuator faults also it has good disturbance rejection capability. To verify the efficacy of the proposed PFTC strategy Mean Square Error (MSE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) Integral Absolute Error (IAE) indices are used.

In this paper additive fault detection and isolation method coupled with fault tolerant control architecture are developed in order to deal with component faults for a rotorcraft based unmanned aerial vehicle (RUAV). The failure... more

In this paper additive fault detection and isolation method coupled with fault tolerant control architecture are developed in order to deal with component faults for a rotorcraft based unmanned aerial vehicle (RUAV). The failure considered is malfunction with internal components of the helicopter which occurs during the maneuvers: rotor angular rate variations, etc. These faults lead from trivial to catastrophic damage of the system. The proposed fault detection and reconfiguration control is based on a parameter estimation approach which drives a reconfigurable control system (RCS) build with the Pseudo-inverse method. The complete setup is implemented under Hardware-in-the-loop-simulation (HILS). The PC104 board with QNX RTOS platform is used for simulation. Simulation results illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Polyphase permanent magnet synchronous motors are well suited for building high performance fault tolerant actuation systems. Such systems are found for instance in aerospace applications where reliability is a major concern. The first... more

Polyphase permanent magnet synchronous motors are well suited for building high performance fault tolerant actuation systems. Such systems are found for instance in aerospace applications where reliability is a major concern. The first part of the paper summarizes the main features of polyphase permanent magnet segment synchronous motors. In the second part of the paper we study how to build a simple and efficient torque controller when the harmonic content of the machine EMFs can be neglected. In particular it is shown that this controller allows a very easy detection of a fault occurrence and a controller reconfiguration limited to an action on the link existing between the reference values of the phase currents and of the torque.

Continuum robots represent a class of highly sensitive, multiple-degrees-of-freedom robots that are biologically inspired. Because of their flexibility and accuracy, these robots can be used in maxillary sinus surgery. The design of an... more

Continuum robots represent a class of highly sensitive, multiple-degrees-of-freedom robots that are biologically inspired. Because of their flexibility and accuracy, these robots can be used in maxillary sinus surgery. The design of an effective procedure with high accuracy, reliability, robust fault diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control for a surgical robot for the sinus is necessary to maintain the high performance and safety necessary for surgery on the maxillary sinus. Thus, a robust adaptive hybrid observation method using an adaptive, fuzzy auto regressive with exogenous input (ARX) Laguerre Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy robust feedback linearization observer for a surgical robot is presented. To address the issues of system modeling, the fuzzy ARX-Laguerre technique is represented. In addition, a T-S fuzzy robust feedback linearization observer is applied to a fuzzy ARX-Laguerre to improve the accuracy of fault estimation, reliability, and robustness for the surgical robot in the presence of uncertainties. For fault-tolerant control in the presence of uncertainties and unknown conditions, an adaptive fuzzy observation-based feedback linearization technique is presented. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is tested with simulations. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the average position error from 35 mm to 2.45 mm in the presence of faults.