Faults Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Highlights ➢ Surge arresters protect sensitive equipment from excess voltage. ➢ Research focuses on FEM and heat transfer modeling to assess risks and faults. ➢ Temperature, electric fields, and thermal stress are key factors in... more

Highlights ➢ Surge arresters protect sensitive equipment from excess voltage. ➢ Research focuses on FEM and heat transfer modeling to assess risks and faults. ➢ Temperature, electric fields, and thermal stress are key factors in performance. ➢ Frequency and time series analysis help in short-circuit behavior understanding. ➢ Enhanced design strategies ensure reliable overvoltage protection in power systems.

Las fallas en las subestaciones pueden ocasionar pérdida de la continuidad del suministro de energía eléctrica desde las fuentes a las cargas. Por este motivo, es necesario el planteamiento de estrategias y la elaboración de... more

Las fallas en las subestaciones pueden ocasionar pérdida de la continuidad del suministro de energía eléctrica desde las fuentes a las cargas. Por este motivo, es necesario el planteamiento de estrategias y la elaboración de procedimientos para atender estas circunstancias en el menor tiempo posible. En este articulo, se presenta la metodología utilizada para desarrollar las estrategias de atención de las fallas no destructivas en los equipos de patio, de servicios auxiliares, de control, de protección, de medida, de registro de fallas y de comunicaciones de subestaciones de transmisión bajo responsabilidad de ISA CTE Oriente. El objeto de estas estrategias es reducir el tiempo de indisponibilidad de los equipos, y con ello, los índices de energía no suministrada por el sistema de potencia.

Energy is crucial for a country's development, with renewable and non-renewable sources being the most environmentally friendly. One advantage of a hydropower plant is that it produces clean, renewable energy, while a disadvantage is that... more

Energy is crucial for a country's
development, with renewable and non-renewable
sources being the most environmentally friendly. One
advantage of a hydropower plant is that it produces
clean, renewable energy, while a disadvantage is that it
can have negative impacts on local ecosystems and
wildlife. This study focusses on monitoring and
assessing faults such as changes in reference power and
three-phase short circuits in hydropower plant. The
analysis involves examining these faults in various
parameters, including voltage and current of the
generator, power and reactive power, generator output
power, deviation in generator speed from its rated
speed, generator rotational speed, torque, and d and q
axis voltage of the generator. The simulations were
conducted using MATLAB/Simulink. The results of the
simulations demonstrate the effects of these faults on
the parameters, providing valuable insights for
monitoring the hydropower plant under such
conditions. Overall, the generator's performance in
both scenarios demonstrates its reliability and
effectiveness in maintaining power supply during
unexpected events. The successful outcomes in both
cases highlight the importance of having a robust and
well-functioning generator system in place for ensuring
continuous power supply.

Geological and geomorphological offsets at different scales are used to constrain the localization of deformation, total displacement, and slip rates over various timescales along the central and eastern North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in... more

Geological and geomorphological offsets at different scales are used to constrain the localization of deformation, total displacement, and slip rates over various timescales along the central and eastern North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in Turkey. The NAF total displacement is reevaluated using large rivers valleys (80 ± 15 km) and structural markers (Pontide Suture, 85 ± 25 km; Tosya‐Vezirköprü basins, 80 ± 10 km). These suggest a Neogene slip rate of 6.5 mm/yr over 13 Myr. The river network morphology shows offsets at a range of scales (20 m to 14 km) across the main fault trace and is also used to estimate the degree to which deformation is localized. At a smaller scale the morphology associated with small rivers is offset by 200 m along the NAF. The age of these features can be correlated with the Holocene deglaciation and a slip rate of 18 ± 3.5 mm/yr is determined. This is consistent with a rate of 18 ± 5 mm/yr deduced independently from the 14C dating of stream terrace offsets. Ov...

We test a methodology to predict the range of ground-motion hazard for a fixed magnitude earthquake along a specific fault or within a specific source volume, and we demonstrate how to incorporate this into probabilistic seismic hazard... more

We test a methodology to predict the range of ground-motion hazard for a fixed magnitude earthquake along a specific fault or within a specific source volume, and we demonstrate how to incorporate this into probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (PSHA). We modeled ground motion with empirical Green's functions. We tested our methodology with the 7 September 1999, Mw=6.0 Athens earthquake, we: (1) developed constraints on rupture parameters based on prior knowledge of earthquake rupture processes and sources in the region; (2) generated impulsive point shear source empirical Green's functions by deconvolving out the source contribution of M < 4.0 aftershocks; (3) used aftershocks that occurred throughout the area and not necessarily along the fault to be modeled; (4) ran a sufficient number of scenario earthquakes to span the full variability of ground motion possible; (5) found that our distribution of synthesized ground motions span what actually occurred and their distri...

Hybrid microgrids are emerging as an alternate solution for connecting distributed AC/DC energy resources. Effective fault detection and response are highly essential for the microgrid controller (MGC) for protection of the microgrid. The... more

Hybrid microgrids are emerging as an alternate solution for connecting distributed AC/DC energy resources. Effective fault detection and response are highly essential for the microgrid controller (MGC) for protection of the microgrid. The conventional schemes of protection cannot be applied in microgrid because of dynamic conduct and unconventional topology of the microgrids. It is highly essential to develop an appropriate scheme for detection and classification of faults for the effective protection of microgrids. In this paper, a novel and smart solution based on the application of an intelligent machine learning (ML) fine tree algorithm is applied to the hybrid microgrid controller. This algorithm resulted in effective detection & classification of faults which in turn was used for separation of faulty segment. The intelligent model obtained with the proposed algorithm performed well and fault detection accuracy has been showcased for various fault scenarios. The overall fault detection accuracy obtained is 98%. Severity of faults and associated confrontations are also discussed in this work. Performance efficacy of the proposed ML based protection algorithm for MGC is substantiated in MATLAB environment.

The central element of a ship power system model is typically a circuit model. This level of modeling has been valuable in evaluating architectures for future electric ships as it provides initial power flow and stability information as... more

The central element of a ship power system model is typically a circuit model. This level of modeling has been valuable in evaluating architectures for future electric ships as it provides initial power flow and stability information as well as performance specifications, perhaps most notably overall efficiency. This circuit model is typically the middle layer in what is a three layer approach. At the more basic level, the physics of the components and processes is captured. In a power system, there are interactions among the electromagnetic, mechanical, and thermal behaviors. The third level is even more approximate than the circuit level. It includes such models as cost-of-ownership models, models of physical layout and integration of the power system with the balance of plant. These models are critical in the design process and depend on the circuit model to specify components and their interconnections. Incorporating breakdown physics demonstrates the linkage between the basic p...

The brittle-ductile transition (BDT) separates the lower crust where deformation occurs in steady-state regime, from the upper crust where it is rather dominated by stick-slip. The fault hangingwall above BDT accumulates elastic energy... more

The brittle-ductile transition (BDT) separates the lower crust where deformation occurs in steady-state regime, from the upper crust where it is rather dominated by stick-slip. The fault hangingwall above BDT accumulates elastic energy during the interseismic period, without significant evidence of surface strain rate Faults activate in areas of high strain rate gradients along the segments with lower strain rates Fluid discharge varies as a function of the tectonic setting The phenomenology gives insights for the parameters to be monitored in ...

Abstract: Today many IT security professionals apparently believe that their discipline has three goals: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. After touching upon some doubts that this is so, this paper explores a different... more

Abstract: Today many IT security professionals apparently believe that their discipline has three goals: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. After touching upon some doubts that this is so, this paper explores a different approach to the problem of IT security goals. ...

The tasks to be carried out during the three-year project period are: (1) performing extensive simulation using existing mathematical models to build a specific knowledge base of the operating characteristics of space power systems; (2)... more

The tasks to be carried out during the three-year project period are: (1) performing extensive simulation using existing mathematical models to build a specific knowledge base of the operating characteristics of space power systems; (2) carrying out the necessary basic research on hierarchical control structures, real-time quantitative algorithms, and decision-theoretic procedures; (3) developing a two-level automation scheme for fault detection

В работе последовательно рассмотрены современное состояние и содержание учения о катагенезе в качестве составной части эволюционно-динамической теории нефтегазообразования; основные термины, положения, физико-химическая сущность,... more

В работе последовательно рассмотрены современное состояние и содержание учения о катагенезе в качестве составной части эволюционно-динамической теории нефтегазообразования; основные термины, положения, физико-химическая сущность, закономерности, типизация катагенетического процесса преобразования ОМВ; схемы литогенеза и шкала катагенеза; индивидуальная роль и взаимодействие факторов преобразования ОМВ при формировании палео- и современной зональности катагенеза; характер реализации генерационного потенциала нефте- и газоматеринских пород на различных эволюционных этапах развития осадочных бассейнов; механизмы природных явлений, связанных с проявлением ряда динамических факторов превращения и новообразования ОМВ; современные источники УВ, за счет которых формировались зоны накопления нефти и газа, а также новые направления и объекты ГРР на нефть и газ в пределах рассмотренных в работе регионов. Отсюда цель работы заключалась в разработке и практическом использовании теоретических моделей и механизмов формирования залежей нефти и газа, разработанных на основе анализа движущих сил преобразования (новообразования) ОМВ и факторов, контролирующих нефтегазоносность недр на стадии катагенеза, что в конечном итоге по-вышает достоверность регионального и локального прогноза перспектив нефтегазоносности недр и обеспечивает рост успешности и эффективности поисков, разведки и разработки месторождений нефти и газа в сложных геологических условиях.

A review of existing research on signatures of gas turbine faults is presented. Faults that influence the aerothermodynamic performance of compressors and turbines, such as fouling, tip clearance increase, erosion, variable geometry... more

A review of existing research on signatures of gas turbine faults is presented. Faults
that influence the aerothermodynamic performance of compressors and turbines, such as fouling,
tip clearance increase, erosion, variable geometry system malfunction, and object impact damage,
are covered. The signatures of such faults, which are necessary for establishing efficient gas path
diagnostic methods, are studied. They are expressed through mass flow capacity and efficiency
deviations. The key characteristics of the ratio of such deviations are investigated in terms of
knowledge existing in published research. Research based on experimental studies, field data, and
results of detailed fluid dynamic computations that exist today is found to provide such information.
It is shown that although such signatures may be believed to have a unique correspondence to the
type of component fault, this is only true when a particular engine and fault type are considered. The
choice of diagnostic methods by developers should, thus, be guided by such considerations instead
of using values taken from the literature without considering the features of the problem at hand.

This paper presents an improvement in Low Voltage Ride Through capability of wind farm. With the continued growth of wind power installed capacity, as well as the continual emergence of large-capacity wind farm, the impact of wind power... more

This paper presents an improvement in Low Voltage Ride Through capability of wind farm. With the continued growth of wind power installed capacity, as well as the continual emergence of large-capacity wind farm, the impact of wind power on the grid will not be ignored. Studying on the performance characteristics of wind turbine and analysing the effects on grid and the generators are of great significance to ensure the gridconnected wind turbine safe and reliable operation. In this paper the dynamic model of the induction generator and of wind turbines is built in MATLAB. Additionally, the static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) model and a vector control method are prompted. The simulation of a single machine infinite bus system containing a wind farm is conducted, which includes two different kinds of wind turbines. By comparing the active power, reactive power, and the output voltage of two different kinds of wind turbines, the effect of STATCOM on low Voltage ride-through capability of wind generators is analysed when the grid voltage dropped. Simulation result shows that STATCOM has played a big role in maintaining the transient voltage stability of the power system and improves the fault ride-through capacity of wind farms.

The Lesser Antilles arc is only one of two subduction zones where slow‐spreading Atlantic lithosphere is consumed. Slow‐spreading may result in the Atlantic lithosphere being more pervasively and heterogeneously hydrated than... more

The Lesser Antilles arc is only one of two subduction zones where slow‐spreading Atlantic lithosphere is consumed. Slow‐spreading may result in the Atlantic lithosphere being more pervasively and heterogeneously hydrated than fast‐spreading Pacific lithosphere, thus affecting the flux of fluids into the deep mantle. Understanding the distribution of seismicity can help unravel the effect of fluids on geodynamic and seismogenic processes. However, a detailed view of local seismicity across the whole Lesser Antilles subduction zone is lacking. Using a temporary ocean‐bottom seismic network we invert for hypocenters and 1D velocity model. A systematic search yields a 27 km thick crust, reflecting average arc and back‐arc structures. We find abundant intraslab seismicity beneath Martinique and Dominica, which may relate to the subducted Marathon and/or Mercurius Fracture Zones. Pervasive seismicity in the cold mantle wedge corner and thrust seismicity deep on the subducting plate interf...