Faults Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

We propose a log-based analysis tool for evaluating web application computer system. A feature of the tool is an integration software log with infrastructure log. Software engineers alone can resolve system faults in the tool, even if the... more

We propose a log-based analysis tool for evaluating web application computer system. A feature of the tool is an integration software log with infrastructure log. Software engineers alone can resolve system faults in the tool, even if the faults are complicated by both software problems and infrastructure problems. The tool consists of 5 steps: preparation software, preparation infrastructure, collecting logs, replaying the log data, and tracing the log data. The tool was applied to a simple web application system in a small-scale local area network. We confirmed usefulness of the tool when a software engineer detects faults of the system failures such as " 404 " and " no response " errors. In addition, the tool was partially applied to a real large-scale computer system with many web applications and large network environment. Using the replaying and the tracing in the tool, we found causes of a real authentication error. The causes were combined an infrastructure problem with a software problem. Even if the failure is caused by not only a software problem but also an infrastructure problem, we confirmed that software engineers alone could distinguish between a software problem and an infrastructure problem using the tool.

In the glass industry, it is expensive and dangerous for the workers to make modifications and adjustments in the line of production and the total or partial fault of some of the systems or components affects the continuity of the... more

In the glass industry, it is expensive and dangerous for the workers to make modifications and adjustments in the line of production and the total or partial fault of some of the systems or components affects the continuity of the production process. The amount of time that requires the adjustment or repairment of a forming station in the production line, makes necessary to have a station of tests outside the line. The company Cristar S.A. have a station Harford - 28 outside the production line, that is used for tests and adjustments in order to prevent possible faults or correct problems before putting in operation in the production line. This H-28 station has an obsolete technique automation, since it counts on a timing drum to follow the sequences and it does not have security systems against crushing or blows that might injure the worker. In this article,it is presented the procedure of updating technology in the station of tests, changing the technique timing drum by using tech...

Neural Network is used in many applications and guarding its performance against faults is a research challenge. Self-healing neural network is a promising concept for achieving reliability, which is the ability to detect and fix a fault... more

Neural Network is used in many applications and guarding its performance against faults is a research challenge. Self-healing neural network is a promising concept for achieving reliability, which is the ability to detect and fix a fault in the system automatically. Most of the current self-healing neural network are based on replication of hardware nodes which causes significant area overhead. The proposed self-healing approach results in a modest area overhead and it is suitable for complex neural network. The proposed method is based on a shared operation and a spare node in each layer which compensates for any faulty node in the layer. Each faulty node will be compensated by its neighbor node, and the neighbor node performs the faulty node as well as its own operations sequentially. In the case the neighbor is faulty, the spare node will compensate for it. The proposed method is implemented using VHDL and the simulation results are obtained using Altira 10 GX FPGA for a different number of nodes. The area overhead is very small for a complex network. The reliability of the proposed method is studied and compared with the traditional neural network.

The growing concern for safety and infrastructural proliferations in the densely populated urban and suburban areas as well as the quest to preserve the aesthetic values in many modern localities have necessitated the need for underground... more

The growing concern for safety and infrastructural proliferations in the densely populated urban and suburban areas as well as the quest to preserve the aesthetic values in many modern localities have necessitated the need for underground installations. The underground cabling installations are devoid of faults common to the overhead transmission lines but are associated with certain kinds of faults such as short circuit and open circuit faults. Locating the exact position of any of these kinds of faults is very exhausting, costly and time-consuming because its power distribution system is invisible. Hence, a microcontroller based underground cable fault distance locator powered by Arduino is designed to detect and pinpoint location of faults in underground cable lines. A basic ohm’s law is employed to achieve the variation of current with respect to resistance that determines the position of the fault. This device has a power supply unit, cable unit, control unit, tripping unit and display unit. The power supply unit provides power to the other components. The cable unit consists of a three-phase cabling system with switches between each phase to activate faults. The control unit takes in signals from the cable unit to cause control of tripping unit and display unit. The tripping unit then detects the phase which encounters the fault and the display unit shows the fault characteristics on the LCD. The distance to the fault is displayed, alongside the phase which encounters the fault for easy clearance.

The growing concern for safety and infrastructural proliferations in the densely populated urban and suburban areas as well as the quest to preserve the aesthetic values in many modern localities have necessitated the need for underground... more

The growing concern for safety and infrastructural proliferations in the densely populated urban and suburban areas as well as the quest to preserve the aesthetic values in many modern localities have necessitated the need for underground installations. The underground cabling installations are devoid of faults common to the overhead transmission lines but are associated with certain kinds of faults such as short circuit and open circuit faults. Locating the exact position of any of these kinds of faults is very exhausting, costly and time-consuming because its power distribution system is invisible. Hence, a microcontroller based underground cable fault distance locator powered by Arduino is designed to detect and pinpoint location of faults in underground cable lines.

Fault zones and fault systems have a key role in the development of the Earth's crust. They control the mechanics and fluid flow properties of the crust, and the architecture of sedimentary deposits in basins. We review key advances in... more

Fault zones and fault systems have a key role in the development of the Earth's crust. They control the mechanics and fluid flow properties of the crust, and the architecture of sedimentary deposits in basins. We review key advances in the study of the structure, mechanics and fluid flow properties of fault zones and fault systems. We emphasize that these three aspects of faults are intimately related and cannot be considered in isolation. For brevity, the review is concentrates on advances made primarily in the past 10 years, and also to fault zones in the brittle continental crust. Finally the paper outlines some key areas for future research in this field.

The multicriteria approach used in this paper aims to examine the aquifer of the Essaouira basin (Morocco). Investigation methods such as interpretation of hydrogeological wells and seismic sections, as well as the analysis of in situ... more

The multicriteria approach used in this paper aims to examine the aquifer of the Essaouira basin (Morocco). Investigation methods such as interpretation of hydrogeological wells and seismic sections, as well as the analysis of in situ fissuration measurements and field observations are used together in this study. The established hydrostructural models reveal the groundwater flow and the structure of the coastal aquifer system, whose heterogeneous hydrogeological formations contain very important water resources for the Moroccan coastal area. The partition of the Cretaceous Essaouira aquifer, and of its impermeable basement (Cenomanian marls) corresponds to a tectonic structure (horsts and grabens) resulting from reactivation of Hercynian structures. The identification of the normal faulting network demonstrates an influence of the structural geology on the specificity of coastal aquifers, on the groundwater flow, on the piezometric variation and the productivity of wells, depending on their location.Le réservoir hydrogéologique du bassin d'Essaouira (Maroc) est examiné selon une approche multicritères. Les forages hydrogéologiques et les profils sismiques, ainsi que l'étude de la fracturation et les observations de terrain, fournissent les outils d'investigation conduisant conjointement à établir une représentation tridimensionnelle. Celle-ci traduit à la fois l'écoulement souterrain et la structure du système aquifère crétacé du bassin d'Essaouira, dont les formations hydrogéologiques hétérogènes renferment d'importantes ressources en eau pour le domaine côtier marocain. Le découpage de l'aquifère d'Essaouira (Crétacé) et de son imperméable (marnes cénomaniennes) répond à une tectonique en horsts et grabens résultant de la réactivation de structures hercyniennes. L'identification d'un faisceau de failles verticales permet de montrer l'influence de la géologie structurale sur l'individualisation des aquifères côtiers, sur l'écoulement des eaux souterraines, sur les variations piézométriques et sur la productivité des forages.

Distribution transformers of substation are one of the most important equipment in power system network. Because of the large number of transformers and various components over a wide area in power systems, the data acquisition, condition... more

Distribution transformers of substation are one of the most important equipment in power system network. Because of the large number of transformers and various components over a wide area in power systems, the data acquisition, condition monit oring, automatic controlling are the important issues. This project presents design and implementation of automatic control circuits using power line communication to monitor as well as diagnose condition of transformers, like over voltage, over currents, temperature rise and oil level. The suggested power line communication monitoring system will help to detect internal faults as well as e xternal faults of transformer and also diagnose these faults with the help of desired range of parameters which is sett ing by programmer.

The industrial area of Oreokastro, NW of the city of Thessaloniki, is monitored using radar interferometry to determine the spatial evolution of the underlying ground deformation trends. Previous studies, using SAR data acquired between... more

The industrial area of Oreokastro, NW of the
city of Thessaloniki, is monitored using radar interferometry
to determine the spatial evolution of the underlying
ground deformation trends. Previous studies, using SAR
data acquired between 1992 and 1999, have revealed
subsidence; however, the driving mechanism has not been,
so far, solidly explained. Here, SAR satellite data from
ERS 1, 2 and ENVISAT missions, acquired between 1992
and 2010, are analysed to enhance our understanding of the
ground displacement trends and provide a thorough interpretation
of the phenomena. The analysis confirms a subsiding
displacement pattern from 1992 to 1999, whereas
the recent data indicate that after 2003 the motion direction
has changed to uplift. This whole monitoring of subsidence
and the subsequent uplift is a rarely documented phenomenon,
and in the case of Oreokastro is not reflecting a
natural process; on the contrary, the driver is anthropogenic,
related to the regional aquifer activity. Our study
also highlights the fact that the local faults act as
groundwater barriers and captures the existence of a possible
previously unknown tectonic structure.

A case study from southern California illustrates the value of detailed geologic data for understanding the kinematics of complex fault systems. The neotectonic behavior of faults at the junction of the Eastern California shear zone... more

A case study from southern California illustrates the value of detailed geologic data for understanding the kinematics of complex fault systems. The neotectonic behavior of faults at the junction of the Eastern California shear zone (ECSZ) and Transverse Ranges has implications for the interaction of intersecting, segmented fault systems and regional plate boundary evolution. Paleoseismic observations indicate that the North Frontal thrust system (NFTS) has ruptured once in the Holocene with 1.7-m displacement, despite previous speculations of inactivity based on its dissection by younger strike-slip faults. Simple polyphase deformation, in which dextral shear has replaced and overprinted thrusting, is thus not a valid explanation for this system of intersecting faults. This illustrates the limitations of inferring rupture behavior from mapped fault patterns alone. Neotectonic and geomorphic observations along the thrust system also suggest that the thrust segment west of the intersection with the dextral Helendale fault is significantly more active than the segment to the east. This is consistent with a simple block velocity model, in which dextral slip on the Helendale fault is balanced by convergence on the western thrust segment, dextral motion on the poorly studied Pipes Creek fault to the southeast, and inactivity on the eastern thrust segment. This divides the San Bernardino Mountains into domains dominated by thrusting (west) and strike-slip (east), the union of which is a quasi-stable triple junction. We speculate that this union has migrated to the west as the Mojave Desert has been translated southwards along the San Andreas fault.

Landsat lineaments identified by Earth Satellite Corporation (EARTHSAT, 1997) can be groundtruthed across the Appalachian Basin of New York State (NYS). Both fracture intensification domains (FIDs) and faults are observed in outcrop along... more

Landsat lineaments identified by Earth Satellite Corporation (EARTHSAT, 1997) can be groundtruthed across the Appalachian Basin of New York State (NYS). Both fracture intensification domains (FIDs) and faults are observed in outcrop along the lineaments. Confirmation of deep structure associated with the surface structure is provided by both well log analyses and seismic reflection data (primarily proprietary). Additional faults are proposed by comparing the lineament locations with gravity and magnetic data. The result is a web of basement faults that crisscross New York State. By overlaying epicenter locations on the fault/lineament maps, it is possible to observe the spatial correlation between seismic events and the faults. Every seismic event in the Appalachian Basin portion of NYS lies on or near a known or suspected fault. It thus appears that not only are there more faults than previously suspected in NYS, but also, many of these faults are seismically active.