Geometric Modelling Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Abstract: The new Road Design Italian Standards (“Norme funzionali e geometriche per la costruzione delle strade”, DM 5.11.2001), allows the use of polynomial curves for the design of the road alignment design. Such polynomial curves... more

Abstract: The new Road Design Italian Standards (“Norme funzionali e geometriche per la costruzione delle strade”, DM 5.11.2001), allows the use of polynomial curves for the design of the road alignment design. Such polynomial curves permit to define effectively road alignment regarding the ...

This paper objectively presents a provable construction of generating a length of magnitude , as the geometrical solution for the ancient problem of doubling the volume of a cube. Cube duplication is believed to be impossible under the... more

This paper objectively presents a provable construction of generating a length of magnitude , as the geometrical solution for the ancient problem of doubling the volume of a cube. Cube duplication is believed to be impossible under the stated restrictions of Euclidean geometry, because the Delian constant is classified as an irrational number, that was stated to be geometrically irreducible (Pierre Laurent Wantzel, 1837) [1]. Contrary to the impossibility consideration, the solution for this ancient problem is theorem , in which an elegant approach is presented, as a refute to the cube duplication impossibility statement. Geogebra software as one of the interactive geometry software is used to illustrate the accuracy of the obtained results, at higher accuracies which cannot be perceived using the idealized platonic straightedge and compass construction.

This article presents the HyperCAL3D applications in Descriptive Geometry education (DG). First, the main features of this application are briefly presented, relating to the conceptual, methodological and technological base used in its... more

This article presents the HyperCAL3D applications in Descriptive Geometry education (DG). First, the main features of this application are briefly presented, relating to the conceptual, methodological and technological base used in its development, including the vector modelling of the DG operations and the context of project-based learning. In the second part, the HyperCAL3D is used to perform various applications in typical problems of DG in its educational context, such as auxiliary views; determination of true length of straight, normal view of planes and angles between planes; obtaining axonometric views; obtaining main views. All these applications demonstrate the great potential of HyperCAL3D use as a teaching tool for DG.

This article addresses the experimental investigation and modelling of the uneven fibre distribution inside yarns of a textile composite. The test data is given for the tri-axial carbon-fibre braid; a considerable irregularity is revealed... more

This article addresses the experimental investigation and modelling of the uneven fibre distribution inside yarns of a textile composite. The test data is given for the tri-axial carbon-fibre braid; a considerable irregularity is revealed for the fibre distribution along and across the yarns. The importance of this effect for the damage resistance is illustrated with a simple finite-element (FE) model. The geometrical modelling of the internal geometry is also discussed.

El objeto de este documento de “Recomendaciones Técnicas para la documentación geométrica de entidades patrimoniales” es proponer un modelo normalizado para la producción de modelos vectoriales tridimensionales del Patrimonio Cultural en... more

El objeto de este documento de “Recomendaciones Técnicas para la documentación geométrica de entidades patrimoniales” es proponer un modelo normalizado para la producción de modelos vectoriales tridimensionales del Patrimonio Cultural en el marco del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico.
El avance de las Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica, junto a las necesidades de la Sociedad de la Información y del Conocimiento, ha favorecido un salto cuantitativo en la producción y gestión de la información espacial que ha tenido su reflejo en el incremento de calidad de los datos. A este avance se le une el desarrollo y generalización -fundamentalmente debido al abaratamiento y simplificación- de las técnicas de documentación geométrica, que ha hecho posible el incremento de la precisión y la resolución de la información que se puede obtener en los procesos de medición de la geometría y las características físicas de un objeto.
En 2007 se inicia en el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico el proyecto “Metodología de Documentación gráfica tridimensional del Patrimonio Cultural y de su contexto territorial ”, que perseguía el desarrollo de una metodología innovadora para la generación de modelos geométricos y visuales tridimensionales de las entidades patrimoniales y su entorno territorial aplicados a diversos escenarios profesionales.
Las técnicas y procesos que se utilizan para obtener modelos geométricos del patrimonio han evolucionado rápidamente en los últimos años. Sin embargo, no se ha avanzado de igual manera en la definición de procesos estandarizados que aseguren la homogeneidad y la interoperatividad de los modelos geométricos. Con estas “Recomendaciones Técnicas para la documentación geométrica de entidades patrimoniales” se pretende aportar un protocolo mínimo que estandarice el proceso de toma de datos para las principales técnicas existentes actualmente.
Este documento forma parte de una serie denominada “Recomendaciones Técnicas”, que elabora el Centro de Documentación y Estudios del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico de la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía, en cumplimiento del Art. 3 de la Ley 5/2007 por la que se crea como entidad de derecho público el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, que establece como uno de sus fines “el análisis, estudio, desarrollo y difusión de teorías, métodos y técnicas aplicadas a la tutela del patrimonio histórico y a su protección, conservación, gestión, investigación y difusión”.

Plants and plant organs are commonly modeled using skeletal techniques. Plant structure is then described in terms of axes, around which limb surfaces are built using standard geometric modeling techniques, such as generalized cylinders... more

Plants and plant organs are commonly modeled using skeletal techniques. Plant structure is then described in terms of axes, around which limb surfaces are built using standard geometric modeling techniques, such as generalized cylinders or implicit surfaces. In this research, an alternative, based on the use of subdivision techniques, is described. The approach is to build a simple polygon mesh around the skeleton and use a surface subdivision algorithm to get a smooth surface. Special attention is given to the modeling of surfaces surrounding branching points. It is shown that subdivision surfaces provide a useful alternative to approaches based on implicit surfaces. The method is illustrated using models of tree branches and compound leaves.

Geometric model and multidimensional scaling of similarity looks at relations between objects in a geometric space as coordinate points (Tversky, 1977). The distance between two coordinate points represents the dissimilarity among those... more

Geometric model and multidimensional scaling of similarity looks at relations between objects in a geometric space as coordinate points (Tversky, 1977). The distance between two coordinate points represents the dissimilarity among those two objects. Geometric model and MDS has three core assumptions and they are known as Minimality, symmetry, and triangle inequality.

Two design solutions are proposed for the development of an adaptive compliant aircraft wing frame using reconfigurable honeycomb core based on a network of joints with hidden topological surfaces. The first design solution utilizes the... more

Two design solutions are proposed for the development of an adaptive compliant aircraft wing frame using reconfigurable honeycomb core based on a network of joints with hidden topological surfaces. The first design solution utilizes the lever actuators integrated with the honeycomb structure of the wing frame, the second one uses actuators in the form of mechatronic nodes. In addition, this research outlines the development potential of the ideas on the using of smart materials and artificial muscles. Applied use of the dynamic spatial forms can be extended to many industrial and utility products and, in general, is aimed at filling the object-spatial environment with objects of dynamic functionality and aesthetics. The objective of future studies in this topic is to implement the topological optimization of the reconfigurable honeycomb core and selecting various cell form combinations optimal for each instance.

Plants and plant organs are commonly modeled using skeletal techniques. Plant structure is then described in terms of axes, around which limb surfaces are built using standard geometric modeling techniques, such as generalized cylinders... more

Plants and plant organs are commonly modeled using skeletal techniques. Plant structure is then described in terms of axes, around which limb surfaces are built using standard geometric modeling techniques, such as generalized cylinders or implicit surfaces. In this research, an alternative, based on the use of subdivision techniques, is described. The approach is to build a simple polygon mesh around the skeleton and use a surface subdivision algorithm to get a smooth surface. Special attention is given to the modeling of surfaces surrounding branching points. It is shown that subdivision surfaces provide a useful alternative to approaches based on implicit surfaces. The method is illustrated using models of tree branches and compound leaves.

The drape behaviour of the dry textile structure is tremendously important to ensure a homogeneous distribution of tows and to control the fibre volume fraction inside a composite material. The composite forming operation into a 3D shape... more

The drape behaviour of the dry textile structure is tremendously important to ensure a homogeneous distribution of tows and to control the fibre volume fraction inside a composite material. The composite forming operation into a 3D shape is directly linked to the capability of the 3D fabric to deform. Some difficulties like the inter-ply slip may occur in the thickness direction with multiple layers stacked in different planes which are partially linked by interlinking yarns. This can lead to interply slip which directly affects mechanical performance of the final composite material. Thus, the use of specific warp interlock structure both enables inter ply slip between layers of the fabric, necessary to the production, and also maintains a homogeneous distribution of fibrous material in all the directions. Different warp interlock structures have been designed, produced and tested in order to estimate the influence of mouldability on mechanical performance.

Previously, we proposed a method for incorporating molecular geometry in a biological rule-based model by encoding molecular curvature into the rules and associated binding rate constants. We combined this method with a 3D rigid-body... more

Previously, we proposed a method for incorporating molecular geometry in a biological rule-based model by encoding molecular curvature into the rules and associated binding rate constants. We combined this method with a 3D rigid-body Monte Carlo simulation to model antigen-antibody aggregation. In this work, we use our geometric rule-based method to develop a model for predicting the output of the full-resolution Monte Carlo simulation given the output of lower resolution simulations. The purpose of this predictive model is to reduce the computational cost of the Monte Carlo simulation. We develop this model by first choosing a rule set for each molecular geometry and varying only the binding rate constant for each Monte Carlo resolution, and then fitting the resulting data to a function. We examine the calculation time needed for each predictive model to demonstrate how this model is more efficient than running a full-resolution simulation. We find that this method can reduce the c...

Halo Matrix (patent # 61/404,639) is a Geo-Spatial 3D Mapping and Positions System that defines an 3D mapping surface containing an approximation region in air space; capturing a sequence of depth maps over distance and time of of the... more

Halo Matrix (patent # 61/404,639) is a Geo-Spatial 3D Mapping and Positions System that defines an 3D mapping surface containing an approximation region in air space; capturing a sequence of depth maps over distance and time of of the aircraft in relation to its geo-spatial position, combinatorial networks and geometric network spacing; processing the depth maps in order to detect a direction and speed of movement of the aircraft as the aircraft passes through the triangulated area; and communicating this aircraft's position responsively to the detected direction and speed in relationship to other aircraft's, communication towers and satellite positioning.

Two design solutions are proposed for the development of an adaptive compliant aircraft wing frame using reconfigurable honeycomb core based on a network of joints with hidden topological surfaces. The first design solution utilizes the... more

Two design solutions are proposed for the development of an adaptive compliant aircraft wing frame using reconfigurable honeycomb core based on a network of joints with hidden topological surfaces. The first design solution utilizes the lever actuators integrated with the honeycomb structure of the wing frame, the second one uses actuators in the form of mechatronic nodes. In addition, this research outlines the development potential of the ideas on the using of smart materials and artificial muscles. Applied use of the dynamic spatial forms can be extended to many industrial and utility products and, in general, is aimed at filling the object-spatial environment with objects of dynamic functionality and aesthetics. The objective of future studies in this topic is to implement the topological optimization of the reconfigurable honeycomb core and selecting various cell form combinations optimal for each instance.

ABSTRACT: 3D geometric modelling is a powerful tool to better understand geology. It allows to check and validate the consistency of the separate 1D or 2D data interpretations. Building a 3D model is also a way to share and communicate a... more

ABSTRACT: 3D geometric modelling is a powerful tool to better understand geology. It allows to check and validate the consistency of the separate 1D or 2D data interpretations. Building a 3D model is also a way to share and communicate a geological view. ...

An effective computer generation method is presented in this paper to more perfectly and rapidly generate the random distribution domains with large numbers of grains (pores). At first, the geometries of heterogeneous grains and the... more

An effective computer generation method is presented in this paper to more perfectly and rapidly generate the random distribution domains with large numbers of grains (pores). At first, the geometries of heterogeneous grains and the stationary random distribution model with large numbers of grains are defined. Second, the effective computer generation method, including compactness algorithm and selection algorithm, is described in detail. Then the effectiveness of the generation method and the comparison with the take-and-place method are given, and some examples with different geometries of grains in 2- and 3-dimension cases are illustrated. The computer generation method in this paper has been applied to the computation of effective heat transfer behavior for the composites of the random distribution with large numbers of grains, and some numerical results are demonstrated. The generation method in this paper is able to make the generated samples hold better stochastic property, and it is also suitable to generating samples subjected to non-uniform probability model.