History of Science and Technology Research Papers (original) (raw)

Promoting a better understanding of the phenomenon of colonization and its connection with environmental knowledge and technology, this article proposes a reframing of research agendas to take into account the municipal character of... more

Promoting a better understanding of the phenomenon of colonization and its connection with environmental knowledge and technology, this article proposes a reframing of research agendas to take into account the municipal character of colonization in the Hispanic realm and to ask new questions. Questions should address what human– ecosystem relations, and the ways of knowing and techniques for transforming the physical realm, can tell us about colonization itself; who the historical agents involved were, and what these actors knew, learned, and did in their environments. Using the Basin of Mexico's drainage and the agency of commoners, this article proposes that colonization depends on the massive deployment and generation of tacit knowledge about how to harness matter, energy, and time for the reproduction of human societies; the quotidian appropriation and reworking of autochthonous knowledge, techniques, and technology by the colonizing groups; the collaboration of the local populations in whom these are vested; and the agency of commoners with practical skills, environmental knowledge, and technological savvy derived from and honed in the realm of material production. In the Ibero-American realm, these agents were primarily commoners with skills in agropastoral production and the building trades; race, ethnicity, language, and gender were secondary conditions.

This article analyses how nineteenth-century medical science apprehended the eye and its functions. It disputes Jonathan Crary’s claim of the alleged mistrust towards human vision as a source of reliable information from the 1830s... more

This article analyses how nineteenth-century medical science
apprehended the eye and its functions. It disputes Jonathan
Crary’s claim of the alleged mistrust towards human vision as
a source of reliable information from the 1830s onwards. It is
based on the analysis of scholarly and popular scientific publications
from the early 1850s to the first decades of the twentieth
century, a typology of sources overlooked by Crary as well as by
most of the works in the field of Visual Studies. It focuses on French
documents because of the progress undertaken by medical
research on the eyesight in the country at the time and the number
and scope of both scientific and popular publications. In the first
part, I analyse the new set of knowledge about the anatomy and
physiology of the eye that physicians developed at the time –
notably through the use of newly introduced instruments such as
the ophthalmoscope and the ophthalmometer. In the second part,
I describe how contemporary medical research led to the acknowledgment
of the subjectivity of visual perceptions and the fragile
nature of human visual capacities. In the last section, I show how,
through a process of classification and rationalisation of the newly
acquired knowledge, physicians managed to reinstate the objective
character of visual perceptions on the basis of their research.

Review Essay: Early Publication Version, with marked on corrections.

MODERA Niccolò Guicciardini (Università degli Studi di Milano) LIBRI PRESENTATI Marta Cavazza, Laura Bassi: Donne, genere e scienza nell'Italia del Settecento, Editrice Bibliografica, Milano 2020 Massimo Mazzotti, Maria Gaetana Agnesi e... more

MODERA Niccolò Guicciardini (Università degli Studi di Milano) LIBRI PRESENTATI Marta Cavazza, Laura Bassi: Donne, genere e scienza nell'Italia del Settecento, Editrice Bibliografica, Milano 2020 Massimo Mazzotti, Maria Gaetana Agnesi e il suo mondo. Una vita tra scienza e carità, Carocci, Roma 2020 DESCRIZIONE Durante la prima metà del Settecento emergono in Italia alcune tra le più famose "filosofesse" d'Europa. Tra loro spiccano Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799), enfant prodige e poi giovane colta e brillante, e Laura Bassi (1711-1778), prima cattedratica di fisica in Europa. Nel 1748 Maria Gaetana Agnesi è la prima donna a pubblicare un libro sul calcolo differenziale e integrale. Il testo gode di un significativo successo, e viene tradotto in francese e inglese. Ma perché una donna agiata mostra tanto interesse per questa materia, di cui a Milano si sa ancora poco o nulla? E come è possibile che una donna come Laura Bassi venga ritenuta credibile e rispettata come autorità nel campo della nuova fisica dell'elettricità, in un'epoca in cui non avrebbe potuto neanche mettere piede in un'università? Massimo Mazzotti e Marta Cavazza ricostruiscono i momenti salienti della vita di queste due straordinarie protagoniste della scienza del Settecento. I loro studi e la loro passione per la scienza delineano un mondo ancora poco conosciuto. È il mondo dell'Illuminismo cattolico di stampo muratoriano che trova nello Stato e nella Chiesa milanesi di metà Settecento e nel papato di Lambertini a Roma e a Bologna le condizioni per lo sviluppo di una cultura scientifica aperta a nuovi temi e a nuovi referenti sociali. Evento digitale in diretta streaming, per accedere è necessaria la prenotazione su

Focusing on experts in technology and science, ‘Building Europe on Expertise’ delivers a new reading of European history. The authors show that modern European history was defined by experts using their new knowledge to shape societies,... more

Focusing on experts in technology and science, ‘Building Europe on Expertise’ delivers a new reading of European history. The authors show that modern European history was defined by experts using their new knowledge to shape societies, set political agendas and establish research institutions and agendas which proved decisive in integrating the continent.

Unido. Su investigación se centra en comida, raza, género, clase social y el proceso de modernización en el México del siglo xx. Su trabajo ha sido publicado tanto en inglés como en español en revistas académicas como Radical History... more

Unido. Su investigación se centra en comida, raza, género, clase social y el proceso de modernización en el México del siglo xx. Su trabajo ha sido publicado tanto en inglés como en español en revistas académicas como Radical History Review, The Americas,

Community detection is a major issue in network analysis. This paper combines a socio-historical approach with an experimental reconstruction of programs to investigate the early automation of clique detection algorithms, which remains... more

Community detection is a major issue in network analysis. This paper combines a socio-historical approach with an experimental reconstruction of programs to investigate the early automation of clique detection algorithms, which remains one of the unsolved NP-complete problems today. The research led by the archaeologist Jean-Claude Gardin from the 1950s on non-numerical information and graph analysis is retraced to demonstrate the early contributions of social sciences and humanities. The limited recognition and reception of Gardin’s innovative computer application to the humanities are addressed through two factors, in addition to the effects of historiography and bibliographies on the recording, discoverability, and reuse of scientific productions: 1) funding policies, evidenced by the transfer of research effort on graph applications from temporary interdisciplinary spaces to disciplinary organizations related to the then-emerging field of computer science; and 2) the erratic careers of algorithms, in which efficiency, flaws, corrections, and authors’ status, were determining factors.

A remarkable set of myths and art about biotechne, creating "life through craft," shows that the ancient Greeks imagined how one might fabricate automatons and self-moving devices more than 2,500 years ago. These myths were not simply... more

A remarkable set of myths and art about biotechne, creating "life through craft," shows that the ancient Greeks imagined how one might fabricate automatons and self-moving devices more than 2,500 years ago. These myths were not simply tales of inert matter enlivened by magic or a god's command. They are some of the earliest-ever science fictions, envisioning what awesome results of artificial life could be achieved if only one possessed divine craftsmanship. One of the most striking examples of an ancient biotechne myth is the story of Prometheus making the first humans. Early Christian art in the Roman era conflated this story with god's creation of Adam. But the earliest known illustrations of this intriguing Promethean myth tell a surprisingly technological tale. A little-known group of exquisitely carved gems depicts Prometheus using various tools to assemble the proto-man. Skeletons were exceedingly rare in ancient Greek art, but these artists showed Prometheus beginning with the internal framework, the human skeleton. I show how this myth inspired Mary Shelley's Frankenstein tale, raising philosophical questions about human autonomy.

A common ground is emerging for social and cultural studies of design. Design history is exploring the socially constructed and networked nature of our material surroundings; at the same time, STS is investigating design as the interface... more

A common ground is emerging for social and cultural studies of design. Design history is exploring the socially constructed and networked nature of our material surroundings; at the same time, STS is investigating design as the interface between humans and technology. This common ground is particularly interesting where it intersects with the rapidly growing fields of environmental history and environmental humanities. Today, environmental concerns, especially issues of sustainability, are essential parameters in all design practices. However, this ‘green revolution’ is a glaringly white spot on the design historical map, still awaiting its scholarly historicization. Historical understanding of, and critical reflection on, the rise of sustainability as the primordial trope in design discourse is essential to building a solid knowledge base and to underpin present and future decision-making. This article will argue for the urgency of charting this terrain, and call for design history, design studies, STS and environmental history to join forces in the pioneering efforts at studying histories of sustainable design.

The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich holds in its collections a Renaissance clock with astronomical complications made in Augsburg at the end of the sixteenth century. Beside the clock, the museum library holds its anonymous... more

The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich holds in its collections a Renaissance clock with astronomical complications made in Augsburg at the end of the sixteenth century. Beside the clock, the museum library holds its anonymous instruction booklet printed in Geneva in 1704. The clock is signed by Buschman, a prominent Augsburg maker, and is said to have belonged to John Casimir Vasa, king of Poland in the seventeenth century. This article discusses the authorship of the clock by comparing it with a twin clock from the same period signed by another maker. Whether it did indeed once belong to the Polish king is queried, with reference to his post mortem goods sale. This article uses written sources as well as the evidence from the clock itself, which was taken apart recently to study its history.

Öz Eski çağlardan beri bütün medeniyetlerin ihtiyaç duyduğu zamanı belirleme ve ölçme aleti olarak saatler, en çok dikkat çeken ve araştırılan düzeneklerdir. Saatlerin çeşitli türleri ilk çağlardan itibaren geliştirilmeye başlanmış... more

Eski çağlardan beri bütün medeniyetlerin ihtiyaç duyduğu zamanı belirleme ve
ölçme aleti olarak saatler, en çok dikkat çeken ve araştırılan düzeneklerdir. Saatlerin çeşitli
türleri ilk çağlardan itibaren geliştirilmeye başlanmış olmakla birlikte, bunlarla dakik
zaman ölçümü mümkün olmuyordu. Orta Çağ’da mekanik saatlerin icadıyla birlikte
hassas zaman ölçümleri de başladı. Osmanlılarda saatler üzerine ilk eserleri yazan kişi
bilindiği kadarıyla Takiyüddin (16. yy) idi. Takiyüddin mekanik saati astronomik araç
olarak da geliştirmişti. Osmanlılara Batı’nın modern bilimlerini ilk defa gerektiği biçimde
aktaran, Mühendishane baş hocalarından İshak Hoca, Mecmûa-i Ulûm-i Rîyâziye adlı
anıtsal dört ciltlik eserinin üçüncü cildinde bu konuya yer vermiştir. Bu yazıda, söz konusu
bölümün sadeleştirilmiş metni yer almış ve değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.

One of the most important tasks of the modern history of science and technologies is the study of the activities of leading scientists and practitioners of the past, the influence of their ideas on the development of world science and the... more

One of the most important tasks of the modern history of science and technologies is the study of the activities of leading scientists and practitioners of the past, the influence of their ideas on the development of world science and the process of training specialists in the relevant sectors of the national economy. In the opinion of the authors of the article, one of such figures of the early twentieth century is Academician I. H. Aleksandrov. Historical and scientific analysis of life and activity of I. H. Aleksandrov as a scientist, engineer, organizer of science is of high topicality due to the scale and versatility of his scientific contribution. In the context of the development of hydro-engineering and hydropower, the development of transport communications, I. H. Aleksandrov had world-class achievements that glorified national science. Scientific creative work of I. H. Aleksandrov can be divided into five main directions of development of science and technologies: hydro-en...

In this article, I counter persistent claims of big data revolutionising managerial decision-making, by tracing the technological and cultural origins of data-based management in the United States back to the 1970s and 1980s using... more

In this article, I counter persistent claims of big data revolutionising managerial decision-making, by tracing the technological and cultural origins of data-based management in the United States back to the 1970s and 1980s using historical source materials from the trade magazine Datamation. I argue that innovations in database technology within this period – database management systems and the relational database model – shaped and reinforced a data-based mindset. This mindset, I demonstrate, is manifested in four interlinked concepts of data: data as asset, data as raw, data as reality, and data as relatable. These concepts, I argue, provide a basis for current associations of big data with ideological values of objectivity and truthfulness. The article contributes to a growing body of work in media and communication studies that deconstructs the ideological discourses facilitating big data's unquestioned integration in the business world.

We may not be able to make you love reading, but the disappearance of the social in american social psychology will lead you to love reading starting from now. Book is the window to open the new world. The world that you want is in the... more

We may not be able to make you love reading, but the disappearance of the social in american social psychology will lead you to love reading starting from now. Book is the window to open the new world. The world that you want is in the better stage and level. World will always guide you to even the prestige stage of the life. You know, this is some of how reading will give you the kindness. In this case, more books you read more knowledge you know, but it can mean also the bore is full. Yeah, when trying to read a new book as this the disappearance of the social in american social psychology, you can start from certain time and place. Building interest in reading this book or every book is needed. The soft file of this book that is provided will be saved in such certain library. If you really have willing to read it, just follow the kindness of the life. It will improve your quality of the life however is the role. To see how you can get the book, this is much recommended to as soon as possible. You can take different time of the start to read. When starting to read the the disappearance of the social in american social psychology is in the proper time, it will allow you to ease pass the reading steps. It will be in undergoing the exact reading style. But many people may be confused and lazy of it. Even the book will show you the truth of life it doesn't mean that you can really pass the process as clear. It is to really offer the presented book that can be one of referred books to read. So, having the link of the book to visit for you is very joyful. You can quickly finish them to visit the page and then enjoy getting the book. Having the soft file of this book is also good enough. By this way, you may not need to bring the book everywhere. You can save in some compatible devices. When you have decided to start reading the disappearance of the social in american social psychology again, you can start it everywhere and every time as soon as well done.

Korean science is closely related to traditional Chinese technology, but Sang-woon Jeon's A History of Korean Science and Technology shows that Korean scientists, engineers and technicians adapted Chinese practice to suit the natural... more

Mit der »Wissenschaftlichen Revolution« wird ein zentrales Grün dungsnarrativ der Moderne zunehmend in Zweifel gezogen. Der Band zeigt, dass es keine plötzliche Abwendung von der Buch gelehrsamkeit zugunsten des Empirismus gab, und... more

Mit der »Wissenschaftlichen Revolution« wird ein zentrales Grün dungsnarrativ der Moderne zunehmend in Zweifel gezogen. Der Band zeigt, dass es keine plötzliche Abwendung von der Buch gelehrsamkeit zugunsten des Empirismus gab, und leistet so einen wichtigen Beitrag zu dieser Diskussion. Die mehrfach inter national ausgezeichnete Arbeit weist nach, dass Lesen und Beobachten für Naturkundige lange keinen Gegensatz darstellten. So gingen eigene, detailliert protokollierte Beobachtungen bei ihnen Hand in Hand mit aus der Literatur zusammengetragenen Berichten und Bildern. Phänomene, die modernen Lesern unglaubwürdig erscheinen , wurden dadurch über Jahrhunderte hinweg tradiert -die Geburt eines Fohlens mit Menschenkopf etwa, der sagen umwobene Basilisk, dessen Blicke töten konnten, oder weit im Osten vermutete »monströse Menschenrassen«. Der Verfasser zeigt, dass das Lesen als Modus der Wissensproduktion mit dem frühneuzeitlichen Auf stieg der Beobachtung nicht an Bedeutung verlor. Die Lektürepraxis veränderte sich aber ebenso substantiell und folgenschwer wie die Beobachtungspraxis. Für die Auseinandersetzung »aufgeklärter« Naturkundiger mit »Fabelwesen« wie Zentauren war gerade die »kritische« Lektürepraxis zentral, nicht die Beobachtung.

Immersed within a broader investigation and framed within a quantitative approach, this paper aims to approach profile of Latin American teachers, using the History and Philosophy in Science Teaching al. From the implementation of a... more

Immersed within a broader investigation and framed within a quantitative approach, this
paper aims to approach profile of Latin American teachers, using the History and Philosophy
in Science Teaching al. From the implementation of a questionnaire as an instrument
of inquiry and making use of Google Drive application. In order to explore some issues
that could contribute to understanding the development of the History and Philosophy of
Science in education in the context of Latin America. The status of its actors and analyze
the feasibility of strengthening and / or establish a social link between researchers who
are currently working in this field.
The thirty responses made it possible to know who some of the people who are part of that
community. Contribute to the understanding of certain features that may form part of the
reality of the teachers working in this area. In addition, coming to perceive a professional
maturity characterized whose activities generally operate between research and teaching
in higher education institutions, being partakers of research groups, with a lifelong interest
in participating in events where the History and Philosophy of Science, Teaching and
Teacher Education addressed.
The results showed a production of records, books and sequences, targeting mainly university
students and teachers. Still rare within these findings, the production of material
aimed at schoolchildren and material involving the manipulation of ICTs. The instrument
allowed the lifting of some concerns and interesting questions for future research concerning
the scenario that relates the school environment teachers and researchers who
work in the History and Philosophy of Science in Science Teaching. Emerging particular
concern to explore this environment further and the reasons for which there is possibly
an apparent disconnect between the two scenarios and why not became noticeable within
the mapping of people that develop in this area, participation more young researchers
and school teachers.
Furthermore, it was possible to perceive the demand for professionals by establishing a
channel that would allow them to partake of the constant flow of information within their
area of interest, where its connections with other professionals to expand and allowing the
exchange of ideas, concerns, successes and failures. Leaving open the invitation to future
research, the thought of proposals potentializing collective work, facilitate the formation of
new social connections and flow of knowledge among teachers. In search of the strengthening
of Latin American, profile in the area of History and Philosophy of Science in Teaching.

Introductory chapter to edited research volume on the history of surveillance.

This course examines the dynamic relationship among environment, technology and society in Asia. During the first seven weeks the students would be exposed to the major theoretical, conceptual and analytical frameworks for the study... more

This course examines the dynamic relationship among environment, technology and society in Asia. During the first seven weeks the students would be exposed to the major theoretical, conceptual and analytical frameworks for the study ofinteractions between society and technology. Themes covered during this period will include: what is technology? How our understanding of technology evolved over the years? How society’s influence on environment was/is mediated through use of various technologies? In the last seven weeks, the course will focus on case studies from Asian regions/countries to develop a nuanced understanding of major environmental challenges/issues in Asia. The course will draw upon theoretical and empirical literature from multiple disciplines, such as, science and technology studies, environmental studies, economic sociology, and development studies.

Entre el descubrimiento de la radiactividad en 1896 en Francia, por Henri Becquerel y el control y reglamentación del uso de sustancias radiactivas transcurrieron décadas. El fenómeno, que había acompañado a la humanidad desde siempre,... more

Entre el descubrimiento de la radiactividad en 1896 en Francia, por Henri Becquerel y el control y reglamentación del uso de sustancias radiactivas transcurrieron décadas.
El fenómeno, que había acompañado a la humanidad desde siempre, llegó a las sociedades de un modo errático y plagado de errores, muchos fatales.
Este trabajo resume la historia en torno a dicho fenómeno y su incorporación a las diversas actividades humanas, comentando lo sucedido en Europa y Norteamérica para después analizar cómo fue la recepción del descubrimiento y difusión de la radiactividad en la Argentina.
El relato muestra los diversos aspectos en torno a la identificación de las fuentes naturales de radiactividad, la comercialización de los compuestos radiactivos y cómo se fueron integrando a la sociedad, pasando por una etapa que el autor gusta calificar como de “mito tecnológico”.
La historia se detiene antes de la institucionalización en la Argentina, con la creación de la Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica en 1950.

Das Buch „400 Jahre Chemie in Hamburg - Handwerk, Wissenschaft und Industrie“ thematisiert die Entwicklung der Chemie in Hamburg vom 17. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Die Einleitung diskutiert Aspekte der Alchemie im Mittelalter (Tycho Brahe,... more

Das Buch „400 Jahre Chemie in Hamburg - Handwerk, Wissenschaft und Industrie“ thematisiert die Entwicklung der Chemie in Hamburg vom 17. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert.
Die Einleitung diskutiert Aspekte der Alchemie im Mittelalter (Tycho Brahe, Münzwesen, Phosphor-Entdeckung und Goldrubinglas). Das Handwerk ist verbunden mit vielen historischen chemischen Techniken, z.B. Färben oder Gerben. Hamburg - das "Brauhaus der Hanse" zeichnet die Entwicklung vom Mittelalter bis zur Industrialisierung. Ferner wird Hamburg als Zentrum der Zuckersiederei geschildert, fortgesetzt mit der modernen Zuckerforschung im 20. Jahrhundert.
Im Zeitalter der Reformation wurde 1613 das Akademische Gymnasium gegründet - Joachim Jungius (1587-1657), Rektor und Professor ab 1629, beschäftigte sich mit der Atomistik und begründete die Chemie als Naturwissenschaft. Ein Highlight in der 1919 gegründeten Universität war die Wirkungszeit von Otto Stern (1888-1969), seit 1923 Direktor des Instituts für Physikalische Chemie und Nobelpreis-Träger (1943).
Hamburg hat eine lange Tradition in Kolonialwaren, hier sollen nicht nur Kaffee, Tee, Kakao, Zucker, Palmöl, usw. erwähnt werden, sondern auch die Metallverarbeitung. Die Teerforschung (Farbenherstellung) und die New-York Hamburger Gummi-Waaren Compagnie beleuchten die Anfänge der Industrialisierung und Globalisierung. Außerdem ist Hamburg für Drogerieprodukte bekannt, z.B. Beiersdorf AG (Nivea, Tesa, Hansa-, Leukoplast), Unilever, Douglas).
Die Chemie hat über mehr als vier Jahrhunderte eine bedeutende Rolle in Hamburgs Geschichte gespielt, aber Licht und Schatten liegen eng beieinander, z.B. die erste Sprengstoff-Fabrik von Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833-1896) in Geesthacht, die Skandale bei der Firma Stoltzenberg oder Tesch & Stabenow als Händler von Zyklon B. "Begann in Hamburg das Nuklearzeitalter?" – hier wird schließlich der Beitrag Paul Hartecks (1902-1985) zum Uranprojekt analysiert.

My most read paper -- fully illustrated. Our modern sense of time was radically changed with the invention of photography. The past could now be visualized and frozen in fine detail. Moreover the photograph was an objective accurate... more

My most read paper -- fully illustrated. Our modern sense of time was radically changed with the invention of photography. The past could now be visualized and frozen in fine detail. Moreover the photograph was an objective accurate record of the past, one that might yield important research information for centuries. We might call the time before photography pre-photographic just as we call the time before written records, pre-historic. In addition our personal sense of time was changed with family albums and our ability to now record our own past with precision.

A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.

This is an introduction to the forthcoming special issue, "Artificial Intelligence and its Discontents."

This article surveys American eye prosthetics during the World Wars beginning with the shortage of glass eyes during the First World War. It also looks at attempts to address prosthetic eye needs in the Second World War through the... more

This article surveys American eye prosthetics during the World Wars beginning with the shortage of glass eyes during the First World War. It also looks at attempts to address prosthetic eye needs in the Second World War through the acrylic eye program, the use of contact lenses, and a group of Americans seeking to show their patriotism by donating their own eyeballs to blinded veterans.

A complete history of early atomic models would fill volumes, but a reasonably coherent tale of the path from mechanical atoms to the quantum can be told by focusing on the relevant work of three great contributors to atomic physics, in... more

A complete history of early atomic models would fill volumes, but a reasonably coherent tale of the path from mechanical atoms to the quantum can be told by focusing on the relevant work of three great contributors to atomic physics, in the critically important years between 1904 and 1913: J. J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford and Niels Bohr. We first examine the origins of Thomson's mechanical atomic models, from his ethereal vortex atoms in the early 1880's, to the myriad "corpuscular" atoms he proposed following the discovery of the electron in 1897. Beyond qualitative predictions for the periodicity of the elements, the application of Thomson's atoms to problems in scattering and absorption led to quantitative predictions that were confirmed by experiments with high-velocity electrons traversing thin sheets of metal. Still, the much more massive and energetic α-particles being studied by Rutherford were better suited for exploring the interior of the atom, and careful measurements on the angular dependence of their scattering eventually allowed him to infer the existence of an atomic nucleus. Niels Bohr was particularly troubled by the radiative instability inherent to any mechanical atom, and succeeded in 1913 where others had failed in the prediction of emission spectra, by making two bold hypotheses that were in contradiction to the laws of classical physics, but necessary in order to account for experimental facts. Contents 1 Introduction 2 The mechanical atoms of J. J. Thomson 2.1 Rings of Saturn and ethereal vortices 2.2 A corpuscular theory of matter 2.3 The number of corpuscles in the atom 3 The nuclear atom of Ernest Rutherford 3.1. Fundamental properties of α-particles 3.2. The angular dependence of α-scattering 3.3. Competing theories and experimental data 4 The quantum atom of Niels Bohr 4.1 Absorption and atomic oscillators 4.2 Hypotheses without mechanical foundation 4.3 Ionized helium and lithium References

This article addresses the charge that the introduction of the electric light in the late nineteenth century increased disruptions to the human body's biological processes and interfered with the oscillating sleeping-waking cycle. By... more

This article addresses the charge that the introduction of the electric light in the late nineteenth century increased disruptions to the human body's biological processes and interfered with the oscillating sleeping-waking cycle. By considering the nineteenth century research into the factors that motivate and disrupt sleep in concert with contemporary discussions of the physiology of street lighting, this article exposes how social and political forces shaped the impact of artificial light on sleep and, more perniciously, on bodily autonomy. As a close reading of artificial light in three influential dystopian novels building on these historical contexts demonstrates, dystopian fiction challenges the commonplace assumption that the advent of the electric light, or of widespread street lighting in public urban spaces, posed an immediate or inherent threat to sleep. Beginning with H. G. Wells's The Sleeper Awakes (1899), in which the eponymous sleeper emerges from a cataleptic trance into a future in which electric light and power are used to control the populace, representations of artificial light in early dystopian fiction of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries depict a nightmare of total illumination in which the state exerted its control over the individual. In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (1932), constant artificial illumination plays a vital role in the chemical and behavioural conditioning undergone by individuals in a post-Fordian world. George Orwell intensifies this relationship between light and individual autonomy in Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), where access to electric current (and thus light) is limited at certain times of the day, brownouts and electrical rationing occur intermittently, and total illumination is used to torture and reprogram individuals believed to have betrayed Big Brother.

This article examines a series of proposals for improving silver refining methods presented to the municipal council of Potosí (in current-day Bolivia) in the late sixteenth century as a means of nuancing current understandings of the... more

This article examines a series of proposals for improving silver refining methods presented to the municipal council of Potosí (in current-day Bolivia) in the late sixteenth century as a means of nuancing current understandings of the Iberian state’s pursuit of “useful” knowledge. Historians have argued that the sixteenth century saw the fostering of an empirical culture, one based on experiential and collaborative practices, in the Iberian world. They have stressed that as artisanal experts and royal officials developed a mutually beneficial relationship, this empirical culture became institutionalized in administrative bodies for the pursuit of useful knowledge. This article focuses on the textual production that resulted from the relationship between artisanal experts and royal officials. It probes the motivations of local officials in generating a textual record of artisanal knowledge. Historians have tended to interpret and actors at the time often stated an interest in inscribing, artisanal knowledge as expertise and experience. However, this article demonstrates that what often motivated municipal officials’ inscription of such knowledge was an emphasis on administrative knowledge as rule-following, in particular, a desire to demonstrate one’s competency as an administrator. This conclusion suggests historians should expand their conception of “useful” to better reflect how early modern actors in the Iberian world viewed their pursuit of scientific and technical knowledge. It also indicates the importance of paying attention to the process of bureaucratic knowledge production when interpreting the written traces of the scientific and technical culture of the early modern Iberian world.

Le Carte e la Storia (ISSN 1123-5624) Fascicolo 1, giugno 2020 Ente di afferenza: Università di Bologna (unibo) Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda... more

Le Carte e la Storia (ISSN 1123-5624) Fascicolo 1, giugno 2020 Ente di afferenza: Università di Bologna (unibo) Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda https://www.rivisteweb.it Licenza d'uso L'articoloè messo a disposizione dell'utente in licenza per uso esclusivamente privato e personale, senza scopo di lucro e senza fini direttamente o indirettamente commerciali. Salvo quanto espressamente previsto dalla licenza d'uso Rivisteweb,è fatto divieto di riprodurre, trasmettere, distribuire o altrimenti utilizzare l'articolo, per qualsiasi scopo o fine. Tutti i diritti sono riservati.

Der österreichische Photochemiker und -historiker Josef Maria Eder (1855-1944) verkörpert in mancher Hinsicht die Summe der photographischen Kultur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er wird in "Photographie als Wissenschaft" mit eigenen... more

Der österreichische Photochemiker und -historiker Josef Maria Eder (1855-1944) verkörpert in mancher Hinsicht die Summe der photographischen Kultur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er wird in "Photographie als Wissenschaft" mit eigenen programmatischen Texten sowie Beiträgen seiner Zeitgenossen vorgestellt, die seine Position als Schulgründer, sein Verhältnis zur Idee der Photographie als Kunst und sein Konzept der Geschichte der Photographie beleuchten. Im Zentrum steht dabei die nach Eders Entwurf 1888 eröffnete "K. k. Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Photographie und Reproductionsverfahren", die ein äußerst breit gefächertes Spektrum von Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten für Hochschulstudenten wie Lehrlinge, Amateure und Professoren ebenso wie für Angestellte photographischer und druckgraphischer Betriebe bieten sollte. Als weit über Österreich hinaus beachtete Institution von enzyklopädischer Perspektive war sie die Plattform, von der aus Eder Wien um 1900 als Zentrum der wissenschaftlichen Photographie und anderer moderner Bildtechnologien etablierte.