Ia Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Abstract. A key role in the human reasoning capability is given by in-tuition. The aim of the work is to design a framework for an human-like information supplier, which combines “intuition” with the traditional, more rigid, rules-based... more

Abstract. A key role in the human reasoning capability is given by in-tuition. The aim of the work is to design a framework for an human-like information supplier, which combines “intuition” with the traditional, more rigid, rules-based knowledge. It is presented a preliminary system ...

A key role in the human reasoning capability is given by in- tuition. The aim of the work is to design a framework for an human-like information supplier, which combines "intuition" with the traditional, more rigid, rules-based... more

A key role in the human reasoning capability is given by in- tuition. The aim of the work is to design a framework for an human-like information supplier, which combines "intuition" with the traditional, more rigid, rules-based knowledge. It is presented a preliminary system that represents the first step to- ward the aforementioned framework. The system allows a user to

National security problem raises with major threats i.e. illegal activities at border areas and few others are examples of those. Even if government provides bullet proof jackets and high quality guns to our armed forces, yet it is hard... more

National security problem raises with major threats i.e. illegal activities at border areas and few others are examples of those. Even if government provides bullet proof jackets and high quality guns to our armed forces, yet it is hard to resolve such issues. In such operations when forces are not able to push their strength beyond human efforts, we can implement Artificial Intelligence based machines to put into action. In this paper, it is described that a machine will identify the region of my country, other country and display on LCD. And it takes appropriate action according to valid region. Also, this system check the id for valid person and take an appropriate action for invalid persons such as operate the laser shooter that identifies the suspected person and display all conditions in LCD at border. This system checks the force member id wirelessly.

The Central aspect of outcome based education (OBE) is basically the assessment of the outcomes of the courses. When the question arises about the implementation of OBE at its initial stage the course outcomes for every course are based... more

The Central aspect of outcome based education (OBE) is basically the assessment of the outcomes of the courses. When the question arises about the implementation of OBE at its initial stage the course outcomes for every course are based on the program outcomes (POs) and its requirements. At the completion of every course the course outcomes (Cos) requires to be evaluated and assessment is required using any tool such as examination, quiz, presentation, MCQ etc. to verify and check that it is being attained or GAP analysis is identified. This research paper definitely opens new ways and describe the methods and background which must be used to evaluate or accessed the attainment of Course outcomes and results assessed for overall management/administrative courses in business administration. In this paper the assessment was done for management programs for post-graduation with the strength of 240 students. This paper uses data that has been procured from students attained marks in practical, theory, presentation, quiz, assignments and MCQ for transforming them into professional persons which can be acumen in the societies. To expedite this analytical process the method of computerized system using excel sheets has been introduced. The findings of this research are then used for the minimizing the GAPs and improve the continuous quality of the students.

Opinión de Inteligencia Artificial

La problemática de la investigación consiste en establecer la necesidad de evitar errores jurisdiccionales, así como la existencia de riesgos al momento del decreto de una medida privativa, mediante la implementación de una inteligencia... more

La problemática de la investigación consiste en establecer la necesidad de evitar errores jurisdiccionales, así como la existencia de riesgos al momento del decreto de una medida privativa, mediante la implementación de una inteligencia artificial como herramienta que permita no solo evitarlos, sino que a su vez reduzca los peligros y riesgos por un indebido decreto u omisión. Esto debido a la existencia de dos errores de tipo dentro de esta clase de medidas. Por una parte, los presentes en dictar una medida de bajo riesgo, y otra donde no se dicta una medida de alto riesgo. Por lo tanto, la pregunta problema a responder es: ¿permite el modelo evaluativo de predicción de riesgos de inteligencia artificial, evitar errores jurisdiccionales y esquemas de peligro en el decreto de medidas cautelares dentro de un proceso judicial? cuyo objetivo general es analizar la procedencia de la inteligencia artificial y su modelo evaluativo de predicción de riesgos, dentro del decreto de
medidas privativas de la libertad en el proceso judicial colombiano, que se desarrolla mediante el empleo de una metodología básica jurídica, descriptiva, explicativa y hermenéutica. Esto permitió, dentro de la ejecución del proyecto, entablar como resultados que la inteligencia artificial, por su naturaleza, es una herramienta que
permite configurar algoritmos que resuelvan las diversas variantes que implica el dictar una medida privativa de la libertad. De tal modo que dentro del sistema jurídico colombiano ya se encuentra en operatividad un sistema que efectúa dichos análisis con inteligencia artificial y efectiviza las reglas procesales como un esquema

Intelligence artificielle, algorithme, robot semblent constituer les derniers avatars d’une longue histoire des rapports entre art et technologie. Sans réécrire cette histoire, nous allons nous attarder sur ce qui renouvelle la rencontre... more

Intelligence artificielle, algorithme, robot semblent constituer les derniers avatars d’une longue histoire des rapports entre art et technologie. Sans réécrire cette histoire, nous allons nous attarder sur ce qui renouvelle la rencontre entre l’art et l’IA, au plan technologique mais également esthétique et économique. Nous prendrons comme terrain de réflexion une controverse née autour d’une œuvre vendue aux enchères en octobre 2018 et créée à partir d’un modèle d’apprentissage machine dont s’est emparé un collectif d’entrepreneurs-créateurs français. Si certains analystes, artistes ou critiques, de cette controverse entre art et IA s’en tiennent à une lecture esthétique ou en dévoilent les ressorts financiers et les biais sociaux, trop peu ont développé l’argument d’une écologie de la création dans un monde fini.

The European Community project COLLATE (Collaboratory for Annotation, Indexing and Retrieval of Digitized Historical Archive Material) is concerned with digitised historical/cultural material. One of the main features of COLLATE system... more

The European Community project COLLATE (Collaboratory for Annotation, Indexing and Retrieval of Digitized Historical Archive Material) is concerned with digitised historical/cultural material. One of the main features of COLLATE system architecture is the integration of software components that exploit state-of-the-art techniques coming from the area of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation. This work describes the results achieved by applying Machine Learning methods for automatic classification and labelling ...