Image Repair Strategies Research Papers (original) (raw)

David Letterman, host of The Late Show, told a joke about Sarah Palin’s daughter during one of his nightly monologues. During the ensuing controversy, Letterman offered two extended statements about the joke. Approaching Letterman’s... more

David Letterman, host of The Late Show, told a joke about Sarah Palin’s daughter during one of his nightly monologues. During the ensuing controversy, Letterman offered two extended statements about the joke. Approaching Letterman’s responses from the perspective of Benoit’s image repair typology reveals three primary strategies: denial, mortification, and corrective action. While Letterman’s first attempt to resolve the controversy failed, his second attempt was largely successful. Implications for public relations image repair strategies are offered.

South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson shouted " You lie! " at President Barack Obama, interrupting the president's speech before a joint session of Congress. Facing widespread criticism, Wilson apologized. We use this unique case to... more

South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson shouted " You lie! " at President Barack Obama, interrupting the president's speech before a joint session of Congress. Facing widespread criticism, Wilson apologized. We use this unique case to consider the peculiar nature of outburst as a form of attack—an attack that, instead of damaging the image of its target, often inflicts primary damage on the image of the attacker. We conclude that Wilson's image repair efforts largely failed, as measured against a criterion of appropriateness. The analysis highlights unique impacts of delivery dimensions as requisites for outbursts, shifting focus from conventional conceptualizations of content in image repair scholarship. Further, implications of outburst as rhetorical attack and as a rhetorical act necessitating defense are explored.

College sports coaches and administrators can use open letters to repair images and weather crises, especially during losing seasons. Our rhetorical analysis uses Benoit’s typology of image repair to reveal three primary strategies... more

College sports coaches and administrators can use open letters to repair images and weather crises, especially during losing seasons. Our rhetorical analysis uses Benoit’s typology of image repair to reveal three primary strategies attempted during losing seasons: evading responsibility, reducing offensiveness, and corrective action. We take note of how open letters distributed via electronic media channels widen the audience of such letters, but also, complicate issues of timing and of targeted audience analysis. We offer five implications for scholars and practitioners, including the importance of audience analysis, the value of corrective action, the ineffectiveness of attacking accusers, and the unique value of transcendence in sport communication image repair rhetoric.

This study investigates utterances designed to restore a damaged reputation. A typology of image repair strategies is described and perceptions of the appropriateness and effectiveness of these strategies in face-threatening... more

This study investigates utterances designed to restore a damaged reputation. A typology of image repair strategies is described and perceptions of the appropriateness and effectiveness of these strategies in face-threatening interpersonal situations are investigated. Specifically, this study helps to correct a limitation of previous studies. Rather than compare accounts at a general level (excuses, justifications) using examples of particular strategies, this study compared fourteen specific image restoration strategies. Mortification (apologies, concessions) and corrective action were perceived as more effective and appropriate than other strategies. Bolstering, minimization, provocation, and denial were rated as least effective and appropriate.

Rumah Sakit Mitra Keluarga Kalideres have to deal with a complicated crisis situation when a patient named Tiara Debora lost her life under the medical treatment from the hospital. The crisis disrupted the hospital's operations, as well... more

Rumah Sakit Mitra Keluarga Kalideres have to deal with a complicated crisis situation when a patient named Tiara Debora lost her life under the medical treatment from the hospital. The crisis disrupted the hospital's operations, as well as generated negative effect to its reputation. By using Benoit's image repair theory, this study aims at examining the effectivity of Mitra Keluarga's image restoration strategies. Moreover, this study conducts a qualitative research methodology, especially on the implementation of rhetorical criticism. The result of the study shows that bolstering became the most effective strategies in building positive image of Mitra Keluarga. However, this study generally concludes that the image restoration strategies by Mitra Keluarga were not quite effective to defend their reputation. This ineffectively caused by offensive nature of the initial strategies, as well as the contradictive between the function of the applied strategies.

Arby’s, a fast food restaurant, made a marketing appeal based on geography in its “Journey” television campaign, arguing that its meats sliced in its restaurants were fresher than Subway’s meats sliced in Iowa. Although the target of the... more

Arby’s, a fast food restaurant, made a marketing appeal based on geography in its “Journey” television campaign, arguing that its meats sliced in its restaurants were fresher than Subway’s meats sliced in Iowa. Although the target of the advertisement was Subway, some Iowans felt attacked. Iowans’ reactions and Arby’s responses offer an instructive case of image attack and image defense in public relations.

Open letters offer a unique focus for rhetorical analysis in sport communication, forming a message that is both interpersonal (the attempt to reflect dialogue through a letter writer and its recipients) and public (the “open” part of the... more

Open letters offer a unique focus for rhetorical analysis in sport communication, forming a message that is both interpersonal (the attempt to reflect dialogue through a letter writer and its recipients) and public (the “open” part of the open letter). The National Football League (NFL) attempted image repair when it used open letters to respond to accusations that it was not doing enough to protect athletes against devastating effects of concussions. Through the use of Benoit’s theory of image repair, the authors found that Commissioner Goodell’s open letters relied on 2 main image repair strategies: reducing offensiveness and corrective action. They consider the implications of these rhetorical choices for the complicated merging areas of sport, communication, and health in the NFL’s open letters.

Situasi krisis yang cukup pelik harus dihadapi oleh Rumah Sakit Mitra Keluarga Kalideres ketika seorang pasien bernama Tiara Debora meninggal dibawah penanganan medisnya. Krisis tersebut mengakibatkan operasional rumah sakit terganggu,... more

Situasi krisis yang cukup pelik harus dihadapi oleh Rumah Sakit Mitra Keluarga Kalideres ketika seorang pasien bernama Tiara Debora meninggal dibawah penanganan medisnya. Krisis tersebut mengakibatkan operasional rumah sakit terganggu, sekaligus menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap reputasi Mitra Keluarga. Dengan mengadopsi teori restorasi citra dari William L. Benoit, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengeksplorasi, serta mengupas secara mendalam pilihan-pilihan retorika Mitra Keluarga dalam mempertahankan organisasi. Di samping itu, penelitian ini juga ditujukan untuk mengkaji efektifitas dari strategi restorasi citra yang diterapkan oleh rumah sakit terakit. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode retorika kritis dan berada di ranah penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menempatkan bolstering sebagai strategi yang paling efektif membangun citra positif Mitra Keluarga. Namun demikian, secara garis besar penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa strategi restorasi citra yang dibangun Mitra Keluarga tidak cukup efektif mempertahankan reputasinya. Hal ini utamanya disebabkan oleh sifat menyerang dari strategi-strategi fase awal, sekaligus perpaduan strategi yang saling kontradiktif fungsinya antara satu dengan yang lain.

Broadening the application of Benoit's image repair theory, this case study compares and contrasts crisis management strategies of Jon and Kate Gosselin during their 2009 highly publicized divorce. Specifically, it looks at how they... more

Broadening the application of Benoit's image repair theory, this case study compares and contrasts crisis management strategies of Jon and Kate Gosselin during their 2009 highly publicized divorce. Specifically, it looks at how they presented themselves through personal statements, interviews and social media in two phases: the year before and the year after their divorce. Findings indicate the two used many image repair strategies and experienced varying levels of success.

Researchers and practitioners have developed approaches for evaluating crises. These approaches have been useful in identifying specific strategies employed by organizations in a crisis where damage to reputation is a threat. These... more

Researchers and practitioners have developed approaches for evaluating crises. These approaches have been useful in identifying specific strategies employed by organizations in a crisis where damage to reputation is a threat. These studies, however, are not based on an overarching theory that can be used to differentiate among degrees of crisis severity. This paper examined two elements that determine crisis severity, and proposed a revised theory for image repair strategy selection based on those elements. The Image Repair Situational Matrix was created to offer a prescriptive method for strategy selection. Coca-Cola's European contamination crisis from the summer of 1999 was studied to test the usefulness of this revised theory. The results found that the Image Repair Situational Theory provides a useful guide to organizations facing reputation-altering events.

The growing body of scholarship on sport scandals focuses on how media cover these incidents, how scandalized parties disrupt expectations and repair their images, and the circumstances under which punishment and forgiveness are issued.... more

The growing body of scholarship on sport scandals focuses on how media cover these incidents, how scandalized parties disrupt expectations and repair their images, and the circumstances under which punishment and forgiveness are issued. This article uses Deadspin, Sports Illustrated, and ESPN’s coverage of the 2013 Manti Te’o hoax to suggest that sport scandals also compose instruments through which media outlets fashion their brands, critique competitors, and compete for market share. It demonstrates how these outlets used the Te’o incident to negotiate their positions in the sport-media industry and, more broadly, how sport scandals and coverage of them can reshape that increasingly digital industry’s established hierarchies.

Approaching image as an audience’s perception of a rhetor, this essay considers the feasibility and efficacy of combining strategies and tactics of an image repair typology with the strategic approach outlined by inoculation theory. The... more

Approaching image as an audience’s perception of a rhetor, this essay considers the feasibility and efficacy of combining strategies and tactics of an image repair typology with the strategic approach outlined by inoculation theory. The work considers whether inoculation could expand the scope of conventional image repair efforts as a way to not only repair a damaged image, post-hoc, but also to confer resistance to future challenges, preemptively. Directions for future research are proposed, including preemptive image repair and reactive inoculation, and the use of image repair strategies in inoculation messages as a type of image prepare. Risks, challenges, and incidental strengths of an image prepare approach are also raised.

During her fictional 1940 presidential campaign, popular radio star Gracie Allen was the target of criticism after her colleague told a joke referencing First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Allen responded to the criticisms with a public letter.... more

During her fictional 1940 presidential campaign, popular radio star Gracie Allen was the target of criticism after her colleague told a joke referencing First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Allen responded to the criticisms with a public letter. In this analysis, Benoit’s image repair typology is used to study Allen’s letter. A total of 5 implications are drawn, including issues of celebrity roles, the effectiveness of mortification during image repair efforts, and challenges and benefits of humor in an image repair situation, to better understand historical political radio humor—an under-explored focus of image repair scholarship.

The Camden Hills high school football season was cancelled mid-season after multiple injuries to current team members led to not having enough participants to safely field a competitive team. The decision to cancel the team came from... more

The Camden Hills high school football season was cancelled mid-season after multiple injuries to current team members led to not having enough participants to safely field a competitive team. The decision to cancel the team came from school administrators. This paper offers a rhetorical analysis of the image repair strategies used by Superintendent Libby in her attempt to help explain the decision-making process used by administrators to come to this decision. Additionally, this study focuses on aspects of community and sport, examining potentially competing interests of safety and community.

Religious affiliation has always played a prominent role in the vetting of US presidential candidates, especially for those seeking the nomination of the Republican Party. Candidates within that party must appeal to fiscal, foreign... more

Religious affiliation has always played a prominent role in the vetting of US presidential candidates, especially for those seeking the nomination of the Republican Party. Candidates within that party must appeal to fiscal, foreign policy and social conservatives, the last of which contain significant numbers of self-described evangelical Christians. During the 2012 Republican Presidential Primary appeals to these social conservatives became as significant a factor as any other with a Mormon candidate, a Catholic candidate who made his faith a centerpiece of his campaign, and a divorced former Speaker who recently converted to Catholicism. With the race still very much in the air, this former Speaker, Newt Gingrich, came under fire for his prior marriage and just a few days before a pivotal primary in South Carolina his ex-wife taped an interview about his marriage to her which was set to air immediately after the last debate before the election in South Carolina. At the beginning of the debate the moderator, John King of CNN, provided Gingrich an opportunity to discuss the pending interview. His response changed the scope of that primary election, helping vault Gingrich to a significant victory in South Carolina with significant support from formerly hesitant social conservatives. In this essay we examine his response to King’s opening question at the debate through the lens of image restoration theory and argue Gingrich used specific strategies to appeal for support from the social conservatives in that state. Keywords: Apologia, Image Restoration, Newt Gingrich, News Media, 2012 Campaign.

Religious affiliation has always played a prominent role in the vetting of US presidential candidates, especially for those seeking the nomination of the Republican Party. Candidates within that party must appeal to fiscal, foreign policy... more

Religious affiliation has always played a prominent role in the vetting of US presidential candidates, especially for those seeking the nomination of the Republican Party. Candidates within that party must appeal to fiscal, foreign policy and social conservatives, the last of which contain significant numbers of selfdescribed evangelical Christians. During the 2012 Republican Presidential Primary appeals to these social conservatives became as significant a factor as any other with a Mormon candidate, a Catholic candidate who made his faith a centerpiece of his campaign, and a divorced former Speaker who recently converted to Catholicism. With the race still very much in the air, this former Speaker, Newt Gingrich, came under fire for his prior marriage and just a few days before a pivotal primary in South Carolina his ex-wife taped an interview about his marriage to her which was set to air immediately after the last debate before the election in South Carolina. At the beginning of...

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