Immigrant Education Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, savaş nedeniyle ülkelerini terk etmek zorunda kalan Suriyeli sığınmacı çocukların okul ve sınıf ortamında uyum sorunlarının çözülebilmesi ve öğretmenler tarafından desteklenmesi için gerekli koşulların... more

Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, savaş nedeniyle ülkelerini terk etmek zorunda kalan Suriyeli sığınmacı çocukların okul ve sınıf ortamında uyum sorunlarının çözülebilmesi ve öğretmenler tarafından desteklenmesi için gerekli koşulların sağlanmasında öğretmen etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Bu temel amaç doğrultusunda araştırmada aşağıdaki sorulara yanıt aranmıştır: 1- Suriyeli öğrencilerin eğitimine devam ettiği sınıfın genel öğrenme iklimi nasıldır? 2- Sınıfında Suriyeli sığınmacı öğrenciler bulunan öğretmenlerin bu öğrencilere yönelik aldığı eğitimsel önlemler nelerdir? 3- Sınıfında Suriyeli sığınmacı öğrenciler bulunan öğretmenler bu öğrencilerle nasıl iletişim kurmaktadır? 4- Sınıfında Suriyeli sığınmacı öğrenciler bulunan öğretmenler bu öğrencilerin diğer öğrencilerle ilişkilerini düzenlemek için ne tür tedbirler almaktadır?/almakta mıdır? 5- Suriyeli sığınmacı öğrencilerin eğitim ortamlarına entegrasyonu ve travmalarının sağaltımı için eğitim ortamlarında öğretmenler tarafından ne tür destekler verilebilir?Araştırma nitel araştırma yöntemi ve bu yöntem içerisinde yer alan durum çalışması deseni ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Durum çalışması deseninde olan bu araştırmanın verileri birden fazla veri toplama tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarının öğretmenlik uygulaması programı çerçevesinde sınıflarında Suriyeli sığınmacı öğrencilerin bulunduğu sınıflarda gözlem, doldurulan gözlem formlarının incelenmesini içeren doküman inceleme tekniği ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmada oldukça küçük bir örneklem olmasına rağmen değerli bulgular ortaya konulmuştur. Gözlemlenen öğretmenlerin genel olarak sığınmacı öğrencilerin geliştirilmesi ve arkadaşlarıyla ilişkilerinin düzenlenmesi ile ilgili çok fazla tedbir almadıkları, sınıf geneline uygulanan programları uyguladıkları, hem mesleki anlamda yeterli bulunan hem de yeterli olarak algılanmayan öğretmen davranışlarında yabancı öğrenciler için alınana ek önlemler konusunda gözle görünür bir fark olmadığı rapor edilmiştir. Ancak bunun nicel araştırmalarla ayrıca test edileceği yeni araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Ayrıca göçmen öğrencilerle Türk öğrenciler arasında tam bir kaynaşma sağlanamadığı da anlaşılmaktadır.

This action-research case study examines the potential benefits of explicit formfocused instruction (FFI) on the English learning of Mexican-origin adolescent students attending a middle school designated as low-performing. During the... more

This action-research case study examines the potential benefits of explicit formfocused instruction (FFI) on the English learning of Mexican-origin adolescent students attending a middle school designated as low-performing. During the first year of the study I taught two sections of English as a second language to students beginning their second or third year in U.S. schools. At the beginning of the year I administered a pretest to 20 students, and throughout the year I documented and reflected on my teaching and my students’ learning through written and recorded notes. At the end of the year I administered a posttest to my students. During the second year of the study, I collected tests results using the same grammar test from students whom I had not taught and who had attended U.S. schools from two to eight years. I reported the results and analysis of the study through a retrospective narrative format. The findings suggest that grammar—as the abstract system it is—is difficult to teach and challenging to learn for adolescent immigrant students with varying degrees of prior knowledge. The findings also suggest that immigrant youngsters appear to benefit in diverse ways from being taught through a grammar-based approach. The retrospective narrative provides a description of research process, the contexts of the study, the students, the teaching and learning that went on in viii my classroom, and the results of the grammar test. Although the results of the grammar test favored the students exposed to FFI, these findings cannot be generalized to other students in other FFI classrooms. Limitations of the study are provided along with suggestion for future research and implications for teachers.

The main purpose of this research is to develop a draft school adjustment program for migrant students in order to draw attention to the school adjustment of migrant students and to improve school compliance. The research was conducted in... more

The main purpose of this research is to develop a draft school adjustment program for migrant students in order to draw attention to the school adjustment of migrant students and to improve school compliance. The research was conducted in a qualitative design to determine the main goals and values of the school adaptation program for migrant students. The data of the study were obtained by using semi-structured interviews with thirteen teachers, six school administrators, fourteen migrant students and eleven parents residing in Hatay, Niğde, Kırşehir city centers during the 2017-2018 academic year. In the study, student interview form, teacher and school administrator interview form and parent interview form developed by the researcher were used as data collection tool. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by the content analysis method. At the end of the study, it was found that the teachers and school administrators indicated that migrant students had difficulty in using language, introversion, shyness, unwillingness, use of slang words, exhibiting aggressive behaviors, not being able to establish social relationship, fighting with their peers, communication conflicts, not feeling to join society, ostracisation, they have problems of harmony, cultural difference; failure at attending the school in their academic life, academic history differences, lack of a original system related to migrant students to evaluate them and motivation problems; not speaking in their family life, fragmented family, security concerns and problems of uncertainty of migration fate; also stated that there are various socio-economic inadequacy, parental employment and child labor issues. In addition, it was observed that teachers and school administrators in the study group did not know the needs of migrant students, did not know their culture, could not allocate extra time to them, had difficulty in class management and could not use different teaching methods and techniques. The parents of the study group stated that they were not able to get educational tools, access to social assistance, have lack of paying school bus service, have employment and housing problems; they also stated that their children have problems with their academic backgrounds, not speaking language, failure in the lessons, lack of motivation in their educational lives; their children have conflictions and are exposed to discrimination in their social relations with their peers and late arrival and being prepared their identities lately as politically and bureaucratically, each week they sign in the administration of migration, they can not change the city and can not to do their own professions. The migrant students in the research group stated that they were exposed to verbal and physical violence, ostracising and discriminatory attitudes of their friends and that they had communication conflicts with their friends; that they have problems in providing success in their courses, they have different academic back ground and they experience language problems.

This qualitative study examined the decision-making process of undocumented college students pursuing graduate degrees, and how their commitment to matriculate in higher education programs is shaped by a myriad of social, familial,... more

This qualitative study examined the decision-making process of undocumented college students pursuing graduate degrees, and how their commitment to matriculate in higher education programs is shaped by a myriad of social, familial, financial, and institutional factors. This study drew on 2 years of ethnographic data from a sample of 20 undocumented graduate students. The authors used critical race theory and LatCrit in education as guiding frameworks. The findings revealed that family marginalization, guided pathways, and social activism inform student decisions to pursue graduate school. The article concluded with a discussion of implications and areas of future research on undocumented students pursuing a graduate education in a DACA context. Resumen Usando entrevistas profundas, este estudio cualitativo a través de dos instituciones en California examinó el proceso de decisión que lleva a estudiantes indocumentados a programas de post-grado. Hallazgos revelaron que las decisiones de estos estudiantes las influenciaron el permanecer como indocumentados, un compromiso a la justicia social, mementos críticos de la vida y la familia, así como un sistema de apoyo y mentoría. Usando la Teoría Crítica Racial, este estudio reveló que los procesos de decisión latina/o son formados por la forma particular que estos estudiantes son racializados como indocumentados.

Öz: S ığınmac ı ve mültec ilere kaliteli bir eğitim hizmetinin sunulması, yeni gelenler ile ev sahibi toplumun etkileşimi, uyum ve gelec ek aç ısından yaşamsal öneme sahiptir. Bu bağlamda bir durum ç alışması olarak bu nitel araştırmanın... more

Öz: S ığınmac ı ve mültec ilere kaliteli bir eğitim hizmetinin sunulması, yeni gelenler ile ev sahibi toplumun etkileşimi, uyum ve gelec ek aç ısından yaşamsal öneme sahiptir. Bu bağlamda bir durum ç alışması olarak bu nitel araştırmanın amac ı, Eskişehir örneğinde, mültec i ve sığınmac ı ç oc uklara yönelik olarak yürütülen eğitim etkinliklerinin genel durumunu ortaya koymak ve genel bir değerlendirme yapabilmektir. Yaklaşık 10 bin şartlı mültec i ve 3500 c ivarında S uriyelinin yaşadığı Eskişehir ç alışma alanı olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırma verileri, eğitim etkinliklerinin paydaşı olan uygulayıc ılar, S TK temsilcileri ve sığınmac ı ailelerden 30 kişi ile görüşülerek toplanmıştır. Görüşmelerde, Eskişehir'de mültec i ve S uriyelilerin eğitimi iç in nelerin yapıldığı, yapılanların yeterli görülüp görülmediği ile mültec i ve S uriyelilerin eğitimi konusunda başka nelerin yapılabilec eği sorularına yanıt aranmıştır. Bulgulara göre, eğitime ulaşım konusunda olumlu gelişmelerin varlığına karşın sunulan eğitim hizmetlerinin kalitesi, öğretmenlerin sığınmac ılarla ç alışma konusundaki yeterlikleri, eğitim etkinliklerini düzenleyen kurumlar arasındaki eşgüdüm, uygun eğitim programları ve araç-gereç ler gibi konularda yetersizlikler söz konusudur. Araştırma sonuç ları, eğitim hizmetlerinin sunumunda, hak temelli yaklaşıma ve etkinliklerin planlanması ve uygulanması sürec ine sığınmac ı ve mültec ilerin de katılımının gerekliliğinin altını ç izmektedir. Abstract: Providing quality educ ation services for the asylum seekers and refugees is crucial for a healthy interac tion between the host soc iety and the newc omers and ensuring their harmony. As a case study, this qualitative research aims to reveal the c urrent status of the educ ational ac tivities involving the refugee/asylum-seeker c hildren in Eskişehir, and to make an overall evaluation. Eskişehir, a c ity of nearly 10.000 c onditional refugees and 3500 Syrians was selec ted as the site of this study. The research data were collected through semi-struc tured interviews with a total of 30 partic ipants representing the educ ation stakeholders (prac titioners, NGOs, and refugee families). The interviews sought answers to the questions regarding what was being done for the educ ation of the refugees and S yrians in Eskişehir, to what extent the current practices were perceived as sufficient, and what else needed be done for their education. The findings reveal that, while there have been positive developments in the access to education, some shortcomings have been identified in the quality of the educational services, teacher competencies in refugee educ ation, inter-organizational c ooperation, and provision of appropriate c urric ulum and instruc tional equipment. The results underscore the need for ensuring the participation of the asylum-seekers/refugees in the process of planning and implementing educ ational ac tivities, and having a rights-based approac h in c urric ulum design. GİRİŞ Savaş bölgelerinden kaçış ve daha iyi bir yaşam arayışı gibi nedenlerle insanlar küresel ölçekte hareket halindedir (Bourgonje, 2010). Zorla yerinden edilme söz konusu hareketlilikte giderek daha çok yer tutmaktadır. Birleşmiş Milletler Mülteciler Yüksek Komiserliği'nin (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR) verilerine göre günümüzde yerinden edilmeye ilişkin sayısal veriler şimdiye kadarki en yüksek seviyeye ulaşmış durumdadır. 65,6 milyon insan zorla yerinden edilmiş, zorunlu olarak yerinden olmuştur. Dünyada, dakikada 20 kişi zorunlu olarak yerinden edilmektedir. Dünya genelindeki sığınmacı sayısı 22,5 milyon iken devletsiz insan sayısı ise 10 milyondur. Mültecilerin geldiği ülkelere bakıldığında ilk üç sırada Suriye (5,5 milyon), Afganistan (2,5

The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans creates a multitude of identity crises for Asian minorities. Asians who cannot meet the incredibly high standards set before them by such classifications face crises and end up either... more

The model minority stereotype of Asian Americans creates a multitude of identity crises for Asian minorities. Asians who cannot meet the incredibly high standards set before them by such classifications face crises and end up either rebelling against their culture and the dominant White culture or wallowing in shame for their failure to meet said expectations. On a larger scale, the stereotype does not consider class or habitus and forms of capital that this heterogeneous and diverse community possesses. This chapter provides a theoretical examination of the effects of the model minority stereotype on Asian immigrants, with a focus on West Asians.
The chapter reveals economic and cultural inequities the model minority stereotype causes within immigrant communities and the larger U.S. society, demonstrating how the stereotyping operates as a subsystem of Whiteness used to promote the inequitable ideology of achieving the American Dream through hard work while bringing racism to the forefront.

This paper details a peer mentoring language socialization program that is based upon the recognition that all youth have interests, past experiences, and skill sets. The ELL Ambassadors Program facilitates this peer-to-peer or... more

This paper details a peer mentoring language socialization program that is based upon the recognition that all youth have interests, past experiences, and skill sets. The ELL Ambassadors Program facilitates this peer-to-peer or horizontal intercultural interpersonal interaction (H3I) and provides culturally and linguistically diverse youth opportunities to reposition themselves with their desired identities in their school and community environments. I describe how this program was implemented in the U.S. with English Language Learners and posit how it could be utilized in Mexico for the Spanish language socialization of repatriated youth.

The two goals of this chapter are: (1) to investigate the resources provided by public schools to students from migrant farmworking families with varying citizenship status; and (2) to understand how their parents perceive their... more

The two goals of this chapter are: (1) to investigate the resources provided by public schools to students from migrant farmworking families with varying citizenship status; and (2) to understand how their parents perceive their children's U.S. school experiences. These Mexican and/or Indigenous families have come to the U.S. in fear of violence, to escape poverty, and with a lack of educational or social opportunity in Mexico. This study contributes to understandings of how U.S. schools might better meet the needs of children and families from migrant farmworking (often Indigenous) backgrounds who are forcibly displaced from their homelands due to economic inequality and political upheaval. As Campbell-Montalvo has written about elsewhere (2019), "Indigenous migrants are at the margins of multiple racial, ethnic, and national spaces" (see also Casanova SB.

Based on nine months of ethnographic fieldwork, this article explores the contested roles of education in the intergenerational dynamics and transcultural negotiations of immigrant Chinese in Luxembourg. It offers an account of how... more

Based on nine months of ethnographic fieldwork, this article explores the contested roles of education in the intergenerational dynamics and transcultural negotiations of immigrant Chinese in Luxembourg. It offers an account of how immigrant youth and parents exhibited particular cultural orientations and social ties that helped them gain collective wellbeing yet also produced intergenerational and cross-cultural tensions in childrearing and schooling. Immigrant-specific social and cultural resourcesas reflected in children's labor participation in family catering businesses and parental high academic expectationsare both a source of empowerment for immigrant survival, and a source of constraint when leading to racial stereotyping and tensions in home-school, parent-child relations. This paper calls for culturally responsive schooling in order to better understand immigrants' multi-pronged challenges, resources, and aspirations in negotiating educational inequalities. This study hopes to contribute to scholarship on immigrant education and European Chinese diaspora more broadly.

This article examines how the Education Leadership Foundation (a leadership development community based organization) in partnership with the Migrant Education Program use parent retreats for building leadership, and skill development of... more

This article examines how the Education Leadership Foundation (a leadership development
community based organization) in partnership with the Migrant Education Program use parent
retreats for building leadership, and skill development of migrant farm-working families. Utilizing
cooperative and community responsive practices, these retreats build on the Community
Cultural Wealth (Yosso, 2005) in migrant communities as parents develop cohesive networks
and community leaders to engage in school advocacy in the service of their children. This study
draws from testimonios and participant observations to reveal the particular ways that social,
familial, and resistant capital are activated. We examine the unique dimensions of leadership
development within (im)migrant farmworker communities, and argue for the need to rethink
the role of testimonios as a pedagogical tool in parent engagement and capacity building for
leadership and agency in such communities.

This paper presents four projects in which mobile devices are used to support authentic learning in an afterschool technology club, La Clase Mágica (LCM@UTSA), designed to motivate underrepresented elementary school children in science,... more

This paper presents four projects in which mobile devices are used to support authentic learning in an afterschool technology club, La Clase Mágica (LCM@UTSA), designed to motivate underrepresented elementary school children in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a recent addition to the archaeologist's arsenal of tools. They are capable of traveling in the air and reaching places that a human cannot. They are however not used in many places over the world. This... more

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a recent addition to the archaeologist's arsenal of tools. They are capable of traveling in the air and reaching places that a human cannot. They are however not used in many places over the world. This thesis' purpose is to illuminate the positive and negative aspects of how UAVs can be used in archaeology, in order to generate interest in the utilization. Their ability to acquire images that encompasses large and small areas is its main and most frequently used attribute. By using two case studies, the attributes of UAV's are put forward. The conclusiveness of data procured by UAVs and how it is possible to use this information in further studies are shown in these case studies. We see that the UAVs differ in abilities, and the result is often dependent of the quality of the available tools and gear. 2 1. Methodological discussion 1.1. Literature This thesis encompasses several scientific fields, such as Aerial Archaeology, Aerial Photography, Color Spectrums, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Remote Sensing. To get the most complete overview I have used literary sources for most of the theoretical chapters, several of these sources are however not up to date on the technical aspects. This encompasses all of the fields and is due to the constant development of technology, I cross reference my sources with information available on internet and on scientific journals. In specific I used the literature suggested on the Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) website ( 1.2. Internet The World Wide Web has been immensely helpful when searching for information regarding new tools to perform aerial photography, UAVs, and the debate regarding ethics in remote sensing and archaeology. The UAV topic has only generated a few books regarding the subject, and in these rare cases the books have been written through a very technical and militaristic perspective. While being aware of the biased opinions that float around on forums I have been very critical to the information. The sources and opinions in the ethical discussion were very few, but come from respected sources such as 1.3. Arc-Team UAV During the development of this thesis I had the opportunity to study a custom-built UAV, made by the owners of the company Arc-Team ( Arc-Team is an Italian based company that is renowned for their work in many different areas in archaeology. They promote themselves as having a qualified team and strong connections with institutions all over the world (Lund University being one of them). The provide services in Archaeological Excavation, Digital documentation (2D and 3D), Survey and predictive modeling, GIS, WebGIS, DataBase Management System, 3D modeling and animation, Historical research and artifact study, Anthropology, Paleopathology, Geoarchaeology, Geophysical survey, Protection Project and Musealization. In several of their studies they have employed UAV systems to perform archaeological documentation. They have been featured in several news articles where their exploits with remote controlled drones for archaeological purposes are explained. The company is also known for having developed a free open source software known as ArcheOS and striving for a free open source platform in aerial archaeology and remote sensing. During the making of this Master's Thesis I had the opportunity to interview the staff from Arcteam about the attributes of their drone and the way of how these instruments are employed in the field. Drones. In the interview I also

The reception of newcomer youngsters by schools constitutes a policy issue in Europe already for decades. This book deals with how practitioners in Rotterdam and Barcelona apply existing policies for the reception of immigrant students,... more

The reception of newcomer youngsters by schools constitutes a policy issue in Europe already for decades. This book deals with how practitioners in Rotterdam and Barcelona apply existing policies for the reception of immigrant students, the dilemmas they face and the strategies they design as a response. Using a combination of discursive, organizational, and ethnographic research techniques, the author studies to what extent practices conform to policies, and to what extent they diverge from them in basic principles. This book analyzes the influence of institutional frameworks on the practices of policy implementers by comparing Netherlands and Spain -specifically Barcelona and Rotterdam-, two cases which are very different in terms of their national policies of integration, their educational systems and their programs for educational reception. Much can be learned over the reception practices of secondary schools, but above all over how policy gaps work, and the common and specific features that they present across different countries. In short, this is an indispensable reading for scholars, policymakers and practitioners alike, which offers new insights about the policy-practice gap and the role of policy practitioners in it.

The aim of this study was to determine the needs of Turkish early literacy skills of Syrian children under temporary protection aged 4-6 years living in Turkey. In the determination of the study group, the families of the 40 Syrian... more

The aim of this study was to determine the needs of Turkish early literacy skills of Syrian children under temporary protection aged 4-6 years living in Turkey. In the determination of the study group, the families of the 40 Syrian children under temporary protection registered in the Turkish Red Crescent Gaziantep Community Center were reached and those who wanted to participate in the research were selected. Data collection and data analysis processes were carried out using qualitative and quantitative research methods. The quantitative data were collected using “The Turkish Early Literacy Skills Evaluation Tool” developed by the researchers and a qualitative observation form was used during implementation. The evaluation tool included expressive language skills, receptive language skills, phonetic awareness, writing awareness, matching images, and pre-writing skills. Quantitative data obtained from the evaluation tool and the qualitative data based on the observation notes of the practitioners were associated with holistic analysis. According to the findings, the percentage of the children who answered correctly at writing awareness skills test is 10,82; at phonetic awareness skills is 15.09; at expressive language skills is 23.07, at pre-writing psycho-motor skills is 38.46; at matching images skills is 41.45 and at receptive language skills is 53.84. The qualitative data obtained from the observations made during the implementation also indicated that the children had the most difficulties in the phonological awareness and pre-writing awareness sections; that they showed reactions such as crying and dropping the test while doing the questions in these sections. The findings showed that children’s early literacy levels in Turkish were low in the measured dimensions. In a curriculum to be developed accordingly; it is suggested to include objectives for developing receptive language skills, matching images and pre-writing skills, with a particular focus on pre-writing awareness, phonological awareness and expressive language skills.

Niniejsza publikacja poświęcona jest uczniom z doświadczeniem migracji oraz ich rodzicom, dla których wspólnym odniesieniem w różnych sytuacjach szkolnych były problemy związane z edukacją w Polsce. Mając na uwadze sukces edukacyjny... more

Niniejsza publikacja poświęcona jest uczniom z doświadczeniem migracji oraz ich rodzicom, dla których wspólnym odniesieniem w różnych sytuacjach szkolnych były problemy związane z edukacją w Polsce. Mając na uwadze sukces edukacyjny uczniów z doświadczeniem migracji, dokonania dydaktyczne ich nauczycieli oraz rezultaty w obszarze zarządzania dyrektorów placówek, do których uczęszczają ci młodzi ludzie, przeprowadziłam badania jakościowe wśródnich, oraz ich rodziców, a także absolwentów z doświadczeniem migracji, którzy kiedyś zasiadali w szkolnych ławkach. Jako metodę pozyskiwania materiału wykorzystałam wywiady narracyjne oraz biograficzno-narracyjne, popularne nie tylko wśród pedagogów, antropologów kultury, ale także glottodydaktyków. Rozmowy rejestrowałam na różnych nośnikach, niektóre z nich zapisałam tylko odręcznie. Językiem rozmów był głównie język polski, ale czasami posiłkowałam się językiem angielskim oraz ukraińskim. Z tego ostatniego kodu komunikacyjnego najczęściej korzystali rodzice, których stopień znajomości polszczyzny nie pozwalał im na dokładne przedstawienie problemów. Wypowiedzi respondentów zostały poddane transkrypcji oraz drobnej korekcie stylistycznej.

This chapter establishes connections between the main economic activities that immigrants, refugees, and ethnic entrepreneurs are involved in and their strategic choices. Therefore, in order to support the immigrant and ethnic... more

This chapter establishes connections between the main economic activities that immigrants, refugees, and ethnic entrepreneurs are involved in and their strategic choices. Therefore, in order to support the immigrant and ethnic entrepreneur's education, a taxonomy proposal is presented. Besides classifying and detailing the different immigrant or ethnic trajectories or types of firms, the idea of this chapter is to offer a practical instrument that would inspire and guide future entrepreneurs. Part of the scope of the chapter includes recommendations in terms of knowledge and skillsets, which would be necessary for each strategic choice derived from their immigrant paths. The authors posit that it is necessary to include in the pantheon of fundamental disciplines not only basic entrepreneurial education but also specific works aimed at increasing the competitiveness of companies created by immigrants, reinforcing the need for an education that results in the germination of new immigrant or ethnic ventures, avoiding bankruptcy situations, and increasing the chances of success of these newborn firms.

In our chapter we take the concept of agency and apply it to migrants’ search for a safe present and a good future for their children, who face the global challenges of living in a risk society. Our analysis draws on biographical,... more

In our chapter we take the concept of agency and apply it to migrants’ search for a safe present and a good future for their children, who face the global challenges of living in a risk society. Our analysis draws on biographical, semi-structured interviews conducted with Polish migrants living in the capital area of Norway. The findings of our research show that, although the labour market and good living conditions are important for Polish migrants while taking migration decisions, it is their children’s education that frequently transforms a temporary stay into a permanent one. We argue that Polish migrant parents adopt the strategy of ‘purchasing’ education, which they consider to be more beneficial due to the principles and values of the Norwegian welfare state (especially equality and educational support). In our research we found that the interviewees consider a Norwegian education as a ‘currency’, a credential in the sense that it will give their children access to further s...

This article deals with the question of importance of maintaining immigrant languages and focuses on the opportunities for immigrants in Slovenia to learn their mother tongues in school. It presents the legal and formal framework... more

This article deals with the question of importance of maintaining immigrant languages and focuses on the opportunities for immigrants in Slovenia to learn their mother tongues in school. It presents the legal and formal framework determining the scope for the development of immigrant languages within the educational system in Slovenia. It also touches upon the implementation of legal and formal provisions in practice and the attitudes of immigrants and their descendants as well as teachers toward the learning and use of immigrant languages in education. Research has shown that the desire among immigrants for the preservation of their mother tongues exists, but due to various objective and subjective reasons not much has been done so far to achieve this goal. We argue that the maintenance of immigrant languages is important and that a reconsideration of educational policy in this regard would be in place.

Forced migration from one country to another leads the immigrants to have social, cultural, economic, language and educational problems. Meskhetians (Ahiska Turks) having lived in Ukraine for long were forced to migrate to Turkey and... more

Forced migration from one country to another leads the immigrants to have social, cultural, economic, language and educational problems. Meskhetians (Ahiska Turks) having lived in Ukraine for long were forced to migrate to Turkey and approximately one thousands families were allowed and accommodated in the city of Erzincan in the years between 2015-2017. Meskhetian children at school age have been admitted to Turkish Language courses in order to adapt the education at Primary, Secondary and High schools. The biggest and most important problem that they faced in educational institutions in Turkey is academic Turkish language, though their mother tongue is Turkish. In the study we aimed to determine the problems with acquirement of academic language skill and the suggestions of language instructors. To get the necessary data, we interviewed with five Meskhetian students in secondary school and high school and three language instructors who teach Turkish Language in Secondary Schools and University. We used Qualitative Research Method and Focused Group Interview to obtain necessary views from the participant instructors and students in our study. After analysing the data, we have concluded that the Meskhetian students have difficulty in multiple choice exams due to lack of academic Turkish and academic language skills, though their native language is Turkish. Also we determined that their academic vocabulary capacity in Turkish is insufficient for multiple choice exams, and should be developed and supported through academic language courses.

Rapid migration shifts, anti-immigrant discourses in the public sphere, and harsh immigration policies have posed daunting challenges for immigrant students, their families, their teachers, and their communities in the 21 st century.... more

Rapid migration shifts, anti-immigrant discourses in the public sphere, and harsh immigration policies have posed daunting challenges for immigrant students, their families, their teachers, and their communities in the 21 st century. Trends in public discourse and law enforcement in the United States mirror developments in European countries with high levels of immigration. Informed by the research and praxis of eight teams of researchers in the United States and Europe, this paper discusses how educators are conceptualizing ways to analyze and resist anti-immigration discourses and practices in school and community contexts.

This qualitative study tells the stories of three Asian Indian children dealing with the initial phases of adjustment and acculturation at a multicultural elementary school in USA. Constructed using data collected through classroom... more

This qualitative study tells the stories of three Asian Indian children dealing with the initial phases of adjustment and acculturation at a multicultural elementary school in USA. Constructed using data collected through classroom observations and in-depth interviews with children, parents, and school personnel, these stories reveal important linkages between families and schools, and their respective roles in foreign-born children’s acculturation into the host culture. The pressures to maintain Indian identity, language, food habits, and traditions are all important aspects of these children’s experiences. The school context shapes their educational experiences and adjustment. This study also touches upon some important policy issues for schools in relation to multicultural programs, ESL instruction, native language instruction, and support services for their increasingly diverse student and parent communities. One such issue pertains to the recognition of student’s ethnic and cul...

Following the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the government openly anti-immigrant rhetoric threatening to deport unauthorized immigrants (including students with DACA protection), several actors in Mexico organized to launch the... more

Following the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the government openly anti-immigrant rhetoric threatening to deport unauthorized immigrants (including students with DACA protection), several actors in Mexico organized to launch the PUENTES program to facilitate enrollment of Mexican students living in the U.S. at a Mexican HEI to finish their degrees. In this chapter we analyze, from a policy perspective, how a country can prepare to serve their once migrant citizens, now returning students, who need to be re-enrolled into the higher education system and therefore into the society. Key findings suggest that the program has been successful in the following ways: (1) It has provided visibility to the issue of forced migration back to Mexico; (2) It helped to expedite changes in legislation that now make it easier for anyone with partial studies outside Mexico to continue with their education in an HEI in the country; and (3) It provided an alternative, not only to students who faced deportation but also to those who willingly saw an opportunity to continue with their studies at an institution in their place of birth.

People of Turkish origin within the borders of politically instable countries which are in the grip of civil war seek to migrate to Turkey to have better living and educational opportunities. The aim of this study is to determine academic... more

People of Turkish origin within the borders of politically instable countries which are in the grip of civil war seek to migrate to Turkey to have better living and educational opportunities. The aim of this study is to determine academic language skills of Meskhetian (Ahiska) students Bayırbağ Village of Uzümlü Sub-province, Erzincan, and develop proposals for their failures in language skills in the light of findings. In this context, face-to-face interviews were done with the teachers who serve in Bayırbağ Secondary School in Üzümlüsubprovince, and the examination papers of Meskhetian students were examined. Focused group design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used to obtain and analyse the data. It was concluded that Meskhetian students at the level of Secondary school lack of academic language skills, thus having poor scores at multiple choice exams. It is suggested that the Meskhetian students should undergo academic language courses prior to or ongoing semesters as after-school course activities so that they can achieve enough level to keep up with the native students at the same classroom environment.

The challenges facing Mexican and Central American adolescents in the United States are numerous and well documented. Despite their challenges, researchers have noticed positive academic outcomes for many of these students. However, the... more

The challenges facing Mexican and Central American adolescents in the United States are numerous and well documented. Despite their challenges, researchers have noticed positive academic outcomes for many of these students. However, the literature has not focused on the role that Community Youth Organizations (CYOs) have to play in supporting them. Evaluations of some organizations have shown them to be successful in promoting resilience and academic achievement in students of disadvantaged backgrounds. This paper adds the perspective of immigrant students to the literature on CYOs. In this case study, I interviewed first and second generation high school students of Mexican and Central American origin who are active participants in their local after school program. The interviews reveal that the immigrant students face unique challenges and that the organization is able to counter those challenges by creating a community of students and staff who promote a culture of success.

This is adapted from the discussion Deborah Meier and Boyte about what drives democratic change. It's worth recalling what can be called the "citizen-centered" model of making change to achieve goals like racial justice and fairness and... more

This is adapted from the discussion Deborah Meier and Boyte about what drives democratic change. It's worth recalling what can be called the "citizen-centered" model of making change to achieve goals like racial justice and fairness and the flourishing of every student.

Rapid migration shifts, anti-immigrant discourses in the public sphere, and harsh immigration policies have posed daunting challenges for immigrant students, their families, their teachers, and their communities in the 21 st century.... more

Rapid migration shifts, anti-immigrant discourses in the public sphere, and harsh immigration policies have posed daunting challenges for immigrant students, their families, their teachers, and their communities in the 21 st century. Trends in public discourse and law enforcement in the United States mirror developments in European countries with high levels of immigration. Informed by the research and praxis of eight teams of researchers in the United States and Europe, this paper discusses how educators are conceptualizing ways to analyze and resist anti-immigration discourses and practices in school and community contexts.

"Chapter ten, Reading Peace as Text: Multiple Literacies Theory as a Lens on Learning in LINC takes us away from mainstream educational practice and brings us into the world of adults attending language instruction classes for newcomers... more

"Chapter ten, Reading Peace as Text: Multiple Literacies Theory as a Lens on Learning in LINC takes us away from mainstream educational practice and brings us into the world of adults attending language instruction classes for newcomers to Canada (LINC). Monica Waterhouse is interested in how investment in multiple literacies produces transformations in the context of the LINC program. She
explores how adult immigrants take up reading, reading the world and self. Waterhouse is also interested in what investment in multiple literacies produces: this investment is resolved through reading peace, reading world, reading self –
and the processes of becoming through difference. In this chapter, peace is deterritorialized as Waterhouse undertakes an intensive and immanent reading in her study of reading peace as text in the process of immigrant adults acquiring
English language literacies. This chapter includes a case study, which is broken up into vignettes that illustrate the concepts and processes that are being theorized. The vignettes are recorded conversations between the researcher and the participants in the language classes that demonstrate the political significance of applying MLT to reading peace as a text. The concept of peace has already been broken down by the participants in the study, and is unpacked by them as they
speak to the researcher." (Masny & Cole, Introduction, 2009, p.9)