Language Awareness Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Elke dag horen, spreken en lezen we verschillende talen en taalvarianten. Die meertalige realiteit weerspiegelt zich ook in onze scholen. Hoe leren we onze leerlingen met die taaldiversiteit om te gaan? Hoe kunnen we die diversiteit... more
Elke dag horen, spreken en lezen we verschillende talen en taalvarianten. Die meertalige realiteit weerspiegelt zich ook in onze scholen. Hoe leren we onze leerlingen met die taaldiversiteit om te gaan? Hoe kunnen we die diversiteit positief aanwenden op de klasvloer? Via een internationale praktijkgerichte literatuurstudie en een bevraging van internationale en Vlaamse experts hebben de auteurs onderzocht wat het concept talensensibilisering inhoudt en wat de effecten ervan zijn op leerlingen en leerkrachten. Dat onderzoek leverde een wetenschappelijk rapport op en een wegwijzer voor de Vlaamse onderwijspraktijk.
- by and +2
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- Language Awareness
Purpose: This paper is a proposal for improving ESL text comprehension by merging a multimodal perspective on language (Kress, 2005) with an integrated psychological (or ‘metacognitive’) approach to language learning and awareness... more
Purpose: This paper is a proposal for improving ESL text comprehension by merging a multimodal perspective on language (Kress, 2005) with an integrated psychological (or ‘metacognitive’) approach to language learning and awareness (Fairclough, 1992, p. 1). Design: A multichannel approach is presented, based on two strategies: a main ‘multichannel’ strategy for reading the text, which focuses on the assessment of the visual, auditory, cognitive and kinaesthetic/emotional channels and relative functions, and a corollary one, specifically dedicated to implementing the cognitive function. Methodology/ Approach: The approach has been extensively applied in university-level English classes (Reggio Emilia, Parma, Bologna University) using a ‘multichannel test’ based on students’ feedback to explore the effectiveness of the method. In this paper, a case study is offered: data have been collected with specific reference to the University of Bologna, A. Y. 2017/18 and 2018/2019. Originality/Value: Evidence suggests that further and diversified applications promise an empowerment of the approach and of its impact on ELT as well as on students’ awareness and satisfaction.
With extensive numbers of English learners in public schools worldwide, content-based language instruction (CBI) is prevalent in the preparation of second language (L2) teaching professionals. This study investigated how aspects of... more
With extensive numbers of English learners in public schools worldwide, content-based language instruction (CBI) is prevalent in the preparation of second language (L2) teaching professionals. This study investigated how aspects of Teacher Language Awareness (TLA) manifest as pre-service L2 teachers develop lesson plans for CBI contexts. The authors examined the interplay between three factors: the participants' perceived utility of their teacher preparation coursework, the participants' ability to identify language demands in a content-area text, and the types of pedagogical activities participants suggested for subsequent CBI lessons. Descriptive and qualitative data were obtained by combining a survey with a constructed lesson-planning task. Findings yielded paradoxical results pertaining to participants' perceptions of language-focused coursework and their ability TLA during CBI lesson plan development.
A partire dalla riflessione sull’educazione linguistica sorta e sviluppatasi nel contesto italiano (Coste, 2009), il dibattito europeo sulla valorizzazione delle risorse del plurilinguismo ha portato alla creazione di strumenti di... more
A partire dalla riflessione sull’educazione linguistica sorta e sviluppatasi nel contesto italiano (Coste, 2009), il dibattito europeo sulla valorizzazione delle risorse del plurilinguismo ha portato alla creazione di strumenti di progettazione come il Quadro di Riferimento per gli Approcci Plurali (Candelier et al., 2012) attraverso cui orientare la costruzione di percorsi didattici di educazione plurilingue. Sullo sfondo di queste riflessioni e a partire da una preliminare indagine sugli atteggiamenti degli insegnanti rispetto al ruolo del plurilinguismo in classe (Sordella, 2015), il contributo presenta un’esperienza didattica condotta in alcune scuole primarie torinesi, nell’ambito del progetto Noi e le nostre lingue, volta alla sensibilizzazione alla diversità linguistica e a stimolare la riflessione metalinguistica in chiave interlinguistica. Vengono discusse le scelte operate ai diversi livelli della progettazione didattica, nella selezione delle lingue, dei testi, dei contenuti linguistici oggetto dei diversi laboratori, nonché le attività progettate e alcuni materiali sviluppati per il lavoro con la classe, a partire da strumenti di analisi tipici dell’analisi linguistica – l’uso di sistemi di glosse e traduzioni interlineari – declinati in chiave didattica. Le ricadute didattiche attese (in parte già discusse in Andorno e Sordella, 2018) riguardano principalmente il piano della sensibilizzazione sociolinguistica, la promozione di strategie di ascolto e comprensione di fronte a lingue sconosciute, l’attenzione ai rapporti tra oralità e scrittura e la riflessione metalinguistica mediante il confronto interlinguistico. Le prospettive auspicate riguardano la promozione di un approccio all’educazione linguistica che supporti e sviluppi quella naturale tendenza degli esseri umani a “muoversi tra le lingue” (Bialystok et al., 2012).
In this paper, the authors have used different definitions of ‘attention’ from the viewpoint of different scholars each of whom sees it from a certain perspective, emphasizing one aspect of it. Meanwhile, the application of attention in... more
In this paper, the authors have used different definitions of ‘attention’ from the viewpoint of different scholars each of whom sees it from a certain perspective, emphasizing one aspect of it. Meanwhile, the application of attention in SLA is studied. In so
doing, the idea proposed by Krashen (incidental learning) is rejected which claimed that one can learn well even without
paying attention (the issue of language acquisition), but later on, it was mentioned that since we have different levels of learning, it is not always necessary to have attention for learning; however, the type of learning without attention would not be different from the time that the person learns by paying attention. So, attention determines deep or shallowlearning.
This paper addresses the case for collaboration between English and modern languages teachers and researchers in teaching and learning languages. The British context is set out against a background of government initiatives to raise... more
This paper addresses the case for collaboration between English and modern languages teachers and researchers in teaching and learning languages. The British context is set out against a background of government initiatives to raise secondary pupils' literacy skills. Salient trends in the teaching approach of English (LI) and modern language (ML) teachers are compared and contrasted in order to identify pedagogic concerns. To date, these concerns tend to focus on the teaching of grammar. Teachers' divergent views on the issue is one factor impeding greater collaboration between them. The learning strategy research field is presented as an alternative area of commonality. This research stresses developing 'how to learn' skills with pupils. Memorisation and reading strategies are compared across LI and ML to illustrate the potential for collaboration in making explicit links between the two areas of language learning. A strategy research agenda is identified with a view to establishing how recent policy changes offer the potential to explore more effective ways to impact on language teaching and learning.
- by Vee Harris and +1
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- Cognitive Science, Linguistics, Language Awareness, Language Learning
Foreign language education has had a long life in Portuguese schools. Indeed, by the end of the nineteen century, Latin, French, English, German and Greek were already part of the curriculum. More recently, the range of foreign languages... more
Foreign language education has had a long life in Portuguese schools.
Indeed, by the end of the nineteen century, Latin, French, English,
German and Greek were already part of the curriculum. More recently,
the range of foreign languages was broadened to include Spanish, and
since 2015 Mandarin has become an option in selected secondary schools.
At present, all students learn at least two foreign languages, in alignment
with the current European language policy recommendations. English is
mandatory for seven years (grades 3 to 9), occupying a prominent role in
the curriculum.
- by Sirkku Latomaa and +2
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- Language Awareness, kielitietoisuus
European language policy aims at plurilingualism in individuals, but how this goal can be attained within schools as institutions has not been part of the education policy discourse. A project at the European Centre for Modern Languages... more
European language policy aims at plurilingualism in individuals, but how this goal can be attained within schools as institutions has not been part of the education policy discourse. A project at the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe took up the idea of a plurilingual whole school curriculum, and specific elements of such a curriculum have been implemented and tested at 16 school in a number of European countries. Some of the elements have been accompanied by research. This volume presents both research reports and practice reports on plurilingual whole school curricula.*****Individuelle Mehrsprachigkeit ist ein erklärtes Ziel der europäischen Sprachenpolitik; wie dieses Ziel institutionell umsetzbar sein könnte, ist bisher kein Gegenstand der bildungspolitischen Debatte gewesen. Im Rahmen eines Projektes des Europäischen Fremdsprachenzentrums des Europarates in Graz ist die Idee eines Gesamtsprachencurriculums aufgenommen worden, und einzelne Elemente eines Gesamtsprachencurriculums sind an 16 Schulen in verschiedenen Ländern Europas eingesetzt und getestet worden. Einige dieser Teilprojekte wurden wissenschaftlich begleitet. In diesem Band werden sowohl einige dieser Forschungsberichte als auch Praxisberichte vorgestellt.
For over 20 years studies in literary theory, linguistics, and semiotics have been contributing with models which describe the role of readers and how they construct the meaning of a literary text. Most of these studies, however, assume... more
For over 20 years studies in literary theory, linguistics, and semiotics have been contributing with models which describe the role of readers and how they construct the meaning of a literary text. Most of these studies, however, assume an ideal figure who may not necessarily correspond to classroom reality. In this paper I propose a framework which offers a more democratic setting. Cognitively, the model is in line with studies which regard learning as a process of development and adjustment. Linguistically, it accommodates different levels of language proficiency. Culturally, it stresses that the concept of sharedness depends on social praxis. Based on the theoretical assumptions brought about by developments in Language Awareness, I discuss the teacher's role in this setting and propose Literary Awareness as an initial programme by means of which students become sensitised to the construction of verbal art. My final point is that through the perception and manipulation of linguistic patterns in different texts, students are in a better position to produce justifiable interpretations.
Fra le direzioni di intervento contenute nel Quadro di Riferimento per gli Approcci Plurali, la proposta dell’Éveil aux langues ha trovato in ambito europeo applicazione in diversi progetti, ottenendo risultati soprattutto come veicolo di... more
Fra le direzioni di intervento contenute nel Quadro di Riferimento per gli Approcci Plurali, la proposta dell’Éveil aux langues ha trovato in ambito europeo applicazione in diversi progetti, ottenendo risultati soprattutto come veicolo di promozione di atteggiamenti di positiva apertura verso la pluralità linguistica. Nel presente contributo i dati della sperimentazione didattica Noi e le nostre lingue, ispirata a questo stesso approccio, mostrano come esso possa essere efficacemente adoperato per stimolare una disposizione alla riflessione metalinguistica in un’ottica plurale, contribuendo non solo alla valorizzazione dei repertori plurilingui delle classi, ma anche all’adozione di pratiche di didattica laboratoriale più efficaci ed utili nel potenziare le competenze già normalmente esercitate nelle ore di educazione linguistica.
Gestalt Therapy techniques are considered to be powerful tools for the remobilization of human growth and change. I will attempt to show that the power of these techniques lies in the fact that they are effective ways of dealing with our... more
Gestalt Therapy techniques are considered to be powerful tools for the remobilization of human growth and change. I will attempt to show that the power of these techniques lies in the fact that they are effective ways of dealing with our "internalizations". I will first briefly review object relation theory and then discuss gestalt techniques as they pertain to internal objects.
This study examined whether differences in phonological awareness were related to differences in speech comprehensibility. Seventeen adults who learned English as a foreign language (EFL) in academic settings completed 14 tests of... more
This study examined whether differences in phonological awareness were related to differences in speech comprehensibility. Seventeen adults who learned English as a
foreign language (EFL) in academic settings completed 14 tests of phonological awareness that measured their explicit knowledge of English phonological structures, and three tests of phonological short term memory. The same participants also read aloud
a passage and narrated picture stories. These tasks were used by 12 native speakers of English to rate the EFL speakers’ comprehensibility on a 9-point scale. There was a strong positive correlation between composite phonological awareness scores and rated comprehensibility and between composite phonological awareness scores and phonological short term memory. The correlation between rated comprehensibility and phonological short term memory was not significant. A simple linear regression
analysis showed that approximately 19% of the variance in rated comprehensibility scores was accounted for by composite phonological awareness scores. The study offers support to the view that phonological awareness is related to differences in speech comprehensibility and the results suggest that form-focused instruction in phonology may contribute to the comprehensibility of EFL speakers.
Language awareness is to conceive the importance of language for nation and use it in accordance with the rules, to avoid from the usages which can be harmful to the identity and the existence of the nation, and be sensitive to these... more
Language awareness is to conceive the importance of language for nation and use it in accordance with the rules, to avoid from the usages which can be harmful to the identity and the existence of the nation, and be sensitive to these wrong usages. Currently, choosing foreign words for the names of shops, misusing the language in mass media, deriving new words that do not exist in the native language via increased usage of internet by young people are all the indicators of non improvement in the sensitiveness related to usage of language properly and language awareness. These types of usages account for language degeneration, and not considering the language as an important issue, also not putting restrictions which can be effective in this manner increase this degeneration day by day.
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three languages (English, Arabic, and Italian) used as media of communication in government offices and in schools, various Somali administrations struggled to contain the impasse but found no tangible solution. Barely three years after Mohamed Siad Barre seized power in October 1969, he had his military regime introduce the Somali orthography in the Latin alphabet. Based on this milestone, Siad Barre's military rule is highly commended for taking a remarkable step forward in what came to be known as the Somalization project. However, officials of the government and Somali scholarship failed to
This paper draws on fieldwork conducted over the course of one academic year in two urban high-school English learner (EL) classrooms located in the south-western part of the United States. As part of a larger interest in how language... more
This paper draws on fieldwork conducted over the course of one academic year in two urban high-school English learner (EL) classrooms located in the south-western part of the United States. As part of a larger interest in how language ideologies mediate classroom discourse practices, this paper analyses the role of awareness in language ideological (LI) inquiry, its methodological implications, as well as pedagogy in second language learning. Classroom surveys, observations and teacher interviews were conducted and analysed using content and discourse analysis. When probed for language issues within their classrooms and over their lives, students were able to articulate explicit awareness of how rules of language use mediated their lives. More importantly, they were able to articulate issues of status and difference vis a vis language which points to a critical view of LI inquiry. Teachers also expressed explicit rules regarding language use for instructional purposes. While explicit articulations of language ideologies were rare, especially within everyday classroom practices, they provide a valuable and necessary reference point for understanding the implicit ways in which language ideologies frame interactions within EL classrooms. This dimension enhances the empirical validity of LI inquiry in classroom settings.
The study examines performance on an evaluation instrument for classroom use for the purpose of improving instruction that focuses on awareness of language in reading and writing. Findings are reported on the piloting of the first in a... more
The study examines performance on an evaluation instrument for classroom use for the purpose of improving instruction that focuses on awareness of language in reading and writing. Findings are reported on the piloting of the first in a series of literacy assessments with students from a rural elementary school in Ecuador. All students who participated in the pilot study are first language speakers of the language of instruction, Spanish. The report follows up on two recent studies on: awareness of language in self-correction (writing ability of bilingual and second language learners, Mexico), and overall literacy attainment comparing boys and girls in rural schools in Latin America with the objective of confirming or disconfirming recent UNESCO estimates of gender parity. The authors present a proposal for monitoring literacy learning in elementary school that will help teachers to integrate teaching and evaluation, an approach that can more effectively link classroom testing to act...
Im Kontext des noch wenig erforschten frühen gleichzeitigen Einsetzens von Unterricht in zwei Fremdsprachen stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit es sinnvoll ist, bereits in der Schuleingangsphase mit Sprachvergleich zu arbeiten. Die hier... more
Im Kontext des noch wenig erforschten frühen gleichzeitigen Einsetzens von Unterricht in zwei Fremdsprachen stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit es sinnvoll ist, bereits in der Schuleingangsphase mit Sprachvergleich zu arbeiten. Die hier vorgestellte Studie untersucht einerseits, inwieweit die Lehrkraft Sprachvergleich benutzt und wie dieses von den Lernenden aufgenommen wird und andererseits, inwieweit Kinder selbst sprachvergleich anstellen. Erste Beobachtungen zeigen nur wenig Sprachvergleich bei allen Beteiligten. Die Daten lassen vermuten, dass eine entsprechende Aufmerksamkeitslenkung durch die Lehrkraft eine häufigere Nutzung seitens der Schüler/innen anregen würde.
The present study explores Korean students' demonstration of language awareness through their engagement in language play. Grounded in the understanding of the relationship between language play and an 'engagement with language' (EWL)... more
The present study explores Korean students' demonstration of language awareness through their engagement in language play. Grounded in the understanding of the relationship between language play and an 'engagement with language' (EWL) perspective, this ethnographic and discourse analytic study investigates how Korean students aged 11À15 engage in ludic language play in English immersion camps in South Korea and discusses how these episodes offer learners an opportunity to display their language awareness, particularly their EWL. The findings highlight the nature of students' play with language as closely connected to their language awareness, functioning as a metacognitive tool in language learning, and their conscious attention to the broader context, in which language use is negotiated, maintained, and reinforced. Overall, episodes of language play served as a potentially prime site for demonstration of language awareness in terms of forms, functions, and effects, as well as for the creation and negotiation of more meaningful interaction filled with collaborative and voluntary engagement. The study suggests that further investigation of the learners' engagement in language play could yield deeper insights into how learners display their knowledge and awareness of languages, explore the relationships among languages, and further identify themselves as competent users of multiple languages.
This article explores the interface between language play and language awareness. Grounded in an understanding of two kinds of language play, ludic language play and language play as rehearsal, it shows how the shared theoretical... more
This article explores the interface between language play and language awareness. Grounded in an understanding of two kinds of language play, ludic language play and language play as rehearsal, it shows how the shared theoretical underpinnings and distinctive features of both overlap with the concept of language awareness. Spanning across cognitive, affective, and social dimensions of learners' language awareness, both types of language play highlight learners' conscious perception and sensitivity to linguistic forms and functions, attention, noticing, alertness, and particularly engagement. The paper contends that there is a close connection between language play and language awareness, and thereby argues that language play episodes, whether for the purpose of amusement or private rehearsal, could yield insights into students' knowledge about language and their ability to reflect on it through engagement with language. Finally, the paper outlines implications for research on language play episodes and for their use in teaching to incorporate humor into the language classroom.
Paru dans MOLINIE, M. (Dir.) (2009) Le dessin réflexif. Eléments d'une herméneutique du sujet plurilingue, Cergy, CRTF, 45-85.
Après l’exploration des coins bibliothèques de classes dans lesquelles des études de cas inspirées de l’ethnographie de la classe ont été menées en Colombie-Britannique, nous nous attacherons à montrer comment certains enseignants, dans... more
Après l’exploration des coins bibliothèques de classes dans lesquelles des études de cas inspirées de l’ethnographie de la classe ont été menées en Colombie-Britannique, nous nous attacherons à montrer comment certains enseignants, dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes, développent un rapport au monde de l’écrit chez leurs élèves à partir de livres bi-/plurilingues. Ces pratiques, qui s’inscrivent à l’intérieur d’approches plurielles, créent pour les élèves des espaces de continuités et de rencontres entre les sphères scolaires, familiales et sociales pour embrasser la diversité croissante des contextes d’appropriation dans lesquels évoluent les enfants.
The ways that writers distinguish their opinions from facts and evaluate the certainty of their assertions is central to the meaning of academic texts, yet this is an area that second language students often find extremely problematic. In... more
The ways that writers distinguish their opinions from facts and evaluate the certainty of their assertions is central to the meaning of academic texts, yet this is an area that second language students often find extremely problematic. In this paper I examine the view that the items writers use to modify their claims, commonly referred to as hedges and boosters, may actually be unnoticed by NNS readers, a phenomenon Low (1996) calls the 'Lexical Invisibility Hypothesis'. Here I present data from a small retrospective think aloud study which explores how 14 Cantonese L1 undergraduates respond to hedges and boosters in an academic text. The discussion is supported by questionnaire data which seeks to determine learners' awareness of the meanings of these forms. The results suggest that while the subjects generally attended to the boosters, hedges did seem to be more invisible.
Underlying the mainstream of current SLA research is the Ansatz that some level of attention to the formal aspects of language is necessary for acquisition to take place. It is self-evident and commonsensical that focusing on specific... more
Underlying the mainstream of current SLA research is the Ansatz that some level of attention to the formal aspects of language is necessary for acquisition to take place. It is self-evident and commonsensical that focusing on specific linguistic aspects helps the learner to acquire and internalise them. Numerous recent studies investigated the complex relationships between the role of cognitive processes (consciousness, attention, awareness, detection…) and the process of language learning, and there is nearly global consensus among researchers that some degree of attention to problematic aspects of the input seems be essential for understanding and learning to occur.
European language policy aims at plurilingualism in individuals, but how this goal can be attained within schools as institutions has not been part of the education policy discourse. A project at the European Centre for Modern Languages... more
European language policy aims at plurilingualism in individuals, but how this goal can be attained within schools as institutions has not been part of the education policy discourse. A project at the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe took up the idea of a plurilingual whole school curriculum, and specific elements of such a curriculum have been implemented and tested at 16 school in a number of European countries. Some of the elements have been accompanied by research. This volume presents both research reports and practice reports on plurilingual whole school curricula.
Debates about linguistic relativity commonly focus on one question: Does language affect thought? This yes-or-no question does not do justice to the complexity of Whorf’s ideas and skirts several issues of great importance to Whorf. My... more
Debates about linguistic relativity commonly focus on one question: Does language affect thought? This yes-or-no question does not do justice to the complexity of Whorf’s ideas and skirts several issues of great importance to Whorf. My first aim in this paper is to recover the arguments that got lost in translation of Whorf’s ideas into the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. I will show that, for Whorf, languages were also one of the ways in which we think, scientists were not immune to language effects, and the key to advancement of Western science was multilingual awareness. My second aim is to draw on these insights to articulate a Whorfian agenda for the field of second language acquisition (SLA) that asks new questions about second language learning and cognition and expands the boundaries of the field and the scope, duration, and locations of SLA research.
Cette contribution porte sur l'ouverture aux langues de jeunes élèves japonais à l'école élémentaire et s'inscrit en didactique du plurilinguisme. Elle permet de reprendre la dynamique collaborative entre chercheurs et enseignants à... more
Cette contribution porte sur l'ouverture aux langues de jeunes élèves japonais à l'école élémentaire et s'inscrit en didactique du plurilinguisme. Elle permet de reprendre la dynamique collaborative entre chercheurs et enseignants à travers le développement d'outils pédagogiques « atout ». Ces derniers mettent en valeur les langues, l'interculturalité et le plurilinguisme dans des perspectives intégrées de l'enseignement. L'étude de la mise en poèmes du paysage linguistique devient ainsi un lieu d'inspirations artistiques pour découvrir les langues. Cette recherche collaborative a été implantée afin de soutenir le développement pour et avec les enseignants de scénarisations didactiques créatives, interdisciplinaires et plurilingues.
Mots-clés Éducation plurilingue, approches créatives, poésie plurilingue, réflexivité, recherches collaboratives
L’étude du rôle de la conscience morphologique dans le développement de la lecture et de la reconnaissance des mots a connu ces dernières années un essor important. Depuis les quinze dernières années, un nombre grandissant de recherches... more
L’étude du rôle de la conscience morphologique dans le développement de la lecture et de la reconnaissance des mots a connu ces dernières années un essor important. Depuis les quinze dernières années, un nombre grandissant de recherches suggèrent que les apprentis lecteurs prennent en compte, très tôt, la structure morphologique des mots. Ce qui ressort de la recension de ces recherches est qu’il n’existe pas d’uniformité par rapport à l’utilisation des tâches utilisées pour évaluer la conscience morphologique. En effet, la manière dont les auteurs qualifient les tâches qu’ils utilisent varie grandement d’une étude à l’autre. L’objectif principal de cet article est de proposer une typologie regroupant les diverses tâches de conscience morphologique recensées en fonction de l’opération mentale qu’elles sollicitent. Au total, dix catégories de tâches ont été établies; ces tâches seront présentées en fonction des appellations utilisées pour les désigner, des objectifs qui leur sont associés, des conditions expérimentales qui les caractérisent, des principaux effets recherchés (âge, niveau de lecture…) et du type de matériel relié à l’utilisation de ces tâches. Cette typologie devrait permettre de clarifier et d’uniformiser les différentes tâches de conscience morphologique et de faciliter le travail des chercheurs qui s’intéressent à ce domaine.
Bu çalışmada, Türk halk edebiyatı kültürünün anonim ürünlerinden biri olan deyimler, ana dili eğitimi çerçevesinde, dil farkındalığı ve işlevsel dil kullanımı yönünden analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın giriş bölümünde, deyimler hakkında... more
Bu çalışmada, Türk halk edebiyatı kültürünün anonim ürünlerinden biri olan deyimler, ana dili eğitimi çerçevesinde, dil farkındalığı ve işlevsel dil kullanımı yönünden analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın giriş bölümünde, deyimler hakkında kuramsal bir bilgi zemini oluşturulduktan sonra çalışmanın temel kavramları olan dil farkındalığı ve işlevsel dil kullanımı hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde, deyimlerin temel dil becerileri açısından analizleri yer almaktadır. Bu bağlamda konuşma, dinleme, yazma ve okuma kavramlarıyla ilgili olan sözler, literatür tarama yöntemiyle 4 ayrı kaynaktan ayrı ayrı derlenmiş; yüzey yapı açısından benzer olanlar elenmiştir. Bu eleme sonucunda, sadece dil öğretiminde tanımlanan temel dil becerileriyle ilgili olan 526 adet deyim tespit edilmiştir. Ardından, dille ilgili olan deyimler konuşma, dinleme, okuma ve yazma öğrenme alanlarına göre ayrı ayrı tasnif edilmiş ve bu tasnifler çerçevesinde analizleri yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda elde edilen veriler tablolaştırılıp yorumlanmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda dille ilgili olduğu tespit edilen 526 adet deyimin %80.42'sinin (423 adet) konuşmayla, %10.84'ünün (57 adet) dinlemeyle, %7.22'sinin (38 adet) yazmayla ve %1.52'sinin (8 adet) okumayla ilgili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu deyimlerin önemli bir bölümünde dilin davranış yönüyle ilgili bilimsel terminolojiye yansımamış durumların ayrıntılı bir şekilde terimleştirildiği görülmüştür. Deyimler, dilin davranış yönüyle ilgili ayrıntılı durumları sözlü ve yazılı dilde terimleştirme özelliğine sahiptir. Bu örneklerin özellikle sözlü dilde ağırlıklı olarak kullanılması bireyin işlevsel dil kullanma becerisini geliştirmesi bakımından son derece önemlidir.
Paradoxically, individual and societal multilingualism are officially accepted and celebrated at a European level, the aim being that every European citizen becomes at least trilingual. Closer analyses of the discourse on multilingualism... more
Paradoxically, individual and societal multilingualism are officially accepted and celebrated at a European level, the aim being that every European citizen becomes at least trilingual. Closer analyses of the discourse on multilingualism shows, however, that what are celebrated are the languages of European nation-states and officially acknowledged linguistic minorities (such as Frisian in the Netherlands, Welsh or Gaelic in the United Kingdom, Sorbian in Germany) but by no means all languages of the people who actually live in European countries. Embedded in this paradox, the present chapter will first provide an overview on the historical development of the term and concept of " super-diversity ". In the second part, we present current research on linguistic super-diversity and awareness from sociological/ anthropological, sociolinguistic, education and psycholinguistic perspectives. Methodological aspects and challenges will then be identified, followed by an outline of future directions in the field. Early developments The history of mankind is constantly based on migration. The motives and forms of movement have changed radically over time, but the drive to passage from one place to another is still a central feature of people all around the world. Also the European geographic area has always been marked by large migratory movements, both to and from other areas of the world (Hobsbawm 1990). However, the globalization phenomena of the late 20 th century brought new dynamics to the field. We face rapidly shifting migration patterns, leading to swiftly changing population configurations especially in urban areas, the traditional centres of attraction for migrants. The worldwide diversification of migration flows results in shifts of the social, cultural and linguistic texture of the sending regions as well as those that receive new populations. According to the United Nations, 231 million international migrants were estimated worldwide in 2013 – with an ongoing upward trend predicted (United Nations 2013).
- by Joana Duarte and +1
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- Multilingualism, Language Awareness, Super-diversity
(Canada) et DILTEC/DILFOP, Université Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle (France) Cette contribution, qui porte sur les représentations des langues et du fonctionnement de l'écrit chez de jeunes enfants plurilingues confrontés à divers systèmes... more
(Canada) et DILTEC/DILFOP, Université Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle (France) Cette contribution, qui porte sur les représentations des langues et du fonctionnement de l'écrit chez de jeunes enfants plurilingues confrontés à divers systèmes d'écriture, se veut un hommage au travail précurseur d'Anne-Claude Berthoud sur les représentations, les savoirs et les bricolages métalinguistiques des apprenants plurilingues dans la construction d'hypothèses sur les langues et leurs fonctionnements (Berthoud, 2001). Nous présentons quelques réflexions à partir de deux exemples tirés d'une étude pilote récemment menée avec de jeunes enfants de cinq ans dans la province anglophone de la Colombie-Britannique au Canada, que nous avons confrontés à une tâche grapho-scripturale de dessin et de coloriage de sinogrammes dans le but de recueillir leurs représentations sur les systèmes d'écriture présents dans leurs répertoires et leur environnement.
Hoy en día es importante tener conocimiento de diferentes lenguas como el inglés, francés, etc. por eso las instituciones educativas adoptan y reforman nuevos métodos de enseñanza, pero ¿es realmente suficiente enseñar francés con un... more
Hoy en día es importante tener conocimiento de diferentes lenguas como el inglés, francés, etc. por eso las instituciones educativas adoptan y reforman nuevos métodos de enseñanza, pero ¿es realmente suficiente enseñar francés con un input de francés estándar, en otras palabras, francés de Paris? ¿Si un estudiante fuera expuesto a un input diferente del que conoce qué efectos se producirían en él? ¿Podría defenderse ante otras variaciones lingüísticas que no sea de Francia como la de Canadá? Es por ello que el objetivo de este trabajo es exponer a los estudiantes de francés intermedio y avanzado a un input diferente, es decir, al francés acadiano para conocer los efectos producidos para hacer conciencia sobre otras variantes del francés además de la estándar y conocer su importancia, ya que esto mejora la competencia lingüística del estudiante. La investigación se lleva a cabo con un enfoque cualitativo y con un método de investigación acción de tipo práctico. Asimismo, el estudio da a conocer las diferencias entre estas dos variaciones concentrándose en el léxico, la fonética-fonología y la morfología. Explica también la importancia de cada variación y los efectos producidos, en su mayoría negativos que los estudiantes pueden tener a causa de la exposición a un input diferente. Adicionalmente se presenta una serie de recomendaciones que se espera contribuyan a que el estudiante tenga una experiencia más agradable en caso de tener contacto con alguna variación lingüística que no sea la estándar.
2 Such scientific studies are referred to by Eelen (2001: 30) as politeness 2.