Migration Studies Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In the Netherlands, there is increasingly critical debate about the government’s top- down ethnic categorisation procedures and the assumption that analyses of integration should be based on internally homogeneous (and dichotomous)... more

In the Netherlands, there is increasingly critical debate about the government’s top- down ethnic categorisation procedures and the assumption that analyses of integration should be based on internally homogeneous (and dichotomous) ethno-cultural blocks. While concerns about the ageing approach mount, no unified alternative framework has emerged. Informed by Brubaker’s work on ‘groupism’, we provide an account of the currently dominant approach and outline an alternative vision of social divisions, exclusion and inclusion. More specifically, we offer a framework that can help researchers consider easing away from ethnic reification (as well as from the attendant analytic promotion of highly subjective notions such as ‘ethnic groups’) and towards analyses founded on more objective, ‘first-order’ social scientific categories. Making use of Elias’s work on established and outsider dynamics, and dealing substantively with education, we flesh out how an alternative approach to in- and exclusion in contemporary Dutch society might be put to use. The goal, in short, is to assist researchers interested in a path leading to more grounded, relational and processual approaches to integration.

Analisi dei casi di Zurigo, Bruxelles, Barcellona, Milano, Roma e Napoli

With the increase of refugee movements since 2014 in Europe and the Near East, the debate of how to plan appropriate shelters and emergency accommodation has gained a new momentum. Established techno-managerial approaches have been... more

With the increase of refugee movements since 2014 in Europe and the Near East, the debate of how to plan appropriate shelters and emergency accommodation has gained a new momentum. Established techno-managerial approaches have been criticised as inappropriate and the professional community of planners and architects was increasingly drawn into debates for alternative solutions. This article traces the “innovations” that promise better, more effective, and more humane emergency shelters using the examples of the “Tempohomes” in Berlin as well as the Jordanian refugee camps of Zaatari and Azraq. In both cases, planners were employed to address the ambivalent reality of protracted refugee camps and include “lessons” from failures of earlier solutions. While the article acknowledges the genuine attempt of planners to engage with the more complex needs and expectations of refugees, a careful look at the results of the planning for better camps reveals ambivalent outcomes. As camps acquir...

In this chapter we consider the afterlife of the remains of unidentified migrants who have died while attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Albania and North Africa to Italy. Drawing on insights from long-term, multi-sited field... more

In this chapter we consider the afterlife of the remains of unidentified migrants who have died while attempting to cross the Mediterranean from Albania and North Africa to Italy. Drawing on insights from long-term, multi-sited field research, we outline paths taken by human remains and consider their multiple agencies and distributed personhood through the relational modalities with which they are symbolically and materially engaged at different scales of significance. The rising number of migrant deaths related to international crossings worldwide, especially in the Mediterranean, has stimulated a large body of scholarship, which generally

On the Shoulders of Grandmothers won the 2020 Mirra Komavrsky Book Award from the Eastern Sociological Society (ESS). Through in-depth interviews and ethnographic work with migrant grandmothers caring for the elderly in Italy and... more

On the Shoulders of Grandmothers won the 2020 Mirra Komavrsky Book Award from the Eastern Sociological Society (ESS). Through in-depth interviews and ethnographic work with migrant grandmothers caring for the elderly in Italy and California and their adult children in Ukraine, On the Shoulders of Grandmothers investigates how migrant grandmothers built the “new” Ukraine from the outside in through transnational networks. By comparing the experiences of individual migrants in two different migration patterns—one a post-Soviet “exile” of individual women to Italy and the other an “exodus” of families to the United States—Dr. Solari exposes the production of new gendered capitalist economics and nationalisms that precariously place Ukraine between Europe and Russia with implications for the global world order. This global ethnography explains the larger context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

The article is aimed at identifying the existing link between the media and the predominant narrative on migration and asylum in the construction of public belief and the elaboration of various governing processes concerning migration and... more

The article is aimed at identifying the existing link between the media
and the predominant narrative on migration and asylum in the construction of public belief and the elaboration of various governing processes concerning migration and asylum, by carrying out a comparative multilevel analysis of public discourses launched
by the political leaders in different Member States and by the representatives of EU institutions during the current refugee/migration crisis begun in 2015. We believe that by undertaking a multilevel comparative critical discourse analysis concerning the current
migration crisis, we could better comprehend the elaborated policy actions and governing processes both at intergovernmental and supranational level.

The issues of illegal immigration are not new to the global community; indeed one might argue that is the reason for the existence of countries such as New Zealand, Australia and many others born of the British Empire. Now, with the... more

The issues of illegal immigration are not new to the global community; indeed one might argue that is the reason for the existence of countries such as New Zealand, Australia and many others born of the British Empire. Now, with the continuing mobility of global crime and terrorism, the issues of illegal immigration and, in particular, mass arrivals have become a topic of great importance. As other nations tighten down on such issues, New Zealand is becoming a potentially viable destination despite its isolation geographically. Through the examination of Australia and Canada, countries both geographically similar and with generally similar outlooks to such issues as immigration, the measured approach made by New Zealand can be bench-marked. Whilst being fortunate to have not had to face a mass arrival already, New Zealand now has suitable legislation in place to aid in deterring and dealing with eventual arrivals having taken the best of each nation’s experiences. The delicate balancing of the needs for maritime security while still meeting international obligations as a ‘good citizen’ of the global community are always open to opinion, although seemingly, New Zealand has hit the right balance and has obtained a good foundation to meet a rising threat.

Internationalist Review of Irish Culture. 2 (Spring 2009): 134-152

This report analyses an important aspect of migrant life: psychosocial health among migrant newcomers. To this respect, it draws data and findings from the RESPOND reports in several work packages. This report employs a methodology of... more

This report analyses an important aspect of migrant life: psychosocial health among migrant newcomers. To this respect, it draws data and findings from the RESPOND reports in several work packages. This report employs a methodology of transdisciplinary research design, by establishing a strong collaboration beyond discipline-specific approaches, exchanging information and sharing sources. While the general analysis in RESPOND is structured along macro (policy), meso (implementation) and micro (individual) levels, this report focuses primarily on newcomers' experiences at the micro level.

Review of Jerry H. Bentley, Renate Bridenthal, Kären Wigen, eds., Seascapes: Maritime Histories, Littoral Cultures, and Transoceanic Exchanges (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2007). Journal of History and Anthropology 8.1 (2010):... more

Review of Jerry H. Bentley, Renate Bridenthal, Kären Wigen, eds., Seascapes: Maritime Histories, Littoral Cultures, and Transoceanic Exchanges (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2007). Journal of History and Anthropology 8.1 (2010): 183-188.

Istraživanja postmigracijskih iskustava migranata, uključujući osnivanje i djelovanje unutar migrantskih organizacija predstavlja relativno staro i etablirano područje istraživanja unutar migracijskih studija. Unatoč tome zamjetan je... more

Istraživanja postmigracijskih iskustava migranata, uključujući osnivanje i djelovanje unutar migrantskih organizacija predstavlja relativno staro i etablirano područje istraživanja unutar migracijskih studija. Unatoč tome zamjetan je rastući suvremeni interes za proučavanje migrantskih organizacija među društvenim znanstvenicima. Stoga je cilj rada izdvojiti glavne suvremene pristupe istraživanju migrantskih organizacija, uključujući definicije, koncepte i perspektive, te upozoriti na zanemarene teme i izvore pristranosti u istraživanjima. U prvome dijelu rada razmatraju se definicije migrantskih organizacija, uključujući i terminološke dvojbe oko sastavnih dijelova definicije tj. pojmova „organizacija“ i „migranti“. Izdvojeni su i teorijski i empirijski tipovi migrantskih organizacija koji nastaju kao pokušaj reduciranja kompleksnosti empirijskih manifestacija migrantskog organiziranja te služe kao heuristička sredstva umjesto preuskog ili preopćenitog definiranja migrantskih organizacija. Tipiziranje migrantskih organizacija varira od jednostavnih dihotomnih kategorizacija do tipologija s više kategorija prema nekoliko kriterija, od ciljeva do aktivnosti i orijentacije organizacija. Autorica razmatra i metodološke pristupe istraživanju i metode prikupljanja podataka o migrantskim organizacijama, izdvajajući manje rasprostranjene i specifičnije metodološke pristupe. Sljedeći dio rada predstavlja glavne pristupe istraživanju migrantskih organizacija, uključujući i povezane koncepte – socijalni kapital i strukturu političkog oportuniteta – koji su u različitim varijantama rasprostranjeni u istraživanjima migrantskih organizacija iz nacionalne perspektive. Autorica izdvaja transnacionalnu perspektivu istraživanja, naspram prethodno razmatranim pristupima koji djelovanje migrantskih organizacija promatraju u „kontejneru nacija-država primitka“ zanemarujući značajan dio utjecaja na njihovo formiranje i djelovanje koji dolazi izvan zemlje primitka. Kao zastupljena područja istraživanja migrantskih organizacija u transnacionalnoj perspektivi, izdvajaju se migrantski politički transnacionalizam i istraživanja migrantskih zavičajnih organizacija, dok su studije koje za glavnu temu imaju istraživanje veza među migrantskim organizacijama u transnacionalnim socijalnim prostorima značajno manje zastupljene. Posljednji dio rada osvrt je na teme koje su rijetko u fokusu istraživanja migrantskih organizacija i na pristranosti u istraživanjima, uključujući esencijalizam i metodološki nacionalizam. Zamjetno je zanemarivanje rodne perspektive, organizacija unutarnjih migranata i neformalnih oblika organiziranja te prezastupljenost istraživanja migrantskih organizacija koja se fokusiraju na političke aktivnosti i sudjelovanje u političkim procesima.

This chapter presents a preliminary discursive analysis of the contemporary “immigration state of emergency” (Oliviero, 2013) that was posited by the Trump administration in response to the emergence of the 2018 migrant caravans. The... more

This chapter presents a preliminary discursive analysis of the contemporary “immigration state of emergency” (Oliviero, 2013) that was posited by the Trump administration in response to the emergence of the 2018 migrant caravans. The Trump administration's use of a rhetoric of crisis, threat and even humanitarian protection to justify punitive immigration policies follows a long history in the United States of framing migration as a source of crisis and emergency, producing migrants as subjects of state power and control. In this chapter, we present an alternative genealogy of the caravanization of migration, arguing that the migrant caravans, organized for the protection and preservation of migrants’ lives, represent a modality of resistance and self-defence. This emerging Mesoamerican social movement (Balaguera and Gonzales, 2018) of the displaced has challenged the grammar with which migration is understood, explained and managed and has generated a shift in the networks of solidarity and radical hospitality in Mexico.

The recent literature on immigrant transnationalism points to an alternative form of economic adaptation of foreign minorities in advanced societies that is based on the mobilization of their cross-country social networks. Case studies... more

The recent literature on immigrant transnationalism points to an alternative form of economic adaptation of foreign minorities in advanced societies that is based on the mobilization of their cross-country social networks. Case studies have noted the phenomenon's potential significance for immigrant integration into receiving countries and for the economic development in countries of origin. Despite their suggestive character, these studies consistently sample on the dependent variable (transnationalism), failing to establish the empirical existence of these activities beyond a few descriptive examples and their possible determinants. These issues are addressed using a survey designed explicitly for this purpose and conducted among selected Latin immigrant groups in the United States. Although immigrant transnationalism has received little attention in the mainstream sociological literature so far, it has the potential of altering the character of the new ethnic communities spawned by contemporary immigration. The empirical existence of transnationalism is examined on the basis of discriminant functions of migrant characteristics, and the relative probabilities of engaging in these kinds of activities is established based on hypotheses drawn from the literature. Implications for the sociology of immigration as well as for broader sociological theories of the economy are discussed.

Este trabajo analiza las recientes caravanas de migrantes centroamericanos que salen de los países del triángulo norte de Centroamérica con el objetivo de solicitar protección internacional por parte de Estados Unidos. Enfocándose... more

Este trabajo analiza las recientes caravanas de migrantes centroamericanos que salen de los países del triángulo norte de Centroamérica con el objetivo de solicitar protección internacional por parte de Estados Unidos. Enfocándose en las muestras de racismo y xenofobia que se generan en su paso por ciudades de México, el artículo se detiene a observar el caso de la fronteriza ciudad de Tijuana donde una combinación de factores de violencia social y violencia legal crea las condiciones propicias para el surgimiento de la hostilidad hacia los migrantes.
El trabajo recorre una serie de paradojas y contradicciones que, a diferentes niveles y escalas, modelan los problemas principales que deben enfrentar los migrantes y sus organizaciones. Al mostrar la forma en que los migrantes se preparan y organizan para el viaje, se destaca cómo esos procesos de politización de la acción migrante generan efectos impensados, donde las muestras locales de hostilidad parecieran dibujar una situación que tiene muy pocas posibilidades de ser resuelta.
Palabras claves: caravanas, racismo, ley, ilegalización migrante y politización de los migrantes.

Ausgehend von einer multidimensionalen Analyseperspektive werden im diesem Artikel 5 Argumente praesentiert, mit deren Hilfe die Diskussionsgrundlage erweitert werden soll. Erstens: Diskussionen um Zwangsheirat, die sich bloB auf die... more

Ausgehend von einer multidimensionalen Analyseperspektive werden im diesem Artikel 5 Argumente praesentiert, mit deren Hilfe die Diskussionsgrundlage erweitert werden soll. Erstens: Diskussionen um Zwangsheirat, die sich bloB auf die EheschlieBung konzentrieren, greifen zu kurz. Zwangsheirat beinhaltet zwei Komponenten, die unterschiedliche Problem- und Zwangslagen hervorbringen: die Zwangsverheiratung und die Zwangsehe. Zweitens: Zwangsverheiratung ist vor allem ein Konflikt zwischen den Generationen (d.h. meist eine Konfliktsituation der Jugend mit der eigenen Eltemgeneration) und eine Problematik von hauslicher Gewalt. Drittens: Interpretationen, die Zwangsheirat mit der ('rueckstaendigen') Kultur gewisser lmmigrantengruppen zu erklaren versuchen, versperren den Blick auf die multidimensionalen Faktoren, die hinter diesen Zwangssituationen stecken, naemlich unterschiedliche Vorstellungen der ersten und der zweiten Einwanderergeneration von Partnerwahl, Heirat und Ehe, transnationale V erpflichtungen, Situationen sozialer Marginalisierung sowie restriktive Einwanderungspolitiken und Aufenthaltsregelungen. Viertens: Zwangsheirat betrifft nicht nur Frauen, sondem auch Manner. Aufgrund von ge- schlechtsspezifischen Vorstellungen ueber Maennlichkeit und Weiblichkeit sind aber die Handlungsspielraume von Frauen eingeschraenkter als diejenigen von Mannem. Als Folge davon sind Frauen viel staerker von hauslicher Gewalt betroffen. Letztlich koennen betroffene Personen nicht ausschlieBlich als Opfer von Zwangssituationen betrachtet werden. Sie entwickeln eine Reihe von Strategien, urn die familiaren Konflikte zu loesen. Die Ressourcenlage der betroffenen Personen variiert allerdings in Abhaengigkeit von Geschlecht, sozialer Stellung in der Familie, Bildung, Herkunft und oko- nomischer Situation.

More than 30 years ago the American anthropologist-archaeologist William Adams wrote a seminal article on the interpretation of material culture change in ancient Nubia entitled ‘Invasion, Diffusion, Evolution?’ (1968). In it the author... more

More than 30 years ago the American anthropologist-archaeologist William Adams wrote a seminal article on the interpretation of material culture change in ancient Nubia entitled ‘Invasion, Diffusion, Evolution?’ (1968). In it the author laid bare the inadequacies of invoking population movement to explain changes that could just as easily be attributed to cultural diffusion or evolution. A decade later Adams co-authored another article that took an even dimmer view of ‘migrationism’ (Adams, van Gerven and Levy 1978). In this latter article the authors offered up the Philistines as an example of a ‘historical migration’ – that is, a migration known from texts or through philology, but largely indiscernible through excavation. Although many of their points are well taken, the case of the Philistines should have been exempted from this sweeping criticism of the migrationist tendencies of culture-history. In addition to the textual evidence that attests to the movement and settlement of Philistines and other Sea Peoples along the Levantine coast, there is a burgeoning corpus of supportive archaeological data. Indeed, the Philistines, based on extensive excavations at three of their capital cities (i.e., Ashdod, Ashkelon and Tel Miqne-Ekron), provide a superb case study of migration from an archaeological perspective.
The main purpose of this paper, however, is not to address Adams’ passing dismissal of the Philistine migration as an archaeologically observable event; but, rather, to counter the more focused and sustained revisionist thinking of the past decade regarding the Sea Peoples phenomenon. First, though, it is necessary to present a brief history of how the Philistines and their fellow Sea Peoples have been regarded over the past 150 years.

Border zones and detention centers are often characterized as spaces that concretize a permanent " state of exception " where resistance is deemed unlikely. This article explores hunger striking and lip-sewing practices of migrants and... more

Border zones and detention centers are often characterized as spaces that concretize a permanent " state of exception " where resistance is deemed unlikely. This article explores hunger striking and lip-sewing practices of migrants and refugees as a largely neglected form of protest that takes a silent exception from the exception. Focusing on their gesture of a double withdrawal – from nutrition and from speech –, I make the case for an expanded conception of agency that is non-instrumental and expressive. Pursuing an alethurgic analysis, I situate the violent and embodied silence of these protests in Foucault's problematic of parrhesiastic practice. I examine these practices as processes of subjectivation that unmake and remake the self, call into being parrhesiastic counter-publics, and courageously critique the present.

Individuals with multiple devalued subordinate group identities can face different challenges related to those identities simultaneously, which may put them in risk psychologically. Despite these challenges, many disadvantaged minorities... more

Individuals with multiple devalued subordinate group identities can face different challenges related to those identities simultaneously, which may put them in risk psychologically. Despite these challenges, many disadvantaged minorities feel and function well, hence they are resilient. Research explaining the underlying mechanisms of resilience in the context of multiple subordinate identities are limited, especially from collectivist cultural contexts. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how social identifications play a role in the well-being of migrant sexual minorities. Arguments from the theories of social identity, acculturation and resilience were used to formulate hypotheses. This research tests the main hypothesis that while discrimination and acculturative stress are risk factors for the well-being of migrant sexual minorities, identifications with relevant social groups moderate this link. An alternative hypothesis was also tested in that social identifications mediate the link between risk factors and well-being. Self-reported questionnaires were administered to 193 sexual minorities who have migrated to metropolitan cities of Turkey from other towns of the country. The questionnaires which were used included demographic information questions, Perceived Discrimination Scale (Ruggiero & Taylor, 1995), Brief Psychological Adaptation Scale (Demes & Geeraert, 2014), Multicomponent Ingroup Identification Scale (Leach et al., 2008), Flourishing Scale (Diener et al., 2010) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). Moreover, to investigate culture-specific resilience resources Adult Resilience Measure was used (Resilience Research Centre, 2013). Moderated regression analyses revealed that interactions of risk and protective factors had no effect on well-being. The alternative mediation hypotheses revealed that protective factors were significant mediators for the relationship between risk factors of perceived group discrimination and acculturative stress and well-being. The results suggested that multiple group identities may not function as a buffering factor (moderator) but it facilitates dealing with the risks associated with being a sexual minority and migrant to increase well-being (mediator). This research contributes to (1) Resilience Framework on the basis of a strength-based perspective on disadvantaged groups, (2) Social Identity Theory through demonstrating mutual effects between social identities, and (3) applied fields of psychological consultation and social policy making in consideration of these findings.

One of the main reasons for Tongans immigrating to the United States (U.S.) was to enter into tertiary schooling and further one’s knowledge within colleges and universities (Hafoka, ‘Ulu‘ave & Hafoka, 2014). As this has been an... more

One of the main reasons for Tongans immigrating to the United States (U.S.) was to enter into tertiary schooling and further one’s knowledge within colleges and universities (Hafoka, ‘Ulu‘ave & Hafoka, 2014). As this has been an aspiration for many Tongan people entering the U.S. for themselves and/or their posterity, another location of knowledge attainment and financial sustainability has become a prevalent force within the Tongan U.S. diasporic community, the airlines. The study takes place in the Ano Māsima, or known as the Salt Lake Valley, due to the influx of Tongans that reside in Utah compared to other parts of the U.S. (US Census Bureau, 2015; EPIC, 2014; Davidson, 2011). The purpose of this study is to explore the phenomenon of how Tongans in the U.S. utilize the airline industry to maintain connections to the sources of Tongan knowledge, which is people (our relationships), and place (where they reside, and our homelands). Also, to better understand reasoning of the influx of Tongans within the airline industry. Through the lenes of Tā-Vā and Critical Race Theories, the study revealed knowledge of air travel to fly around the world to learn and connect, a sense of community and family nurtured within the workplace, and a form of knowledge production created through the undercurrents. The findings reveal content and resources to support marginalized communities (such as Tongans) through seeking to better engage with these groups beyond schooling, and recognizing recommendations regarding the study (such as data disaggregation (mixed race), labor and school experiences, etc.).

Objective: In this work we aim to investigate the origins and genetic affinities of Bronze Age populations (2,400–1,100 BC) from the region of southern Poland and to trace maternal kinship patterns present in the burials of those... more

Objective: In this work we aim to investigate the origins and genetic affinities of Bronze Age populations (2,400–1,100 BC) from the region of southern Poland and to trace maternal kinship patterns present in the burials of those populations by the use of complete mitochondrial genomes. Materials and methods: We performed ancient DNA analyses for Bronze Age individuals from present-day Poland associated with the Strzyżow culture, the Mierzanowice culture, and the Trzciniec Cultural circle. To obtain complete mitochondrial genomes, we sequenced genomic libraries using Illumina platform. Additionally, hybridization capture was used to enrich some of the samples for mitochondrial DNA. AMS 14C-dating was conducted for 51 individuals to verify chronological and cultural attribution of the analyzed samples. Results: Complete ancient mitochondrial genomes were generated for 80 of the Bronze Age individuals from present-day Poland. The results of the population genetic analyses indicate close maternal genetic affinity between Mierzanowice, Trzciniec, and Corded Ware culture-associated populations. This is in contrast to the genetically more distant Strzyżów people that displayed closer maternal genetic relation to steppe populations associated with the preceding Yamnaya culture and Catacomb culture, and with later Scythians. Potential maternal kinship relations were identified in burials of Mierzanowice and Trzciniec populations analyzed in this study. Discussion: Results revealed genetic continuity from the Late Neolithic Corded Ware groups to Bronze Age Mierzanowice and Trzciniec-associated populations, and possible additional genetic contribution from the steppe to the formation of the Strzyżów associated group at the end of 3rd millennium BC. Mitochondrial patterns indicated several pairs of potentially maternally related individuals mostly in Trzciniec-associated group.

Current discourses about migrants and diaspora communities in Europe are often informed by a social worker's perspective and haunted by residual notions of supposedly pure and authentic cultures of origin. Between national entrenchment... more

Current discourses about migrants and diaspora communities in Europe are often informed by a social worker's perspective and haunted by residual notions of supposedly pure and authentic cultures of origin. Between national entrenchment and transnational globalization, ethnic minorities are "imagined" as outsiders on a subnational level. The consequent othering of so-called "third" or "substate" cinemas by cultural producers, critics and policymakers is highly problematic. I therefore propose to reframe the discussion about such "minor" cinemas within a broader consideration of traveling cultures and global flows, of mobility between margin and center, between independent and mainstream productions, as well as crossovers between different genres and their reception across national boundaries.

The current migration cooperation framework between the EU and Turkey was devised mainly as a response to the large-scale movements of 2015–2016, and the policy crisis they provoked inside the EU. Judged not exclusively but primarily by... more

The current migration cooperation framework between the EU and Turkey was devised mainly as a response to the large-scale movements of 2015–2016, and the policy crisis they provoked inside the EU. Judged not exclusively but primarily by its performance in reducing irregular crossings from Turkey to Greece, and thus by its contribution to momentarily alleviating the policy crisis in the EU, cooperation has been regarded as highly effective. Yet, the type of mixed migration that is of concern to both sides is driven by structural factors, which are likely to occasionally escalate into humanitarian crises, calling for sustainable policy and cooperation approaches that are also emergency-proof. In line with this perspective, this paper examines how the current migration cooperation between the EU and Turkey fares in terms of producing durable responses to mixed migration in the Eastern Mediterranean context, and identifies the main challenges ahead to render both the cooperation and the policy solutions it produces more sustainable.

This paper provides a broad overview of the current state of archaeogenetic research in Arabia. We summarise recent studies of mitochondrial DNA and lactase persistence allele -13915*G in order to reconstruct the population histories of... more

This paper provides a broad overview of the current state of archaeogenetic research in Arabia. We summarise recent studies of mitochondrial DNA and lactase persistence allele -13915*G in order to reconstruct the population histories of modern Arabs. These data, in turn, enable us to assess different scenarios for the peopling of the Pen- insula over the course of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. The evidence sup- ports the posited existence of Arabian refugia, although it is inconclusive which (e.g. Persian Gulf basin, Yemeni highlands and/or Red Sea basin) was/were responsible for housing ancestral populations during the Last Glacial Maximum. Synthesising genetic and archaeological data sets, we conclude that a substantial portion of the present South Arabian gene pool derives from a deeply rooted population that underwent sig- nificant internal growth within Arabia some 12,000 years ago. At the same time, we interpret the disappearance of Nejd Leptolithic archaeological sites in southern Arabia around 8000 years ago to represent the termination of a significant component of the Pleistocene gene pool.

Der Band resümiert Diskussionen der Jahrestagung des Theologischen Forums Christentum – Islam, die mitgeprägt waren durch die Aktualität des Themas angesichts der großen Zahl Geflüchteter, die seit 2015 auch Europa und Deutschland... more

Der Band resümiert Diskussionen der Jahrestagung des Theologischen Forums Christentum – Islam, die mitgeprägt waren durch die Aktualität des Themas angesichts der großen Zahl Geflüchteter, die seit 2015 auch Europa und Deutschland erreicht haben und deren Thematik drängend bleibt. Der Umgang mit Flucht, Vertreibungen und Migrationen hat ebenso die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen (Un-)Gerechtigkeit die Religionen, ihre Organisationen und Theologien tief geprägt. Sie stellen auch gemeinsame Zukunftsthemen dar. Es handelt sich nicht um bloße Anwendungsgebiete theologischer Wissenschaft, sondern um kritische Orte der Kontrasterfahrung und der Infragestellung, die im besten Fall selbst »theologiegenerierend« sind, jedenfalls aber Bewährungsorte der Relevanz und Plausibilität des Religiösen darstellen.

I Centri di accoglienza sono le strutture nelle quali viene offerta una prima ospitalità e assistenza ai migranti. In Italia, negli anni e soprattutto in occasioni di «emergenze umanitarie», sono stati aperti tipi differenti di Centri.... more

I Centri di accoglienza sono le strutture nelle quali viene offerta una prima ospitalità e assistenza ai migranti. In Italia, negli anni e soprattutto in occasioni di «emergenze umanitarie», sono stati aperti tipi differenti di Centri. L'articolo, oltre a descrivere le differenti caratteristiche delle strutture oggi operative, presenta parte del dibattito in corso tra giuristi, scienziati politico-sociali ed esperti di servizi sociali, evidenziando i principali discorsi retorici sul tema e gli elementi di etichettamento degli stranieri inseriti in un progetto di assistenza.

This book aims to address ‘boat migration’ with a holistic approach. The different chapters consider the multiple facets of the phenomenon and the complex challenges they pose, bringing together knowledge from several disciplines and... more

This book aims to address ‘boat migration’ with a holistic approach. The different chapters consider the multiple facets of the phenomenon and the complex challenges they pose, bringing together knowledge from several disciplines and regions of the world within a single collection. Together, they provide an integrated picture of transnational movements of people by sea with a view to making a decisive contribution to our understanding of current trends and future perspectives and their treatment from legal-doctrinal, legal-theoretical, and non-legal angles. The final goal is to unpack the tension that exists between security concerns and individual rights in this context and identify tools and strategies to adequately manage its various components, garnering an inter-regional / multi-disciplinary dialogue, including input from international law, law of the sea, maritime security, migration and refugee studies, and human rights, to address the position of ‘migrants at sea’ thoroughly.

Bringing together vivid ethnographic material, this book opens up a timely conversation between memory and mobility/migration studies. It goes beyond the idea of the nation state as the primary unit of analysis to explore how people on... more

Bringing together vivid ethnographic material, this book opens up a timely conversation between memory and mobility/migration studies. It goes beyond the idea of the nation state as the primary unit of analysis to explore how people on the move use different forms and media of remembering to make sense of their lives and act as political subjects. Investigating when and by what means people on the move remember and communicate memories in the context of various forms of (im)mobility, the authors examine photographs, films, the reinhabiting of pre-exilic homes, pseudo-historical performances, transgenerational mnemonic gatherings and transnational political activism. This edited collection will appeal to scholars of anthropology, sociology,
political science, human geography, history and oral history.

Članak u osnovi polazi od prikaza predstave Emigranta Slovenskog narodnog gledališča Drame u režiji Nine Ramšak Marković kao moguće pozorišne adaptacije istoimene drame poljskog pisca Sławomira Mrożeka. Međutim, kompleksnošću svoje... more

Članak u osnovi polazi od prikaza predstave Emigranta Slovenskog narodnog gledališča Drame u režiji Nine Ramšak Marković kao moguće pozorišne adaptacije istoimene drame poljskog pisca Sławomira Mrożeka. Međutim, kompleksnošću svoje tematike i specifičnim dijaloškim strukturama, ona otvara mnoštvo novih pitanja, te prelazi istorijske granice i kao svojevrsna paradigma o emigraciji oslikava i današnje vreme. Analizom i razumevanjem društvenog konteksta, motiva, simbolike, ali i binarnih opozicija kao osnova u stvaralaštvu Sławomira Mrożeka, tekst će pokušati da ponudi odgovore na pitanja aktuelnosti, ali i recepcije navedenog dramskog dela, te predoči kulturu migracija kao sveprisutni fenomen.

After a historical overview of migration within Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall (Minnucci), this collection of essays addresses Mediterranean issues: the case of Ceuta and Melilla (Sagnella), the relationship between Tunisia and... more

After a historical overview of migration within Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall (Minnucci), this collection of essays addresses Mediterranean issues: the case of Ceuta and Melilla (Sagnella), the relationship between Tunisia and the European Union (Gerli), the changes in North Africa from the Arab Spring to the Islamic State (Musso), the Lampedusa case (Strano), some European Models of citizenship (Turco), a focus on female genital mutilation/cutting in the context of migration (Faraca) and another one on the representation of immigrants in Italian Media (Elbreki). This collection of essays by young researchers analyzes, through various innovative approaches, the role of the Mediterranean and migration experiences.

Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more

Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through to the New Kingdom. Traveling activity attested for various professions demonstrates that Egyptian society exercised a high degree of mobility. In the majority of cases, a journey was undertaken within the scope of the traveler’s work and on behalf of the pharaoh. Travel had a significant impact on the Egyptian world-view as well as on the development of the
identity of Egyptian society as an entity.

Ceuta y Melilla, las ciudades fronterizas de la Unión Europea en África, pueden ser definidas como territorios de excepción. Fundamentalmente por dos motivos. El primero: el estatus jurídico-político diferenciado que la arquitectura... more

Ceuta y Melilla, las ciudades fronterizas de la Unión Europea en África, pueden ser definidas como territorios de excepción. Fundamentalmente por dos motivos. El primero: el estatus jurídico-político diferenciado que la arquitectura institucional española y comunitaria les reserva. Y el segundo: las particularidades de la política de control migratorio/fronterizo allí implementada. Ceuta y Melilla no están constituidas en Comunidades Autónomas. No forman parte del espacio aduanero de la Unión Europea, el Tratado de Schengen se despliega sobre ellas con notables singularidades y, formalmente, se hallan fuera del paraguas de protección de la OTAN.
Enmarañado con las reivindicaciones territoriales de Marruecos, este estatus jurídico-político especial convierte a Ceuta y a Melilla en claras «excepciones de Estado». En este caldo de cultivo, en torno a las vallas que separan a ambas ciudades del resto de África opera un régimen de movilidad acrobático. Con harta frecuencia el régimen fronterizo de Ceuta y Melilla se muestra incompatible con el respeto a los derechos humanos y a la integridad física de los migrantes, conformando un «estado de excepción» de facto en materia de control migratorio.

NEW BOOK SERIES: Maritime Literature and Culture offers alternative rubrics for literary and cultural studies to those of nation, continent and area, which inter-articulate with current debates on comparative and world literatures,... more

NEW BOOK SERIES: Maritime Literature and Culture offers alternative rubrics for literary and cultural studies to those of nation, continent and area, which inter-articulate with current debates on comparative and world literatures, globalization and planetary or Anthropocene thought in illuminating ways. The humanities have paid increasing attention to oceans, islands and shores as sites of cultural production, while the maritime imagination in contemporary literatures and other cultural forms has presented ways of responding to human migration, global neoliberalism and climate change. This series provides a forum for discussion of these and other maritime expressions, including enquiries that engage maritime and coastal zones as spaces that enable reflection on labour and leisure; racial terror and performances of freedom; environmental wonder and degradation; metaphor and materiality; and the various implications of globe, world and planet.

Suicides among marginalised groups are one of the few occasions in which self-harm and suicide are framed as having cultural, social, environmental, historical or structural causes. Suicidology, psychology and public discourse typically... more

Suicides among marginalised groups are one of the few occasions in which self-harm and suicide are framed as having cultural, social, environmental, historical or structural causes. Suicidology, psychology and public discourse typically understand suicide causality to be grounded in individualised psychic pain and pathology, disavowing the social, cultural, environmental and linguistic contexts. However, public discourse on suicides of 'marginalised' groups such as asylum seekers, Indigenous people and queer/LGBT youth are 'authorised' to be discussed from social perspectives, informing opportunities to rethink suicidality, identity and liveability. Building on recent critical challenges to dominant theories, this article examines some of the ways the suicides of marginalised groups are described in social terms, demonstrating how cultural approaches to relationality, aspiration, performativity and mobility can expand current thinking on suicide cause and prevention.

In recent years, a growing academic interest in both the theoretical and empirical examination of visual representations of migrants has become visible in the social sciences. Scholars coming from diverse disciplines have significantly... more

In recent years, a growing academic interest in both the theoretical and empirical examination of visual representations of migrants has become visible in the social sciences. Scholars coming from diverse disciplines have significantly contributed to our critical knowledge of the processes (e.g. depersonalisation, dehistorisation or orientalisation) and stereotypical representations through which migrants are depicted. The article expands on this research field and it examines the practices of visual communication among Facebook users, who actively contribute to online discussions on the issue of migration by creating and sharing topical visual material drawing upon the local and the international anti-immigrant content and context. In particular, it focuses on the visuals, which actively use the figures of humour, satire or parody in order to diminish the representatives of migration. The content of Facebook posts is approached in a complex way, and therefore visual as well as textual elements are analysed and their rhetorical strategies and intertextual references are also taken into consideration.

La presente investigación incorpora la dimensión transnacional al estudio del fenómeno migratorio. En particular, analiza los impactos que la migración comporta para las familias constituidas en un contexto transnacional. Ahora bien,... more

La presente investigación incorpora la dimensión transnacional al estudio del fenómeno migratorio. En particular, analiza los impactos que la migración comporta para las familias constituidas en un contexto transnacional. Ahora bien, partimos de la presuposición de que los impactos no estructurales o simbólicos son tanto o más relevantes que los denominados impactos estructurales -piénsese, por ejemplo, en cómo la partida de uno o de varios miembros del grupo familiar obliga a reformular y reorientar diversos aspectos de la cotidianeidad familiar como son el reparto de funciones, la
comunicación etc.-. Todavía más, en realidad para comprender algunos de estos impactos físicos, las remesas por ejemplo, resulta necesario incorporar nuevas dimensiones de
análisis, como su incidencia en las relaciones y las prácticas de género. Por lo demás, al seleccionar un tipo de vida o forma familiar en particular, la representada por mujeres
cabezas de hogar, queremos, de una parte, apoyar nuestra hipótesis de partida, y de otra, presentar un diagnóstico más certero de la migración a España de un colectivo concreto,
el colombiano. En efecto, aunque la migración conlleva efectos diversos en las familias que se configuran de manera transnacional, es en aquellas formas familiares monoparentales lideradas por mujeres donde el análisis de tales implicaciones resulta más complejo y sugerente. Al centrarnos por lo demás en el colectivo de colombianas,
estamos no sólo ofreciendo una caracterización menos estereotipada de los que migran, más acorde con los cambios sociodemográficos ocurridos en el país, sino también
proveyendo un análisis más riguroso de uno de los grupos nacionales que tiene mayor presencia en España.