Instructional Technology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

World Radio Day reminds us of the power and reach of interactive radio instruction for students—and teachers Blog (/blog)-February 12, 2016 by Mary Burns (/users/MBurns) | In the hyperstimulating, hyperconnected and multimodal technology... more

World Radio Day reminds us of the power and reach of interactive radio instruction for students—and teachers Blog (/blog)-February 12, 2016 by Mary Burns (/users/MBurns) | In the hyperstimulating, hyperconnected and multimodal technology world we inhabit, celebrating an " old " single-use technology like radio feels quaint. More so since radio and its variants-interactive radio (and audio) instruction (IRI-IAI), broadcast radio, two-way radio-have often been overlooked in the crowded field of more sexy distance-education technologies like online learning and mobile apps.

A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted for articles published between 1993 and 2012 to determine the degree to which technology-based interventions can be considered an evidence-based practice to teach academic skills to... more

A comprehensive review of the literature was conducted for articles published between 1993 and 2012 to determine the degree to which technology-based interventions can be considered an evidence-based practice to teach academic skills to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Criteria developed by Horner et al. (Except Child 71:165-178, 2005) and Gersten et al. (Except Child 71:149-164, 2005) were used to determine the quality of single-subject research studies and group experimental research studies respectively. A total of 25 studies met inclusion criteria. Of these studies, only three single-subject studies and no group studies met criteria for quality or acceptable studies. Taken together, the results suggest that practitioners should use caution when teaching academic skills to individuals with ASD using technology-based interventions. Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.

SinteSe: O objetivo central desse trabalho é compreender o comportamento de uso de um sistema de gestão acadêmica em uma Universidade Federal em relação às ferramentas de apoio às atividades docentes. A pesquisa é censitária, compreende... more

SinteSe: O objetivo central desse trabalho é compreender o comportamento de uso de um sistema de gestão acadêmica em uma Universidade Federal em relação às ferramentas de apoio às atividades docentes. A pesquisa é censitária, compreende todos os professores dos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação nos períodos 2010.2 e 2011.1. Utilizou-se a análise de cluster para separar os elementos em grupos, de acordo com o uso maior ou menor do sistema de gestão.

Use of the web-enabled software iWRITE in courses across the disciplines at several Canadian universities demonstrates that implementing instructional technology can lead faculty members to reconsider and reformulate their teaching... more

Use of the web-enabled software iWRITE in courses across the disciplines at several Canadian universities demonstrates that implementing instructional technology can lead faculty members to reconsider and reformulate their teaching methods. iWRITE operates in course-specific sites. It supports the integration of writing into disciplinary courses by displaying examples of past student work alongside grading criteria and instructor comments. Instructors unfamiliar with learning theory that validates the use of models may initially fear student copying or distrust the adequacy of student samples as guides, but many have rethought their assignments and strengthened other methods of instruction to take advantage of this method. In co-taught courses, selecting benchmark papers and formulating grading criteria requires examination of disciplinary values and frank discussion of standards. The effort of writing clear comments on the student samples also requires explicit formulation of disciplinary assumptions about the nature of knowledge and the relationship between writing and thinking.

These two studies extended previous research on the use of verbal instructions and support technology for helping persons with mild or moderate... more

These two studies extended previous research on the use of verbal instructions and support technology for helping persons with mild or moderate Alzheimer's disease perform daily activities. Study I included seven participants who were to carry out one of two previously targeted activities (i.e., either coffee preparation or table setting). Study II included four participants who were to carry out two new activities (i.e., preparation of a fruit salad and of a vegetable salad). The effects of activity engagement on mood (i.e., indices of happiness) were assessed by recording the participants' behavior during the activity trials and parallel non-activity periods. The participants of Study I reached percentages of correct activity performance, which normally exceeded 85. Five of them also showed higher indices of happiness during the activity trials as opposed to the non-activity periods. Three of the participants of Study II reached high percentages of correct performance on both activities available. One of these participants also showed higher indices of happiness during the activity trials. The findings were discussed in relation to previous research outcomes and in terms of their practical implications for intervention programs.

This study examined the factors influencing parental selection of homeschooling approaches for their children and the utilization of technology integrated. Factors explored were parental motivators for selecting homeschooling approaches,... more

This study examined the factors influencing parental selection of homeschooling approaches for their children and the utilization of technology integrated. Factors explored were parental motivators for selecting homeschooling approaches, parental reasons for choosing to homeschool, technology device usage, and instructional technology integration. The population consisted of parents with at least one year or more of experience in teaching homeschooling and the primary educator being involved in answering the survey. Participants in this study responded to items from a researcheradapted questionnaire. The majority of the participants were from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Kentucky. A Bachelor's degree was reported as the highest education attainment. The highest average household income indicated was 70,000−70,000-70,000100,000 and Christianity, including Protestant and Catholic, was the preferred religion reported. Classical education was the highest in the child's performance of the suggested homeschooling approaches. Cooperative schooling, computer-based schooling, and traditional school at home were identified in this order as the next most performed homeschooling approaches. The main three chosen parental reasons for homeschooling are religion and moral instruction, values, and school environment concern. The researcher identified the laptop, desktop, and smartphone as the most used technology devices with the iPod being used the least. Lastly, conducting research, learning or practicing drill skills, and iii performing calculations were the most frequently used technology activities. Partial statistical, significant correlations were found between parents' select homeschooling approaches and parents' reason for homeschooling, usage of technology devices, and instructional technology activities. Implications are described for homeschooling parents and higher education personnel. Future research concepts, including particular attention to age groups, homeschooling groups, and technology are recommended.

This article introduces the "Umgebungsanalyse" an evaluationtool for the design of e-learning software. This tool allows analysing given learning-environments like universities to receive hints and claims for the design of a virtual... more

This article introduces the "Umgebungsanalyse" an evaluationtool for the design of e-learning software. This tool allows analysing given learning-environments like universities to receive hints and claims for the design of a virtual learningenvironment, which ought to be implemented in the researched space. The real environment is herby treated as a unique phenomenon, which should be researched as a space which is experienced and partly formed by the users and not just as a physical room. In this way the Umgebungsanalyse tries to connect the real space and its structures with the to be developed virtual space and by this to gain an enduring implementation. The article consists of four parts. First, the article introduces into the problem of enduring software design and points out, why a context-orientated design concept is needed for a satisfying implementation. Second, it develops a space theory in reference to Heideggers concept of "Zuhandenheit" which allows to get an access to an environment form a users viewpoint. In the third part the construction of the Umgebungsanalyse as an empirical tool is described, which is based on the previous developed space theory. Finally, the results from the successful appliance of the Umgebungsanalyse in the germanwide WiBA-Net projekt are presented to show how this tool can support the designprocess of a virtual learning-environment in a specific case.

The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing teachers’ decisions about using technology in the classroom setting and examine the degree to which teaching experience affects these decisions. Specifically, the items... more

The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing teachers’ decisions about using technology in the classroom setting and examine the degree to which teaching experience affects these decisions. Specifically, the items employed in this study were derived from the teachers’ perceptions of technology use. We discovered six factors which influenced teachers use technology in their classroom: adapting to external requests and others’ expectations, deriving attention, using the basic functions of technology, relieving physical fatigue, class preparation and management, and using the enhanced functions of technology. Interestingly, these factors do not correspond to the common sense theory of instructional technology. Additionally, we analyzed the patterns of factors’ scores by teachers’ level of teaching experience. From this study we deduced that although the majority of teachers intend to use technology to support teaching and leaning, experienced teachers generally decide to use technology involuntarily in response to external forces while teachers with little experience are more likely to use it on their own will.

The establishment of an online community is widely held as the most important prerequisite for successful course completion and depends on an interaction between a peer group and a facilitator. Beaudoin reasoned that online students... more

The establishment of an online community is widely held as the most important prerequisite for successful course completion and depends on an interaction between a peer group and a facilitator. Beaudoin reasoned that online students sometimes engage and learn even when not taking part in online discussions. The context of this study was an online course on web-based education for a Masters degree in computer-integrated education at the University of Pretoria. We used a mixed methodology approach to investigate how online activity and discussion postings relate to learning and course completion. We also investigated how student collaborative behaviour and integration into the community related to success. Although the quantitative indices measured showed highly significant differences between the stratifications of student performance, there were notable exceptions unexplained by the trends. The class harboured a well-functioning online learning
community. We also uncovered the discontent students in the learning community felt for invisible students who were absent without reason from group assignments or who made shallow and insufficient contributions. Student online visibility and participation can take many forms, like read-only participants who skim over or
deliberately harvest others’ discussions. Other students can be highly visible without contributing. Students who anticipate limited access due to poor connectivity, high costs or other reasons can manage their log-in time effectively and gain maximum benefit. Absent and seldom contributing students risk forsaking the benefits of the virtual learning community. High quality contributions rather than quantity builds trust among mature students. We suggest how to avoid read-only-participation:
communicate the required number of online classroom postings; encourage submission of high quality, thoughtful postings; grade discussions and give formative feedback; award individual grades for group projects and rotate members of groups; augment facilitator communication with Internet-independent media to
convey important information. Read-only-participants disrupt the formation of a virtual community of learners and compromise learning.

are graduate students in the department.

Educational reform for students with disabilities, including autism, has a history of focusing solely on the content areas of reading, mathematics, and science. To date, few empirical studies examining social studies have been published.... more

Educational reform for students with disabilities, including autism, has a history of focusing solely on the content areas of reading, mathematics, and science. To date, few empirical studies examining social studies have been published. This study investigated the effects of a computer-assisted explicit instruction package to teach map-reading skills to three elementary school students with autism. A multiple probe across participants design was used to examine the effectiveness of the intervention package. While results did not show a functional relationship, all three students’ data indicated a change in level and two students’ data showed a change in trend. Implications for practice and suggestions for future research are also discussed.

The following is a sample template that you might use to help your students to track their own progress throughout your course. Our goal is to help our students to be as successful as they can and providing them with an assignment... more

The following is a sample template that you might use to help your students to track their own progress throughout your course. Our goal is to help our students to be as successful as they can and providing them with an assignment tracking sheet such as this is considered best practice according to current course development rubrics (click here to see a comparison table of some standard rubrics). In essence, you will list all of the required assignment that students will need to complete in order to successfully finish your course. Listing these assignments out can also help us to evaluate the assignments that we are requiring. For more guidance on choosing assignments for your class, click here to see the pedagogies, strategies, and activities checklist.

Caracteres es una revista académica interdisciplinar y plurilingüe orientada al análisis crí7co de la cultura, el pensamiento y la sociedad de la esfera digital. Esta publicación presta especial atención a las colaboraciones que aporten... more

Caracteres es una revista académica interdisciplinar y plurilingüe orientada al análisis crí7co de la cultura, el pensamiento y la sociedad de la esfera digital. Esta publicación presta especial atención a las colaboraciones que aporten nuevas perspec7vas sobre los ámbitos de estudio que cubre, dentro del espacio de las Humanidades Digitales. Puede consultar las normas de publicación en la web.

This study aimed to evaluate the results of the application of a virtual learning object for the simulated evaluation of acute pain in the learning of undergraduate nursing students and to verify the opinions of the students regarding the... more

This study aimed to evaluate the results of the application of a virtual learning object for the simulated evaluation of acute pain in the learning of undergraduate nursing students and to verify the opinions of the students regarding the quality of the technology. This was a quasi-experimental, non-randomized, before and after study performed with 14 students in the seventh phase of the undergraduate nursing course of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The pre (8.84) and post-test (9.31) means revealed significant differences in learning after the intervention (p=0.03). In the qualitative evaluation the flexibility of access, access independent of time/place, freedom to decide the best learning route and the similarity with reality were highlighted. It constitutes a promising educational tool, an interactive experience, similar to reality, dynamic and constructive learning. The application of the technology has brought positive results for learning about pain evaluation, con...

Traditional, institutionally supported learning management systems (LMSs) provide many features and benefits; however, most LMSs do not provide tools and features that are comparable with emerging learning technologies. In addition, since... more

Traditional, institutionally supported learning management systems (LMSs) provide many features and benefits; however, most LMSs do not provide tools and features that are comparable with emerging learning technologies. In addition, since many LMS products require expensive licensing agreements or support teams, these tools are not necessarily the best models for users who may wish to implement their own online learning initiatives. In this paper, an evaluation of the use of Google Sites and Google+ in place of several LMS components for an online graduate-level course will be reported. Data were gathered from students over multiple offerings of a course that utilized Google tools for information presentation and discussion. Participants provided personal perceptions and reactions to using the Google platform, in general, as well as feedback and comparative opinions between the Google platform and previous experiences using the institutionally supported LMS.

This paper will address definitions, services, leve ls of technology and application of assistive technology concepts as they relate to education. An overview of the NCATE and ISTE guidelines concerning assistive technology, and the... more

This paper will address definitions, services, leve ls of technology and application of assistive technology concepts as they relate to education. An overview of the NCATE and ISTE guidelines concerning assistive technology, and the current elements of the graduate educational degrees concerning assistive technology is provided. Federal legislation concerns the application of assistive technology in an educational setting and its possible impact on educational technologists. A model is proposed for a course concerning assistive technology and universal design to better prepare instructional technology graduates to enhance the performance of students with disabilities and design educational material for increased accessibility. This session is intended for educators in instructional technology and exceptional education programs.

This study examines the design process of a blended learning environment using a learning management system to transform Basic English courses into the web-based distance learning format in the School of Foreign Languages at a large scale... more

This study examines the design process of a blended learning environment using a learning management system to transform Basic English courses into the web-based distance learning format in the School of Foreign Languages at a large scale research university in Turkey. The research design was based on design-based research and the ASSURE, which is an instructional design model. A design plan was created based on the needs indicated by the analysis, and the necessary materials were developed and transferred to the learning management system. A usability test of the environment was conducted for increasing efficiency of environment, facilitating learning, increasing productivity and making the environment more user-friendly. As a result, an environment was designed where instructors can create the desired multimedia materials (videos, exercises, quizzes). Students can access these materials, discuss with each other and instructor (chat, discussion) and assess their learning outcomes (weekly homework, quizzes, games).

Social network is a group of individuals with diverse social interactions amongst them. The network large scale and distributed due to Quantitative analysis of networks is need of and in turn the society. Clustering helps us to group... more

Social network is a group of individuals with diverse social interactions amongst them. The network large scale and distributed due to Quantitative analysis of networks is need of and in turn the society. Clustering helps us to group people with similar characteristics dense social networks. We have considered similarity measures for statistical When a social network is represented as a graph with members as nodes and their relation as edges, graph mining would be suitable for statistical analysis. We have chosen academic social network nodesto simplify network analysis. similaritybetween unstructured data elements extracted from social network.

How does teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge ("TPACK") inform their instructional planning? How can this knowledge be enhanced? In an interpretivist study of experienced secondary social studies teachers' planning, we... more

How does teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge ("TPACK") inform their instructional planning? How can this knowledge be enhanced? In an interpretivist study of experienced secondary social studies teachers' planning, we sought to discover clues to the nature and development of these teachers' TPACK-in-action as it was expressed in their planning processes.

(in press). In S. Tettegah & W. (D.) Huang. Emotions, Technology, and Games. New York: Elsevier. (Will be freely available for download through open access in October, 2015). ABSTRACT. Summary This case study challenges the assumption... more

(in press). In S. Tettegah & W. (D.) Huang. Emotions, Technology, and Games. New York: Elsevier. (Will be freely available for download through open access in October, 2015).
This case study challenges the assumption that successful game-based learning requires flow experience. Analysis of player logs of gameplay behavior and self-reports of subjective experience (the experience sampling method adapted as the Flowometer with self-perceptions categorized through the channel model as flow, arousal, anxiety, worry, apathy, intrinsic motivation, boredom, routine expertise, control) establish that challenge often exceeds skill during the type of inquiry-based learning that occurs when instructional games scaffold player discovery and application of targeted concepts. This pattern persists when integrated game dashboards allow players to define and achieve expertise. The analysis follows three players during their trajectories toward expertise while playing the online instructional video game Selene: A Lunar Construction GaME: an undergraduate female (USA Midwest university) before and after she achieved an “aha!” learning moment, and two Spanish (non-USA, female and male, 15-year-old) players who used the game and dashboard to achieve expert status for targeted planetary geology concepts achieved by only 1% of Selene players (players = 3882). Theory and data suggest perceived experience during game-based learning (states such as anxiety, worry, and arousal) might be conceptualized as eustress, which is known to accompany successful adaptation.

Digital simulations and games constitute a distinct category of learning intervention that calls for a tailor-made instructional design approach. This article will provide some background for that claim. A brief summary of several... more

Digital simulations and games constitute a distinct category of learning intervention that calls for a tailor-made instructional design approach. This article will provide some background for that claim. A brief summary of several well-known I.D. models is presented as well as typical simulation and game design models. These are then combined to form the new synergistic design process model that takes into consideration key features of all three design disciplines, resulting in a new model uniquely adapted for the design of instructional simulations and games. The paper concludes with some lessons learned from first-hand experience designing simulations and games for instructional purposes.

Hannaford, Ronald Geoffrey. 2012. "A Model of Online Education Effecting Holistic Student Formation Appropriate for Global Cross-Cultural Contexts." Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies. Ph.D. in Intercultural... more

Hannaford, Ronald Geoffrey. 2012. "A Model of Online Education Effecting Holistic Student Formation Appropriate for Global Cross-Cultural Contexts." Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies. Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies. 301 pp. Factors associated with globalization and unprecedented technological advancement have facilitated the opportunity to take education beyond the boundaries of the physical classroom and geographical borders to serve a global context. While this exponential growth has resulted in more convenient access to learning, increased possibilities for potential consumers, and new and lucrative opportunities for providers, many traditional educators and institutions pose valid questions and concerns about online education. An individualistic culture, if coupled with a geographically and pedagogically isolating learning environment, threatens students with greater levels of individualism and social alienation, which pose detrimental consequences beyond personal well-being to the broader society. Therefore, a model of online education is needed that facilitates, supports, and achieves outcomes not only desirable for education but also congruent with healthy human development fostering a formative process within a community of committed adult learners. This research is bifocal. It firstly assesses an online masters degree that uses a cohort design to effect students' formation and then examines this program referenced to historical communities and contemporary collaborative learning theories, transformative learning theory, and cultural factors. Secondly, this assessment provides a platform for a guiding teleology upon which a model of online education can be proposed that is iii appropriate to serve culturally diverse students in a globalized world effecting a holistic formative "process of becoming." Mentor: Wilbert R. Shenk, Ph.D. Word Count 217 iv DEDICATION This comprehensive research is dedicated to my wife Deborah Lynne Hannaford, and to the many people around the world who search -as we did 13 years ago -for holistic, formative, and transformative adult education in order to be better equipped and trained for work, ministry, and service in our world. Deb has faithfully encouraged me throughout this long journey and believed in the importance of this work. She has tirelessly supported me at every stage. The grace, love, and commitment she has extended to me are unfathomable. We share a deep belief in the transcendent presence of the One who attends the transformative nature of reciprocal, meaningful relationships found in dynamic, interrelated communities. Our lives bear witness to this reality. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is with gratitude that I acknowledge the active support of several key faculty members both at Fuller Theological Seminary and Biola University. To Robert Freeman and C. Douglas McConnell at Fuller Seminary and Michael Anthony and Frederick Cardoza from Biola University, who encouraged me and allowed me space in the midst of a busy work schedule to complete this research, I am sincerely grateful and indebted. My deep appreciation is also extended to the members of my doctoral committee, Wilbert Shenk and Edmond Gibbs who along with Viggo Søgaard, a senior faculty member in the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Seminary, have generously shared their wisdom, grace, and belief in me.

English language learning is considered as a language that must be learned as it is needed in everyday life in local and global context. In response to students need to learn English, it is obvious that modern technology, i.e. modern... more

English language learning is considered as a language that must be learned as it is needed in everyday life in local and global context. In response to students need to learn English, it is obvious that modern technology, i.e. modern environment is ‘ the ’ environment suitable for students’ prosperity nowadays. However, the longer and more complex things are to learn, the more the need to emphasise the importance of evolution in teaching English. This is because our society may be characterised by its diversity, complexity and interconnectedness. The educational systems must embrace this fact and adjust the 21 st century societal needs by using all teaching tools. Young Adults (YA) nowadays are keen on speaking and understanding English, which is spontaneously connected with reading and writing, such as texting, using social media, but when it comes to book/novel reading, there is a believe that they do not prefer real, hard copy books. Of course, they substitute books with technolo...

"Block Printing is the process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a plain surface. It is one of the oldest and most enjoyable of all the crafts and has given color and pattern to paper, cloth, and other surfaces for... more

"Block Printing is the process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a plain surface. It is one of the oldest and most enjoyable of all the crafts and has given color and pattern to paper, cloth, and other surfaces for nearly 4,000 years.
Today the process is essentially the same. As it is simple and impressive, it is ideal for the beginner. "

Perhaps representing an increasingly diminishing population, the Old Time English Teacher [OTET] is evidenced by good works, concern for students, and commitment to academic excellence and prosperity. Far from the Madding crowd, they are... more

Perhaps representing an increasingly diminishing population, the Old Time English Teacher [OTET] is evidenced by good works, concern for students, and commitment to academic excellence and prosperity. Far from the Madding crowd, they are Stewards first, and leaders when called… Generally their eyesight is good, their social skills are good, and they are unafraid of the light-both physical and figurative.

HTML 5 is the most significant update of HTML in the last 10 years since XHTML was introduced. It promises a vastly improved user experience, increased browser features, cross compatibility and the ability to provide semantic content. In... more

HTML 5 is the most significant update of HTML in the last 10 years since XHTML was introduced. It promises a vastly improved user experience, increased browser features, cross compatibility and the ability to provide semantic content. In this paper we discuss the near future position for Higher Education in terms of technological transform, the proposed capabilities of HTML 5, and how they may change and how virtual learning environments are implemented in the future. We offer a set of education-based scenarios and how the emerging standard could benefit them. Finally we conclude with possible implementation timescales.

In a recent online course that taught evaluation of online courses, Merrill's First Principles of Instruction were utilized to teach students how to evaluate online courses. Students were taught how to use multiple online course rating... more

In a recent online course that taught evaluation of online courses, Merrill's First Principles of Instruction were utilized to teach students how to evaluate online courses. Students were taught how to use multiple online course rating rubrics, including Merrill's Five Star Instructional Design Rating Form . A description of the course, the unique instructional methods, and the outcome of the course are given, including recommendations for teaching effectively in an online environment.

The term “best practice” is widely used throughout education despite the lack of evidence or consensus for what practices are “best.” The pervasive use of this term promotes superficial selection and use of teaching methods, discourages... more

The term “best practice” is widely used throughout education despite the lack of evidence or consensus for what practices are “best.” The pervasive use of this term promotes superficial selection and use of teaching methods, discourages continuous improvement of teaching, and prioritizes activity over achievement. Rather than highlighting “best practices,” teaching requires a research and development process for accumulating and sharing knowledge related to specific learning goals and particular students. Such improvement activity is more likely to foster advancements in teaching and learning than short-lived attempts to imitate loosely defined exemplars. Contact author to request a copy of the article or visit the ASCD website at:

Abstract. It has become standard practice to use the traditional information technologies such as web and email in education. But as the University campus becomes increasingly deployed with interconnected computing technology, we begin to... more

Abstract. It has become standard practice to use the traditional information technologies such as web and email in education. But as the University campus becomes increasingly deployed with interconnected computing technology, we begin to ask how the resulting “iCampus” resource can be used in new and novel ways. This paper builds upon our previous work in the area of intelligent environments and goes beyond the typical use of computing technology within education. We report on our current research that aims to ...

The Internet is the dominant text of this generation, and through intentional use it may provide opportunities for the critical literacy infused pedagogy. As we consider the online and offline literacy practices that our students will... more

The Internet is the dominant text of this generation, and through intentional use it may provide opportunities for the critical literacy infused pedagogy. As we consider the online and offline literacy practices that our students will need as future events warrant, the one constant is change. This requires a continual re-defining, and re-examination of our notions of the knowledge, skills, and dispositions utilized as we read and write online. To empower students using the Internet we need to consider opportunities to move learners from consumers to producers of digital content. More to the point, we need to move learners from content consumers to content curators to content constructors. The next three columns will focus on informing those aspects as they relate to the challenge of moving learners from readers, or consumers to writers, or producers in the digital informational space.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of levels of processing (LOP) and various navigation design types (NDTs) on high school students’ recall and retention performances in e-learning environments. The participants’... more

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of levels of processing (LOP) and various navigation design types (NDTs) on high school students’ recall and retention performances in e-learning environments. The participants’ (N=90) performances of free recall, title recognition, location memory and their retentions were measured in two different navigational layout design types by giving participants the instructional tasks which were designed in shallow, medium and deep LOP. Results are in accordance with the main argument of LOP; deeply processed elements are remembered better and the strength of the encoded memory trace depends on the mental processes carried out with different types of tasks. Results show that the main effects of LOP and NDT on memory performance are significant.

Este artículo se presenta como una síntesis elaborada a posteriori de presentaciones anteriores . La autora reflexiona sobre ciertas prácticas habituales en el contexto universitario con plataformas de aprendizaje virtual (PAV) como... more

Este artículo se presenta como una síntesis elaborada a posteriori de presentaciones anteriores . La autora reflexiona sobre ciertas prácticas habituales en el contexto universitario con plataformas de aprendizaje virtual (PAV) como soporte a las prácticas 'tradicionales' en el aula presencial. Son piezas centrales de la reflexión la definición misma de educación blended, la concreción de criterios de calidad de las prácticas educativas y la prevención ante posibles errores, tanto en el nivel de diseño tecnopedagógico como en el desarrollo instruccional posterior.

Personal computers, the Internet, smartphones, and other forms of information and communication technology (ICT) have changed our world, our job, our personal lives, as well as how we manage our knowledge and time effectively and... more

Personal computers, the Internet, smartphones, and other forms of information and communication technology (ICT) have changed our world, our job, our personal lives, as well as how we manage our knowledge and time effectively and efficiently. Research findings in the past decades have acknowledged and affirmed that the content the ICT medium carries is as important as the ICT medium itself. These studies also added a third constituent to the structure of ICT usage and integration; that is the pedagogical approach of teaching and learning. One of the modern ICT trends of organizations involves the incorporation and integration of a blended approach of teaching and learning; which combines the traditional face-to-face instructor-led method with ICT-based online teaching and learning environment. This quasi-experimental research study was deployed to evaluate and identify the effect and usefulness of a blended pedagogical approach of teaching and learning on students' academic achi...

The developed DEC learning model for junior high school students has never been evaluated its feasibility. Therefore, this research aims at evaluating the feasibility degree of Daily English Conversation (DEC) model in respect to its... more

The developed DEC learning model for junior high school students has never been evaluated its feasibility. Therefore, this research aims at evaluating the feasibility degree of Daily English Conversation (DEC) model in respect to its content quality, media, excellences, as well as weaknesses. Data collecting is done through observation, questionnaire, and interviews. The research is carried out from August through September 2016 with the population of Junior High School students at SSC-I Course in Yogyakarta. Sample is taken by random sampling technique involving 36 respondents. Beside students, this research also involves two educators. The result shows that: (1) the content quality consisting of listening and speaking skills, material scope-presentation-as well as difficulty degree, and language usage shows effectiveness value of 74,7%; and (2) the media consisting of speaking fluency, voice clarity and attractiveness, program tune, sound effect usage, music illustration, duration, and utilization easiness shows the effectiveness value of 70,1%. However, there are some points suggested to be improved for the next model development. ABSTRAK: Model bahan belajar Daily English Conversation (DEC) yang telah dikembangkan untuk peserta didik SMP belum pernah dievaluasi kelayakannya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan menilai tingkat kelayakan model DEC ditinjau dari aspek kualitas isi/materi, kemediaan, dan kelebihan serta kekurangan. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah pengamatan, kuesioner, dan wawancara. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus-September 2016 dengan populasi siswa SMP di lembaga bimbingan belajar SSC-I Yogyakarta. Sampel diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling yang melibatkan 36 responden siswa. Selain siswa, dilibatkan juga dua praktisi pendidik/pengajar. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa: (1) aspek isi/materi pembelajaran yang meliputi pengembangan kemampuan menyimak dan berbicara, cakupan materi, penyajian materi, tingkat kesulitan materi, dan

Educational developments 7 (2), and is reprinted here with permission, and with BJET notes in [square brackets]. Kinchin, I (2006) Developing PowerPoint handouts to support meaningful learning British Journal of Educational Technology ,... more

Educational developments 7 (2), and is reprinted here with permission, and with BJET notes in [square brackets]. Kinchin, I (2006) Developing PowerPoint handouts to support meaningful learning British Journal of Educational Technology , 37 (4) 647-650 Platow, M J (2002) Giving professional presentations in the behavioral sciences and related fields : Psychology Press (New York and Hove)

It is common for faculty to believe that academic dishonesty is easier and more prevalent in online courses because of the lack of direct contact with students. This paper examines research into academic dishonesty in online courses, how... more

It is common for faculty to believe that academic dishonesty is easier and more prevalent in online courses because of the lack of direct contact with students. This paper examines research into academic dishonesty in online courses, how to prevent cheating when online testing is done, how to detect and prevent plagiarism, how to design online courses to minimize academic dishonesty, and introduces several products and educational practices for preventing dishonesty in the online environment.

A sample of how I use technology to help students engage with the Bible