HCI Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This study investigated the design and evaluation of a sonification, created for an astronomer who studies exosolar accretion discs. User design methods were applied to sonify data that could allow the classification of accretion discs.... more

This study investigated the design and evaluation of a sonification, created for an astronomer who studies exosolar accretion discs. User design methods were applied to sonify data that could allow the classification of accretion discs. The sonification was developed over three stages: a requirements gathering exercise that inquired about the astronomer’s work and the data, design and development, as well as an evaluation. Twenty datasets were sonified and analysed. The sonification effectively represented the accretion discs allowing the astronomer to commence a preliminary, comparative classification. Multiple parameter mappings provide rich auditory stimuli. Spatial mapping and movement allow for easier identification of fast changes and peaks in the data which improved the understanding of the extent of these changes.

This paper explores how to research the opportunities for emotional engagement that mobile technologies provide for the design and enactment of learning environments. In the context of mobile technologies that foster location based... more

This paper explores how to research the opportunities for emotional engagement that mobile technologies provide for the design and enactment of learning environments. In the context of mobile technologies that foster location based linking, we make the case for the centrality of in-situ real-time observational research on how emotional engagement unfolds and for the inclusion of bodily aspects of interaction. We propose that multimodal methods offer tools for observing emotion as a central facet of person-environment interaction, and provide an example of these methods put into practice for a study of emotional engagement in mobile history learning. A multimodal analysis of video data from sixteen pairs of 9-10 year olds learning about the WWII history of their local Common is used to illustrate how students’ emotional engagement was supported by their use of mobile devices through: multimodal layering and linking of stimuli; the creation of digital artefacts, and changes in pace. T...

Ubiquitous Computing promises seamless access to a wide range of applications and Internet-based services from anywhere, at anytime, and using any device. In this scenario, new challenges for the practice of software development arise:... more

Ubiquitous Computing promises seamless access to a wide range of applications and Internet-based services from anywhere, at anytime, and using any device. In this scenario, new challenges for the practice of software development arise: Applications and services must keep a coherent behavior, a proper appearance, and must adapt to a plenty of contextual usage requirements and hardware aspects. Especially, due to its interactive nature, the interface content of Web applications must adapt to a large diversity of devices and contexts. In order to overcome such obstacles, this work introduces an innovative methodology for content adaptation of Web 2.0 interfaces. The basis of our work is to combine static adaption — the implementation of static Web interfaces; and dynamic adaptation — the alteration, during execution time, of static interfaces so as for adapting to different contexts of use. In hybrid fashion, our methodology benefits from the advantages of both adaptation strategies — ...

The creation of new knowledge that comes from Knowledge Mode Conversion (KMC) activities improves New Product Development (NPD) activities. However, there is still limited understanding of “how” a Knowledge Mode Conversion activity varies... more

The creation of new knowledge that comes from Knowledge Mode Conversion (KMC) activities improves New Product Development (NPD) activities. However, there is still limited understanding of “how” a Knowledge Mode Conversion activity varies using collaborative and conversational technologies to improve product development performance. The main contribution of this research is to establish a set of indicators that can be used as guides to help identify effective Knowledge Mode Conversion activities that can be useful for ...

Abstract. The wide availability of game based technologies and sophisticated e-Learning possibilities creates new demands and challenges on Human–Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering (HCI&UE). Solid research in HCI must support... more

Abstract. The wide availability of game based technologies and sophisticated e-Learning possibilities creates new demands and challenges on Human–Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering (HCI&UE). Solid research in HCI must support improvement in learning ability and creativity for both teachers and students. According to recent market surveys the Wii remote controller or Wiimote is currently more wide spread than standard Tablet PCs and is the most used computer input device worldwide. As a collection of many ...

In the context of Face Recognition the paper compares between Principal Component Analyses (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). In the psychological and algorithmic literature Principal Component Analyses (PCA) and Independent... more

In the context of Face Recognition the paper compares between Principal Component Analyses (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA). In the psychological and algorithmic literature Principal Component Analyses (PCA) and Independent Component Analyses (ICA) are the basis of numerous studies. Classical technique in statistical data analyses is called Principal Component Analyses (PCA) and technique of array processing and data analysis is called Independent Component Analysis (ICA). This paper gives the better concept how each algorithms are worked. This concept helps to advance level experiment. Besides, those method is so strong others system and algorithm. In both case, ICA performs good but not as good as PCA. For Face Recognition Principal Component Analyses basis algorithm represents intelligent suction of a random search within a short time and its can detect to solve the problem.

This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design... more

This paper describes the use of adaptation patterns in the task of formulating standards for adaptive educational hypermedia (AEH) systems that is currently under investigation by the EU ADAPT project. Within this project, design dimensions for high granularity patterns have been established. In this paper we focus on detailing lower granularity adaptive patterns based upon learning styles. Several patterns from existing AEH system case studies are identified and classified according to an extended learning style "onion" model. This model forms the basis of a learning style taxonomy, introduced here, whose components determine adaptation patterns for AEH. These patterns are of importance both for authoring, as well as for interfacing between adaptive hypermedia systems. From an authoring point of view, these patterns may be used to establish a fine-grain approach to instructional strategies that can be implemented in AEH systems, as a response to a particular learning style. The implementation of this adaptation pattern taxonomy is discussed, both generally and in detail.

The aim of this study is to explore how bringing art to life using Augmented Reality (AR) technology can affect viewer engagement and interest compared to the viewing of traditional static artwork. To... more

The aim of this study is to explore how bringing art to life using Augmented Reality (AR) technology can affect viewer engagement and interest compared to the viewing of traditional static artwork. To measure these properties this study uses a combination of surveys: The User Engagement Scale (UES) and a slightly modified version of the Museum Experience Scale (MES). The results from both questionnaires were aggregated to obtain a more accurate measurement of engagement, as the UES questionnaire is specifically focused on interactive systems while the MES is focused on an overall view of an exhibit. Using both questionnaires a more accurate measurement of “engagement” can be reached for the purposes of this study.

Realistic renderings contain a large amount of information about the spatial, geometric and material properties of prospective buildings that can directly affect design decisions, yet these images are most of the time used as... more

Realistic renderings contain a large amount of information about the spatial, geometric and material properties of prospective buildings that can directly affect design decisions, yet these images are most of the time used as after-the-fact representational visualizations. In this paper we propose a model to make the realistic images a very part of the design and decision making process. If we are to utilize realistic images during earlier decision making stages of the design processes, then we should develop experiential workflows in which we can create and interact with immersive realistic images real-time. We take several steps towards establishing an interactive rendering-animating-editing workflow that enables the designers to work with real-time rendered stereoscopic animations. In our system, we use realism to create an immersive exploration environment, as opposed to underutilizing it to represent a static moment.

HCI projects are increasingly evaluating technologies in the wild, which typically involves working with communities over extended periods, often with the goal of effecting sustainable change. However, there are few descriptions of... more

HCI projects are increasingly evaluating technologies in the wild, which typically involves working with communities over extended periods, often with the goal of effecting sustainable change. However, there are few descriptions of projects that have been successful in the long-term. In this paper we investigate what factors are important for develop- ing long lasting community ICT interventions. We do this by analysing a successful action research project and provide five recommendations for facilitating sustained community engagement. CrowdMemo aimed to preserve local heritage in a town in rural Argentina and the project was set up so that it could be continued by the community once researchers had left. Participants created videos about personal memories of the town and over 600 people attended the premiere where they were first screened. The impact has not just been short-term and there has been sustained engagement with the project by stakeholders in the town and wider region: the lo- cal school integrated digital storytelling into its curriculum; the approach has been adopted by two nearby towns; and the project has influenced regional government educational policy.

The International Standards Organization definition of usability as documented in ISO 9241-11 is for " …specified users… specified goals… particular environments " which implies that usability varies based on those three factors. The... more

The International Standards Organization definition of usability as documented in ISO 9241-11 is for " …specified users… specified goals… particular environments " which implies that usability varies based on those three factors. The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a ten item questionnaire developed to evaluate systems' usability. Consequently, SUS became the scale of choice for measuring usability, broadly applied to various systems including websites. Contemporary websites are visited by a wide range of users for different reasons and from all kinds of environments-can SUS still effectively measure their usability? For a professional organization such as IxDA whose focus is user interface design a heuristic evaluation aided by the Expert Review Checkpoints provides detailed feedback on its website's compliance with contemporary design standards that affect usability.

Much effort has been expended on developing applications to manage business and personal time. However, very little has been spent on information technology to manage the modern family's busy, complex life. We have performed a... more

Much effort has been expended on developing applications to manage business and personal time. However, very little has been spent on information technology to manage the modern family's busy, complex life. We have performed a photo-diary of family bulletin boards in order to understand how this common coordination tool is used. In this paper, we report on the results of the photo diaries and discuss their implication for design of an electronic family bulletin board.

In developing a website, it is essential to test its design. For example, users may look at a certain image or text paragraph without paying attention to what designers may consider being the most essential information or the users may... more

In developing a website, it is essential to test its design. For example, users may look at a certain image or text paragraph without paying attention to what designers may consider being the most essential information or the users may erroneously interpret its design and get confused. If users don’t interact with the website as designers anticipate, the design of website becomes dubious. In our eye-tracking study we invited 11 undergraduate students from an introductory chemistry course to test the usability of newly developed website on climate change. The results show that animated features draw more attention regardless of strength of relationship to content. Based on quantitative and qualitative data, we present possible recommendations how to improve the design of the website and how to enhance user’s overall experience.

In this paper we interrogate the practices of imagining in human-computer interaction (HCI), particularly in scenario building (SBE) and persona construction. We discuss the philosophical premises of HCI imaginings in rationalism,... more

In this paper we interrogate the practices of imagining in human-computer interaction (HCI), particularly in scenario building (SBE) and persona construction. We discuss the philosophical premises of HCI imaginings in rationalism, cognitivism and phenomenology, and we propose (feminist) new materialist philosophy as an enriching perspective that helps generate a holistic, relational perspective of users, imaginaries and technologies. In the end we explore the method of figurations as a potential tool for HCI design.

In this study, we aim to better the user experience of the virtually impaired when navigating in unfamiliar outdoor environments assisted by mobility technologies. We propose a framework for assessing their cognitive-emotional experience... more

In this study, we aim to better the user experience of the virtually impaired when navigating in unfamiliar outdoor environments assisted by mobility technologies. We propose a framework for assessing their cognitive-emotional experience based on ambulatory monitoring and multimodal fusion of electroencephalography, electrodermal activity , and blood volume pulse signals. The proposed model is based on a random forest classifier which successfully infers in an automatic way the correct urban environment among eight predefined categories (AUROC 93%). Geolocating the most predictive multimodal features that relate to cognitive load and stress, we provide further insights into the relationship of specific biomarkers with the environmental/situational factors that evoked them.

Audition and vision are the two most common senses used by several types of industries as bridge for interaction with the users. And even when skin is one of the largest organs in human body, the sense of touch remains underutilized.... more

Audition and vision are the two most common senses used by several types of industries as bridge for interaction with the users. And even when skin is one of the largest organs in human body, the sense of touch remains underutilized.
Several limbs of human body are constantly in touch with technological interfaces, especially the hands, which are mostly employed to grasp devices such as mobile phones or tablets. Nowadays, things like the way your smart phone feels in your hand or the content you are able to reproduce and receive from it makes the combinations of hardware and software matters because those are important considerations when buying a device.
Many of the existing devices' back are flat surfaces, usually unused, which could be improved by adding small actuators that convey an underappreciated but worthy type of information: haptic information.
Furthermore, if the broadcasting haptic contents could be easily transmitted through any communication network such as the Internet, for some scenarios like streaming contents, may help to increase the appeal of such immersing multimedia contents to be experienced through mobile devices.
To tackle the former situations, this project takes advantage of the sense of touch by providing users with synthetized haptic audio visual contents through a modified mobile device that integrate ultrasonic actuators that delivers tactile feedback in user’s hand.

Smartwatches now allow information to be conveniently accessed directly from the user’s wrist. However, the smartwatches currently available in the market offer a limited number of applications. In this paper, we propose a new interaction... more

Smartwatches now allow information to be conveniently accessed directly from the user’s wrist. However, the smartwatches currently available in the market offer a limited number of applications. In this paper, we propose a new interaction technique named Harmonious Haptics, which provides users with enhanced tactile sensations by utilizing smartwatches as additional tactile displays for smartphones. When combined with typical mobile devices, our technique enables the design of a wide variety of tactile stimuli. To illustrate the potential of our approach, we developed a set of example applications that provide users with rich tactile feedback such as feeling textures in a graphical user interface, transferring a file between the tablet and the smartwatch device, and controlling UI components.

D. Harris (Ed.): Engin. Psychol. and Cog. Ergonomics, HCII 2007, LNAI 4562, pp. 42–51, 2007. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007 ... Embodied Virtual Agents: An Affective and Attitudinal ... Approach of the Effects on Man-Machine... more

D. Harris (Ed.): Engin. Psychol. and Cog. Ergonomics, HCII 2007, LNAI 4562, pp. 42–51, 2007. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007 ... Embodied Virtual Agents: An Affective and Attitudinal ... Approach of the Effects on Man-Machine Stickiness in a

This paper describes three initial case studies of software use by teachers to support learners with special educational needs. In each case, the teachers were observed to be appropriating the software in ways that went beyond the... more

This paper describes three initial case studies of software use by teachers to support learners with special educational needs. In each case, the teachers were observed to be appropriating the software in ways that went beyond the intended use of the technologies. Appropriation has been previously explored as a positive process that provides benefits to users, yet these cases suggest that there may be specific benefits of appropriation for teachers in this context, and this is worthy of deeper investigation in the future.

The application of digital technologies, which is continually breaking into new spheres of use, presents a challenging development. Business environments are rapidly evolving; new markers, new market players, new types of products, new... more

The application of digital technologies, which is continually breaking into new spheres of use, presents a challenging development. Business environments are rapidly evolving; new markers, new market players, new types of products, new user groups. All these changes raise different issues from those previously confronted in the computer industry. As the "usability issue" is applied to many product areas beyond traditional HCI we were interested to find our how far state of practice companies are adapting the UCD principles commonly advocated. We were also interested to see how these principles were being applied in business areas nor usually associated with the computer industry.

As a result of the limitations of human cognitive skills, judgment, decision-making, and tactical understanding in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), there is a need to redesign the current human-computer interface (HCI) for... more

As a result of the limitations of human cognitive skills, judgment, decision-making, and tactical understanding in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), there is a need to redesign the current human-computer interface (HCI) for Autopilot control to improve the interaction and communication links between operators and the UAVs. This system displays the information to increase situational awareness; the operator will see everything, interpret it, make appropriate decisions, and have the ability to implement the decision. Multiple interfaces are developed using C’s Graphical User Interface (GUI) capabilities as a simulation environment. Both alternatives will combine buttons and place them in sequential order according to the steps needed to initialize UAVs and flight paths. Usability tests with participants are conducted to measure their performance based on previously determined metrics: the time it takes to train a participant on how to use the interface, the time to complete a...