Educational Leadership Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This essay explores Chicanx identity in academia through critical race theory (CRT) counterstory. A turn to CRT is an interdisciplinary approach that allows writing programs, faculty, and writing program administrators to ready the field... more

This essay explores Chicanx identity in academia through critical race theory (CRT) counterstory. A turn to CRT is an interdisciplinary approach that allows writing programs, faculty, and writing program administrators to ready the field of rhetoric and composition for the increasing number of diverse students enrolling in higher education. CRT challenges the institution’s status quo injustices toward racial minorities and works to expose institutionalized and systemic racism as it exists and continues to flourish in American institutions. Furthermore, CRT counterstory is theorized methodology with potential for both scholarship and pedagogy in rhetoric and composition. An interdisciplinary method, CRT counterstory recognizes that the experiential and embodied knowledge of people of color is legitimate and critical to understanding racism, which is often well disguised in the rhetoric of normalized structural values and practices.

Diversifying the teaching profession has garnered attention from researchers, policy makers, and educational stakeholders. However, missing within this conversation is the role of school and district leaders in diversifying the teaching... more

Diversifying the teaching profession has garnered attention from researchers, policy makers, and educational stakeholders. However, missing within this conversation is the role of school and district leaders in diversifying the teaching profession. We argue that without considering school and district leaders, diversity initiatives will not have a long-term systemic impact. Thus, this article fills in a gap in the literature on this topic. First, we provide a brief overview of the current racial and ethnic demographics of the teaching workforce and student population and discuss the barriers to recruiting and retaining a diverse teacher workforce. Second, we highlight the factors that have been found to influence the recruitment and retention of racial diversity of teachers at the pre-service and in-service levels. Lastly, we provide recommendations for school-based and district leaders on how they should plan for diversifying their teacher workforce.

The current P-12 educational landscape is riddled with inequities, especially for historically underserved students. As such, greater efforts are needed from educational stakeholders (i.e. counselors and principals) who center social... more

The current P-12 educational landscape is riddled with inequities, especially for historically underserved students. As such, greater efforts are needed from educational stakeholders (i.e. counselors and principals) who center social justice and advocacy practices that eliminate systemic barriers to rigorous educational experiences for all students. This paper proposes an alignment of advocacy and social justice professional standards and competencies for school counselors and principals. This alignment, which consists of three contextual dimensions including social justice identity, human resources, and advocacy actions, serves as the foundational framework for principal-counselor collaboration around social justice advocacy. Implications for practice and research are discussed.

Social justice leadership has become a popular topic and catchphrase in the field of educational leadership. However, most scholarly and empirical contributions have ignored the inherent tensions, challenges and dilemmas associated with... more

Social justice leadership has become a popular topic and catchphrase in the field of educational leadership. However, most scholarly and empirical contributions have ignored the inherent tensions, challenges and dilemmas associated with the practice of school leadership and the realities principals confront on a daily basis. This is partly because researchers have tended to ignore multiple facets of justice in their empirical investigations as well as how larger forces outside the school associated with historical, political, social and economic injustices marginalize students and communities. This article explores three cases of challenging school–community contexts that confound and partially subdue the efforts of well-intentioned principals. Each case highlights a dedicated principal committed to their school and community, and documents the significant progress made in addressing particular social justice issues, but also how they confronted justice dilemmas that they believed required them to prioritize certain social justice issues over others. These findings have important implications for how principals view their communities and engage in critical reflection about the leadership decisions and actions they take on a daily basis. This article concludes with implications for future research and a discussion of how aspiring principals can be better prepared to lead for social justice and effectively address justice dilemmas without ignoring or putting off other injustices.

Schooling for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in remote or ‘Red Dirt’ (Guenther, Disbray and Osborne, 2016) communities has been cast as ‘problematic’, and ‘failing’. The solutions to deficit understandings of remote... more

Schooling for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in remote or ‘Red Dirt’ (Guenther, Disbray and Osborne, 2016) communities has been cast as ‘problematic’, and ‘failing’. The solutions to deficit understandings of remote schooling are often presented as simple. But for those who work in red dirt schools, the solutions are not simple, and for education leaders positioned between the local ‘red dirt’ school and upward accountability (Rizvi & Lingard, 2010) to departments of education they are complex.
Between 2011 and 2016, the Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation’s (CRC-REP) Remote Education Systems project explored how education could better meet the needs of those living in remote communities. More than 1000 people with interests in remote education contributed to the research. Education leaders were identified as one stakeholder group. These leaders included school-based leaders, bureaucrats, community based leaders, and teacher educators preparing university graduates for ‘red dirt’ schools.
This paper focuses on what ‘red dirt’ education leaders think is important for schooling. The findings show school leaders as ‘caught in the middle’ (Gonzales and Firestone, 2013) between expectations communities, and of system stakeholders who drive policy, funding, and accountability measures. The paper concludes with some implications for policy and practice that follow on from the findings.

Research has begun to articulate actions of social justice leaders, but as a field we still know little about how a broad range of leaders view and enact equitable practice. In this study, we use a set of “leadership for equity" rubrics... more

Research has begun to articulate actions of social justice leaders, but as a field we still know little about how a broad range of leaders view and enact equitable practice. In this study, we use a set of “leadership for equity" rubrics to examine how 114 school and district leaders rated and provided evidence of
equitable or inequitable practices related to visionary leadership and instructional improvement (two core responsibilities of leadership as identified by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium’s standards). The rubrics define
equitable leadership along a continuum from unsatisfactory to exemplary, with a rating of proficient requiring evidence of action and change in policies and practices designed to produce equitable outcomes. Although leaders tended to rate
themselves as proficient or above on the rubrics, their ratings were more favorable than what their supporting evidence warranted. We use this misalignment between participants’ espoused and enacted behaviors to (a) discuss the need
to better define key concepts in social justice leadership theory and practice and (b) highlight how leadership development and professional growth tools can counter rather than maintain status quo leadership practice.

As the region continues to grow with local organizations expanding beyond borders and multinationals beginning to enter and expand their businesses, the battle for talent is intensifying. Some industries are already facing high attrition... more

As the region continues to grow with local organizations expanding beyond borders and multinationals
beginning to enter and expand their businesses, the battle for talent is intensifying. Some industries are
already facing high attrition rates, while others are struggling to increase the proportion of discretionary
effort from their workforce. Innovation and global mega‐trends like demographic shifts, rapid
technological advancement, power of social media and environmental changes all point towards the
need for ‘agility’ in business models to accommodate the dynamism in the business ecosystem. This
agility can only be achieved if we have highly motivated and committed ‘agile’ workforce which is willing
to do more than just survival at work place – the discretionary effort.

With adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) virtually the whole of the United States is involved in aligning curricula, lesson planning, implementing, and professional development. However, only a small fraction of CCSS... more

With adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) virtually the whole of the United States is involved in aligning curricula, lesson planning, implementing, and professional development. However, only a small fraction of CCSS activity or commentary focuses on early childhood education at the preschool and kindergarten levels. Thus, it is crucial to examine closely the links between the standards themselves and applications in practice so that teachers and administrative personnel have a clear understanding of both what the standards imply and do not imply for aligning classroom practices to accomplish the CCSS in early childhood. This article focuses on clarifying issues that have been especially subject to confusion or misinterpretation with respect to curricular and instructional practices in preschool and kindergarten. It begins with a brief account of alignments between the CCSS and developmentally appropriate practices currently common in early language and literacy instruction and supported by research, followed by in-depth analyses of four issues that have generated some or considerable confusion for early childhood educators: pedagogical approach, text choices, understanding developmental progressions, and performance assessment.

The complex nature of empathy is well-established in research. Nevertheless, there is little consensus on the topic of empathy. Indeed, scholars do not even agree on a set definition of empathy. Uniform methods to evaluate synergy between... more

The complex nature of empathy is well-established in research. Nevertheless, there is little consensus on the topic of empathy. Indeed, scholars do not even agree on a set definition of empathy. Uniform methods to evaluate synergy between the complexity of empathy and how interactions influence a variety of situations across the field are likewise unresolved. This study qualitatively explores current literature concerning empathy to reconcile the deficit in evaluating the organic emergence of empathy.

In this action research, we developed a plan in answer to the need to maximize the involvement of University of the Immaculate Conception Graduate School (UIC) Graduate School (GS) faculty and students in the intensification of the... more

In this action research, we developed a plan in answer to the need to maximize the involvement of University of the Immaculate Conception Graduate School (UIC) Graduate School (GS) faculty and students in the intensification of the research and publication culture of UIC to parallel the international level of recognition in the field. By qualitative descriptive research design specifically Practical Action Research (PAR) approach, we purposively selected 30 participants who represent the different stakeholders of the UIC GS for brainstorming and exploratory sessions designed to answer our research objectives including a) maximization of the research productivity of the graduate school faculty and students; b) establishment of the mentor-mentee publication authorship; c) integration of new research pedagogy approaches into the graduate qualitative and quantitative research process; and d) establishment of an independent journal in preparation for Commission on Higher Education (CHED) journal incentive program recognition. Through the sessions, we generated problematic issues about the school's research and publication status quo. In analyzing the issues, we grouped them according to which key objective they address and further sub-grouped them into which level (institutional, program leadership, individual members) they affect or can be addressed. Our findings revealed recurring issues affecting all levels and which can overlap in terms of effect and solution. Notable recurring issues include lack of well-articulated policies, research experts, research class directions, as well as members' confidence. We formulated several recommendations as outset for the development of a strategic plan with the main goal of elevating the UIC GS research and publication culture.

The main objective of this study is to develop a self-report instrument to measure pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the extent to which they experience the necessary support and training in order to integrate technology into classroom... more

The main objective of this study is to develop a self-report instrument to measure pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the extent to which they experience the necessary support and training in order to integrate technology into classroom activities. The questionnaire items of this instrument were drawn up on the basis of a synthesis of 19 qualitative studies (Authors et al., 2012) and were reviewed by experts in the field. In order to study its reliability and aspects of validity, data were collected and analysed consisting of a sample of 688 pre-service teachers in Flanders (Belgium). The resulting scale showed highly satisfactory psychometric properties. Item response theory revealed a good fit of the measurement to a Rating Scale Model for 22 out of 24 items. The results also indicate that the items differ in their degree of difficulty. It seems that helping pre-service teachers to design ICT-rich lessons and providing adequate feedback can be considered more challenging for teacher training institutions. Recommendations are given regarding how the new scale can be useful for both teacher training institutions and schools in developing approaches to equip pre-service teachers with the competencies needed to integrate technology in teaching and learning processes.

Background: The colonial origins of schooling and the implications these origins have on leadership is missing from educational leadership literature. Indeed little has been published on decolonizing and indigenous ways of leading... more

Background: The colonial origins of schooling and the implications these
origins have on leadership is missing from educational leadership literature. Indeed little has been published on decolonizing and indigenous ways of leading schools. Purpose: In this article, we synthesize the literature on indigenous, decolonizing education leadership values and practices across national and international spaces that have been informed to various degrees by colonial models of schooling. Methodology: Through a review of the research and keywords including colonialism, educational leadership, indigenous communities, and decolonization, we identify two overarching themes. Findings: First, we found that the literature revealed a critique of the way in which Westernized Eurocentric schooling serves as a tool of imperialism, colonization, and control in the education of Indigenous peoples. Second, we discovered that the literature provided unique, but overlapping worldviews that situate the values and approaches enacted by Indigenous leaders throughout the globe. Within this second theme, we identify five strands of an Indigenous, Decolonizing School Leadership (IDSL) framework that can contribute to the development and reflection of school leadership scholars and practitioners. Specifically, we found that the five consistent and identifiable strands across IDSL include prioritizing Indigenous ancestral knowledge, enacting self-reflection and self-determination, connecting with and empowering the community, altruism, and spirituality as expressed through servant leadership, and inclusive communication practices.
Conclusion: Based on the identified worldviews and values, we conclude by offering insights on the structure and policy of post-colonial schooling, as well as implications for the theory, research and practice needed to reclaim the co-opted contributions of Indigenous leaders in ways that decenter Western colonial approaches to leadership.

Leadership is everywhere: it has a dominant and privileged place in our society; it is constantly in our news, politics, businesses, films, books and magazines. Leadership is part of our social narrative, predominantly as a mythological... more

Leadership is everywhere: it has a dominant and privileged place in our society; it is constantly in our news, politics, businesses, films, books and magazines. Leadership is part of our social narrative, predominantly as a mythological force of goodness and success.
A key aim of this book is to deconstruct leadership, to challenge over-simplified accounts of leadership that may be desirable and offer us the comfort of ‘messiahs’ who can save us, but that actually distort leadership in unhelpful ways. Another aim is to reconstruct leadership, to offer new accounts of leadership for new times.
The book identifies four dominant leadership discourses that have developed through socio-political and economic forces. The first 3 are Controller Leadership , Therapist Leadership, Messiah Leadership reveal how leadership has developed in relation to changing contexts the past century. The final emergent discourse outlined is Eco-Leadership, and this chapter points to the need for new leadership for new times.

Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η κριτική ανάλυση του άρθρου των Kyriakides et al. (2014), που αφορά τον σχεδιασμό στρατηγικών και δράσεων αντιμετώπισης του σχολικού εκφοβισμού, με τη χρήση της δυναμικής προσέγγισης της σχολικής... more

Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η κριτική ανάλυση του άρθρου των Kyriakides et al. (2014), που αφορά τον σχεδιασμό στρατηγικών και δράσεων αντιμετώπισης του σχολικού εκφοβισμού, με τη χρήση της δυναμικής προσέγγισης της σχολικής βελτίωσης. Στο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο της κριτικής ανάλυσης παρουσιάζονται οι βασικές θεωρητικές παραδοχές της Έρευνας για την Εκπαιδευτική Αποτελεσματικότητα (ΕΕΑ) και της Έρευνας για τη Βελτίωση της Αποτελεσματικότητας (ΕΒΑ), καθώς και η σύγχρονη προσπάθεια σύζευξης των δύο γνωστικών περιοχών από την οποία προέκυψε το Δυναμικό Μοντέλο Εκπαιδευτικής Αποτελεσματικότητας (ΔΜΕΑ). Ακολουθεί η περιληπτική παρουσίαση του περιεχομένου του υπό μελέτη άρθρου και, κατόπιν, η κριτική ανάλυση των διαφόρων πτυχών του, υπό το πρίσμα της σύγχρονης οπτικής της ΕΕΑ και της ΕΒΑ. Όπως προκύπτει, πρόκειται για ένα αξιόλογο άρθρο, το οποίο, παρά τα μειονεκτήματά του, συμβάλλει σημαντικά στον εμπλουτισμό των ερευνητικών δεδομένων, στην προαγωγή της θεωρίας και στον σχεδιασμό χρήσιμων στρατηγικών και δράσεων για τη βελτίωση της σχολικής αποτελεσματικότητας. Η σημασία της παρούσας εργασίας έγκειται, τόσο στην παράθεση σύγχρονων επιστημονικών δεδομένων και πρακτικών, όσο και στη μεθοδολογία της κριτικής ανάγνωσης, ανάλυσης και αξιολόγησης, που αποτελεί απαραίτητο στοιχείο της επιστημονικής έρευνας.

It is urgent that education scholars explore how Islamic values shape (and are shaped by) Muslim school leader beliefs, given the heightened anti-Muslim sentiment present in western contexts. Yet, there is a lack of scholarship on... more

It is urgent that education scholars explore how Islamic values shape
(and are shaped by) Muslim school leader beliefs, given the
heightened anti-Muslim sentiment present in western contexts.
Yet, there is a lack of scholarship on non-western approaches to
leading schools. To address this gap, we drew from extant Islamic
and educational leadership literature to develop a conceptual
framework for Islamic school leadership. The framework is
grounded in Islamic values and beliefs that cross socio-religious
and contextual boundaries. Outside the framework are Islamic
leader values. Inside the framework are four inner domains that
influence the encircling values. Some beliefs will hold more sway
that others, which will provide new insight into how Muslim
leaders perceive their work and how this may influence their
practice. Our expectation is that this framework will be tested,
refined, and interrogated through empirical inquiry, thereby
furthering scholarship in non-western contexts.

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more

Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci yetiştiren akademisyenler ile eğitim alan öğrenciler için temel bir başvuru kitabıdır.
2013 yılının Mayısı ayında yayımlanan DSM-5 ölçütlerine göre ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili sunulan bilgilerin güncellemesinin de yapıldığı bu kitap, tüm dünyada pek çok üniversitenin psikiyatri ve psikoloji bölümlerinde ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır.
Kitabın her bölümünde, ilk olarak ruhsal bozukluklarla ilgili vakalar sunulmakta, daha sonra bozuklukların klinik tanıları yapılmakta ve DSM-IV-TR’den farklı olan DSM-5’te yapılan değişikliklere yer verilmektedir. Ayrıca, DSM-5’teki tanı ölçütleri, bozuklukların etiyolojisi ve epidemiyolojisi, bozukluklar üzerinde kalıtımın ve çevrenin etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyal ve kültürel etkiler, en güncel araştırmalardan elde edilen verilerle harmanlanarak sunulmaktadır. Ruhsal bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olacak terapi yaklaşımları ve ilaçla yapılan tedaviler hakkında da bilgiler veren kitap, sahip olduğu zengin içeriği ile eşsiz bir kaynaktır.
Anormal Psikoloji kitabının; profesyoneller ve öğrenciler için önemli bir rehber olacağına, yardıma ihtiyaç duyan insanların sorunlarının çözümüne, ruhsal bozuklukların tanı ve tedavisinde önemli katkılar sağlayacağına inanıyoruz.

The Coalition Government’s ‘Green Paper’ (DfE, 2011) proposes a systemic overhaul of services for pupils with Special Educational Needs in England, with increased parental choice of provision, and “sharper accountability” (p. 67) in... more

The Coalition Government’s ‘Green Paper’ (DfE, 2011) proposes a systemic overhaul of services for pupils with Special Educational Needs in England, with increased parental choice of provision, and “sharper accountability” (p. 67) in schools. Deadlines for various stages of this reform have not been met, and its final nature remains uncertain. This article reveals SENCOs’ insights into their changing role in this turbulent policy context. This is achieved through the thematic analysis of 227 responses to an ‘open-ended’ question in the national SENCO Survey 2012. Findings from this sample indicate that SENCOs predict schools in England will become more inclusive, with greater shared responsibility for achievement for all, and SENCOs’ increased involvement in staff training and other whole school capacity-building activities. Respondents predict a greater partnership with parents, for whom they will provide advice and links to other services. They foresee their reduced involvement in direct teaching, and an intensification of their work in other ways, especially in terms of paperwork associated with pupil tracking and other accountability measures. These changes are anticipated against a backdrop of resource cuts, requiring SENCOs to show increasing self-reliance and imagination.

Empirical research has described how school leaders with social justice orientations investigate, understand, and address issues related to marginalization. These studies detail many of the heroic efforts of principals and their... more

Empirical research has described how school leaders with social justice orientations investigate, understand, and address issues related to marginalization. These studies detail many of the heroic efforts of principals and their dedication, persistence, and skill. Theoretical and empirical writings have often presented social justice leadership as a “cure-all” to inequities rather than politically situated leadership orientation that in its practice is dilemma-laden. This article draws upon previous research on effective leadership as well as highlighting key aspects related to special educational policy in U.S. public schools to cultivate a more in-depth understanding of the practice of social justice leadership for inclusion. This analysis is presented to prompt a more in-depth and practice-oriented discussion, analysis, and understanding of the challenges associated with social justice leadership. Recommendations for future research and a more community-oriented and activist approach to social justice leadership are presented and justified at the conclusion of the article.

Seider and Graves focus on the importance of fostering political agency in ramping up student's civic knowledge and engagement. Political agency- an individual's belief in their ability to effect social or political change- matters... more

Seider and Graves focus on the importance of fostering political agency in ramping up student's civic knowledge and engagement. Political agency- an individual's belief in their ability to effect social or political change- matters because it is one of the strongest predictors of a young person's civic engagement, political interest, and attention to current events. Scholars have also theorized that political agency can transform a young person's understanding of social or political issues into a commitment to social action and engagement. The authors explore the skills for social change, effecting change in school, and effecting in the real world.

Neoliberal ideologies influence both the content and pedagogical approach of educational leadership programmes. This article proposes an alternate pedagogy, one which privileges the experiential nature of the leadership and challenges... more

Neoliberal ideologies influence both the content and pedagogical approach of educational leadership programmes. This article proposes an alternate pedagogy, one which privileges the experiential nature of the leadership and challenges students to critique prevailing ideologies within education. The authors describe the reshaping of a compulsory, foundational academic paper within a Masters of educational leadership programme to focus on the phenomenon of leadership more explicitly. They illustrate the use of student stories and hermeneutic interpretation to deepen the appreciation of the contextual nature of educational leadership practice. The authors suggest that the influence of this pedagogical approach resides in the sincerity of the pedagogical comportment of the teaching faculty and the elusiveness of the taken-for-granted nature of leadership. They conclude that pedagogical processes that maintain a centrality of concern for the humanity of leadership experiences are a matte...

This article stems from a story of arts education advocacy in the midst of a bureaucracy that misunderstood the purpose of art education at the launch of a new elementary school. Contemporary visual arts education practices overlap a... more

This article stems from a story of arts education advocacy in the midst of a bureaucracy that misunderstood the purpose of art education at the launch of a new elementary school. Contemporary visual arts education practices overlap a unique period of change in neighboring social science disciplines, a turn of the tide that involves the embrace of narrative methods to rewrite prevailing working models and paradigms of social science practice. Here at the start of the 21st century, art education continues to be practiced in the thrall of a scientific paradigm that misunderstands the greater potential of the arts in education, often imposing a ceiling ill-fitted for arts praxis, arts-based research, or arts pedagogy. The author argues that art education is also at a turn of the tide and surmises some of the unexpected outcomes when new and ex-centric stories of learning and a “pedagogy of possibility” are more thoroughly explored, allowing practitioners to fully rethink an art education practice without taxonomic ceilings and within the shelter of the unexplored labyrinth.

Universities play a central role in addressing key challenges of social, economic and environmental sustainability. For this role to be delivered effectively it is critical to identify not only what strategies are most productive but... more

Universities play a central role in addressing key challenges of social, economic and environmental sustainability. For this role to be delivered effectively it is critical to identify not only what strategies are most productive but also how to ensure they are successfully led and implemented. This project seeks to apply the proven change leadership framework developed in the ALTC's 'Learning Leaders in Times of Change' project to the distinctive area of effective turnaround leadership for sustainability in higher education. The project is being undertaken in a collaboration between the University of Western Sydney, the Australian National University, the Sustainable Futures Academy and the University of Gloucestershire. It will produce a validated change leadership framework for building Education for Sustainability (EfS) successfully into the core activities of our universities, as well as a package of leadership development resources for use in individual recruitment, promotion, development and performance management activities. It will also document a range of successful practice models.

Competent leadership is essential for the health and well-being of a Bible school. According to Oswald Sanders, “leadership is influence, the ability of one person to influence others to follow his or her lead.”1 Leadership influence is a... more

Competent leadership is essential for the health and well-being of a
Bible school. According to Oswald Sanders, “leadership is influence, the
ability of one person to influence others to follow his or her lead.”1
Leadership influence is a powerful commodity with many roles or
functions which we should regard with much sobriety. One major
leadership role, according to Robert Clinton, “is that of selection of rising
leadership. Leaders must continually be aware of God’s processing of
younger leaders and work with that processing,”2
which is an apt
description of the key task of all Bible school educators—equipping the
next generation of leaders. This paper will explore the leadership roles
of administrators, faculty, and students and discuss guiding principles for
leadership growth in Bible school educators which will, in turn, increase
the efficacy of the Bible school’s training programs for developing

For the purposes of this study, the Leadership Practices Inventory was administered to 82 superintendents in Texas and data including demographic information regarding the district size, gender, and age of the participants was collected.... more

For the purposes of this study, the Leadership Practices Inventory was administered to 82 superintendents in Texas and data including demographic information regarding the district size, gender, and age of the participants was collected. Superintendents in Texas were selected for two reasons: the study met the needs of universities in Texas, and the superintendent pool in Texas contains a wide variety of school sizes and demographics. The Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI) was selected because the validity and reliability has been assessed nationally and because it measures individual leadership practices rather than theoretical applications. The goal of this study is to look at practices and behaviors of women compared to men in the superintendency.

The study of crisis in higher education remains an important area of research for scholars and a relevant area of interest for higher education leaders who must anticipate and effectively address the ever-increasing and wide-ranging... more

The study of crisis in higher education remains an important area of research for scholars and a relevant area of interest for higher education leaders who must anticipate and effectively address the ever-increasing and wide-ranging crisis situations. Using Weick’s notion of retrospective sensemaking, this project attempts to theoretically reframe crisis as a discursive opportunity for university leaders to engage in identity construction. By approaching issues of crisis leadership through a communicative framework, this article proposes four discursive themes and two tensions related to academic leadership identity during times of crisis based on interviews with college and university presidents.