Jesus Christ Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Matt 1:17 indicates that Jesus' genealogy is formed by three series of fourteen generations; however, this total number of generations does not match the preceding list in Matt 1:2-16. Interpreters have proposed multiple ways to... more

Matt 1:17 indicates that Jesus' genealogy is formed by three series of fourteen generations; however, this total number of generations does not match the preceding list in Matt 1:2-16. Interpreters have proposed multiple ways to understand this inconsistency which have yet to be collected and evaluated. A double literature review displays the limitations of this seemingly insoluble biblical conundrum. This article presents the tension between verse 17 and verses 2-17 of Matthew's gospel as a puzzling reading experience that can best be described, in line with Stanley Fish, as a self-consuming artifact: an experience of incongruity in which the text and the reader are transformed through a process of negation. This approach also highlights other potential reversals in Matthew 1, such as Davidic traditions, that can yield a renewed outlook on this gospel.

Je suis convaincu que la bible a son origine en Dieu (2 Tim.3:16). Bien que les sceptiques croient que les narrations bibliques ne sont pas supportées par des évidences historiques. Mais, dans le cadre de cette réflexion, nous allons... more

Je suis convaincu que la bible a son origine en Dieu (2 Tim.3:16). Bien que les sceptiques croient que les narrations bibliques ne sont pas supportées par des évidences historiques. Mais, dans le cadre de cette réflexion, nous allons présenter des preuves externes qui supportent l'évidence des narrations bibliques. Il faut dire, en passant, que Dieu pour transmettre sa parole n'a pas utilisé une sorte de langage mystérieux auquel l'esprit humain ne peut accéder. Loin de là ! Il utilise en revanche le langage humain, c'est-à-dire les différents genres littéraires normalement utilisés par les humains, pour se révéler à nous. Cela dit, quand nous lisons les textes historiques, les épîtres (les lettres), il faut les étudier dans leur genre spécifique. Pour ainsi dire, Dieu entre dans l'histoire pour révéler son plan à l'humanité. Il a utilisé environ quarante auteurs d'origines géographiques différentes pour rédiger, dans des genres différents, son message pour le monde. Par le fait qu'il utilise les humains et leur histoire pour mettre sur papier son plan (Bible), il est possible de trouver des évidences archéologiques et historiques venant supporter ce qui est écrit dans la Bible. Cependant, ce que je suis en train de soutenir ne semble pas être évident pour certains. C'est ainsi que nous trouvons des gens qui tentent de prouver le contraire eu égard à la tendance des sceptiques évoquée au début, et sur laquelle je vais donner plus de détails. Cette tendance soutenant que les évidences historiques ne peuvent pas étayer les faits bibliques, a ses racines dans le temps passé lointain et a été formellement systématisée dans les années 70-80 par un courant de pensée en histoire appelé le " Minimalisme ". L'un des exemples pris par les tenants de cette dernière pour asseoir leur perspective était l'existence du " Roi David " comme personnage mythique. Par ailleurs, il faut dire que cette nouvelle tendance avait permis le développement de ce que l'on appelle une archéologie biblique qui allait avoir comme objet d'investiguer sur les lieux et sur les personnages bibliques rapportés dans la Bible. Ainsi, ce débat prenait chair sérieusement jusqu'à ce que, pour le cas de l'histoire du roi David, le chercheur archéologue, Avraham Biran de " Hebrew Union College " soit intéressé lui-même à investiguer sur l'existence historique du Roi David. En 1993, il avait découvert une inscription araméenne datée du neuvième siècle avant Jésus-Christ à Tel Dan, dans le nord d'Israël, qui contenait une déclaration écrite par l'ennemi d'Israël dans laquelle on fait référence à la maison du Roi David. Il y avait d'autres découvertes qui ont affirmé l'existence historique du Roi David, comme l'excavation sur la frontière d'Israël et Philistine à Khirbet Qeiyafa qui a bel et bien prouvé la dynastie du personnage. Ainsi, le travail archéologique de Biran avait clos ce débat (Joseph M. HOLDEN, Norman GEISLER, 2013; K.A. Kitchen, 2003). JESUS DE NAZARETH: DU MYSTICISME À L'ÉVIDENCE HISTORIQUE

This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the... more

This essay was published in The Bible and Early Trinitarian Theology, edited by Christopher A. Beeley and Mark E. Weedman, for the CUAP Studies in Early Christianity (Washington DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2018); this is the uncorrected proofs. Exploring the humanity and divinity of Jesus, the Son's relation to the Father, and the agency of the Holy Spirit, it is one of five essays suggesting Johannine contributions to trinitarian discussions in the early church.

Since from the late Middle Ages to the Emancipation, Eastern European Jewry was spiritually, physically and linguistically isolated from the Christian society, we are inclined to believe that it had always been so ever since Judaism and... more

Since from the late Middle Ages to the Emancipation, Eastern European Jewry was spiritually, physically and linguistically isolated from the Christian society, we are inclined to believe that it had always been so ever since Judaism and Christianity turned their backs on each other in late antiquity, especially because rabbinical literature mentions Christianity by name only sporadical-ly. According to the traditional narrative, also represented by Paul Johnson in his History of the Jews, the destruction of the Temple, the failure of the Bar Kokhba revolt and the spread of Christianity caused Judaism to turn in on itself for hundreds of years and became oblivious of its richer past and untouched by the outside world, as if living in a hermetically sealed world. This paradigm has difficulties accommodating that four Midrashim (rabbinic exegeses) in a collection of Jewish homilies for Sabbath titled Pesiqta Rabbati, recorded in the seventh century but prob-ably composed earlier, features Ephraim son of Joseph, another Messiah apart from David’s son, whose description contains an amazingly large number of Christological features, which strikingly resemble the Gospels’ Passion account and the book of Revelation. The homilies also draw heavily from Psalm 22, understood by Christian tradition as describing Christ’s sufferings. Recent scholarly discourse defines the polemics in which Jews take over Christian cultural or religious ideas to build their own religious identity as “counterhistory” or “inward accultura-tion.” Its confrontational form denies the opponent’s identity by frontally attacking Christian religious symbols to deprive them of the sanctity attributed to them, such as the medieval Jewish Gospel parody titled Toledot Yeshu. The other strategy is internalization or “re-Judaization,” in which Jews appropriate and take control over Christian symbols as if saying: “what the Chris-tians talk about is really our Messiah because anything may they say, we are still the true Israel.” It reinstates into the Jewish tradition ideas that were inherent in pre- and para-Rabbinic Judaism but embraced by Christians, so deemed heresy by the rabbis, thus found only in traces in the Talmud. Concerning Jesus Christ, one of them is the binitarian theology of “two powers in heaven,” which elevates human figures to divine status such as in the Enoch/Metatron tradition, and the other one is the idea of “two messiahs” stemming from the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53. The Midrashim of Pesiqta Rabbati revive this latter in a seemingly traditional manner, but in fact they go far beyond the limits of Rabbinic messianism without precedent, among others by merging the Messiahs son of David and son of Joseph into the figure of a preexistent Ephraim, who undertakes suffering for the sins of humans at the time of the creation, which is unknown outside the New Testament. By wandering into such dangerous theological waters, the Midra-shim support the new scholarly narrative that the rabbis knew the Christian discourse, the Chris-tian interpretation of the Old Testament, and the New Testament more profoundly and relied on them to develop Jewish religious identity to a greater extent than we formerly thought, and that the spiritual and ideological borderline between the two sisters, Ecclesia and Synagoga, was far from so rigid and impermeable as it seems for the first sight.

In 1988, three laboratories performed a radiocarbon analysis of the Turin Shroud. The results, which were centralized by the British Museum and published in Nature in 1989, provided ‘conclusive evidence’ of the medieval origin of the... more

In 1988, three laboratories performed a radiocarbon analysis of the Turin Shroud. The results, which were centralized by the British Museum and published in Nature in 1989, provided ‘conclusive evidence’ of the medieval origin of the artefact. However, the raw data were never released by the institutions. In 2017, in response to a legal request, all raw data kept by the British Museum were made accessible. A statistical analysis of the Nature article and the raw data strongly suggests that homogeneity is lacking in the data and that the procedure should be reconsidered.

My colleague, Donald Sybertz and I, have carried out research among the Sukuma people, the largest ethnic group in Tanzania. This article primarily consists of three case studies of Christology in an African context. The first case... more

Please feel free to copy, and to distribute as it might meet the purpose of helping yourself and others get to understand the purpose, person, and authority of Jesus' life and His teaching according to the Gospel of John. Anyone who is... more

Please feel free to copy, and to distribute as it might meet the purpose of helping yourself and others get to understand the purpose, person, and authority of Jesus' life and His teaching according to the Gospel of John.
Anyone who is seeking helpful interaction while or after completing these studies may feel free to contact me by email -

Some scholars in recent years have dismissed the Trial of Jesus story in the Gospels as a literary creation devoid of historical content. This paper cautiously argues against taking such a negative approach. The basis for this conclusion... more

Some scholars in recent years have dismissed the Trial of Jesus story in the Gospels as a literary creation devoid of historical content. This paper cautiously argues against taking such a negative approach. The basis for this conclusion is a new archaeological study that was made on the overall layout of the Palace of Herod the Great, which later became the seat of the Roman governor when in residence in Jerusalem: the praetorium. The archaeological remains fit very well John's description of Jesus' temporary incarceration and the trial in front of Pontius Pilate, and with the two topographical features, the "lithostrotos" and "gabbatha" (John 19:13).

The books of 1 and 2 Samuel offer a three-fold thematic scheme that supports the central claim of the Pentateuch, the claim found in Deuteronomy 6:4 and known to the Jews as “the Shema,” a verse that declares the God of Israel is one,... more

The books of 1 and 2 Samuel offer a three-fold thematic scheme that supports the central claim of the Pentateuch, the claim found in Deuteronomy 6:4 and known to the Jews as “the Shema,” a verse that declares the God of Israel is one, true and living God, a theme that undergirds all of the historical books as well. Thus, the foundational theme of 1 and 2 Samuel is the central claim of the Pentateuch, a theme shared by all books of the Holy Scriptures. The secondary, structural theme of the book of 1 Samuel supports the primary theme of the historical books by offering the testimony that God has called out David to establish the Davidic lineage to bring about Israel’s redemption as supporting evidence that YHWH is the true and living God. The secondary, structural theme of the book of 2 Samuel supports the primary theme of the historical books by offering the testimony that God has justified David in his role as king. The third, imperative theme of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel states that Israel loved the Lord their God with all of their strength by accepting the one whom God called and justified as their king and redeemer. The application of this third theme for today’s reader is to believe that God has called and justification the Lord Jesus Christ as King of Kings in the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven. The New Testament believer should trust in Jesus as the fulfillment of prophecies concerning the Messiah coming from the Davidic lineage who will reign eternally over all nations. As believers, we have been called to be a part of the Kingdom of Heaven, and we are justified as members of this Kingdom through faith in Jesus Christ.

Tujuan Penulisan skripsi ini ialah: Pertama, untuk mengetahui pemahaman yang benar mengenai hal yang dilakukan oleh perempuan yang sakit pendarahan tersebut sehingga bisa sembuh. Kedua, untuk menerapkan kembali akan iman yang sungguh... more

Tujuan Penulisan skripsi ini ialah: Pertama, untuk mengetahui pemahaman yang benar mengenai hal yang dilakukan oleh perempuan yang sakit pendarahan tersebut sehingga bisa sembuh. Kedua, untuk menerapkan kembali akan iman yang sungguh untuk percaya kepada kuasa Tuhan. Adapun hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, Sakit penyakit yang dialami seberapa lamapun waktunya dan sekeras apapun penyakit yang dirasakan pasti ada waktu penyakit itu akan sembuh dan hilang dari tubuh manusia, sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan. Kedua, Pengorbanan Kristus di atas kayu salib telah menebus segala dosa umat manusia. Sakit penyakit merupakan akibat dari ulah dosa manusia yang tidak menghargai akan pemberian tubuh yang sehat yang Tuhan berikan dengan cara memberikan tubuh dengan hal-hal yang tidak penting dan memakai hal-hal yang tidak berguna untuk tubuh ini. Ketiga, Kesembuhan dapat terjadi ketika seseorang mempunyai iman untuk kesembuhan tersebut, di dalamnya termasuk dengan adanya tindakan untuk meraih kesembuhan yang adanya dari Tuhan Yesus sendiri. Keempat, Mukjizat kesembuhan bisa terjadi ketika orang masih percaya bahwa mujizat kesembuhan yang dilakukan Tuhan Yesus pada masa pelayanan-Nya ketika Dia ada di dunia ini masih bisa terjadi di dalam kehidupan orang percaya masa kini. Kelima, Tuhan Yesus tidak pernah mengukur akan besar kecilnya iman seseorang ketika meminta sesuatu dari-Nya, sekecil dan sebesar apapun iman seseorang itu sudah cukup untuk menjawab setiap seruan doa yang dinaikkan kepada Tuhan. Iman yang lahir dari hati itulah iman yang sesunggunya. Keenam, Jangan pernah menyerah ketika sakit penyakit menghampiri hidup ini, tetap berserah kepada Tuhan Yesus, minta Dia turut campur tangan di setiap aspek kehidupan ini, maka Tuhan tidak sedikitpun meninggalkan orang yang sungguh berharap kepada-Nya. Ketujuh, yang terpenting ialah seorang murid Yesus dalam hal ini orang percaya yaitu mau mendengar, mau datang dan mau menerima Yesus sepenuhnya diatas segala-galanya.

One of Jesus' memorable phrases is " there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. " It is an apocalyptic phrase without identical extant parallels in ancient literature. The presence of " weeping " often leads to the conclusion that this... more

One of Jesus' memorable phrases is " there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. " It is an apocalyptic phrase without identical extant parallels in ancient literature. The presence of " weeping " often leads to the conclusion that this language is about sorrow and mourning. This study argues that the " gnashing of teeth " is an act of rage. First, it considers parallels with usage in the NT, OT, and extra-biblical literature. Second, it examines how this phrase is used within the narrative scenes of Matthew and Luke. Third, it highlights how this phrase contributes to the identification of Jesus' opponents.

According to most classical Muslim commentators the Quran teaches that Jesus did not die. On the day of the crucifixion another person – whether his disciple or his betrayer – was miraculously transformed and assumed the appearance of... more

According to most classical Muslim commentators the Quran teaches that Jesus did not die. On the day of the crucifixion another person – whether his disciple or his betrayer – was miraculously transformed and assumed the appearance of Jesus. He was taken away, crucified, and killed, while Jesus was assumed body and soul into heaven. Most critical scholars accept that this is indeed the Quran's teaching, even if the Quran states explicitly only that the Jews did not kill Jesus. In the present paper I contend that the Quran rather accepts that Jesus died, and indeed alludes to his role as a witness against his murderers in the apocalypse. The paper begins with an analysis of the Quran's references to the death of Jesus, continues with a description of classical Muslim exegesis of those references, and concludes with a presentation of the Quran's conversation with Jewish and Christian tradition on the matter of Jesus' death.

The study of Jesus in the Qur'an might profitably begin with the fact that there he is called not the expected Arabic Yasu' but rather the unaccountable 'Isa. From there the reader of the Qur'an may wonder to what extent the writer of the... more

The study of Jesus in the Qur'an might profitably begin with the fact that there he is called not the expected Arabic Yasu' but rather the unaccountable 'Isa. From there the reader of the Qur'an may wonder to what extent the writer of the materials on Jesus was familiar with the canonical Gospel accounts that had circulated widely and extensively in the Middle East during the six centuries preceding the emergence of Islam. The Qur'anic portrait of Jesus is full of mysteries, lacunae, and intriguing questions.

Quelle est celle, dont il est dit : "Sortez du milieu d'elle, mon peuple, ..." Apocalypse 18:4 ?

The Christmas Eve devotional essay, published by the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust (pages 83-85 in A Book of Days: Christmas Reflections from the Northwest, Steven G. W. Moore and Richard Ganz SJ, eds.; Franklin, TN: Seedbed Publishing,... more

The Christmas Eve devotional essay, published by the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust (pages 83-85 in A Book of Days: Christmas Reflections from the Northwest, Steven G. W. Moore and Richard Ganz SJ, eds.; Franklin, TN: Seedbed Publishing, 2014)

Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more

Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After you click the link, it's the first one in the queue; fast-forward to 15:00:

This article explores the use of mainstream history, gendered history, and cultural history, to inform creative fiction-and religious thinking when retelling a New Testament narrativethe Nativity, the Birth of Jesus. Both the Old... more

This article explores the use of mainstream history, gendered history, and cultural history, to inform creative fiction-and religious thinking when retelling a New Testament narrativethe Nativity, the Birth of Jesus. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament were written by men, living and working within male-dominated belief systems and societies. Inevitably women occasionally featured in the Bible stories, albeit, rarely playing significant roles. Usually these women's roles were only briefly mentioned. It is impossible to obtain fuller accounts of the actions of these women in the Bible, and others, within documents of the era, even if drawing on non-canonical or apocryphal documents. These are also written by men, valued and archived by men, within male-dominant societies. But academic research into the historical roles of women, and men, in Biblical times, can inform creative fiction to tell the hitherto untold story. Mary's pregnancy and birth, Elizabeth's recognition of the act of God, the role of the inn-keeper's wife and the local midwife, shepherdesses, Anna the Temple prophet, and a female Magus-all these have an actual Biblical, or a possible speculative role within the Nativity that could be creatively imagined and told in an historically and culturally informed way. This article hopes that researched creative rewriting can shed fresh light on a key narrative within Western culture, even in a faith-free post-modern rationalist era.

An introduction to the critical study of the Gospels.

While there can be a blessing in reading any part of God’s Word, the promise in Revelation 1:3 motivated me all the more toward this study project, “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear... more

While there can be a blessing in reading any part of God’s Word, the promise in Revelation 1:3 motivated me all the more toward this study project, “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” (NIV). This "Revelation Haiku Project" is the summarization of a study of the New Testament book of Revelation by writing one haiku per chapter using the 5 syllable, 7 syllable, 5 syllable Japanese poetic pattern in English.

Resumen: El escritor cretense Nikos Kazantzakis mantuvo a lo largo de su vida un continuo interés en la figura de Cristo, lo que también tuvo su plasmación en su carrera literaria. Una de sus obras principales, la novela La última... more

Resumen: El escritor cretense Nikos Kazantzakis mantuvo a lo largo de su vida un continuo interés en la figura de Cristo, lo que también tuvo su plasmación en su carrera literaria. Una de sus obras principales, la novela La última tentación, abordaba de una manera moderna y heterodoxa los hechos de la vida de Jesús de Nazaret, generando gran polémica en múltiples sectores de diversas religiones. Tiempo después el director de cine estadounidense Martin Scorsese debió afrontar numerosos problemas y retrasos para adaptar la novela a la gran pantalla. Y, cuando finalmente consiguió estrenar La última tentación de Cristo, la polémica también lo alcanzó a él y a su película, aunque el paso del tiempo ha ido relajando unas reacciones más fanáticas que reflexionadas. Palabras clave: adaptación cinematográfica, Martin Scorsese, Nikos Kazantzakis, Cristo, religión, polémica.
Abstract: The Cretan writer Nikos Kazantzakis had a continuous lifelong interest in the figure of Christ, which also had an influence on his literary career. One of his principal works, the novel The Last Temptation, was a modern and heterodox approach to the facts surrounding the life of Jesus of Nazareth's, generating massive controversy in many sections of the world's religions. Later, the American film director Martin Scorsese faced many problems and schedule delays while trying to adapt the novel for the big screen. And when he finally completed The Last Temptation of Christ, the controversy extended to him and his movie, though the passing of time has eased reactions that were more fanatical than considered.

How does theological Metaphysics view small space ? And what link could be found between theology, Christology and Small spaces ? The aim will be to start our investigation at the figure of the "little ones"(mikroi),central to the... more

How does theological Metaphysics view small space ? And what link could be found between theology, Christology and Small spaces ? The aim will be to start our investigation at the figure of the "little ones"(mikroi),central to the narrative and theological construction of the first gospel and then analogically extending it to spatial matter.

What does the Bible say about women?

Jesus’ teachings in the Gospel of Mark provide the marching orders for holistic ministry, i.e., discipling people to faith in Jesus Christ, and demonstrating our own faith through our actions and service among the needy. The purpose of... more

Jesus’ teachings in the Gospel of Mark provide the marching orders for holistic ministry, i.e., discipling people to faith in Jesus Christ, and demonstrating our own faith through our actions and service among the needy. The purpose of this article is to establish that the transformational experience of salvation, the ethical actions of social concern, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, as they are seen primarily in the Gospel of Mark, are inextricably linked together in any expression of holistic ministry.

Het is algemeen bekend dat Paulus onderscheid maakt tussen gelovigen uit de joden en gelovigen uit de heidenen (bv. Rom.9-11). Dit doet ook de apostel Johannes in het boek Openbaring (Openb.7).[i] Heeft dit consequenties voor de... more

Het is algemeen bekend dat Paulus onderscheid maakt tussen gelovigen uit de joden en gelovigen uit de heidenen (bv. Rom.9-11). Dit doet ook de apostel Johannes in het boek Openbaring (Openb.7).[i] Heeft dit consequenties voor de ekklesiologie? Betekent dit bijvoorbeeld dat de gemeente uit de heidenen geen joods karakter heeft? Heeft Jezus zelf dit onderscheid ook gemaakt? Waaruit blijkt of moet blijken dat het evangelie onder de volkeren een joods karakter heeft? Wordt in het OT een gemeente uit de volkeren voorzien? Heeft Jezus een gemeente onder de volkeren voorzien en gewild? En kunnen we vanuit Jezus’ woorden en werken iets zeggen over de gestalte, de vorm van deze gemeenschap. Met andere woorden, ik wil in dit artikel op zoek naar de oorspronkelijke bedoeling en gestalte van de kerk onder de heidenen, naar de wortels van de nieuwtestamentische ekklesiologie.

God is self-sufficienrt, all encompassing, does not need anybody to be what he is.

Why is it that Chief Joseph Brant, one of the key indigenous North American leaders, is fondly remembered in Canada, but largely forgotten or dismissed in the United States? How did his strong Anglican heritage shape his leadership? How... more

Why is it that Chief Joseph Brant, one of the key indigenous North American leaders, is fondly remembered in Canada, but largely forgotten or dismissed in the United States? How did his strong Anglican heritage shape his leadership? How did Brant face betrayal and setback in his life? What can we learn from his life? Would Canada still exist without his contribution?

Biblical archaeology questions the historic accuracy of a large part of the Old and New Testament. It is one more step in the deconstruction of Christianity. However, what might first seem to be a break in the foundations of the faith, in... more

Biblical archaeology questions the historic accuracy of a large part of the Old and New Testament. It is one more step in the deconstruction of Christianity. However, what might first seem to be a break in the foundations of the faith, in all reality turns out to be more consistent grounding. The idea of the Bible is to help describe the vital stimulus that led a people longing for freedom and justice to deify their origins and condition. The most elaborate expression of this stimulus of awareness is love. It is manifested in Jesus of Nazareth in a supra-ethical way through his predilection for the poor and suffering. This overflowing dignity is a new means of transcendence from the bottom. When reason "founders" in view of scientific contradictions or major questions, it "bursts" to shed light on a new meaning for religion and more universal ethical and secular expressions.

The file contains my Biblical Litographs from years 2007-2015. They include: Hagar, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, The Great Father Jesse, Gabriel, Mary Meets Elisabeth, Joseph Shares His Dream, The Baptism of Jesus, A Journey towards the Mountain... more

The file contains my Biblical Litographs from years 2007-2015. They include: Hagar, Jacob, Moses, Elijah, The Great Father Jesse, Gabriel, Mary Meets Elisabeth, Joseph Shares His Dream, The Baptism of Jesus, A Journey towards the Mountain of Transfiguration, A Woman Caught in Adultery, A Samaritan Woman at the Well, Zacheus, Crucifixion, Descent into Hell, Noli me tangere, Ascention, Pentecost, With the Moon under Her Feet, Pantokrator and others. The file also includes various posters of and invitations to exhibitions.