Layout Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Computer vision algorithms are natural candidates for high performance computing systems. Algorithms in computer vision are characterized by complex and repetitive operations on large amounts of data involving a variety of data... more

Computer vision algorithms are natural candidates for high performance computing systems. Algorithms in computer vision are characterized by complex and repetitive operations on large amounts of data involving a variety of data interactions (e.g., point operations, neighborhood operations, global operations). In this paper, we describe the use of the custom computing approach to meet the computation and communication needs of computer vision algorithms. By customizing hardware architecture at the instruction level for every application, the optimal grain size needed for the problem at hand and the instruction granularity can be matched. A custom computing approach can also reuse the same hardware by reconfiguring at the software level for different levels of the computer vision application. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach using Splash 2-a Xilinx 4010-based custom computer.

ÖZET Okul binalarında yer alan dersliklerin fiziksel yapısının eğitim-öğretim faaliyetlerini belirgin bir biçimde etkilediği bilinen bir olgudur. Dersliklerin genişliği, aydınlatma, ısıtma, akustik yapı vb. etmenlerde ders planlamaya... more

ÖZET Okul binalarında yer alan dersliklerin fiziksel yapısının eğitim-öğretim faaliyetlerini belirgin bir biçimde etkilediği bilinen bir olgudur. Dersliklerin genişliği, aydınlatma, ısıtma, akustik yapı vb. etmenlerde ders planlamaya dahil edilen unsurlardan bazılarıdır. Derse giren öğretmenler öğrencilerine en etkili ve verimli bir öğrenme ortamı sağlayabilmek için değişik sınıf yerleşim düzenleri uygulamaya gitmektedirler. Öğretmenlerin bu oturma düzeni tercihlerinin sınıf yönetiminde fiziksel boyutlardan biri olan sınıf yerleşim düzeninin önemli bir parçası olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de yayımlanmış olan Sınıf Yönetimi kitapları incelenerek sınıf yönetimin fiziki boyutlarından biri olan sınıf yerleşim düzenlerini nasıl ele alındığının ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda sınıf yönetimi kitaplarında kaç farklı sınıf yerleşim düzeni olduğu ve kitaplarda bu konuya ne ölçüde yer verildiği ortaya konulmuştur. Araştırmada tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada 38 "Sınıf Yönetimi" kitabı incelenmiştir. Araştırma temel olarak bir meta-özet çalışmasıdır. Kitapların incelenmesinde frekans etki büyüklüğü ve yaygınlık etki büyüklükleri hesaplanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın sonucunda, "sınıf yönetimi" adıyla yayımlanan kitaplarda birbirlerinden farklı 8 değişik sınıf yerleşim düzeni yer aldığı belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Sınıf yönetimi, yerleşim düzeni, öğretim. ABSTRACT Investigation of Class Settlement Regulations in Classroom Management It is known that the physical structure of the classrooms in school buildings has a significant impact on education and training activities. Width of classrooms, lighting, heating, acoustic structure, etc. are some of the factors included in the course planning. In order to provide the 1 Sinif Öğretmeni, Milli Eğitim Bakanliği. Mustafa.Atas06@Gmail.Com 2 Mersin Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Temel Eğitim Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi. Eğitim Bilimci. Serdarhan@Gmail.Com Adres: Mersin Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Temel Eğitim Bölümü, Çiftlikköy Kampusu, 33343-Mersin / Türkiye,

Immersive virtual environments (VEs) offer interactive, real-time visualization capabilities for engineers, architects, and scientists. This paper presents Virtual-SAP, an immersive VE application allowing users to assess building... more

Immersive virtual environments (VEs) offer interactive, real-time visualization capabilities for engineers, architects, and scientists. This paper presents Virtual-SAP, an immersive VE application allowing users to assess building structures and their response to various environmental conditions through an interactive designbuild-test-redesign cycle. Virtual-SAP has three distinct user interfaces that support its use with a high-end, multitracker VE system, with a low-cost portable VE system, or on the desktop. Two of these interfaces have been proven highly usable in user testing, and the third will be tested soon. Virtual-SAP is being used for both research and education.

The analysis of granulometry of substances is relevant in a great variety of the research and industrial applications. Unfortunately, image-based algorithms for granulometry analysis are difficult to tune and validate. In a typical setup,... more

The analysis of granulometry of substances is relevant in a great variety of the research and industrial applications. Unfortunately, image-based algorithms for granulometry analysis are difficult to tune and validate. In a typical setup, one or more cameras acquire images of a scene with a great number of objects or particles that must be measured. The distribution of the sizes/shape characteristics of the elements are the common output of such systems. The creation of supervised image database where the coordinates of all elements are known is very important and it allows for testing in a suitable manner the final size/shape distribution of particles produced by the image processing system with respect to the real distribution. Due to the great amount of objects or particles in the images, it is not often convenient, or even impossible, to individually measure each single objects in order to test the capability of the image processing system to locate and measure the elements (creation of a supervised dataset). One possible solution encompasses the creation of a synthetic image dataset where the position of each elements is known a priori. In this paper we propose a virtual environment to create and test an imagebased granulometric system based on the 3D engine Blender. Results are encouraging and show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Shared-address-space multiprocessors are effective vehicles for speeding up visualization and image synthesis algorithms. This article demonstrates excellent parallel speedups on some well-known sequential algorithms. S everal recent... more

Shared-address-space multiprocessors are effective vehicles for speeding up visualization and image synthesis algorithms. This article demonstrates excellent parallel speedups on some well-known sequential algorithms. S everal recent algorithms have substantially sped up complex and timeconsuming visualization tasks. In particular, novel algorithms for radiosity computation' and volume r e n d e r i r~g~.~ have demonstrated performance far superior to earlier methods. Despite these advances, visualization of complex scenes or data sets remains computationally expensive. Rendering a 256 x 256 x 256-voxel volume data set takes about 5 seconds per frame on a 100-MHz Silicon Graphics Indigo workstation using Levoy's ray-casting algorithm2 and about a second per frame using a new shear-warp algorithm.' These times are much larger than the 0.03 second per frame required for real-time rendering or the 0.1 second per frame required for interactive rendering. Realistic radiosity and ray-tracing computations are much more time-consuming.

A framework is presented for estimating the pose of a camera based on images extracted from a single omnidirectional image of an urban scene, given a 2D map with building outlines with no 3D geometric information nor appearance data. The... more

A framework is presented for estimating the pose of a camera based on images extracted from a single omnidirectional image of an urban scene, given a 2D map with building outlines with no 3D geometric information nor appearance data. The framework attempts to identify vertical corner edges of buildings in the query image, which we term VCLH, as well as the neighboring plane normals, through vanishing point analysis. A bottom-up process further groups VCLH into elemental planes and subsequently into 3D structural fragments modulo a similarity transformation. A geometric hashing lookup allows us to rapidly establish multiple candidate correspondences between the structural fragments and the 2D map building contours. A voting-based camera pose estimation method is then employed to recover the correspondences admitting a camera pose solution with high consensus. In a dataset that is even challenging for humans, the system returned a top-30 ranking for correct matches out of 3600 camera pose hypotheses (0.83% selectivity) for 50.9% of queries.

Recently, cellular phones are used everywhere on the earth. In Japan, smart phones with multi functionalities such as camera, Internet accessible, GPS, IC card, and so on are getting popular in these days. Since most of people go around... more

Recently, cellular phones are used everywhere on the earth. In Japan, smart phones with multi functionalities such as camera, Internet accessible, GPS, IC card, and so on are getting popular in these days. Since most of people go around with smart phones, it is expected to use it in business scene as well instead of PC. In this paper, we survey usages of smart phones in business in Japan and discuss on the trend of the applications after classifying these applications using Homogeneity Analysis. Then we take an example of Asai Corporation in which they introduce Wireless LAN connectable smart phones in taking inventory and reduced its time from three weeks into one hour and half. Based on the case, we discuss future development of the usage of cellular phones in business.

In this paper, we present a hybrid approach to the problem of the document analysis in which the document image is segmented by means of a top-down technique and then basic blocks are grouped bottom-up in order to form complex layout... more

In this paper, we present a hybrid approach to the problem of the document analysis in which the document image is segmented by means of a top-down technique and then basic blocks are grouped bottom-up in order to form complex layout components. In this latter process, called layout analysis,only generic knowledge on typesetting conventions is exploited. Sucha knowledge isindependentof theparticular class of processed documents and turns out valuable for a wide range of documents. Preliminary results of the layout analysis system LEX show the methodological validity of this approach.

A panorama for visual stereo consists of a pair of panoramic images, where one panorama is for the left eye, and another panorama is for the right eye. A panoramic stereo pair provides a stereo sensation up to a full 360 degrees. A stereo... more

A panorama for visual stereo consists of a pair of panoramic images, where one panorama is for the left eye, and another panorama is for the right eye. A panoramic stereo pair provides a stereo sensation up to a full 360 degrees. A stereo panorama cannot be photographed by two omnidirectional cameras from two viewpoints. It is normally constructed by mosaicing together images from a rotating stereo pair, or from a single moving camera. Capturing stereo panoramic images by a rotating camera makes it impossible to capture dynamic scenes at video rates, and limits stereo panoramic imaging to stationary scenes. This paper presents two possibilities for capturing stereo panoramic images using optics, without any moving parts. A special mirror is introduced such that viewing the scene through this mirror creates the same rays as those used with the rotating cameras. Such a mirror enables the capture of stereo panoramic movies with a regular video camera. A lens for stereo panorama is also introduced. The designs of the mirror and of the lens are based on curves whose caustic is a circle.

In this paper, we propose an efficient text detection method based on the Laplacian operator. The maximum gradient difference value is computed for each pixel in the Laplacian-filtered image. K-means is then used to classify all the... more

In this paper, we propose an efficient text detection method based on the Laplacian operator. The maximum gradient difference value is computed for each pixel in the Laplacian-filtered image. K-means is then used to classify all the pixels into two clusters: text and non-text. For each candidate text region, the corresponding region in the Sobel edge map of the input image undergoes projection profile analysis to determine the boundary of the text blocks. Finally, we employ empirical rules to eliminate false positives based on geometrical properties. Experimental results show that the proposed method is able to detect text of different fonts, contrast and backgrounds. Moreover, it outperforms three existing methods in terms of detection and false positive rates.

We introduce a new general framework for the recognition of complex visual scenes, which is motivated by biology: We describe a hierarchical system that closely follows the organization of visual cortex and builds an increasingly complex... more

We introduce a new general framework for the recognition of complex visual scenes, which is motivated by biology: We describe a hierarchical system that closely follows the organization of visual cortex and builds an increasingly complex and invariant feature representation by alternating between a template matching and a maximum pooling operation. We demonstrate the strength of the approach on a range of recognition tasks: From invariant single object recognition in clutter to multiclass categorization problems and complex scene understanding tasks that rely on the recognition of both shape-based as well as texture-based objects. Given the biological constraints that the system had to satisfy, the approach performs surprisingly well: It has the capability of learning from only a few training examples and competes with state-of-the-art systems. We also discuss the existence of a universal, redundant dictionary of features that could handle the recognition of most object categories. In addition to its relevance for computer vision, the success of this approach suggests a plausibility proof for a class of feedforward models of object recognition in cortex.

This paper presents a novel automatic and dynamic camera calibration algorithm based on traffic visual surveillance. The algorithm can automatically calibrate the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of camera, and offer enough guarantee to... more

This paper presents a novel automatic and dynamic camera calibration algorithm based on traffic visual surveillance. The algorithm can automatically calibrate the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of camera, and offer enough guarantee to extract traffic real-time parameters. This paper firstly indicates the significance of applying automatic and dynamic calibration algorithm to intelligent transportation system, then establishes a mathematical model of calibration parameters between camera image and actual road. The algorithm is established from three view points, which are description, flow chart and algorithm description. Afterward this paper describes the experimental method and result based on this novel algorithm. Finally this paper indicates wide application foreground of this algorithm in intelligent transportation system.

This paper presents part of the work aiming at building a tool for the detection of graphomotor difficulties involving disorders in the writing of children. We have defined an experimental protocol, containing exercises such as copying... more

This paper presents part of the work aiming at building a tool for the detection of graphomotor difficulties involving disorders in the writing of children. We have defined an experimental protocol, containing exercises such as copying figures or writing sentences under different conditions. It allows to measure simple aspects of graphomotor skill up to complex ones. A great number of features were obtained from on-line children's productions. We focus on the method used to select low-level features that can describe the automation level of graphic activity. It is based on hierarchical clustering of features and sequential forward selection. Every exercise is represented by two relevant features at least. We show that, in most cases, the selected features allow to recognize the school level of children having regular schooling but to discriminate children with scholar difficulties as well.

this paper we introduce ourinteractive movie system by focusing on how weachieved an integration of narrative-based and spontaneousinteractions. Also, there is the important question:what is the objective of creating interactive... more

this paper we introduce ourinteractive movie system by focusing on how weachieved an integration of narrative-based and spontaneousinteractions. Also, there is the important question:what is the objective of creating interactive animatedagents? Although the technological aspects ofsuch agents have been studied and discussed in detail,this critical question has rarely been discussed. In thelatter part of this paper, we will discuss what

Shadow detection is an important aspect of foreground/background classification. Many techniques exist, most of them assuming that only the intensity changes under shadow. In this paper we show that in most practical indoor and outdoor... more

Shadow detection is an important aspect of foreground/background classification. Many techniques exist, most of them assuming that only the intensity changes under shadow. In this paper we show that in most practical indoor and outdoor situations there will also be a color shift. We propose an algorithm for estimating this color shift from the images, and using it to remove shadow pixels. The proposed algorithm is compared experimentally to an existing algorithm using real image sequences. Results show a significant improvement of performance.

Camera calibration has been studied extensively in computer vision and photogrammetry and the proposed techniques in the literature include those using 3D apparatus (two or three planes orthogonal to each other or a plane undergoing a... more

Camera calibration has been studied extensively in computer vision and photogrammetry and the proposed techniques in the literature include those using 3D apparatus (two or three planes orthogonal to each other or a plane undergoing a pure translation, etc.), 2D objects (planar patterns undergoing unknown motions), and 0D features (self-calibration using unknown scene points). Yet, this paper proposes a new calibration technique using 1D objects (points aligned on a line), thus filling the missing dimension in calibration. In particular, we show that camera calibration is not possible with free-moving 1D objects, but can be solved if one point is fixed. A closed-form solution is developed if six or more observations of such a 1D object are made. For higher accuracy, a nonlinear technique based on the maximum likelihood criterion is then used to refine the estimate. Singularities have also been studied. Besides the theoretical aspect, the proposed technique is also important in practice especially when calibrating multiple cameras mounted apart from each other, where the calibration objects are required to be visible simultaneously.

The problem of evacuating crowded closed spaces, such as discotheques, public exhibition pavilions or concert houses, has become increasingly important and gained attention both from practitioners and from public authorities. A simulation... more

The problem of evacuating crowded closed spaces, such as discotheques, public exhibition pavilions or concert houses, has become increasingly important and gained attention both from practitioners and from public authorities. A simulation implementation using NetLogo, an agent-based simulation framework that permits the quickly creation of prototypes, is presented. Our aim is to prove that this model developed using NetLogo, albeit simple can be expanded and adapted for fire safety experts test various scenarios and validate the outcome of their design. Some preliminary experiments are carried out, whose results are presented, validated and discussed so as to illustrate their efficiency. Finally, we draw some conclusions and point out ways in which this work can be further extended.

A program which recognizes real roads, their intersections, and objects which are road-like is presented. Although the work has been strongly motivated by the real roads as they are seen from the ERTS satellite, the visual model of a road... more

A program which recognizes real roads, their intersections, and objects which are road-like is presented. Although the work has been strongly motivated by the real roads as they are seen from the ERTS satellite, the visual model of a road can be used for recognition of any road-like objects. This model is structured in such a way that it can handle real roads as well as rivers and streams as they are seen on satellite pictures, tracks in bubble chambers, and veins under the appropriate magnification.

An approach to active vision based on information theory and statistical mechanics is presented. Density of entropy production measured along a spatio-chromatic diffusion of a colour image is used to build a conspicuity map of the image.... more

An approach to active vision based on information theory and statistical mechanics is presented. Density of entropy production measured along a spatio-chromatic diffusion of a colour image is used to build a conspicuity map of the image. The map is successively given as input to a dynamic neural network in order to drive a focus-of-attention scanpath

Many areas of design involve both quantifiable and subjective goals, preferences, and constraints. Aesthetic and other subjective aspects of design are typically ignored in optimization models because they are difficult to model with... more

Many areas of design involve both quantifiable and subjective goals, preferences, and constraints. Aesthetic and other subjective aspects of design are typically ignored in optimization models because they are difficult to model with mathematics; however, they are extremely important in areas such as product design and architectural design. This article presents an interactive method for integrating mathematical optimization with human decision-making during conceptual design of architectural floorplan layouts. The optimization models and algorithms were presented in a previous article. Here, an object-oriented representation allows the designer to interact with physically relevant building objects during optimization. The designer's interaction causes the program to dynamically change the optimization representation on-the-fly by adding, deleting, and modifying objectives, constraints, and structural units. This work presents mathematical optimization as a tool to assist the designer in refining ill-defined design problems during the early conceptual design phase. The designer can quickly explore design alternatives visually and computationally by taking advantage of computational algorithms to maintain feasibility and compute efficient solutions.

Classification of hyperspectral data with high spatial resolution from urban areas is investigated. A method based on mathematical morphology for preprocessing of the hyperspectral data is proposed. In this approach, opening and closing... more

Classification of hyperspectral data with high spatial resolution from urban areas is investigated. A method based on mathematical morphology for preprocessing of the hyperspectral data is proposed. In this approach, opening and closing morphological transforms are used in order to isolate bright (opening) and dark (closing) structures in images, where bright/dark means brighter/darker than the surrounding features in the images. A morphological profile is constructed based on the repeated use of openings and closings with a structuring element of increasing size, starting with one original image. In order to apply the morphological approach to hyperspectral data, principal components of the hyperspectral imagery are computed. The most significant principal components are used as base images for an extended morphological profile, i.e., a profile based on more than one original image. In experiments, two hyperspectral urban datasets are classified. The proposed method is used as a preprocessing method for a neural network classifier and compared to more conventional classification methods with different types of statistical computations and feature extraction.

Corner detection is widely used in image processing and machine vision. Hence, different corner detectors are proposed. But the performance of such corner detectors is sensitive to round effect and curve shape of the edges. In this paper... more

Corner detection is widely used in image processing and machine vision. Hence, different corner detectors are proposed. But the performance of such corner detectors is sensitive to round effect and curve shape of the edges. In this paper we propose a novel corner detector that either over come corner detection problems and produces some information about detected corners that is very useful in segmentation and object recognition.

The ultimate goal of pattern recognition systems in remote sensing is to achieve the best possible classification performance for recognition of different objects such as buildings, roads and trees. From a scientific perspective, the... more

The ultimate goal of pattern recognition systems in remote sensing is to achieve the best possible classification performance for recognition of different objects such as buildings, roads and trees. From a scientific perspective, the extraction of roads in complex environments is one of the challenging issues in photogrammetry and computer vision, since many tasks related to automatic scene interpretation are involved. Roads have homogeneous reflectivity in LIDAR intensity and the same height as bare surface in elevation. Proposed method in this paper is based on combining multiple classifiers (MCS) is one of the most important topics in pattern recognition to achieve higher accuracy. Majority Voting and Selective Naive Bays are two methods that used for fusion of classifiers.

We propose a new type of saliency -context-aware saliency -which aims at detecting the image regions that represent the scene. This definition differs from previous definitions whose goal is to either identify fixation points or detect... more

We propose a new type of saliency -context-aware saliency -which aims at detecting the image regions that represent the scene. This definition differs from previous definitions whose goal is to either identify fixation points or detect the dominant object. In accordance with our saliency definition, we present a detection algorithm which is based on four principles observed in the psychological literature. The benefits of the proposed approach are evaluated in two applications where the context of the dominant objects is just as essential as the objects themselves. In image retargeting we demonstrate that using our saliency prevents distortions in the important regions. In summarization we show that our saliency helps to produce compact, appealing, and informative summaries.

Two types of addressable failure site test structures are developed. In-house program is coded to extract the electrical information and simulate the failure mode. A complete set of test structure modules for 0.25 um logic backend of line... more

Two types of addressable failure site test structures are developed. In-house program is coded to extract the electrical information and simulate the failure mode. A complete set of test structure modules for 0.25 um logic backend of line process is implemented in a test chip of 22x6.6 mm 2 . By using the novel test structure, the yield analysis and defect tracking of BEOL process development as well as low-k Fluorinated SiO 2 (FSG) process optimization are demonstrated.

"Traditional printing works in maximum garment industries are facing different problems like low productivity, longer production lead time, high rework and rejection, low flexibility, lower quality product, high non-value added work etc.... more

"Traditional printing works in maximum garment industries are facing different problems like low productivity, longer production lead time, high rework and rejection, low flexibility, lower quality product, high non-value added work etc. In this study these different problems were identified by using numerous effective production control tools like process analysis, layout of work station, motion and time study, work standardization etc. The encouraging results after implementing these tools give the way to go forward and thrust to reach at the end point. Some key benefits of this implementation are reduction of excess motion and non value added work by 50%, decreasing of sample rejection level by 70%, reduction of work level for repairing works by 80%. As a result total processing time for final output is decreased. After the implementation of these tools effectively the result shows the significant improvement of the production than before."

City environments often lack textured areas, contain repetitive structures, strong lighting changes and therefore are very difficult for standard 3D modeling pipelines. We present a novel unified framework for creating 3D city models... more

City environments often lack textured areas, contain repetitive structures, strong lighting changes and therefore are very difficult for standard 3D modeling pipelines. We present a novel unified framework for creating 3D city models which overcomes these difficulties by exploiting image segmentation cues as well as presence of dominant scene orientations and piecewise planar structures. Given panoramic street view sequences, we first demonstrate how to robustly estimate camera poses without a need of bundle adjustment and propose a multi-view stereo method which operates directly on panoramas, while enforcing the piecewise planarity constraints in the sweeping stage. At last, we propose a new depth fusion method which exploits the constraints of urban environments and combines advantages of volumetric and viewpoint based fusion methods. Our technique avoids expensive voxelization of space, operates directly on 3D reconstructed points through effective kd-tree representation, and obtains a final surface by tessellation of backprojections of those points into the reference image.

The objective of this work is to investigate the white blood cell (WBC) image recognition problem at all involved stages and introduces robust and effective method for automatic WBC differentiation based on both statistical pattern... more

The objective of this work is to investigate the white blood cell (WBC) image recognition problem at all involved stages and introduces robust and effective method for automatic WBC differentiation based on both statistical pattern recognition and neural net approaches. We demonstrate well-evaluated results ranging from image scene segmentation techniques to recognition details. Recognition accuracy on the test set of 662 images of five WBC types obtained by different imaging systems from 22 blood stains is not less than 98%.

Orientation estimation based on image data is a key technique in many applications. Robust estimates are possible in case of omnidirectional images due to the large field of view of the camera. Traditionally, techniques based on local... more

Orientation estimation based on image data is a key technique in many applications. Robust estimates are possible in case of omnidirectional images due to the large field of view of the camera. Traditionally, techniques based on local image features have been applied to this kind of problem. Another very efficient technique is to formulate the problem in terms of correlation on the sphere and to solve it in Fourier space. While both methods claim to provide accurate and robust estimates, a quantitative comparison has not been reported yet. In this paper we evaluate the two approaches in terms of accuracy, image resolution and robustness to noise by comparing the estimated rotations of virtual as well as real images to ground-truth data.

This is an introduction especially for university students. It contains all you need to know in order to format a thesis in the shortest possible time. The course, including online practice, takes at most four hours. Best if you follow... more

A digital hologram is recorded by a 2D CCD array by superposition of the wavefield reflected or scattered from a scene and a coherent reference wave. If the recorded digital hologram is fed to a spatial light modulator (SLM) and this is... more

A digital hologram is recorded by a 2D CCD array by superposition of the wavefield reflected or scattered from a scene and a coherent reference wave. If the recorded digital hologram is fed to a spatial light modulator (SLM) and this is illuminated by the reference wave, then the whole original wavefield can be reconstructed. The reconstructed wavefield contains phase and intensity distributions, which means it is full 3D, exhibiting such effects as depth and parallax. Therefore, the concept of digital holography is a promising approach to 3D-TV. In one of our previous works the preliminaries of an all-digital-holographic approach to 3D-TV were given. Here one of our approaches is experimentally verified and its capabilities and limitations are investigated.

Second edition of Editorial Design by Yolanda Zeppaterra. Published in the UK, and in the US by LKP and in Spanish and Portuguese by Gustavo Gili. This book is the designer's essential toolkit to the evolving world of creative editorial... more

Second edition of Editorial Design by Yolanda Zeppaterra. Published in the UK, and in the US by LKP and in Spanish and Portuguese by Gustavo Gili. This book is the designer's essential toolkit to the evolving world of creative editorial design. With insider advice and opinions from leading contemporary designers, it will teach its readers everything they need to know to reach the top of their profession and is richly illustrated with examples from both print and digital publications.

Recent progresses in salient object detection have exploited the boundary prior, or background information, to assist other saliency cues such as contrast, achieving stateof-the-art results. However, their usage of boundary prior is very... more

Recent progresses in salient object detection have exploited the boundary prior, or background information, to assist other saliency cues such as contrast, achieving stateof-the-art results. However, their usage of boundary prior is very simple, fragile, and the integration with other cues is mostly heuristic. In this work, we present new methods to address these issues. First, we propose a robust background measure, called boundary connectivity. It characterizes the spatial layout of image regions with respect to image boundaries and is much more robust. It has an intuitive geometrical interpretation and presents unique benefits that are absent in previous saliency measures. Second, we propose a principled optimization framework to integrate multiple low level cues, including our background measure, to obtain clean and uniform saliency maps. Our formulation is intuitive, efficient and achieves state-of-the-art results on several benchmark datasets.

Three-dimensional sound's effectiveness in virtual reality (VR) environments has been widely studied. However, due to the big differences between VR and augmented reality (AR) systems in registration, calibration, perceptual difference of... more

Three-dimensional sound's effectiveness in virtual reality (VR) environments has been widely studied. However, due to the big differences between VR and augmented reality (AR) systems in registration, calibration, perceptual difference of immersiveness, navigation, and localization, it is important to develop new approaches to seamlessly register virtual 3-D sound in AR environments and conduct studies on 3-D sound's effectiveness in AR context. In this paper, we design two experimental AR environments to study the effectiveness of 3-D sound both quantitatively and qualitatively. Two different tracking methods are applied to retrieve the 3-D position of virtual sound sources in each experiment. We examine the impacts of 3-D sound on improving depth perception and shortening task completion time. We also investigate its impacts on immersive and realistic perception, different spatial objects identification, and subjective feeling of "human presence and collaboration". Our studies show that applying 3-D sound is an effective way to complement visual AR environments. It helps depth perception and task performance, and facilitates collaborations between users. Moreover, it enables a more realistic environment and more immersive feeling of being inside the AR environment by both visual and auditory means. In order to make full use of the intensity cues provided by 3-D sound, a process to scale the intensity difference of 3-D sound at different depths is designed to cater small AR environments. The user study results show that the scaled 3-D sound significantly increases the accuracy of depth judgments and shortens the searching task completion time. This method provides a necessary foundation for implementing 3-D sound in small AR environments. Our user study results also show that this process does not degrade the intuitiveness and realism of an augmented audio reality environment

Tata Letak Fasilitas kini tak bisa dipungkiri merupakan suatu persyaratan dalam mewujudkan sebuah pabrik yang efektif dan efisien. Suatu tata letak fasilitas yang baik tentunya akan menghasilkan produktifitas yang baik selain menciptakan... more

Tata Letak Fasilitas kini tak bisa dipungkiri merupakan suatu persyaratan dalam mewujudkan sebuah pabrik yang efektif dan efisien. Suatu tata letak fasilitas yang baik tentunya akan menghasilkan produktifitas yang baik selain menciptakan suatu kenyamanan tersendiri bagi karyawan dalam melakukan aktifitasnya.

An important component of any spatial temporal gradient motion estimation algorithm is the accuracy by which spatial gradients are calculated. When an image sequence is corrupted by noise, the problem of determining these spatial... more

An important component of any spatial temporal gradient motion estimation algorithm is the accuracy by which spatial gradients are calculated. When an image sequence is corrupted by noise, the problem of determining these spatial gradients becomes extremely difficult. This is immediately apparent, since the magnitude response of the derivative operator is j!j. In other words, the components of an image are amplified upon differentiation in proportion to their frequency value. Thus, high-frequency noise terms will dominate any low-frequency features in the differentiated image. If this corrupted differentiated image is then used within a spatiotemporal gradient motion estimator, the noise will erroneously influence the estimated motion vector. In this paper, the problem of estimating the spatial gradient is treated as an inverse problem with noise. Formulating the problem in this manner results in a recursive gradient estimator that suppresses the effects of noise.

Although QCA (quantum dot cellular automata) has been introduced as a new kind of technology for over a decade, it still continues to be so and its merits and flaws are yet under study for future practical use. One of the problems of this... more

Although QCA (quantum dot cellular automata) has been introduced as a new kind of technology for over a decade, it still continues to be so and its merits and flaws are yet under study for future practical use. One of the problems of this technology is the dependency of its circuit timing to its layout. An asynchronous design methodology for QCA has been offered to solve this problem. The proposed methodology uses NCL (null convention logic) to approach this issue. Since asynchronous registers play an important role in NCL methodology, to ease the problem this work is aimed to design asynchronous registers and employ them to construct a delay insensitive serial adder. The results obtained so far can be used to assess the required cell counts, and space in future QCA system design.

This paper presents a system architecture of an acquisition, compression and rendering system for 3D-TV and free-viewpoint video applications. We show that the proposed system yields two distinct advantages. First, it achieves an... more

This paper presents a system architecture of an acquisition, compression and rendering system for 3D-TV and free-viewpoint video applications. We show that the proposed system yields two distinct advantages. First, it achieves an efficient compression of 3D/multi-view video by extending a standard H.264 encoder such that near backward compatibility is retained. Second, the proposed system can efficiently compress both 3D-TV and freeviewpoint multi-view video datasets using the single proposed system architecture.

Fundamentally, with every design solution, we are trying to present information in the best possible way to make communication easier. n this paper, we will be talking about functionality of layouts and how to ameliorate them by following... more

Fundamentally, with every design solution, we are trying to present information in the best possible way to make communication easier. n this paper, we will be talking about functionality of layouts and how to ameliorate them by following a set of iterative protocols. We will be using an existing website layout as a case study as we procedurally try to enhance it by applying these protocols.

In this paper a system, which is driven through natural language, that allows operators to select and manipulate objects in the environment using an industrial robot is proposed. In order to hide the complexities of robot programming we... more

In this paper a system, which is driven through natural language, that allows operators to select and manipulate objects in the environment using an industrial robot is proposed. In order to hide the complexities of robot programming we propose a natural language where the user can control and jog the robot based on reference objects in the scene. We used semantic networks to relate different types of objects in the scene.

Some research has discussed the Composition Aesthetics and the layout problems of graphic design. In Lebanese higher education, graphic design students face difficulty in applying the elements of design and the principles of design in... more

Some research has discussed the Composition Aesthetics and the layout problems of graphic design. In Lebanese higher education, graphic design students face difficulty in applying the elements of design and the principles of design in their artwork. Graphic design students are not well introduced to the Golden Ratio grids which stand as important tools for solving layout problems. Another problem is that teaching the Golden Ratio has been mildly integrated in the Lebanese higher education curriculum. The dissertation examines the effect of Golden Ratio on enhancing the composition of both Balance and Aesthetics and sheds light on the difference between the Rule of Thirds’ grid and the Golden Ratio grids in high education graphic design sophomore classes in one public and one private university along three academic years. The dissertation includes three research studies: The Experimental Design, the Randomized Design or the Correlational Design, and the Comparative Design. The first two studies included the four-group Solomon design. Sophomore graphic design students were the participants of the three studies, and three educators were the participants in both public and private universities in studies two and three. Four instruments were used to collect data: non-participant classroom observations were the instrument used in the three studies, pretest – intervention – posttest was used in study one, Evaluation Table of the principles of design and elements of abstract design (patterns, colors of black and white, lines, forms) was used in study two, Evaluation Table of the principles of design and elements of abstract or non-abstract design (patterns, color, lines, forms) was used in study three. Findings showed that the use of the Golden Ratio grid better enhanced the Aesthetic and Compositional Organization Criteria than the use of the Rule of Thirds’ grid in both public and private universities in studies one and two. Besides, the Aesthetic Criterion was performed more effectively according to the Rule of Thirds, and the Compositional Organization Criterion was more effective according to the Golden Ratio in both public and private universities in study three. The academic limitations of the findings are stated. Recommendations for continual use of the Rule of Thirds and the integration of the Golden Ration grids in the Lebanese higher education graphic design curriculum are suggested.